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Girls Using Game

Girls Using Game

Occasionally we all find ourselves on the receiving end of game that seems very similar to our own. I've been seeing examples of it in various threads and feel like there should be a thread dedicated to these lovely role reversal moments. So here it is.

Share your tales of excellent (or horrific, or terribly see through) game girls have ran on you. Not flirting... girls running well thought out game, like a guy would.

Was at a club waiting to buy a couple shots for my buddy and some girls... the girl next to me (also waiting) starts dancing with me. So we dance, chat, start making out, etc. But, whenever our two orders come out she puts mine on her tab, grabs my crotch, gives me a kiss, then says "thanks for being a doll" and walks off.

I just stood there kinda dumbfounded with my drinks in my hands.

Took me a minute to realize she'd just ran my own fucking game on me. Established her interest in me then randomly cut it off in a memorable fashion. I do it to leave a prospect open and receptive while still scouting and testing other waters. But receiving it was just unexpected. She was setting me up as a potential later lay. Game acknowledged, attractive blonde girl. Game acknowledged.

Girls Using Game

Went on a lunch date yesterday with a girl I met at a party last weekend. I wasn't attracted to her at all but decided to do it anyway just for the momentum.

She kept touching my shoulder at tangentially appropriate times throughout our interaction. So I'm fairly sure she knows about physicality, the use of touch to generate attraction. The funny thing is, I think most girls would just do this kind of shit naturally, but I got the vibe that she was doing it intentionally as a tactic to seduce me.

God help that poor 4. Game acknowledged, but ineffective.

Girls Using Game

It would be a disaster if girls learned game.

The 6 and 7 would use it to date 8 and 9 men. Making dating even more skewed towards women. Far less men would get laid.

Girls Using Game

Women don't have game.

When you can put a profile up on OKC and have 50+ men messaging you (even if you're a 5) there is no need for it.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Girls Using Game

oh i think they need some game to get the top men.

Girls Using Game

Girls don't have game?
I'd have to disagree.
In my mind... Game is just calculated steps and actions to engineer a social situation into your desired result.
All of life is game.
And some girls are very tallented at it.
And some are clueless.

That girl that flakes? Either doesn't like you, or Game. Attempting to up her value.

That girl putting out 6 times a day? Maybe she's a nympho, or she's using it to lock you down. Keep you so complacent you date her. Game.

Your recent day bang 30 minutes after meeting at a mall? Maybe your talent won her over... or, maybe she hadnt been laid in awhile so she forced laughing at your jokes, kept the convo alive, and sent as many signs as possible so you could be the agressor but she could get laid (without sluttily asking for it.... hamster)

Girl who said something like "god I really needed that" after sex? You were probably gaming each other.

Guys are game's primary users... because most girls don't have a clue what they want or any drive to achieve it etc etc etc... but, some girls do.

Girls Using Game

You know what girl game is?

Cooking me something healthy and delicious.

Tidying up my apartment when she has some free time.

Looking her best and always respecting my point of view when we are in public.

That's how a girl can 'game' me enough so I keep her around for a spell.

Girls Using Game

Girls gaming like men are obnoxious, calling you names, interrupting, being "cocky-funny", they are just insufferable.

On the other hand, girls in love are delightful.

Girls Using Game

I'd go as far to say all girls are born with or develop natural game in their early teens. Those that retain their femininity then maintain or even develop their game consciously to manipulate men/keep their man happy...
And of course the feminists either twist their game to manipulate men or just lose it entirely as their pussy dries up.

Girls Using Game

So I'm taking pictures at this bar with my phone.

Girl at bar asks - what I gonna do with them. I answer and she blows open the convo with her bait. I bite but my friend shows up.

She immediately offers drinks for us and two seats next to her. Involves my friend in discussion too.

Not a stunner but not a 4 either. Game recognized but I ejected quickly after that...

