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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Anyone who thinks banging asian girls is even as remotely difficult as banging white girls (esp. as a white guy) is deluding themselves.

And I'm sure you guys are banging those asian chicks in the pics [Image: rolleyes.gif] [Image: tard.gif]

Finally, 19 year old white girl > 19 year old asian chick, 7 times out of 10. I've banged both asians and white girls, so please don't bullshit me on this because it won't work. To the guys who say otherwise: when was the last time you banged an American white girl under the age of 21?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:33 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

Why not take r/K selection theory into account? It makes perfect evolutionary sense:
  • r-selection consists of "spray & pray", i.e., a man tries to fuck and impregnate as many women as possible, then invests very little time and money in his children. Most children will fail, some may even die, but a few will survive and procreate profusively. Think of rats, rabbits, and über-alpha psychopaths like Genghis Khan.
  • K-selection is the other extreme, i.e., a man chooses a woman carefully, commits to her, has few kids, and invests as much as possible in the few kids he has, to maximize the kids' chances of success. Think of decadent SWPL'ers.
Given that we carry in our genes the story of our ancestors, we are prone to both types of reproductive behavior. Needless to say, I suspect that RVF is populated mainly by r-types, but there may be some K-types around. Heck, I am a K-type. So, why am I here? Because I want to understand women in order to choose wisely a mother for the future fruit of my loins.

Personally, I think it would be healthy to accept the fact that not everyone here is biologically programmed to engage in r-behavior. Some want to collect 100s of notches and 10s of flags, others want to be patriarchs and have 3 kids and spend the next 20 years raising them to be good people. There's enough room for both types. The friction begins when K-types start chastising r-types, and r-types start ridiculing K-types.

More interestingly, men will probably oscillate between the two extremes. The transition from one type of behavior to the other must be triggered by testosterone, I suspect.

r/k selection does not apply to humans

r selection is for species like salmon who spawn thousands of offspring at once, or mosquitos. the goal is to use the least amount of resources possible to make as many offspring as possible in the hopes that there is enough genetic diversity that a few will survive rapidly changing environments.

It takes 9 months to grow a kid and after a woman pops it out it takes over a decade until the offspring is capable for caring for itself + reproducing.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 02:51 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

After reading through the comments I have to revise my earlier opinion. I guess 100 is not that big a deal if you've dedicated years of your life to going out and getting laid. Starting at 21(if you're in the US), assuming you don't look like Quasimoto, if you hit nightlife hard for a decade, have decent game and solid logistics, 10 new notches a year is pretty realistic. That's one a month allowing for 2 dry spell months a year.

The caveat is, few guys live that kind of lifestyle. Many will end up in relationships here and there and get taken off the market, get lost in the trap of video games and porn, or just have other more important things going on their life and can't be out constantly chasing girls.

I have noticed a lot of guys making video game analogies on here a lot lately.

That says something.

Older guys have an advantage here I think.

My generation all outgrew video games when we were kids.

I was shocked when I first found out that 20 year olds actually play them.

Also, I think older guys aren't as addicted to p0rn as the younger kids.

When I was a kid, p0rn was harder to get than weed, so we didn't become addicted.

There is a generational factor at play here too.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:09 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

r/k selection does not apply to humans

This is not a Biology class. We can use r/K types as mere archetypes, as two extremes. We can then try to place ourselves somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, between one extreme and the other.

It's a thought experiment, nothing else. It may help clarify things. And it's a new dichotomy (I am somewhat tired of the over-used alpha / beta dichotomy). It's a new dimension, and it enriches the discussion. We can then start talking about r-alphas, or K-alphas, or K-betas. I don't think there are r-betas, though.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:14 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Also, I think older guys aren't as addicted to p0rn as the younger kids.

When I was a kid, p0rn was harder to get than weed, so we didn't become addicted.

