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Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (11-05-2015 07:13 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2015 04:48 PM)Odin Wrote:  

I sent the above video to a friend , and he just sent me this response back
"Get the snip mate, One screw and you could be paying half your income (net of your present alimony) until you retire.

The law has been effective for a year now. Happened to my former boss. He earns 20k as a director in a bank, got divorced 10 years ago and  pays 10k to his exwife each month. 

Got his new  girlfriend pregnant, whom he met 8 years later, preggo, now has to pay her 5k as well. He now has 5k a month left from his 20k."

Also it would get really ugly if he lost his job.
Yeah this is even worse than slavery. As a slave you at least had guaranteed work and often could buy out your freedom. In modern times when you're child support/alimony slave you have to pay and if you can't they put into a slammer. To be honest I regret not being born as woman. They are master class in our culture. Being alpha or beta doesn't matter much when power of the state is against you just for having one different chromosome.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Do the Swiss throw the men in jail if they cannot pay the support/alimony? If not then it's not worse than American laws.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (11-05-2015 08:11 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Do the Swiss throw the men in jail if they cannot pay the support/alimony? If not then it's not worse than American laws.

Yup -

[Image: KNAST00002.jpg]

Here a story about a Swiss architect who spent 49 days for not paying high alimony payments. He actually preferred it there and got a lot of work done, relaxed like in a monastery.

Many men prefer spending time in prison, since that pays for fines. That guy actually liked it that much that he spent a few days later as well paying for parking tickets and similar transgressions.

He had a single cell, a TV with 20 stations, a cettle for tea and coffee, a view on the Jura mountain region from his cell and the food was even delicious. The prison guards were even nice and generous men.

Swiss prisoners should not miss anything:

[Image: 82647-sfNnKErrZRzbekpJXDuOyg.jpg]

.... just kidding - it's not that good, but almost.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRyaLO07msqymC6uYf51gp...4vONnrxpwJ]

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (11-06-2015 01:46 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Many men prefer spending time in prison, since that pays for fines. That guy actually liked it that much that he spent a few days later as well paying for parking tickets and similar transgressions.

So it's actually a lot better to get married in Switzerland, because jail time writes off bad debts. In America, interest builds on old child support payments while one is in jail.

All in all it's not a big deal to get married and have kids there with laws like that.

When the relationship looks like it will die, convert your assets into gold and go bury it somewhere. Do the time in jail to get rid of the debts, and then when released go dig up the gold and start your next life.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

If I were to go to prison I would prefer Swiss prisons to the American justice system (INC).

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (10-18-2015 06:57 PM)Excelsior Wrote:  

Babies are no longer a blessing to be celebrated in nations like Switzerland. The men see them as nuclear missiles pointed at their freedom and financial security, while the young women (prior to their aging and developing baby-rabies) see pregnancies as patriarchal demolitions of their independence and status as modern, progressive, women in the feminist mold. Children are also increasingly being turned into weapons in a gendered tug-of-war for resources.

When a culture has developed in such a way as to turn the very act of procreation into a battle and its products into weapons welcomed by nobody, one cannot expect individuals to have many children. Nations in which such a state of affairs has settled can expect low fertility to be their permanent norm until said culture changes.

Exactly Excelsior, i'm already paying 3000chf per month to my ex-wife, one mistake and i would be crippled financially here, i met a great woman on friday night from Bulgaria (28), we talked for 10min and then her question was "would you marry again?" Its obvious that women know that if they can get a ring on their finger in Switzerland, then they are set for life. A lot of the young guys here just remain single, their hopes of bringing up a family and having love in their life are effectively squashed by the overlying risk of being turned into a slave for the next 30 years. Expectantly the male suicide rate in Switzerland for men aged between 40 and 55 is not even published. I get the train in the morning to work and every now and then there is a message " the train is delayed due to an unexpected incident on the track" ..i.e. some guy has committed hari kari.

The rules in Switzerland are that if you don't pay alimony and leave the country then, the government creates an "account" when you return you have to pay what is owed back to them. Consequently a lot of guys just grab everything they own , and leave and never come back.

