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Raw sex & disease prevention

Raw sex & disease prevention

Like many of you, i like to do girls raw. After sex, i'd normally wash my schlong with soap. Are there anything else i could do to avoid std? Pls dont tell to use condom.

Raw sex & disease prevention

I believe there's some (albeit questionable in terms of generalisability) evidence that being circumcised reduces the risk of contracting HIV.

EDIT: Here's a link.

Ethan Amarante's datasheets:

Raw sex & disease prevention

If we are just talking stricly STD's and STI's get some anti-bacterial soap.
I managed to get my hands on a case of the soap surgeons scrub their hands with.
It's been many years since i've been infected with a cases of the clap.

Immediately after sex, i go into the bathroom and wash my dick off with this soap.
Extremely thoroughly.
Dry off and let the girl clean herself up.

Raw sex & disease prevention

"In summary, there is no clear benefit for either men or women to urinate soon after sex, to prevent either UTIs or STDs. On the other hand, it's easy to do, and perhaps quite natural anyway, and obviously not harmful. It's sort of like chicken soup for a cold or flu: "Might help, can't hurt, and tastes good -- so why not?" On that basis, it isn't unreasonable. But for sure this is not something to rely on for prevention of STDs, UTI, or anything else. STD prevention should depend entirely on wise partner selection and consistent condom use for vaginal or anal sex outside mutually monogamous relationships. Don't worry too much about the small stuff like timing of urination. The same pretty much applies to washing after sex; no known benefit but it can't hurt and might help."


Raw sex & disease prevention

Buy antibiotics off the internet

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 08:37 AM)Pinocchio Wrote:  

Buy antibiotics off the internet

Have you or any other RVFers ever done this successfully?

I've considered purchasing some myself, but I can't tell which sites are legit and which are scams. I've had a couple of bouts with chlamydia. I get the classic symptoms. Both times my visit to the doctor only confirmed what I already knew.

Raw sex & disease prevention

I'd worry more about a kid than the clap, which I've caught just from getting head before anyway. Pre cum has sperm in it. Although they say some of these new strains are basically incurable, that would suck.

You can get doxycycline for pets many places online, should be the same thing. Anyone know the name of the other antibiotic they usually give with it for gon and clam?

Raw sex & disease prevention

[Image: facepalm.png]

Please don't self diagnose yourself and give yourself antibiotics, the misuse of antibiotics is one of the main reasons why the number of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria has increased both in a hospital and community setting.

If you have STI symptoms go to a doctor who's been trained for x number of years for a proper diagnosis and then you will be given the correct antibiotic and the proper direction in how to take the antibiotic. Also if you contract gonorrhoea you may have to go back for a retest to see if the antibiotic has been successful.

Raw sex & disease prevention

As every man knows, you feel an urge to urinate after ejaculating, even if you had no need to urinate just before ejaculation. Could this be your body's natural STD fighting mechanism? Perhaps. Maybe sperm in the urethral tract has some negative affect so your body tries to wash it out ASAP.

Raw sex & disease prevention

High dosage multivitamins and minerals every day. 5000 mg vitamin C powder daily. Sometimes when I feel that I have contracted something, then high-dosage vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate in liquid form) until the bacterial or viral infection is gone.

The doses can be as high as 50.000mg daily with some of the hefty stuff. In the past I bothered with anti-viral meds or antibiotics, but now I don't contract and even if I do it is gone in no time.

I likely would only do antibiotics with Syphillis, which is extremely rare - there I would take high-dosage vitamin C plus a couple of antibiotic injections that get you clean within 2 weeks tops.

Don't get me started on the HIV or AIDS crap - even Dr. Luc Montagnier who got the nobel price for proving the HIV retro-virus said in an interview that almost anyone is exposed to the virus in the lifetime. Old probes done on tissues of soldiers who died in WWI have shown the existence of the HIV virus.

