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What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?


The last post on this thread was from 2014. Social media and text game evolve so rapidly these days, I'm interested if anyone has evolved their text messaging routine/script within the past 1 to 2 years after getting the number.

It used to be texts were strictly logistical. Reading over some of the choice posts in this thread by guys like West Coast, Gio and others, point out the value of engaging a girl's emotions before mentioning a date.

I think some girls may think 'is this guy going to keep beating around the bush with pointless conversation and just ask me out?' and other girls need that emotional tickling before being asked out.

I've actually started just asking some girls I first meet out for a date right then and there. Then the texting is just about our pre-determined get together.

For purposes of this thread, I'm assuming it's a number that was acquired during day or night game and not online game. What scripts/formats have worked best for you after getting the number?

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

It does really appear that even over just the last few years the necessity of speedily setting up the meet has become that much more prominent.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

After getting a number (usually from Tinder), I fire away a text during the evening a day or two later.

Always open with this:

"Ciao X, describe your day with #hashtags //DF"

Have never had a non-reply to that, and more often than not they reply with quite the little novella. Yes, it's stupid and cowtows to current trends. But it works (for now).

She replies, and in the follow up text I begin date logistics. That's my current script.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

After I get a girl's number I just text something along the lines of

"Hey this is Savage. Save my number so we can kick it soon."

If she responds to that then I'm good. If not then I will just text her the next day asking if she has a snapchat.

If she doesn't respond then she was never really interested and let's me know to delete her number and not waste any more time considering her.

You guys have to understand if a girl really likes you she will respond to whatever bullshit you say. So make sure that first interaction you have with her is real meaningful with her so that when you text her later it's only setting up a meetup/date and logistics.

Some people say you have to build comfort/rapport over text being funny, flirtatious, cool, aloof all that stuff. But at the end of the day you could waste your time doing all that stuff and still not get these girls to come out and meet you. Which is why it's important to not prolong things and just go straight for the meet up.

The more and more girls you talk to you will make you get into a habit of not wasting any time on girls who just want to talk over text. Invest your time in the girls who are actually down to meet up with you without giving you all the bs excuses and taking long periods of time to reply because these bitches are on their phone all day long.

Quote:[b]Bacchus Wrote:  
Your goal is sex, not a phone number. Numbers are worthless.
They are the lotto tickets of game.
They might occasionally produce a winner, but don't count on it.
If you are in Los Angeles and want to link up with me
and/or other members to do some approaches please contact me.Thanks.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

Quote: (01-31-2016 03:19 PM)DarianFrey Wrote:  

After getting a number (usually from Tinder), I fire away a text during the evening a day or two later.

A day or two later? When you send that text, how does she know it's you?

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?


It might be because my first name isn't very common. Haven't been any confusion as of yet.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

Quote: (01-31-2016 01:37 PM)Mess O. Wrote:  

It does really appear that even over just the last few years the necessity of speedily setting up the meet has become that much more prominent.

I think you need to be cautious with this. If anything, I would challenge this mentality and say a slower pace could reap more benefits. Asking a girl out quickly, especially if she isn't giving cues to being DTF that night, reeks of neediness and a lack of calibration. Recently, I've made this mistake and a lot of numbers have been going cold once I prematurely and persistently bring up the subject of meeting up. I suspect this was largely due to my overly mechanical text scheme of...number close --> banter a few messages --> probe schedule/ask girl out. This is akin to Roosh's old texting from several years back and although it works for the "yes girls", the majority of "maybe girls" fall of the wagon because there isn't much comfort or calibration involved. The vast majority of online girls will go MIA as they have zero investment in you. BlurredSevens used to suggest lightly trolling girls and engaging them on a more emotional level by sending them goofy pictures, pictures of cool activities you're doing, and calling them. He also said this process could sometimes take several weeks and he was okay with that as it differentiated him from all the guys thirsting over meeting girls tomorrow. If you have your shit together, a girl isn't going to forget about you in a few days. In addition, the comfort build by exchanging pictures, randomly trolling girls, and calling them is crucial to warting of flakes and cold leads. Gio said it a few pages back but texting is now an emotional medium. Take advantage of that.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

Quote: (01-29-2016 10:25 PM)robreke Wrote:  

For purposes of this thread, I'm assuming it's a number that was acquired during day or night game and not online game. What scripts/formats have worked best for you after getting the number?

Grabbing a drink at [Bar] later, hear they have great [free bar snacks / cover bands / salsa lessons], join me

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

How do you guys tackle messaging on Whatsapp? Do you treat it no differently to mere texting?

I feel women expect to "chat" (Read: Banter/Shit Talk) on Whatsapp and I have very often been dragged into long-winded conversations with girls on Whatsapp. And with women able to view when you are online, when last you were online and whether on not you have read their messages, it becomes difficult to limit the messaging to only logistical and date-setting purposes.

However, i have also noticed that long-winded conversations with girls you are yet to bang may have negative effects and may dry her pussy up faster than a daisy in the Kalahari.

