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How does taking acid change you?

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (04-24-2014 01:41 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Half of my druggy friends from high school are doing just fine, engineers, MDs, businesspeople, etc. the other half completely fucked up their lives.

That's pretty much sums up half of everyone - druggy or not.

How does taking acid change you?

Once you take acid, you never really come down.

Also, there's something very familiar about the process. While I was high on acid, in a different world, somehow it felt familiar and during the trip I thought, "I always knew this place was here, I always knew it would be like this."

I'm not sure if this makes sense but it probably makes sense to anyone that's taken it.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



How does taking acid change you?

Not sure what you mean by flashbacks but some memories can be extremely vivid. With psilocybin(never experienced this with acid) some bad memories have appeared so real, that it is like I was living the moment for the second time. Imagine a dream you had which felt incredibly real -- those memory flashbacks can be even more vibrant.

By the way, I will be trying DMT for the first time in 1-2 weeks, let's see how that turns out...

I stumbled upon this interesting video about acid/psilocybin etc.


How does taking acid change you?

Took a tab before.

Looked at this poster with two girls in bikinis.
I could have sworn those bitches were making out in front of my eyes.

Example thread of me taking acid:

Just make sure to stay safe when doing this shit. Don't use any form of communications like a phone or anything. While on acid, I thought my mom was homeless.


How does taking acid change you?

A lot of my friends tell me how they really opened their eyes once they took it.

How does taking acid change you?

Most of the guys I know that take acid like to trip balls, and that's certainly enjoyable in its own way, but my best experience so far (I've taken it four times over the past several years) was about a month ago when a buddy and I each took half a tab and spent a few hours walking around my city on a nice spring day.

We both felt three major effects:

1) We did not give a single shit. We simply stopped caring about what other people thought entirely. We passed dozens of people while walking around the city, but we never lowered our voices, never changed our (usually inappropriate) conversational topics, never felt weird or awkward or like people were judging us. At one point we wanted to listen to a song, so my buddy just put Calvin Harris on his phone as we walked around. Later we saw this magnificent magnolia and felt the urge to climb it, so we did. And then talked and laughed and shouted random things at passerby for half an hour. We just didn't care, we were alive and having fun and everything was wonderful.

2) We effortlessly communicated. Often I have to stop momentarily and think about what I want to say next in a conversation. While we were tripping it was like we were on another level, where jokes and puns and witticisms easily flowed and my friend and I just kept building off of each other. I'd normally attribute this to us simply thinking we were more "on" due to the acid, but later on in the night we ate dinner outside at a local cafe and were able to pull two cute waitresses to our table who kept coming by to talk for five or ten minutes at a time because we were the most interesting guys they'd ever met at work. (We didn't get numbers because my buddy lived out of town and I'm pretty into my current girl, but I'm sure we could've pulled an afterparty.) It was like we were communicating at a level above most people; because we just didn't care, we were completely genuine, and the girls could sense it.

3) Everything just seemed a little bit...better. It was similar to smoking pot, where the food was tastier, the music more enticing, and the small everyday things that usually annoy me just fade into the background. We were both so ecstatic to be alive right there in that moment, so grateful for everything we were experiencing. It reminded me of the American Beauty scene where the guy is entranced by the bag floating in the wind. It's hard to explain.

All in all, if you're unsure about tripping hard, a low dose is definitely fun in and of itself. There's no crazy visuals or hallucinations, and it's certainly easier to talk to people. I could easily see myself popping half a tab and doing some day game.

How does taking acid change you?

James Scott quits Days Of Our Lives... month after hallucinogenic life changing experience in Peru

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

How does taking acid change you?

