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Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:46 PM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:12 PM)Praetor Lupus Wrote:  

After months and months of leftists and liberals twisting the truth of what's in the news and papers - showing the arena at Trump's inauguration to be empty to portray it as though noone turned up when we know it was packed full - it annoys me when otherwise rational people do the same.

You may not like shooting at people, but if people are shooting at you then you have to shoot back.

"It's what the left does" is precisely the reason we have to do it, too. "The left does it" is never a reason why you should not do something, it's exactly the reason why you should.

I don't agree with the analogy. If someone shoots at me, I am absolutely in favour of shooting back at them, then carving their corpse up and pissing on what's left. If someone punched me in the street for no reason, I am in favour of crippling them.

Over the Brexit campaign, then Trump's campaign, I saw leftists post shit about
my side using distorted clips from the news and bullshit pictures. I saw it as part of the moral degeneracy of the left, which I suppose is why it's annoyed me when otherwise rational men (I'm thinking mainly about Twitter here) start doing the same.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017


[Image: IMG_2596-575x437.jpg]

[Image: C7jgfNmXQAABIGB.jpg:large]


Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

< That made me laugh, though to be fair she may be innocent for all we know. But her seeming indifference to Islamic terror is certainly not the best PR-moment, though who knows - she may be a kind and loving person, or she may be an ISIS supporter.

But it will spawn memes I guess.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017


Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 06:03 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  


Atheist prayers - you daft cunt.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 06:05 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 06:03 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  


Atheist prayers - you daft cunt.

What are atheist prayers? Towards what? And while we are on the topic of atheists - there is a specific group that she likes, that prefer all atheists rather to be dead.

I for one don't care. Atheism is also another belief group, because the assumption of no higher existence, force, God or soul is equally unproven as the fact of whether there is something out there and there is a meaning to it all.

But don't call it prayer. Maybe you should sing Allahu Akbar like the other Feminists on Woman's Day:


Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Can I be that guy and say I understand both sides of the argument with regard to that photo?

On one hand it is a little unfair. But on the other hand, it's open season, propaganda wise as far as I am concerned. Like Zel says, no harm will come to her. It's silly really. But it's what the left do, and I don't know if you have noticed, but if you look at the recent Tommy Robinson videos, the left are actually winning because they don't just have the government and MPs behind them, they actually have the police protecting them to act with impunity.

Tough titties for hijab girl. It won't make much difference, but what else can such an impotent body as we are do? If you watched that Tommy Robinson video that I posted and I notice others have posted from Rebel Media, if it does not put your blood pressure through the roof and get the old brain working, then I just don't know what will. All pretense of decency has been crossed. I'm just waiting for the word from my superiors like Leonard to see if I'm actually allowed to say 'this is war' now, without being scolded or chided. :-)

He is quite right of course. Words should not be demeaned and hyperbole has its place, but not in common conversation. I don't think anyone can argue that this is some type of war - not the blood and guts kind (except for those killed today) - but a culture war.

I notice how events like this don't just divide communities but they divide families too. They divide whole towns. They divide religions (should the Christians be good Christians and allow Muslims to enter their church?, for example). I could go on. You all know the drill.

At the risk of pleasing no one and alienating everyone (I have a rare knack for that), can we not bicker? Damn, I am that guy. Drat!

What I see here in this forum, that is still developing at a rate of knots, and going in the right direction, if I may add, is a rare and disparate group of men with a common cause. It is no coincidence we were brought here by game. This is the evolution of the politics of game. It is a natural progression.

But this event in particular is 'meh' - another terrorist attack that we have been told we should embrace as life in a multi-cultural capital, by its very Mayor (Muslim) no less. We know this will continue. It can't be stopped. We can fight it, but we can't stop it totally. It's already a civil war of sorts. I've been close enough to hear IRA bombs go off. I remember the tube bombings of 2005 etc. etc. - there is more to come. We are all waiting for the big one.

I'm not sure how much the police can protect us. There is civil war in the ranks there as well. Many police are muslims and lesbians now. No friends of ours it would seem when it comes to protecting the few that dare stick their head above the parapet such as brave Tommy Robinson. I'm sure some hold their office in higher regard than their respective faiths or sexuality, but it's not looking good so far on the whole.

On another note, getting back to the details of this event, it seems there was a second person on the scene as reported by several media outlets - that little fact seems to be being washed down the memory hole as we speak - and that is definitely a common theme with events such as these. Such as live drills being carried out (2005 etc. etc.). In fact there was a big 'terrror drill' the other day involving hundreds of armed police on the Thames. Surely unrelated, but who knows these days.

