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Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (12-05-2015 10:12 AM)Jvramerys Wrote:  

Amusing but not exactly a fair comparison. She could've just as well blown him away with the biker suit on had he opened with two needy questions like before.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (12-05-2015 10:12 AM)Jvramerys Wrote:  

In this video ruling out the possibility of it being fake(even if it's fake, it's credible the video show a possible scenario), is an example of the zero date bang strategy. In the first part he's just a nobody with no game trying to approach the gir but in the second part from 01:00 we have an example of the ZDB in a street situation cold approaching:

1- He approached her saying he was new in town that he just bought a villa with a swimming pool, DHV.
2- He ask her for a ride, because he's new in town and want to know the city.
3 And right away he invited her to his house(no dates), saying he'll have a party later, which don't have to be true.

At this point she's a 100% yes girl. The bang is guaranteed is only a matter of confort building and escalation, even if he faces LMR it can be easily overcomed with a new bait like he travel places and he can guarantee a special spot for her(or something like that) so indirectly making it clear that she has to drop the pussy, to enjoy the benefits of his lifestyle, it can just be empty promisses to get the bang.

If you have a nice place, a good ride and dress sharply I think it's doable.

I see how that's doable, girls a very impressionable, and I see how their hamster can be easily engaged in those circunstances: "Sure why not, new rich guy in town, he'll have a party later in his mansion! It will be fun! I totally want to go with him! Who knows what will happen. I'm so excited!"

Just foods for thoughts on how that can be doable on the streets too through cold approaching if you're high value enough.

Thank you for posting that video. I repped you for that one as that was a clear cut example of how shady and shallow girls can be.

It also hits close to home because living here in Los Angeles there are a lot of fake girls who don't give a fuck about you unless you look like you have money, drugs, or party connections. They don't care if you are genuinely interested or not. They just want to be entertained and have an exciting lifestyle.

I see this happen in LA very often especially in Hollywood.

Notice how in the first part of the video the guy was dressing in a non threatening manner with bright colors and approaching her in a very friendly manner, not aggressive and kindly asking to talk and sit with her.

Then the Bitch had the Nerve to tell him to Fuck Off!!! Multiple times at that. Ouch that had to sting. Shit like that paralyzes guys to not improving their game as those type of rejections cut deep into a guys ego.

Then a few minutes later the bad boy on a motorcycle comes in dress in dark bad boy colors and clothes and start going up to her aggressively telling her what she wants to hear saying how he can do that and this and has this spot etc... Then seals the deal with the party line followed by the killer instinct veteran players have which is telling the girl to come with you. This bitch is soaking wet now and is ready to take off with a random stranger in which she can't even see his face, and ride off with him without a helmet on his motorcycle.

Bitches these days are so fucking stupid yet demand respect no matter what. In blows my mind.

I was really hoping he would have just stopped the bike and told her to "Get The Fuck Off" multiple times like how she did to him. But he kept his composure and just asked her why she decided to go with him know. When she realizes how stupid she is he then throws the change at her like she's a dirty whore and rides off.

Shit that video seems legit to me and I'm glad such a clear example was made of how shallow and stupid girls can be. And WTF is she doing out late at night sitting alone at a bench in the cold wearing a sweater and booty shorts with her little ass cheeks hanging visibly showing. Bitches these days don't make any sense.

This fake status shit works in LA too. One of my close friends is a club promoter in Hollywood.
Before he would approach girls and try to run game on them and get a high rejection rate a majority of the time and barely get any real numbers.

Then he started telling bitches he is a promoter and he can hook him up if they come thru to his club and BAM is phone is overflowing with bitches phone numbers and he doesn't remember who is who anymore. He just spam texts about the club the night before/day of and then sexy bitches show up. The average or below average girls either pay to get in or don't get at all due to the bouncer being highly selective. The hot bitches who get in go to his table for bottle service and get into party mode and me makes out with them and proceeds to let game run it's course with them and getting the most DTF bitch by the end of the night. Then it's rinse and repeat the following week.