What taking acid several times over the past several years has done for me:

1. We delude ourselves everyday

The hamster doesn't only apply to women, it also applies to men. Ina sense, acid is the red-pill because it makes you realize how stupid most rules are. They are all full of shit. Civilization is essentially a racket made by smart men without game in order to get laid. Same with all wars, men want more land and more wealth to essentially get laid. That's it.
Locke's State of Nature explains how the world should be. We should all be in tribes, fucking one another and having fun all day long. (Reminds me of this epithet). We should pursue better technology and happier lives, not status. Pursuit of status only benefits those at the very top, since it becomes easy to control you.
Want to save yourself from other scams that so called respectable members of society fall for (including university)? Be rational. Look at things for what they really are - making those with power more powerful.

2. You are only as free as you let yourself be

Other people's opinions don't matter. Neither does what society tells you. You are capable of anything you put yourself to. Just realize that you are capable, go out and do it.
Maximal pleasure can only be achieved when you free yourself from trivialities around you (including discussing politics, current events and such). Focus on self-improvement and improving lives. This could be by being a doctor, a scientist, a professor, a social worker, anything. Just be sure to make sure that if you aren't happy, you can take some time off. The money will come to those with the best skills, so focus on that.

3. Stress isn't worth it

Stress doesn't get you anywhere. It just kills you. Be like The Dude from the Big Lebowski, a man without any worry and stress. If something doesn't work out, its cool. Don't sweat and either try again or sit back and relax.

4. Experiences count, not material worth

The experiences you have had make life worth living, not the money you have or the girls you've fucked. Would you rather have seen the world and have fucked 50 girls and die without much money or just live in one city, have fucked 200 girls and die rich? Its experience that counts, nothing else.

5. If you have to go through elaborate rituals to get something, its not worth it

Don't be a sellout, be yourself and be happy. This is why I don't like nightgame in America, the elaborate mating rituals aren't worth it most of the time. Same with religion. What god would want you to do a bunch of stupid shit to appease him (not trying to insult any religions here)? Just go out and do it. Don't spend time getting everything ready.

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (04-29-2014 05:20 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  


Man that all resonates hard.

I had a group of friends that I tripped regularly with in my early 20s. We had a blast. Acid, mushrooms, morning glory seeds, we took anything. We learned more about life in a few hallucinogenic trips than we did in 12 years of schooling.

Your bit about being in public reminds me of a mushroom trip I did with a friend at the Getty Museum. We were both experienced at that point and both felt totally comfortable having vivid hallucinations around hundreds of complete strangers. These were very potent, very good quality mushrooms.

The only time we lost our shit was when we went to the cafeteria. Neither of us were hungry but we figured that was because the drug was suppressing our appetite, and that our bodies probably needed some calories. We were definitely overthinking it and obviously we would have been fine not eating anything.

Anyway we get in line and the ludicrous-ness of the cafeteria really hit us hard. Just looking at a Caesar salad all wrapped up in plastic made us break out into completely unhinged, childish laughter. We were completely incredulous, "WHY would anyone do that man?! Wrap up a salad, in PLASTIC?!" We put the salad on our tray with some trail mix and Reese's Pieces.

We sat down in the middle of all these distinguished tourists and visitors, French and Japanese tourists dressed in suits and shit, looked down at our tray, and kept laughing hysterically at our choices. "THIS is what we chose for lunch? Salad and candy?!" It spiralled downward pretty rapidly from there. Upon opening the bag of trail mix, the bag was stuck and wouldn't open, so my buddy used some brute force and when it finally popped open there was trail mix flying everywhere, onto other peoples' tables and at this point people started looking at us sideways like, "Who in the hell let these maniacs in?"

We're sitting there eating what's left of the trail mix off of the table, and one of us says, "Trail mix is such a metaphor for life, man. The sweet stuff, it's hidden in there." This prompted more ridiculous laughter. I had a notebook that I kept with me (I still have it, full of insane scribblings) and I started to write down what we just said about the trail mix metaphor, and then we couldn't figure out who had said it, me or him. Most of our conversations started going down that path, with both of us not sure who had said what. Sometimes there would be talking, or quiet, but one of us would say, "What?" and neither of us could remember if we were actually in conversation or not. We were literally in a dream state. We'd take a break and go into the impressionism room and stare at all these paintings that were moving around and appeared to be backlit by moving lights. Personally, I felt absolutely connected to the painting and the artist, and that I could get inside his head as he was making the painting. At one point I went into the garden and meditated (I was very into meditation at the time). It was like someone stuck a flux capacitor to my cerebral cortex. Even doing breathing meditations took my head into outer space. I spent what felt like 4 hours staring at a perfect flower, my brain in a completely different dimension. Like I said these were good shrooms.

