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The Brazil election thread

The Brazil election thread

Hey guys,

Are you aware of what is going on in Brazil politics?

I will summarize for you gringos. From 1964 to 1989, Brazil was ruled by a military dictatorship. That last year we elected a conservative president, Fernando Collor. He lasted for 2 years. Why? Media and universities were controlled by leftists, so they colluded to impeach the president. After that, Brazil elected 3 socialist presidents in sequence, including Lula, a Fidel Castro BFF, and Dilma, a former guerrilla member who was the first woman to be president.

Although Brazil is a deeply conservative country, the left has always been more cohesive and proactive. That resulted in decades of leftism, which pushed a “modernizing” agenda aimed at diluting our traditional values and breaking our historical ties. Neymar, a vain soyboy known for his victimization, is the symbol of this new country.

But things started to change in 2015. After bribery scandals, the masses went to the streets in the biggest protest of the country history. We managed to impeach the first female elected president. This was the first victory for conservatives in many years.
Now we are on the eve of a presidential election. For the first time after a long leftist hegemony, we have a truly conservative candidate. His name is Jair Bolsonaro, a former captain of the army. He became famous after threatening an SJW congresswoman with the following words: I would never rape you, because you don’t even deserve to be raped.

His agenda includes: liberating gun ownership (the civilians were totally disarmed by Lula), reducing the age for criminal imputation and fighting gender ideology in schools. Brazilian media is all leftist. I think it is unnecessary to say that they are on anger mode. Journalists are fully concentrated at boycotting Bolsonaro candidacy. Fortunately, elections today are not dependent on mainstream media anymore.

In Bolsonaro interviews he always cites Trump as an example of a great leader. I hope he gets elected. Our culture is crumbling. The thought-police is killing our free spirit. Affirmative action is making the life of white people in a third world even more difficult. And the worse: feminism is making our girls fat and aggressive. That needs to change.

The Brazil election thread

In a public speech in April 2017, Bolsonaro said that he had five children, that the first four were male, and that for the fifth he produced a daughter out of "a moment of weakness"

He strongly advocates against the legalization of same-sex unions and same-sex marriage,

In a June 2011 interview with Playboy, Bolsonaro said that "I would be incapable of loving a gay son," and added that he would prefer any son of his "to die in an accident..

no father is ever proud of having a gay son," and that "we Brazilians do not like homosexuals.

, Bolsonaro argued that men and women should not receive the same salaries, because women get pregnant; adding that he believes federal law mandating paid maternity leave harms work productivity


Wow, he has made many extreme comments like this.

I fear if he gets elected, he may well get assasinated.

The Brazil election thread

Bolsonaro is the man.

Bolsonaro's political views have been described as nationalist and populist in nature, with him being recognized by a huge portion of the media as an advocate of far-right policies.[14][15] His supporters, however, claim his views are more aligned with traditional right-wing conservatism.[16] His electorate is mainly formed by young people (usually from the age of 16 to 24), the working middle to upper class (mainly in the southeast region of the country), conservatives in general, some centrists, college graduates, and the Christian right.[17]

Jair Bolsonaro is known for his strong opposition to left-wing policies. Most notably, he has been a vocal outspoken against same-sex marriage in Brazil,[18] abortion,[19] affirmative action (particularly racial quotas),[20] immigration[21] (particularly refugees from Haiti, Africa and the Middle East, which he once called "the scum of humanity"),[15] drug liberalization,[22] land reforms,[23] secularism at the state level,[22] among other things.[24]

He has also made statements in defense of the Brazilian military regime[25] (a dictatorship known for constant human rights violations).[26] He claims that torture is a "legitimate practice" and says that he would change the Brazilian penal code and would try to pass new legislation regarding the introduction of life imprisonment and capital punishment laws (this last one banned under the Brazilian Constitution of 1988).[27] Bolsonaro supports the privatization of state owned companies and advocate pro-market policies on the economic sphere,[28] even though many point out that his policy making record doesn't show him necessarily as a defender of economic liberalism.[29]