There is a lot more on that topic - btw 3 nobel price winners of medicine (!!!!) denied publicly the existance of the AIDS disease. There was even once a doctor who injected himself with the blood of a gay AIDS patient on live TV. The tests are super-sensitive and react to a wide range of people with medical issues (who are otherwise fine) as well as cancer patients and pregnant women. If there would ever be mandatory HIV testing, then the whole scam would be blown open. The funny thing is that tests are so different from country to country, that you could be HIV positive in the US and negative in Canada - the developing countries are even worse - in Africa most people having a prolonged cough or Malaria are just diagnosed as having AIDS, so that the money from the orgnisations is flowing.

What kills the patients is actually the toxic cocktail comprised of deadly chemotherapy drugs which had been banned in the 70s because of toxicity. The first patients who died were gays, they overused now banned dangerous variants of poppers - those toxic gases used as drugs caused rare cases of skin cancer and destroyed the immune system. Up until the 90s they used a chemical cocktail that was so toxic, that 100% of patients died in 5 years, while those who did not go on "treatment" are still alive. Oh - and yes - having a lot of anal sex with different partners increases your risk of reacting to the test - you just need to clean up your system through nutrition, high-doage supplementation and suddenly the HIV test comes back negative.

You could raw-dog yourself right through central Africa and be super-healthy after a notch-count of 1000 there.

With vitamin C and supplementation in mega-doses the worst thing that can happen to you is Syphillis and that is not really dangerous if you have access to vit. C and the right antibiotics.

That's why I usually raw-dog, though I am super-careful with creampies and try to use tantric semen withholding techniques. Over time it works even 100%.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 10:54 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

High dosage multivitamins and minerals every day. 5000 mg vitamin C powder daily. Sometimes when I feel that I have contracted something, then high-dosage vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate in liquid form) until the bacterial or viral infection is gone.

The doses can be as high as 50.000mg daily with some of the hefty stuff. In the past I bothered with anti-viral meds or antibiotics, but now I don't contract and even if I do it is gone in no time.

I likely would only do antibiotics with Syphillis, which is extremely rare - there I would take high-dosage vitamin C plus a couple of antibiotic injections that get you clean within 2 weeks tops.

Don't get me started on the HIV or AIDS crap - even Dr. Luc Montagnier who got the nobel price for proving the HIV retro-virus said in an interview that almost anyone is exposed to the virus in the lifetime. Old probes done on tissues of soldiers who died in WWI have shown the existence of the HIV virus.

There is a lot more on that topic - btw 3 nobel price winners of medicine (!!!!) denied publicly the existance of the AIDS disease. There was even once a doctor who injected himself with the blood of a gay AIDS patient on live TV. The tests are super-sensitive and react to a wide range of people with medical issues (who are otherwise fine) as well as cancer patients and pregnant women. If there would ever be mandatory HIV testing, then the whole scam would be blown open. The funny thing is that tests are so different from country to country, that you could be HIV positive in the US and negative in Canada - the developing countries are even worse - in Africa most people having a prolonged cough or Malaria are just diagnosed as having AIDS, so that the money from the orgnisations is flowing.

What kills the patients is actually the toxic cocktail comprised of deadly chemotherapy drugs which had been banned in the 70s because of toxicity. The first patients who died were gays, they overused now banned dangerous variants of poppers - those toxic gases used as drugs caused rare cases of skin cancer and destroyed the immune system. Up until the 90s they used a chemical cocktail that was so toxic, that 100% of patients died in 5 years, while those who did not go on "treatment" are still alive. Oh - and yes - having a lot of anal sex with different partners increases your risk of reacting to the test - you just need to clean up your system through nutrition, high-doage supplementation and suddenly the HIV test comes back negative.

You could raw-dog yourself right through central Africa and be super-healthy after a notch-count of 1000 there.

With vitamin C and supplementation in mega-doses the worst thing that can happen to you is Syphillis and that is not really dangerous if you have access to vit. C and the right antibiotics.

That's why I usually raw-dog, though I am super-careful with creampies and try to use tantric semen withholding techniques. Over time it works even 100%.

