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The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-24-2011 10:21 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

There is a murky area when involving Hispanics, but Dash's claim that America is 50/50 black and white is way off the mark. If that were the case we wouldn't even qualify as minorities.

50/50 is not the case, and that's even if we consider the fact that about 30% of European Americans have African ancestry.

Furthermore, even if we also pretend there weren't African people in this part of the world prior to the slave trade, there were millions more Africans "dropped off" in Latin America than there were here in the U.S., so in my opinion, there's nothing murky about the racial makeup of a people and their culture that has been homogenized as "Hispanic".

In this country it's "better" to be anything other than Black, so I don't believe any reported percentages on the number of Blacks, as in Africans who bred in U.S. culture and Africans bred in Latin American culture, that we rely on people to account for.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Dash is all over the place with Disinfo. I have just been observing this thread but he compelled me to post.

The OP brings up good points, also the poster who mentioned that upbringing plays a role is right IMO too. Both points are important, people seem delusional to not think you surroundings and environment don't have an effect on your preferences in life. When I came to NA I grew up in a small 90% white town. My first GF was black but I always preferred white women. The problem for me is that in the back of my mind I always liked black women but they was a low supply in my City, I could count on one hand the ones that were boner worthy of my attention. Fast forward to now, in Toronto I start to notice white women less and less, even Asians are in the radar now when I have never in my life been attracted to them.

Environment plays a big role, but one point that Dash tried to point at but hopeless fumbled was the aspect of poverty. Poverty isn't pretty, growing up in Canada Aboriginals are on the lowest end of the wealth and social sphere. Generally they look beat, tired, out of shape and .. well... ugly. I think people take for granted how much of a negative impact social and fiscal poverty plays onto a group of people. I could even bet in old world Europe many women looked like trolls and beasts. This is just my personal views though.

One last thing is that African Americans for the most part are on the lighter end in general (for the most part) and I know me personally I don't like to be with a woman that is darker than me. Fuck.. yea sure why not. But we with... naw son.

But iunno maybe other brothers can sound off. Only sistats get my animal urges off into the stratosphere. Like a fine sista well get me going on some space high ish. They just know! White girls demoralize a black man slowly, yes we feed them dick but they stand over us in status and class... fuck that. I see simp brothers basically tied and chained up to their white women in the malls, getting orders struck and such. The man defeated from working so hard to feed her (x2) and their baby.

And lastly "redbones", mixed gals whatever you like to call them have lost their charm on me. I thirsted for them heavily growing up and each and every one of them ended up having a snatch odor so potent and strong it turned me off! I mentioned this to one of my black lady friends and after a talk black and forth I came to the conclusion that mixed girls take care of they kittykat the same way white girls do.. WHICH IS A BIG NO NO. I really have no way else to explain it, if she was raised by her white mom (most likely) she will pick up those traits on how to deal with the kitty. No black women I have been with has has a rancid kitty, only mixed girls? To the point I don't even approach them because I get this flashback and get a cringe.

Wow that was long... may have been my first post too? Glad I could chim in.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 09:44 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Environment plays a big role, but one point that Dash tried to point at but hopeless fumbled was the aspect of poverty. Poverty isn't pretty, growing up in Canada Aboriginals are on the lowest end of the wealth and social sphere. Generally they look beat, tired, out of shape and .. well... ugly. I think people take for granted how much of a negative impact social and fiscal poverty plays onto a group of people. I could even bet in old world Europe many women looked like trolls and beasts. This is just my personal views though.

I agree environment plays a big role. Hence different Universal standards for different environments (race, religion, culture, ect). Pretty much all the stuff that influences someones attraction. I dont remb talking about or using poverty in my posts. Can you quote me if im mistaken?

The poverty issue is a moot point because there are PLENTY of hot poor people around the world. This is true for the US and def true in South America.

You say im all over the place with "disinfo" but only brought up one point which im not even sure I made. So what in my posts did you not agree with specifically?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 09:44 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Dash is all over the place with Disinfo. I have just been observing this thread but he compelled me to post.