In a 2017 interview with journalist Claudio Dantas Sequeira from O Antagonista, Bolsonaro said that despite the "left leaning media frenzy" against him, his views are actually directly aligned with mid-center to right-wing US citizens' views on gun ownership, abortion, gender ideology (sic), and trade. Bolsonaro reiterated that he intends to reverse some disarmament laws, improve [public] security, and also improve trade ties with the United States, which he said were broken during Lula da Silva's and Dilma Rousseff's administrations.[30]

The Brazil election thread

Make this the Bolsonaro thread.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Some past hits with famous homos:


The Brazil election thread

Hahahah Bolsomito is extremely hardcore and while I do not agree with all his positions he seems to be the only man that could save Brazil right now, especially because the gangs are expanding and Brazil might as well become a narco-state governed by these monkeys if they do not face EXTERMINATION. Not kidding. You need all out war to deal with the two biggest gangs now!

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

The Brazil election thread

What are the demographic trends in Brazil? Is someone like Bolsonaro more or less likely to get elected in the future?

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (07-31-2018 03:02 PM)Arado Wrote:  

What are the demographic trends in Brazil?

Fertility rate is declining fast. Population is getting older. In two decades, we will have more elders than kids. This puts pressure on pension funds. Public debt is high, so there is an intense debate about how to provide for the pensioners in the future. The state needs reforms to become more efficient. The left is against lowering expenditures and the right is against raising tariffs. Consequently, the discussion always ends in a deadlock and financial problems are growing bigger.
Population are most light brown. The north is more dark and the south is more white. Racial mixing is still very common, which means that gradually we have less pure black and less pure white. Affirmative action is target to pure black or dark brown, which means that light brown are excluded and they have a growing tendency to oppose racial quotas.
Migration is not a problem. Emigration is as low as immigration.
Islam is not a problem neither. Probably we have something around 20,000 Muslims in a country of 200 million people. Evangelicals are growing in number and in some decades they will be bigger than Catholics. Evangelicals tend to be more conservative than Catholics, since the Catholic church in Brazil was dominated by leftist fathers from the Liberation Theology.
Bolsonaro is a former Catholic converted to the Evangelical Church. The approval of abortion law is imminent. 80% of the country opposes it, but the Supreme Court is 100% composed of leftist judges, since we had two decades of socialist presidents.
Bolsonaro, in his discourse, opposes immigration, even though it is not a real problem in Brazil. He is also strongly opposed to the leftist indoctrination of kids in schools. Recently, we had "human rights" groups defending school programs that teach kids how to "accept" and embrace homosexuality.

Quote: (07-31-2018 03:02 PM)Arado Wrote:  

Is someone like Bolsonaro more or less likely to get elected in the future?

23% of the people are Bolsonaro determined voters. He needs the vote of undecided voters. Here, the vote is obligatory, so you need the vote of people that don't care about politics. If the people is convinced that Brazil needs more security and less leftism, he wins, because he represents this idea.

The Brazil election thread


What issue does Bolsonaro have to draw in voters? Pro gun? Anti affirmative action? For example, Trump had the Wall (which stood for anti-immigration).

Also, how does this map (the 2014 election between Dilma and Neves) change this time around?

[Image: Brazil-2014-election-map-districts.png]

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (07-31-2018 10:36 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

What issue does Bolsonaro have to draw in voters?

It is difficult to explain, but I will try. Earlier this year, the former president Lula was arrested. He was accused of bribery, and I think even his most fanatic supporters know for sure that he was a corrupted politician. What the left puts into to question is whether he deserves to be arrested, since it is impossible to do politics in Brazil (and maybe anywhere in the world) without being corrupted. The left goes beyond and argues that he is a person above any moral suspicion, since, in their words, he improved the material life of poor people like no other president in the country’s history. In the left argument one clearly sees the revolutionary mindset. In their view, Brazil is in a war against poverty and any action is justifiable to improve the well-being of the poor. Consequently, leftist politicians cannot be judged, since they are above any law.
The right disagrees by arguing that, in the first place, he did not improve the well-being of poor people. Actually, during Lula’s mandate, the country grew less than its neighbors. If the former miserable had access to consumer goods, it is because Lula inflated the economy. And today the country is paying the bill through public debt. In the second place, the right claims that Lula is a scoundrel that used public money to build a propaganda machine that associates public achievements to his image.
To summarize, the central issue is: is Lula a crook or a saint? Should Brazil follow Havana or Washington?
Bolsonaro is the person that better personifies everything that is opposed to Lula. He is pro-market, pro-US, pro-guns, pro-Christianity. All other candidates agree in almost everything with Lula, even those self-proclaimed center-right. So voting in Bolsonaro means condemning Lula. Those who want Lula in jail need to vote for Bolsonaro, since he is the only candidate that has the guts to say that Lula is a bandit.

