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Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)


Not sure if there are many “Chicagoland” data sheets out there so here's one. This may be more helpful to older players that HAVE/HAD TO move to the suburbs or end up here for work. Chicago is included here but I’m covering mostly the surrounding suburbs, a lot of which I have frequented in the last few months since I have wanted to hit my game hard. Suburbs are not so bad for a player if that’s his only option.

It’s no secret that Chicago yields younger hotter women by a significant margin and hence is much more effective for gaming. The fact that the city is also only about an hour away from most suburbs provides various options to game. My options are limited so I work with what I have.

Few points to remember: This is local. It doesn’t include too many work events even though I have been gaming moderately there. I feel that doesn’t belong here since gaming opportunities are significantly reduced. The suburbs I noted are roughly about an hour drive from Chicago. If the location below doesn't say Chicago, it's about an hour away and it's in the Suburbs.

Also, I live in the suburbs. I have a family. Consequently, my logistics suck. But, of course, I don’t care and still go out to game when I can. Progress is just slower.


Westwood Tavern (Schaumburg) – This is close to work. I was meeting up another forum member, Terrible Username (TU) there. This was my first “go out and game” experience after discovering RVF. Also the first time meeting a forum member. Parking was horrible. This is a more upscale sports bar that appears to be frequented by older business men and women. There are some younger local girls but they are not there to get lit and fucked up; probably meeting friends for dinner at best. I got there first and talked to a 5 and a 6 at the front waiting area. Opened them. It was the 6’s birthday. They had their plans and were not feeling me. TU got there; we grabbed a drink. We went upstairs and realized there was a nice lounge there with TVs playing games and big leather recliner 2 set chairs. Great place to bring a girl for drinks. Much quieter than the bar and can get her real comfortable in those chairs. I opened a girl running towards me since TU dared me. I did but she put up the bitch shield and gave me a cold shoulder answer to my opener of “which team are you rooting for in the game.” Then I opened a two set sitting on those recliners. They sat there because some guys graciously offered their seat to them. They had to be just about 18. They were watching the basketball game so I opened with “how do you play this game.” It didn’t go great as they were waiting for a table. TU tried to wing me as well but couldn't save it. Takeaway is that this is a cool spot if you're "in town" but don't bother if you're in the mood for gaming young girls.

Loyola University area (Chicago) – Met up with some forum members there for a Chicago meetup at “Bar 63.” This is where I met Snowplow, Terrible Username (TU), pr2004cn (PR) and Vinman. Snowplow had me ask the bartender the location of the “nearest pet store” to confirm I wasn’t the IRT. [Image: smile.gif] Of course college putang is here aplenty but we just hung out, shared forum stories and flirted with a few girls. It was at this time I realized PR was an Asian approach machine. This guy seriously approaches like a maniac. If you’re out there man, you should post more. TU, you need to stop lurking too and post. I’m still waiting for my rep point. [Image: smile.gif] Main takeaway here is that there are lots of college girls, especially on Thursdays I hear.

Art Institute (Chicago) – Me, TU and PR went to an “After Dark” event there. There are many such events at this place. Check their website and just go. Lots of decent talent although it was not the 18 – 24 talent, but more like 25 – 35. We got in line and PR immediately chatted up (he doesn’t wait) some Mexican chicas there (older in their 30s, 6 – 6.5). I joined in for the chat. Tickets should have been purchased online and there were only a few left at the door. Based on my place in line, I was definitely not getting one. TU came to the rescue as he was in front and got me one. Game on. It was just an open mingling area which was great for approaching.

We chatted to lots of girls, mostly two sets. I opened a few younger girls as they were eating. Negged them a bit but PR made the point that I was negging too much and was doing it when they were eating finger foods. Point taken. Interaction didn’t go anywhere. Both of the RVF guys were opening some more girls and I decided to do the same. Opened another two set of a 7 and a 6. I paid attention to the 7 and made fun of their orange drinks. We were vibing and having fun. So I went for the number from the 7, which she was about to give me. However, the 6 cockblocks and says she’s engaged. Of course that sends the hamster spinning and results in no number.

Approached another 7 in the drink line with green eyes (looked about 27ish). Told her I liked her eyes. She talked to me for a bit and I had pulled her away from her friends as the interaction was going well. I wasn’t giving out my name or real information for certain reasons (some of you know). However, this was literally my first night out approaching. So I fucked up and told her my name was actually “Cobra.” It sounded weird and I tried to make it work but it didn’t. Oh well. I still laugh at this approach.

I approached another Romanian girl with short hair (6.5 because of short hair). Obviously mid-30s. It couldn’t have placed her as Romanian because it went completely against what I have read about them on the forum (feminine, long hair etc.). I don’t know why but every Eastern European girl I have met has that “what do you want” attitude. I don’t know; for some reason, I wasn’t intimidated too much by it. It’s possibly because, they have a different conversation rhythm and I know better. I didn’t ask for the number though so that was stupid. TU got her friend’s number which was good.

