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Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

SamuelBRoberts, yeah but at least you did him the courtesy of reading the whole opening post (and all the other posts). I did not necessarily say that Comte was wrong. I just thought the way he approached things was a little overbearing/arrogant. There is a respectful way of doing things and a disrespectful way of doing it which is part of the reason the thread turned into a shit-fight.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Quote: (07-12-2017 10:54 AM)Australia Sucks Wrote:  

Comte if you are going to hate on somebody at least do them the courtesy of reading all the posts in the thread, especially if its only a 2 page thread.

Now I am not taking sides and I am not saying who is right or wrong but its a matter of forum etiquette and courtesy to at least properly read the thread (especially when its a short thread) before you criticize.

You admitted to not reading the whole opening post.

I said "We're not". Doesn't mean I didn't. And I read the thread. I saw the other day that others were offering a more measured response than I was going to so I held my tongue until our dearest OP started attacking. And yet again I was proven right.

It was also to let everyone else who just started reading this thread ahead of time know the hamstering and projection they were going to read before indulging that trite bilge.


If you cannot be bothered to properly read stuff on a short thread (obviously different when its a 15 page thread) then you should not bother posting. Now I admit I have previously made the mistake previously of not properly reading a thread and hence posting uninformed comments and we all do it sometimes but we have to try and reduce this behavior.
A murderer shouldn't be apprehended if they aren't convicted of all 15 murders that they committed. I read one hamstering post so I responded accordingly. A murder is a murder in my eyes.

Nonetheless I read this thread. Stop assuming people haven't. We're just not willing to put up with bullshit.

I noticed a lot of successful guys on Rooshv come down hard on newbies without even properly reading the thread. I've seen it too many times to count.

Imagine what Rooshv what look like if everyone half-assed on reading before posting?

Why because we've seen the same thing over the years. In the 4 years I've been on this forum and been actively involved I saw threads like this every other day. Most of the guys who came here for the politics don't realize that this forum was about self improvement and picking up women for the majority of its existence.

He's no different than all the guys we've seen.

I am not hating on you and you have obviously added a lot of value to the forum as shown by your rep points and post count. All I am saying is that in your case as someone who has had a lot of success in life you have to be extra careful of not allowing your ego to get over-inflated.
My ego is not over inflated. I'm not particularly successful. I'm just not gonna play nice nice with somebody that reacts in an angry manner to either my friends, people I respect, and genuinely caring folks trying to help(as that's why they posted). All of which are present in this thread.

I think sometimes high value forum members scare newbies away by coming down on them like a ton of bricks rather than making comments in a measured and constructive way which is not overly offensive or overly blunt. People are more likely to take your advice. Obviously when people are going through a tough period in their life they are likely to be extra sensitive and lacking in confidence, let's keep that in mind. Tough love can be overdone and its not the right approach in every situation.
Bluntness and raw truth are the only ways to improve yourself. Anything less is going to lead to half measures. Which is why I'm always blunt with my friends and give fake smiles/feel good advice to people I could care less about/want something out of.

This forum is simply an extension of that. I would like to be friends with people from here as I see a lot of value and advice that is followed through in real life. I've never EVER been disappointed by high value members and for good reason.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Comte thanks for taking the time to logically describe your side to the story and no doubt that lot of other high value forum members share similar sentiments, so its a good glimpse into how the top members on Rooshv think.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

The arrogant and fat OP hasn't replied. Hopefully he has been given a warning and a seven day ban for trolling,

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

OP keep doing what you're doing and don't let people tell you not to approach. You seem to have a realistic and positive outlook on your situation so good luck to you, and in a couple of years you can be in a completely different position to where you are now.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

OP's bossy, arrogant attitude is the... fuck. There's a word for this, but I can't remember the English word for it. God this is going to bother me all day now.

Let me try this again.

OP's bossy, arrogant attitude is a sign that his outlook isn't as realistic and positive as he says it is. If he were really positive and optimistic, he wouldn't be this prickly.

The subject of "gamma" has come up a few times now on this board. For those who are interested, OP is a gamma. Note the tone of authority on a subject he knows basically nothing about (A guy who's 110 lbs overweight, and been on one date in his life, giving game advice!) and the prickly, condescending tone when someone points out that he's got no idea what he's talking about.

That said, I do think there is some value to what he's saying, if you remove the word "game" from it, and all this nonsense about whether direct or indirect openers are better for a short, balding guy who's packing an entire full-grown German Shephard's worth of fat on him. (Both are equally useless for OP, for what it's worth.)

