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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (09-24-2018 09:13 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

sucks. I was doing so well in tinder 2016- till summer 2018 and the results from it beat even my best year in daygame lay wise but now my account gets banned too fast where I'd have to buy a new phone number every week which is about 15-30$.

Might have to cut my losses because the amount of effort I have to make learning new algorithms etc. is starting to make it not worth it.

I'll just be grateful of the brief period of success I had with it. It's a bit scary though as majority of girls I'm sleeping with ongoing are from tinder now.

1. You don't need a new phone number for a new account. Just a new Facebook.

2. If your account is getting banned, you're doing something wrong.

Tinder App

I've not used Tinder much or met anyone from it. But I've installed it a few times.

Most notable this year in Russia - an instant stream of girls from about 7.0 to 8.2, down to 18 yo. About 1 in 10 would message.

I tried it in quite rural UK about two years ago. Matches in the range of 7.0 - 7.6. Three 19 yos. I messaged a few but there was nothing. One blew her top at me. I deleted. Most of the matches were people who liked me first.

Having just got back from EE for 5-6 months I installed looking for an option before I finally leave for good next year. Now almost all matches I liked first and the quality is barely a 7.0, the average age is in the low 30s. There is one girl about a 7.6, 28 yo.

Time to delete. The thirst is real.


Tinder App

I'm pretty sure tinder is in fact banning numbers
one if my troll profiles got banned and it gets banned instant when I use that number

You don't need a Facebook to even create a page noe

I am the cock carousel

Tinder App

Quote: (09-25-2018 08:11 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2018 09:13 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

sucks. I was doing so well in tinder 2016- till summer 2018 and the results from it beat even my best year in daygame lay wise but now my account gets banned too fast where I'd have to buy a new phone number every week which is about 15-30$.

Might have to cut my losses because the amount of effort I have to make learning new algorithms etc. is starting to make it not worth it.

I'll just be grateful of the brief period of success I had with it. It's a bit scary though as majority of girls I'm sleeping with ongoing are from tinder now.

1. You don't need a new phone number for a new account. Just a new Facebook.

2. If your account is getting banned, you're doing something wrong.

Even facebook accounts require a phone number.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong but I have a hunch it's the same few girls reporting my account because I don't get reported when I switch locations using the exact same game. I've been gaming in the same city for over 10 years so likely accumulated some haters I think.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-24-2018 05:01 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Did anyone try out this new "places" update?

I'm not sure how comfortable I am with it using my location ALWAYS in the background.

[Image: attachment.jpg40144]   
[Image: attachment.jpg40145]   

Sounds like worthless bullshit to me, the girl still has to swipe on you first for it to work so once again another feature just for girls, fuck tinder.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-25-2018 12:17 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2018 08:11 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2018 09:13 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

sucks. I was doing so well in tinder 2016- till summer 2018 and the results from it beat even my best year in daygame lay wise but now my account gets banned too fast where I'd have to buy a new phone number every week which is about 15-30$.

Might have to cut my losses because the amount of effort I have to make learning new algorithms etc. is starting to make it not worth it.

I'll just be grateful of the brief period of success I had with it. It's a bit scary though as majority of girls I'm sleeping with ongoing are from tinder now.

1. You don't need a new phone number for a new account. Just a new Facebook.

2. If your account is getting banned, you're doing something wrong.

Even facebook accounts require a phone number.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong but I have a hunch it's the same few girls reporting my account because I don't get reported when I switch locations using the exact same game. I've been gaming in the same city for over 10 years so likely accumulated some haters I think.

Sure they do, but you can keep using the same number over and over last time I checked.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-25-2018 07:46 PM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2018 12:17 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2018 08:11 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2018 09:13 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

sucks. I was doing so well in tinder 2016- till summer 2018 and the results from it beat even my best year in daygame lay wise but now my account gets banned too fast where I'd have to buy a new phone number every week which is about 15-30$.

Might have to cut my losses because the amount of effort I have to make learning new algorithms etc. is starting to make it not worth it.