Main takeaway from this is to go on a website, any website to check local events. PR is good about that shit and drops some good shit to me and TU which we try to take advantage of. This was just one of those events. There will be more in the summer, of course.

Wicker Park (Chicago) : This is a very decent spot in Chicago (Division and Clark). Lots of talent on a good night (Friday or Saturday). Me and TU were there on Saturday I think. There are many bars that are more or less similar. One stands out. It’s called Fatpour Tapworks. It’s got a nice vibe and has an upstairs and downstairs. Doesn’t look like a hole in the wall bar like the others lean more towards. TU was approaching left and right but I just wasn’t feeling it. We then bounced to another spot very close by but can’t remember its name. The other bars are fairly basic and there’s not much special yet that I have been able to extract from being there once or twice. As I get there more, I’ll drop some more knowledge.

I froze at this other spot. I just wasn’t feeling it. TU approached a cute blonde that he was able to actually leave with. I stood there and some girls eventually gave me the cheesy smile (implying that I need to smile). I talked to some Indian girl but got cockblocked by a bystanding Indian guy that knew her (surprise). I saw some smoking girls, well, smoking outside. However, didn’t approach. We called it a night soon afterwards.
Takeaway from this was that this is a great spot to meet girls inside and outside (e.g. smoking). Borrowing a cigarette is game 101 I guess.

Woodfield Mall (Schaumburg) – This was day game so bump up the difficulty a few notches. I forgot my laptop at home and told my boss I would work from home. Obviously that wasn’t happening as I found myself here. This was my first day game experience, first solo as well as far as gaming. This mall has LOTS of talent that’s younger (18 – 24). Keep in mind that this talent may be otherwise harder to access during nightgame in the suburbs. I went to a phone shell booth and opened a redheaded 7.5 with “I’m not just stopping here because you’re cute; I do need my phone fixed.” And, I did need it fixed. I asked her about her day. She said she got her car towed. This was a great Segway for me to amplify and I didn’t. Pussied out.

Went to a GAP store and there was a 8.5 likely not older than 18 in there asking me if I needed something. I froze and asked about jeans. She led me to some other dude. Not great from here on as the dude decided to give me a verbal course on denim. However, this was an example of a young girl that was hot and could have been open to some good game had I used it.

There were many other girls that were walking around but my approach anxiety got the best of me. Main takeaway is that this mall is great for some daygame against young hot ass that is usually bored with the shit they’re doing.

Saddle Up (Aurora): Met up TU for some country night shit there. It seriously was country night as there was some square dancing happening as I walked in. That means there was a huge dance floor. So you dance game players, take note. Maybe I need to learn it; haven’t seen too many Indian guys that can square dance. Lots of cuties but a bit above their prime (25 – 40ish). I opened a few girls. They were in a Bachelor party. Another was there for a birthday set. Not great for gaming. One girl I winged for a dude that came with TU. She was decent but wasn’t feeling me and wasn’t that interesting.

Takeaway here was that I may need to watch how I dress when it comes to how others dress in the venue. My philosophy is to dress the way I want but there may be some truth to wearing flannel in these places as it’s mostly a 25 – 40 white crowd. My bright shirt maybe stood out too much.

Wicker Park (Round two): Me and TU met up at InnJoy (small bar and restaurant) and had a meal. Think beer and nuts (well, wings too). Nice waitress that gave us a shot on the house because we were messing around with her and vibing. I really like doing this as I really get in the mood. Then we hit up Fatpour again on a Friday night. Decent but not great. Not too much talent. I tried to open a girl at the bar. She didn’t respond to my hi and turned her head. Maybe she didn’t hear me. Oh well. Then I opened a two set because a blonde was cute. She was probably a 7. Her friend, definitely a feminazi that was a 5 at best. TU winged me with the feminazi. I’ve honestly not heard that many f words in a long time from a girl’s mouth in the span of 5 minutes. I’ll cap cuss words from ugly girls at this point for my lifetime if I can. TU wasn’t happy at all. I got the blonde’s number. I at least redeemed myself a bit for last time’s freezup at Wicker Park. I texted her a few days later, no response. Called her a week after that and she picked up. She said she will get back to me with her “schedule” since she works a lot. Could be legit. We’ll see.

Downtown Naperville: Just this week, I met up with another forum member, MY DETROIT PLAYAS (MDP). We met at a very basic bar called Lantern. This was a Wednesday night. I chatted up the bartenders and asked if it was a slow night. They said yes, things don’t pick up until Friday out there. Otherwise it’s a hit or miss on the other days. I took it with a grain of salt. Not sure what it is but I really feel the vibe of this place. More relaxed than Chicago and the talent doesn’t take a huge dive it seems.

