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Dominican Republic for the New Year

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Correction Silva is fighting tomorrow

ill be catching it somewhere before hitting the town.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Whats the hottest club in SD? May get a table for NYE.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-27-2013 09:40 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Whats the hottest club in SD? May get a table for NYE.

Shit, I'm down if its affordable(like 50$ a person).

Dominican Republic for the New Year

The club I saw with the most hot chicks was London box on Saturday. Not sure what it will be like this week but it had an insane amount of quality girls when I was there followed by the mint afterhours in malecon.

Not sure if London box is a great table spot but it was solid for approaching. It's in naco.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Got into Santo Domingo on the 26th w/Jcall007, staying at the Napolitano.

After one day of miss firings with girls JCall007 pipelined from Tagged, I finally caught up to the program.

I updated my Tagged profile with some new photos, mass messaged a bunch of girls, and finally got a DR flag today. I don't speak a lick of Spanish, I used Google translate to translate the messages, and when the girl came to the room just played some music and after some LMR and trickery on my part, got her to comply.

Seems everything else is hard work, tried Badoo and that hasn't worked at all, but Tagged seems to be on point.

Lost two other flags today because couldn't get a hold of our driver Robert, he was with another forum member haha.

DR is becoming fun, only downside is everybody here is trying to fleece us out of money.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Haven't posted here in a long while since I arrived at Napolitano on early morning Thursday but here's what's been up:

-Pipelined tons of chicas from Tagged and a couple from Badoo and the first one who showed up to the hotel around 11 in the morning was from Badoo. Bounced her to the restaurant/breakfast area, told her I had better food in my room, brought her upstairs and got my flag! Ended up pounding that 18 yr old pussy until 2 pm and took a break to pick up JofSuperman from the airport with Robert

- The Badoo girl has become a regular and after banging her again today thinks she's in a relationship with me haha. But had a Tagged chica coming right afterwards so sent the Badoo girl off in a taxi. The Tagged girl picked me up in her own car and took me to her house in Distrito Nacional saying that her parents weren't home after I told her that my friend was taking a nap in my room (he was up there with a Tagged chica himself). Got to her house, no LMR, banged for an hour before she gave me a ride back to the hotel.

- More Tagged chicas set up for tomorrow. Should be wild!

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 12:55 AM)JofSuperman Wrote:  

DR is becoming fun, only downside is everybody here is trying to fleece us out of money.

Can you give some specific situations and people and the dollar amounts?

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Yea, I'll break down some of my trip expenses so far.

I was at the airport, and I was looking for a wifi to use my phone, some taxi guy helped me find one, then wanted a tip for it, I gave him $5 USD, this was before I knew anything about converting to pesos.

Got dinner at a pizza place by Napolitano, they barely had anything, and only gave me 210 pesos, even though my change was supposed to be 240 pesos. Each place arbitrarily decides their own currency conversion. It varies from dividing by 35, all the way to 42.

Went to a strip club, seemed sketchy so we left, pimp tried to get us to go into a car and drive around some corner to a better club. Our driver later said pimp was trying to fleece us for cab fare.

JCall007 had two girls he pipelined join us at the hotel. Got drinks at the hotel, and they're mad expensive, I think we paid $20. Bounced them to club mint, and as soon as our girls sit down, the bar tender brings two drinks to our girls, and we think they're on the house, cause the girls never asked for them. When we try to leave, the bar tender tells us we have to pay for the drinks the girls had, even though no one asked for them. That cost us another $20.

All the girls we invite to our hotel, want us to pay their cab fare. The two girls from mint, didn't want to bounce back to our hotel room for some lovin' after spending over $40 on drinks on them, yet had the nerve to ask us to pay for their cab fare to get away from us. I don't know about you guys, but I don't believe in financially supporting my own cockblock. We told them to wait for us outside while we go get change at the casino for their taxi, and just ditched them outside, to contact other girls.

I also had to pay the cab fare for the girl I flagged. She tried to hustle me for a new mobile phone, lied to her ass and said we can meetup tomorrow and I'll get her one; I plan to just flake on her. I invited her straight to the hotel room, and she at first wanted me to take her out to dinner. I lied and told her I tried the hotel dinner earlier this week and it made me very sick, so we shouldn't grab dinner. After day one, we were prepared. Our driver took us to a local guy that gave us a great conversion rate for USD to pesos, it was 42.4. We then went to the local super market and bought some vodka, and snacks, at a much better rates than the touristy places. No need to take girls out now, we have drinks and food at our place.

DR is not bad, just be ready for everybody to want a piece of your money. It's my first time doing this kind of thing, so maybe I'm just a newb who expected his USD to go a long way here haha idk.

Most girls you invite ask for about 400 pesos each way, so about 800 pesos both ways. Sounds like chump change, but if you're inviting 3 or 4 different girls a day, it quickly adds up. After learning our lesson from day one, we agreed to only pay for cabs when girls put out. Or just go pick them up with our driver, since we're already paying him for the whole day.