It was a fantastic trip and very profound, the kind of day that sticks with you forever.

Well, a few years later I was dating this girl and figured hey, she's done mushrooms before, it'd be fun to take her to that same museum and take mushrooms together, maybe recreate some of that magic.

Nope. She got sick. We're sitting there in a garden, surrounded by tourists, and she stands up and projectile vomits everywhere. I had taken mushrooms and acid so many times I forgot that many people get sick on mushrooms, and now here I am in this situation with my girl puking her guts out in front of a crowd and it's making a scene. I kept my cool, put my arm around here, "Must be something she ate! ha ha..." and quickly rushed her off to the women's bathroom. She was in there what seemed like an hour. It could have been 5 minutes, I was high as a kite. Then I started getting paranoid that she was having a bad trip in there and was probably sitting on a toilet staring at the wall and freaking out.

Finally she came out and bless her heart, she kept her shit together pretty well. We decided to get the fuck out of there and we get back to the tram, and the tram was down. It was 92 degrees out, we're having a pretty sour trip, everyone around us has their arms crossed and is angry and impatient, and we picked up on those vibes x 100. It's the closest thing I've come to a bad trip. I tried to keep things upbeat and eventually I started joking with her, "Hey, you know what, obviously this wasn't meant to be. Let's just laugh at what else could possibly go wrong." and that seemed to work with her. We finally got back to my car and I drove us to the beach but by that time the shrooms were wearing off.

Anyway it's a lesson that's happened several times with me and psychedelics. When you try to recreate an absolutely heavenly previous experience, things can go terribly wrong. Those incredible experiences happen due to a convergence of unique circumstances beyond our control and it's not something you can force.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



How does taking acid change you?

I'm gonna trip for the first time in a couple weeks.

Will post results.

How does taking acid change you?

I heard from a friend who went water-skiing while on acid...

that the bay was like the fluids of a body
and the trees like nerve endings reaching up through the skin of the sky
and everything was connected together
and he could see it, just like you can see in everyday life how
a tree grows out of the ground
you could see many different things connected you couldn't before
at levels of organization-- as in planetary units-- that one usually doesn't notice.

That being said, as Timothy Leary said, once you get the message, hang up the telephone.

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (05-04-2014 01:17 AM)big poppa Wrote:  

I'm gonna trip for the first time in a couple weeks.

Will post results.
best surroundings: trusted friends, peaceful, private, natural beauty, low probability of unexpected disruptive visitors, no authority figures, guns or violent people, have mild tranquilizers like valium legally available., don't risk being in mv accidents, nice to have trusted females for sex if you want

How does taking acid change you?

I've never taken acid or magic mushrooms but I've heard they are similar. Just magic mushrooms are usually less strong and less intense (so probably a better for a beginner). The majority of people I know that take shrooms (and some take acid) are actually Buddhists or people that are into meditating, yoga, finding inner calm and peace. Those sorts of people. A lot of them are very open minded, liberal and charismatic. This may sound bad but they I find them inspirational. It's not the drugs they do that I find inspirational but possibly the outcome or their calm way of life. They never seem stressed, angry or wanting a fight (which you would usually find on a saturday night with your local drunks in the clubs).

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (04-19-2014 01:28 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

I don't do drugs.

But I'm curious if taking acid changes your outlook on life?

Steve Jobs did acid just once - and he said it changed his life.

