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Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

The Migrant Invasion of Europe is a massive thread...

I propose another section of Rooshv that just focuses on Europe and in particular, resistance to the Islamic/Leftist takeover.

In the sub-forum we could have different threads dedicated to specific countries.

The threads on each country could have political party breakdowns on what is the best party to vote for, maps of the country and which sections of the country house the most "refuges" (young male jihadi's), and the places most resistant to the takeover that are voting for nativist parties.

Additionally, information on where to purchase firearms legally (or not) i.e. the Czech Republic gun shop off Wencelas.

You can get guns in Europe if you have the means. Just go to Czech Republic, hang out at the gun ranges, find the right people, and you can get hooked up.

This sub-forum could be useful to our European brothers.

What started out as a game forum has morphed into something more. Whether you want to admit it or not, the West is under attack, first is was from within, and Roosh has covered this extensively, the breakdown of the family, straining of the relationship between the sexes, societal decadance, etc..

But now we are literally under attack by foreign invaders.

it is time to be fearless and live free even though we are not.

It is time to rise up, form more face to face networks and hopefully these threads on each individual country will encourage this. I know Roosh had the idea of regular meetups a few months back, and while I think this is not going to happen or is neccessary yet in America, I think it is needed for European men to start getting up and forming resistance cells, and retaliation gangs.

Your government won't provide protection to your girlfriends, sisters, and wives, in areas like Germany, France, and Sweden.

Anyway, Just brainstorming.


Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Having a separate forum to discuss this topic is a good idea.

However, discussing things that are illegal in other countries (especially weapons purchases), will draw the wrong type of attention to the forum owner, and potentially put him on the hook for all kinds of shit. I'm all for gun ownership, self defense, etc, but there are paid snitch types that surf forums like these. I've known of people that even being associated with old newsgroup lists are on FBI lists, and get traffic hits on their websites from FBI owned domains.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

As gay as it sounds, out of liability and respect for the website we would probably have to examine nonviolent approaches or nonlethal methods, such as writing large sums of letters to heads of state or carrying pepper spray (or wasp spray) in areas with high crime, ultra powerful flashlights to blind attackers and run away (D&P has talked about this), where to find batons (even those are illegal in some areas).

In the US gun laws are pretty liberal which is awesome but I have no idea what the situation is anywhere else outside of (generally) much more restrictive.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

I think the answer is ethnic profiling. Let countries enforce their Visa laws, cut off the right of refugees to enter the land, stop taking immigrants, an expel non-citizens who do not already have official permission to be in the countries. Refuse to renew permission of visitors from troublesome countries when their existing Visas expire.

The citizenship and Visa/passport system already exists. All the civilized nations need to do is stop admitting dysfunctional people, and force them to go back to their own countries and deal with their problems.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

We did that for the Ukraine crisis and it did seem to work well. I shuffled those threads back to EE when things calmed down.

We'd have to decide what topics would go in the new subforum. Possibly these: European politics, immigration, terrorist attacks, Middle Eastern wars, traitors in European political and media elite.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-16-2015 11:47 PM)Hades Wrote:  

As gay as it sounds, out of liability and respect for the website we would probably have to examine nonviolent approaches or nonlethal methods, such as writing large sums of letters to heads of state or carrying pepper spray (or wasp spray) in areas with high crime, ultra powerful flashlights to blind attackers and run away (D&P has talked about this), where to find batons (even those are illegal in some areas).

In the US gun laws are pretty liberal which is awesome but I have no idea what the situation is anywhere else outside of (generally) much more restrictive.

Bugging high crime areas with small, always on video cameras and microphones is a really good way to go about that. Strongly worded text about the misdeeds of migrants is way less effective than raw footage.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 12:40 AM)Walker Wrote:  

Bugging high crime areas with small, always on video cameras and microphones is a really good way to go about that. Strongly worded text about the misdeeds of migrants is way less effective than raw footage.


That is just what liberal elites want - a police surveillance state.

