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Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Whats up guys,

Here is my situation: I have 3 fuck buddys right now, which means, that I can have pussy almost everyday. Each of them has her own "qualities": 1 is half japanese (nice skin, no bodyhair, slim), 1 is polish (big titties, kind of submissive + likes to suck dick), the last one is half senegalese (big titties, nice big ass and thick lips...).
Its a quite comfy situation, no hassle and bullshit, but Ive noticed that I got lazy when it comes to game new chicks. I dont approach as much as I should and wonder if I should just stop seeing my fbs for a while to get back on the horse. Obviously, there is a chance of loosing easy acessable pussy for good, which would suck, so any thoughts on how to deal with this situation guys?

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

You are right, you need to go out and hunt continously. A hungry man will always go out more than a well fed man. You need to either exert some discipline or cut those lizards off, man...





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

The Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Game Is Get Laid

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 09:24 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Game Is Get Laid

To also add to that Roosh, but wanking is also hazardous for game development.

Keeping one's hands out of one's own pants always FORCES the person to go for new pussy.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

I get laid a lot, but I am always hunting- everyday. I can certainly keep many FB's around, but I NEVER understood how a man can fuck a girl more than once!! Seriously, maybe I have serious psychological issues, but after I fuck a girl, I never want to see her again -EVER! I almost kind of disgusted at pussy I already fucked. If it's not new, I don't want it. [Image: sad.gif]

It's like all of my excitement is just before I fuck her. I can even fall hard for a girl, but after we have sex, I almost immediately do not even want her to touch me.

A lot of my buddies say I'm not normal in that regard as they are floored at the girls I cut loose. I think that men who want to fuck the same pussy they fucked last week are crazy sick themselves.

Is there really something wrong with that? I know we have a couple of psychologists on the forum. I love to hear your opinion. I've always been like that as far as I can remember.


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Fuck that. I just use my FBs when I've struck out or I already wasn't going out that night. It's win-win. It's especially good when you're still trying to improve your sexual abilities.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 09:30 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

I get laid a lot, but I am always hunting- everyday. I can certainly keep many FB's around, but I NEVER understood how a man can fuck a girl more than once!! Seriously, maybe I have serious psychological issues, but after I fuck a girl, I never want to see her again -EVER! I almost kind of disgusted at pussy I already fucked. If it's not new, I don't want it. [Image: sad.gif]

A lot of my buddies say I'm not normal in that regard as they are floored at the girls I cut loose. I think that men who want to fuck the same pussy they fucked last week are crazy.

Is there really something wrong with that? I know we have a couple of psychologists on the forum. I love to hear your opinion. I've always been like that as far as I can remember.


It may suggest a fear towards commitment, Mixx. Maybe your very first crush/girlfriend etc let you down when you were younger and you thus subconsciously swore never to be hurt again.

For all the lizard pounding you do, inside, you are a nice man.

I am also wondering if coming from a matriarchal culture has anything to do with it.

I know some peeps that are spawned from a patriarchal culture. Up until this generation, the men in their clans would actually be able to marry several wives and of course had the freedom to pound out new cutty as desired. In this culture, women did not run off their yap (publicly) anyway and the man always got the call on the shots to make.

From that standpoint, I can see a strong incentive to get married.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Mixx you also probably hate doing the same things everyday. Do you get bored of a city after staying there for more than 2 months? Do you sometimes get fed up of your friends even though they are really cool but sometimes you just want to stay away from them?

You may be a bit different but i am kinda like that. I also hate to fuck the same girl for too long, i wouldnt mind fucking her the second time if the sex was good but if i keep her for too long i will get fed up of her. Thats why i cant imagine myself settling down and having kids, i cant date for too long.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 09:47 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Mixx you also probably hate doing the same things everyday. Do you get bored of a city after staying there for more than 2 months? Do you sometimes get fed up of your friends even though they are really cool but sometimes you just want to stay away from them?

Yeah, but don't we all get bored in any city after 2 months? Or get fed up with our friends?