Quote:[b]Bacchus Wrote:  
Your goal is sex, not a phone number. Numbers are worthless.
They are the lotto tickets of game.
They might occasionally produce a winner, but don't count on it.
If you are in Los Angeles and want to link up with me
and/or other members to do some approaches please contact me.Thanks.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (12-07-2015 07:36 AM)reino341 Wrote:  

Amusing but not exactly a fair comparison. She could've just as well blown him away with the biker suit on had he opened with two needy questions like before.

That's when game makes a difference, but even if he had game that doesn't mean he would have her, maybe if his had good game he could achieved something. But that doesn't she would've been a 100% yes girl(like in the video), he could get the number and she would just flake on him later.
Same thing can happen to a rich guy that have negative game he's just diminishing the qualities that he possess(his wealth). Without knowing what to do his negative game will just make he looking poor(doesn't matter how much money he has).

There two kinds of resources:
Tangibles Resources: Possessions like cars, mansions, jewelry, muscles and etc...
Intangibles resources: Leadership, manliness, game, characteristic that put together is what the manosphere calls an alpha male.

Game plus having high tangible resources is a fatal combo. Girls are programed by nature to follow men with resources if on top of high resources you has game it's like shooting fish in a barrel. You would be amazed how fast and easily girls would give up their pussy to a high value man, no bulshits, no datings, no nothing.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (12-07-2015 07:36 AM)reino341 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-05-2015 10:12 AM)Jvramerys Wrote:  

Amusing but not exactly a fair comparison. She could've just as well blown him away with the biker suit on had he opened with two needy questions like before.

Not sure if this is real, but the money toss at the end was hilarious.

[Image: laugh7.gif]

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

You say:




One of the things I've noticed while studying and experimenting with Tuth's First-Date Bang Recipe, is that there is a lot of confirmation bias going on. Guys say "yeah we went back to my place after one drink - all thanks to my bachelor pad bait!" And I think that this is a mistake. These are girls that would have come directly over in the first place. After 15 months of experimenting and dozens of Zero Date Bangs then I am wholeheartedly convinced of this. Let me break it down:

In the First-Date Bangs thread, Soup hits the nail on the head: "Asking a girl back to your house can be very risky, and I've found that if I don't pay surgical attention to the events leading up to the invite, it can back fire very badly."

No doubt you have had this experience too: the date is going great, and you make the move to get her home. And it fails. And you never see her again.

Why does this happen?

Conventional game wisdom tells you this:
1. You didn't escalate properly
2. Your vibe was off, your conversation skills were lacking, your outfit was whack, the venue wasn't conducive
3. She was just there for validation or free drinks
4. You didn't use plausible deniability to get her home

I want to challenge that wisdom. My experience tells me that there is only TWO reasons you didn't get her home:

1. She didn't want to bang
2. You made it too hard to bang

But aren't these all the same thing? No: I believe there is a subtle and overlooked difference. When you use bait or game to "get her home" then I hate to tell you this: the whole date was a massive shit test. She would have come over without the date. She came home after the date in spite of the failed the shit test, because she was still attracted/horny enough and wanted to bang, even though the date was exhausting. Anything over and above this is male or female rationalization.

If a girl wants to bang, she is going to subconsciously make it easy for you. Either because she is already attracted to you, or because she is horny, or both. A girl that doesn't want to bang will flake, she will suggest a coffee dates, etc. We all know this. Yet we don't preach it. We advise that going on dates will get her home, but to me that is a logical error. You're putting a barrier between the two of you, and you're forcing yourself to jump over it in order to attract someone who is already attracted to you.

"But how do I know if she's attracted to me, if she's horny, or if she's just using me for validation?" Easy. You invite her over! That is the single best filter out there: if she won't come to your house for the first date, then you are not going to bang her on the first date. If she won't come directly over, then either she's not attracted to you, or she's not horny. And why in the world would you meet up with a girl who wasn't either of those things?

