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Raw sex & disease prevention

Raw sex & disease prevention

MikeCF mentioned Defense Soap on his blog. Seems like strong stuff.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-05-2014 11:21 AM)Ethan Amarante Wrote:  

It does attempt a figure, however.

[i]According to a report by researchers Norman Hearst and Stephen Hulley in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the odds of a heterosexual becoming infected with AIDS after one episode of penile-vaginal intercourse with someone in a non-high-risk group without a condom are one in 5 million. With a condom it's even safer — one in 50 million.

Those figures sound about right - winning the lottery in most countries is something like 1: 6 mio. I remember when I talked with my friends who studied medicine. The first thing that their professor told them on the topic of AIDS is that they could fuck away as heterosexuals without abandon, since the chances of ever getting it even while being highly promiscuous are practically nil.

What would happen with Syphillis and other STDs if there were no effective countermeasures in our times? 17th century aristocracy up until the 20th century would happen - the majority of them had Syphillis with debilitating mental side-effects and a premature death.

Which is another point in the supposed super-deadly uncurable HIV-virus - why aren't there millions of infected among the heterosexual population? There have been studies done on heterosexual couples with one partner having AIDS - years of sex and no infection. But I am sure it is only a coincidence.

Either way - regardless whether you believe in it or not - the likelihood to contract AIDS is as stated even by official academic channels pretty much zero. I am just stating that there is more to this story than it seems.

The rest of the STDs are real and without antibiotics or equally good alternatives like high-dosage vitamins we would be fucked in our highly promiscuous times.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 08:45 AM)Nemausus Wrote:  

Quote: (07-04-2014 08:37 AM)Pinocchio Wrote:  

Buy antibiotics off the internet

Have you or any other RVFers ever done this successfully?

I've considered purchasing some myself, but I can't tell which sites are legit and which are scams. I've had a couple of bouts with chlamydia. I get the classic symptoms. Both times my visit to the doctor only confirmed what I already knew.

Me too!

But since I have had many much much more problems with the common cold (or sinusitis from respiratory allergies), I only concern myself with HIV prevention. (Ergo, prophylactic testing, testing, testing. It's OTC nowa days, too.)

The prospect of life-long medical treatment and premature death anxiety kills my dick.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Raw sex & disease prevention

Prophylactic testing is not HIV prevention...seriously, there is so much dangerous nonsense written in this thread that it hurts.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-06-2014 04:59 AM)sheesh Wrote:  

Prophylactic testing is not HIV prevention...seriously, there is so much dangerous nonsense written in this thread that it hurts.

What do you mean by this?

Ethan Amarante's datasheets:

Raw sex & disease prevention

I realise Orson really meant testing the partner for HIV prior to having sex ?! That indeed would be "prophylactic testing"....but then again, the reliability of these otc test kits is really debatable and I honestly don't know how anyone is going to pull this of in a ONS / game context.

Raw sex & disease prevention

I was going to start a new thread but found that there was already a thread on HIV.

So I began seeing this chick here and there for 2 weeks

I had sex with her once.

We clicked well so and then she finally tell me that she has HIV and says sorry for hiding it from me.

At first I thought she was shit testing or just joking around or had bipolar and got mad about me rescheduling a meet up.

But turns out she is for real, she said she was sorry.

She told me this a week after I has sex with her unprotected. Yes I know it was dumb that has sex with her unprotected I regret it and I should have been more responsible rather than letting my horniness get the best of me, but what is done is done.

I was so furious that I cut off all contact with her and the doctor told me that I have to wait 6 weeks to get the blood test and then a follow up one 3 months later. doctor I could have a slim chance since I am circumcised, but still sweating bullets here.

What is my likely hood of HIV ?

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (08-20-2016 01:40 PM)Lucario Wrote:  

I was going to start a new thread but found that there was already a thread on HIV.

So I began seeing this chick here and there for 2 weeks

I had sex with her once.

We clicked well so and then she finally tell me that she has HIV and says sorry for hiding it from me.

At first I thought she was shit testing or just joking around or had bipolar and got mad about me rescheduling a meet up.

But turns out she is for real, she said she was sorry.

She told me this a week after I has sex with her unprotected. Yes I know it was dumb that has sex with her unprotected I regret it and I should have been more responsible rather than letting my horniness get the best of me, but what is done is done.

I was so furious that I cut off all contact with her and the doctor told me that I have to wait 6 weeks to get the blood test and then a follow up one 3 months later. doctor I could have a slim chance since I am circumcised, but still sweating bullets here.

So how doomed am I?
What is my likely hood of HIV ?