I'll just be grateful of the brief period of success I had with it. It's a bit scary though as majority of girls I'm sleeping with ongoing are from tinder now.

1. You don't need a new phone number for a new account. Just a new Facebook.

2. If your account is getting banned, you're doing something wrong.

Even facebook accounts require a phone number.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong but I have a hunch it's the same few girls reporting my account because I don't get reported when I switch locations using the exact same game. I've been gaming in the same city for over 10 years so likely accumulated some haters I think.

Sure they do, but you can keep using the same number over and over last time I checked.

No after an account gets banned the number that activated the account also gets banned. Even if I make a new facebook, if I use the same number I did last time it gets banned right after I put in the code. 40303 error or whatever.

Tinder App

Tinder has been shit lately in NYC.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-25-2018 10:02 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2018 07:46 PM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2018 12:17 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2018 08:11 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2018 09:13 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

sucks. I was doing so well in tinder 2016- till summer 2018 and the results from it beat even my best year in daygame lay wise but now my account gets banned too fast where I'd have to buy a new phone number every week which is about 15-30$.

Might have to cut my losses because the amount of effort I have to make learning new algorithms etc. is starting to make it not worth it.

I'll just be grateful of the brief period of success I had with it. It's a bit scary though as majority of girls I'm sleeping with ongoing are from tinder now.

1. You don't need a new phone number for a new account. Just a new Facebook.

2. If your account is getting banned, you're doing something wrong.

Even facebook accounts require a phone number.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong but I have a hunch it's the same few girls reporting my account because I don't get reported when I switch locations using the exact same game. I've been gaming in the same city for over 10 years so likely accumulated some haters I think.

Sure they do, but you can keep using the same number over and over last time I checked.

No after an account gets banned the number that activated the account also gets banned. Even if I make a new facebook, if I use the same number I did last time it gets banned right after I put in the code. 40303 error or whatever.

Interesting. Guess I haven't tried that because... I'm a normal person who doesn't get banned.

Which brings me back to the point: quit being a fucktard and getting banned. It's really not that hard.

Tinder App

I just deleted the app after three months. I felt like I was becoming addicted to the app.

I decided last night while out with a friend to invite all my tinder contacts in the area out to the same bar. Out of the 20 invites (6-9 hot), all responded positively, 6 confirmed that they would join me, 4/6 flaked out, and 2 showed up. 1 was much older than the photos dropping her value to 6/7ish, the other was 15 pounds heavier than the photos. Old lady arrived first, and I introduced myself and told her a friend was about to arrive. Girl 2 arrives and I introduce myself to her and the other woman. Then, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and left. This all took 2.5 hours of my time.

In contrast, I met up with a friend and hit a hopping spot in town. I did 3 approaches, and plowed through a terrible bitch shield on approach 2 for 15 min, and sealed the deal on approach number 3 and got the bang. This all took an hour and I had a great time with a friend.

The problem with Tinder is that most of the women are merely seeking attention (not even serious about meeting) AND are deceiptful about their appearances.

The only limited value in tinder is pipelining to find a translator or in small towns where women are difficuilt to approach because they do not want to appear as sluts in public.

I think these women are just using the app to inflate their ego by blowing men off and being generally rude and nastly. My theory is that the women have all these edited professional photos made, and are too embarrassed to meet in the real world, and its easier to blow guys off and be rude, while being able to have “so many guys wanting them,” than it is to show up for a date. Seldom, did a tinder date arrive and be equally hot as she was in the pictures. The flaking on tinder is through the roof.

Fwiw I have noticed that the best times to tinder on the east coast and in the midwest is 2-5 pm. I had the most success with immediately inviting them out after work hours for a drink at a bar and asking them for their number and giving them mine. I sent voice recorded texts and the called the woman to confirm the date details and logistics. Most flaked after the phone call, but the flake rate is lower compared to only texting a girl and is much faster.

