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Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

So right now I'm on a cut, working my way down to 5% bodyfat.

Starting weight was 254-256 lbs at 15-18% bodyfat.

This is week 10, current weight is 239-240 upon waking.

Current supplements:
800mg test per week.
.25mg Arimidex EOD
10,000 IU Vit D3
Multi Vitamin
600mg NAC
8G Fish oil
Milk Thistle
Prosupps Vanish (one tab in the morning)
Protein Blend from True Nutrition, approx 4 scoops per day over two shakes.
10g creatine monohydrate
Redcon1 Total War pre workout

Current diet (this is pretty much the exact same every day).

1. Breakfast 1.5 cups of egg whites with 1/4 cup shredded cheese.
1 packet Quaker protein oatmeal.

2. 2 scoops shake with water

3. 8 ounces chicken or 5 ounces steak, 4 ounces rice or potatoes.

4. 2 scoop shake

5. Same as 3.

6. 1 cup liquid egg whites.

This hits around 300 grams of protein per day and around 2500 calories.

Water consumption is between 1-2 gallons a day. No milk right now.

So far im down 15ish lbs and strength has not decreased at all (it's actually increased) Went from a 36 to a 34 inch waist measurement.

Sleep has been bad, typically averaging 4 hours a night. Been busy between work, training, raising my son and getting a side business off the ground. I added a CPAP into my sleep to optimise it and I gotta say it's a great addition if you suffer from sleep apnea as I do.

The weight split has been push, pull, legs, 4-5 days per week. Not gaining strength as fast as before but still adding weight and reps here and there.

The nice thing about dieting for me is that my insulin sensitivity improves very quickly and I'm doing fairly well on the low carbs. I'm typically getting under 125g of carbs per day right now and I'm actually training longer and harder then before, with even better pumps.

The next step is to start adding some cardio in, which will be a mix of low intensity steady state and HIIT.

Not stopping till freak status, upon which you guys will see a sick photo. I know everyone likes to see the end result.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Looking forward to seeing the progress here. Do you just use calipers at home or you getting professional BF measurements done?

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

If your going to do an after pic, would it be too much trouble to do a before pic in the exact same pose?

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

No I just estimate. I do use the calipers but they tell me I'm like 9% bf which I know is horse shit.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

My holidays were brutal. I'm gonna start cutting and lean back down again. At least I stopped drinking alcohol several weeks ago, which will help alot eventually after I detox out.

What things do you do for your sleep? Do you take any melatonin or do things like eye covers or dark curtains? If your kid is under 2 years old, it almost doesn't matter what you do honestly. When they are older than that, they wake up early as fuck making noises too.

Since I won't drink anymore for the time being, zinc and melatonin is helping me out a little bit, but I could use some better tips on that.

Also, what are you snacking on throughout the day? If that list is all you are eating, that's hardcore because I could not eat that disciplined at all.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

I don't snack I eat the same thing every day. Remove the variables.

I don't take anything for sleep I'm usually exhausted by the time I hit the sack and fall asleep in 3-4 minutes. I just hook up to the CPAP mask and get that Darth Vader sleep.

I'm lucky my kid sleeps through the night, he's 22 months old.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

No veggies? Man, aren't you constipated all the time?

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Nope typically drop logs atleast twice a day.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Steelex, kudos on your discipline and GL on your goal. I'm taking a non-test approach to getting more cut. I would suggest adding beta glucans to your NAC for additional detox. Good research on it for cancer prevention and healing.

You didnt mention if you're taking a quality multi vitamin. Simply One men's formulation is what I use.

Make sure you're getting adequate selenium, at least 300mcg a day. You won't get enough from a multi. Selenium is a master nutrient responsible for activating various levels of our immune / anti-oxidant response. You can use various kinds though I generally trust formulations from Youngevity, as well as NOW and Jarrow. Also helps repair prostate damage.

One L-Optizinc a day, gotta get your zinc (and copper to aide absorption).

Interview with Dr. Schrauzer a true medical badass!

I take vitamin K2 (about 2000mcg IIR units correctly) along with ~3000 IU D3 for more synergistic effects.

Probiotics are important for gut health: kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt if you tolerate it.

