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Dominican Republic for the New Year

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Does anyone have experience with the T-Mobile free international roaming? Someone else wrote about using it in Europe somewhere over the summer and said they missed a bunch of texts etc...

Dominican Republic for the New Year

The can unlock your phone, when you get here. I went one weekend without a phone here and that sucked. You need whatsapp.

The problem with online girls is that they flake so much. Make sure you have plan a. B .c and d

Dominican Republic for the New Year

I already have an unlocked phone, actually 2. But the no contract T-mobile plan up here is supposed to work internationally, no extra charge.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Heading there tomorrow. Bringing an unlocked Galaxy S. Will get a local SIM with data and install Whatsapp. I'm staying with kavakid who's given a ton of awesome advice to me.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

I get that menace but you are still going to have to give girls your US number if you get roaming on US Number, also When you come back to US your phone will still blow up with stalkers from DR wanting money etc. You do want a Local number that you can get as soon as you land to the right of arrival Hall in SD.

I would recommend getting a Local SIM and Data Plan on Claro/Orange.

OG here is my Trip Report , I think i detailed my expenses on Phone. Also check on craigslist whereever you are , a techie kid will Unlock/jail break on the cheap for $ 20-40.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Dominican Republic for the New Year

I tried unlocking my iPhone with Sprint but they told me that the phone has to be on my account for at least 90 days before they can unlock it. I haven't reached 90 days yet (I'll actually reach it on Dec 31st) so they said to call back then and they'll unlock it.

In the meantime whatsapp doesn't require a cellular network. It works fine over wi-fi, so it's possible to chat at home or wherever there's an internet hotspot.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Lothario you are right. I forgot about the DR girls wanting money.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Live updates please!

Dominican Republic for the New Year

hit local barrios ..... small towns.....try Jarabacoa for change
off the beaten tracks ..if you wish to climb Pico Duarte ....let me know

I am looking at these threads and discussions...cannot help to see the predictable end

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-29-2013 12:36 AM)Gato Wrote:  

Fellow Travelers :
stay away from hotels for gringos....learn some spanish
and get away from Santo Domingo ....Santiago ...Punta Cana ....Puerto Plata....
hit local barrios ..... small towns.....try Jarabacoafor change
off the beaten tracks ..if you wish to climb Pico Duarte ....let me know

I was wondering, any good spanish schools or tutors in Santo Domingo.

I'm leaving for the DR in a few hours.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Gato, please dont hold us in suspense.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

you heading to capital directly ?
I learned having "teachers" (sweet girls).
Hired a waitress on the spot
to be honest my vocabulary orientated around bed room and sex
just good enough

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Spend some time in DR Fisto
ask direct questions bro

Dominican Republic for the New Year

So fisto we thought you were gonna get in today.

What happened?

But on the plus side I did get a chick's number at the airport bar so the trip wasn't a total loss.

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Nisibón River is a nice down, wash the motorbikes and the girlfriends.
..this what exactly I have was great !

Dominican Republic for the New Year

So today was not as productive as yesterday, no flags, although I think I was close. The girl I flagged last night messaged me on whatsapp wanting to go shopping for the "cell phone". I never responded to any of her messages, so it looks like I got away scott-free.

Breakfast girl flaked, but no biggie. I was messaging another girl from tagged since yesterday, and she was a pain to convince to come out. I first tried to get her to come to my room, she refused saying she barely knows me. I said, ok how about the bar in the hotel, she refused. I said, ok, how about we grab food, with the intention of having her join me for pizza at the pizza place right next to the hotel, she refused again.

I get frustrated and forget to translate my English to Spanish in Google translate and just respond back in English. To my surprise she responds back in English.

We start speaking English, I keep on pushing for the meetup, but she tells me something about her step dad talking to her about this the other day, I have no idea what she is talking about, her English isn't great.

She still kept on resisting, but for some reason despite my directness she kept on messaging back, so I persisted thinking she would eventually crack.

I build some more comfort and find out she's an actress. I immediately smell blood in the water, and tell her I'm a video producer and send her the link to my production companies website portfolio. I tell her to come over and we'll shoot some videos since I have my camera equipment with me. She's down and immediately comes over in an hour.

This is where things got problematic. JCall007 and I are sharing a two bed room, and he had another girl over in the hotel. I go grab my camera bag and head to the hotel pool where the actress girl joined me.

I hang out and stall with her by the pool, by taking photos, video and hitting on her for about 30 minutes. She keeps saying she loves my camera. I text JCall007 to see if he's done with the room, no response.

I put my camera away, we hang out by the pool and talk. To my surprise she loves Nietzsche, which turned me on so much! JCall is taking forever, and the girl tells me she came with her male friend who was outside the hotel waiting for her. I decided this isn't going anywhere, and I will have to go for a second meetup.

