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Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 02:33 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 02:24 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 12:56 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 11:42 AM)mikeymike Wrote:  

I hope while you guys are out forming and joining your militias you'll remember that every brown guy isn't a muslim and Sikhs have had a hate on for Muslims before the anti muslim bandwagon started piling up...sadly we're seen as one and the same by most dumb fucks. My service announcement for the day.

Instead of making thinly veiled accusations of racism, why don't you go and form groups and militias with your fellow brown guys so you can actually do something useful and earn the respect of the non-brown world?

That works a lot better than crying and insults.

lmao what a load of nonsense. Sikhs over represent in the military and police by population, we've been fighting Muslims since our religion was founded, we have always been doing something. Speak to the majority of Sikhs and they were against Muslims entering others borders long before others were and when there is a real fight to be fought you can count on Sikhs to be a part of it and ask anybody who grew up around Sikhs and they will tell you that, we wont be on the internet talkin big . Meanwhile we've had temples attacked, individuals assaulted for sharing the same color so it's not crying scooter, it's fact. We're on the same side of this fight but only a small percentage know it.

Well then, it seems like the problem is of identification.

You need something that shows you aren't Muslim. Like an anti-Koran symbol or something. A picture of Mohammed's face with a big X through it or something. I'm not an artist but you get my idea. Identification.

lol true, I should start selling tshirts, not a muslim im Sikh tshirts, business venture/ identification

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

^^Chaos is cash. Better to be a war profiteer than a victim.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Ok, lets look into other "militias" and armed mens groups in the world, really popular, well trained, and so succesfull at defending their tribes:

30 yrs of succesfull experience, and counting !
[Image: groups.jpg]

Or maybe lets see another country with a lot of rod and gun clubs:

[Image: grupo2.jpg]

Life's so much easier there thanks to the effort of this well organized males.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 01:07 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  


I think I am stuck at level three because once you start doubting narratives, how can you believe that the things you are reading are valid? Wouldn't a true ruling class keep what it is really doing to itself, and allow all sorts of disinformation out as pseudo exposes?

I plan to do some threads on some hardcore documents of proof of it all:

+ Interest Free Money System and why it's the only viable economic alternative
+ Proof of the power of Foundations - Congressional Reece Commission 1952-54 (with selection of documents)
+ Review of the books by Carroll Quigley and what it means for our world

All of that gives you a better overview of real history. And those guys publish plenty of stuff with various hints and even open statements. In addition you can research it in a quite credible way - if you know the agenda points, then you see it repeated again and again. It's similar to the Red Pill - when you become aware of the toxicity of feminism you suddenly see every anti-male and anti-family TV spot, movie point for what it is - propaganda.

There is no reason to engage in "Illuminati symbolism in Rihanna music videos" or stoop to any idiotic level. Even if the real elite is into occultism, it's really the least important thing.

As far as Indians go - if any real armed conflict of global caliphate vs the rest comes, then we can safely assume that Indians and Sikhs will be in the first battle fronts. I served with a Sikh in the military. By age 26 he was married, financially successful and the best shot in our division - got even recommended for sharpshooter training. But of course I don't see it as black and white and don't advocate any vigilante violence whatsoever. Roosh's proposal in the latest ROK article on it is way more radical than I would go.

But when riots come or they go berserk with terrorist attacks and start killing willy nilly, then yes - I would join in the frey, but I expect that time to be short before the military offensive kicks in and returns law and order. We have to keep in mind that all prepping or militia training is just for short-term emergency. I don't expect a collapse of civilization.

A well-defended independent private island would be the best choice of long-term decent living and survival. Even if a future One World Government comes knocking you just say that you are a bunch of wealthy folk living together. That won't be forbidden for quite some time. There is a lot you can do if you can afford it. Downside is that one of us has to earn some 500 mio. $ and be willing to spend a good portion of it. So we should go to work.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Vox day had an interesting blog post, basically pointing out that the biggest pussies in the world today once were militaristic warrior cultures that got absolutely crushed in a total war. It may be that the only way to pacify Islamic extremists is to engage in acts of incredible brutality sufficient to demoralize radical Islam to the point where a pacifistic interpretation of the religion can take over.