Quote: (07-31-2018 10:36 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Also, how does this map (the 2014 election between Dilma and Neves) change this time around?

In Brazil, we say that the election is decided in four states: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. These four states alone have almost 50% of the population. Bolsonaro does well in São Paulo, which is traditionally a pro-market state. He has an average performance in both Minas and Rio. And he performs poorly in Bahia. Historically, the Northeast has always been a barrier against modernization. This dates back the times of the Brazilian Empire, when local landowners controlled the mind of peasants. Bolsonaro needs to convince the Northeast that he will not abandon that region. It will be a tough fight, since they are very easily seduced by the promises of more welfare money from the left. This regions is the most poor and the most dependent on state funds.

The Brazil election thread

Bolsonaro IMO shares an uncanny physical resemblance to the Alejandro Sosa character from Scarface as portrayed by Paul Shenar (who unfortunately was a gay guy that died of AIDS years later). And of course the Sosa character was an old money criminal mob moss based in Colombia in the cult classic film.

[Image: bolsonaro_top.jpg]

[Image: 650?cb=20120718193931&path-prefix=en]

[Image: latest?cb=20170218154156]

The Brazil election thread

Guys, it's fucking happening!!!
In the first presidential debate, candidate Cabo Daciolo accused the leftist Ciro Gomes of being part of a globalist plan, which aims at ending Brazil's sovereignty and implementing communism.

The conservatives of the New World are the last hope of Western Civilization.

The Brazil election thread

< How high are his chances of winning? It takes two to tango - for the people to recognize the far better alternative.

The Brazil election thread

Whoever you guys vote in they need to start tackling the gangs and criminals across the board and at every level. Some of the shit going on there is akin to Mexico and once that festering rot has set in you face even bigger problems.

Get those cops into the Favelas like they used to. Only thing those fuckers understand is a body bag.

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (07-30-2018 05:03 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Make this the Bolsonaro thread.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Some past hits with famous homos:

Any Brazilian that sees this Juno twat walking around has a duty to punch on site. "OMG there isn't a bathhouse attached to every middle school, homophobia."

What you tolerate you will eventually submit to. The Pubeless Wonder PM of Canada is now insisting that supporting phaggotry is not enough, you must love the poz.

Tolerance>indifference>passive acceptance> acceptance>mandatory acceptance>mandatory enthusiasm>dedication>mandatory submission of your kids to the poz gods. You will need to let a man lie with your son on his 13th birthday in the same way that kings were allowed to bang out one of his subject's wives on their wedding night.

I remember when she got owned by Ted Cruise when she confronted him. HuffPo then said that he was "straight-splaning". Bitch got owned plain and simple. Jair should not have given this cunt the time of day, let alone an interview.

Brazilians hate American imperialism? Forget military interventions and dirty wars, this is how it's done now. Via these faux human rights campaigns against x-ism/phobia.


Saw that the Vid was from 2016.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (08-13-2018 02:27 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

< How high are his chances of winning? It takes two to tango - for the people to recognize the far better alternative.

Today, Bolosonaro only loses if the establishment rigs the election, which is far more common and easy in Brazil than in America.
The people intuitively knows that Bolsonaro is the better alternative.

Quote: (08-13-2018 11:52 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Whoever you guys vote in they need to start tackling the gangs and criminals across the board and at every level. Some of the shit going on there is akin to Mexico and once that festering rot has set in you face even bigger problems.