What needs to be done is to close borders against muslims and kick the existing muslims out.

Let there be surveillance and security on borders so that people within can live with freedom and privacy.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

So, individuals buying guns in a shop against a terrorist group funded by goverments armament, and organizing in a male forum, focused on banging girls. Ok!

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Actual meaningful resistance is incredibly difficult - it also depends on what kind of view you have of the crisis. In our world there are many levels of perception or may I say illusion:

Level 1: You think that Assad and Gaddafi were terrible mass-murdering psychopaths and that poor refugees are forced to come to Europe as their only choice, multi-culturalism is wonderful and all newcomers will embrace all the values of Europe including gay rights and feminism, it will be tough for a time, but the biggest problems are those nasty nationalists, racists and White people who are the worst thing that happened to humanity

This is the worldview promoted by the media, by most politicians, by academia and by large brainwashed parts of the Western population.

Level 2: You think that politicians are just naive and corrupt. They want increased debt, leftist votes, cheap labour and a divided population. The politicians are just naive and stupid leaders who don't realize that Muslims may not integrate as well. They do it out of having shifted to cultural marxism and seeing short-term gains. Many people are puzzled at that level, because while they see one agenda being pushed, they assume that it must be an error, or corruption or stupidity. Also many people here are partly placated by the propaganda via media, academia and politics. They think that this will be over soon and what you need to do it just vote in the right kind of politician.

This is the stage that the majority of the population in the West is to be found. They sense that something is wrong, but are unaware of the entire scope of the problem. They hope and expect the political system to work. Part of the PEGIDA, AfD voters and Alt-Right folk are to be found in that group as well.

Level 3: Here you see the people who are almost completely leaving the mainstream. Many Red Pill men (probably not majority, but a good part), Alt-Right and so-called conspiracy theorists are found here. That group mistrusts the mainstream media, academia and second-guesses almost anything. They even start re-considering mainstream history. This group sees behind some of the cons - Jewish Zionist influence, Muslim extremism (and also it's bloody anti-civilizational, anti-scientific history), global economic corruption, some of the cons in our monetary system. Many libertarians will be found among that group.

The main improvement of this group is that it may learn and mistrusts the mainstream media. However if the folk in that group adheres to ONE SOLUTION as their final calling, then it's going to be a dead-end as well. Such thoughts are: all Muslims are to be blamed, cultural marxists & atheists are to be blamed, all Jews are to be blamed (Jewish Question), socialists markets are to be blamed (libertarians) - we need a Gold standard and have to abolish the Fed, all unions and all minimum wages and then all is going to be well.

Level 4: Those are the ones studied even deeper - Reece commission on foundations, Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton mentor), Eustace Mullins, Alan Watt, protocols of Zion etc. Most of those folk consider the main instrument of the current group's power usury and fractional reserve banking (with central banks just as the facilitating mechanism - system would work without central banks as well). At this level you see the world controlled via money and usury first, then closed groups (Freemasons in the past, now foundations, NGOs, Think tanks, lobbyists, CFR etc.), control of all the secret services and intelligence services in the world (in fact one of the first things they did after seizing control of the money power), Zionism but also fostering of global Muslim extremism etc. People at that level see the world tightly controlled by a money elite who just funds the agenda, while a highly intelligent scientific elite constantly is hired from the best of the best to perpetuate the con. The politicians you see on TV are mostly without some exceptions mid-level PR agents, who are told what to say and do. The web of control after centuries of domination is so deep that almost all central banks, global banks and corporations, academia, politics, secret services, high ranks of military and police, even some religious leaders are working for them.

Who knows - maybe there is a level 5 in the world - God's plan, but I am not aware of that.

Now - that said - depending on what kind of level you adhere to will color the things you may see feasible.

Since I am rather a proponent of Level 4 - (with no hard feelings to people at level 3 or even 2) - I don't think that voting will change anything fundamentally. Don't take me wrong - everyone should vote for Donald Trump in the US or any far-right party in the EU, but I don't think that it will really change anything, because the system is just too entrenched.