Eliminating foods that harm the gut and cause inflammation is crucial which is why I avoid these 12 best I can (gluten, fried foods, soy, and dairy in particular:

I add organic Maca powder (~1-2 tsp) to a protein shake, using about 3-4 raw eggs, 1/2 cup pineapple, and a banana.

For bedtime and workout recovery, I take 3 ZMA (zinc magnesium and b6) per the instructions. Also usually a tall glass of water with Rec dose of raspberry Magnesium Calm, drank slowly to aid absorption. More ionic forms of magnesium can be absorbed better but I default to the powder. Especially if you get any cramping or eye twitching you're deficient in magnesium.

5-HTP seems to work better for me than melatonin (which can give me headaches and grogginess the next day) to promote onset of sleep though I don't use it every night. The magnesium and ZMA relax me pretty good!

I'm behind on DHEA supplementation (50 mg) but that first thing in the morning really seemed to boost muscle gains and weight loss when I was taking it. Very good research on it. Most older guys have low DHEA already. I did when I got labs a couple years ago.

Cutting out dairy alone helped me get leaner. Dairy consumption spikes insulin and weight gain, plus has IGF-1 which seems to be a precursor for cancer growth. Also caused noticeable IBS. I'm blood type O-neg and am not designed for dairy. YMMV.

For live enzymes and nutrients from vegetables, I also about 1-2x a week get a bottle of pressed green vegetables from WF. Celery, kale, cucumber, lemon, etc. I affectionately call it swamp water but it tastes like a salad.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Looking forward to seeing results on this. If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you Steelex?

Madison, WI Datasheet

Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

6' 2"

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Quote: (12-07-2017 01:05 PM)Truth Tiger Wrote:  

Steelex, kudos on your discipline and GL on your goal. I'm taking a non-test approach to getting more cut. I would suggest adding beta glucans to your NAC for additional detox. Good research on it for cancer prevention and healing.

You didnt mention if you're taking a quality multi vitamin. Simply One men's formulation is what I use.

Make sure you're getting adequate selenium, at least 300mcg a day. You won't get enough from a multi. Selenium is a master nutrient responsible for activating various levels of our immune / anti-oxidant response. You can use various kinds though I generally trust formulations from Youngevity, as well as NOW and Jarrow. Also helps repair prostate damage.

One L-Optizinc a day, gotta get your zinc (and copper to aide absorption).

Interview with Dr. Schrauzer a true medical badass!

I take vitamin K2 (about 2000mcg IIR units correctly) along with ~3000 IU D3 for more synergistic effects.

Probiotics are important for gut health: kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt if you tolerate it.

Eliminating foods that harm the gut and cause inflammation is crucial which is why I avoid these 12 best I can (gluten, fried foods, soy, and dairy in particular:

I add organic Maca powder (~1-2 tsp) to a protein shake, using about 3-4 raw eggs, 1/2 cup pineapple, and a banana.

For bedtime and workout recovery, I take 3 ZMA (zinc magnesium and b6) per the instructions. Also usually a tall glass of water with Rec dose of raspberry Magnesium Calm, drank slowly to aid absorption. More ionic forms of magnesium can be absorbed better but I default to the powder. Especially if you get any cramping or eye twitching you're deficient in magnesium.

5-HTP seems to work better for me than melatonin (which can give me headaches and grogginess the next day) to promote onset of sleep though I don't use it every night. The magnesium and ZMA relax me pretty good!

I'm behind on DHEA supplementation (50 mg) but that first thing in the morning really seemed to boost muscle gains and weight loss when I was taking it. Very good research on it. Most older guys have low DHEA already. I did when I got labs a couple years ago.

Cutting out dairy alone helped me get leaner. Dairy consumption spikes insulin and weight gain, plus has IGF-1 which seems to be a precursor for cancer growth. Also caused noticeable IBS. I'm blood type O-neg and am not designed for dairy. YMMV.

For live enzymes and nutrients from vegetables, I also about 1-2x a week get a bottle of pressed green vegetables from WF. Celery, kale, cucumber, lemon, etc. I affectionately call it swamp water but it tastes like a salad.