So - with that in mind - in what way does taking acid change your outlook on life? Or is it more that you develop an inner calm which makes you less stressed out about day to day life and question the motives of society?

I became aware of consciousness after my first experience and to answer your question simply, yes.

If you have the capacity to open your mind soberly, then your experience can be amplified by hallucinogenics. I've had good and bad 'trips' as one would say, but what i've learned from them I can not express. I've always been one to meditate and think deeply. To ask the questions normal societal members dare not ask. Under the influence, I began to explore those questions. I came upon answers that my rationale mind can not comprehend. Today, I watch as cognitive dissonance assimilates my sober thoughts.

If any one thing has changed about me from taking acid it's that I'm not the center of this universe and that We are all in this together.
I was given awareness seldom found in other philosophical pursuits because it was based on MY experience and MY understanding of this world.
I see that we all seek the same destination yet we all walk a different path.

Do note that any experience you read about is not one you're going to have. Only you can dream your dreams, think your thoughts, and live your life.
So with that being said, I guess the real question is... How does taking acid change YOU!

The rabbit hole goes deeper than you can possibly fathom.

How does taking acid change you?

I've always wondered what shrooms would be like. Acid scares me as I've heard that it has a higher chance of being a bad trip, where shrooms just make you laugh for the most part. Read a story once where a dude took acid and thought the world was ending around him. He said everything started melting down, turning into nothingness. Just black. He said even when he closed his eyes he couldn't escape it. He said it was the scariest experience of his life. That would absolutely suck, and that shit lasts like 12 hours, doesn't it?

Maybe someone can clarify here, but with Shrooms the chance of a bad trip like that is much smaller, right? And it only lasts like 4 hours, right?

Also, can someone explain what a 'spiritual experience' with shrooms is exactly? I've heard it a million times, but have no clue what that means? Do you see God? Do you see people and the universe how it truly is, like with all of the artificial, superficial garbage removed?

I've never done Molly, but I don't know how any drug could be better than pure MDMA (not the street E that circulates now that's laced with 100 other things and has little to no Molly in it what so ever). I mean, isn't MDMA formulated to release every 'good feeling' chemical and hormone in your body? Everyone I know who's taken it just loves everyone and everything and its not like heroin where you have to worry about choking on your own puke, or doing so much coke that your heart explodes. It just makes you feel happy and the worst that can happen is you hit the dance floor for 5 hours and get dehydrated.

Can someone clarify the above?

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (05-04-2014 06:50 PM)SheWantsTheD Wrote:  

I've always wondered what shrooms would be like. Acid scares me as I've heard that it has a higher chance of being a bad trip, where shrooms just make you laugh for the most part. Read a story once where a dude took acid and thought the world was ending around him. He said everything started melting down, turning into nothingness. Just black. He said even when he closed his eyes he couldn't escape it. He said it was the scariest experience of his life. That would absolutely suck, and that shit lasts like 12 hours, doesn't it?

Maybe someone can clarify here, but with Shrooms the chance of a bad trip like that is much smaller, right? And it only lasts like 4 hours, right?

Also, can someone explain what a 'spiritual experience' with shrooms is exactly? I've heard it a million times, but have no clue what that means? Do you see God? Do you see people and the universe how it truly is, like with all of the artificial, superficial garbage removed?

I've never done Molly, but I don't know how any drug could be better than pure MDMA (not the street E that circulates now that's laced with 100 other things and has little to no Molly in it what so ever). I mean, isn't MDMA formulated to release every 'good feeling' chemical and hormone in your body? Everyone I know who's taken it just loves everyone and everything and its not like heroin where you have to worry about choking on your own puke, or doing so much coke that your heart explodes. It just makes you feel happy and the worst that can happen is you hit the dance floor for 5 hours and get dehydrated.

Can someone clarify the above?

Acid- 8 hours

Mushrooms- 3-4 hours

Moonrock Molly- 1-2 hours

Acid and mushrooms are very similar. The differences are noticeable once you take each of them a few times. I used to think acid was stronger but I've had very potent mushrooms that were nearly as strong. Acid is easier to control the dosage.