Met up with MDP and we walked out. It was still light out at about 7 PM CST. There was a white girl jogging. She had caught the red light with us at the crossing. I opened with some shit like “good day to jog eh.” She was open to talk but after a few sentences, jogged away. This was atleast a good vibe initiator. We then hit up “Bar Louie” across the street. This is a decent spot. One bartender was easily a 8. She looked about 24 but said she was 30. Smiley and doe eyed. Good for her. MDP gamed her well and went beyond indirect and into sexual. While not completely direct, if we hit this spot, there could be more prospects once we build a rep. There was another older bartender who I noticed has a serious look which I called out. She didn’t seem to get it. She’s a bartender; she must not want tips. MDP opened a white girl across from us. TU met us there later too.

We all saw a few black girls, latina and Asian girl. It was a set of 5 girls. MDP was feeling the Asian girl. I opened them all at their table and MDP came over to wing. I got a number from a black girl (maybe 5 – 6 wtf was I doing). It was actually fake. I think the Black girl was feeling MDP instead and maybe the Asian girl, me. The logistics of that table they sat at, was horrible. It was against the wall. So no walk around space to game, much less wing. The spacing was quite awkward.

Other thing is that there is a college campus around there. Me, MDP and TU are mid 30s dudes. Brown, White and Black. We could use some of Gio’s tips and game on campus. That’s on the radar. I said MDP could teach African Studies, me, Math and TU can be liberal arts. Lol. Me and MDP are going back there and it seems like a underrated spot. Like he said, at least we got a lay of the land.

Main takeaway for me here was that I really feel the vibe of this place. I see myself gaming here for years to come. I just need a good story of how I'm not from "around there." Suggestions welcome.

Rookies (Hoffman Estates): This place is a work hangout. It’s in a strip mall and nothing but a decent sports bar. There is literally no reason you should end up here unless you work around there and/or absolutely need to. That being said, the waitresses are cuuute. I flirted with them and upon leaving asked for a blonde 8.5’s number. She was being really doe eyed and smiley but said she had a boyfriend. Hey, I tried.


Out of all the suburban spots so far I have hit in Chicagoland, downtown Naperville appears to be the most happening. There is seriously some good talent there. It’s close to home but not so close that I get too anxious (which is the case with gaming at the local dunkin donuts for example). BUT, if you have options, hit up Chicago and look for events.

The summer is going to bring such awesome daygaming opportunities in Chicago as "Taste of Chicago" and the "Air Show." I'm not listing all of them but you can find them here:

I'm sure you'll see me at some of these events easy.

My game has come a long way since my first posts BUT needs to improve by a long shot in order to bring you guys good data. I realized that I have been too indirect. One of Travesty444’s posts resonated with me because I read it after my Downtown Naperville night out. He said I need to be more of a Shark in blood. It’s true. There is also the issue of being “too close to home” which can put a buffer on good game. I need to break past that. Another thing I need to get over is gaming white girls. I easily opened that set of ethnic girls and can and will do it again for sure. However, with white girls, I have a bit more anxiety. Whatever the reason is, I need to get over it. In order to do so, I will be gaming a variety of girls. I’ll be focusing my gaming outside of Chicagoland by travelling but more to come. This thread will be updated with my escapades in Chicagoland.

The best thing about this new journey in gaming is this: I like hanging out with other players that think the same way as I do. Much props for TU’s 3-2-1 countdowns that have kicked me into more of an approaching habit. I could also learn from PR due to his maniacal approaching abilities. MDP is a smooth cat that isn’t afraid to keep the interaction going. The Chicago meetup was also great and while I didn’t get enough time with Vinman and Snowplow, these were obviously cool guys with their own brand of game that I could learn a lot from. These guys are all helping me become better and my game would be less without them. Really do want to thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Shieeeeet cobra! You just keep on dropping golden eggs!

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Nice writeup, Cobra.

It seems you get around since, being from Chicago myself, Naperville, Aurora and Schaumburg are all a good distance away from the city.
Westwood is a decent place for Schaumburg. It can get crowded easily so there can be a lot of local girls to approach. Drink can be decent if you want to stay in the Schaumburg area for nightlife. Have you been to the Foundry in Aurora? It is a decent place and it is a lager place than I expected. They have a latin dance night upstairs that has brought a few nice looking women. If dancing is your thing, they are easily approachable and usually eager.
I don't get out to the suburbs that often because of the availability of things to do in the city but sometimes it can be a nice change of pace

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

I'm not a huge fan of downtown Naperville. It is a bit of an upscale area and there are definitely attractive girls, but I've always gotten the vibe that it was big on social circles. Cops can be assholes there too. I don't remember Lantern being a spot for gaming, but I could be wrong. I think the bar is called Jimmy's, but I've had success there. They have an outdoor patio that's nice in the summer. If you're downtown for a college holiday that's like the high school reunion capital although that will definitely be heavily social circles. DO GO to downtown Naperville during Ribfest in the Summer. It is a huge event with fairly big bands and downtown will be packed with people. My memory is failing me a bit on the remainder of spots in Naperville.

