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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

^ I mean cmon they are being obvious about it now.

The Hillary Clinton thread

And the 2017 Soycialist of the Year goes to............

Saturday Night Live's Pete Davidson!

[Image: GY_pete_dc_121617_12x5_608.jpg]

[Image: ht_tattoo_dc_121617_13x14_992.jpg]

Mx Davidson says,


"Wanted to get @hillaryclinton a Christmas gift so I got a tattoo of my hero," the New York City native wrote. "Thanks for being such a badass and one of the strongest people in the universe."

Apparently not part of a skit:


The tattoo artist, Jon Mesa of No Idols Tattoo in Lower Manhattan, confirmed that the ink was indeed permanent.

He told Us Weekly Friday, "Yes, its real! Just did it last night at my shop No Idols Tattoo on Bowery and Grand! It’s a small one on his right leg."

Crooked Hillary responds:


"Thanks, @petedavidson, This makes it significantly less awkward that I’ve had a Pete Davidson tattoo for years," she wrote. "But seriously, I’m honored. Merry Christmas my friend."

[Image: 200w.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

"No Idols" tattoos.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Tattoo looks like bride of Chucky.

The Hillary Clinton thread

If that's his leg how come it's bald, and appears to be thinner than my wrist?

Ahh that's right - soy.

The Hillary Clinton thread


I thought it was his forearm.

The Hillary Clinton thread

So did I until I read:


He told Us Weekly Friday, "Yes, its real! Just did it last night at my shop No Idols Tattoo on Bowery and Grand! It’s a small one on his right leg."

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (12-16-2017 03:15 PM)Gustavus Adolphus Wrote:  

And the 2017 Soycialist of the Year goes to............

[Image: GY_pete_dc_121617_12x5_608.jpg]

Richard Simmons is less of a faggot than this guy.

The Hillary Clinton thread

That's terrible marketing for this tattoo artist. Doesn't look like Hillary at all.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (12-16-2017 03:15 PM)Gustavus Adolphus Wrote:  

[Image: GY_pete_dc_121617_12x5_608.jpg]

Bet this guy has lower testosterone than even the infamous Soytastic Four from Buzzfeed.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (12-18-2017 12:24 PM)heavy Wrote:  

That's terrible marketing for this tattoo artist. Doesn't look like Hillary at all.

[Image: ixd1k6.jpg]

I'm not so sure - I definitely see a resemblance between Hillary and The Bride of Chucky.

[Image: 28i226a.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: DRMGY_aW0AAes_l.jpg:small]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Many well meaning people will tell you "follow your dreams".

Sometimes, they are wrong.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (12-19-2017 12:21 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Many well meaning people will tell you "follow your dreams".

Sometimes, they are wrong.

It's pretty obvious he has a massive crush on Hillary. He would fuck her corpse in a coffin if nobody was looking.

Gentlemen, I present to you, American male thirst!

Veloce was right, we need to legalize prostitution. Women obviously know it is the main way they are controlling men here.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The Hillary Clinton thread

That’s fucked up with Pete Davidson and that hideous tattoo.

I enjoyed seeing him on the Comedy Central Roasts. His father died in one of the towers on September 11. Just for having the stones to weave that into his comedy rountine was pure genius.

The “Soul Plane” comment is gold.

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

The Hillary Clinton thread

We will know it is the end times when a warrant for Bill & Hillary's arrest warrant is issued. In a surprise twist, they are vacationing in Britain and must go hide in the Equadorian Embassy with Julian Assange to avoid extradition.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Great idea. Go join other Liberals/Democrats for an epic meltdown. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Best book of the year...? Yeah right...okay...whatever you say, Lefties.
[Image: e89b1bab015f32d0b57f64ec9917dd76.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Damn, I know Hillary supporters are usually a combination of fug and fucked up, but, even so, Maddi Hannukiah-Mann is either the ugliest women I've seen for years, or the creepiest man.

[Image: 003_400x400.jpg]

Your guess is as good as mine.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Report: FBI Launches New Clinton Foundation Investigation


John Solomon reports at The Hill that the Department of Justice has launched a new investigation into the activities of the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state:

The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.

FBI agents from Little Rock, Ark., where the Foundation was started, have taken the lead in the investigation and have interviewed at least one witness in the last month, and law enforcement officials said additional activities are expected in coming weeks.

The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes.

Sounds good.

The Hillary Clinton thread


You've heard of Benghazi and Uranium One. But more than a year after Hillary Clinton’s resounding loss to President Trump, she must now grapple with a new scandal: An ongoing Federal Election Commission investigation into an alleged $84 million money laundering scheme orchestrated by the Hillary Victory Fund — the $500 million joint fundraising committee between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and Democratic state parties.

Based on former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile’s public comments, a memo by former Clinton campaign manager Robbie Mook, and months of reviewing FEC reports, the Committee to Defend the President has filed an FEC complaint accusing the Democratic establishment of using state chapters as straw men to circumvent campaign donation limits and launder money to Clinton’s campaign. The Hillary Victory Fund solicited six-figure donations from major donors, including Calvin Klein and “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane, “papered” them through state parties en route to DNC and then the Clinton campaign.

In reality, the fund either never transferred $84 million to state parties, sending the funds straight to the DNC, or it made the transfers without state parties having actual control of the money. In either case, the fund violated campaign finance laws in precisely the way the Supreme Court deemed illegal in its 2014 McCutcheon v. FEC ruling. And that’s only the tip of allegations in this particular iceberg.

If and when the allegations are confirmed by the FEC, Clinton’s $84 million money laundering scheme will go down as the single largest campaign finance scandal in U.S. history.

This looks bad and no coverage at all in the media.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (12-18-2017 09:17 PM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2017 12:24 PM)heavy Wrote:  

That's terrible marketing for this tattoo artist. Doesn't look like Hillary at all.

[Image: ixd1k6.jpg]

I'm not so sure - I definitely see a resemblance between Hillary and The Bride of Chucky.

[Image: 28i226a.jpg]

Great, now I got this image of Hillary Clinton and Jon Gruden together... [Image: dodgy.gif][Image: sick.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Samantha Powers

[Image: DTl5lWGXcAEvVgz?format=jpg]

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (01-15-2018 01:03 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Samantha Powers

[Image: DTl5lWGXcAEvVgz?format=jpg]

[Image: laugh5.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The Hillary Clinton thread

The Clintons are up the shit creek.


Former POTUS Bill Clinton took to Twitter over the weekend to refute reports that claim Clinton Foundation donations paid for Chelsea Clinton’s wedding.


The Hillary Clinton thread

Now the Clinton Foundation could be investigated for money laundering.


The materials Smith is giving the FBI focus on a 2006 memorandum of understanding between the Australian government and the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton HIV/AIDs Initiative (CHAI). Smith claims the foundation received a “$25M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception” as a result of actions by Bill Clinton and Downer, who was then Australia’s minister of foreign affairs.

Oh boy! [Image: banana.gif]

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