The answer is yes for me of course.


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

haha nah we dont all get bored of a city after 2 months. Many cats on here plan to move to a country and live there for the rest of their lives. That wouldnt work for me (and probably you) because i get bored of a city after staying there for too long, i feel like going to a different place and stay there till i get bored and then move to another one again. I was reading this interview by Robert Greene that he says that same routine makes him really bored, he didnt go much in depth about this.

I need to research and find out why we have such behaving patterns.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Thx for ur insights! I completely agree with Roosh's article. Since my ballsack gets emptied on a regular basis, right now, I lack the hunger needed for seriously gaming chicks, which is why Im going to stop hitting my fbs for some time until I get some new fresh pussy.
On the other hand, I think Gmac is right. The other night, I went out to a club and all I got was some sloppy makeout and crotch-grapping with some russian girl, but instead of going home and jerk off, I just called my japanese-fb, went completely shitfaced to her place at like 5 AM and tore that pussy up...moral of the story, the ying-yang-principals apply to fbs, too.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

I've always wondered if there's a natural variation occurring in both male and female sex drives.

Some people are more inclined towards one partner, others towards many partners. In terms of natural selection we can explain this as different reproductive strategies; a promiscuous person places more emphasis on spreading their genes around and increasing the chances of a powerful offspring, while monogamous people put more effort and care into raising their children ensuring their survival.

There appears to be a trade-off:

Gene Quality vs. Child-rearing

We can think of this on a scale,

<--Gene Quality---------------------Child-rearing-->

And men more likely to come from the left side of the scale and women from the right side.

So, Mixx, do you ever see yourself raising a child someday?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 09:24 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Game Is Get Laid

This is so true, I have such a difficult time at getting consecutive lays... after I get a bang, I think to myself, "I'll let the girls do some work to impress me. After all, I know I have sex waiting for me." And I don't get shit.

Fuck that whole "Don't be needy" bullshit, it's only half the story. Stay hungry even when banging.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 10:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

So, Mixx, do you ever see yourself raising a child someday?


The very thought of a girl telling me she is pregnant feels as if I was just convicted of murder and facing the death penalty.

Ironically, I get along great with kids. I love spending time with my teenage cousins and nieces and kids in general. Just hopefully, never my own!


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 10:41 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Stay hungry even when banging.

Thats my new mission!

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 10:42 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2011 10:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

So, Mixx, do you ever see yourself raising a child someday?


The very thought of a girl telling me she us pregnant feels as if I was just convicted if murder abd facing the death penalty.

Ironically, I get along grat with kids. I love spending time with my teenage cousins and nieces and kids in gfeberal. Just hopefully, never my own!


Mixx, if you have a kid and it's a son, he will be the ultimate hunter. You will be able to teach him game from scratch without all that beta nonsense flooding his synaptic pathways.

He'll have your looks, your instincts coupled with your fatherly training and you will have yourself a super soldier.

He'll probably double your punany count by 30 and have so many data sheets, he will be able to create an empire of Mixx soldiers, able to infiltrate many vaginal chambers and strongholds with Latin loving.

A multi-lingual, multi-lizard piping warrior.

Imagine that.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?


Hummmm. I like that Moma. However, there is one huge obstacle that would get in the way of creating the perfect Mixx soldier: Mommie Mixx!!

Women always get in the way of perfection.



Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Lay your pimp hand down and get a woman from a paternal culture. Maybe even better, get her from a foreign country and keep her in the foreign country.
Visit her. Your DHV is sky high so she knows if she steps out of line, you step out.
She won't bump her gums needlessly.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Mixx that sounds quite strange to me, it just leads to a life of eternally chasing and the result will be at most one fuck and then you're actually disgusted by the object you've been chasing so you're off on the next chase to repeat the same pattern over and over again.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 11:05 AM)Jalouse Wrote:  

Mixx that sounds quite strange to me, it just leads to a life of eternally chasing and the result will be at most one fuck and then you're actually disgusted by the object you've been chasing so you're off on the next chase to repeat the same pattern over and over again.

