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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (02-11-2016 10:42 AM)Teutatis Wrote:  

I should mention that I'm referring to normal healthy individuals, some people do need supplements, like pregnant women, older people, people suffering from anemia or recovering from illnesses, drug addicts, vegetarians, etc.

By your reasoning, why would a pregnant woman need supplements? After all, pregnancy is a normal healthy thing.

I see where you're coming from, but I get benefit from certain supplements so why not?

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

Best vitamins/supplements for men

An update on collagen from paleo diet/primal living guru Mark Sisson:


10 Reasons to Eat More Collagen

A while back, I suffered an Achilles injury during of one of my Ultimate Frisbee matches. In my attempt to speed recovery time, I did some research and started supplementing with collagen. The results, in my personal n=1 experiment, were pretty dramatic. Once I added collagen to the mix, my healing kicked into overdrive. As I’ve dug deeper into this topic to uncover the many benefits dietary collagen can bestow upon us, I’m convinced collagen/gelatin is an essential part of the human diet. And yes, even—or especially—bodybuilders, power lifters, and other athletes concerned with performance, muscles, and optimizing swoleness can benefit from eating more collagen.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Pycnogenol: This is a potent antioxidant sourced from the bark of French maritime pines. Evidence demonstrates benefits toward reducing blood pressure, helping with cholesterol, and promoting health of arterial walls (endothelium). I am primarily using this in conjunction with co-enzyme Q10 to improve blood circulation (post heart attack supplementation).

So far, it's working well, and I've noticed a slight increase in cardiovascular endurance too when exercising.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (02-10-2016 03:55 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

Let me quote myself here:

Quote: (11-13-2015 03:05 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

You guys should save all the money you're spending on useless supplements /vitamins/etc. and just buy real food. I also used to think all this crap was important but it really isn't, it's just a useless waste of money at best and actually potentially harmful in the long term.

You don't feel different because all those supplements are useless. I used to take lots of supplements as well when I was younger, I really thought I *needed* them, so I understand when guys came on here and are worried they have to have 100 different pills to cover all their needs, but the whole supplement/vitamin thing is just another billion dollar scam industry. I take zero supplements and I'm as healthy as I've ever been.

Eat real food and stop worrying about all those pills, you'll be healthier.

Why do you insist on derailing this thread? If you disagree with supplementation and the supplement industry why don't you create another thread?

Let's stick to Roosh's intended purpose for this thread.

Maybe supplementation doesn't work for you, but there are countless other threads and posts of guys who've had successes. I agree there are a lot of snake oil salesmen and outright fake products in this industry, but you are basically pushing ignorant diatribe at this point.

Let me repeat myself again as well:

Quote: (11-14-2015 11:23 AM)Designate Wrote:  

Key word here is supplement. Most guys here probably understand it's to supplement a nutritionally diverse diet.

The problem is that some nutrients/vitamins are more bioavailable from supplements than from food. Ex: Zinc and Magnesium Citrate

And from that standpoint it's cost effective to buy the more expensive, more bioavailable supplements.

This of course goes both ways, I think you are better off getting Lycopene or Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables.

Ultimately as individuals we have to experiment and see which works better. You can accept the guidance offered here, but at the end of the day it's trial and error.

Quote: (02-09-2016 08:33 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

I have a desk full of all kinds of supplements- Zinc, B Complex, Magnesium Citrate, Resveratrol, NAC, Vitamin D, etc etc. I haven't been taking them much lately and I don't feel noticeably different than when I took them religiously. Anyone have a similar experience?

This is a interesting point to bring up, and I think it's a common mindset mistake people have when taking supplements. I suppose it's just a common misconception that taking 10 different supplements will make you feel like a million $ on their own. It's probably the high price point for good supplements that causes this.

Truth is they are just one part of a whole range of things you should be doing to feel better. Lifting, good sleep, eating a diverse diet, fucking feminine women, stimulating mental work, etc. Supplements should be a part of this equation.

Additionally, I think you are asking the wrong question.

Ask "Do I know if my body is actually utilizing these supplements in one way or another?"

When I take collagen, I know I'm not just taking it to make me feel better. Sure, it does help relieve the stress put on my joints from rigorous weight lifting, but collagen also helps make my skin, hair and nails look good too.

Same with Zinc/Magnesium/Copper supplementation. I don't always experience a noticeable difference in how I feel like some guys do, but I do notice that my cuts and bruises heal two to three times faster, and my loads are always bigger, better and I can produce more for lots of fucking.

Point is, there are other health benefits to supplementation than just feeling better. Some are seen and unseen. Don't make this too complicated though, focus on taking supplements you know are working and cut out those which are not. If a certain supplement is not working or not worth the price, then try another brand or cut your loses and move on.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (02-11-2016 10:42 AM)Teutatis Wrote:  

I should mention that I'm referring to normal healthy individuals, some people do need supplements, like pregnant women, older people, people suffering from anemia or recovering from illnesses, drug addicts, vegetarians, etc.

Weren't supplements a dangerous waste of money a few posts ago?