So here some of my actual propositions on what to do:

1. Raising of awareness / information warfare - more people being made aware of what is actually going on. This is done on an individual level in your personal life as well as a bit online. Don't quarrell with anyone or lose friends or family over it. If someone is not open - who cares - life is too short to bust friendships and relationships with loved ones over it.

2. Creation of closed secret societies of like-minded men. That's how the elite started right after seizing control of the money power within Aristocratic systems.
We simply emulate them and do the same. We form various groups that serve several functions:

A) In case of riots and armed civil unrest you band together and defend yourself and your families.
B) You create information networks that help instruct others about the world and also teach the next generation about it.
C) Possible even in the future to create private Islands where like-minded men can move to and live in peace while the rest of the world battles it out being manipulated by the puppet masters.
D) Establish long-term plans on how to preserve culture and civilization for mankind (50-200 year old plans just liie the big boys).

Also - I am fully aware that many of you will view especially Level 4 or even Level 3 as conspiracies. Again - no disrespect there - there are certainly more intelligent men at Level 2, but this is not a matter of pure thinking prowess.

One of the reasons I am more drawn to the Red Pill or partly the Alt-Right group is that those men can band together and work together in a useful way. I personally don't think that we can change things as they are. Men like Foster Gamble with THRIVE are trying that, but the powers are simply too entrenched now.

On the other hand I don't want to roll over and die. The barest minimum is to try and ensure the proper survival of your family. The Islamic invasion is just one of the many points on the global agenda, that would need stopping. Also the globalists never stop, even if you halt their advance for a while, then they will continue under another ruse a few years later. Their power is fueled not by their stupendous smarts, but by unlimited usury money funding (and now all industries connected to it).

It's not defeatist to understand that you are up against a tank battalion while you are armed with pocket knifes. No amount of combat skills will make up for the power difference.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

The secret society idea ties in to revival of the military/chivalric order traditions that many have proposed.

Though this forum probably isn't the best way to go about that (a more secretive one with vetted members that have met each other in person is probably more ideal). I've been exchanging some messages with Quintus about the revival of these orders.

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Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Zelcorpion's post sums up an excellent realistic plan of action for people to take personally.

I'd just like to expand on it a bit. Action number 1 (raising awareness) and number 2 (forming new groups) tie into each other in a way.
If you raise awareness and you find someone who is already pretty aware, these people can be possibly persuaded into banding together with you, so we're not just scatted all over the globe.

Also, someone posted this link on the Paris thread

I checked it out and I was stunned by the amount of militias there are in the US. No suprise I guess since your country understands self defense and arming yourself unlike European ones. I skimmed through it and I only found the Iron Legion in Europe which is run by a ROK contributor and blogger that I've already known about and talked about here.

I messaged the Iron Legion in the summer and to my suprise, got an instant reply back suggesting we meet up. Even more suprising, we live nearby and met in my hometown. Since then we have been in contact and I would say this group fits all of the above criteria Zelcorpion mentioned, as well as having military experience inside the group. That includes longer term plans and acquiring land. I've written about that in the travel forum about the 'free' Galician villages that are available.

This is probably the only option in the UK and it just happened to be local. If you are in America, or possibly Poland, you have no excuse at all for at least talking to to your local militias and finding out what they are about. Especially as they are likely to be bigger, more legal and established over there.

It is much better than posting on the internet and just being worried. If you find a group of like minded men, you should join and train with them. It will give you peace of mind to know you're taking action to protect yourself and your tribe and it may save your life one day.

As for the forum, why not just a politics subforum? No need to complicate things. Possibly also another one for anti-feminism / male/female studies / relations ? Ok, it will need a better name than that but you know what I mean.

That will take out most of the threads from everything else, meaning the focus of the forum is no longer the everything else section, which is a bit unusual.