Thats some heavy stuff man, and a real case why its important to wear condoms always. Hang in there, and let us know your prognosis. Its very common for people that are living long successful lives with HIV these days. Come back here with questions or the need for support while you wait for the results.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (08-20-2016 01:40 PM)Lucario Wrote:  

I was going to start a new thread but found that there was already a thread on HIV.

So I began seeing this chick here and there for 2 weeks

I had sex with her once.

We clicked well so and then she finally tell me that she has HIV and says sorry for hiding it from me.

At first I thought she was shit testing or just joking around or had bipolar and got mad about me rescheduling a meet up.

But turns out she is for real, she said she was sorry.

She told me this a week after I has sex with her unprotected. Yes I know it was dumb that has sex with her unprotected I regret it and I should have been more responsible rather than letting my horniness get the best of me, but what is done is done.

I was so furious that I cut off all contact with her and the doctor told me that I have to wait 6 weeks to get the blood test and then a follow up one 3 months later. doctor I could have a slim chance since I am circumcised, but still sweating bullets here.

What is my likely hood of HIV ?

I don't know, but I'm curious about the girl. White, black asian? drug user? American citizen? I mean how does a chick even get HIV in the first place.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Raw sex & disease prevention

First, race and ethnicity does not matter here. He already fucked her. My professional advice buddy, get tested. Second, for guys who girls raw, guess what tones of dudes are fucking her raw as well. So you're just swapping bugs until one of the guys has a virus, then boom. A lots of men are bi, and although hiv rates are lower in white women, they get hiv mostly from the bi dudes. Unless you're guaranteed your girl is safe, use a condom.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (08-20-2016 02:42 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2016 01:40 PM)Lucario Wrote:  

I was going to start a new thread but found that there was already a thread on HIV.

So I began seeing this chick here and there for 2 weeks

I had sex with her once.

We clicked well so and then she finally tell me that she has HIV and says sorry for hiding it from me.

At first I thought she was shit testing or just joking around or had bipolar and got mad about me rescheduling a meet up.

But turns out she is for real, she said she was sorry.

She told me this a week after I has sex with her unprotected. Yes I know it was dumb that has sex with her unprotected I regret it and I should have been more responsible rather than letting my horniness get the best of me, but what is done is done.

I was so furious that I cut off all contact with her and the doctor told me that I have to wait 6 weeks to get the blood test and then a follow up one 3 months later. doctor I could have a slim chance since I am circumcised, but still sweating bullets here.

What is my likely hood of HIV ?

I don't know, but I'm curious about the girl. White, black asian? drug user? American citizen? I mean how does a chick even get HIV in the first place.

Probably through anal sex or intravenous drug use, anal sex is the riskiest form of sex, anything in contact with the intestine(and that include the rectum) will end up in the bloodstream(that's how our intestine absorb nutrients, it's extremely vascularized).

Anal sex is very dangerous, that's why the gay community has high risk in contract any STDs.

Raw sex & disease prevention

If you look at my posts on HIV and also Hepatitis C I mentioned that many doctors consider those diseases unproven.

Ergo - I made the prediction to a friend some 1.5 years ago that THEY WILL FIND A "CURE" for both of those diseases. And voila - the first results of some major studies have been announced.

Hepatitis C has been cured with almost 100% certainty in a new treatment.

They will do the same with AIDS in the future. But meanwhile they will keep up the racket, since it serves them well when millions of mostly blacks take some light chemotherapy meds that wreck their health and decrease population growth. So a pseudo-cure for AIDS will probably take much much longer. Hepatitis C was never big biz and never had a big depopulation effect, so it's as good as finished.

And before anyone considers me again a cook - look at my posts before - my opinions are backed by Nobel Price laureates in medicine and other MDs - I did not suck it out of thin air or heard it from a hobo on the street. There is no end to which media, academia and government will not lie if it serves their agenda.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (08-20-2016 01:52 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Thats some heavy stuff man, and a real case why its important to wear condoms always. Hang in there, and let us know your prognosis. Its very common for people that are living long successful lives with HIV these days. Come back here with questions or the need for support while you wait for the results.

I'm freaking out TBH, My entire life could be ruined cuase of some bitch.

I have to wait 6 weeks and then 3 months. Doctor thinks my likelihood is low due to circumcision and because vaginal sex has low transmission and did not give me post-exposure HIV medication. But still, she is HIV positive.

I have no idea how to deal with this intense high stakes uncertainty until then.

