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Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Me and my friends had discussions about this.
We are tight as hell and we decided no LTRs till our mid to late 30s.

Pussy Mastermind Group FTW. All of us want to get amazing at getting pussy and building a great lifestyle. If anyone can reach the level of G, Roosh, or Mixx its us.
I'll decide later if I ever want to get married, but I feel like its going to be late 30s to early 40s at the earliest.

I started on getting pussy late so I want to make for lost time.

Even I(A young guy) can see the temptation to have a kid though, like Mixx said one day when I'm old I want to see my son getting play with the ladies and feeling proud of teaching him.

I think that need for fatherhood can be met through mentorship and taking a younger guy under your wing.
I have benefited from that, it seems older guys enjoy taking a younger man under their wings and teaching them. I guess we all have the need to teach and watch somebody grow from our advice.
Same with game, I think its the best lesson an older guy can give a younger guy.

I have realized I have a high sex drive, thats why I am so dedicated to learning game. I wasn't a natural like Mixx, I was too influenced by social conditioning. But I got burned before so I have desire to be in a relationship. I want to become amazing at seducing girls because of the glimpses of awesomeness i see when I'm infield.

I guess I want to be the best at this because of the huge benefits it brings to me.
I love it when I see the change that I've brought on myself.
Two guys i hadn't seen in a month(both who I go out picking up with) saw me infield and told me I had completely changed and gotten so much better. I love the feeling of progress. The massive amount of change of gone through gives me the self confidence to believe "Impossible is Nothing". The change in worldview is great.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

torontokid, it seems like you've grown in leaps and bounds since last.

I'd like to see you in action, you sound wolfish (I like wolves).

You haven't started late at all, 17-18 is just nice.

I know cats in their 30's, 40's that still don't have the female psychology figured out..





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

I'm changing your name to "TKO-kid", it's more becoming of you, and the ladies you'll sexually knock out in the years to come..

Bonne chance!


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 08:56 AM)Moma Wrote:  

torontokid, it seems like you've grown in leaps and bounds since last.

I'd like to see you in action, you sound wolfish (I like wolves).

You haven't started late at all, 17-18 is just nice.

I know cats in their 30's, 40's that still don't have the female psychology figured out..

Yep, You know I'm gonna be up on those Toronto lizards when I get back.
Hit me up for some day game, we'll film that too and get started on our scientific study.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 09:30 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

It's like all of my excitement is just before I fuck her. I can even fall hard for a girl, but after we have sex, I almost immediately do not even want her to touch me.

A lot of my buddies say I'm not normal in that regard as they are floored at the girls I cut loose. I think that men who want to fuck the same pussy they fucked last week are crazy sick themselves.

Is there really something wrong with that? I know we have a couple of psychologists on the forum. I love to hear your opinion. I've always been like that as far as I can remember.


"Men who pursue a multitude of women fit neatly into two categories: Some seek their own subjective and unchanging dream of a woman in all women. Others are prompted by a desire to possess the endless variety of the objective female world.

The obsession of the former is lyrical : what they seek in women is themselves, their ideal, and since an ideal is by definition something that can never be found, they are disappointed again and again. The disappointment that propels them from woman to woman gives their inconstancy a kind of romantic excuse, so that many sentimental women are touched by their unbridled philandering.

The obsession of the latter is epic: and women see nothing the least bit touching in it: the man projects no subjective ideal on women, and since everything interests him, nothing can dissapoint him. This inability to be dissapointed has something scandalous about it. The obsession of the epic womanizer strikes people as lacking in redemption (redemption by dissapointment).

Because the lyrical womaniser always runs after the same type of woman, we even fail to notice when he exchanges one mistress for another. His friends perpetually cause misunderstandings by mixing up his lovers and calling them by the same name.

In pursuit of knowledge, epic womanisers (and of course Tomas belonged in their ranks) turn away from conventional feminine beauty, of which they quickly tire, and inevitably end up as curiousity collecters. They are aware of this and a little ashamed of it, and to avoid causing their friends embarassment, they refrain from appearing in public with their mistresses.