This has left me in a precarious position. If I indulge women with chit chat it might wither her interest in me but if I keep the messaging purely logistical such as by messaging " Hey it's xxxxxxxxx from last night", proceed to set up a date and then go silent on her until the day of the date she might feel that I am actively ignoring her leading to her not responding thus effectively ending the date before it begins.

^ How do you guys tackle this dilemma?

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

Quote: (02-03-2016 01:40 AM)SydneyD Wrote:  

How do you guys tackle messaging on Whatsapp? Do you treat it no differently to mere texting?

I feel women expect to "chat" (Read: Banter/Shit Talk) on Whatsapp and I have very often been dragged into long-winded conversations with girls on Whatsapp. And with women able to view when you are online, when last you were online and whether on not you have read their messages, it becomes difficult to limit the messaging to only logistical and date-setting purposes.

However, i have also noticed that long-winded conversations with girls you are yet to bang may have negative effects and may dry her pussy up faster than a daisy in the Kalahari.

This has left me in a precarious position. If I indulge women with chit chat it might wither her interest in me but if I keep the messaging purely logistical such as by messaging " Hey it's xxxxxxxxx from last night", proceed to set up a date and then go silent on her until the day of the date she might feel that I am actively ignoring her leading to her not responding thus effectively ending the date before it begins.

^ How do you guys tackle this dilemma?

There is a way so no one can see when you were last online, there's also a way where no one can see you've read their messages, they can be changed simply in settings.

My personal strategy with whatsapp is to have some small chat/banter a bit when I first get the number, then text in a few days with some small talk then suggest the meet up and get logistical.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

on whatsapp, if i add someone can they see that they have been added by me? or can i anonymously add someone on whatsapp?
i have no intention on chatting on whatsapp, i use it for initial intel

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

If I scoop number off of an online dating site I always pitch the meet on the site, and use text pretty much exclusively for logistics.

If I take number from real life person, I try to get a little bit of back and forth going to at least get a sense of how interested/compliant she seems (or realistically, if she even remembers me.) I don't have too many notches, but I've spent a fair amount of time texting back and forth with girls due to the online stuff, and the girls it worked out well with gave me a certain "vibe" over text that's hard to explain exactly. Basically, they return texts fairly quickly and seem "compliant" in their responses. If she comes off as cuntish via text, I don't see much point in wasting time.

The dilemma of text game mentioned by a poster above is similar to the dilemma of getting a second date if you're pretty certain sex isn't happening on the first - if you don't escalate hard enough she'll think there's "no connection" when otherwise there might have been, but if you push too hard and then leave things unfinished you'll get bounced as well because she felt bad about going so far on a first date. Both situations have happened to me, on multiple occasions.

The only way to deal with it effectively is to do what should be obvious - if you're not meeting up right away you banter a little bit to keep her interested, but not enough that she gets worn out from familiarity. And if you're going to text her to banter it's best that you do it when you're out doing interesting things and legitimately don't have the time to keep the conversation going anyway, rather than just sitting around on your ass at home looking at social media.

Like so many things, you have to walk the razor's edge.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

Quote: (02-03-2016 02:04 PM)toejam Wrote:  

on whatsapp, if i add someone can they see that they have been added by me? or can i anonymously add someone on whatsapp?
i have no intention on chatting on whatsapp, i use it for initial intel

No they don't see you as long as you don't start a conversation with them. Also some people have got their profiles on privat settings, this blocks you from viewing their profile pictures.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

"The only way to deal with it effectively is to
do what should be obvious - if you're not
meeting up right away you banter a little bit
to keep her interested, but not enough that
she gets worn out from familiarity. And if
you're going to text her to banter it's best
that you do it when you're out doing
interesting things and legitimately don't have
the time to keep the conversation going
anyway, rather than just sitting around on
your ass at home looking at social media."

^ Do you have a particular "bantering" script you follow with girls or do you keep it spontaneous and come up with banter as you go with new girls?

Sometimes girls give you very little to 'work with' making it difficult to keep the connection alive.

How do you guys keep things interesting with such girls and avoid boring conversation that may kill the attraction and make her change her mind about fucking you.

99.99 of all the girls I meet use Whatsapp. They rarely text.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

My text game is pretty strong. When I meet a woman in person, generally I wait 24-48 hours and always send this: "hey it's Jesse from bar xyz ✌️"

The response rate is always high. When I am moving from online to mobile via a dating platform I send this: "hey it's Jesse from tinder ✌️"

After their initial response I move to "what's your schedule like towards the end of the week" and set up a meeting at a bar or the pad. It's always the bar by my house, I will ALWAYS take an uber and mention it causally in the conversation at some point. Then, every single time we leave they say "I can give you a ride since you don't live too far." At that point they are in my spider web and when they pull up I ask them to come meet my dog or have a glass of wine. You know what happens next . ?

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

With the whatsapp stuff , I've just learned a new trick. Been msging and calling this chick for a few weeks; been on one date; kissed but no bang. been trying to arranging the second date.