If you want to try and pull of College professor game, go to College of Dupage. Huge student population with a TON of you, dumb talent.

I've always thought Schaumburg was shit, could be just personal experience though. Go a little more north in the northwest suburbs. It is more affluent and the talent will be better.

Try St. Charles. I always had more success there. Very similar to Naperville, but I felt a more laid back laid back vibe there. Plus there are a few bar/restaurants there that have high quality talent waitressing there, I'm blanking out on the names though. There is also Batavia and Geneva right next to St. Charles. Both are smaller, but have decent downtowns that can be fun.

In the summer time try the outlet mall in aurora. It's outdoors and right on 88 so people from all over can get there easily. No shortage of talent there. Also, Oak Brook Mall. Oak Brook is an upscale area and there will be plenty of talent at that mall though upscale can have the potential for bitchiness. Also an outdoors mall.

Logistics may not be great for you, but check out some of the northern suburbs. For the life of me I can't think of the names, but there are some good spots there. Plus you can get up into the lakes area. Those are good summer spots. This is hardly reliable, but every girl I've ever met from Buffalo Grove has been hot.

I've never really heard anything good about southern suburbs thought I know people that live in a few spots there and they like it, but there are also a lot of bad places in the south suburbs. Much like the south side of Chicago, but not quite as bad. If you want "country" or just an experience, go to Joliet. I F'in hate that place, but it has a large population for a "suburb" and it is right on the I-80 border (if you live in northern Illinois, south of I-80 is "the south"). I stereotype that places as white trash and stupid, but stupid girls are easy.

Look out for festivals in the suburbs too. A lot of towns have a summer festival and there will be plenty of day game opportunities and an above average number of people going out at night in that locale.

And definitely not Chicago area, but southern Wisconsin (lake Geneva and the like) are basically vacation spots for northern illinois people. Can be a lot of fun. Had I not gotten so drunk every time I've been there I probably could've done pretty well. Although there may be more of a late 20s/30s crowd there, my memory is overall rather fuzzy about the details.

If you're in Chicago and you can't pull off of Division St....

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Cobra is an excellent name to give women. Tell them that's the English translation from your native language. Then spin some bullshit yarn about how your grandfather found himself completely surrounded by them as he walked to the hospital where you were born. "He wasn't afraid, and he just calmly stepped over the cobras blah, blah, blah". Broads dig that mystical bullshit. Excellent data sheet.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-03-2014 07:22 PM)cpred Wrote:  

Have you been to the Foundry in Aurora? It is a decent place and it is a lager place than I expected. They have a latin dance night upstairs that has brought a few nice looking women. If dancing is your thing, they are easily approachable and usually eager.

Is the talent also latin? [Image: smile.gif] Not easy to find that in the suburbs as far as I know.

Quote: (05-03-2014 08:25 PM)Doctor Wrote:  

If you want to try and pull of College professor game, go to College of Dupage. Huge student population with a TON of you, dumb talent.

Say no more. [Image: smile.gif]

Quote: (05-03-2014 08:25 PM)Doctor Wrote:  

Try St. Charles...There is also Batavia and Geneva right next to St. Charles. Both are smaller, but have decent downtowns that can be fun.

Not far from me so I will definitely be giving this a shot.

Quote: (05-03-2014 08:25 PM)Doctor Wrote:  

..outlet mall in aurora..

I need to add to the style toolbox so this should be fun.

Quote: (05-03-2014 08:25 PM)Doctor Wrote:  

..check out some of the northern suburbs...his is hardly reliable, but every girl I've ever met from Buffalo Grove has been hot.

Much further from me but if I'm there, gonna give at least Buffalo Grove a shot.

Quote: (05-03-2014 08:25 PM)Doctor Wrote:  

..If you want "country" or just an experience, go to Joliet...that places as white trash and stupid, but stupid girls are easy.

Seems to have potential. Planning on heading there soon too. Are we talking "big boned" girls or at least 7?

Quote: (05-03-2014 11:29 PM)vinman Wrote:  

Cobra is an excellent name to give women. Tell them that's the English translation from your native language. Then spin some bullshit yarn about how your grandfather found himself completely surrounded by them as he walked to the hospital where you were born. "He wasn't afraid, and he just calmly stepped over the cobras blah, blah, blah". Broads dig that mystical bullshit. Excellent data sheet.