(after tomas has slept with another unique woman)
he went off in the best of moods, trying to fix her essence in his memory, to reduce that memory to a chemical formula capable of defining her uniqueness (her millionth part dissimilarity). The result was a formula consisting of three givens:
(1) clumsiness with ardour
(2) the frightened face of one who has lost her equilibrium, and is falling, and
(3) legs raised in the air like the arms of a soldier surrendering to a pointed gun.

Going over them, he felt the joy of having acquired yet another piece of the world, of having taken his imaginary scalpel and snipped off yet another strip off the infinite canvas of the universe."

-chapters 10 and 11, eternal lightness of being, milan kundera

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 09:58 AM)torontokid Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2011 08:56 AM)Moma Wrote:  

torontokid, it seems like you've grown in leaps and bounds since last.

I'd like to see you in action, you sound wolfish (I like wolves).

You haven't started late at all, 17-18 is just nice.

I know cats in their 30's, 40's that still don't have the female psychology figured out..

Yep, You know I'm gonna be up on those Toronto lizards when I get back.
Hit me up for some day game, we'll film that too and get started on our scientific study.
T-Kid and Moma daygame video? When and where do you want me to send the check to get this going?

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 07:47 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2011 05:54 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Here's a solution. Find a good surrogate mother, and raise the child yourself with the help of a nanny.
Pick an ugly Nanny, one you would NEVER want to fuck. The child grows up thinking the nanny is his mother, and you will be there to teach your son everything there is to know about the world.

If you care to listen to someone who is actually raising kids, I'd tell you that it is your solution as you describe it will never work.

whoops, you don't know what you're talking about


Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

I don't know...for me personally a fuckbuddy usually = a stop gap. It might make me a little more apathetic when I'm out on the grind, but I still go out there and run game. Hell, I've used some of the more attractive girls I've had on the team as preselection and seen it work. I love the chase, but at the same time, I often want to be able to get laid as easily as possible.

There is one thing, that may be slightly off-topic, that I'll never understand though; I don't understand why people aged 18-27 (for women the prime, for men about the time when they can start actually getting laid) get into these boring one, two and three or more year relationships with people they have no intention of marrying.

I don't buy that whole 'I might one day want to marry them when the time is right.' thing I often hear when I wonder this out loud; people don't change, and if they do, it's a process that takes years. You know if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone after less than a year. You're not with this person because you might one day marry them; you're with them because you don't want to be alone.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being, nice selection. The best not-a-game book game book ever.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Nice thread. Lots of areas to cover:

Mixx's Insatiable Desire for Trim
Homie dropped some real-talk about his "addiction" to women. It's funny how this particular addiction is good for you. I've often characterized my own relationship to trim the way G-Man described it: my drug of choice. My over-protective mother (who incidentally, repetitively, though unintentionally, cockblocked me throughout my youth) recently gave me some advice, telling to avoid "vices" (drinking, smoking, drugs in excess, chiefly). When I told her that wasn't my appetite, she immediately said, "so then yours is women."

To some extent, there's a little Mixx in all of us, though he definitely seems to be an extreme case (which, in these matters, is a compliment).

My Own Views on FBs
I've been a flawed player in the past in this realm. Like the OP, I sometimes get lazy and keep draining my balls on old FBs. I remember one in particular that dragged on and kept re-emerging. There's just something magical about getting a call from a girl on Valentine's Day--after some big-spender beta fed her and bought her flowers--to come over and "service her engine" (her words, not mine). She was a dynamo in the sack and loved my cock.

I think the key to avoiding all of these problems is to have no more than one FB at a time. Anything more than that, and you end up just rotating between the regulars and settling. The FB "spot" then becomes a privileged position that gets special scrutiny. If a girl isn't performing to the level of the position, you can start "interviewing" new candidates. What's more, a single FB allows you enough time and man-juice to continue gaming regularly, without the stink of desperation during dry spells, and to enjoy the benefits of effortless, but still fresh sex.

