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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (04-15-2018 05:27 PM)SteezeySteve Wrote:  

Collagen is one of those things that sounds good on paper but I have to chop it up to being placebo. beef Collagen is a type of protein. Protein gets broken down into individual amino acids. That just makes it an expensive source of amino acids. Your body does not absorb the whole collagen molecule.

You're correct in that collagen is simply a particular assortment of amino acids. However, not all amino acids are the same and you're probably not getting enough of those found in collagen:


Collagen is comprised of 4 amino acids: glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine. When the collagen protein is digested, these are the individual elements left over for uptake. But in order to produce collagen within the body, we need to have good levels of glycine, proline and lysine, along with a decent amount of vitamin C as a cofactor.

Of these three, lycine is an essential amino acid, meaning the body is unable to produce it intrinsically—it must be obtained from protein-rich foods like meat, fish, dairy and legumes. Glycine and proline, on the other hand, are considered “conditional” amino acids: the body can produce them to a small extent, but most people argue that this isn’t near enough for our daily collagen needs.

Quote: (04-15-2018 05:27 PM)SteezeySteve Wrote:  

There is a reason the majority of collagen supplements are marketed for skin care/women and its never been pimped out to hard for putting on muscle or recovery.

Collagen molecules are larger than our skin pores, which is why topical supplements provide little benefit. From the same article above:


As we age so, too, do the mechanisms behind collagen synthesis within the body. This means a steady decline in epidermal collagen—that same compound that makes up (or used to) 80% of the protein in your skin. And with falling collagen levels, one can expect to see a loss of smoothness, firmness and buoyancy in their skin.

Happily, several of the amino acid precursors to collagen synthesis in the body can be supplied via consumables—in particular hydrolyzed collagen (aka collagen peptides) and gelatin. A 2014 study, for example, demonstrated a 20% reduction in eye wrinkles from just 8 weeks of collagen peptide supplementation, with the anti-wrinkle effects extending at least a month after supplementation was discontinued.

Another study using a different hydrolyzed collagen formulation found that daily collagen supplementation over the course of 12 weeks led to a 76% reduction in skin dryness and a 13% reduction in wrinkles. Researchers were also able to show a notable increase in collagen within the skin dermis from the supplementation—a sure sign that the collagen is being distributed where we need it most.

Numerous posters here, including myself, have seen immediate and dramatic improvement in post-workout soreness, joint health, and injury recovery from as little as 20g of collagen per day.

I'm not saying it's a panacea, but you can get a pound of high-quality collagen for less than $20 and at 20g/day that'll last you about three weeks. No reason not to give it a try.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Does anyone take gaba (gamma-Aminobutyric acid)?

If so can you share your supplementation with it and the effects it had.

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (04-13-2018 01:57 AM)DonovanVC Wrote:  

Bumping this thread. Anyone know of a good multivitamin that is also easy on the stomach?
If you buy the coated vitamins you shouldn't get a stomach ache. They're usually more expensive. The uncoated ones can give you a stomach ache if you eat them on an empty stomach.

The easy fix is just take them after a meal and you should be fine with either.

Quote: (04-15-2018 12:43 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

So newbie question about supplements. I feel like I have the joints of an 80-year-old man, I'm 25. Is there ANYTHING to do to help? I know losing weight will help dramatically as im actually obese (about 235 at 5'10) but are there any supplements I can take to really help that. I'm looking to get into calisthenics and movement training
I know a peak performance coach and she told me that doing the Paleo diet (probably Whole 30 as well) generally decreases joint inflammation and can cause these kinds of problems to disappear. In general you can try it for 30 days and see how you feel, but I've also read that it can take 3 months or more for some things to really improve. The idea would be that you sort of cleanse your system of the bad side effects of processed foods, gluten, dairy ... anything that your body might have mild reactions too and then you can add stuff back in one category at a time (dairy, bread/grains, etc) and monitor the effects. In your case Paleo or Whole 30 will bring the weight down fast too if you seriously follow the program.

After doing this I look at vitamins and supplements as putting something extra into the system to fix a problem that came from putting something in that caused the problem. Better to take everything out and put stuff back in til you see what is causing the problem.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

So guys, what supplements have ou taken that actually show noticeable results? For me Zinc and lecithin gave me a sike during sex, B12 gave me a nice jolt of energy, and calcium and magnesium help recovery after a hard day in the gym.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (09-02-2018 12:55 AM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

So guys, what supplements have ou taken that actually show noticeable results? For me Zinc and lecithin gave me a sike during sex, B12 gave me a nice jolt of energy, and calcium and magnesium help recovery after a hard day in the gym.