Money advice. I'm trying it and will let you know. Interestingly enough, there were a lot of cobras where I was born, hanging off trees and shit as you walk by.

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

The Burbs intrigue me. I rarely hit venues in the city. If I venture out there I'll definitely hit you up for spots to check out.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Hey Cobra, nice write up! You sent me a PM about going to Naperville, sorry I couldn't make it; I was banking on some chick but it fell through. I'll definitely try and make it next time you go out.

I figured I would comment here, because it hasn't been mentioned yet: Toby Keith's bar in Rosemont.

My god, the amount of talent there was mind boggling. Within minutes of walking in some chick approached me and started chatting me up. She asked me what hotel I was staying in and then gave me her hotel room #. She was a little too drunk for my liking, and it would've been like shooting fish in a barrel. I like to game and hustle a little, so I just kind of ignored her.

The only problem is the location. I went there because my friend from the Corps just graduated from the CPD academy and they wanted to do something outside the city. Normally I never would've gone there, just not my thing -glad I went though. If you're going to drink heavy you have to get a room beforehand. I made sure to stick to 2-3 beers and then pounded water knowing I was driving home. The area is crawling with 5.0, so be careful.

Even outside of Toby Keith's there's a shit ton of bars and they have a large synthetic football field where people were playing frisbee and drunk idiots running wind sprints, and milfs doing handstands thinking they're in their high school glory days[Image: wink.gif] It's a real neat atmosphere.

I swear it's almost too easy there if you have halfway decent game: bachelorette parties, b-days, girls night out, etc. People who live in the city and usually only stick to WP/LP/Bucktown, etc, should check it out. Nice change of pace.

Food for thought.

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Would be great to roll gentlemen. Looking forward to it.

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-04-2014 03:36 PM)Monty_Brogan Wrote:  

Hey Cobra, nice write up! You sent me a PM about going to Naperville, sorry I couldn't make it; I was banking on some chick but it fell through. I'll definitely try and make it next time you go out.

I figured I would comment here, because it hasn't been mentioned yet: Toby Keith's bar in Rosemont.

My god, the amount of talent there was mind boggling. Within minutes of walking in some chick approached me and started chatting me up. She asked me what hotel I was staying in and then gave me her hotel room #. She was a little too drunk for my liking, and it would've been like shooting fish in a barrel. I like to game and hustle a little, so I just kind of ignored her.

The only problem is the location. I went there because my friend from the Corps just graduated from the CPD academy and they wanted to do something outside the city. Normally I never would've gone there, just not my thing -glad I went though. If you're going to drink heavy you have to get a room beforehand. I made sure to stick to 2-3 beers and then pounded water knowing I was driving home. The area is crawling with 5.0, so be careful.

Even outside of Toby Keith's there's a shit ton of bars and they have a large synthetic football field where people were playing frisbee and drunk idiots running wind sprints, and milfs doing handstands thinking they're in their high school glory days[Image: wink.gif] It's a real neat atmosphere.

I swear it's almost too easy there if you have halfway decent game: bachelorette parties, b-days, girls night out, etc. People who live in the city and usually only stick to WP/LP/Bucktown, etc, should check it out. Nice change of pace.

Food for thought.

Totally, Monty. The Rosemont area is pretty good because of the logistics and location to things in the area. Toby Keith's is good as well as the other places around there too. Rivers casino is close. A lot of hotels and the convention center can bring in some non-locals to the area looking to party for a night with O'hare airport so close.

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Awesome writeup bro!!!


Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

^ that really needed to be quoted. I had no idea what you were referring to.

You seem to have a taste for suburbs, which is good shit for those that are actually living in Chicago (such as myself). I'm a bit surprised you didn't go to Rosemont while you were at it - tons of guys go there to pick up due to its casinos and proximity to the airport, meaning lots of chicks lined up for ONS. Although the Naperville scene is probably pretty similar..

I did a datasheet on Chicago just before I left ("3 month in the making") it covers more of the actual city though - River North, Wrigleyville, Wicker Park, and Lincoln Park.

The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
DATASHEETS: Singapore (2014) | Vietnam (2015) | Cebu (2015) | Honolulu (2016) | Couchsurfing (2016) | KS, Taiwan (2018)
BTC: 1MoAetVtsmM48mkRx66Z9gYkBZGzqepGb5

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-05-2014 10:39 AM)Cyclone Wrote:  

^ that really needed to be quoted. I had no idea what you were referring to.

You seem to have a taste for suburbs, which is good shit for those that are actually living in Chicago (such as myself). I'm a bit surprised you didn't go to Rosemont while you were at it - tons of guys go there to pick up due to its casinos and proximity to the airport, meaning lots of chicks lined up for ONS. Although the Naperville scene is probably pretty similar..

I did a datasheet on Chicago just before I left ("3 month in the making") it covers more of the actual city though - River North, Wrigleyville, Wicker Park, and Lincoln Park.