The OP brings up good points, also the poster who mentioned that upbringing plays a role is right IMO too. Both points are important, people seem delusional to not think you surroundings and environment don't have an effect on your preferences in life. When I came to NA I grew up in a small 90% white town. My first GF was black but I always preferred white women. The problem for me is that in the back of my mind I always liked black women but they was a low supply in my City, I could count on one hand the ones that were boner worthy of my attention. Fast forward to now, in Toronto I start to notice white women less and less, even Asians are in the radar now when I have never in my life been attracted to them.

Environment plays a big role, but one point that Dash tried to point at but hopeless fumbled was the aspect of poverty. Poverty isn't pretty, growing up in Canada Aboriginals are on the lowest end of the wealth and social sphere. Generally they look beat, tired, out of shape and .. well... ugly. I think people take for granted how much of a negative impact social and fiscal poverty plays onto a group of people. I could even bet in old world Europe many women looked like trolls and beasts. This is just my personal views though.

One last thing is that African Americans for the most part are on the lighter end in general (for the most part) and I know me personally I don't like to be with a woman that is darker than me. Fuck.. yea sure why not. But we with... naw son.

But iunno maybe other brothers can sound off. Only sistats get my animal urges off into the stratosphere. Like a fine sista well get me going on some space high ish. They just know! White girls demoralize a black man slowly, yes we feed them dick but they stand over us in status and class... fuck that. I see simp brothers basically tied and chained up to their white women in the malls, getting orders struck and such. The man defeated from working so hard to feed her (x2) and their baby.

And lastly "redbones", mixed gals whatever you like to call them have lost their charm on me. I thirsted for them heavily growing up and each and every one of them ended up having a snatch odor so potent and strong it turned me off! I mentioned this to one of my black lady friends and after a talk black and forth I came to the conclusion that mixed girls take care of they kittykat the same way white girls do.. WHICH IS A BIG NO NO. I really have no way else to explain it, if she was raised by her white mom (most likely) she will pick up those traits on how to deal with the kitty. No black women I have been with has has a rancid kitty, only mixed girls? To the point I don't even approach them because I get this flashback and get a cringe.

Wow that was long... may have been my first post too? Glad I could chim in.

It almost pains me to make my first post on a race thread. But I had to come in and say that in Canada white women don't "tower" over blacks/mulattos in most circumstance. I'm mulatto and I don't think its hard to get really hot white chicks here (8s and 9s) from rich/middle class backgrounds. In fact, we are pretty much level with white guys in terms of what we can get, assuming equivalent income levels. Save for a few brothas screwing up the game by hunting for whales, most well educated/decent blacks in Toronto pretty much have the same access to white females as white males.

And in small white towns, black guys will kill. Even really ugly ones.

As a Canadian mulatto I always thought "man I should go to the USA since there's millions of black women who are single" - but after reading some incredibly racist stuff here (And Roissy's blog) from American posters, I'm pretty much content here in Canada. The structural racism at least seems to be less entrenched and white privilage has never developed so as a minority you're head to head in terms of everything with whites right off the bat.

Going to Caribana Toronto (or pretty much any Toronto festival) pretty much sums it up, people of all races mingling, holding hands, kissing, etc. And there's no shortage of black (wesley snipes complexion) with smoking hot white blondes.

Maybe America is just screwed up.

Stop being racist fucks and learn to compete in the game. After all, it's why we game right? Gaming is like free market capitalism, some will accumulate lots of pussy, some will get nothing. The idea is that everyone gets a fair shot.

Disclaimer: This is all just opinion.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-24-2011 07:54 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

So tell me. How would you determine the genre of music that is "most popular / most preferred" ? Would you not look to see which one SOLD the most copies or sold out the most shows?

Only way for your argument to hold any validity is to show their is no correlation between attractiveness and the main stream media.

And good luck proving or convincing anyone of that.

