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Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 11:17 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

What benefit is there to fuck the same girl repeatedly?

Higher levels of kink. Deeper levels of filth. Roleplaying that goes to whole new levels of naughty, dirty fornication that makes porn stars blush when they hear it.

After you've broken in a girl to vanilla sex, you can play her to all sorts of new fantasies.

You want a girl to dress up for you in bed? You can take a known filly out shopping and get just THAT outfit. Known fillies love to play dress up.

You want a woman wearing only high heels and an apron to make you a meal, you interrupt her to fuck her on the kitchen table, you set the table and she feeds you, then you clear it again and fuck her again. Hell yeah she's game!

Every girl with a key to the office wants to go there on a weekend dressed up like an office bitch and be fucked slow and hard. She slips off your jacket and pulls your tie as she crushes your lips. You work down her panties and pin her little rolling office chair in a corner, get her legs up on your shoulders. Your trousers are at your ankles and you soak that upholstery with your mixed scent. She will proudly ride her chair for months afterwards, thinking of this afternoon.

You want to pick up a complete stranger in a hotel bar, finger her under the table, and then fuck her in the public bathroom stall? That's an easy date to arrange.

You want to fuck a girl in 4" louboutins with her breasts banging into a balcony rail while you both look out over the over the city during a thunderstorm? Another easy date with known filly. (Although $400 shoes may be a price barrier for some)

Basically, you need to take women you've already fucked, and make them into new women by running them through new sex play scenarios on different dates.

Kink gives an edge. Kink is fun.

A man who only makes love in a bed gets lazy.

But remember, kink is spice, and you can overdo it.

A man who only makes love in a forest has a chapped ass from rubbing against tree bark, red marks on his chest from branches scratching him, and really hates that stupid rock digging into his knee right now.

Beds are still pretty good places for sex.

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Mixx, haven't you talked about banging chicks multiple times before? Some chick in Slovenia, no?

That's odd to be grossed out by pussy just cause you fucked it, gotta get those morning after bangs.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 12:31 PM)Blackhawk Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2011 11:17 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

What benefit is there to fuck the same girl repeatedly?

Higher levels of kink. Deeper levels of filth. Roleplaying that goes to whole new levels of naughty, dirty fornication that makes porn stars blush when they hear it.

After you've broken in a girl to vanilla sex, you can play her to all sorts of new fantasies.

You want a girl to dress up for you in bed? You can take a known filly out shopping and get just THAT outfit. Known fillies love to play dress up.

You want a woman wearing only high heels and an apron to make you a meal, you interrupt her to fuck her on the kitchen table, you set the table and she feeds you, then you clear it again and fuck her again. Hell yeah she's game!

Every girl with a key to the office wants to go there on a weekend dressed up like an office bitch and be fucked slow and hard. She slips off your jacket and pulls your tie as she crushes your lips. You work down her panties and pin her little rolling office chair in a corner, get her legs up on your shoulders. Your trousers are at your ankles and you soak that upholstery with your mixed scent. She will proudly ride her chair for months afterwards, thinking of this afternoon.

You want to pick up a complete stranger in a hotel bar, finger her under the table, and then fuck her in the public bathroom stall? That's an easy date to arrange.

You want to fuck a girl in 4" louboutins with her breasts banging into a balcony rail while you both look out over the over the city during a thunderstorm? Another easy date with known filly. (Although $400 shoes may be a price barrier for some)

Basically, you need to take women you've already fucked, and make them into new women by running them through new sex play scenarios on different dates.

Kink gives an edge. Kink is fun.

A man who only makes love in a bed gets lazy.

But remember, kink is spice, and you can overdo it.

A man who only makes love in a forest has a chapped ass from rubbing against tree bark, red marks on his chest from branches scratching him, and really hates that stupid rock digging into his knee right now.

Beds are still pretty good places for sex.

[Image: potd.gif]:

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 12:42 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Mixx, haven't you talked about banging chicks multiple times before? Some chick in Slovenia, no?

That's odd to be grossed out by pussy just cause you fucked it, gotta get those morning after bangs.

Yeah, a VERY RARE ocurrence. That was 1 year ago, and if I saw her again, I would have ZERO desire to fuck her. I will if there is something to gain from it or I can get from her in return.

Ironically, I felt she was my soul mate, which is why I HAD TO RUN and never look back.

Don't get me wrong; I have done repeat bangs....forcefully or being coerced, or bribed to do so!

As far as kink goes, I don't need repeat bangs gor that. Women do kinky shit with me on very first lays including choke hold position around her neck.


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Blackhawk, great post!! I like my regulars for the nights I stay in and try to rotate them when all the ltr drama starts kicking in.