Your other Chicago data sheet was great.

Based on my logistics and situation, sometimes suburbs are my only option. Definitely not preferable to Chicago by any means. I will say though that it seems more laid back in the burbs.

This Rosemont info by you guys is great. I would have had no idea before you mentioned it; which can only mean one thing for me [Image: smile.gif].

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

One thing that I do miss about Chicago (circa 2002/2003 - The DipSet days!) was the "Oooo he from the N-Y-C factor" that was so ever omnipresent in Chicagoland. Whilst Black American women in Chi-city were throwing me under the bus, that factor worked for me when it came to the Mexican/Mexican-American women there. They were letting me smash bareback and didn't care if they became "quedarse embarazada" or not. I didn't knock them up. I pulling out like mad when I was nutting, but I was getting mines. I even tapped my first Cuban-American mamasota bareback-slack from the northside (outside of ghetto-ass Rogers Pk. section).

I'm glad I left there because Chicago food is so fattening....J&J's fish....Polishes (i.e. the Polish-styled hot dogs).....the buffets....Lou Malnati's deep dish...Home Run Inn....Soul food buffets in Harvey among other parts of the southside.....I was getting it in and estaba engordando like whoa.

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

^^Lol I used the I'm from NYC line in Downtown Naperville. Probably would have worked better with Latinas in Chicago.

Has anyone frequented any ethnic areas? I'm not just talking about Chinatown or any predominantly latin areas. I'm talking about areas like Ukrainian Village, etc.

A guy from work (Polish) told me about a place called Stereo, a Polish dance club. He said that's where all the cleaners and janitors dress up and hang out to get their feel good DHV for the night. However, I read online that it can be partial to non-Polish speakers or people. If I can pull that dude away from his LTR (doesn't seem hard) it could provide some prospects. Problem is that it's been a while since I stepped on to a dance floor. And I should probably color my hair first. Interesting stuff.

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-05-2014 09:28 PM)E Irizarry R-N-B Singer Wrote:  

One thing that I do miss about Chicago (circa 2002/2003 - The DipSet days!) was the "Oooo he from the N-Y-C factor" that was so ever omnipresent in Chicagoland. Whilst Black American women in Chi-city were throwing me under the bus, that factor worked for me when it came to the Mexican/Mexican-American women there. They were letting me smash bareback and didn't care if they became "quedarse embarazada" or not. I didn't knock them up. I pulling out like mad when I was nutting, but I was getting mines. I even tapped my first Cuban-American mamasota bareback-slack from the northside (outside of ghetto-ass Rogers Pk. section).

I'm glad I left there because Chicago food is so fattening....J&J's fish....Polishes (i.e. the Polish-styled hot dogs).....the buffets....Lou Malnati's deep dish...Home Run Inn....Soul food buffets in Harvey among other parts of the southside.....I was getting it in and estaba engordando like whoa.

It's a known fact that in most urban locales, that "out of town" guy with style & class get referential treatment from the female locals.

Played the "New Guy in town" card when I first moved to Chicagoland, so much that everyone I worked with started calling me "Detroit", government name be damned.

It's a change of pace for the dips that are tired of the same old game, and the guys they've grown up with. A lot of times, a chick wants to fuck a guy OUTSIDE of their social circle b/c he handles himself like a boss.

Shit, I've been here going on 8 years, and I still use the recent transplant angle if only to differentiate myself from the others.



Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-06-2014 10:51 AM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2014 09:28 PM)E Irizarry R-N-B Singer Wrote:  

One thing that I do miss about Chicago (circa 2002/2003 - The DipSet days!) was the "Oooo he from the N-Y-C factor" that was so ever omnipresent in Chicagoland. Whilst Black American women in Chi-city were throwing me under the bus, that factor worked for me when it came to the Mexican/Mexican-American women there. They were letting me smash bareback and didn't care if they became "quedarse embarazada" or not. I didn't knock them up. I pulling out like mad when I was nutting, but I was getting mines. I even tapped my first Cuban-American mamasota bareback-slack from the northside (outside of ghetto-ass Rogers Pk. section).

I'm glad I left there because Chicago food is so fattening....J&J's fish....Polishes (i.e. the Polish-styled hot dogs).....the buffets....Lou Malnati's deep dish...Home Run Inn....Soul food buffets in Harvey among other parts of the southside.....I was getting it in and estaba engordando like whoa.

It's a known fact that in most urban locales, that "out of town" guy with style & class get referential treatment from the female locals.

Played the "New Guy in town" card when I first moved to Chicagoland, so much that everyone I worked with started calling me "Detroit", government name be damned.

It's a change of pace for the dips that are tired of the same old game, and the guys they've grown up with. A lot of times, a chick wants to fuck a guy OUTSIDE of their social circle b/c he handles himself like a boss.