What you fail to understand is who "controls" mainstream media. Like any other industry or corporation, the folks who control it will push whatever can be soaked up by the MAJORITY....and like someone pointed out, it sure is not black folks who make up 12% of the population.

Now you tell me, what capitalist corporation OWNED by a person of the majority is going to push something to just 12% of the population?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 01:03 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2011 07:54 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

So tell me. How would you determine the genre of music that is "most popular / most preferred" ? Would you not look to see which one SOLD the most copies or sold out the most shows?

Only way for your argument to hold any validity is to show their is no correlation between attractiveness and the main stream media.

And good luck proving or convincing anyone of that.

What you fail to understand is who "controls" mainstream media. Like any other industry or corporation, the folks who control it will push whatever can be soaked up by the MAJORITY....and like someone pointed out, it sure is not black folks who make up 12% of the population.

Now you tell me, what capitalist corporation OWNED by a person of the majority is going to push something to just 12% of the population?

You brought a very key word into this discussion, which is control.

I've always maintained race is a hustle. Most of these people have been programmed to believe what they believe, but play it off as just being natural thought.

We know who controls the media, it's not accidental that Gabby Sidibe ends up on the cover of Vogue, they're not giving her props, they're sending a message -- look at this ugly, fat ass black woman vs. all the pretty white women we put on here.

It's the same shit with education in this country. Black people are reminded of all the lowest points of their people's histories, while European Americans are reminded of their highest, which is just one way to continue to fuel the myth of white supremacy. Hell, even the HBCU's were funded by European Americans.

Anyway, the shit is what it is. This country was founded on racism, founded on white supremacy, and yet we're surprised it's 2011, and we still hear this type of rhetoric, like there are no attractive black women, black men prefer the glorious white woman, and all this other nonsense. Black men just like pussy, and have conquered pussy all over the planet, without taking it by force because bitches all over the planet WANT to fuck them.

On another note, this is at least the 3rd discussion in the past month that Dash has been outmatched in. At this point, I feel sorry for the dude. He's been programmed, undereducated, etc. His whiteness means jack in this country, and it never really did, that's why he had to dip to Korea to find employment, because the jobs aren't readily available for young people -- regardless of ethnicity -- even though they did what society told them to do, yet even then while he's in Asia, he's fiending for Colombian bitches.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 01:21 PM)jariel Wrote:  

We know who controls the media, it's not accidental that Gabby Sidibe ends up on the cover of Vogue, they're not giving her props, they're sending a message -- look at this ugly, fat ass black woman vs. all the pretty white women we put on here.

My take on the Gabby Sidibe thing is not that Vogue was out to trash black women, but rather to try to make themselves look good at her expense. She was basically used. Vogue wants to be able to have a few token girls it can pull out and say "We don't only showcase thin, pretty white women, we even put Gabby Sidibe on our cover!" What better contrasting example to "prove" that than showcasing a fat, ugly black woman? It was totally self-serving and unnecessary. Nobody, black or white wants to see Gabby Sidibe on the cover of any fucking magazine unless it's Weight Watchers.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 01:21 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2011 01:03 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2011 07:54 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

So tell me. How would you determine the genre of music that is "most popular / most preferred" ? Would you not look to see which one SOLD the most copies or sold out the most shows?

Only way for your argument to hold any validity is to show their is no correlation between attractiveness and the main stream media.

And good luck proving or convincing anyone of that.

What you fail to understand is who "controls" mainstream media. Like any other industry or corporation, the folks who control it will push whatever can be soaked up by the MAJORITY....and like someone pointed out, it sure is not black folks who make up 12% of the population.

Now you tell me, what capitalist corporation OWNED by a person of the majority is going to push something to just 12% of the population?

You brought a very key word into this discussion, which is control.

I've always maintained race is a hustle. Most of these people have been programmed to believe what they believe, but play it off as just being natural thought.

We know who controls the media, it's not accidental that Gabby Sidibe ends up on the cover of Vogue, they're not giving her props, they're sending a message -- look at this ugly, fat ass black woman vs. all the pretty white women we put on here.