I was never really into porn, but I remember one time when I was seventeen, I wanted to go buy a magazine, Hustler or something. No beach towns in my county sold porn, certainly not alcohol-free Ocean City. I basically had to go across the county where there was a bookstore which had a pretty good selection. The guy at the bookstore sold it to me with some reservation (he knew I was seventeen). I'm pretty sure it would have been much easier for me to buy any drug.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I am reminded of the 80/20 concept..

20% of the guys are fucking 80% of the girls.

If you are in this 20% of guys, 100 notches is nothing. We have guys on this forum getting closer to 500-1000.

But, if you are in the 80% of guys who struggle to get laid -- 100 probably seems like a million. Impossible.

It not impossible. But, you must make MASSIVE, I mean, MASSIVE changes to your situation and strategy. You must rewire your brain and restructure your life! It's difficult but doable.

Quote: (10-08-2013 07:39 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

Most guys never break 10.

Wow! Are things really that bad?!?

I guess its true what Henry David Thoreau said..

"Most men live lives of quiet desperation"

I read that as a kid and my whole life I have strived to never live in "quiet desperation". I refuse to do it.

Quote: (10-08-2013 11:06 AM)DVY Wrote:  

Why is G-man getting so much flak?

Because he goes against the grain -- and he does it with flash and flair.

That always attracts haters.

No other senior member attracts so much hate. It's really a fascinating phenomenon. I think people see the gun and the fancy suits and it gets their hamster spinning. We often fear and criticize what we don't understand or can't relate to.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

In the average male population 100 bangs is a lot. On a forum like this where players congregate it's happens more frequently, but most likely it's not as frequent as we are led to believe. The older the guy is and the more he's traveled the more I believe him. The most I've known in real life was a friend of mine who was a pretty straight shooter, he said he banged around 80 at age 27. He's never traveled outside the US, but he's been to Canada. I've seen him game and met many of the girls over the years. He ran mostly social circle game.

The internet makes the world seem smaller and gives people skewed views of reality. Online it seems everyone is making 6 figures, 6'4 tall, bangs more than 100 girls, deadlifts 400+, and benches 300+. There's no way we can tell reality from fiction.

Considering the fact that the majority of people bullshit and embellish things, take the numbers with a grain of salt.

But just for the hell of it, let's do some quick math. Assuming a guy is cold approaching, how many girls does he need to approach to get 1 lay in the US? Assuming you're not famous, I'd say if your game is very good probably 20 or 30. So he has to approach 2000 to 3000 girls to bang 100.

How long does it take to approach that many girls? Let's say he approaches 10 girls a week every single week. Then to bang 100, it's going to take him 4-6 years of constant approaching. It's impossible to figure out the numbers for sure. Internet bangs, freebies, etc all skew the numbers. Considering the average guy probably has to cold approach 100 or more chicks to get 1 lay, we're talking 10,000 approaches here. What about times he's in an LTR? Takes a break? Is sick? Is banging FWBs for a few months?

The point is 100 isn't nothing, in some situations it's a Herculean sustained effort. In other situations not so much. It's probably in the top 1% of guys.

I believe the keys are age and traveling. With age comes better game, more experience, more money, better lifestyle, etc. Traveling comes better quality, better focus, and in many cases easier bangs.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I know four guys over 100. I think the big milestones generally go 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:14 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I was shocked when I first found out that 20 year olds actually play them.

Several guys who are 30-35 who work for me play them lol

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

lol working on 1.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 05:27 PM)CaliforniaSupreme Wrote:  

lol working on 1.

You're young. Don't worry about it. The mere fact that you found the forum puts you ahead of most other guys your age.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 05:04 PM)Neo Wrote:  

Online it seems everyone is making 6 figures, 6'4 tall, bangs more than 100 girls, deadlifts 400+, and benches 300+.

I always smile when this is held out as some insane ideal.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 12:05 AM)Therapsid Wrote:  

Numbers guys brag about online don't mean shit.

The truth is between a man and himself.