Looking forward to tomorrow morning, got two girls lined up. One girl from Haina wants to join me for breakfast, robert, our driver said it's far away and didn't want us to pick her up, b/c he is not sure about the neighborhood. I told her ass to take the bus to our hotel...let's see if she actually follows through. If she actually does, then this truly is a poosy paradise!

Dominican Republic for the New Year

I don't think the people are fleecing you for money, you are just throwing money around. First thing you should do, is convert your money into pesos.

You didn't have to tip the guy, $5 for showing you where the wi fi is located.

Of course when you pay with dollars, and the local currency is pesos, you are not going to get a great rate.

Hotels generally have more expensive drinks. Ask the price first. There are tons of places near your hotel that sells beers and cheap drink.

Go in front of the hotel and make friends with a taxi driver. Work out a deal, tell him that you will give me a lot of business, but you need to give you the best price. Have him pick up and drop off your girls.

I would pay for girls taxis there and back. Don't be a dick to the girls. Be nice and enjoy your time in the DR.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 02:39 AM)JofSuperman Wrote:  

Most girls you invite ask for about 400 pesos each way, so about 800 pesos both ways. Sounds like chump change, but if you're inviting 3 or 4 different girls a day, it quickly adds up. After learning our lesson from day one, we agreed to only pay for cabs when girls put out.

If you could afford to travel to the DR and stay in a decent hotel, you can afford the price of a taxi for a girl that came to see you. Your failure to close should not mean you stiff the girls for a ride home in a big city like Santo Domingo.

If she showed up with a shitty attitude, pay for her cab home and then next her. In Latin America, please don't be rude to people just because you now don't have anything more to gain from them.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

I would say most girls that come and see you, aren't going to have a shitty attitude. She is taking her time to come visit you. Most girls will also hit up the salon, $$$ before they come. They are investing, and they want the same in return.

If they really like, they will show you how to save money. Where to eat plato del dia, colmados that have the best cold beer. How to get around the city without a taxi, etc.

If you are complaining about pay for girls taxis, limit the number of girls, tell some of them to take a concho (cost less than $1) or go out and day game.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 02:39 AM)JofSuperman Wrote:  

Got dinner at a pizza place by Napolitano, they barely had anything, and only gave me 210 pesos, even though my change was supposed to be 240 pesos.

I heard the pizza was good there but wouldn't know first hand. After ordering one and paying for it, several thieving ungrateful members stole it and ate it, causing me to have a meltdown.

Quote: (12-28-2013 02:39 AM)JofSuperman Wrote:  

Looking forward to tomorrow morning, got two girls lined up. One girl from Haina wants to join me for breakfast, robert, our driver said it's far away and didn't want us to pick her up, b/c he is not sure about the neighborhood. I told her ass to take the bus to our hotel...let's see if she actually follows through. If she actually does, then this truly is a poosy paradise!

Haha. How many members are you rolling with? I imagine the evil drivers ride is starting to look like a clown car. [Image: tongue.gif]

Quote: (12-28-2013 08:54 AM)Masdinero Wrote:  

If they really like, they will show you how to save money. Where to eat plato del dia, colmados that have the best cold beer. How to get around the city without a taxi, etc.

Exactly. Girls were usually proud to show me where they ate daily. I saved Pizzarelli for special occasions. I used to publico hop all day. Cheap entertainment and a good way to meet girls, especially when they sit in your lap. [Image: angel.gif] [Image: heart.gif]

Use the ones around the campus, or in the evenings when people are going home. Start a conversation then invite them to get off at a colmado for a few jumbo's. Wait till one pulls up with hot chicks packed in it.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Still waiting yo hear about the hot club!

Man reading this thread is giving me flashback. Cant wait!

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 09:25 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Still waiting yo hear about the hot club!

Man reading this thread is giving me flashback. Cant wait!

Jet Set Club is the hottest saloon in town. That's where you'll see models, big time dope dealers, and ball players. Make sure to wear a blazer as a minimum.

[Image: attachment.jpg16173]   

Check into The Hard Rock. They may have an event with models working the door. Go there, pull a #, then have them meet you at Jet Set later.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Jof and Jcall, can we get a tagged breakdown?

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 09:25 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Man reading this thread is giving me flashback. Cant wait!

Howdy Fisto, I can see you all sitting pool side at Napolitano having mofongo and coffee for breakfast and then working your laptops to screen the girls on Badoo.

Good times , wish you guys all the Fun ........

Quote: (12-28-2013 10:33 AM)renotime Wrote:  

Jof and Jcall, can we get a tagged breakdown?

I thought all of you are staying at Napolitano [Image: huh.gif]

Jcall and Jof , yes I can see your frustration with Badoo Girls , I got tired after 3-4 days of trying to weed , One needs a super fine filtration system along with excellent time management skills but that is so much work that it started to get on my nerves . After getting my DR Flag I concentrated on Day Game and enjoyed that a whole lot more. This is the conundrum a player will face going to the DR for short period of time but it is what it is .........