I started zinc about 2-3 weeks ago, definitely noticed a spike in sex drive. Did have some mild nausea the first few days (sort of a low blood sugar feeling) but that went away. One caveat, I banged a new girl this weekend for the first time since starting zinc and didn't last nearly as long as I typically do--may not be related to the zinc (maybe just excited to finally get my mainland China flag) but given the noticeable sex drive boost my suspicion is that it is.

Here's my daily stack:

-Animal Pak Multivitamin - 1 pack per day (nutrition info is for 2 packs, so halve everything)

-Vitamin D3 and K2 - 10000 IUs of D and 1500 mcg of K, will probably cut back to 5000 or 7500/day after that bottle is out

-Zinc/Copper - 150 mg/6 mg respectively

-Fish Oil - 1000 mg

-Glucosamine - dog (large breed) gets these too, feels a little odd to be taking the same pills as him but it's good stuff

-Iron Brothers Testosterone Booster - I know a lot of these OTC T boosters are bullshit but this one has good ingredients, I don't expect it to be a miracle supplement but it's not too expensive and I think it helps, I cycle it 2 months on/1 off

-D-Aspartic Acid - 3000 mg, cycled along with the T-booster

-Theanine - 200 mg

-Alpha Brain - Nootropic blend from Onnit, I actually haven't started this one yet, arrived this weekend and will start on it tomorrow. I'm planning to take 1 pill per day instead of the recommended 2 because it's fucking expensive (that's also why I'm continuing to take extra theanine)

I started taking most of this stuff around 3 months ago and all around the same time (zinc and the nootropics being the exception) so tough to attribute success to any one supplement but overall I've noticed an increase in sex drive, losing weight, improving in the gym, but I also started BJJ and lifting regularly about 2 months ago so those clearly play a role as well. For reference I'm 34, train BJJ 3-4 days a week, kickboxing 1-2 days and lift 2 days. Former military, was active but had been pretty sedentary for about a year and a half leading up to about 2 months ago along with heavy drinking following a divorce.

As for taking all this stuff, every Sunday I'll put a daily dose of each supplement into a plastic baggie then put 5 baggies in a bigger ziploc bag and throw the whole thing in my briefcase, and stick it in my desk drawer when I get to work on Monday then pull one out each morning. I take everything right when I get to work, which is typically about 30-45 minutes after I eat breakfast.

I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I'm ready to plow!

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Started recently eating collagen with my bone broth soups. I'm noticing that my acne is going down and skin is looking better.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (09-03-2018 07:04 PM)Dr Mantis Toboggan Wrote:  

-Animal Pak Multivitamin - 1 pack per day (nutrition info is for 2 packs, so halve everything)

Thanks for posting this. It looks like a potent blend at a good price.

I've been injured (badly) since early February and out of the country, so no access to quality products. The injury has healed ridiculously slowly over about 6-7 months. Now I am back I am back on the Beyond Tangy Tangerine (BTT) 2.0 (powder, tablets have less ingredients) in in ten days the injury is now barely noticeable.

I'd been taking BTT for about 4 years. Previously I got flu every year and had many injuries when I was younger. Since taking BTT I only had one short injury and was never ill. In 2017 I ran out of BTT in Hong Kong and I got a mild fever, followed shortly by something I thought might be deadly in Bangladesh. I was messed up with that until April this year. And had a serious injury from February 2018. All that time I was taking standard multi-vitamins only.

In Russia I bought a few potent MSM, collagen etc blends. They didn't seem to do anything.

If you are working out, particularly stressing joints, you need to get on one of these potent multi-vitamin, amino acid, enzyme etc blends. I posted here a couple of stories.

I think I'll get some of this AnimalPak and mix it up with BTT. Comparison:


[Image: 856959_orig.jpg]


[Image: 351_animal_pak_info.jpg]

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Apple Cider Vinegar - I began taking this as part of a strict routine to drop weight. It has lots of health effects, is an apetite suppressant, and has been shown to drop the weight of participants in a study by 3 pounds over 3 months.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Iodine and selenium in high dosage for testosterone.

iodine best in natural matrix complex such as kelp alga.
selenium is deficient in our soils (industrial agriculture).
also best in plant based supps such as mustard seed extract (both iodine and selenium).