They have driven a stake not just between different communities but they have driven a stake between specific communities themselves. In the absence of facts, when frustration reigns supreme, we lash out at those we perceive to be apologists or that have a different viewpoint.

We are all brothers here, and any man posting on this forum is a marked man in many ways. And on the radar in a big way.

I'm not sure what happened today. Condolences to the Police Officer that lost his life in the line of duty. He was a marked man too. And of course to the other victims so savagely taken. And don't forget those that will have PTSD for the rest of their lives, those in wheelchairs etc. etc.

My anger and my focus right now is on the enablers. We can't get to the politicians. We can't attack the police because ultimately they are our friends.

But as I said earlier, if it isn't open season and fair game now to attack all Leftists who support this - such as those that attacked Tommy Robinson - then I don't know when it will be.

Muslims will jihad, dogs will bite. I want to see those Leftist scum called out and taken down a peg or two. The frustration in Tommy Robinson's voice was palpable. Is he the only man with a pair left in the whole of Britain? And accompanied by a gay Man. I call him a Man, because that is what he is. That gay Man, had more bollocks than all the stupid impotent wankers that mouth off but don't do anything about it. Is this what we have become? When an openly gay and mincing young man is leading the charge against our enemies?

I say we regroup, prioritize what is important, and what can realistically be achieved. Then we go for the fucking throat. Legally. Above board. Out in the open. Like those foaming at the mouth fucking faggots without an argument who attacked Tommy Robinson. Surely we can overcome them, can't we?

Can we? If not. It wasn't even worth fighting for in the first place.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:39 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:33 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

When are the Brit police going to start issuing firearms to officers? It's past time.

They are armed to the teeth with state of the art weapons. Heckler and Koch. MP5's etc. etc. They also are loaded with 'dum-dum' hollow point rounds as policy. They shatter in the body and do not follow through to cause collateral damage. The same reason they don't shoot for the legs to incapacitate - when they fire they shoot to kill - large body mass. A hollow point from an H&K stops most people as I'm sure you know.

[If I remember correctly - the details are all over the net with regard to this]

Central London has a lot of firearms officers, there are also military personal around on standby. Ministry of defence police and alphabet soup when it comes to the different armed units in the Met, British transport police and City of London police. I even have my own theories that private military companies may be on stand by.

A lot of the firearms officers you see though, with carbines and rifles etc, only can use them in a semi automatic function.

Generally speaking though, the police around the rest of the country are pretty much defenceless. They are not even allowed to follow criminal moped drivers in case injury is caused. The court systems favour the criminals with 'beyond reasonable doubt' having to be proven. Assault on police carries a £50 -£200 fine, and I am talking about injuries that amount to actual bodily harm here, not just some light battery.

I predict that there will be two branches of the police in the future. One half will be purely admin, PC and social worker esque, and the second half will be more like the French Gendarmerie

Funny how you mention the whole shooting the greater mass thing. I remember a lot of liberals and kids some years back were getting worked up by how the police were not 'shooting at their legs'. It had to be explained that you shoot to incapacitate and to stop the assailant. Shooting them at the leg may not do anything when you take into account adrenaline, drugs etc. Plus the potential for there being collateral damage, if there round was to pass through. Which would be less likely to happen if being hit into the 70% mark.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Attacker doesnt look like an Indian or Pakiatani to me. Possibly Bengali or maybe Somalian.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 03:14 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 02:19 PM)Gmac Wrote:  


Maybe she couldn't see or hear what was going on because she has that shit on her head.

It's called a 'hand job' hater!

Take care of those titties for me.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:10 PM)rafaeld Wrote:  

While I agree with the sentiment in this thread I'm somewhat disappointed.

Within a matter of hours this thread got more replies than the London meetup thread which has been around for over two years.

It seems we have many UK members who are far readier to criticize, react and complain loudly online than they are to take concrete action to meet up with RVF community members in their own city. Isn't this forum supposed to be about fostering self-reliance and building communities of men who share a common philosophy?

Posting angrily here will achieve nothing. Get your ass over to the London meetup thread, make a connection with someone in your own city and lets take some action over something within our power to change, instead of ranting uselessly online about something outside of our control.

I understand the sentiments and my reply probably isn't really a response to your post. However London is a 'liberal' city in every sense of the word. Ironically enough, aside from police officers, like the one who was killed earlier today. Other emergency services and your 'red pill' people of status who work in the centre of London. Most of the city is either 2nd/3rd generation immigrants, who are more affiliated to their identity politics. White self loathing liberals and temporary living students and workers.