A guy can learn a little game and make picking up average looking, slutty American girls a full-time job and rack up numbers that -

meanwhile a guy with tighter game and better looks but who spends years away in LTRs and who is more discriminating may not pull.

[Image: agree.gif]

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 04:07 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I am reminded of the 80/20 concept..

20% of the guys are fucking 80% of the girls.

If you are in this 20% of guys, 100 notches is nothing. We have guys on this forum getting closer to 500-1000.

But, if you are in the 80% of guys who struggle to get laid -- 100 probably seems like a million. Impossible.

It not impossible. But, you must make MASSIVE, I mean, MASSIVE changes to your situation and strategy. You must rewire your brain and restructure your life! It's difficult but doable.

For sure, this really is a lot of what it boils down to the 80/20 concept, but I think a big part of the divide is in terms of men's looks. Sure we can all put in the effort to spend years in the gym, work hard and make money to afford top notch clothing, etc., but at the end of the day, not all men are created equal when it comes to looks and height.

This is stating the obvious, but I think a lot of the guys who think it's easy to obtain 100+ notches are in the top 20% of looks. When you are better looking than 80% of other men, it will make attracting and bedding women that much easier, sometimes even to the point where the women are putting in a good bit of effort to facilitate the hook up.

Not to say that average looking guys can't achieve 100 lays, but aside from a couple guys, the only dudes I know personally that have 100+ notches are way above average in terms of looks and height.

The other guys who have near that many notches either have exceptional game, or fuck fugly fat girls. I know a guy with according to his estimate 300 notches, but he's fucked some real trolls. Whereas I have no where near as many, but I've always kept my standards so much higher, there are plenty of girls he's banged, I wouldn't even touch.

Really what it boils down to are looks, game, and location. Ideally you have all 3, but at least 1 of the 3. A guy who women rate a 9, with exceptional game, who lives in the most ideal spot in Miami or NYC will kill 100 times harder than a guy who is a 6, has decent game, and lives in the rural south.

Obviously we all strive to improve ourselves and our situations in life, but sometimes we can only improve so much, everyone has a "ceiling" to how far they can take it.

There are some outliers out there, but if you look like Steve Buscemi good luck laying 100 women in your life outside of being famous or truly rich, whereas a 6 ft. 4 in guy who looks like Brad Pitt could work as a greeter at Walmart, but bed 100 women by the time he's 30 no problem.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 06:47 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

For sure, this really is a lot of what it boils down to the 80/20 concept, but I think a big part of the divide is in terms of men's looks. Sure we can all put in the effort to spend years in the gym, work hard and make money to afford top notch clothing, etc., but at the end of the day, not all men are created equal when it comes to looks and height.

This is stating the obvious, but I think a lot of the guys who think it's easy to obtain 100+ notches are in the top 20% of looks. When you are better looking than 80% of other men, it will make attracting and bedding women that much easier, sometimes even to the point where the women are putting in a good bit of effort to facilitate the hook up.

Not to say that average looking guys can't achieve 100 lays, but aside from a couple guys, the only dudes I know personally that have 100+ notches are way above average in terms of looks and height.

The other guys who have near that many notches either have exceptional game, or fuck fugly fat girls. I know a guy with according to his estimate 300 notches, but he's fucked some real trolls. Whereas I have no where near as many, but I've always kept my standards so much higher, there are plenty of girls he's banged, I wouldn't even touch.

Really what it boils down to are looks, game, and location. Ideally you have all 3, but at least 1 of the 3. A guy who women rate a 9, with exceptional game, who lives in the most ideal spot in Miami or NYC will kill 100 times harder than a guy who is a 6, has decent game, and lives in the rural south.

Obviously we all strive to improve ourselves and our situations in life, but sometimes we can only improve so much, everyone has a "ceiling" to how far they can take it.