I do see Mixx's point also. I would ditch a regular in one second for strange or a chance to chase strange. Mixx is in a groove and age may or may not change his mindset one day, only time will tell.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Mechanico. We need to start a casting call for an orange power and pride video.


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 12:47 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2011 12:42 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Mixx, haven't you talked about banging chicks multiple times before? Some chick in Slovenia, no?

That's odd to be grossed out by pussy just cause you fucked it, gotta get those morning after bangs.

Yeah, a VERY RARE ocurrence. That was 1 year ago, and if I saw her again, I would have ZERO desire to fuck her. I will if there is something to gain from it or I can get from her in return.

Ironically, I felt she was my soul mate, which is why I HAD TO RUN and never look back.

Don't get me wrong; I have done repeat bangs....forcefully or being coerced, or bribed to do so!

As far as kink goes, I don't need repeat bangs gor that. Women do kinky shit with me on very first lays including choke hold position around her neck.


If you felt she was your soul mate..why would you run? That suggests a fear of commitment. I bang different lizards because I want to..not because there is a pressure.

I would be a beta if I felt that beta-ism was my thing..but I feel great piping different sluts.

If I felt a woman was my soul mate, I would hang about and see how that one plays out.

I don't think one can continue to chase and fcuk different girls forever. As we get older, the chase becomes meaningless and we look for a deeper meaning.

Even if we step out from time to time, one will meet a woman that it's worth coming back to.

I would take old nemesis's relationship as a perfect example. I believe he is married with kids and a wife that understands human nature.

His wife understand his need as a man and allows him to step out from time to time with discretion. A wife like that would be perfect for me.
Either that, or a wife like Mystique (a shapeshifter) [Image: heart.gif]

I am not doubting you, Mixx, your lifestyle sounds highly enjoyable to me but certain words you use make me wonder if you are questioning it.

On the other hand, you could just be a natural born player and it's against your genetic constitution to ever settle down.

Those are concepts to mull over. At the end of the day, it's your life.

On a side note, most of my close friends in UK have all wified up. I talk to them and they know I continue to decimate hoes. Do I feel left out?
Not in the slightest.
But over time, I may look for the bonafide..





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 01:01 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Mechanico. We need to start a casting call for an orange power and pride video.

Yea, I got blown out up there on Sunday, shift change was at 4pm. I was late.
I am putting full efforts in though, some new angles are in order for sure!

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Moma. Touché is all I can say.


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Giving up frequent sex to improve your game?
I dunno man. Women can tell if you're getting laid on a constant basis. That's one of the many reasons why Athletes, Celebs, and Musicians always get laid because women KNOW these guys are swimming in pussy. My advice to you would be to keep those Fb's around.

"Pussy can smell other pussy" Johnny Drama

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

I do understand Mixx's approach to sex, though it is on the extreme end of the spectrum. The average guy definitely likes to bun up with one girl for a period of time, partly because new pussy attainment is high for them.

Personally, I feel most normal when I have absolutely no pussy to call, like a starving lion that needs to feed. Then I go out and (hopefully) pull. It's a great feeling that hasn't gotten old. Sometimes I burn my bridges unnecessarily just to get into starving mode that goes well with my loner nature.

Some guys get laid more when they have FBs, other guys don't. Try both and see what works best for you, though in the OP's case, having FBs is not helping his game.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 12:03 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2011 11:36 AM)Jalouse Wrote:  

There's some stuff I've been reading recently from 60 Years of Challenge where he talks about feminine energy and this is actually what a lot of guys want rather then just sex or at least a combination of the two. This is basically things like being looked after, snuggling in bed etc. Think about it if you spend a night or a weekend with a woman you actually spend a lot more time doing this than having sex and a lot of times this is what really gets a guy hooked on a girl rather than just sex.

It seems like this is something you have no interest in which is why you're looking for the exit straight after sex.

Snuggling in bed? Seriously? You guys actually like that?

I've literally have to be threathened by women for me to comply with her post-sex snuggling.


Haha yes I do quite like that, I must be crazy.

I think I've found your theme tune:


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 09:30 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Is there really something wrong with that? I know we have a couple of psychologists on the forum. I love to hear your opinion. I've always been like that as far as I can remember.


No one can really tell you what's right or wrong, only what are the general standards for the social group from which they come.

When you say "wrong" there's two parts-- wrong morally, or wrong such that it means you're not happy.

Morally, if you're lying/actively misleading about wanting involvement--"Sure, I'd like a girlfriend like you" -- and girls are getting hurt because they hope for longer term connection, that seems like a foul to me.
It sounds like you're skilled enough you don't need to do that.

If they just go ahead and screw and don't screen you for relationship potential, it seems they need to learn more caution; and it's not really on you.