As it stands right now, radical islamists know that they can attack civilian populations with impunity while Western countries will still make every attempt to spare their civilian populations in a futile effort to "win hearts and minds". To them this attempt to engage in "clean war" just looks like weakness, in the same way the Japanese saw Americans as being weak and cowardly prior to WW2.

A cobalt salted ground detonation on Mecca combined with releasing a swarm of drones programmed as autonomous killbots would go a long way towards a deterrent shifting the image of Westerners away from sissies to bloodthirsty psychopaths. Of course such acts would be extraordinarily evil, but it may be a depressing reality of existence that natural selection requires that to retain one's status of apex predator one must maintain maximal capacity for violence.

Disclaimer: I'm not advocating nuking anyone or releasing killbots, although I do get a little bit hard thinking about the killbots.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 03:03 PM)zumbi Wrote:  

Life's so much easier there thanks to the effort of this well organized males.

Why are you here?

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 05:41 PM)Blunt Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 03:03 PM)zumbi Wrote:  

Life's so much easier there thanks to the effort of this well organized males.

Why are you here?

To discuss, or should I just agree with everything?


Disclaimer: I'm not advocating nuking anyone or releasing killbots, although I do get a little bit hard thinking about the killbots.

This at least is a macro opinion about a global problematic. I also think a lot about the possibility of total extermination of a culture, but as disseminated it is, looks like completely impossible.

blowing up meka would add more angry muslims from qatar, Saud arabia, kuwait, etc.

Lets take the palestinian problem as an example. A much smaller territory, with a specific group, they bomb there sometimes, but never finish the problem, the people "spirit" against israel keeps getting stronger.

Wars in middle east are regular. You have generations born in wars, their culture an education is based on a survival mode. I mean, doesnt even seems difficult to point at your enemy: Is the one who bombs you for the last 30 years.

In japan it worked, I agree

but in middle east, its just not working.

Maybe a well designed, real genocide like the Holocaust, could be the solution ?

And then, after the holocaust, Israel was created, arabs went mad, and everything started, right ?

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 06:18 PM)zumbi Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 05:41 PM)Blunt Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 03:03 PM)zumbi Wrote:  

Life's so much easier there thanks to the effort of this well organized males.

Why are you here?

To discuss, or should I just agree with everything?


Maybe a well designed, real genocide like the Holocaust, could be the solution ?

And then, after the holocaust, Israel was created, arabs went mad, and everything started, right ?

[Image: troll.gif]

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Nah, don´t worry man, no trolling from me. Just saying some ideas seem kind of naive to me, thats all.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum


Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

In France, Germany and Austria, maybe other countries too is the Generation Identitare. I'm not part of that group but I try to keep the news they post.
They support ethnic pluralism and want to reconquer the culture from the muslim invasion. They also offer self defence courses and do activities.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

The biggest obstacle to forming a resistance to the Islamic invasion is that the political and cultural elite don't want it. They've embarked on importing an underclass that is permanently dependent on government. It allows them to undermine the political power of their nearest social class (native Europeans). When the inevitable attacks occur, they can be used as a pretense to expand police state powers.

As things get worse, the political right will gain in popularity, prompting the state to import more Muslims to cancel out any electoral gains for the right. The elite know they're destroying the nation, and they fear backlash from native Europeans. They know that if they're considered traitors by a large enough amount of people, the political winds might change and they could be facing the guillotine or the noose. That's why they do absolutely everything in their power to control the narrative and silence any critical thought.

They control the media, they control the school system, they control the university system and academia, they control the human resources departments of most major corporations. This allows them to mold the minds of most people at an early age into following the preferred narrative. The smarter and more inquisitive who escape the brainwashing can be intimidated through social ostracism and threats of loss of income. People who celebrate the preferred narrative are rewarded with status and a sense of moral superiority bestowed on them by the cultural elite. This is what we're up against.

I don't think it can be won by rhetoric. Most leftists are incapable of being reasoned with, and have already decided what stance they should take before any argument has begun. However, the leftist alliance is made up of many fringe groups that often take opposing side on many issues. If we can sew discord among them, and make entire groups feel betrayed or disillusioned by their party leaders, perhaps we can get many of them to stay home come election time. As the world economy slows down and there's less bread and circuses to go around, they'll be fighting over the crumbs and this strategy will be easier.