Now I know wheat you're thinking: "Blurred it sounds like you are skipping the attraction phase. That's a cornerstone of game. I build attraction on the date and that's how I can bang her."

It may seem like this, but that is not the case.

I have already sufficiently attracted her:
1. When she gave me her number, she was physically and/or emotionally attracted to me
2. When we bantered via text, I built more emotional attraction
3. When I was bold enough to invite her directly over, that is an emotional attraction spike

[at this point she wants to meet me because she's attracted and/or horny. If she's not attracted/horny at this point, then going on a date won't change a thing.]

4. When she is at my house, we make dinner together or make drinks or listen to music or play games. There is massive attraction building going on
5. When I go for the first kiss, etc., it's all still attraction building

You don't have to be at a bar paying $13 margaritas for a chick to want to fuck you. In fact it's more likely the girl will become bored in these situations, and then you have to still try make the transition to lure her home, and the whole thing is a ton of work and not very fun. And it can easily backfire. So why bother with all that shit?

You're also probably thinking: "aren't you losing a ton of girls by putting them on the spot like this?" The answer is no. Like I said, if she's not attracted/horny enough to come over, then she never truly saw me as an option anyway.

Still not convinced?

Think of it like this: which of these stories is a girl going to want to tell her friends?

1. "I went on a date at a trendy bar with this guy and got kind of drunk. We went back to his place to listen to music, and ended up having sex. Ugh, I can't believe I had sex on a first date! I'm such a slut."

2. "I made dinner with this really sweet guy. He is an amazing cook and even picked out a great wine! I offered to do the dishes, and when I was at the sink he walked up behind me and kissed me on the neck. It was so hot!"

Shit even I am getting horny reading #2! Build that fantasy for girls, and use it to lead them. Get all the bullshit out of your own way, and the results will speak for themselves.


As I've experimented, my Zero Date Bangs game has evolved.

Here is how I'm setting things up now:

1. Get the digits
2. Comfort building text game. I used to think that texting for X time was mandatory, but now I think it is irrelevant. What's important is that you have one or two really solid text conversations with her. Talk about your feelings, your outlook on the world. Engage her with some emotional topics (aka chick crack) and she will be hooked. Some girls take 1 day to hook some take 3 weeks.
3. Eventually you say something like "we should hang soon, but I don't really do the normal date thing."
4. She will inquire, and you explain that drink dates are for losers, and you'd rather cook dinner with her so you can determine if you're a good match.
5. She will either agree or shit test you. You tell her that if she truly wants to get to know you then this is her opportunity. "If you're one of those boring girls just looking for a free drink, then we're probably not a good fit anyway."

Remember, girls are not logical. They are emotional creatures. Zero Date Bangs leverages this fact, and I believe that's why it is effective.

I also believe that this is a more honest approach to being with girls. I do truthfully get to know a girl when we cook dinner or whatever together, and I have a lot of fun. It's a cool experience for both of us and just feels more natural to me.

I know there are a lot of bold statements here, but my experiences have led me to these conclusions.

So, RVF, I challenge you: in 2015 I want you to invite a girl directly to your house for dinner or for drinks, and then report back on what happened.

Good luck!

That's what I've always believed. But it almost never works for me. Maybe I am not attractive enough.
Maybe you are more succesful because you have more money than me (I assume that since you're able to afford your own place that is "dope").

You say they are attracted to you. If they were really attracted to you, wouldn't most of them push for a second, third, 4th, ...n-th date? Or were they just momentarily attracted by your status?

As a male with almost no status (money, reputation) I find it hard to use your strategy to get bangs, even thou I consider this the most viable strategy, especially since I don't have the patience and/or the resources to go on dates.

Or maybe the main problem is that I live in Russia's province, where people, especially women, are generally poor and on the hunt for a provider.

Well, that's my 0.02$.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (12-07-2015 09:04 AM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Not sure if this is real, but the money toss at the end was hilarious.