Happiness-wise; you may just be an outlier. You mentioned your grandfather was an accomplished womanizer. Personality is highly inherited. (See "Galen's Prophecy" a book describing how Harvard scientists evaluated infants only a few hours old and could tell their personality types )
As a therapist who's seen thousands of patients, one thing I believe is personality doesn't change much. What you can do is learn to manage your personality
type well so you and those around you get the most benefit.

From an evolutionary psychologist point-of-view, this type of man may have been able to have lots of children, with a wide variety of genes so that many survive. Although that type may not have done well in a small tribal society where women might beware of being hurt emotionally, you may be extremely well-adapted in the reproductive sense in a modern society where anonymity is available.

Happiness-wise, only you can determine what has value for you. But what therapists [try to] do is help you see the bigger picture, so you're making your decisions based on the whole landscape of your life instead of the particular part we're focused on.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 12:47 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Yeah, a VERY RARE ocurrence. That was 1 year ago, and if I saw her again, I would have ZERO desire to fuck her. I will if there is something to gain from it or I can get from her in return.

Ironically, I felt she was my soul mate, which is why I HAD TO RUN and never look back.

Don't get me wrong; I have done repeat bangs....forcefully or being coerced, or bribed to do so!

Huh. So did you never have gfs or anything while young? How did you start out?

I mean, since High School I've had a mix of GFs and random chicks. I've never been averse to GFs, but I've been smart since a young age picking out which girls are hos and which are GF material.

I understand that guys who never had luck with girls when they were young are now out to just ravage everything they can. Did you have no luck with ladies as a kid driving you to make up for lost time, or were you always Jussa Player?


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Actually when I was young, I was so natural with women that the average age of girls I banged were 25, when I was merely 14. One woman is still in prison for having sex with me, and my mom put her there.

I gave mom a ton of nightmares and headaches when I was a kid, all because of my womanizing ways - even slept with her 30 year old best girlfriend when I was 15, and got caught having sex in the backstage theater of Jr. HS.

I spoil my mom today for putting up with all the pain I caused her as a teen-age kid, but my player ways never changed.

Why do I love this forum? Because it's the only place I can totally express my incredible need for constant sex with women. Nobody else has ever really accepted it, and I've lost many friends because they felt threatened by it.

I am addicted to women I have never fucked before. I cannot stop; I think about it 24x7. [Image: sad.gif]

I will even travel great distances to fuck women I never fucked before. I can't stop..


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Mixx, you are a straight nympho and you've been (and are still in)the ideal environment where you can exercise that need.

There's no curing it. It is what it is, dude. Continue to embrace it.

However, you are right, some guys will despise such a nature for they wish they could be as free as you are and secondly, they fear you may swoop on their morally inept lizards.

My question is, how did that woman who was having sex with you as a junior get caught? Is it because you fessed up? Or did someone catch y'all in the act?





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 04:08 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Actually when I was young, I was so natural with women that the average age of girls I banged were 25, when I was merely 14. One woman is still in prison for having sex with me, and my mom put her there.

I gave mom a ton of nightmares and headaches when I was a kid, all because of my womanizing ways - even slept with her 30 year old best girlfriend when I was 15, and got caught having sex in the backstage theater of Jr. HS.

I spoil my mom today for putting up with all the pain I caused her as a teen-age kid, but my player ways never changed.

Why do I love this forum? Because it's the only place I can totally express my incredible need for constant sex with women. Nobody else has ever really accepted it, and I've lost many friends because they felt threatened by it.

I am addicted to women I have never fucked before. I cannot stop; I think about it 24x7. [Image: sad.gif]

I will even travel great distances to fuck women I never fucked before. I can't stop..


That is some heavy sh*t.

But I feel the same way (never had the girls going to jail thing though).

Girls are my drug of choice these days.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 04:08 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Actually when I was young, I was so natural with women that the average age of girls I banged were 25, when I was merely 14. One woman is still in prison for having sex with me, and my mom put her there.

I gave mom a ton of nightmares and headaches when I was a kid, all because of my womanizing ways - even slept with her 30 year old best girlfriend when I was 15, and got caught having sex in the backstage theater of Jr. HS.

I spoil my mom today for putting up with all the pain I caused her as a teen-age kid, but my player ways never changed.

Why do I love this forum? Because it's the only place I can totally express my incredible need for constant sex with women. Nobody else has ever really accepted it, and I've lost many friends because they felt threatened by it.

I am addicted to women I have never fucked before. I cannot stop; I think about it 24x7. [Image: sad.gif]

I will even travel great distances to fuck women I never fucked before. I can't stop..