However, one thing I've tried with some success is redirecting their anger. If I'm speaking with a leftist, I know arguing with them will get me nowhere. Instead, I agree with them, but place the blame on politicians, corporate lobbyists, financial lobbyists, etc as opposed to conservatives. If we're talking about Obamacare, I will say that Obama is trying to help but it won't get anywhere because the real problem is the medical insurance monopolies, and that both parties are working together to screw the common man. Does the leftist still hate conservatives? Yes, but at least now they're thinking along the lines of Elite vs. Commoners instead of Left vs. Right. They will still vote the same no doubt, but when the economic situation gets more precarious, they may be more amendable. The Occupy movement was an example of leftist elements shifting to an Elite vs. Commoner mentality, which is why it had to be crushed and ignored.

Along this same veins, I think our current politicians should be associated as TRAITORS loudly and as often as possible. On Youtube, on forums, in the bars, at social gatherings, every opportunity we get. Again, it doesn't have to be a right vs. left thing. You can bring up something they did that any leftist could get on board with, just make sure it is portrayed as an Elite vs. Commoner issue. It won't do anything in the short term, but in the long term, it will form a subliminal connection between politicians and traitors in the majority of people. When the situation gets worse, that is where the anger will be focused.

Another strategy is implanting entryists. It's difficult, but I'm seeing more of it. One example is Viktor Orban, who early in his career sang about leftism and was backed by Soros, but once elected did a 180 and became one of the rightist politicians in Europe. Also Trump, while a member of the elite, opened up discussion about gun control and immigration when it was previously taboo.

The situation will continue to worsen for a while. While terrorist attacks and worsening economic conditions are unfortunate for some, they haven't reached a critical mass of the population yet. Most people continue to live relatively comfortable lives, and they aren't willing to risk that for political revolution yet. Because of that, politicians will muddle along and things will get worse. The politicians will double down on their failed policies, because to do otherwise is to admit that the political right is correct and that they were traitors. Eventually, the economic and political situation will be absolutely unbearable, and political change is inevitable. When that time comes, I'm optimistic that the invasion will become untenable. I would bet we're less than 10 years from that point, seeing as we're already at zero and negative interest rates, near 0% GDP growth, and printing money like mad.

Until that time comes, protect yourselves. Buy what weapons you can legally own, form a tribe of like-minded men, and explore anti-fragile income streams. Educate yourself on anti terrorism and active shooter awareness tactics.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

World politics subforum is a good idea. At least "instagram hoes" and "Paris attacks" wouldn't sit next to each other in the same section.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

This seems like a good place to say, I've heard some arguments that Islam might be the cure to the disease of modernity.

I have to disagree. Islam is indeed the opposite of modernity (in most ways but not all) but simply clinging to the opposite of what your enemy believes in is not a solution.

And frankly, Islam has not bode well for the Middle East itself. It promotes incest for one which is the real reason that part of the world has become so clannish and stupid despite having produced great Empires in the past.

And who is to say Islamic countries are less degenerate? When it comes to gay sex and pornography, the Middle East (especially Wahabbi countries) partakes in both immensely more than the rest of the world.

Now an idea of resistance. There are special bullets made from pig fat as has been shown in the thread on the Paris Terror Attacks.

Another tactic is to stop a Mosque being built: kill a pig and bury the corpse in the plot of land.

I also believe there is a solution to modernity. Wait it out. The people who are the most intoxicated off of the modern lifestyle are all the least fecund. Their 'traditions' and genes will perish.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Complaining and asking our governments to stop this invasion is futile and pathetic. We will have to resist invasion ourself and show invaders they are not welcome.

"Another tactic is to stop a Mosque being built: kill a pig and bury the corpse in the plot of land."

I like this idea, unfortunately people have been put in jail for 9 months to two years for doing similiar things with bacon and mosques. So be careful and hide your face.

Here is a small fun way you can help in your local supermarket, I don't care about being banned from Tesco..