And talking about self defense is fine if you are talking about legal methods right? I saw a comment on RoK saying that crossbows are legal for anyone over 18. I also heard that working antique guns can be used and bought in Poland. Is it against the rules to have a thread about this? I know nothing about crossbows, but I'm interested now..

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Start labeling refugees as refu-jihadis and gimmegrants.

The left loves to label is so we get to do the same.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

From a publicity standpoint, the forum would be highlighting that discussion.

Some of the more "unconventional" ideas might get more attention than warranted. That additional attention and scrutiny will be counterproductive.

Perhaps a "world politics" section instead of Islam centric one might be the best move.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

I hope while you guys are out forming and joining your militias you'll remember that every brown guy isn't a muslim and Sikhs have had a hate on for Muslims before the anti muslim bandwagon started piling up...sadly we're seen as one and the same by most dumb fucks. My service announcement for the day.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

No need to get offended, I'm going to assume you're not some liberal who's offended by the mere thought of a militia, and that you've simply misunderstood what me or others are talking about.

The idea behind this isn't to go and kill muslims (or all brown people including Sikhs). Even if we did see Islam as THE main enemy, that would be a terrible, futile plan. It is about self defense and preparing for the inevitable battles ahead. Especially as a lot of people see civil war and unrest as likely in the future.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 11:42 AM)mikeymike Wrote:  

I hope while you guys are out forming and joining your militias you'll remember that every brown guy isn't a muslim and Sikhs have had a hate on for Muslims before the anti muslim bandwagon started piling up...sadly we're seen as one and the same by most dumb fucks. My service announcement for the day.

Instead of making thinly veiled accusations of racism, why don't you go and form groups and militias with your fellow brown guys so you can actually do something useful and earn the respect of the non-brown world?

That works a lot better than crying and insults.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

^ Is that necessary? Why can't brown guys and non-brown people be in the same militia?

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum


I think I am stuck at level three because once you start doubting narratives, how can you believe that the things you are reading are valid? Wouldn't a true ruling class keep what it is really doing to itself, and allow all sorts of disinformation out as pseudo exposes?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 01:04 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

^ Is that necessary? Why can't brown guys and non-brown people be in the same militia?

Because there isn't enough room in White countries for every Brown guy to come over. Of course the ones already here can join. But worldwide, Brown men outnumber White men 3:1, so why is it up to White guys to do everything?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

LOL In New England our organizations of armed men are not referred to as Militias as this scares the jumping beegeezus out of cucks, rinos and liberals.

We call them "Rod and Gun Clubs" or better "Rod and Hunt Clubs" or best "Fish and Game Clubs"...

Most are run by NRA members largest gun safety and gun rights organization in the country and many former military men like me.

Militias tend to draw too much federal ATF FBI DEA etc attention especially when they are stocking up on pro grade demolition TNT or 50 gallon barrels of fertilizer!

We tend to avoid unnecessary scrutiny (NO Tanks, Missiles, RPGs and Full Auto machine guns are all a no no at the legit Fish and Game clubs) and we stay with handgun indoor ranges, and outdoor ranges for Rifles, including long range hunting rifles 30-06 or AR15's etc. - need to be able to sight them in for accuracy and safety and of course Shotgun skeet and trap shooting to sharpen your "Fowling" or bird hunting skills in order to feed yourself during SHTF time - nothing like fresh duck, goose, turkey, pheasant and woodcock in season. Venison and moose as well if you win the tag lotteries in various states.

Point is in a "Fish and Game Club" you are with legally armed men actually perfecting your armed self defense and field provisioning fishing and hunting skills which are critical in SHTF crises and giving "urban" raiders a reason to fear the bearded woodsmen who control the forests. The fish and game aspect is non threatening to junior law enforcement especially when a lot of senior local law enforcement are members and a good way to bond with them. Most have archery/crossbow ranges as well for bow hunting season.

Actually most fish and games-men have gear that is longer range and more accurate than most military units except for elite snipers and they are very welcome to hunt with us and train us on their latest long range marksmanship skill sets as well ;-)

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Didn't the NRA help arm southern blacks against the Klan Riders right after reconstruction? One of the things I admire about the NRA is their neutrality, for the most part.