OP is likely severely undersocialized and lacks the fundamental skills required to game anyone. Before he can learn any kind of game, he needs to learn to talk to women at all. Going out and chatting to women about trivialities is a decent enough way to do this, as long as you understand that you're not trying to fuck them, they don't want to fuck you, and you're just chatting with them to learn how to hold a conversation.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

I agree with Thinking Out Loud. He says he knows he has to lose weight, but he thinks he should not wait until he's lost all his weight to pursue women. Someone suggests he should try to lose his weight.

He replies to that person he knows that he should lose weight, but he doesn't think that's a reason to not approach. Somebody else suggests he should try to lose weight.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

He knows, agrees, has stipulated, and is working on losing weight.

But, should he wait to approach until he's lost all his weight (while he's going to the gym and dieting aggressively)?

No. He should not wait to approach. Good grief!

There are plenty of fat guys walking around with girls that pass the boner test. Nobody expects him to be fucking one of those sex kitten movie starlets. However, we've all fucked slump busters and therefore they passed the boner test. Women like these can most certainly be seduced by a fat guy who's managed to add some muscles and is in the process of losing weight.

Game is the number one factor that enables a fat guy to land a modestly attractive woman that passes the boner test. So, he should learn game. How do you learn game?


I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

I think OP is correct that some dudes have indeed taken an incorrect reading of his point.

He didn't make a thread saying "I'm fat, I'm sad, how do I lose weight?"
He didn't make a thread saying "I'm fat, I'm sad, how do I bang hot girls?"
He didn't make thread saying "I'm fat and I think I can bag some 9's here's what you do"

The guy is not retarded, he understands he needs to lose weight. He said that is the priority in the first few sentences.

The whole idea of his post is that fat dudes should not just "stay in the kitchen and the gym for the next 8 months", they should try to improve their social skills while they are working on fitness.

There are a billion fitness threads, he didn't create this to get fitness advice and he is not complaining or wondering how to get un-fat. He is not doing a "poor me" routine, and he is also not claiming to be some highly successful fat player and telling people how to run game.

Given that we have had a number of threads lately about unhappy fat guys, and threads with some dubious game advice, I can see how some might skim over this and assume that's what's going on. But it doesn't seem that way from my reading.

This guy is the anti-Rex Imperator. Even though he has this or that problem he has decided to not let that affect the rest of his life, not let that one problem soil his overall happiness- as dudes so often do. We could do with a lot more guys with his outlook on life.

He doesn't need to hear "ha, you're short, you're fat, don't even try brah!"

Is he saying the best things to girls and going about game in optimum way? Probably not. But that can be improved, and the results of his interactions are not of much importance anyway for the moment. I would suggest he not focus on "approaches" so much as being in situations with women around and making casual conversation.

I am happy for him that he has decided to not let problems in one part of life stain his whole outlook, whether or not he ends up successful with women.

Americans are dreamers too

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

So, the topic is: How does OP get laid whle being overweight?

The best advice that I know of, which girls have confirmed.

You need to come off as the best dick she will ever have. *This is the art.*

You need tons of swagger and fashionable clothes that will obviously be temporary.
I recommend stylish outlet stores and thrift stores. *Regardless of of weight or status.

I find most fat dudes are TERRIBLE dressers. Start dressing sharp. Come off as a mandingo in the sack. That's the start I would recommend to anyone regardless of weight class.

Get your fundamentals right. I would focus on Fitness and Lifestyle as priority number one. Handicap and adjust your rejection with girls in the process of losing weight.
Realize that your game could be great but your physique is not what they are looking for. So, you'll need to be scientific and aware of what's working and what's not.

This is what every guy should be doing. But in your case, I suggest you be more attentive about.

TL;DR: You need to cultivate Big Dick Pimp Swag or learn how to rap... lol

P.S. There are TONS of tall, slim, Stalin-haired dudes with ZERO game. So, kudos for being aware of this. Game saves lives.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

At least the OP is trying. I like his attitude.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Screen for and don't date single mothers. You're better than this!
Browse around amateur porn sites. How many of these dudes have six packs?
Perception of Confidence in the sack homie. It's the ticket. Eye contact, slow words, sexual tension. yadda yadda.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Gotta say I'm on both sides of the fence here. I do agree a lot of the posters who are on Team lose weight first then game didn't read your entire post. Which is fine, so leave it at that. It does mean they are attacking you for something which isn't your intention, but should just chill about it anyways. Just let their posts be like water off a raincoat, as Goebbels says.