Get those cops into the Favelas like they used to. Only thing those fuckers understand is a body bag.

Bolsonaro is a captain of the army and his vice is a general that fought the war in Haiti. Security problems are at the heart of his campaign. But this is a works that involves also the judiciary and the legislative powers. Today, there is a law that forbids a cop to give two shots even in legitimate defense. Cops are armed with handguns, while gangsters are armed with automatic rifles. During the years of socialism, everything was designed to empower the gangs. We first need to assume that this gangs are a state inside the state, and then use martial law against them.

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (08-13-2018 02:32 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

Quote: (07-30-2018 05:03 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Make this the Bolsonaro thread.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Some past hits with famous homos:

Any Brazilian that sees this Juno twat walking around has a duty to punch on site. "OMG there isn't a bathhouse attached to every middle school, homophobia."

What you tolerate you will eventually submit to. The Pubeless Wonder PM of Canada is now insisting that supporting phaggotry is not enough, you must love the poz.

Tolerance>indifference>passive acceptance> acceptance>mandatory acceptance>mandatory enthusiasm>dedication>mandatory submission of your kids to the poz gods. You will need to let a man lie with your son on his 13th birthday in the same way that kings were allowed to bang out one of his subject's wives on their wedding night.

I remember when she got owned by Ted Cruise when she confronted him. HuffPo then said that he was "straight-splaning". Bitch got owned plain and simple. Jair should not have given this cunt the time of day, let alone an interview.

Brazilians hate American imperialism? Forget military interventions and dirty wars, this is how it's done now. Via these faux human rights campaigns against x-ism/phobia.


Saw that the Vid was from 2016.

Jair is antifragile. He is popular today because of the many leftists he confronted in the past. His adviser is a kind of Brazilian Steve Bannon. The guy read The Culture of Critique and every important book that describes how (((they))) work. He knows the enemy.

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (08-13-2018 08:41 PM)JoSuado Wrote:  

Bolsonaro is a captain of the army and his vice is a general that fought the war in Haiti. Security problems are at the heart of his campaign. But this is a works that involves also the judiciary and the legislative powers. Today, there is a law that forbids a cop to give two shots even in legitimate defense. Cops are armed with handguns, while gangsters are armed with automatic rifles. During the years of socialism, everything was designed to empower the gangs. We first need to assume that this gangs are a state inside the state, and then use martial law against them.

How is that when there are videos and pictures of Brazilian cops with assault rifles in these places? The off-duty Brazilian cop is a popular meme too.

Could swear I saw a video where a police helicopter was shot down and the cops went in dry on them after.

I did read their funding was cut and prior to that they were fighting the gangs but not so much anymore.

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (08-14-2018 11:35 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2018 08:41 PM)JoSuado Wrote:  

Bolsonaro is a captain of the army and his vice is a general that fought the war in Haiti. Security problems are at the heart of his campaign. But this is a works that involves also the judiciary and the legislative powers. Today, there is a law that forbids a cop to give two shots even in legitimate defense. Cops are armed with handguns, while gangsters are armed with automatic rifles. During the years of socialism, everything was designed to empower the gangs. We first need to assume that this gangs are a state inside the state, and then use martial law against them.

How is that when there are videos and pictures of Brazilian cops with assault rifles in these places? The off-duty Brazilian cop is a popular meme too.

Could swear I saw a video where a police helicopter was shot down and the cops went in dry on them after.

I did read their funding was cut and prior to that they were fighting the gangs but not so much anymore.

They are special forces.

Normal cops don't dare to enter favelas. They bear a handgun and can't shoot twice.

The Brazil election thread

Guys, the main Brazilian conservative intellectual, Olavo de Carvalho, has just been blocked on Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. It is no coincidence. He has declared his vote for Bolsonaro and we are onr month away from the elections.
It seems that (((they))) learned a lesson after Trump election. And they won't repeat that mistake.

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (08-14-2018 05:46 PM)JoSuado Wrote:  

Guys, the main Brazilian conservative intellectual, Olavo de Carvalho, has just been blocked on Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. It is no coincidence. He has declared his vote for Bolsonaro and we are onr month away from the elections.
It seems that (((they))) learned a lesson after Trump election. And they won't repeat that mistake.