@Samseau, which militia do the mixed race people join?

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 01:42 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

Didn't the NRA help arm southern blacks against the Klan Riders right after reconstruction? One of the things I admire about the NRA is their neutrality, for the most part.

@Samseau, which militia do the mixed race people join?

Shop around. It's not different than finding a group of friends. Look at the different "Rod and Gun Clubs," "Rod and Hunt Clubs," or "Fish and Game Clubs" in your area, and see what the guys are like.

Some will undoubtedly be with the redneck types that don't get along with non-Whites. But these are in the minority, I am sure if you went to a few of them you'd find a group of guys you get along with well, not to mention some with Black or Brown guys in it.

It's funny because people are always saying, "Not all Muslims are like that," or "Not all women are like that," or "Not all Blacks are like that," yet no one ever says "Not all Whites are like that." Ya'll act like you've never seen a White dude before. [Image: lol.gif]

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 12:56 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 11:42 AM)mikeymike Wrote:  

I hope while you guys are out forming and joining your militias you'll remember that every brown guy isn't a muslim and Sikhs have had a hate on for Muslims before the anti muslim bandwagon started piling up...sadly we're seen as one and the same by most dumb fucks. My service announcement for the day.

Instead of making thinly veiled accusations of racism, why don't you go and form groups and militias with your fellow brown guys so you can actually do something useful and earn the respect of the non-brown world?

That works a lot better than crying and insults.

lmao what a load of nonsense. Sikhs over represent in the military and police by population, we've been fighting Muslims since our religion was founded, we have always been doing something. Speak to the majority of Sikhs and they were against Muslims entering others borders long before others were and when there is a real fight to be fought you can count on Sikhs to be a part of it and ask anybody who grew up around Sikhs and they will tell you that, we wont be on the internet talkin big . Meanwhile we've had temples attacked, individuals assaulted for sharing the same color so it's not crying scooter, it's fact. We're on the same side of this fight but only a small percentage know it.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 12:26 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

No need to get offended, I'm going to assume you're not some liberal who's offended by the mere thought of a militia, and that you've simply misunderstood what me or others are talking about.

The idea behind this isn't to go and kill muslims (or all brown people including Sikhs). Even if we did see Islam as THE main enemy, that would be a terrible, futile plan. It is about self defense and preparing for the inevitable battles ahead. Especially as a lot of people see civil war and unrest as likely in the future.

I understand and apologize if my post came off as insulting but my back gets up a little when I see to fight the foreign invader, cause that lumps a lot of us in.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 02:24 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 12:56 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 11:42 AM)mikeymike Wrote:  

I hope while you guys are out forming and joining your militias you'll remember that every brown guy isn't a muslim and Sikhs have had a hate on for Muslims before the anti muslim bandwagon started piling up...sadly we're seen as one and the same by most dumb fucks. My service announcement for the day.

Instead of making thinly veiled accusations of racism, why don't you go and form groups and militias with your fellow brown guys so you can actually do something useful and earn the respect of the non-brown world?

That works a lot better than crying and insults.

lmao what a load of nonsense. Sikhs over represent in the military and police by population, we've been fighting Muslims since our religion was founded, we have always been doing something. Speak to the majority of Sikhs and they were against Muslims entering others borders long before others were and when there is a real fight to be fought you can count on Sikhs to be a part of it and ask anybody who grew up around Sikhs and they will tell you that, we wont be on the internet talkin big . Meanwhile we've had temples attacked, individuals assaulted for sharing the same color so it's not crying scooter, it's fact. We're on the same side of this fight but only a small percentage know it.

Well then, it seems like the problem is of identification.

You need something that shows you aren't Muslim. Like an anti-Koran symbol or something. A picture of Mohammed's face with a big X through it or something. I'm not an artist but you get my idea. Identification.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

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