I also agree being short, fat, bald and with glasses dramatically reduces your success rate. I have none of these problems and better game than you and I have an abysmal success rate as is. If you care at all about your success rate(as in, doing this to try and get makeouts/bangs) I can't recommend what you're doing at all. It's not an impossible hurdle, if someone like WIA or Giovonny or XXL was in your body in your situation they would get laid with a hottie at some point but it's just such a big disadvantage I don't see why you would bother.

That being said if you're in this not so much for the success but more just to gain confidence/interact with girls your way is probably just fine.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

OP, here is what you don't get. I don't think anyone is against you gaming. However, what you fail to realize is that game includes physicality. Yet, I too am in the camp that you should approach no matter what.

This aside, the hate you're getting is coming from your preachy attitude regarding how you have somehow cracked the game code by not letting it affect you if you get rejected. It is a universal truth that it afffects the best players. Ask anyone here that has good game. Also, you are not only proposing but rather forcing the narrative that your way is correct and your views of existing game concepts are correct even in light of the many fallacies within them pointed out by many members who are worth their salt in game.

We really start crossing the line into blue pill territory in my opinion when we diminish the significance of physical fitness and thereby try to exclude it from the game formula. Game is part of your lifestyle. It's the way you carry yourself with women, men and even by yourself. By the simple nature of your narrow view regarding it, you are using it as a means to getting laid rather than a means to better health, better social attitude AND better relationships with women.

You spending precious energy "approaching" to prove something, is not exclusively going to assist your game when you finally are in good shape. Game is a lot more. You are basically creating this hypothesis and trying to prove it to an entire forum through a thread. With all due respect to your effort on approaching alone, while commendable, some of us just don't buy that your inner game doesn't also need work. That's the wildcard here.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Quote: (07-12-2017 10:38 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

We really start crossing the line into blue pill territory in my opinion when we diminish the significance of physical fitness and thereby try to exclude it from the game formula.

Nobody is doing that here. And besides I would say it's a more blue pill view to think that one must be physically fit to be able to get girls. The main revelation of game when it started emerging was that men could attract women through their behaviour, even if they don't meet society's looks, body, status, and financial standards. We all know those things matter - in fact any average man on the street knows that. It certainly isn't a 'red pill' thing anyway.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

The discussion is pretty much too long.

Of course if you can approach without any unnecessary hit to your psyche and motivation, then absolutely do it. You can even do it while being 200 pounds overweight.

In general the guideline is to wait a bit, because getting all those rejections grinds you down, but if you are so strong within and actually enjoy even the small interactions with women, then go ahead.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Quote: (07-12-2017 01:37 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Before he can learn any kind of game, he needs to learn to talk to women at all. Going out and chatting to women about trivialities is a decent enough way to do this, as long as you understand that you're not trying to fuck them, they don't want to fuck you, and you're just chatting with them to learn how to hold a conversation.

I was reminded of this thread last night. I was on my way home and stopped by a store along the way to grab a few things.
There's a few girls work there that I like to chat with, just for practice (the shop is right beside a military base, the cashiers are used to being hit on by fit, masculine men every day)
There's one, a 7 who was there last night. A few weeks ago she changed her hair. It looked cute and I debated whether to say anything or not... decided against it and said nothing, thinking that it might be too much.

Last night when I got to the counter there was a fat guy in front of me, no, make that an obese guy. He was at least 100kg (220lb) overweight and probably fifty, yet he had her smiling and laughing and chatting away, though she obviously didn't know him other than being a regular customer. After he finished paying she was still laughing and smiling and talking to him, when protocol says she should have been greeting and serving me, the next customer. Not that I minded at all, I was impressed by fat dude. He was having an interaction that would make even Gio proud. Of course he wasn't going to get the bang, but it was clear that making a cute young girl smile and laugh and open up was much easier for him than getting into his car which was parked in the disabled spot right outside the door.

Point is, of course it's worthwhile to work on these skills while losing weight.

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

I can offer some advice, as I have been on multiple sides of this. Fat and not game savvy. Fat and game savvy. Normal weight and game savvy.

I am actually happy I got to experience this as it added another dimension to screening girls for LTR material.

1. There's fat and there's FAT. If you are so big you get winded going up stairs, what do you think sex will do to you? If you're that big, I recommend focusing on yourself first. You're going to die early in that state.