I tell her to practice some more at home, and we can meet up and take more video and party, she told me she occasionally drinks.

A while later JCall finally finished up, he ended up getting his flag, at the expense of me loosing mine haha, but no biggie. We would later find out the girl I had, JCall had also been communicating with her on Tagged lol.

He leaves the room and I get another girl from Tagg to show up. This one is fine, and I have her come straight to the room. She speaks some English so I don't bother much with talking through my translator. I put on some Romeo music since the last girl I flagged liked it, she also loves it, guess he's a popular singer here.

She doesn't like vodka, so we take Black label shots from the minibar. I do the usual and dance with her, and start making out. She pushes away, a while later I makeout with her again, lift her up and put her on the bed. I start taking her top off, and she says she only has sex for money. I pretend I didn't understand, tell her no comprende and keep making out. She gets up and starts asking for money, saying her mother is ill and she wants $500 USD. I am speechless, I tell her she can't be serious, even pros in USA don't charge that much. I try to lie to her and say I don't have any cash, only visa card, she can trust me, I'll pay her tomorrow. But it didn't go anywhere, she eventually lives.

At this point I am now getting tired/frustrated with Tagged, seems there are a lot of semi-pros on there. I took a break from it the rest of the day, might give it another shot, next few days, idk.

In terms of breaking down my Tagged strategy, there really isn't much to it. It is not as efficient as JCalls. He pipelined girls ahead of time by talking to them for weeks, via whatsapp and Skype I think. I came on this trip last minute and I am too busy and lazy to bother messaging and pipeling.

What I've been doing so far is just finding girls that are "currently" online, the ones with the green circles. I message them with anything, from asking if they speak English, to whatever. Then try to get them out. It's basically just a machine gun numbers game approach. Not efficient by any means.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

So after flaking on this Tagged chick twice already (the first time she actually came to the hotel in a taxi with her 2 sisters but Superman and I were out somewhere WiFi-less), I got her to come back to Napolitano after breakfast today. She got here around noon and I bounced her directly to my room.

There proceeded the most massive LMR I've ever had here in SD. It went on for over 2 hours as we wrestled around on the bed as she scratched me all over my back and I nearly ripped off her panties as I bodyslammed her to the bed every time she tried to run and threaten to go home. Then I slipped my fingers inside her panties and finger banged her until she started gasping and gushing all over my fingers. The panties just rolled down her legs after that and we had some wild and freaky sex. She was a biter!

After I finally sent her home in a taxi, she blew up my whatsapp all evening with messages filled with hearts, kisses and love you's.

Ended the night with my 18 yr old regular and we just banged and hung out in my room until her sisters started bombarding her with phone calls.

So yea just been inviting Tagged girls back to my room in Napolitano and it worked for 2 of my 3 notches (the other one I got was when an english-speaking Tagged girl I had pipelined for about a month drove me to her house and back to the hotel after we finished) I'll probably do a more detailed trip report as well as a Tagged breakdown later.

Two more days left in the DR!

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-25-2013 10:59 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2013 10:21 PM)pheonix500000 Wrote:  

how much does it cost to spend a month there? 2 grand?

1500 for a month should do it.

Break this down, Just the cab from the airport to Hotel razor(sp) was like 40 bucks USD back in January. Mind you, I ain't no DR newie, I speak fluent Spanish and have been traveling to the DR ever since 3rd Bass dropped "The Catus Album." I find the D maybe not as expensive as Costa Rica or Brazil but it is no Bolivia.

It reminds me of Miami, at first glance it looks cheap. But once you living there and you check your account balance when you get back home, you are amazed how much money you spent and how quickly a dollar here and there add up.

Quote: (12-28-2013 02:39 AM)JofSuperman Wrote:  

DR is not bad, just be ready for everybody to want a piece of your money. It's my first time doing this kind of thing, so maybe I'm just a newb who expected his USD to go a long way here haha idk.

First thing first, I am a big fan of your body of work homie. Keep up the good work.

Don't let their hustling get you down. It just it is what it is in the D'. If it makes you feel betta, the hustling gets even worse if they find out you speak Spanish. That's when the sob stories really get going.

You are coming from a country where bitches will fuck you just because you have the latest Jordans to one where 50 miles West over in Haiti people are eating dirt patties. Keep this always in the back of your mind, and it will all start to make sense. This should put their thirstiness in context.

There's no such thing as a true free lunch in DR at least when it comes to dealing with barrio girls. I might sound like a Captain Save-A-Hoe, but I can't say I blame them for being so transactional and having a "Fuck you, pay me" mentality. The locals tigres pay for pussy too, but they pay for it in time and running little errands for these chicks.