Tinder App

Player1137 I completely agree with you

Tinder App

Quote: (09-26-2018 11:05 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Player1137 I completely agree with you

I've gotten various bangs over the last year (a few SNLs where the girl disappeared and a couple girls who are still in rotation), but the last 3-6 months have been terrible. Decent amount of matches but all seem to be attention whores.

Even Bumble has gone downhill, and I was crushing it on there last year around this time. After uploading new/professional pics I was getting an insane amount of matches. Even creating a new profile has yielded mediocre results (both Tinder and Bumble).

Tinder has probably become passe and most have moved onto other services. The only things I've never tried are the premium service plans (Tinder+ and Bumble Boost).
I can't imagine how shit these apps become in rural locations.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-26-2018 11:46 AM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Tinder has probably become passe and most have moved onto other services.

Any idea what those other services are? I'm back in the game for the first time in a while (been focused on work and other things) and Tinder is garbage.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-26-2018 12:02 PM)Sumanguru Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2018 11:46 AM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Tinder has probably become passe and most have moved onto other services.

Any idea what those other services are? I'm back in the game for the first time in a while (been focused on work and other things) and Tinder is garbage.

Bumble is step up and the current best in my experience has been Hinge. I get a steady stream of matches and girls who are down to meet.

Tinder App

I have had similar results across all three apps. Time is better spent by getting out into the world and off the cell phone.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-26-2018 01:00 PM)spydersuit Wrote:  

I have had similar results across all three apps. Time is better spent by getting out into the world and off the cell phone.

Have you maxed out your pics by getting high quality photos? Ensure to keep your profile short (avoid cliches and try-hard aphorisms) while still conveying your personality.

As for text game: with any matches, try to get the digits and meet them in person asap. This requires some calibration, but if the girl's buying temperature is high you need to close. This strategy makes it easier to weed out the attention whores and flakes-- see if they continue to give you the run-around, stop responding entirely or play coy when you attempt to move the interaction forward.

For the first-meet logistics: book a location as close to your pad as possible. This will maximize your chances of success (SNL pull to your pad) and minimize the time and effort spent on dud prospects.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-26-2018 12:02 PM)Sumanguru Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2018 11:46 AM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Tinder has probably become passe and most have moved onto other services.

Any idea what those other services are? I'm back in the game for the first time in a while (been focused on work and other things) and Tinder is garbage.

There are no other "services".

Despite all the whining, Tinder is still King. It has by FAR the greatest female population and you have the best chance of matching with hot girls.

P.S. it appears Tinder is indeed using machine learning to recognize certain facial features and recommend you girls based on them:


Tinder App

I was wondering if the top daily pick thing is successfully working for anyone? Does it show up differently on the girls side? Like a superlike shows up all blue. Does the top pick show up all gold? (if any of you guys have been picked for that)

Tinder App

I downloaded it just over a week ago as I decided to have a look at online dating after always being against it. Quality on there is awful in general and I find I have to swipe left 20 + times before finding someone to swipe right on. There are however some absolute stunners on there which surprised me (albeit very few and far between). I got quite a lot of matches even swiping right only occasionally (tinder sent me a notification saying that I'd killed it in my first week with more than 95 matches). I'm not great looking or anything, but I'm in good shape, dress pretty well, and my profile picture shows me as being in the most right swiped job for UK so that's probably helped.

Haven't banged yet, had one ready to come straight round my house that I cancelled because I was too hungover. I'm talking to a load of girls all pretty good quality but I'm finding it quite time consuming having so many conversations, and I feel like it's affecting my concentration levels with all the notifications and messages so I might delete it. Overall at the moment I'm still strongly preferring nightlife because a ten minute conversation with a girl seems to get my foot in the door enough that I hardly need to text for meetups and I think it's just more efficient. Or maybe I just need a better system with the messages.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-26-2018 06:42 PM)corsega Wrote:  

P.S. it appears Tinder is indeed using machine learning to recognize certain facial features and recommend you girls based on them:

Dr. Steve Liu looks like the kind of guy who doesn't get any matches on Tinder.
And he's developing that shit.
How ironic.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-27-2018 03:22 AM)Kieran Wrote:  

I downloaded it just over a week ago as I decided to have a look at online dating after always being against it. Quality on there is awful in general and I find I have to swipe left 20 + times before finding someone to swipe right on. There are however some absolute stunners on there which surprised me (albeit very few and far between). I got quite a lot of matches even swiping right only occasionally (tinder sent me a notification saying that I'd killed it in my first week with more than 95 matches).