[Image: tesco-on-facebook-to-the-person-who-keep...espect.jpg]

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum


[Image: ohshit.gif]

Hilarious if true. I´ve never seen a halal section in an Austrian supermarket, but should they day ever come I´d be tempted.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

I know what I'm doing this weekend when I go grocery shopping!

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-24-2015 01:20 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Complaining and asking our governments to stop this invasion is futile and pathetic. We will have to resist invasion ourself and show invaders they are not welcome.

"Another tactic is to stop a Mosque being built: kill a pig and bury the corpse in the plot of land."

I like this idea, unfortunately people have been put in jail for 9 months to two years for doing similiar things with bacon and mosques. So be careful and hide your face.

Here is a small fun way you can help in your local supermarket, I don't care about being banned from Tesco..

[Image: tesco-on-facebook-to-the-person-who-keep...espect.jpg]

Would this suit protect you from bombers?

[Image: bacon-suit-05.jpg]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

One of the things I started doing was no more business with Muslim businesses. In my neighborhood there is a strip with 5 small convenience stores. How do they all stay open? They are all right next to one another. What I've noticed in the shops is not alot of product being moved/lots of dust. So I'm guessing they are laundering fronts. Vinman told me what the term is called but I can't find it now.

I like the pork in the halal section, if I ever see it I'm gonna do that. But as for now, I do my best not to put money into Muslim hands.

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Some propaganda for you UK blokes concerning "Asian" grooming gangs operating in the country.




























Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

I'm glad to see this thread as I've been pondering this line of thought for a month or 2 now.

I know a lot of people are working to become location independent and it may take 5 years or so to build up the skills or personal infrastructure to do this. But this is just the first step, Europe is gone, I would suggest looking elsewhere probably to Asia or South America.

People need to begin to band together in certain cities throughout the globe and create communities, especially if you are at a place in your life where you are ready to settle down.

As Roosh has stated women are like water which is my experience is 100% true. If we create a tight nit community in certain cities there is no reason we can't shape our own culture and shape a community with only a little bit of initial coordination.

Not sure how many have looked into cult psychology, but it can be used to our advantage, within your social circle you can create a climate where women are very entrenched and submissive to your will, imagine what can be done with a community of 100 tight nit men (for example look at what Mormon men get away with.)

Roosh actually made a joke post about a Neomasculine island. I'm thinking more like 50-100 dudes bringing wives/settling to a city like Chiang Mai, creating a community, creating an infrastructure to raise a new generation.

I think this is possible in under a decade, and could be done covertly so not to arise suspicion of local governments or communities. This may sound way out there to some, but I think should be regarded as a legitimate course of action.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Personally, I think it's in bad taste to do something as petty as put pork in a halal section.

There are also many Muslim groups and sects that are against radical Muslims and such. Same thing with nonwhite people.
There are plenty of groups of color that participate in self protection.

I am the cock carousel

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-30-2015 12:07 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Personally, I think it's in bad taste to do something as petty as put pork in a halal section.

There are also many Muslim groups and sects that are against radical Muslims and such. Same thing with nonwhite people.
There are plenty of groups of color that participate in self protection.

The average muslim is only against radical Islam to the degree that they dislike the violence. When you poll Muslims the majority want it to be illegal to criticize their religion or to surreptitiously drop strips of raw bacon in their womenfolk's purses when they aren't looking.

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Can we call these lunatics as radicals when they're simply following the exact principles of their religion?

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Ok I got a more serious suggestion, we're all talking about tribes and islands and groups, but we're forgetting we're already all part of this tribe here.

The next logical step before any meeting in person is finding out contact details, name, facebook details, etc. This can be done on a more need to know basis if required.

This is obvious, but it's worth mentioning because we're all scattered all over the world, but you never know when it might be useful to know someone in a certain place, or if in the future a group forms, we can communicate and extend invitations to others more easily. People also have facebook on their phones, so if things go really bad it could be a bit more useful than just this anonymous forum.

We can start with members we kind of know through PM and just exchange facebook details, then you've got someone on your friends list, who we can talk about real shit to, share stuff, help each other if needed, offer constructive criticism on each others FB profile haha, piss off lefties with. It doesn't have to be all about a survival tribe, you might not end up ever meeting but its useful to be there, in case things suddenly go bad.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

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