There are some outliers out there, but if you look like Steve Buscemi good luck laying 100 women in your life outside of being famous or truly rich, whereas a 6 ft. 4 in guy who looks like Brad Pitt could work as a greeter at Walmart, but bed 100 women by the time he's 30 no problem.

I don't agree 100%, but you're much, much closer to the truth than anyone else on here.

All these 100+ notch players are living in Major Cities, places that are sexually much more open and liberal than small towns. It's like something out of the pages of Malcolm Gladwell book Outliers. Many of us are like the Chris Langan of game.

Players like G Manifesto or Boytoy simply don't have to face the challenges and obstacles the average guy has to deal with.

They are fighting a downhill battle compared to us.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

It's not that banging white girls in the US or Canada is a challenge to be honest, is it?

Anyone who's been to Asia will tell you, that a fly Asian girl in Asia is much more alluring, attractive, sexy and intoxicating than a fly white girl. Anytime of the day and thrice on sunday!

And those girls posted are nothing exceptional. Yes they are cute and sexy, but girls like them are a dime a dozen in BKK, GZ, HKG and I'm sure also in any major city in China as well as Jakarta or other major cities in Asia. To give you a better idea of the talent on the ground, in Tokyo, those girls would be a 5 or a 6. In BKK, they'd be a 6 or 7. Idem in GZ.

You are dangerously falling into Dash Globalesque territory here: that is talking about things you have no idea and place you have not been to yet. Get out there more man, travel more, experience more life and then you will understand.

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks banging asian girls is even as remotely difficult as banging white girls (esp. as a white guy) is deluding themselves.

And I'm sure you guys are banging those asian chicks in the pics [Image: rolleyes.gif] [Image: tard.gif]

Finally, 19 year old white girl > 19 year old asian chick, 7 times out of 10. I've banged both asians and white girls, so please don't bullshit me on this because it won't work. To the guys who say otherwise: when was the last time you banged an American white girl under the age of 21?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 12:51 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

I'd also rather stay in 6 nights a week to read and do work even if it means I get 80% fewer notches. There's way too much obsession with some guys of getting laid. At the end of the day, once you've sealed the deal you've just lost a part of your life and it's not coming back.

See, that's what it's really about. Doing what you want, when you want and being happy with it. You do that and eventually people will catch on and start wanting a piece of the action.

That being said, you should have the skills to go out (when you want) and pull on a semi-regular basis.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 05:27 PM)CaliforniaSupreme Wrote:  

lol working on 1.

Where do you live?

Edit: Just read your username, disregard this post, I'm retarded.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 08:18 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 05:27 PM)CaliforniaSupreme Wrote:  

lol working on 1.

Where do you live?

So Cal, it's in my name [Image: tongue.gif]

Edit: It's all good bro!

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:18 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

and G is right - if you become the type of guy that can box/fight, have custom clothes, squat heavy, be well traveled, and make decent cash - you'll pull all day long - even as you age.

that said, I have no idea what "pull into barrel" means.

Getting shacked.

In my opinion, much harder than pulling 100 fly girls for your "average joe".

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I was a clown when it came to banging women back in the day. If you told me 7 years ago what my notch count would be around, I'd tell you that you've got the wrong guy.

Now, my notch count is something I don't even think about. I couldn't tell you what it is and I don't care.

I got my fill one night last weekend because I was horny. The next night I went to the gym, enjoyed a bottle of wine, read and talked shit on the forum despite girls buzzing me.

It's everything else that I do with my life that allows me to get laid nowadays. I could've only imagined such a reality a few years back.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 12:51 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Location is king. Getting 100 notches in SEA is like making 30K in the USA.

But that's another point: Who is to say all notches are created equal? I'd take 30 white girls over 100 asian girls.

I'd also rather stay in 6 nights a week to read and do work even if it means I get 80% fewer notches. There's way too much obsession with some guys of getting laid. At the end of the day, once you've sealed the deal you've just lost a part of your life and it's not coming back.