I smell rationalisation.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Has anyone tried taking DHEA on a regular basis and what has been the result?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Trying this out.... figured I may as well have the brain to match the personality [Image: smile.gif]
[Image: alpha-brain-trial.jpg]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Best vitamins/supplements for men

As said before by someone in this thread: it depends on your needs

Magnesium for example is an almost necessary supplement for me, as I'm doing competitive sports. After sweating 4h due to non-stop hardcore training my skin is as salty as the ocean. The supplement helps me to recharge my magnesium depots and prevent very severe side effects of mineral shortage. Basically, if I don't supp, I can't sleep (even if trained 4-5h), I'm nervous and my balls really hurt.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Bumping this thread. Anyone know of a good multivitamin that is also easy on the stomach?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (03-12-2016 04:18 AM)Downunder Wrote:  

Has anyone tried taking DHEA on a regular basis and what has been the result?

DHEA makes me anxious or stressed, but my doc actually recommended it.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-24-2015 04:43 PM)Oz. Wrote:  

I only take l'optizinc and calcium with magnesium the rest I get from food and juicing

Please excuse my naive three years ago self. There is no way, even now with all the diet changes I have made, that I am able to get the adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals the body needs.

Quote: (11-09-2015 07:22 AM)Moto Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2015 07:00 AM)Kinko Wrote:  

Bone broth is the best way for supplementing calcium and magnesium.

Not to mention, that's where you can get your glucosamine. It's in the marrow. I like to make stews with a cut of beef with a big piece of bone full of marrow. It makes the broth way tastier too. The French eat a lot of bone broth and bone marrow, and can't understand why anyone purchases glucosamine.

Question about bone broth. Suppose you use bones from animals raised in a typical American farm house, being fed garbage hormones and a corn diet. Won't this crap seep into the bones itself and in turn be worse you?

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Im not sure. I know thats the case with fat (animals wall off toxins in fat) but never thought of bone marrow.

Im not sure but its could not as bad relative to fat if you are already eating fat from similar animals.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

And doc look for a multi without zinc that might be what is giving you stomach problems. Take zinc on an empty stomach and thats bad news.

Or make sure you take it with a big meal first .

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (02-11-2016 05:17 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  

An update on collagen from paleo diet/primal living guru Mark Sisson:


10 Reasons to Eat More Collagen

A while back, I suffered an Achilles injury during of one of my Ultimate Frisbee matches. In my attempt to speed recovery time, I did some research and started supplementing with collagen. The results, in my personal n=1 experiment, were pretty dramatic. Once I added collagen to the mix, my healing kicked into overdrive. As I’ve dug deeper into this topic to uncover the many benefits dietary collagen can bestow upon us, I’m convinced collagen/gelatin is an essential part of the human diet. And yes, even—or especially—bodybuilders, power lifters, and other athletes concerned with performance, muscles, and optimizing swoleness can benefit from eating more collagen.

+1 for Collagen. I've been taking 6000mg per day and have seen very good results for skin quality and healing time.

My facial skin used to be rougher and had more lines, but with Collagen this has been smoothed out and softer, though lines are still there of course.

I also broke a bone awhile back and adding Collagen seemed to help speed recovery time once I added it to my stack.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

So newbie question about supplements. I feel like I have the joints of an 80-year-old man, I'm 25. Is there ANYTHING to do to help? I know losing weight will help dramatically as im actually obese (about 235 at 5'10) but are there any supplements I can take to really help that. I'm looking to get into calisthenics and movement training

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (04-15-2018 12:43 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

So newbie question about supplements. I feel like I have the joints of an 80-year-old man, I'm 25. Is there ANYTHING to do to help? I know losing weight will help dramatically as im actually obese (about 235 at 5'10) but are there any supplements I can take to really help that. I'm looking to get into calisthenics and movement training

Check out Joint Warfare, a lot of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/MMA/Military guys swear by it.
It was formulated by Jocko Willink, an extremely famous Navy Seal in the Motivational/Inspirational community and sold by Made in USA Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Lifestyle Brand Origin Labs.

You can check it out here @ Joint Warfare

Yes, I have used it in the past (it works great!) but found Pharmaceutical Grade Anavar works 10x better, however, for legal reasons, I cannot help you source that.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

My body has been abused over the years. For many years, I used Solgar Alaskan Salmon oil, and now use Pharma Nord Bio - Fish oil, with similar results.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (04-15-2018 12:43 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

So newbie question about supplements. I feel like I have the joints of an 80-year-old man, I'm 25. Is there ANYTHING to do to help? I know losing weight will help dramatically as im actually obese (about 235 at 5'10) but are there any supplements I can take to really help that. I'm looking to get into calisthenics and movement training

Lol you just had to look one post up: COLLAGEN.

Your joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage - all made up mostly of collagen, and you probably don't get nearly enough of it in your daily diet.

This is my preferred brand - I prefer the hydrolysate (green tin), as it mixes more easily in cold liquids. Don't forget to take some vitamin C with it (increases bioavailability).

Best vitamins/supplements for men

If you have joint pain describe the complete picture of what's going on. Age,activity levels past and present,symptoms,current stack,and diet. If you are serious about movement training you need to lose weight first. Almost nobody at a healthy weight or who's in shape can do simple static holds properly. I wouldn't even bother with doing a push up on the floor yet.