Girls Using Game

Yes they do, but very few have the skills to become very good with all types of men. An example was a one-itis of mine in high school. She made you think of her as a vulnerable girl who needed love and attention and was hurt by the world and its reality. Then she would kino you by giving lengthy hugs and resting her head on your shoulders as you walked with her. Later, she would look into your eyes lovingly and say "I hope you have good day, it was nice talking to you" as you reached class. Lastly, her intelligence was the final blow in her arsenal of seduction, as you could not get her out of your head because seemingly other girls could not reach her in the pedestal she was in. All those moves and traits made many guys fall for her hard in school. Sadly, without the abundance mentality and a lack of how game really works, others and I kept the illusion of being the only guy she really liked alive. End result: she was probably an attention whore and a slut who slept around with her pick of guys why blinding others of her real self.

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything"- Tyler Durden

Girls Using Game

From my side eye , I see an older lady creep up on me and ask " Do I do squat ? "

I said " Nah , but I can understand why you ask . " She deny saying I have a good build . So I play along and talk about my father and mother body ending with I have my father ' s upper , but my mom ' s lower . She then proceed to say " Thaere are females build like that as well . " Smirk .

LaCorba posted : Girls gaming like men are obnoxious, calling you names, interrupting, being "cocky-funny", they are just insufferable.

On the other hand, girls in love are delightful

Did they happen to be in a pack ?

Girls Using Game

Girls definitely use "game". And guys desperately fall for it all the time.

Watch any Nightclub line and see how girls behave around bouncers and the guys with the ins.

Heck, when girls tells a guy to "be a man" 99% of men will get defensive and/or go along with whatever the girl laid out.

Girls Using Game

They use game but they often give too subtle signals for men to recognize.Basically they give what they call the green light to men to approach.

Girls Using Game

Greek kamaki

The main problem is that even if they give some IOI , like coming close to you, they forget what is the most clear IOI for a man.. a smile, as coy and/small it can be. Men, when they approach, give at least a smirk, making them know the deal. When a woman smiles to a man, at least in a night setting, he wil approach her in most cases. How am I supposed to approach you when you come next to me, but when I try to make eye contact, you keep a bitchy face? You really think it encourages the man?
At least give me that quick eye contact, with a coy smile to your friends, showing your nervosity...

Girls Using Game

Girl game = make up, dressing, plastic surgery and doing her best "I'm not a hoe" act.

Girls Using Game

It is there, and I always notice it after the fact. I'm too thick-skulled to process it sadly, thus the reason my night game is lacking as I approach girls I like regardless if they have given me IOIs or not. If I picked up on the subtlety of girl game as it occurred I would be in much better shape than I am right now. Have any of you guys had experience with noticing extremely subtle cues(even more subtle than IOIs) as they occur?

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Girls Using Game

Girls game their fathers as soon as they hit puberty

Girls Using Game

Even ugly women are investing more in thier plastic surgery butt boobs and face game.
Its becoming standard in Miami. Meanwhile these women don't have a pot to piss in.

They will never learn that better lifestyle game is always first priority.

That's why its so many physical 8+ women living in crappy situations, they can't do what really matters for themselves..they need a ride.

Their thinking is.."Well I've done my part to look like your arm candy now let me hop on your train to a better life".

Girls Using Game

Quote: (03-16-2014 07:46 PM)Daddy Wrote:  

Girl game = make up, dressing, plastic surgery and doing her best "I'm not a hoe" act.

Yes. Looking good is the only game women have. "Being nice" doesn't really count because if the nice woman in question weighs 300 pounds (like my neighbor) the "nice" becomes scary.

I worked in the same office as my wife for years and she got a new boss, an Italian guy (like myself) who was supposedly a hard-ass. She was worried she was going to get the axe or something. All the other women who had to meet with this guy for an introductory meeting were fatasses or old bat, so I advised her "Just look nice, wear one of your skirts, and be pleasant. I know this type of guy and if you do that you'll win out." Sure enough, she won out. This is girl game.

Girls Using Game

Girls definitely also have game. However, their game is very different to ours.

The game that girls use mainly revolves around exploiting their looks and sexuality to extract as much money and resources from men as possible.

They also use their looks and sexuality to feed their emotions via social validation.

Girls Using Game

If one expands their idea about what "game" is, you'll see it all over.

When I lived in DC, I got a chance to move from the 2nd floor of my building, to the top floor. Awesome.

The problem was, I didn't have any friends in DC at the time, and my couch and TV were definitely a 2 man job.