[Image: laugh7.gif]

Hilarious indeed, but it's not a matter if this particular video is fake or not though, but if the context is credible. And the context is credible because if you're a high value man with game, girls will follow you, since they are programmed to follow men with top resources(high social status, rich and etc...) and if you have game along with top resources girls will be easier.

Money, high social status, possessions plus game is like playing Grand Theft Auto with that cheat code that give you tremendous amount of money, and all the weapons. It's like you're hacking the system, you're at the top and you are above all the alphas(even if they are better looking, and got more verbal game) if they are not on par with you on resources and social status it's game over.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (12-07-2015 07:51 AM)LA Savage Wrote:  

Thank you for posting that video. I repped you for that one as that was a clear cut example of how shady and shallow girls can be.


Notice how in the first part of the video the guy was dressing in a non threatening manner with bright colors and approaching her in a very friendly manner, not aggressive and kindly asking to talk and sit with her.

Then the Bitch had the Nerve to tell him to Fuck Off!!! Multiple times at that. Ouch that had to sting. Shit like that paralyzes guys to not improving their game as those type of rejections cut deep into a guys ego.

Then a few minutes later the bad boy on a motorcycle comes in dress in dark bad boy colors and clothes and start going up to her aggressively telling her what she wants to hear saying how he can do that and this and has this spot etc... Then seals the deal with the party line followed by the killer instinct veteran players have which is telling the girl to come with you. This bitch is soaking wet now and is ready to take off with a random stranger in which she can't even see his face, and ride off with him without a helmet on his motorcycle.

I guess I just don't see the problem. I only see a very inspiring video: how the exact same man can switch from being repulsive to being attractive, demonstrated in mere minutes. Its a joyous video, nothing embittering about it at all.

Every man, if he works hard enough and long enough, can get the things he demonstrated in the second case: social connections, money, a house, a pool, a motorbike etc.

If it was a video where he was wearing 6 inch lifts or a prosthetic arm etc in the second case, there would be room for sorrow. Not otherwise.

That said, I doubt the video isn't staged.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Great post blurred. Just cuts all the bs. I use to run this game back at uni and it works a treat, especially in close social circles where the lizard already knows you. Although i think logistics are key. Gonna try it more for online dating chicks who arent far from mine. Some other good points made, ultimately wording is key here. You need to make it sound like its the norm. Gonna post my results in due course

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

I'm still reading this thread. Does this work for SA?
I'm reading that thread too

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Hi folks.

I appreciated the advice a lot [Image: smile.gif] Solid tips from the Rooshvforum, as usual.

Tonight I got a 18 yo girl from online (lot of rapport built already) to come over to eat with me some fajitas and drink (I am in mid-twenties). So slightly different scenario from the one described by BlurredSevens (food involved)

Obviously I won't be feeding us too much (to let the alcohol have its effects). However, does someone mind giving me some tips in order to tweak a bit the B7 plan to account for that? ^^


Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Well, applied the recipe after putting in some additions from me.

Smashed. Thanks BlurredSevens

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

I have two roommates but I'm going to give this a shot. Why not just bring her straight to my room anyway? That's what I've done with the two girls I meet recently (no bangs though).

I think it sets the frame early on, rather than having her sit outside and then come to THE ROOM later.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

After reading through this can everyone agree that

the "classic" meetup date is a crazy low yield phenomenon


just go for meetup at your place, then go out (to come back to your place)

or have a low investment coffee strategy to build rapport, hit up randomly later

It seems obvious to me after going on a few of these "dates" that it can work, but the lower investment randomness is just as effective, and much less costly in every way

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Is distance and location a huge factor for anyone else in deciding to go for the Zero date bang or First Date Bang?

That is, does anyone have issues in having girl come over because of the inconvenience of your location, especially if your logistics aren't on point (due to no direct public transport links, distance, etc.)?

I'm in a bit of a (partly self-imposed) situation where I've arranged to meet a Tinder match tomorrow who'd flaked last week. She'd felt that meeting at my place was a bit too far out of the way for her.