Whaaat?? Look, I don't want to get banned for not yielding to a senior member but can't lie down for this one. I have taken 3g of vitamin C with bioflavnoids every day for the past 12 years over two doses, plus high dietary intake. I also take high dose Futurebiotics multis, vitamins A, E, and B complex, calcium, magnesium and zinc, gingko, piracetam, centrophenoxine, Hydergine, aspirin, glucosaminme, BHT, and have rotated through everything from ALCAR to huperzine A.

NONE of this has prevented the cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and molluscum that I have contracted over the same years. BHT does work fairly well to keep herpes in check.

Highly irresponsible advice. Wiki has a page devoted to the AIDS denialism phenomenon, the same type of fringe "conspiracy over science" movement that has led to the measles resurgence and Jenny McCarthy's second wind. I think a tour through the ghettos of Johanessburg where untreated people die of AIDS by the thousands would change your mind. I know people who have seen it! -

Raw sex & disease prevention

I have to agree with Gorgiass. AIDS denialism is some of the most dangerous pseudoscience/conspiracy theory nonsense.

Zelcorpion, you could cause serious harm to anyone who takes what you're saying seriously. If anyone is in any way close to convinced by AIDS denialism, please do some thorough research and invest some time reading about the science behind HIV and AIDS.

Ethan Amarante's datasheets:

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 12:12 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Whaaat?? Look, I don't want to get banned for not yielding to a senior member but can't lie down for this one. I have taken 3g of vitamin C with bioflavnoids every day for the past 12 years over two doses, plus high dietary intake. I also take high dose Futurebiotics multis, vitamins A, E, and B complex, calcium, magnesium and zinc, gingko, piracetam, centrophenoxine, Hydergine, aspirin, glucosaminme, BHT, and have rotated through everything from ALCAR to huperzine A.

NONE of this has prevented the cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and molluscum that I have contracted over the same years. BHT does work fairly well to keep herpes in check.

Highly irresponsible advice. Wiki has a page devoted to the AIDS denialism phenomenon, the same type of fringe "conspiracy over science" movement that has led to the measles resurgence and Jenny McCarthy's second wind. I think a tour through the ghettos of Johanessburg where untreated people die of AIDS by the thousands would change your mind. I know people who have seen it! -

Look - I know that the info may be controversial, but I am willing to back it up with plenty of scientific links and studies - mostly studies which range into the orthomolecular field of medicine. There are currently ever more doctors switching to natural orthomolecular methods.

I see that you have not taken any multivit. It is highly important what company you use - vitamin C has be either l-ascorbic acid or from a good producer - Nowfoods, Swanson, Youngevity, Awesomesupplements or better - Swanson is the cheapest of the best. Forget most of the big companies - they are owned by pharmaceutical companies GNC etc. The problem with most brands is that they either have too low doses, too many additional toxic additives (sweeteners, titanium di-oxide etc.), non-working or outright toxic vitamin and mineral subsitutes (useless artificial vitamin e (dl-alpha-tocopherols instead of d-alpha-tocopherols), zinc oxide as zinc supplement which is actually toxic to body (zinc gluconate or piccolinate is needed or better)). So in effect you cannot simply walk into any store buy anything.

The basis of supplementation is a high-dosage-multi-mineral, then calcium-magnesium (in good absorbable form), Omega 3 acids, vitamin D3 5000IU or enough sun exposure & 3000-5000mg vit. C. For men also 50mg zinc and some amino-acids, since we need more physical exercise than women. Anything else may be welcome, but is not that necessary.

And I am not advocating going raw all the time and everything being fine!

I do personally because I have seen how effective and powerful orthomolecular medicine is - healing severe throat pain from colds within 15 minutes !!!!!! (15.000 mg vit. C within 30 minutes) or seen fevers and most cold symptoms withdraw with 50.000 mg vit. C daily. Also my other friends and family who have tried it experienced a marked improvement of general health, mood and general-well-being. I have a few Alpha Players as friends and most like to go raw too - have healed various minor infections and some STDs quite quickly.