I ended up modifying my office chair and a skateboard to move everything in the middle of the night. I was feeling myself, cause I rarely get to use any ingenuity during the day.

About a year later, I'm dating Ms. Moscow. She had a similar issue, needing to move something heavy and bulky, with no one to help her.

What did she do?

She asked for help. Some stranger went out of their way to help her move some stuff.

How does someone facing a problem who's not as strong as you are, not as smart, not as resourceful handle their problems.

Children ask help.
The Elderly ask for help.
The handicapped ask for help.

Men? We'll often go without if what we want isn't that crucial.


In the West, they've been socialized to get what they want from people by asking. Even the most timid and shy woman out there, knows that she can always ask for help. Even when she's not asking for help, she turns to her extensive social network. Even a "shut in" woman knows more people than a "hermit" man.

So when you see a woman use "game", use social cues, use social convention, play on expectations, it's not some nefarious pussy mustache twirling villainy - it's how she and the rest of them live their lives.

It's why you don't see as many homeless women out there. She's used to asking for help. She's used to getting it. And in the West, we're all to ready to give it.

Unless of course, the help comes at the cost to another woman.


Girls Using Game

Quote: (03-15-2014 03:12 PM)LaCobra Wrote:  

Girls gaming like men are obnoxious, calling you names, interrupting, being "cocky-funny", they are just insufferable.

This. The only game a girl should have is: Take care of your appearance, have feminine personality.

Girls Using Game

Quote: (03-16-2014 08:21 PM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

Girls game their fathers as soon as they hit puberty

I think you're getting at something there which is extremely important.

Girls have years on us from the beginning. Girls hit puberty at something like 9-11, they'll get attention from then onwards. They will game their fathers,brothers and his friends,cousins,boys in school,teachers . They're interested in the opposite sex from such an early age that they'll learn how to game and get what they want naturally.

Whereas males hit puberty much later, again I'm not sure on the numbers but for males it's around 13/14 even later in some cases.

So if we take two people, a man and a woman both aged at 21, who has the most natural game? Who understands their value better?

It's the woman for sure. She's been gaming for 5+ years on top of a man her age.
This has been stated a number of times, but women hit their peak at 21 whereas men don't hit it till later.

Also going back to the OP, I was out at a club with friends and we were criticizing our female friends with their stupid poses and such.
So we decide to take it further and do ridiculous poses ourselves for the camera.
Straight after the photo, this girl approaches and opens with a smirk "Are you a Hollister model?"
I was so taken aback and didn't react for a few seconds. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Girls Using Game

I'm new here, but I would like to make my own humble comments:

IMO all girls from the range of 7-10 have game, due simply to being approached all the time and being put on a pedestal. Experience is the biggest game changer. We as guys need to approach and work for exp. Girls have experience simply by being girls and getting hit on constantly. By the time we learn game (20s for most guys) girls already have easily a decade of headstart on us.

If we think of game as establishing and projecting perceived value then the moment a 7 steps into a bar/club she already has tremendous status due to 1) pre-selection 2) her sexual value with make-up, heels and cocktail dress 3) experience in dealing with men. The more beautiful and younger the girls are, the better their game is. I think Roosh talked about this in his article "gaming younger girl". The level of game these girls spit out is equal to that of a seasoned player with a decade of exp.

There's this girl in my group that is so damn hot, but whenever you try to establish value with her (telling stories, make reference to something cool about you/your friends) she would comes right back "You really do that? You are so boring/full of shit/ etc) She also loves making out with OTHER GIRLS in front of us guys to cocktease us. Damn nice lesbian show btw...

My own observation is congruent with Roosh: these girls respond only to asshole game because it engages her core weakness. You really have to show disdain or heavy negs in order to work. Otherwise any game you throw at them can be simply dismissed with "That's not cool enough for me/I have better things to do/ignoring you"

IMO the most frustrated game I have seen girls pull, is the one we pull against cockblockers: the silence treatment or ignoring your approach. The moment you make your intention known she would be "nice try" and ignore you from the conversation. They also know how to use body positioning to block you out, and is very hard to call them out on that since it's not openly directed towards you. I even saw girls tapping guys on the head and make gestures like she's treating a puppy... The guy persisted but to no avail.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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