That's interesting, I don't think I'm anywhere near the level you are in terms of energy and drive for new women. But I find myself constantly thinking and wanting to get into the new pants of girls, and I can count on one hand the amount of people I've met in my life who have the same level of desire about meeting women.

When I go out with some people, I feel like a dog on heat, because I constantly want the challenge of trying to find and fuck a new girl. Most of the people I know just don't have the burning desire.

Although there are certain days where I just don't wanna chase tail, I'm still not sure if that's just rationalizing to myself by not going after what I want. Or whether that is just human nature to have off days and not having the energy or care to chase tail, but I guess Mixx is a one of a kind!

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

I don't think it affects your game unless you truly stop actively seeking new notches.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 10:55 AM)MiXX Wrote:  


Hummmm. I like that Moma. However, there is one huge obstacle that would get in the way of creating the perfect Mixx soldier: Mommie Mixx!!

Women always get in the way of perfection.



Here's a solution. Find a good surrogate mother, and raise the child yourself with the help of a nanny.

Pick an ugly Nanny, one you would NEVER want to fuck. The child grows up thinking the nanny is his mother, and you will be there to teach your son everything there is to know about the world.

Obviously you don't need to do this now, but it is something to consider as you advance into your 40's.

Personally, I'm not sure I'm capable of handling a wife either. I'm pretty sure my genetic material isn't suited for that kind of thing.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 05:54 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Here's a solution. Find a good surrogate mother, and raise the child yourself with the help of a nanny.
Pick an ugly Nanny, one you would NEVER want to fuck. The child grows up thinking the nanny is his mother, and you will be there to teach your son everything there is to know about the world.

If you care to listen to someone who is actually raising kids, I'd tell you that it is your solution as you describe it will never work.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 01:06 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I would take old nemesis's relationship as a perfect example. I believe he is married with kids and a wife that understands human nature.
His wife understand his need as a man and allows him to step out from time to time with discretion. A wife like that would be perfect for me.

Note that it usually involves pumping-and-dumping as well. The last thing you want is an ongoing affair, in this case you're basically getting a second wife which makes absolutely no practical sense, and is just a strain on your resources.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

I don't think there's anything wrong with building a harem. The only thing is, you should try to keep adding to it and making it better. I don't just mean quantity here, I'm talking quality mostly.

Look at your harem like a sports' roster. You start out, and your team sucks. You may have one go to player, and that player isn't even very good, but as time goes by they either get better or get replaced. Then you start adding more girls to your 'team' and eventually you've got a couple quality girls... but what would happen if you had an all-star in there? Or better yet three all-stars? Your harem needs to keep evolving and getting better if you want to stay satisfied.

Look at Leonardo DiCaprio, he's arguably had some of the best poon in all of Hollywood, banging tons of actresses, models and other celebrities. He doesn't stop though, does he?

If you can't stay driven, I'd advise distancing yourself from all three for a few days and hitting the bars hard this weekend.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 09:39 PM)CJ Wrote:  

Look at your harem like a sports' roster. You start out, and your team sucks. You may have one go to player, and that player isn't even very good, but as time goes by they either get better or get replaced. Then you start adding more girls to your 'team' and eventually you've got a couple quality girls... but what would happen if you had an all-star in there? Or better yet three all-stars? Your harem needs to keep evolving and getting better if you want to stay satisfied.

I like that sports' roster analogy and after giving it some thought, its not about whether having fbs is beneficial or not to your game, but it boils down to staying motivated for the hunt.

Quote: (07-26-2011 09:39 PM)CJ Wrote:  

I don't think there's anything wrong with building a harem. The only thing is, you should try to keep adding to it and making it better. I don't just mean quantity here, I'm talking quality mostly.

If you can't stay driven, I'd advise distancing yourself from all three for a few days and hitting the bars hard this weekend.

Thats some good advice, Im going to do just that!

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 04:08 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Actually when I was young, I was so natural with women that the average age of girls I banged were 25, when I was merely 14. One woman is still in prison for having sex with me, and my mom put her there.

I gave mom a ton of nightmares and headaches when I was a kid, all because of my womanizing ways - even slept with her 30 year old best girlfriend when I was 15, and got caught having sex in the backstage theater of Jr. HS.

I spoil my mom today for putting up with all the pain I caused her as a teen-age kid, but my player ways never changed.

Why do I love this forum? Because it's the only place I can totally express my incredible need for constant sex with women. Nobody else has ever really accepted it, and I've lost many friends because they felt threatened by it.

I am addicted to women I have never fucked before. I cannot stop; I think about it 24x7. [Image: sad.gif]

I will even travel great distances to fuck women I never fucked before. I can't stop..


Can I write your biography? [Image: smile.gif]

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