These feminist laws which are spreading throughout the west, are creating a decline in birth rates so effectively these laws are resulting in the demolition of the west, if people don't create families and procreate, no next generation is available to pay the taxes to support the elderly, and society goes into decline, so effectively the west will eat itself.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (11-06-2015 01:46 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2015 08:11 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Do the Swiss throw the men in jail if they cannot pay the support/alimony? If not then it's not worse than American laws.

Yup -

[Image: KNAST00002.jpg]

Here a story about a Swiss architect who spent 49 days for not paying high alimony payments. He actually preferred it there and got a lot of work done, relaxed like in a monastery.

Many men prefer spending time in prison, since that pays for fines. That guy actually liked it that much that he spent a few days later as well paying for parking tickets and similar transgressions.

He had a single cell, a TV with 20 stations, a cettle for tea and coffee, a view on the Jura mountain region from his cell and the food was even delicious. The prison guards were even nice and generous men.

Swiss prisoners should not miss anything:

[Image: 82647-sfNnKErrZRzbekpJXDuOyg.jpg]

.... just kidding - it's not that good, but almost.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRyaLO07msqymC6uYf51gp...4vONnrxpwJ]

Funny , the Swiss jails are good ( i hear), they had a rule that allows prisoners out on the weekend ( not kidding) ...but they scrapped the idea when they found the rapists were making a mockery of their weekend escape, by carrying out more rapes.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (11-08-2015 02:26 PM)Odin Wrote:  

Funny , the Swiss jails are good ( i hear), they had a rule that allows prisoners out on the weekend ( not kidding) ...but they scrapped the idea when they found the rapists were making a mockery of their weekend escape, by carrying out more rapes.

Well - letting out rapists who are surrounded only by blokes while they have a good 2 days left to score is certainly a bit optimistic.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (10-18-2015 06:29 AM)Traktor Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2015 06:24 AM)Alpha_Romeo Wrote:  

Condoms can be sabotaged. Just sayin'

Blow into them before you slip one on.

Pull out and have her finish you off.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (11-06-2015 01:46 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2015 08:11 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Do the Swiss throw the men in jail if they cannot pay the support/alimony? If not then it's not worse than American laws.

Yup -

[Image: KNAST00002.jpg]

Here a story about a Swiss architect who spent 49 days for not paying high alimony payments. He actually preferred it there and got a lot of work done, relaxed like in a monastery.

Many men prefer spending time in prison, since that pays for fines. That guy actually liked it that much that he spent a few days later as well paying for parking tickets and similar transgressions.

He had a single cell, a TV with 20 stations, a cettle for tea and coffee, a view on the Jura mountain region from his cell and the food was even delicious. The prison guards were even nice and generous men.

Swiss prisoners should not miss anything:

[Image: 82647-sfNnKErrZRzbekpJXDuOyg.jpg]

.... just kidding - it's not that good, but almost.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRyaLO07msqymC6uYf51gp...4vONnrxpwJ]

Wait were his debts forgiven afterwards? 49 days in Jail to save $xxx,xxx sounds like a hell of a deal. I'd take it.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Jesus, thanks to your dig I just realized how bad Switzerland is as I didn't see it before. The guy got his salary cut from 20k to 15 because of alimony? Is this a joke? I'm still surprised though that there is so many men living in Western countries that haven't realized how they are getting ripped every step they take in almost every situation.
Enforcing such laws is basically reversing this role [Image: kermit.gif] and making women on top.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Couldn't find any hard evidence of these laws...until now. Here's a Swiss newspaper discussing the new rules---they went into effect January 1, 2017:


Big financial blow for separated fathers in Switzerland
05/01/2017 BY LE NEWS

These days, one child in five is born to unmarried parents in Switzerland. For this reason, new laws came into effect on 1 January 2017, which require separated unmarried parents to pay substantially more to the parent looking after their children, most often the mother.

Broadly speaking, the new laws bring the rules applicable to unmarried couples into line with those applied to divorced married couples. Until the end of last year, unmarried separated parents only had to pay child maintenance. From now on they will also need to cover some of their former partner’s costs such as rent, health insurance, basic living expenses and loss of earnings.