SD (Girls,Traffic etc) will get on your nerves, got to find a way to keep yourself sane [Image: smile.gif]

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 10:52 AM)Lothario Wrote:  

SD (Girls,Traffic etc) will get on your nerves, got to find a way to keep yourself sane [Image: smile.gif]

SD isn't healthy for a long term stay. You'll go into meltdown status starting as soon as your eyes open. Plan on 4 day trips into Santiago or further up to the N Coast. Take a chick with you and just relax and soak up the peace and quiet. You'll thank me later.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 10:52 AM)Lothario Wrote:  

Jcall and Jof , yes I can see your frustration with Badoo Girls , I got tired after 3-4 days of trying to weed , One needs a super fine filtration system along with excellent time management skills but that is so much work that it started to get on my nerves . After getting my DR Flag I concentrated on Day Game and enjoyed that a whole lot more. This is the conundrum a player will face going to the DR for short period of time but it is what it is .........

This may turn out to be an epic mistake, but I'm leaning towards not even bothering with badoo or any online shit, and just rolling old school and see what happens when my boots hit the ground.

I got a badoo profile, but between the girl I've been banging here the past few weeks and all the shit I have to do before I check out of NorCal, I haven't even bothered messaging girls, etc.

On top of that, I'm posed to commit a few other mortal sins of an international playboy, I'm going to roll out without a smart phone or laptop.

I'll probably be kicking myself when I meet some forum guys and they are rolling in badoo pussy... but oh well.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 10:33 AM)renotime Wrote:  

Jof and Jcall, can we get a tagged breakdown?

For pipelining/online game I recommend in this order:

1. Dominican Cupid- Lots of quality. Pay sites are great cause they keep a lot of the rif raf off. I was very sucessful here. Pay for a platinum account and have at it. Most of them are my left-overs though. [Image: tard.gif]

2. Badoo- Plenty of barrio girls with some semi or straight up pro's here. Still, from the sheer number of wimminz I recommend buying super powers. You will pull off here.

3. Tagged- Well, fuck. I couldn't make this happen, even having dozens of girls added as friends. Tried different approaches but they mostly fell flat. Oh well, the other two sites made up for it. A shame, cause I'm checking the site now and I got all kinds of hot chicks added. So much pussy, so little time.

I'm going to hook Fisto up with the girl with the biggest titties on the island.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Everyone is going to be an Eskimo brother pretty soon.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 02:08 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Everyone is going to be an Eskimo brother pretty soon.

I have a funny story about fisto, now that you bring that up.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 02:09 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2013 02:08 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Everyone is going to be an Eskimo brother pretty soon.

I have a funny story about fisto, now that you bring that up.

dont leave us hanging dude.

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 11:51 AM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

On top of that, I'm posed to commit a few other mortal sins of an international playboy, I'm going to roll out without a smart phone or laptop.

I'll probably be kicking myself when I meet some forum guys and they are rolling in badoo pussy... but oh wel.

OG it's Ok to not pipeline if you don't want to, you can game plenty after landing but sure would need a smartphone that you can WhatsAPP with. Girls here don't have enough credit to use cell phone texting and prefer to use whatsApp for texting, I'm going to say over 80 %.

Seriously take a smartphone with you

Here is what Approach is going to look like, You meet a girl i n Mall, Calamdone etc exchange numbers to kick it later and when you text her no response it will be the same for next few approches and then you use whatsApp and whoa as soon as you put their contact info in you are texting non-stop even when they are working.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Quote: (12-28-2013 02:16 PM)Lothario Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2013 11:51 AM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

On top of that, I'm posed to commit a few other mortal sins of an international playboy, I'm going to roll out without a smart phone or laptop.

I'll probably be kicking myself when I meet some forum guys and they are rolling in badoo pussy... but oh wel.

OG it's Ok to not pipeline if you don't want to, you can game plenty after landing but sure would need a smartphone that you can WhatsAPP with. Girls here don't have enough credit to use cell phone texting and prefer to use whatsApp for texting, I'm going to say over 80 %.

Seriously take a smartphone with you

Here is what Approach is going to look like, You meet a girl i n Mall, Calamdone etc exchange numbers to kick it later and when you text her no response it will be the same for next few approches and then you use whatsApp and whoa as soon as you put their contact info in you are texting non-stop even when they are working.

Thanks for the advice, I may end up taking my iphone if I can get it unlocked before I leave, I suck at tech stuff so I'm not going to bother trying to figure out how to do it myself.

It sounds like whatsapp is the standard, I was planning on buying a pre-paid phone there, but wouldn't be able to use whatsapp. What's up with talking to girls on the phone? Is it like in the States where the majority of girls prefer to text and may not even answer their phones?

Also my Spanish is still pretty weak, not sure how far I can get texting, do you guys use translator or have good enough Spanish to get by?

Dominican Republic for the New Year

You don't need to get your iPhone unlocked. Buy 1 month of international data roaming from your provider...will cost you $30-$60 depending on how much data you buy. If you only (mostly) use it for whatsapp texting, 300MB should be plenty. I always do this when travelling internationally even if I end up getting a local SIM to make sure I have continuous data access.

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