Some people report having religious experiences due to several reasons. Some people become aware of a greater or higher power. In my experience, this sensation is MUCH more apparent with DMT. I would say the spiritual element of acid is an overwhelmingly powerful feeling of empathy.

In our daily lives, our default brain paradigm sees us as separate from the world and different from other people. Our culture and society reinforces this impulse leading to a nagging sense of alienation in many people. On acid and shrooms, this feeling is reversed, leading to a feeling of unity. I don't mean this in some glad-hand bullshit, "we are the world" type way. I mean this in a very tangible, very real experience of looking at someone else and being aware that you share the same consciousness, only different body. You look at people of other races and classes and instead of instinctively seeing yourself as different, you see their skin as some sort of suit or costume.

Closing your eyes on psychedelics is very difficult. The back of your eyelids will explode in a kaleidescope of colors and patterns, and it can be very disorienting. You're better off being someplace very pleasant, like at a park and watching kids play or dogs chasing a ball.

Moonrock molly also produces very strong feelings of empathy, almost ridiculously so. While I feel in control on mushrooms and acid, on molly I feel like a retarded little kid. If you're in the middle of peaking, forget about fucking. Although physical sensations are magnified x 100 you can literally lay in bed and you'll be squirming around from feeling so fucking good. You won't care about sex too much, but you should still try. Once the molly peak wears off, you can get hard again but you'll still have enough of the drug trip to have sex and let me tell you it's pretty goddamn amazing.

Sex on acid is a bit tougher to pull off since most girls trip the fuck out, but I managed to do it once with my 18 year old gf at the time and it was pretty incredible.

People have bad trips for a number of reasons. I've never had one but I've been with people who have. I can say that it's not some arbitrary process like russian roulette. It's not due to the acid itself. It's entirely up to the individual. I've had some very dark thoughts while high on acid, thoughts about murder, genocide, war, torture. If you're not in control of your consciousness you can dwell on this shit and fall into a very dark hole. That's why it's important to do it during the day, be outside in nature somewhere, do it with friends, and do something fun. You can let your mind wander to those dark thoughts but you need things around you that will snap you back into your surroundings and enjoy yourself. Other people get confused by the process and they get really uptight, they're afraid of looking or acting stupid and they spend much of their trip completely uptight and confused by the process. You can spot them a mile away. Acid is a time to act completely silly, go to a park and ride the swings, throw a frisbee, talk to random people. The ultimate piece of advice to give anyone on acid is "go with it." During the 4th or 5th hour some people get mentally exhausted (I do) and you start thinking, "OKAY already, I'm ready to land this plane." Just remember that you bought the ticket and the trip will end when it ends, but it WILL end. Some people start tripping out, thinking "What if I'm perma-fry?!?! WHAT IF I DON'T COME DOWN!?" I've been with people like this and it's pretty funny, I usually fuck with them a little and tell them they're gonna have to go into work on Monday and tell their boss that they're permanently high on acid and can't work anymore.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



How does taking acid change you?

Lol that's messed up telling people that, but I bet it's funny as hell.

What about what the guy above posted. What if you take a half of an acid dose, can it be good without the scary parts?

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (05-04-2014 08:09 PM)SheWantsTheD Wrote:  

Lol that's messed up telling people that, but I bet it's funny as hell.

What about what the guy above posted. What if you take a half of an acid dose, can it be good without the scary parts?

I personally I say go the whole way. It implies that acid is this scary experience and the stronger it is the scarier it is. If you're going in with that mindset then you're more likely to have a bad trip anyway.

Take a full dose with an open mind and open heart and enjoy the ride.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



How does taking acid change you?

Shrooms > Acid, imo.

Shrooms = stronger visuals, more introspective, mindfucks one after another with occasional eureka-moments, emotional, ego-threatening/destroying.
Acid = euphoric, mechanical feel, easy and clear thinking & pondering, seeing everything from a different angle.