I'm moving house this week, to a suburb next to hers; the catch is that I won't be able to sleep in my room until Thursday (when the current tenant leaves).

Because we've built enough comfort over text, and because she seems sufficiently attracted, I was thinking of having her come over to my new place for drinks, and then going over to hers for the bang.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (10-31-2016 01:26 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Is distance and location a huge factor for anyone else in deciding to go for the Zero date bang or First Date Bang?

That is, does anyone have issues in having girl come over because of the inconvenience of your location, especially if your logistics aren't on point (due to no direct public transport links, distance, etc.)?

I'm in a bit of a (partly self-imposed) situation where I've arranged to meet a Tinder match tomorrow who'd flaked last week. She'd felt that meeting at my place was a bit too far out of the way for her.

I'm moving house this week, to a suburb next to hers; the catch is that I won't be able to sleep in my room until Thursday (when the current tenant leaves).

Because we've built enough comfort over text, and because she seems sufficiently attracted, I was thinking of having her come over to my new place for drinks, and then going over to hers for the bang.

If she's already drinking at your place why do you need to go over to hers for the bang?

I always try to get a girl to meet me at my place first on the proviso that we go somewhere from there. If she declines that then I choose a location nearby my place.
If she refuses that then shes not invested/attracted enough yet so you're first date logistics are not going to be favourable to getting the bang so move to a second date strategy where the first date builds comfort and attraction and then she comes over to your place for the second date where you get the bang.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Roardog - I had scheduled this for a couple of days before I actually move in; I've got the keys, but the housemate I'm replacing won't be leaving my new room yet.

I thought of her coming over to my new place because she felt that my current one is a bit out of the way for her (you're also from Melbourne - I'm currently in Abbotsford, moving to Brunswick, which is much closer to Moonee Ponds).

Note that I haven't actually told her where to meet.

Are you saying that location and proximity shouldn't be an issue if the attraction is there?
This seems incongruous vis-à-vis her investment over text.
I lost a tinder bang last week because she also felt that mine was too inconvenient to get to, proposing to meet in the city instead. Despite having a pretty DTF profile.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

This is a great technique, and similar to the game I run. However I would suggest the following modifications.

Do not directly invite the girl over. All those problematic texts immediately go away. You can’t answer “I would prefer to meet in public”, because there is no answer. Sometimes, girls will reject you outright if you invite them directly over. We don’t want that. Bangs over ego.

Instead, invite them to somewhere near your place. A landmark. Be ambiguous about what you’re planning to do. When they get there, just go and sit down somewhere. A park ideally, a bench. Doesn’t matter, you’re only spending ten or fifteen minutes.

Now she’s face to face, and feels comfortable, casually invite her for tea or a drink. All that messing around building comfort over phone and text is negated. DO NOT invite directly to “your place”. Just IMPLY by saying “I have some really good tea”, which makes it clear what you mean.

This works for me 90% of the time. Which is to say – they are in my place. From there, it’s in God’s hands.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (09-26-2013 05:18 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2013 07:55 PM)MaleDefined Wrote:  


Are you in a large city in the Western US? I can see this working in a bit of a slower moving city, in terms of a week or two of playful texting.

Excuse my paranoia about not publicly posting up my city (PM me if you want to know). But the metro population here is 3 million. Compared to say Boston at 4M and Montreal at 3.8M.

Regarding 1-2 weeks of texting: I'd say my texting game is akin to a light trolling of girls. Whereas most guys are trying to setup a date with the girl as soon as they get her number, I'm over here sending them funny pictures of Miley Cyrus or asking them how to unclog my shower drain.

I'm not worried about trying to demonstrate my value to the girl, it's all about my vibe and how she feels when interacting with me. The subject matter is irrelevant. I throw stuff at her and see how she handles it.