I mean some guys, I guess just have it like that, lizards will come over to their hotel on their own dime and bang them gratis after only spending whatever it cost in bandwidth to send a couple of Whatsapp messages. However,for the average mere mortal; Dominicanas will want something out of you before giving up the pussy i.e. drinks, dinner, perfumes, underwear, Black berries, groceries, cab fare, or straight up and down P4P.

Also, because of low cost flights from the US and large Dominican diaspora abroad, There's a lot of money being thrown around in DR. My Dominican buddies tell me, that the average Dominican doesn't even bother doing back breaking labor in the campos no more(That's what Haitians are for), they rather hustle and fleece tourist and Dominican family members who live abroad. so they have this mentality that they have to clean you out before you get back on that Jetblue flight back home.

Quote: (12-28-2013 11:52 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2013 10:33 AM)renotime Wrote:  

Jof and Jcall, can we get a tagged breakdown?

For pipelining/online game I recommend in this order:

1. Dominican Cupid- Lots of quality. Pay sites are great cause they keep a lot of the rif raf off. I was very sucessful here. Pay for a platinum account and have at it. Most of them are my left-overs though. [Image: tard.gif]

2. Badoo- Plenty of barrio girls with some semi or straight up pro's here. Still, from the sheer number of wimminz I recommend buying super powers. You will pull off here.

3. Tagged- Well, fuck. I couldn't make this happen, even having dozens of girls added as friends. Tried different approaches but they mostly fell flat. Oh well, the other two sites made up for it. A shame, cause I'm checking the site now and I got all kinds of hot chicks added. So much pussy, so little time.

I'm going to hook Fisto up with the girl with the biggest titties on the island.

This is an excellent brief breakdown. I also would like to add, that the chances a chick on one those sites has swallowed some leche in exchange for some pesos to be almost 99.99%

Every chica on those sites are there because they heard from a friend of a friend that they met some gringo in there who gave them free shit without even having to give up the pussy first.

Unlike American sluts on Okcupid, these chicks are not online because they are horny and they want some dick. They are there because they are looking for a come up. The pussy is the bait.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-29-2013 01:07 AM)Gato Wrote:  

Spend some time in DR Fisto
ask direct questions bro

This will be my second time in the DR Gato.

I'm no pro but I really liked it.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-29-2013 01:20 AM)renotime Wrote:  

So fisto we thought you were gonna get in today.

What happened?

But on the plus side I did get a chick's number at the airport bar so the trip wasn't a total loss.

I'm not sure how the miscommunication happened. I fly in today.

In the admiral's club now in MIA, took the red eye at 11pm from Vegas. Arrive in SD at 115 or something.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Nice breakdown playa_with_a_passport. Everything you said is true.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-29-2013 07:38 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Quote: (12-29-2013 01:20 AM)renotime Wrote:  

So fisto we thought you were gonna get in today.

What happened?

But on the plus side I did get a chick's number at the airport bar so the trip wasn't a total loss.

I'm not sure how the miscommunication happened. I fly in today.

In the admiral's club now in MIA, took the red eye at 11pm from Vegas. Arrive in SD at 115 or something.

Quote: (12-26-2013 10:33 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Add me to the list. Flying into SD on 28th.


You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

in DR :" if she does not want anything she wants everything " applies.....the culture is mostly transactional. Last time I was in DR back in 2012...really had good time. My buddy lives there so things were much easier (e.g had access to car etc)...regardless you guys will have blast there.....

Dominican Republic for the New Year


My US debit card works at all Popular (Bank name) ATMs. I am able to withdraw Pesos from my US bank account. I get the full conversion rate of 42 pesos per dollar. There is no ATM fee. I have been doing this for 8 months. Each bank chain seems to have different rates and most charge a $3 atm fee. But Popular doesn't and it also happens to be the biggest and most "popular" chain.

Dominican Republic for the New Year


Okay I think we should try to have a meetup real soon. There are SO many forum members here right now. I would really like to just meet all you guys.

What do you think about meeting up during the daytime on New Year's Eve? Maybe a late lunch, like 2pm-4pm at Cafe El Conde in Zona Colonial (in plaza Colon)

Google: Hotel Conde De Penalba

This would fit in well with any daygame people are running before or after. If a group wants to bounce to a Casino afterwards for new year's eve pre-partying, they can do that. If some of us end up hanging out for new year's eve, great.

My only concern with this location is that tables might be full. We could set Hard rock cafe next door as a back up location. That place has a TON of room and shouldn't be too packed around 2pm. Its expensive, but we could bounce somewhere else.

My number is 829-350-4800. I am happy to be the point man on the meetup day.

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