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Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

I saw this from Houston's post in the hamster thread.


Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

No thoughts

I am the cock carousel

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Rap is dead. It died a long time ago.

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

[Image: gay.gif]

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde


1. This shit ain't rap, it's some sort of psychedelic white-girl rambling to music.
2. This shit is whack.
3. Some bitches are such self-absorbed imbeciles (see: princess tattoo).
4. Beta-ass dudes will celebrate anything with a remotely cute girl in it, which is the only reason this shit has any views whatsoever.
5. Would bang, but chick seems mad annoying, so I'm angry at myself for it.

[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Quote: (05-15-2012 10:59 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  


1. This shit ain't rap, it's some sort of psychedelic white-girl rambling to music.
2. This shit is whack.
3. Some bitches are such self-absorbed imbeciles (see: princess tattoo).
4. Beta-ass dudes will celebrate anything with a remotely cute girl in it, which is the only reason this shit has any views whatsoever.
5. Would bang, but chick seems mad annoying, so I'm angry at myself for it.

[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

Similar thoughts.. This girl isn't a rapper, it's just some delusional chick who wants to pounded by an alpha male.
Would also bang.. And hope I never see her again, 'cause she'll probably stalk me forever.

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Quote: (05-15-2012 10:45 AM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

Rap is dead. It died a long time ago.

No its not, its just hiding. If you expect to find rap where you find other music you wont.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Quote: (05-15-2012 02:47 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 10:45 AM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

Rap is dead. It died a long time ago.

No its not, its just hiding. If you expect to find rap where you find other music you wont.

I say it's dead like punk is dead. Yeah, it's still out there. It's just not what it used to be.

I liked rap better when it was scary.

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Quote: (05-15-2012 03:13 PM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 02:47 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 10:45 AM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

Rap is dead. It died a long time ago.

No its not, its just hiding. If you expect to find rap where you find other music you wont.

I say it's dead like punk is dead. Yeah, it's still out there. It's just not what it used to be.

I liked rap better when it was scary.

Again, you're confusing pop with rap. Whats played on the "hip-hop" stations and clubs now is not rap, its pop. Its mass marketed music created by old white men in suits to make money. Look up Jedi Mind Tricks and tell me how that suits your tastes.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

I'm guessing you mean rough and raw by scary. Its still around in the underground. Ill post some up tonight from my laptop.

Brotha lynch hung, j dawg, killa cal wayne, k rino, gangsta nip, mr. 3-2, grimm

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

is it weird that i enjoyed the video? i think she did good, even though it wasn't rap. i like how for the most part she rhymed 2 syllables at a time, it wasn't no nursery rhymes. i won't be cruising around bumping this or whatever, but it's cool. she's pretty much was just being herself and i'm sure females relate to her lyrics.

by the way, rap is definitely not dead. check out big krit, j cole, freddie gibbs, yelawolf.

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

A person taking words that happen to rhyme over a beat isn't rapping. She's got no flow. I like punchlines(metaphors, similies, puns) and it's like women rappers lack the ability to make abstract connections between 2 dissimilar things.

If she wants to discuss pining for the alpha cock, she should get a tumblr, or my cock.

Rap's not dead, the record label promote over-the-top characters and imagery at the expense of actual lyricism.

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Reminds me why I like teenage girls.

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

La chat and Gangsta boo were the only 2 female rappers who weren't to bad. I wish I wasn't on my phone so I could post that song from the Choices cd where they're going back and forth. They ate up that beat like a sammich.

"Hip hop heads" annoy me. Very close minded people and its usually nerdy white boys who are those types of rap fans. Just listen to what you like and don't try to say what's real and what isn't.

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Yeah I wouldn't even call that rap. This is what a female rapper sounds like (note the manjaw) -

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Quote: (05-15-2012 05:52 PM)durangotang Wrote:  

Reminds me why I like teenage girls.

[Image: 20287_1214355733902_400_300.jpg]

"That's what I like about these teenage girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Quote: (05-15-2012 05:52 PM)houston Wrote:  

La chat and Gangsta boo were the only 2 female rappers who weren't to bad. I wish I wasn't on my phone so I could post that song from the Choices cd where they're going back and forth. They ate up that beat like a sammich.

"Hip hop heads" annoy me. Very close minded people and its usually nerdy white boys who are those types of rap fans. Just listen to what you like and don't try to say what's real and what isn't.
La Chat and Gangsta Boo go back and forth at the beginning


Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

This is some new rap that can hold its own against "scary rap"


Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

I dont like when people say rap fell off because they're to lazy to do some research.


Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde


White-girl rap is where's itz at. Djeah, boyyyy.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

Quote: (05-15-2012 11:37 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  


White-girl rap is where's itz at. Djeah, boyyyy.

I didnt want to pull these out but you made me.....


Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

She's a wannabe Kreayshawn


Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

This thread needs moar Watsky

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Teenage white girl rapper - Kitty Pryde

After watching these Kreayshawn videos, I've come to the determination that (hipster) girls from San Francisco make themselves look busted through a lot of effort, i.e. grandma hair, tattoos, etc; while DC chicks make themselves look busted through pure laziness.

Is that chick with a feather earring and grandma hair for real? What the shit?

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