Basically I just text the girls for my own amusement. They are here to entertain me. If she doesn't want to play along, that's cool too I'll just let her go. The girls that stick around, I'll hit them up when I'm in the mood to bang. No stress no fuss.

I think a lot of guys vastly overestimate how much girls have going on in their lives. Most of them aren't doing jack shit half the time. She isn't going to just forget about me overnight. Of course if I can seal the deal quickly I will, but really I'm not stressing myself out about trying to bang the girl by an arbitrary expiration date.

I've been trying to incorporate the 0DB model in my game a bit more, and I can see the idea behind BlurredSeven's text routine. It generates comfort, lets her know that you're cool, not seeking validation, and are using her for a good time.

My text game varies wildly, and (like most of us) depends on a whole of lot of factors; where I've met her, how much back-end interaction we've had, whether we have any mutual friends or experiences, etc.

I suppose this wouldn't be much of an issue if I was a bit more social, but I hadn't always been, so my text skills overall are neurotic at best. If I'd had much more solid social circles, maybe I would have gotten my text game, including funny pics and tandem Snapchat as per the OP, down pat.

At the end of the day, I'd keep texting to a minimum, i.e. setting up logistics, maybe a light joke or two, especially at the start. It's worked all right for me thus far.....sort of. Would more be beneficial to prime the girl for sex on the zeroth date?

I think BlurredSeven's timeframe of 1 -3 weeks is far too long for which to warm up a girl, and doesn't game teach that texting a chick that long is the best way to land yourself in the friendzone?

Does it really advance your comfort with a girl whom, say, you'd barely known to start with (online, brief IRL approach)?

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (10-31-2016 10:38 AM)churros Wrote:  

This is a great technique, and similar to the game I run. However I would suggest the following modifications.

Do not directly invite the girl over. All those problematic texts immediately go away. You can’t answer “I would prefer to meet in public”, because there is no answer. Sometimes, girls will reject you outright if you invite them directly over. We don’t want that. Bangs over ego.

Instead, invite them to somewhere near your place. A landmark. Be ambiguous about what you’re planning to do. When they get there, just go and sit down somewhere. A park ideally, a bench. Doesn’t matter, you’re only spending ten or fifteen minutes.

Now she’s face to face, and feels comfortable, casually invite her for tea or a drink. All that messing around building comfort over phone and text is negated. DO NOT invite directly to “your place”. Just IMPLY by saying “I have some really good tea”, which makes it clear what you mean.

This works for me 90% of the time. Which is to say – they are in my place. From there, it’s in God’s hands.

This is similar to the format I've been running, though I go a little longer (30-45) minutes to build rapport before inviting her over. I'll do something like get boba tea, gelato, a beer at a bar (all within walking distance of my pad), and while doing this run over her interests and try to tie it to something at my place. Examples :

- Find out she likes travel. Come see my travel pictures.
- Find out her music, checkout this new song on these speakers I just got.
- She likes tea, I have some oriental tea from Asia.

The way I'll pull this off is after the quick 30-45 min. meeting, get up and say we're going for a walk. Then as we're walking in the direction of my place, push one of the aforementioned things and keep walking towards apartment as if there is nothing to debate, lots of times she'll just follow no questions asked.

I might try cutting it shorter like what you're doing, but I imagine that will be harder and require her to be much more DTF. Your method still has plausible deniability which is key IMO, will give it a go. I'm not totally sold on the zero date bang, will move towards that format by continuing to cut the time down until my results go down (if ever).

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

Quote: (10-31-2016 10:38 AM)churros Wrote:  

This is a great technique, and similar to the game I run. However I would suggest the following modifications.

Do not directly invite the girl over. All those problematic texts immediately go away. You can’t answer “I would prefer to meet in public”, because there is no answer. Sometimes, girls will reject you outright if you invite them directly over. We don’t want that. Bangs over ego.