Taking some may not stop infection, but will likely heal most quickly. So to summarize:

1. Research orthomolecular med well. Test it with colds and minor infections.
2. Buy and use good products (not GNC and other pharma-owned crap)
3. When infected use appropriate doses for healing - when very busy sexually with many possibly STD-ridden girls then I usually take 15.000mg daily or even more. My buddies sometimes take 25.000 mg vit. C plus more multis. Then the body quickly can cope with the STD. We are physically highly different and will need different doses. Sometimes you also have to adjust your diet, since some foods continually weaken you - milk products, grains, sugar - many people nowadays have actually food allergies which do not show in rashes etc., but simply weaken the immune system. I personally have to refrain from milk products and other things. I can eat it, but I will be weaker afterwards.

As far as anything I said regarding prevenion and healing of diseases is concerned - I am absolutely certain of my viewpoints - by far smarter and more reputed world-class-doctors share my opinion. But those opinions go against the profit-driven-medical-system we have right now, so they will fight it to the bitter end.

@Ethan Amarante:

- in German by Dr. Claus Koehnlein, but undertitles possible in English

Any kind of Nazi-terminology in the form of "Denialism" is just fascist Newspeak and should not be used in science. I am also curious about the basic studies which link the virus with the disease - the one done supposedly by Gallo. If you find it, then please post it - oh and please forward it to Dr. Duesberg, Dr. Koehnlein and a few nobel price winners, since they are looking for that basic study for over 20 years and still have not found it. Dr. Gallo told them, that it does not matter - they should just take his word for it. That way we should take someone's word when he says that he has to sleep with a virgin every day or the sun will not rise. Take your arguments up with those guys mentioned and the 2 remaining nobel price winners. Media and even academic consenus does not make it automatically true. Besides - even if those reports and well-formulated opinions by Dr. Duesberg and co. do not convince you, then at least they should cast some doubt on the official narrative. Taking precautions with some condoms won't do any harm.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 07:58 AM)roid Wrote:  

Like many of you, i like to do girls raw. After sex, i'd normally wash my schlong with soap. Are there anything else i could do to avoid std? Pls dont tell to use condom.

There's only one way to 100% prevent sti/stds. Abstinence. However if holding hands isn't your thing, condoms and dental dams are you're second closest bet.

And seriously, don't become a statistic.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

Raw sex & disease prevention

For HIV, you can convince her to take an Oraquick home HIV test ~ $40.
Before raw dogging her, you may decide not to go in if there's a fishy smell that could be indicative of some type of infection.
For HPV, get the Gardasil vaccine.

Raw sex & disease prevention

I always wear a condom. And it's not stds I'm worried about.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 12:39 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (07-04-2014 12:12 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Whaaat?? Look, I don't want to get banned for not yielding to a senior member but can't lie down for this one. I have taken 3g of vitamin C with bioflavnoids every day for the past 12 years over two doses, plus high dietary intake. I also take high dose Futurebiotics multis, vitamins A, E, and B complex, calcium, magnesium and zinc, gingko, piracetam, centrophenoxine, Hydergine, aspirin, glucosaminme, BHT, and have rotated through everything from ALCAR to huperzine A.

NONE of this has prevented the cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and molluscum that I have contracted over the same years. BHT does work fairly well to keep herpes in check.

I see that you have not taken any multivit. It is highly important what company you use - vitamin C has be either l-ascorbic acid or from a good producer - Nowfoods, Swanson, Youngevity, Awesomesupplements or better - Swanson is the cheapest of the best. Forget most of the big companies - they are owned by pharmaceutical companies GNC etc. The problem with most brands is that they either have too low doses, too many additional toxic additives (sweeteners, titanium di-oxide etc.), non-working or outright toxic vitamin and mineral subsitutes (useless artificial vitamin e (dl-alpha-tocopherols instead of d-alpha-tocopherols), zinc oxide as zinc supplement which is actually toxic to body (zinc gluconate or piccolinate is needed or better)). So in effect you cannot simply walk into any store buy anything.