Kieran, of course Tinder sent you that! And predictably, it boosted your morale, self-esteem and confidence. After all, you proudly posted here that they told that "you killed it". It's like a video game, Tinder gamifies the whole thing. You didn't really kill any of these monsters to save the virgin from being devoured. You were seating on a chair in a freaking room, that's all. Similar thing happening with Tinder. It wants you to believe there are so many women out there, just waiting to be poked! For any average man, who naturally doesn't see that many pretty girls daily (unless you live in certain EE cities), seeing a few dozen or hundreds of them over a day's swiping is an experience making your brain go into overdrive - but that's on all purpose (as per my explanation below) to wrap up its tentacles over your libido. You must only use the Tinder app (or any, in general means that are online way of meeting women) and believe that's the only viable way to get sex. Luckily, on the forum we have many a player advocating other approaches (and you, yourself, prefer, it seems, to go the analogue way) and just as many guys there are pro-Tinder, there are against it (myself included). Tinder manipulates all of the user experience only and only for its financial gains. You're just a tiny cog in their machine.

So you say, "you killed it". The truth is, however, harsh. You'd very likely get the same message with half as many matches or whatever. Would you keep using it if the sent you that "You're pathetic, your chances to get a date are lower than 84% other men"?

The T behavioural reinforcement algorithm is designed so that a newcomer will get as positive as possible experience, which is going to dwindle with time. They want you to get hooked and experience good dopamine hit first couple weeks or so, so once the number of matches/dates/lays decreases, just to get the same hit, you'll be much more likely to fork out the money for the paid option. In other words, your current experience, as you've just joined, will not be a statistically representative one over entire lifetime of using the app (proviso you'll use it for longer than a couple weeks). I don't know the inner workings of the T algo, but I wouldn't be surprised your matches will decrease in a logarithmic fashion.

Tinder algo can't run agnostically and let the matches follow a simple, evolutionarily driven assortative mating algorithm to pair people up, for you'd have too many a man getting absolutely nothing (read: they wouldn't pay for the paid option but delete it). Tinder has to, for financial reasons, use an algo that will maximise its catchment so the can have as many on the paid subscription as possible. Hence, as it is only males who pay (in the current version), you want to have an algo that will always re-direct "lucrative" (read: matches that are pretty, chatty and making for good experience - all that data is stored, analysed and acted upon) to newcomers to get them hooked. However, as Tinder is in the business of making money and to increase its revenue, it needs to keep luring new men to use it, hence, an obvious conclusion can be inferred: always be the newcomer on the scene which means, you should set up a new Tinder account every couple weeks or so.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Tinder App

Tinder revolutionized online dating. But they’re also doing a lot of dumb stuff. Not to mention getting rather expensive and time consuming if you want full functionality.

I get a ton of matches but mostly with WNBs. The latest update makes it virtually impossible to carry on a conversation using Tinder. I have to constantly scroll down from the top to check messages and send a reply.

Every time I exit a chat I’m back at the top of my list, instead of halfway scrolled down. So basically you have to get the convo off tinder within a few messages. Otherwise it’s just a lost cause trying to go back and forth.

Much prefer chatting on IG. Easier to scroll and reply. Girls have more honest photos too.

Tinder App

Deleted tinder yesterday. App is slower and more buggy and quality is way way down. Waiting for something better.

Tinder App

The issue is the time it takes with these apps. I have a much higher and efficient closing percentage running game in person, and the women are higher quality.

Tinder App

I can’t beleive what I am reading. Guys on here excited about “matching” hot women. I get excited about banging hot women. Put the phone away and go meet these women in the real world and run game. On Tinder and dating apps, the women run you.

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