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (05-04-2014 08:09 PM)SheWantsTheD Wrote:  

What about what the guy above posted. What if you take a half of an acid dose, can it be good without the scary parts?

it'd be a tease. Take a couple hits!

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (05-04-2014 08:09 PM)SheWantsTheD Wrote:  

Lol that's messed up telling people that, but I bet it's funny as hell.

What about what the guy above posted. What if you take a half of an acid dose, can it be good without the scary parts?

Make sure you're in a good mood prior to taking the tab. I know a guy who tried to kill himself on acid because he was already depressed. Take at least 2. And enjoy your trip.

How does taking acid change you?

Is anybody familiar with Timothy Leary?! I stumbled across some of his interviews on youtube. Very smart, interesting philosopher.

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (04-19-2014 01:28 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

I don't do drugs.

But I'm curious if taking acid changes your outlook on life?

Steve Jobs did acid just once - and he said it changed his life.

So - with that in mind - in what way does taking acid change your outlook on life? Or is it more that you develop an inner calm which makes you less stressed out about day to day life and question the motives of society?

It will be different for everyone. I also took LSD only once, that was enough for me. What it showed me is that we are all divine beings, because we come from a divine source. That our whole point of existence is enjoyment. The question is, on what level are we experiencing enjoyment?

Don't take things like LSD or ayahuasca or shrooms or peyote unless you are ready for a very intense experience that will in most likelihood totally reset your outlook on life. It might also give you a more spiritual outlook on life or rather push you towards a lifestyle where you can elevate your consciousness gradually and naturally. Maybe that is why a lot of hippies burn out on the whole psychedelic drug culture and eventually turn towards yoga, meditation, and eastern religions.

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (05-05-2014 02:47 AM)strengthstudent Wrote:  

Shrooms > Acid, imo.

Shrooms = stronger visuals, more introspective, mindfucks one after another with occasional eureka-moments, emotional, ego-threatening/destroying.
Acid = euphoric, mechanical feel, easy and clear thinking & pondering, seeing everything from a different angle.

I agree with pretty much everything you said except for the bolded part. I've had far stronger visuals on Lucy than I've ever had on mushrooms.

Strongest visuals for me by far were on DMT. I had one of those Level 5 experiences that was posted earlier in the thread. It was by far the most mind blowing experience I've ever had in my life.

I'm also a big fan of using mushrooms inside and watching movies.

Some of my favorite movies to watch on psych's:
- Kill Bill 1&2
- The Lego Movie
- Edward Scissorhands
- The Matrix
- Inception
- Point Break
- The Truman Show
- Fantasia (original)
- A Scanner Darkly
- The Hobbit
- Intersteller

[Image: de43313f71c4e2207d99d29f4b367fad.gif]

How does taking acid change you?

Quote: (11-14-2015 05:19 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Strongest visuals for me by far were on DMT. I had one of those Level 5 experiences that was posted earlier in the thread. It was by far the most mind blowing experience I've ever had in my life.

Yeah, DMT is on a whole different tier to most psychedelics.. at least with the other two the sense of conceptual reality is maintained which acts as an anchor, the world around you is morphing and transforming but there's still an underlying structure present, the slow onset and long duration allows for a gradual easing into the experience.

DMT however in high enough doses is like re-entering the atmosphere of earth at maximum velocity.. the onset is lightning fast (30 seconds) and everything is stripped away in rapid succession.. rarely can you tell weather your eyes are open or closed. It systematically breaks down conceptual reality in a very intense paradoxical manner where everything converges into a single point of infinite singularity.

The problem I always had with LSD as mentioned above is it's very mechanical and analytical.. it's like reverse-engineering your thoughts; you can get into extremely specific detail but if you go deep enough you can actually reduce everything down to a very hard logic.. the weight of this can be crushing to the individual and can sometimes be the precursor to people having a mental break from reality.

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