On the first post I listed a multi in my supps. I use the optimum nutrition multi it's like 3 pills throughout the day.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

I'm kind of in the dark about using roids since I have no experience with them (though curious about test and propably going to run a cycle in 2018), but isn't tren far more potent when cutting?

How do I have sex without losing the vitality that comes with the high levels of T? - Elmo Louis

Easy bro - pull out and cum in your hand. Then shove that cum in your mouth and swallow to avoid losing your vitality or lowering your T. - Yardog

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Tren is a great drug man. I've used it a few times and its quite effective but honestly it has some nasty sides too. I have an acquaintance who just killed himself due to not handling the tren sides very well.

I don't feel happy on tren unless I'm looking in the mirror and marveling at the magic.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Yeah I read about that. Some can handle those sides (bodywise/mindwise) but most people do say It's a battle getting through a cycle and keep a sane mind.

I know test can also be used as a recomp but for cutting it's not so common right? Very curious about your final results tho, propably gonna steal some parts of your cutting strategy in the future.

How do I have sex without losing the vitality that comes with the high levels of T? - Elmo Louis

Easy bro - pull out and cum in your hand. Then shove that cum in your mouth and swallow to avoid losing your vitality or lowering your T. - Yardog

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Quote: (12-08-2017 06:37 PM)Stimulus Wrote:  

Yeah I read about that. Some can handle those sides (bodywise/mindwise) but most people do say It's a battle getting through a cycle and keep a sane mind.

I know test can also be used as a recomp but for cutting it's not so common right? Very curious about your final results tho, propably gonna steal some parts of your cutting strategy in the future.

There are better drugs out there, but I tend to tolerate test really well. My BP, cholesterol, kidney and liver markers are all pretty good even at 800mgs. And I feel great.

Test does a good job of helping you hold onto muscle, even in a caloric deficit. Case in point after I finished my 4 sets of squats today I wanted to go for a 1rm and was still able to hit 495. My previous max on squat was 560 but that's not after a full workout so I'm feeling pretty good about it.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Repped based off of the 'kiss on 1st date' thread.

I'm gonna take a wild guess that your deadlift is in the 700s.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Nowhere close to 700. My deadlift is usually a bit weaker than my squat. I'm just a wicked good squatter, especially for my height. You don't see many guys at 6'2" go ass to grass, it looks crazy.

A few things behind this, I don't have the greatest grip strength. I do most of my pulling movements with straps so I can focus more tension on the lats.

I've tweaked my back numerous times doing deads. I've gone to the lengths of working with some very well known powerlifters to work on form, ect. Everything will be going good for a while and then ill tweak it. At this point I'm tired of being set back by it so I train in other ways to try and achieve a similar effect.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Following this for motivation. I too am on a cut, systematically going from 17% bf to 10%, measured via a machine at Nutrishop.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

I can relate the the grip issues as well, Steelex. As far as squats go, tonight I'm going to test out the Valor BD-8 squat stands . . .

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Waking lately at 236-238.

Gonna be upping the carbs a little as I'm losing some strength and fullness just from being carb depleted.

The hardest part is that balancing act of keeping strength up while still losing fat.

The nice part is that if I went and ate high carbs for a week, the refill effect on the muscles is pretty dramatic.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Your diet seems very low in fat. This isn't negatively affecting you? libido, mood etc?

Edit: The high dose of T probably covers you in those areas I'm guessing. On 200mg of T my libido is insane. I can only imagine 800mg!

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Ok doing good so far.

Weighing at 233-234 lately. Weight loss is slowing a little bit, strength is still holding up. Seeing more definition everywhere, particularly in the abs to cock transition. I've got that porn star vein running down there now.

Dropping calories to 2100.
Adding 45 mins of walking per day.
Adding 450mgs of tren acetate per week.
Adding 2 tabs of prosupps "Vanish".

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

Here is where im at today.

[Image: attachment.jpg38466]   
[Image: attachment.jpg38467]   
[Image: attachment.jpg38468]   

Waking up around 229-230.

Doing two 1600 calorie days followed by a 2500 day with higher carbs. Going to keep at it like this for two more weeks then add in some masteron propionate to finish it up.

Steelex's CUTTING thread.

You wrote some weeks ago that you did 2100 cals. What prompted you to change it to alternating between 1600 and 2500?

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