Quote: (08-20-2016 02:42 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

I don't know, but I'm curious about the girl. White, black asian? drug user? American citizen? I mean how does a chick even get HIV in the first place.

She is a white young college chick, Australia, but seemed a bit thrashy and kinda dumb. One of those artsy types doing a dumb degree like communication.

She prob needs a degree in Communication considering she could not tell me she had HIV before we fucked.

This is in Australia BTW.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:16 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

And before anyone considers me again a cook - look at my posts before - my opinions are backed by Nobel Price laureates in medicine and other MDs - I did not suck it out of thin air or heard it from a hobo on the street. There is no end to which media, academia and government will not lie if it serves their agenda.

There's a percentage of people in any field you can think of who are very capable and intelligent yet believe in nonsense.

That a few AIDS denialist sympathizers have scientist in their title (who are not in AIDS research) doesn't change the facts. The Nobel winner was some political activist lady in Africa, I'm not sure why there is weight given to her opinion over say the guy who made my burrito today.

Of course media, governments etc lie- but like many other conspiracy theories, the believers do not have a capacity for nuance, so nothing is ever true or real if a majority thinks it so. But if the claim comes from 6 people on an obscure website, oddly, it will then be considered credible.

Americans are dreamers too

Raw sex & disease prevention

Just do what I did, jump into a swimming pool. The chlorine kills all those nasties lurking below.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (08-21-2016 02:29 AM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:16 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

And before anyone considers me again a cook - look at my posts before - my opinions are backed by Nobel Price laureates in medicine and other MDs - I did not suck it out of thin air or heard it from a hobo on the street. There is no end to which media, academia and government will not lie if it serves their agenda.

There's a percentage of people in any field you can think of who are very capable and intelligent yet believe in nonsense.

That a few AIDS denialist sympathizers have scientist in their title (who are not in AIDS research) doesn't change the facts. The Nobel winner was some political activist lady in Africa, I'm not sure why there is weight given to her opinion over say the guy who made my burrito today.

Of course media, governments etc lie- but like many other conspiracy theories, the believers do not have a capacity for nuance, so nothing is ever true or real if a majority thinks it so. But if the claim comes from 6 people on an obscure website, oddly, it will then be considered credible.

Do the bloody research - one Nobel price winner was the very one who proved that a HIV virus exists - Luc Montagnier. He said on record that most people encounter that HIV in their system over their lifetime. And nothing happens......

There is also Cary Cullen who mentioned it - chemistry nobel price and the one who designed the tests that for example Hepatitis C is based on.

Besides - there are a ton of other data like the Italian study where they tested WWI vets and found almost 50% of them to have HIV in their blood.

I don't mind if you bark at a tree that has some loose screws on it, but please don't mention first thing one of those bullshit peace nobel price winners as some kind of proof that I would take seriously. Obama won that crap nobel price too - and that bloke is a paid liar.

I have mentioned the topic in other threads and had discussions with other members on it. You may doubt all the information I have presented, but dealing with the entire topic opens quite a few eyes.

I won't repeat all my posts and data cited, because that is in my opinion just the basics that you have to go through before talking whether some diseases are just globalist inventions that they concocted for various reasons. They do not even stand up to scientific scrutiny and that is what Dr. Duesberg has also found - by the way - not your average kind of MD, but one of the 0.01% of his profession, a scientists of high renown long before he went to study the AIDS epidemic. HIs initial studies on it were actually just out of pure scientific interest until he discovered a giant shitmountain build by PR lies. And if you honestly want to claim that such a scam cannot be done on the public over so many countries encompassing so many universities, then you should stand corrected.

The interest free monetary system is known for millennia to be much more beneficial to the 99,9%, but it won't be touched by all economic departments in the world! The geomagnetic research for energy creation is known at least for 70 years, but we only have old BBC footage left of "soon replacing fossil fuels". Nevermind the fossil fuels terminology of oil which is not even proven. You could jus as well claim that gender-studies or modern psychotherapy for relationship management is true. Millions of couples go to bullshit Blue PIll therapy that only speeds up their divorce, because psychology will not look at the real observable data - data that would essentially make all therapists Red Pill or it would not work. And don't let me get started on the whole global warming crap that has been doubted by leading climatologists since the very beginning - they actually think that mini-ice ages and warming periods are mostly created by fluctuations in the activity of the sun. We are by the way according to them entering such a mini-ice age about now that may last a few decades. Has happened in the past in this millennia and there were also warming periods much much warmer than today.

Either way - open your mind - sift through the mound of info and then we can talk.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:16 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

And before anyone considers me again a cook

I don't think you are a cook. Or a crockpot.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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