Shit, I've been here going on 8 years, and I still use the recent transplant angle if only to differentiate myself from the others.

You have to know that I'm not a Black man, but I'm very cognizant of Black American culture so I knew how to play my position in this country. I look like Christopher Williams (Kareem Akbar/pretty-muthafucka character in New Jack City) with some Brazilian & Dominican attributes (I'm Brazilian-American BTW), and I speak Spanish so that's why I got it in well with the Mexican chicks there. Black women in the CHI looked at me like I was Pierre from How To Be A Playa dissing me ignoring me and shit so I said I'm not going green nor gay, so I had to dip my dick in something that resembled a female....since there are no Brazilians in Chicago back then, I had to smash Mexican female freaks as the closest form of resolve....but I digress.

I'm surprised that out-of-town factor still works in Chicago. I remember when the South used to be like 20 years ago, fugg-get-uh-bout-it!.....Yankees (not the ball club) had it sown up down there in the South....from VA all the way to Ole Miss, just smashing Black women like nuts. Now they aren't impressed by Yankee swaggers like us anymore since the NYC "it" factor had been dissed by the assasination of Pac and Big in '97 and then immediately Master P (and No Limit), 3-6, etc. came up and the South had risen ever since.

The only cats from the South I liked were the pre-pop OutKast, Geto Boys (still the best Southern rappers ever), 3-6, Mystikal, and a few Project Pat songs. I still rock out to Mobb (including the unreleased demos), R.A. The Rugged Man, Co-Flo, Slaugtherhause, Joe Budden, Joelle Ortiz, old Pun, pre-fuckboy-days Fat Joe, Kool Keith/Dr. Octagon, Large Professor/Xtra P, Buckshot and the rest of the Boot Camp Clik (Sean PPPPPPP), Capone-N-Noreaga (Victor my dunn hahaahahha!), Nas, old Bigg, old Pac, Wu (Ghost, The Genius/GZA, Killarmy, etc.) much more.

On the neo-new-school, my dunns are Flatbush ZoMBiEs (nobody can fuck with them out of all the new school dudes), The Underachievers, Bodega BAMZ/TanBoys, Astro, ASAP Rocky and crew (when doing underground shit), Action Bronson (aka the White bootleg Ghostface Killah LMAo!), Big Baby Gandhi, Vinny Chase/Cheers Club, Pro ERA/Joey Bad Ass, & COTN/World's Fair is the shit too!!!!!! #TheNewNewYork All Day

You in the South say "already", we say "alllll day" lol!!

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-07-2014 12:32 AM)E Irizarry R-N-B Singer Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2014 10:51 AM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2014 09:28 PM)E Irizarry R-N-B Singer Wrote:  

One thing that I do miss about Chicago (circa 2002/2003 - The DipSet days!) was the "Oooo he from the N-Y-C factor" that was so ever omnipresent in Chicagoland. Whilst Black American women in Chi-city were throwing me under the bus, that factor worked for me when it came to the Mexican/Mexican-American women there. They were letting me smash bareback and didn't care if they became "quedarse embarazada" or not. I didn't knock them up. I pulling out like mad when I was nutting, but I was getting mines. I even tapped my first Cuban-American mamasota bareback-slack from the northside (outside of ghetto-ass Rogers Pk. section).

I'm glad I left there because Chicago food is so fattening....J&J's fish....Polishes (i.e. the Polish-styled hot dogs).....the buffets....Lou Malnati's deep dish...Home Run Inn....Soul food buffets in Harvey among other parts of the southside.....I was getting it in and estaba engordando like whoa.

It's a known fact that in most urban locales, that "out of town" guy with style & class get referential treatment from the female locals.

Played the "New Guy in town" card when I first moved to Chicagoland, so much that everyone I worked with started calling me "Detroit", government name be damned.

It's a change of pace for the dips that are tired of the same old game, and the guys they've grown up with. A lot of times, a chick wants to fuck a guy OUTSIDE of their social circle b/c he handles himself like a boss.

Shit, I've been here going on 8 years, and I still use the recent transplant angle if only to differentiate myself from the others.

You have to know that I'm not a Black man, but I'm very cognizant of Black American culture so I knew how to play my position in this country. I look like Christopher Williams (Kareem Akbar/pretty-muthafucka character in New Jack City) with some Brazilian & Dominican attributes (I'm Brazilian-American BTW), and I speak Spanish so that's why I got it in well with the Mexican chicks there. Black women in the CHI looked at me like I was Pierre from How To Be A Playa dissing me ignoring me and shit so I said I'm not going green nor gay, so I had to dip my dick in something that resembled a female....since there are no Brazilians in Chicago back then, I had to smash Mexican female freaks as the closest form of resolve....but I digress.