PM me if you are gshit ill point you in the right direction and scources for bodyweight and movement training.

Collagen is one of those things that sounds good on paper but I have to chop it up to being placebo. beef Collagen is a type of protein. Protein gets broken down into individual amino acids. That just makes it an expensive s cource of amino acids. Your body does not absorb the whole collagen molecule.

Just like "colostrum" and people who thing growth hormones in milk will make you bigger. All those peptides (incomplete chains of amino acids) get broken down into individual amino acids. Your gut lining will not absorb hgh, or igf1.

There is a reason the majority of collagen supplements are marketed for skin care/women and its never been pimped out to hard for putting on muscle or recovery.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

collagen & beta carotene, vitamin d is my current stack

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Just picked up some collagen thanks to IJ. Also got a multivitamin some ZMA and some activated charcoal to try out.

I usually go with orange triad as a multi but have heard good things about AOR's Ortho-Core multi. Will probably just take half the recommended dosage

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I also take vitamin c, d, omega 3 and CoQ10 all from costco

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Copying in from another thread.

For those with joint pain I recommend Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0:

[Image: 81BbcxeJ57L._SY679_.jpg]

I had regular injuries from about the age of 17 to 26. Then I started taking this and I've only been injured / ill once since. The injury was caused from far too much mountain walking over three days and the illness during 2 months of not taking it as I forgot to take it with me on travels. It's the most comprehensive supplement I've come across: contents.

My father started taking this due to having osteo-arthritis. His hands and feet were often quite seriously inflamed and he was often in pain. After taking this the swelling stopped and has little, infrequent pain. Three of his friends have started taking it. One of them was a former rugby player who had serious knee pain. That largely subsided when he started taking this. Another was in serious pain and had trouble walking. After taking this he came in the pub one day jogging on the spot, then began jogging round the pub in glee. I forget what happened to the other guy. These are all about 70 years old.

I get the six bottles of 2.0 tablets from here:

As they make sure I am paying no import duty. This lasts me one year, though it's meant to be a 6 month pack. You might be able to get it cheaper from somewhere else in the US.

A [url="beyond+tangy"&t=hy&ia=web]few other mentions[/url] on the form.


It's what Alex Jones uses. It's a win, win. You'll get a high quality product and support the Infowar!

[Image: 1479035214549.jpg]

Super Male Vitality

I bought 5 of these a little over a year ago. I've looked up some of the ingredients and they do have medical research showing that they can considerably boost T and sperm count. When taking it I got what I'd describe as a pituitary fizz between the eyes. The pituitary gland is involved in T regulation.

There wasn't any specifically noticeable affects I noticed while taking it. Shortly after I found doing tricep extensions easier, but I don't know if there was anything to read into it. T boosters are meant to assist in gaining muscle and muscle tone. I didn't notice any difference, though could be because I need to up my protein. In hindsight though I've realised that during the period I was taking it I was particularly combative, in war mode. I'd have to take it again to see if it was the SMV.

From what I've read this is not one of the best T boosters. I'll probably try another, though I don't think they are worth it or do much. From what I've read and experienced most of the legal supplements that are worth taking relate to body repair, rather than beasting.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (04-15-2018 12:43 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

So newbie question about supplements. I feel like I have the joints of an 80-year-old man, I'm 25. Is there ANYTHING to do to help? I know losing weight will help dramatically as im actually obese (about 235 at 5'10) but are there any supplements I can take to really help that. I'm looking to get into calisthenics and movement training

Tumeric/curcumin helps with this. This is a case where the supplement is better than the raw food, because its hard to get enough through cooking (it has a savory flavor) and because its more effective when combined with pepperin.

Tumeric reduces inflammation generally, not specific to your joints.

Other people have had success with glucosamine and chondroitin which is supposed to be particularly effective for joints.

I would start with a month's supply of tumeric supplements and see how you do. Should be cheaper and less foreign to your body than the latter.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (04-15-2018 09:01 PM)gework Wrote:  

It's what Alex Jones uses. It's a win, win. You'll get a high quality product and support the Infowar!

[Image: 1479035214549.jpg]

Super Male Vitality

I bought 5 of these a little over a year ago. I've looked up some of the ingredients and they do have medical research showing that they can considerably boost T and sperm count. When taking it I got what I'd describe as a pituitary fizz between the eyes. The pituitary gland is involved in T regulation.

There wasn't any specifically noticeable affects I noticed while taking it. Shortly after I found doing tricep extensions easier, but I don't know if there was anything to read into it. T boosters are meant to assist in gaining muscle and muscle tone. I didn't notice any difference, though could be because I need to up my protein. In hindsight though I've realised that during the period I was taking it I was particularly combative, in war mode. I'd have to take it again to see if it was the SMV.

From what I've read this is not one of the best T boosters. I'll probably try another, though I don't think they are worth it or do much. From what I've read and experienced most of the legal supplements that are worth taking relate to body repair, rather than beasting.

This is a meme or sarcasm, surely?

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