The blitz spirit has long gone and liberalism, political correctness, multiculturalism is now what the city represents and is totally about. People who want to forge strong communities on honourable motives about self dependence, absolute truth and philosophy don't stay or want to move to London.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:43 PM)RaccoonFace Wrote:  

[Image: oh8ln646y0ny.png]

When the Rebel Alliance retaliates against that poor sweet angel her blood will be on your hands.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:40 PM)Praetor Lupus Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:33 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

When are the Brit police going to start issuing firearms to officers? It's past time.

The law disallowing British citizens from carrying weapons to defend themselves is what annoys me.

Anyone who intends to use a weapon to harm someone in a purely offensive move is obviously going to ignore the law, so law-abiding citizens are left defenceless.

This is why I support the American citizenry's right to defend themselves with firearms.

I also support the American citizenry's right to bear arms. We both know what a shit storm would ensue should we ever air that opinion in public in good old England. We would just about be lynched. And by whom? Fuckers that have no skin in the game.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Just a couple days ago Londoners went to the street against Islamophobia, Trump and Racism:


Guess they should have been more progressive.

Tommy Robinson was arrested during the event, because the cops decided it was easier to arrest him and bring him to safety before trying to fight the aggressive and violent leftists - who claim that love wins against hate.

Guess love wins also against cars running over pedestrians.


Guns wouldn't have prevented much in this case, but often do.

However being in shape and always battle ready would have saved some lives, but we cannot expect the citizens to be all super-fit and ready to jump fast against a car trying to run them over.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:36 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:10 PM)rafaeld Wrote:  

While I agree with the sentiment in this thread I'm somewhat disappointed.

Within a matter of hours this thread got more replies than the London meetup thread which has been around for over two years.

It seems we have many UK members who are far readier to criticize, react and complain loudly online than they are to take concrete action to meet up with RVF community members in their own city. Isn't this forum supposed to be about fostering self-reliance and building communities of men who share a common philosophy?

Posting angrily here will achieve nothing. Get your ass over to the London meetup thread, make a connection with someone in your own city and lets take some action over something within our power to change, instead of ranting uselessly online about something outside of our control.

It's not generally a good idea to meet with strangers if you express right wing ideas.

It's not a generally a good idea to go in to battle if you don't want to get shot.

We choose who we choose to love, to associate with. We take a risk every time. To not take that risk means to stop living.

And the way things are going, I don't think we are that right wing after all. I've stopped calling myself such, though I use it for certain purposes. Right wing? Which right wing would that be? Alt-Right? Mmmm... Far Right? Mmmm... Center Right? Mmmm...

We might classify ourselves for descriptive purposes, but there are many further right than us, that have called us racists. Make sense of that.

Anyway, I'd like to meet up with some of the London fellows.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 06:58 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

We might classify ourselves for descriptive purposes, but there are many further right than us, that have called us racists. Make sense of that.

We are probably one of the most ethnically diverse and well travelled forums on the internet.

The fact we don't kowtow to a political ideology based on fairytales doesn't make us far right.

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 06:44 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Just a couple days ago Londoners went to the street against Islamophobia, Trump and Racism:


Guess they should have been more progressive.

Tommy Robinson was arrested during the event, because the cops decided it was easier to arrest him and bring him to safety before trying to fight the aggressive and violent leftists - who claim that love wins against hate.

Guess love wins also against cars running over pedestrians.


Guns wouldn't have prevented much in this case, but often do.

However being in shape and always battle ready would have saved some lives, but we cannot expect the citizens to be all super-fit and ready to jump fast against a car trying to run them over.

To be clear, I don't think Tommy was arrested. He knows the drill by now. So do the police. It gets harder to intimidate and persecute him when it's live-streamed. The game is: he upholds his right as a free law-abiding citizen and subject, he gets attacked and abused, the police then single him out and persecute him for being attacked, all the while, his attackers and abusers are allowed free reign (coz there's more of them), and as long as little Tommy doesn't kick back too much, he will be re-directed to go about his merry way. If he does not comply he will be arrested. That's the game.

He got away with this one because he complied. He has it down to a fine art by now. And so do the police.

To all the British Police reading this: We still support you. We are respecters of authority here. We have no quarrel with you at all.

It's getting harder and harder to arrest Tommy when he is obviously the one being attacked. I wonder if this isn't some kind of monster that has got out of control.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

This is generally the MO of police in the west.

Until one of their own gets gutted with an 8" blade on the steps of the British Parliament.

Just as Dallas may have been the turning point for US and Canadian police, this might well be the turning point for British police.