2. If you're simply fat/overweight then absolutely you should be approaching. Get nicely fitted clothing and grow a beard (hide that fat face/chin!). At this point it's more about game than being overweight. Compensating factors can be height and success in life.

3. You should begin to have a positive feedback loop. If you're approaching and open to learning, you should improve over time which encourages the discipline needed to continue to drop weight.

4. Avoid oneitis for the first really attractive girl you lay. Enjoy what the journey has to offer, but reach your goal before you realize your full potential.

5. Realize you're changing your lifestyle and that it requires a constant commitment. It should feel like less "work" once you have established these changes as habits. Having a strong, positive feedback loop helps, but you may get in to a LTR and the comfortable nature of it may get you back to bad habits. Be very mindful with that.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Leave the fat guy alone.

He is not blaming women like many guys here who claim they are decent at everything but women refuse them so something is wrong with Western women.

I don't care whoever you are and wherever you are. If you are doing something while not blaming others, you can not disrespect them.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Quote: (07-12-2017 11:33 AM)Australia Sucks Wrote:  

Comte thanks for taking the time to logically describe your side to the story and no doubt that lot of other high value forum members share similar sentiments, so its a good glimpse into how the top members on Rooshv think.

Stop being a bundle of sticks.

Take that passive aggressive bullshit somewhere else.

There was a LOT of good actionable advice given by some of the top members. All you did was say "stop picking on him!"

Sometimes advice HAS to be harsh, Men can give harsh advice because men are supposed to be able to take it.

If OP can't take the "tough" advice (it really wasn't) the advice was, do x, then y, because of z and w. and you took offense to it for some silly reason.

I agree with Kai on this, OP has to focus on himself before women. Sure, you can make an approach a day on your way to the gym, but the main focus should be getting the body right. Period.

That's all that needs to be said in this thread, anything else is superfluous.

Isaiah 4:1

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Hard and discouraging for most. If you give it a shot you'll be much better for deciding to get out there and learn how to operate without looking great. That way when you're in shape,more confident,etc it'll be a lot easier. Some dudes will get pissed but you just gotta chop it up to learning how to become rejection proof and learning to enjoy game AS A SPORT vs A WAY TO GET LAID. You can get pretty good at steps a and b as a less good looking dude.... but then when it comes time to close the account you may be clueless and shocked that you pulled the right strings and the sale is going through. Just get good at studying the signs that let you know its time to close the sale and you'll be good to go.....of course theres gonna be some regret when you realize you missed an opportunity because you lacked the esteem/ability to capitalize on it but alas when you know how to identify it you just gotta remember that moment and never let it happen more than 2 times.

I've had some seriously bad acne but still game and actually get off on the challenge it many underage kids with acne do you see posted up in a bar macking on the finest broads in there. How many cats with acne do you know who will pounce on a group of 5 hot girls in public any given day without hesitation. Most guys are to pussy to do that shit after 4 beers.

If someone told me to wait till it clears up i'd assume they're a grade A retard and disregard any advice revolving around the sphere of women and them. Day game works better cause theres more room for actual conversation,funny stories,humor,and human level interaction so i'd say start there. I'm not saying bars don't work but don't expect the opportunity to sell some drunk bar slut on who you are as a person vs externally unless you're a firefighter,marine,etc(HINT:For a while while I was working at a jetski place all I did was talk about our rescue missions,ski down situations in the middle of a bay,towing boats of sand bars,and cool shit. The couple of times I did it I had some nasty gilf trying to snag me home with her and made easy convo with better looking broads in the bar. So don't pull some stolen valor scumbag shit just lie about your profession and make it sound cool as fuck. If you're by the water chicks think jetski guys are like football players on boats..if you live by the woods make up stories about logging or deep sea crab fishing.) If anything having the opportunity to hit on girls while bearing the curse of temporary/fixable 'ugliness' is an advantage. That way you can have the bullet proof game and larger than life persona required to work around your looks and since its fixable you get the confidence boost + boost in product quality when its all said and done.

Approaching girls as a fat guy (40-50kg overweight)

Quote: (07-11-2017 11:21 PM)StackGsMan Wrote:  

approaching, when I was over 300 lbs, I still got numbers from many girls that were in the 5+ range, and a good amount of 7+, and some but relatively few 8+. The thing is that game is a skill that can be developed by anyone regardless of how they look.


Conclusion, Game will generally trump Body Shape. Game and a HOT body will take you to the ceiling, and other factors will then allow you break through that ceiling.

Sounds about right.


Too much drama for a hit it and quit it brutha such as myself
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