I will agree with Mixx that FBs have an expiration date. It probably varies, for me anyway, from girl to girl. This one of those areas where the law of diminishing returns needs to apply strictly.

CJ's Sports Roster Analogy
Good analogy. You can take it further by making sure your roster has members that specialize in different areas of the sport (different-looking girls, different walks of life).

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 11:18 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Nice thread. Lots of areas to cover:

Mixx's Insatiable Desire for Trim
Homie dropped some real-talk about his "addiction" to women. It's funny how this particular addiction is good for you. I've often characterized my own relationship to trim the way G-Man described it: my drug of choice. My over-protective mother (who incidentally, repetitively, though unintentionally, cockblocked me throughout my youth) recently gave me some advice, telling to avoid "vices" (drinking, smoking, drugs in excess, chiefly). When I told her that wasn't my appetite, she immediately said, "so then yours is women."

To some extent, there's a little Mixx in all of us, though he definitely seems to be an extreme case (which, in these matters, is a compliment).

Maybe I'm wrong, but I was always under the impression that Mixx travels near-constantly for work.

You know what we call a guy who lives a life like that and gets a girlfriend? A sucker. Not only are you surrounded by new and exciting talent every day (which you'd be foolish to not exploit), but if you're on the road for 60% of the year, you think that girl you're leaving in your home base isn't test-driving a few cocks when you're not around?

My typical fuckbuddy lasts 2-5 months, though I do currently have a girl that's sort of an LTFB; fucked her for the first time five (actually almost six...) years ago, still get 'I'm horny/bored, can I come over?' texts from her a few times a year, last saw her in May. She's cute, 24, tiny, loves to suck cock and wear outfits and lets me put it in her ass. Regardless of having fucked her hundreds of times already, I'm always down when I hear from her.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 11:32 AM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

You know what we call a guy who lives a life like that and gets a girlfriend? A sucker. Not only are you surrounded by new and exciting talent every day (which you'd be foolish to not exploit), but if you're on the road for 60% of the year, you think that girl you're leaving in your home base isn't test-driving a few cocks when you're not around?

And there are so many clueless idiots out there doing this.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

I do travel constantly. For both work and pleasure. I usually rack at minimum 100k miles per year.


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 12:17 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

I do travel constantly. For both work and pleasure. I usually rack at minimum 100k miles per year.

Mixx, that woman is still in prison? For the love of god can't you send a letter or something to get her out?

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 12:26 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Mixx, that woman is still in prison? For the love of god can't you send a letter or something to get her out?

I agree! That's about 15 years give or take that she has been in the clink! Is that how along beasting a youth goes for these days in the state of Florida? Good gosh, they must have thrown the entire book at her.
What did she do, reverse gangbang you with a bunch of her cackling cronies?





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Mixx, so what's with the talk of bringing girls on vacation then if you don't even wanna hit it twice?

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 12:36 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2011 12:26 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Mixx, that woman is still in prison? For the love of god can't you send a letter or something to get her out?

I agree! That's about 15 years give or take that she has been in the clink! Is that how along beasting a youth goes for these days in the state of Florida? Good gosh, they must have thrown the entire book at her.
What did she do, reverse gangbang you with a bunch of her cackling cronies?

It was New York. They don't fucking play games, so font fuck around with minors.

She may have done other shit while locked-up that gave her additional time.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 12:26 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2011 12:17 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

I do travel constantly. For both work and pleasure. I usually rack at minimum 100k miles per year.

Mixx, that woman is still in prison? For the love of god can't you send a letter or something to get her out?

Not even my political connections in the mayors office can get her out. NYC takes crimes against children extremely serious. Does not matter if I am an adult now, and say I wanted it.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 12:39 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Mixx, so what's with the talk of bringing girls on vacation then if you don't even wanna hit it twice?

Not sure which vacation you're talking about, but if I do it's not about hitting twice, it's about using her to my benefit fir other motives: job contracts, social proof to an event or whatever I see I need from her that demands it.