Samseau if I'd wrote that I banged 30 white girls in Thailand, you'd probably reply "well they were on vacation, it doesn't count, try banging them back in the USA." It reminds me of the pissing match Neil Skywalker had with Hooligan Harry about having money while traveling, to me, a pussy hole is a pussy hole. Although I'm not a huge fan of Asian girls (physical appearance), I don't really like young North American girls either (attitude), young Colombian girls are a different story though. If anything the fact that I banged as many Asian girls as I did during my trip kind of proves that I wasn't into them, as I'd sooner keep one girl around longer but I never did, actually a quarter of my bangs in Asia were Africans.

I agree about spending too much time chasing pussy, there's lots of other stuff I'd rather do, fishing, diving, smoking reefers, etc.

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks banging asian girls is even as remotely difficult as banging white girls (esp. as a white guy) is deluding themselves.

And I'm sure you guys are banging those asian chicks in the pics [Image: rolleyes.gif] [Image: tard.gif]

Finally, 19 year old white girl > 19 year old asian chick, 7 times out of 10. I've banged both asians and white girls, so please don't bullshit me on this because it won't work. To the guys who say otherwise: when was the last time you banged an American white girl under the age of 21?

We all know that its easier to bang Asian girls in SE Asia as a white guy, so what? It isn't as easy as some guys make it out to be though, remember the guy I met in BKK who went 6 weeks without getting laid?

As for the girls in the pics, a couple of Filipinas I banged were hotter than the second one and Fisto, THC and 20nation consistently banged girls as hot or hotter than all of those, you know the guys who've all banged over 100 girls in the past year, oh ya they don't count, most of them were Asian.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 09:00 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 12:51 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Location is king. Getting 100 notches in SEA is like making 30K in the USA.

But that's another point: Who is to say all notches are created equal? I'd take 30 white girls over 100 asian girls.

I'd also rather stay in 6 nights a week to read and do work even if it means I get 80% fewer notches. There's way too much obsession with some guys of getting laid. At the end of the day, once you've sealed the deal you've just lost a part of your life and it's not coming back.

Samseau if I'd wrote that I banged 30 white girls in Thailand, you'd probably reply "well they were on vacation, it doesn't count, try banging them back in the USA." It reminds me of the pissing match Neil Skywalker had with Hooligan Harry about having money while traveling, to me, a pussy hole is a pussy hole. Although I'm not a huge fan of Asian girls (physical appearance), I don't really like young North American girls either (attitude), young Colombian girls are a different story though. If anything the fact that I banged as many Asian girls as I did during my trip kind of proves that I wasn't into them, as I'd sooner keep one girl around longer but I never did, actually a quarter of my bangs in Asia were Africans.

I agree about spending too much time chasing pussy, there's lots of other stuff I'd rather do, fishing, diving, smoking reefers, etc.

Bro, you've admitted to smashing fatties. This means you have a dick that can get hard for anything, so I don't doubt your numbers for a second.

My dick is picky like a rich old man whose been fine dining all his life and walks into an Applebees.


Quote: (10-08-2013 03:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks banging asian girls is even as remotely difficult as banging white girls (esp. as a white guy) is deluding themselves.

And I'm sure you guys are banging those asian chicks in the pics [Image: rolleyes.gif] [Image: tard.gif]

Finally, 19 year old white girl > 19 year old asian chick, 7 times out of 10. I've banged both asians and white girls, so please don't bullshit me on this because it won't work. To the guys who say otherwise: when was the last time you banged an American white girl under the age of 21?

We all know that its easier to bang Asian girls in SE Asia as a white guy, so what? It isn't as easy as some guys make it out to be though, remember the guy I met in BKK who went 6 weeks without getting laid?

As for the girls in the pics, a couple of Filipinas I banged were hotter than the second one and Fisto, THC and 20nation consistently banged girls as hot or hotter than all of those, you know the guys who've all banged over 100 girls in the past year, oh ya they don't count, most of them were Asian.