You can make a pre-emptive strike at this. When I invite new girls over I include "I'll meet you at the *bus/train station/nearby parking lot* and we'll walk to my place. You could be a serial killer for all I know [Image: wink.gif]"

Here they either
1) agree with the setup
2) reply "Maybe YOU are a serial killer?" where you are free to reply "You're right, I need new girls for my freezer" or some other trolling until she agrees or
3) remain skittish. Now here you can suggest drinks at a nearby venue instead and run usual 1DB approach.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

I pulled off my first successful 0DB on Monday night.

I spun a variation of it whereby I arranged for a rendezvous at the local town hall about 500 metres from my place. There was enough plausible deniability in that it was on the way towards public transport and a few other bars. Going by how it panned out though, I reckon that even if much more comfort had been established over text, she would've have felt ready to meet me directly at mine.

Can we establish that the willingness of a girl to agree to the 0DB formula isn't just going to vary from girl to girl, but from how she feels from one mood to another.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

I've had a lot of success with 0DBs (primarily with online chicks). Invite them over with the 'Neflix and Chill' premise without ever using the term obviously. Make them feel at ease and have the right ambience (dim lighting, clean apartment, music in the background). Don't jump on her physically right away, or act overtly sexual- but do get the drinks and good conversation going early. Make sure to have a variety of alcohol at your pad. Some girls dig wine exclusively, or can't handle the hard stuff and need a mixer, etc. Feel her out, be present/enjoy the interaction and escalate over the course of the evening. A light, playful tap/touch on the arm, shoulder or leg is a great litmus test to see if she's comfortable. You can increase the duration of touch over the course of the interaction to see how she reacts.

Great to use on foreign girls who want to explore and meet new people. My most recent success was this week with a 25 year old Ukranian tourist. Sweet, feminine with a great body. Same formula described above, and we were getting down about an hour after she arrived. Kissed her and gradually escalated. Zero resistance.

Recent bizzare experience was with a girl whose number I grabbed on the subway months ago. Been trying to get her out for a while and she took the fresh-direct bait last week. We had great chemistry and overlapping interests. Felt she was warming up and her body language conveyed interest. Went for the kiss and she pulled away, claiming she had a boyfriend. What kind of girl with a boyfriend goes to hang out with a mysterious guy at night, alone at his place the first time? Probably was giant shit test- but it beat meeting her at a venue and wasting $/time on drinks.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

I'm very good looking (been told often that I should model), and this is true. I almost never cold approach women --they will approach me, stand next to me twirling their hair, or eye fuck the shit out of me from across the room. The only "game" I need is being relatively non-boring and escalating..hah

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

I am an ugly ass mofo so I bomb hard in bars. On internet however this year I got 8 new notches, 7 from the internet. I get laid equally from using first date recipe or zero date bang whereas last year I only had dates but no bangs. so I think my game has improved [Image: smile.gif] thanks to both B7 and Tuth!

PS: +1 tonight from using zero date bang. The bang before I used Tuth recipe lol

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls

I just had one of those zero date bangs here in Lima.

Few things I would like to add in this great datasheet.

Most of the girls (less so in western countries) are very worried about feeling like sluts. They want to be treated like sluts in bed, but they want to maintain the illusion of being pristine in their minds.

There are two absolutely crucial things a man can do in order to make it easier for a girl to take a plunge and go to your place directly.

Take the responsibility, take the blame: It is not you its me. You are a good girl, but I am a bad man who knows what he wants.
She will ask you things like "Is it normal where you are from?", "Are you always like this?" in order to try and make you take the blame. Do it, take the full responsibility, it does not hurt.

Give them a reason or an excuse: Apparently there is something in your place that is not to be found in a public place. Musical instrument, nice balcony with a good view, x-box with a kinekt set, generally anything the girl might like.

Numerous times I have used a guitar as a bait and only handful of times I have actually played it.
They want the D, but they have to play the game.

And one other thing. Never name it. Few times I have made a mistake of trying to be open with girls and said exactly what we are going to do when they asked for it. By this I refused to play the game of seduction and lost instantly. They can not accept an open proposition, you have to give them plausible deniability.

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