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Selenium is toxic if the dosage is too high.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-15-2018 02:45 PM)balybary Wrote:  

Selenium is toxic if the dosage is too high.

i take 10x the recommended daily dosage and no issues.

most likely the majority of the population is rather deficient in those minterals opposed to the risk that they may poison themselves.

i could imagine that the selenium or also iodine kicks off a detoxification in your body and the symptoms following this detoxification is by many people wrongly attributed to the iodine or selenium.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Currently I take:
Zinccitrate (I take since my last cold in February or so and havent been sick since)
Magnesiumcitrate 100mg
Vitamin C 1000mg
Vitamin B Complex (only when drinking)
Green tea extract (when I dont drink Green tea)
Alpha lipoic acid (when drinking)
Omega 3 (maybe Omega 3-6-9 would be better)
Ginger & Curcuma/turmeric (in spice form)

Things I used to take:
Milk thistle (liver support)
Acetylcystein (only when drinking)
Melatonin (for better sleep, but didnt work really)

Still experimenting around. I think zinc and vitamin C are most important. For avoiding hangover I tried a lot, but the results are not conclusive.
Im 36, mostly healthy, but cant sleep quickly if I have not been out in nightlife and some irregular pains in back and legs sometimes with no obvious reasons.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-17-2018 05:53 PM)bigbadpua Wrote:  

Currently I take:
Zinccitrate (I take since my last cold in February or so and havent been sick since)
Magnesiumcitrate 100mg
Vitamin C 1000mg
Vitamin B Complex (only when drinking)
Green tea extract (when I dont drink Green tea)
Alpha lipoic acid (when drinking)
Omega 3 (maybe Omega 3-6-9 would be better)
Ginger & Curcuma/turmeric (in spice form)

Things I used to take:
Milk thistle (liver support)
Acetylcystein (only when drinking)
Melatonin (for better sleep, but didnt work really)

Still experimenting around. I think zinc and vitamin C are most important. For avoiding hangover I tried a lot, but the results are not conclusive.
Im 36, mostly healthy, but cant sleep quickly if I have not been out in nightlife and some irregular pains in back and legs sometimes with no obvious reasons.

Have you tried ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6)? I take these every night and I am out like a log within a few minutes.

In addition to ZMA:

Black seed oil, Maca and Tribulus: To prevent ED, boost libido and helps to maintain
"morning wood"

Coconut oil and Nattokinase: for cardiovascular and circulatory health

The one thing that is noticeable is that my hair grows back very fast. My energy levels seem to be good as well.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-20-2018 06:55 PM)BigTony Wrote:  

Quote: (10-17-2018 05:53 PM)bigbadpua Wrote:  

Currently I take:
Zinccitrate (I take since my last cold in February or so and havent been sick since)
Magnesiumcitrate 100mg
Vitamin C 1000mg
Vitamin B Complex (only when drinking)
Green tea extract (when I dont drink Green tea)
Alpha lipoic acid (when drinking)
Omega 3 (maybe Omega 3-6-9 would be better)
Ginger & Curcuma/turmeric (in spice form)

Things I used to take:
Milk thistle (liver support)
Acetylcystein (only when drinking)
Melatonin (for better sleep, but didnt work really)

Still experimenting around. I think zinc and vitamin C are most important. For avoiding hangover I tried a lot, but the results are not conclusive.
Im 36, mostly healthy, but cant sleep quickly if I have not been out in nightlife and some irregular pains in back and legs sometimes with no obvious reasons.

Have you tried ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6)? I take these every night and I am out like a log within a few minutes.

In addition to ZMA:

Black seed oil, Maca and Tribulus: To prevent ED, boost libido and helps to maintain
"morning wood"

Coconut oil and Nattokinase: for cardiovascular and circulatory health

The one thing that is noticeable is that my hair grows back very fast. My energy levels seem to be good as well.

Should ZMA only be taken at night, right before sleeping?
Does it boost your libido for the entirety of the next day?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

ZMA is for before sleeping. Its not really meant to boost libido. We have a zinc thread where you can see the effects.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-25-2018 03:49 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

ZMA is for before sleeping. Its not really meant to boost libido. We have a zinc thread where you can see the effects.

Hmm pretty sure it's one of the supposed side effects. I've taken Zinc and haven't noticed much of a difference.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-25-2018 04:07 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Hmm pretty sure it's one of the supposed side effects. I've taken Zinc and haven't noticed much of a difference.

Yeah, it's not intended for libido, but many people report benefits. This makes sense, since zinc and magnesium are known to have a role in testosterone levels, and B6 is a top prolactin suppressant - which is your body's egg timer for the refractory period.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-15-2018 02:15 AM)SpecialOne Wrote:  

Iodine and selenium in high dosage for testosterone.

iodine best in natural matrix complex such as kelp alga.
selenium is deficient in our soils (industrial agriculture).
also best in plant based supps such as mustard seed extract (both iodine and selenium).

How do you define "high dosage" and how are you measuring?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-25-2018 04:07 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2018 03:49 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

ZMA is for before sleeping. Its not really meant to boost libido. We have a zinc thread where you can see the effects.

Hmm pretty sure it's one of the supposed side effects. I've taken Zinc and haven't noticed much of a difference.