Anyway I've stupidly been a bit too beta , nice , familiar with her and she's gone silent.
My only hope is that she reconnects so my new whatsapp trick is the FAKE BLOCK.

- Remove your profile picture to blank or not showing .
- Privacy settings - turn off last seen on.
- change status to a single nothing or a single dot (.)

It looks like you have blocked them, but obviously you haven't ! Really gets the old hamster spinning.
[Image: hamster2.gif]
Did it last night , one girl has already messaged me saying OMg have you blocked me , sadly not the girl I was hoping for ..yet

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

How do you deal with girls that take forever to respond? I'm talking next day. I might text her at 10pm and she'll respond the next day at 5pm.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

Quote: (04-18-2016 05:49 PM)goonies Wrote:  

How do you deal with girls that take forever to respond? I'm talking next day. I might text her at 10pm and she'll respond the next day at 5pm.

That's a classic sign of low interest. Is it confirmed by rather short, non-invested texts? Probably.

Just take a while to text back and eventually say you're going to a cool place for drinks and she should join you if she's free, knowing there's a high likelihood she won't accept.

All you can do is game other girls. Find ones who are more interested.

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

Quote: (04-18-2016 07:58 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2016 05:49 PM)goonies Wrote:  

How do you deal with girls that take forever to respond? I'm talking next day. I might text her at 10pm and she'll respond the next day at 5pm.

That's a classic sign of low interest. Is it confirmed by rather short, non-invested texts? Probably.

Just take a while to text back and eventually say you're going to a cool place for drinks and she should join you if she's free, knowing there's a high likelihood she won't accept.

All you can do is game other girls. Find ones who are more interested.

The texts were semi invested so far. Some smileys and LOL's. I'm surprrised because she showed tons of interest when we met. Talked to her for an hour or so. Anyway, you're right. I'm gonna move on and just drop all expectations knowing it's all a numbers game.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

Quote: (04-18-2016 09:46 PM)goonies Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2016 07:58 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2016 05:49 PM)goonies Wrote:  

How do you deal with girls that take forever to respond? I'm talking next day. I might text her at 10pm and she'll respond the next day at 5pm.

That's a classic sign of low interest. Is it confirmed by rather short, non-invested texts? Probably.

Just take a while to text back and eventually say you're going to a cool place for drinks and she should join you if she's free, knowing there's a high likelihood she won't accept.

All you can do is game other girls. Find ones who are more interested.

The texts were semi invested so far. Some smileys and LOL's. I'm surprrised because she showed tons of interest when we met. Talked to her for an hour or so. Anyway, you're right. I'm gonna move on and just drop all expectations knowing it's all a numbers game.

Smileys and lols are not investment at all. Girls text bullshit like that to everyone and it means nothing. Even saying they want to get together, think you're so cute, been thinking about you, etc are all low investment.
Investment is giving personal details, telling about her family, living situation, logistics, asking for anything (advice, drugs, a lift), giving nudes (although some girls don't give a fuck). Investment is when they give you something that leaves them exposed emotionally. Otherwise they're just leading you on for attention.
Girls are on their phone constantly. If she takes 20 hours to respond, you aren't high on her list. But you seem to get that.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

With Tinder it became much easier to do online game. A good profile picture is more than enough for the girl to search for you on facebook.
Usually when she is the one who added me she texts basic stuff like ''hi'' and I answer with ''How are you'' (no question mark). After she answers I just comment something about her profile and ask for her number. Usually after that I set a date with the logistic roosh provided in Bang.
It's really not that hard if you have a good profile photo.

Nobody is innocent, there are merely varying levels of guilt.

What is your text messaging script after meeting a new girl?

Most of my numbers come from night game. I'll usually grab their number after making out and trying to pull them home unsuccessfully, but I have some numbers from girls I didn't kiss (for whatever reason) but built a lot of rapport with.

If I get a girls number on Friday or Saturday, I'll probably text them via Whatsapp on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon - after the fuss from the weekend is over and she's bored at work. It's also closer to the weekend so I can get an idea of what they have going on. They usually respond within one hour.

The first message changes girl to girl, but I try to open with something relevant to our interaction. I sometimes send them my name (on the same text) if it was a brief interaction, but after reviewing the last 5 or so strong leads/bangs I had, I opened them straight with one of the below.

- Still hungover?/How many days did it take to cure the hangover?
- [If I talked to them about fighting, MMA, jiu jitsu] I've already started my camp to fight you
- Still trying to find out where you got those boots [Image: gay.gif]

From there on, I build as much rapport as I can, as quickly as I can, and when I feel she's comfortable I ask her out. I don't try to do it by texting back and forth a lot, just a few key messages to get where her mood is at.

Me: [opening message]
Girl: Haha, OMG, bla bla bla.
Me: Nice. This weather makes me so lazy, you too?
Girl: Bla bla bla.
Me: Haha. Cool. Hey do you like ice cream?
Girl: I love ice cream, why?
Me: I know the best place in town. But it's a secret.
Me: [Picture of their ice cream cone] Wanna go Friday?

And from then on, it's just logistics.

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