I'm surprised that out-of-town factor still works in Chicago. I remember when the South used to be like 20 years ago, fugg-get-uh-bout-it!.....Yankees (not the ball club) had it sown up down there in the South....from VA all the way to Ole Miss, just smashing Black women like nuts. Now they aren't impressed by Yankee swaggers like us anymore since the NYC "it" factor had been dissed by the assasination of Pac and Big in '97 and then immediately Master P (and No Limit), 3-6, etc. came up and the South had risen ever since.

The only cats from the South I liked were the pre-pop OutKast, Geto Boys (still the best Southern rappers ever), 3-6, Mystikal, and a few Project Pat songs. I still rock out to Mobb (including the unreleased demos), R.A. The Rugged Man, Co-Flo, Slaugtherhause, Joe Budden, Joelle Ortiz, old Pun, pre-fuckboy-days Fat Joe, Kool Keith/Dr. Octagon, Large Professor/Xtra P, Buckshot and the rest of the Boot Camp Clik (Sean PPPPPPP), Capone-N-Noreaga (Victor my dunn hahaahahha!), Nas, old Bigg, old Pac, Wu (Ghost, The Genius/GZA, Killarmy, etc.) much more.

On the neo-new-school, my dunns are Flatbush ZoMBiEs (nobody can fuck with them out of all the new school dudes), The Underachievers, Bodega BAMZ/TanBoys, Astro, ASAP Rocky and crew (when doing underground shit), Action Bronson (aka the White bootleg Ghostface Killah LMAo!), Big Baby Gandhi, Vinny Chase/Cheers Club, Pro ERA/Joey Bad Ass, & COTN/World's Fair is the shit too!!!!!! #TheNewNewYork All Day

You in the South say "already", we say "alllll day" lol!!

True indeed. Something to be said about NY'ers, ya'll are unique and I rock with that

Grew with some NY kids on my block, as a result I got ALL the newest hip-hop before it even dropped across the country.

Plan to go back soon, as I have a cousin in Queens. 5 boroughs stand up!!!


Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Any advice on how to avoid $50 a day for parking at hotels?

It seems like all the marriot brands within the main area have that charge.

My only option seems to pay it or pay at the Union station for $14 a day.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-08-2014 09:10 AM)Mentavious Wrote:  

Any advice on how to avoid $50 a day for parking at hotels?

It seems like all the marriot brands within the main area have that charge.

My only option seems to pay it or pay at the Union station for $14 a day.

I have no idea why I hadn't posted this before but try this app called "Spothero." I always use it when coming into Chicago. It's an excess inventory of parking spaces searchable by gps and map. You can thank me when I head to Detroit. [Image: smile.gif]

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-08-2014 10:47 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2014 09:10 AM)Mentavious Wrote:  

Any advice on how to avoid $50 a day for parking at hotels?

It seems like all the marriot brands within the main area have that charge.

My only option seems to pay it or pay at the Union station for $14 a day.

I have no idea why I hadn't posted this before but try this app called "Spothero." I always use it when coming into Chicago. It's an excess inventory of parking spaces searchable by gps and map. You can thank me when I head to Detroit. [Image: smile.gif]

Aye Cobra, did you go down to the Bar Louie spot Wednesday night?


Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-09-2014 03:04 PM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2014 10:47 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2014 09:10 AM)Mentavious Wrote:  

Any advice on how to avoid $50 a day for parking at hotels?

It seems like all the marriot brands within the main area have that charge.

My only option seems to pay it or pay at the Union station for $14 a day.

I have no idea why I hadn't posted this before but try this app called "Spothero." I always use it when coming into Chicago. It's an excess inventory of parking spaces searchable by gps and map. You can thank me when I head to Detroit. [Image: smile.gif]

Aye Cobra, did you go down to the Bar Louie spot Wednesday night?

Nah. BUT it's on next week. Should be nice and sunny. And, I'm down for day game.

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Quote: (05-09-2014 03:28 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2014 03:04 PM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2014 10:47 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2014 09:10 AM)Mentavious Wrote:  

Any advice on how to avoid $50 a day for parking at hotels?

It seems like all the marriot brands within the main area have that charge.

My only option seems to pay it or pay at the Union station for $14 a day.

I have no idea why I hadn't posted this before but try this app called "Spothero." I always use it when coming into Chicago. It's an excess inventory of parking spaces searchable by gps and map. You can thank me when I head to Detroit. [Image: smile.gif]

Aye Cobra, did you go down to the Bar Louie spot Wednesday night?

Nah. BUT it's on next week. Should be nice and sunny. And, I'm down for day game.

Cool mayne


Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)


Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Cobra's "Chicagoland" Data Sheet (Local)

Anyone tried gaming at Rivers? Does the casino bring out DTF girls (i.e. not older/milf types)?

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