The basis of supplementation is a high-dosage-multi-mineral, then calcium-magnesium (in good absorbable form), Omega 3 acids, vitamin D3 5000IU or enough sun exposure & 3000-5000mg vit. C. For men also 50mg zinc and some amino-acids, since we need more physical exercise than women. Anything else may be welcome, but is not that necessary.

And I am not advocating going raw all the time and everything being fine!

Vitamin C by definition is L-ascorbic acid. It takes higher amount of calcium/sodium ascorbate to equal the same amount of vitamin C, but it's still the same compound buffered with minerals. I prefer Sawnson's Pureway C lately. Futurebiotics makes some of the best multis out there and uses mixed alpha-gamma tocopherols, as are the add'l vit E I take.

I agree that supplements have much value, I spend a lot of $$ on them and anticipate an improved quality of life in later years. I agree they help getting over colds more quickly, though even a pound of vitamin C is not going to magically stimulate B and T cells to cure a cold in 15 minutes.

In spite of literally thousand of hours of research on this subject and years of high dosing with the best of the best of vitamins and supplement I have had a number of STD's. Pretty clear evidence that it doesn't work for prevention. These days I usually wrap it up.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 01:32 PM)Pinocchio Wrote:  

I always wear a condom. And it's not stds I'm worried about.

Yeah. I had a close call with a girl when a condom broke a couple of months back and she refused to take the pill - it was awful. The thought of that being a regular occurrence, as I imagine it would be if I were into unsafe sex makes me shudder.

Quote: (07-04-2014 12:58 PM)arribaperro Wrote:  

For HIV, you can convince her to take an Oraquick home HIV test ~ $40.
Before raw dogging her, you may decide not to go in if there's a fishy smell that could be indicative of some type of infection.
For HPV, get the Gardasil vaccine.

You mean that you ask women to have a home HIV test before you have sex with her? And that doesn't kill the mood? Either I'm misunderstanding you or you've got some phenomenally good game, haha.

Oh, and as for HIV/AIDS denial... I don't want to go into detail about my job but I've come to the conclusion that some people will never be convinced even with the wealth of information to the contrary available. I'd just reiterate that, to anyone who's close to being convinced by that stuff, do your own research and take your time with it. I wish what Zelcorpion is saying was true, but I have very good reasons for thoroughly rejecting it.

Ethan Amarante's datasheets:

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 02:27 PM)Ethan Amarante Wrote:  

You mean that you ask women to have a home HIV test before you have sex with her? And that doesn't kill the mood? Either I'm misunderstanding you or you've got some phenomenally good game, haha.

I would use condom first time to seal the deal, then later on tell her it's getting more serious so we should both get an HIV test before barebacking.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 03:43 PM)arribaperro Wrote:  

Quote: (07-04-2014 02:27 PM)Ethan Amarante Wrote:  

You mean that you ask women to have a home HIV test before you have sex with her? And that doesn't kill the mood? Either I'm misunderstanding you or you've got some phenomenally good game, haha.

I would use condom first time to seal the deal, then later on tell her it's getting more serious so we should both get an HIV test before barebacking.

Christ. I might look into this. I tend not to have a lot of one night lays but depend on a small group of friends with benefits. If I could be guaranteed that every one didn't have an STD, I could get into sex without a condom. For some reason, what you're describing seems a lot less clinical than asking to see a printout from the GUM clinic, which is what I did years ago. Cheers.

Ethan Amarante's datasheets:

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-04-2014 02:18 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Vitamin C by definition is L-ascorbic acid. It takes higher amount of calcium/sodium ascorbate to equal the same amount of vitamin C, but it's still the same compound buffered with minerals. I prefer Sawnson's Pureway C lately. Futurebiotics makes some of the best multis out there and uses mixed alpha-gamma tocopherols, as are the add'l vit E I take.

I agree that supplements have much value, I spend a lot of $$ on them and anticipate an improved quality of life in later years. I agree they help getting over colds more quickly, though even a pound of vitamin C is not going to magically stimulate B and T cells to cure a cold in 15 minutes.