In Geneva, basic costs for a solo parent are calculated at CHF 1,350 per month according to lawyer Anne Reiser. Other costs such as rent and health insurance would have to be added to this amount. Speaking to 20 Minutes, lawyer Bernard Nuzzo, said that a separated father who currently pays CHF 500 per month might now have to pay CHF 3,500, seven times as much.

In 2009, in the canton of Vaud, 16.9% of solo parents received money from the government. 95.4% were mothers.

Julien Dura, spokesperson for a group which defends the rights of fathers, is critical of the move. He thinks the new rules don’t encourage separated mothers to go back to work, and will push some fathers into poverty, making it harder for them to live in conditions that allow them to take care of their children. According to him, men who request shared custody, often fail to get it, and find themselves reduced to walking wallets.

Sophie Thorens-Aladjem, président of the Tribunal civil de Genève said that no formula has been set. Most likely the basic cost figure of CHF 1,350 will be extended to include rent, charges, tax and public transport, she said. In addition, the minimum amount for fathers will be maintained. Geneva’s courts won’t prescribe anything, she added. Policy will be decided at a federal level.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

It is funny that Switzerland who is not in the EU still and calls itself so independent still has so many laws made by the same globalist sheisters - even at the same time it happens in other countries. I remember the job market opening to EE workers in Western Europe a couple years ago. Something similar happened in Switzerland on the same day - part of it was overturned of course, because the people at least have some basic direct democracy rights there.

Still... feminism galore - the tool to destroy the man and reduce him to a wallet.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Guys, Switzerland has nothing on Croatia. Here child support (alimentacija) is not just jail-worthy and non-dischargeable by jailtime, but is also inheritable. If you're not paying, they'll just bill your parents or even (obviously extremely rare but it can happen) your children. We're talking straight-up feudalism here - not being able to inherit debts is the cornerstone of modern society, yet the globalist fuckers have no problem violating it in the name of feminism.

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Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (10-18-2015 06:29 AM)Traktor Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2015 06:24 AM)Alpha_Romeo Wrote:  

Condoms can be sabotaged. Just sayin'

Blow into them before you slip one on.

I experienced my first condom failure a few weeks ago.

When I heard others talk about splits, I imagined a little split like ripped trousers but when I withdrew, the whole thing was wrapped round my lower shaft like a cock ring.

Luckily the girl was fine about a trip to the pharmacy within a few hours.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (10-18-2015 04:26 AM)Odin Wrote:  

The Swiss government are also trying to enforce a law that states that even if you are just dating a girl for a year, then this is some type of pseudo marriage, so you will need to pay her Alimony if you break up ...feminism gone crazy[Image: angry.gif][Image: angry.gif]

We already have those laws in Australia for de-facto couples. As a side note: It's also why the gay marriage agenda was such a load of bullshit. They've had equal rights via de-facto relationship laws for decades.

Switzerland : A one night stand can cost 3000$ month for the next 26 years.

Quote: (10-18-2015 06:57 PM)Excelsior Wrote:  

Babies are no longer a blessing to be celebrated in nations like Switzerland. The men see them as nuclear missiles pointed at their freedom and financial security, while the young women (prior to their aging and developing baby-rabies) see pregnancies as patriarchal demolitions of their independence and status as modern, progressive, women in the feminist mold. Children are also increasingly being turned into weapons in a gendered tug-of-war for resources.

When a culture has developed in such a way as to turn the very act of procreation into a battle and its products into weapons welcomed by nobody, one cannot expect individuals to have many children. Nations in which such a state of affairs has settled can expect low fertility to be their permanent norm until said culture changes.

Oh people will have children, but only the ones you don't want to who have nothing to lose and those who rely on the welfare state - mostly immigrants and refugees. The ones who have far less or no loyalty to the founding principles of this country. Eventually those children will become the army of the elites and they will use them to hunt down patriots who try to physically stop their tyranny once and for all. It's already been happening for some time with SJW's through character assassination. A cookie cutter SJW is a useful idiot/pawn of the elites and a product of the nanny state which this type of procreation relies upon.

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