With ZMA the magnesium really helps you get a good deep sleep, a lot of people report vivid dreams which I have experienced. I feel like I need less sleep because it is much deeper sleep with ZMA. The Zinc is just something a lot of people are deficient in their daily diets so supplementation is good. Zinc is good for testosterone.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Anyone try NAD (nicotinamide riboside?) yet?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

My daily regiment is;

With 1st meal of the day - ADAM Men's Multi (The G Manifesto approved), Maca, Turmeric, Opti-Zinc (with Copper).

With last meal of the day - Calcium/Magnesium, Maca, Milk Thistle.

Carlson's Lemon Fish Oil Liquid and Vitamin C tablet with every meal.

No clue if it helps but I just turned 40 and feel pretty great. Had the flu once in 20 years (I do get the flu shot every year), maybe get a cold once a year or every other year. I can't pinpoint any one supplement that does a better job than the others, feel like they all work well together. No side effects from any of them but obviously make sure you take Zinc with food. My stomach gets torn up if I take it on an empty stomach.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-25-2018 10:28 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

With ZMA the magnesium really helps you get a good deep sleep, a lot of people report vivid dreams which I have experienced. I feel like I need less sleep because it is much deeper sleep with ZMA.

I found B6 to be very helpful in establishing a good sleep routine.

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-02-2018 10:29 AM)NoMoreTO Wrote:  

Apple Cider Vinegar - I began taking this as part of a strict routine to drop weight. It has lots of health effects, is an apetite suppressant, and has been shown to drop the weight of participants in a study by 3 pounds over 3 months.

The other health effects don't go unnoticed, but I wouldnt give too much weight to the weight loss.

My double entendre is more significant then those Lbs.

Your weight will fluctuate 2-3lbs on fluid intake alone.

Every successful person loves the game. The chance to prove his worth, to excel, to win.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-27-2018 10:18 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

Anyone try NAD (nicotinamide riboside?) yet?

Thorne NR and resveratrol

Wondering if anyone tried it and if it's worth it, not cheap. Not crazy expensive if it works for you and you have the loot to do it, though

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 01:23 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

So in the past year I've gotten more into vitamins and food supplementation. I was down on multivitamins for a while, but taking high doses of specific vitamins has definitely led to differences in my body. I wanted to start a master thread on what you think are the most important things to take.

Here's what I'm taking right now and the effects it has had:

Vitamin D, 5000 IU per day - This has stabilized my energy and lifted my mood, especially in the winter. I'm thinking of dropping to 4000 IU a day soon since I don't see a difference from taking 5000 than a dose of 3000 like I was doing before.

Magnesium, 200mg per day - I have a mild heart palpitation that has gotten worse with the Vitamin D. I learned that magnesium is a co-factor for vitamin D uptake, so taking the extra vitamin D was leaving me deficient with magnesium. Now the palpitation is less severe than before I was taking vitamin D at all.

Fish oil, two capsules a day - This has slightly eased my sensitive stomach symptoms that I developed after South America.

Coconut oil, one teaspoon a day - This had made me hornier and seems to help with muscle building. I'm guessing it's doing something to my testosterone levels. It also has increased my energy noticeably.

Vitamin C, 1000mg a day - I just started taking this. Immediately I noticed that my allergies decreased enough to where I didn't have to take allergy medicine like before. I will experiment with the dosage.

My supplementation is mostly to achieve peak performance in the present moment as opposed to living until 100. I probably wouldn't take something daily with the hopes it will help me 30 years from now. What are you taking and what effects have they had?

Just FYI, if you are supplementing with D, you should also likely be supplementing with K2. Thorne has a D3/K2 product. I just bought the high dose K2 supplement from them (1mg per drop). Blood vessel calcification is one of the main underlying causes of heart disease, and vitamin K deficiency is associated with this calcification. Observational studies have linked low vitamin K levels to an increased risk of blood vessel calcification.

All the fat-soluble vitamins act in concert, and it is important to not become imbalanced in any one of them. For instance, vitamin D antagonizes vitamin A, and since I was consuming tons of Vitamin A foods and never getting sun, I developed mild vitamin A toxicity-like symptoms.

Magnesium is a good supplement, as you have mentioned, and so is taurine, for heart function as well as cortisol inhibition.

The thread mentions reservatrol, but I would avoid it. It is not the reason why red wine is beneficial (that must be due to some other combination of compounds). Reservatrol alone is estrogenic and increases cortisol, and may also be toxic. It increases T short-term by inhibiting aromatase but will likely leave you worse off.

Consider trying niacinamide (A form of vitamin B3). There are MANY studies which show niacinamide to be a powerful anti-cortisol, anti-estrogen agent, with healing properties in many, many respects. Taking a low dose of 20mg to 100mg a few times a day is suggested, but Dr. Hoffer, who pioneered the studies with niacinamide, would supplement schizophrenia patients with 3,000mg + per day and cure their schizophrenia by it. Higher doses should not be harmful, I just don't think they are that useful for health.

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