In spite of literally thousand of hours of research on this subject and years of high dosing with the best of the best of vitamins and supplement I have had a number of STD's. Pretty clear evidence that it doesn't work for prevention. These days I usually wrap it up.

Futurebiotics sounds good. Awesomesupplements is probably better, since they even leave enzymes intact, but that company is pretty good.

Vitamin C won't cure a cold in 15 minutes. The sore painful throat and fever may recede in 15 minutes. The cold stays for days, but the symptoms are basically sniffles and a general weakness. Also I have had even in severe colds sometimes 20 minutes, where all symptoms yielded due to a higher megadose vitamin c and I felt 100% healthy. Many other people in my environment have experienced the same. It was years now since I had had a cold the last time. (BTW - sodium ascorbate is usually 88% vit. C with higher absorption rate.)

Now as far as prevention goes - it depends on your general health state, genetic base, number of toxins you have contact with, how many vaccines you've had (the less - the better). There are people in our world, who don't have a cold for their entire lives no matter what. There are people who are even resistant against almost all STDs. All will however benefit from suppl. & diet, how much basically depends on anyone individually. I have had instances where I contracted an STD and practically instantly healed them - probably it remained for a couple of days unseen, but it was gone way faster than with antibiotics. I may have prevented some, but I do not know. My girlfriend for example who has even a healthier diet and takes the same amount of supplements is way too sensitive and she will get any STD she is exposed to. I also have a Player friend, who is the same despite being super-strong, working out and being healthy. Medicine is just statistics - if it raises resistance of all by x%, then a guy operating at 80% of human maximum might will be way more resistant than the guy whose immune system is raised from 40% by x%. So - suppl. and diet make you resistant against STDs? Yes and no. Better to add some intuition with some girls and put on a condom [Image: smile.gif]

Raw sex & disease prevention

Your more likely to get her knocked up then get HIV/AIDS. It's extremely rare for hetro men to get it from intercourse. Unless you make a habit of fucking drugged out skanks on the regular your risk is extremely low.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Yeah AIDS denialism is irrelevant - if you parse the mainstream statistics, it's clear AIDS is mostly a risk for gay men and needle drug junkies. There's some risk for minority, especially black women. But female to male transmission rates are fairly low. AIDS is practically unheard of in straight white men who don't do needle drugs. Other STDs are far more concerning, because there is a real risk of getting them.

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-05-2014 09:59 AM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

Yeah AIDS denialism is irrelevant - if you parse the mainstream statistics, it's clear AIDS is mostly a risk for gay men and needle drug junkies. There's some risk for minority, especially black women. But female to male transmission rates are fairly low. AIDS is practically unheard of in straight white men who don't do needle drugs. Other STDs are far more concerning, because there is a real risk of getting them.

A few years ago I did a little research into this area and struggled to get some good evidence. Findings from scientific journals tend to be a little inconsistent on the matter and not necessarily generalisable. The Straight Dope summarises by saying most research trying to put a figure on the liklihood of transmission should be taken with a 'pinch of salt'.

It does attempt a figure, however.

According to a report by researchers Norman Hearst and Stephen Hulley in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the odds of a heterosexual becoming infected with AIDS after one episode of penile-vaginal intercourse with someone in a non-high-risk group without a condom are one in 5 million. With a condom it's even safer — one in 50 million. Just to put this in perspective, the chances of someone in your family getting injured next year in a bubble bath are 1 in 1.3 million (source: The Odds on Virtually Everything, Heron House, 1980). You're in much greater danger of being struck by lightning (1 in 600,000), having your house bombed (1 in 290,000), or being murdered (1 in 11,000).


Ethan Amarante's datasheets:

Raw sex & disease prevention

Rub some dust on it, errr, I mean soap... Seriously washing it with some soap won't have any effect if you are pumping contiminated poosh. The disease doesn't enter through the skin but through your pee hole and then down to your ball sack. You can't wash that off with some soap.

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