Does the ADL have much influence in Brazil? Or a sister organisation?

The Brazil election thread

A recent headline from the biased left wing media.....
Source: Deutsh welle,
Unlikely and unlikable, Jair Bolsonaro could lead Brazil

Jair Messias Bolsonaro, a far-right candidate and congressman, has launched an improbable campaign to win Brazil's presidency. He served in the military under the dictatorship and has hounded left-wing lawmakers since.
My take, using unlikeable as he is a leading candidate further proves how negative and biased they are. The only thing they got correct was how he is hounding left wing politicians.

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (08-15-2018 03:48 AM)britchard Wrote:  

Quote: (08-14-2018 05:46 PM)JoSuado Wrote:  

Guys, the main Brazilian conservative intellectual, Olavo de Carvalho, has just been blocked on Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. It is no coincidence. He has declared his vote for Bolsonaro and we are onr month away from the elections.
It seems that (((they))) learned a lesson after Trump election. And they won't repeat that mistake.

Does the ADL have much influence in Brazil? Or a sister organisation?

There is a "media watch" institution in Brazil named Observatório de Mídia da USP, which is funded by Ford Foudation and other globalist organizations. See the chart:
[Image: esquema.jpg]

I don't know if ADL is in Brazil, but the B'nai B'rith has been here since the beginning of the twentieth century and they are influential in Brazil's society. They gave a "human rights" medal for Roberto Marinho, a media tycoon.
We had two military dictatorships. The media chose as martyr of the fight against the first dictatorship Olga Benario, a communist Jewish woman. And they chose as martyr of the fight against the second dictatorship Vladimir Herzog, a Jewish journalist. Not coincidence.

Quote: (08-15-2018 07:34 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

A recent headline from the biased left wing media.....
Source: Deutsh welle,
Unlikely and unlikable, Jair Bolsonaro could lead Brazil

Jair Messias Bolsonaro, a far-right candidate and congressman, has launched an improbable campaign to win Brazil's presidency. He served in the military under the dictatorship and has hounded left-wing lawmakers since.
My take, using unlikeable as he is a leading candidate further proves how negative and biased they are. The only thing they got correct was how he is hounding left wing politicians.

This reminds me the "Trump can't win" movement in mainstream media. It didn't end very well for them.
At least in America you have Fox News. In Brazil, we have ZERO conservative media.

The Brazil election thread

Ford Foundation is a pure globalist organization.

Fox News btw only came to Trump very late. Trump did not win because of Fox News, but more because of the alternative media, social media and Youtube. All alt-candidates have to use social media to the max and not rely on the mainstream anyway.

The Brazil election thread

Hmm, it seems strong men are being fought against in all countries it seems and not just the West. If any country needs strong leadership and a purge of socialists its in Brazil.

Facebook needs to be brought to heel. There has to be people in the US and EU who notice what these platforms are doing.

The Brazil election thread

Quote: (08-16-2018 04:32 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Ford Foundation is a pure globalist organization.

Fox News btw only came to Trump very late. Trump did not win because of Fox News, but more because of the alternative media, social media and Youtube. All alt-candidates have to use social media to the max and not rely on the mainstream anyway.

I see. Fox did everything to boycott Trump candidacy (Megyn Kelly symbolizes it), but in the end they were forced to bow to him. This proves that megacapitalists are more vulnerable than we may think.

Quote: (08-16-2018 09:12 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Hmm, it seems strong men are being fought against in all countries it seems and not just the West. If any country needs strong leadership and a purge of socialists its in Brazil.

Facebook needs to be brought to heel. There has to be people in the US and EU who notice what these platforms are doing.

You only destroy something when you replace it. Facebook today is so big that it transcended capitalism. It is impossible to compete with an organization that doesn't follow the rules of capitalism anymore. It is no coincidence that Facebook defends socialism. It needs to defend the idea of monopoly and social control in order to survive.
Facebook office in Brazil has a room named Marielle France, which is a far-left lesbian Congresswoman that died recently.

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