Men like Robinson were just English 20 years ago. Now, just by how liberal London has become, he is a "nazi". But I guarantee he has A LOT MORE support among the London police today than yesterday.

British Bulldog, come again.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Just in case anyone was unaware, a couple of days ago the emergency services in London carried out a major anti-terror exercise.

I know some people believe that having these "exercises" is a sign of a potential false-flag op, but often these exercise are carried out to increase readiness when there is intelligence of a threat.

It also happens in other circumstances, for example, a local hospital may call a critical incident drill, and fire and rescue services might carry out a major incident response drill to an airport. This would be totally unrelated to the aircraft that has declared an emergency and is going to land at that airport. If the plane lands safely, the drill was just a drill, and if something goes wrong, the emergency services have an outstanding response time.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 07:38 PM)Laner Wrote:  

This is generally the MO of police in the west.

Until one of their own gets gutted with an 8" blade on the steps of the British Parliament.

Just as Dallas may have been the turning point for US and Canadian police, this might well be the turning point for British police.

Men like Robinson were just English 20 years ago. Now, just by how liberal London has become, he is a "nazi". But I guarantee he has A LOT MORE support among the London police today than yesterday.

British Bulldog, come again.

This morning in every police department across Britain there would have been a special briefing about this attack and a moment of silence for the murdered officer.

And during this moment of silence the traditional Brits in uniform, mostly men in that regard, would have been unable to avoid noticing the "can't bring myself to give a shit" attitude of the politically correct affirmative action hires.

The glances left, right and to the ceiling. The checks of their watches. The shifting of their balance from foot to foot. The audible sighs. The palpable tension of those moments lost in time that they might have been able to check facebook from their phone or terminal.

Those men witnessing this will add it to a long list of grievances that will inevitably bring them to our side of the fence somewhere down the line.

Don't trust the police. Trust the honest and forthright men of the west, even if they're wearing a uniform.

p.s. Regarding that picture, I don't know what to believe about God or karma, but there's an old saying. "The truth will out". There are times when that truth manifests itself on film in the most unexpected of ways. Many things converge to create something pure in its honesty. The idea that we should toss that pure image in the bin because it's emotive and unfair is insane. We should put our hands together and thank whatever force, be it nothing more than mindless causality, which brought it to us.

p.p.s. Unfortunately it seems that there are some among us who would see a picture of a lone child in the rubble of WW2 London captioned "Nazis orphan this boy" only to point and scream that the child was in fact an orphan from before the war and that the picture should be removed immediately or at least re-captioned because it's not fair to the Nazis. 99 percent of progressive indoctrination is brainwashing people to ignore the obvious truths in front of their faces in favour of the party line. Anyone witnessing that photo knows in their gut what the truth is, and not a soul here would pass through that scene with so little empathy as to be on their fucking phone at a leisurely stride.

Most of the time our instincts are correct, and my instincts tell me irrefutably that this bitch gives not a single shit about the inferior kuffars around her.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 08:12 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

And during this moment of silence the traditional Brits in uniform, mostly men in that regard, would have been unable to avoid noticing the "can't bring myself to give a shit" attitude of the politically correct affirmative action hires.

I don't think the British police give in to Affirmative Action hires. It just wouldn't happen.

[Image: getimage.jpg]

[Image: 495057-hijab-police-new-scotland-yard-lo...k=e80i2q9G]


Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Remember that British police is as a general rule UNARMED.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 08:19 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 08:12 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

And during this moment of silence the traditional Brits in uniform, mostly men in that regard, would have been unable to avoid noticing the "can't bring myself to give a shit" attitude of the politically correct affirmative action hires.

I don't think the British police give in to Affirmative Action hires. It just wouldn't happen.


I know there's nasty history and correct me if I'm wrong, but Sikhs will be down with the struggle.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 08:30 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Remember that British police is as a general rule UNARMED.

Fucking nuts. I get it. Most people in Britain don't have guns. But they have KNIVES.

"Here you go. Just hit 'em with this stick."

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 08:32 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 08:19 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 08:12 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

And during this moment of silence the traditional Brits in uniform, mostly men in that regard, would have been unable to avoid noticing the "can't bring myself to give a shit" attitude of the politically correct affirmative action hires.

I don't think the British police give in to Affirmative Action hires. It just wouldn't happen.


I know there's nasty history and correct me if I'm wrong, but Sikhs will be down with the struggle.
But they still don't need to wear that ridiculous hat. They can wear a normal handsome looking hat like the taxi driver hats the other cops are wearing.

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