But that's my point.

I think men who have fuck buddies and fuck the same girl are weird. :/ Aside from fucking the same girl being disgusting IMO, the OP mentions he gets lazy, and Roosh writes it hurts your game.

So whyyyyyyy?

It's just like that new movie "Friends with benefits". What benefit is there to fuck the same girl repeatedly?

Ufff! Nothing I want more after sex than fir a girl to leave, and forget she knew me.


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

There's some stuff I've been reading recently from 60 Years of Challenge where he talks about feminine energy and this is actually what a lot of guys want rather then just sex or at least a combination of the two. This is basically things like being looked after, snuggling in bed etc. Think about it if you spend a night or a weekend with a woman you actually spend a lot more time doing this than having sex and a lot of times this is what really gets a guy hooked on a girl rather than just sex.

It seems like this is something you have no interest in which is why you're looking for the exit straight after sex.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 11:36 AM)Jalouse Wrote:  

There's some stuff I've been reading recently from 60 Years of Challenge where he talks about feminine energy and this is actually what a lot of guys want rather then just sex or at least a combination of the two. This is basically things like being looked after, snuggling in bed etc. Think about it if you spend a night or a weekend with a woman you actually spend a lot more time doing this than having sex and a lot of times this is what really gets a guy hooked on a girl rather than just sex.

It seems like this is something you have no interest in which is why you're looking for the exit straight after sex.

Snuggling in bed? Seriously? You guys actually like that?

I've literally have to be threathened by women for me to comply with her post-sex snuggling.


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 11:17 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2011 11:05 AM)Jalouse Wrote:  

Mixx that sounds quite strange to me, it just leads to a life of eternally chasing and the result will be at most one fuck and then you're actually disgusted by the object you've been chasing so you're off on the next chase to repeat the same pattern over and over again.

But that's my point.

I think men who have fuck buddies and fuck the same girl are weird. :/ Aside from fucking the same girl being disgusting IMO, the OP mentions he gets lazy, and Roosh writes it hurts your game.

So whyyyyyyy?

It's just like that new movie "Friends with benefits". What benefit is there to fuck the same girl repeatedly?

Ufff! Nothing I want more after sex than fir a girl to leave, and forget she knew me.

Dude, you have some serious issues to deal with. One day you'll end up alone and sad.
I love when a girl is crazy about me and can't wait to see me. Also the sex is so much better than.

Greetz Neil

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?


Why do people think that being alone is "sad"? My life is fucking awesome!! I don't need a woman to have an awesome life and not feel sad. Quite the opposite, the moment I let a woman in my life, it's when you will see yourself slowly crumble.

The only thing I need from a woman is her vagina. Let some other fool deal with her shit.

My grandfather died at 81 leaving behind a pregnant 20 year old whose my teenage uncle today. He did not look sad I tell you that much.

And so long as have my family, whom I'm very close wuth, I'll never be alone.


Fuck Buddys = Getting Lazy?

Quote: (07-26-2011 11:17 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

But that's my point.

I think men who have fuck buddies and fuck the same girl are weird. :/ Aside from fucking the same girl being disgusting IMO, the OP mentions he gets lazy, and Roosh writes it hurts your game.

So whyyyyyyy?

It's just like that new movie "Friends with benefits". What benefit is there to fuck the same girl repeatedly?

Ufff! Nothing I want more after sex than fir a girl to leave, and forget she knew me.


I generally have a stable of 3-4 fuck buddies. I've been busy working a lot over the past couple years. It's a good way for me to get my rocks off. Quick, easy, don't have to burn a calorie. Fits my schedule.

But....it does make you complacent and lazy. My game definitely gets rusty. I have always been an advocate of fuck em and leave 'em, but I either haven't the time or the energy to score pussy for the last bit.

It will all change shortly, though. I am retiring in two weeks.[Image: smile.gif]

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