Like I said, I have done repeat bangs; not by choice however.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Yeah thinking about both Cartagena and the Colombian Pacific I remember you saying it's better to bring a girl. I just hadn't caught the true cunning of your words. Truly some next-level shit

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

"Not sure which vacation you're talking about, but if I do it's not about hitting twice, it's about using her to my benefit fir other motives: job contracts, social proof to an event or whatever I see I need from her that demands it."

There is always a higher level of The Game.

And I am not talking about that book written by that bald guy either.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 10:52 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

whoops, you don't know what you're talking about

You managed to address only the first - the easiest - part of your solution. Making a kid is easy. Raising a kid, however, is a hella job. What about "Pick an ugly Nanny, one you would NEVER want to fuck. The child grows up thinking the nanny is his mother" part? This is the one which is not going to work.

And please note that this dude makes 250K per week, so you're not really in the same category, and I doubt you'd ever be.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 04:04 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2011 10:52 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

whoops, you don't know what you're talking about

You managed to address only the first - the easiest - part of your solution. Making a kid is easy. Raising a kid, however, is a hella job. What about "Pick an ugly Nanny, one you would NEVER want to fuck. The child grows up thinking the nanny is his mother" part? This is the one which is not going to work.

And please note that this dude makes 250K per week, so you're not really in the same category, and I doubt you'd ever be.

1. The advice is geared to MiXX, who has money

2. Why wouldn't the kid think the nanny is his mother? At a young age he'll never know, and when he gets older you can just tell him the nanny is his "step-mother".

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

I got a few FB's and I've been thinking about letting them go so I won't be lazy in hunting for fresh pussy. This thread inspired me to actually delete their numbers. No more drunk calls early in the morning.

I see where Mixx is coming from. I used to think I was weird because I would bust a nut, want to leave ASAP and never see the bitch again. My mission is accomplished after this. Why the fuck would I want to cuddle, talk about nothing and fall aslep with her? I would constantly get questioned about being a dog and how I could do this to girls, play with their heads, etc....by females and guys!

Ill never understand why a man would criticize another man for being a playa. I had to take all those people out of my life.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-27-2011 06:09 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

1. The advice is geared to MiXX, who has money

This is different kind of money. Asking someone to commit for 18 years to live with you and play the kid mother is not going to be cheap. Don't expect to pay regular babysitter $20/hr rate (and even on that rate you're paying 20*24*365 = $175K/year)


2. Why wouldn't the kid think the nanny is his mother? At a young age he'll never know, and when he gets older you can just tell him the nanny is his "step-mother".

1. I find it extremely unlikely that someone would commit to raise a kid for 18 years. This is basically crossing out 18 years out of one's life for nothing but money. She is not tied to this kid, so if she meets someone, or wants her own kids, she is out and there is little to nothing you can do.

2. When your kid has problems, only the mother would have the tolerance to work on them. Even potty training is very frustrating, and I'm not even saying about things like cancer, when you have to soothe a screaming kid in pain 24/7. Considering 1) a nanny may decide that even all money in the world is not worth it.

3. There is a lot of things happening in front of the kid which only the actual parents can do - for example, signing consent forms for every medical procedure such as vaccines. So he'll know pretty soon.

Those three are basically a dealbreaker.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-28-2011 06:43 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

This is different kind of money. Asking someone to commit for 18 years to live with you and play the kid mother is not going to be cheap. Don't expect to pay regular babysitter $20/hr rate (and even on that rate you're paying 20*24*365 = $175K/year)


1. I find it extremely unlikely that someone would commit to raise a kid for 18 years. This is basically crossing out 18 years out of one's life for nothing but money. She is not tied to this kid, so if she meets someone, or wants her own kids, she is out and there is little to nothing you can do.

You might for that kind of money... but I agree the idea doesn't seem very feasible even if you do. It's still a logistical, psychological, moral, PR... etc. -- nightmare. It's a bit different from a full time nanny.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

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