"pretty" (pun intended). Much of their behavior is fairly pedictable (of course this is not the case with all of them).You need to read the Pimp game Instructional Guide by Mickey Royal.
Well, I can speak for Toronto and some smaller southern (and even northern Ontario towns) from experience. As a dark male (mulatto), you will come across many white males who won't show you any consideration.
But that doesn't matter. Women will fuck you, if you got game. Very hot ones too. None of this whale hunting bullshit, I'm not captain Ahab. Slim, tall, creme de-la creme white girls who work in offices as lawyers and in hospitals as nurses or doctors, yes, you can fuck them.
As a mulatto in Canada, you have a choice of either fully embracing white culture (even w/o game you should have aids/stds by your late teens in a small town), or black culture, more so in big cities, in this case, you will get to fuck young ones, but your prospects will dry up the older your target market becomes.
In the big city, if you come with that ghetto attitude dropping slang, pants sagging, etc, you will probably have a tough time gaming hot mid 20s, white, rich/middle class girls (and even some black/mulatto ones).
If you come clean like Jeru after his enema, well spoken, well dressed, with a decent education and/or job, you will clean out like dirty latina maids. You don't even have to say much. Smile, etc.
Ghetto slang won't get you far, "black tendencies" are not the path to success. After all, if you want prime rib pussy, you have to DHV right? Saggy pants and stereotypical black underclass American thug copycat style is not DHVing.
Us black/mulatto in Canada are mostly 2nd gen immigrants, did we come here to be someone's bitch or the country's underclass? Technically we are on equal footing with whites in every category and if we fall behind can we safely say it's mostly self inflicted? Jamaican gangsters do more damage to the black community than any racist white guy can (but that's another topic).
Why do we fuck white girls? Because, we black/mulatto only make up 3% of the population in this country and whites are 75%. To not fuck whites in Canada, is to be celibate...unless you like your kitty yellow or brown. And white boys here dig black chicks so you are in direct competition with the white male even for your 'own' women.
White Canadians for the most part are generally easy going, and most will not give you too much trouble. White guys won't hate on you in a club (at least not openly) if you've got white dames on either hand. I even frequent many white centered bars in Toronto (country, rock, golden oldies, and other niche clubs) and have a great success rate. Better than more diverse venues.
I've never gone to the USA to swoop, but after reading all this racist and useless drivel from our compadres down south (from both whites and blacks), I will make it a mission to go the whitest most anti black area and try some swooping, fully DHV and proper vocab, see if the USA is really as horrible regarding black/white pairings as people make it out to be, or if there's just lot of victim card carrying motherfuckers around.
I did go to Michigan once, a small white middle class suburb outside of Detroit, some white girls were opening me in the mall. So it can't be that bad!?
Can it?
PS: Here in Canada as a dark skinned person the most racism you will encounter will come from other immigrants (Indians/Pakistanis/Pacific Asians).
PPS: The most racism I've encountered are from light skinned mulattas who won't date blacks because to them it's "dating down". Usually those kinds of women live in Downtown Toronto and gold dig white males. I still can't crack that nut...pun...partially intended. Not impossible, just need a very watertight game.