I don't know THC or 20nation, but Fisto I have seen pics of the white girls he's banged and they have been just as hot, actually they were hotter, than the asian girls he's posted.

That said, until I see pictures I believe nothing.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 09:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 09:00 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 12:51 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Location is king. Getting 100 notches in SEA is like making 30K in the USA.

But that's another point: Who is to say all notches are created equal? I'd take 30 white girls over 100 asian girls.

I'd also rather stay in 6 nights a week to read and do work even if it means I get 80% fewer notches. There's way too much obsession with some guys of getting laid. At the end of the day, once you've sealed the deal you've just lost a part of your life and it's not coming back.

Samseau if I'd wrote that I banged 30 white girls in Thailand, you'd probably reply "well they were on vacation, it doesn't count, try banging them back in the USA." It reminds me of the pissing match Neil Skywalker had with Hooligan Harry about having money while traveling, to me, a pussy hole is a pussy hole. Although I'm not a huge fan of Asian girls (physical appearance), I don't really like young North American girls either (attitude), young Colombian girls are a different story though. If anything the fact that I banged as many Asian girls as I did during my trip kind of proves that I wasn't into them, as I'd sooner keep one girl around longer but I never did, actually a quarter of my bangs in Asia were Africans.

I agree about spending too much time chasing pussy, there's lots of other stuff I'd rather do, fishing, diving, smoking reefers, etc.

Bro, you've admitted to smashing fatties. This means you have a dick that can get hard for anything, so I don't doubt your numbers for a second.

My dick is picky like a rich old man whose been fine dining all his life and walks into an Applebees.


Quote: (10-08-2013 03:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks banging asian girls is even as remotely difficult as banging white girls (esp. as a white guy) is deluding themselves.

And I'm sure you guys are banging those asian chicks in the pics [Image: rolleyes.gif] [Image: tard.gif]

Finally, 19 year old white girl > 19 year old asian chick, 7 times out of 10. I've banged both asians and white girls, so please don't bullshit me on this because it won't work. To the guys who say otherwise: when was the last time you banged an American white girl under the age of 21?

We all know that its easier to bang Asian girls in SE Asia as a white guy, so what? It isn't as easy as some guys make it out to be though, remember the guy I met in BKK who went 6 weeks without getting laid?

As for the girls in the pics, a couple of Filipinas I banged were hotter than the second one and Fisto, THC and 20nation consistently banged girls as hot or hotter than all of those, you know the guys who've all banged over 100 girls in the past year, oh ya they don't count, most of them were Asian.

I don't know THC or 20nation, but Fisto I have seen pics of the white girls he's banged and they have been just as hot, actually they were hotter, than the asian girls he's posted.

That said, until I see pictures I believe nothing.

You wanna see a pic of this fat Thai chick I banged?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 05:59 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2013 11:49 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

G is 100% spot on here. Surprised he's catching so much heat on this one.

Of course I am catching heat on here. The truth is painful.

Shit, I've been thinking and all this hate G gets reminds me of Socrates.

Socrates encouraged the young men of Athens to "lead examined lives" and in doing so, to improve their life. Naturally,the majority of Athens didn't like him going against the grain, so they put him to death on charges of "Corrupting the Youth." Now, thousands of years later people remember the name of Socrates and his teachings, and not the names of those who put him to death.

G shares mad knowledge here and is always encouraging guys to "examine their lives" and to improve wherever they can. And naturally, guys are quick to hate on him.

He posted stuff on "Custom Suits" in 2005 and people laughed at him. Now, everyone in the game knows the value of being custom-suited-up.

He was telling us all how smoking cigarettes can give you mad opportunities to spit primo game at girls. People laughed at him again, but sure enough give it a few years and things have changed. Guys even started smoking clove cigarettes just to get an edge.

Maybe some of you doubters should take a look at G's track record.

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