It's the same shit with education in this country. Black people are reminded of all the lowest points of their people's histories, while European Americans are reminded of their highest, which is just one way to continue to fuel the myth of white supremacy. Hell, even the HBCU's were funded by European Americans.

Anyway, the shit is what it is. This country was founded on racism, founded on white supremacy, and yet we're surprised it's 2011, and we still hear this type of rhetoric, like there are no attractive black women, black men prefer the glorious white woman, and all this other nonsense. Black men just like pussy, and have conquered pussy all over the planet, without taking it by force because bitches all over the planet WANT to fuck them.

On another note, this is at least the 3rd discussion in the past month that Dash has been outmatched in. At this point, I feel sorry for the dude. He's been programmed, undereducated, etc. His whiteness means jack in this country, and it never really did, that's why he had to dip to Korea to find employment, because the jobs aren't readily available for young people -- regardless of ethnicity -- even though they did what society told them to do, yet even then while he's in Asia, he's fiending for Colombian bitches.

The main reason I initially posted this post was to expose where this desires for majority females come from. Black men (and women) need to understand what goes on in this brains of ours. We need to see that white supremacist beliefs are deeply embedded in American culture and influences and our choices. White people should be humble enough to realize the very same idea frame theirs belief systems even more so. Dash is a perfect example of this. I was hoping to have an as civilized conversation about this as possible but you can never seem to accomplish this when talking about Black men and sex. Like I said in an earlier post White anger and passive aggression almost always erupts around the issue of attraction, sex and Black men. This is because racism is an emotional response to a perceived threat to sexual pleasure. Just the mere thought of Black men and sex often leads to feelings of deprivation.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 03:48 PM)The Lesser Evil Wrote:  

The main reason I initially posted this post was to expose where this desires for majority females come from. Black men (and women) need to understand what goes on in this brains of ours. We need to see that white supremacist beliefs are deeply embedded in American culture and influences and our choices. White people should be humble enough to realize the very same idea frame theirs belief systems even more so. Dash is a perfect example of this. I was hoping to have an as civilized conversation about this as possible but you can never seem to accomplish this when talking about Black men and sex. Like I said in an earlier post White anger and passive aggression almost always erupts around the issue of attraction, sex and Black men. This is because racism is an emotional response to a perceived threat to sexual pleasure. Just the mere thought of Black men and sex often leads to feelings of deprivation.

I'm surprised no one has said this yet, but: you gotta stop bolding everything, homie.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 01:03 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2011 07:54 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

So tell me. How would you determine the genre of music that is "most popular / most preferred" ? Would you not look to see which one SOLD the most copies or sold out the most shows?

Only way for your argument to hold any validity is to show their is no correlation between attractiveness and the main stream media.

And good luck proving or convincing anyone of that.

What you fail to understand is who "controls" mainstream media. Like any other industry or corporation, the folks who control it will push whatever can be soaked up by the MAJORITY....and like someone pointed out, it sure is not black folks who make up 12% of the population.

Now you tell me, what capitalist corporation OWNED by a person of the majority is going to push something to just 12% of the population?

White people control BET, and white people control main stream urban magizines, white people controls which females go into the rap and r&b videos?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 05:39 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2011 01:03 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2011 07:54 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

So tell me. How would you determine the genre of music that is "most popular / most preferred" ? Would you not look to see which one SOLD the most copies or sold out the most shows?

Only way for your argument to hold any validity is to show their is no correlation between attractiveness and the main stream media.

And good luck proving or convincing anyone of that.

What you fail to understand is who "controls" mainstream media. Like any other industry or corporation, the folks who control it will push whatever can be soaked up by the MAJORITY....and like someone pointed out, it sure is not black folks who make up 12% of the population.

Now you tell me, what capitalist corporation OWNED by a person of the majority is going to push something to just 12% of the population?

White people control BET, and white people control main stream urban magizines, white people controls which females go into the rap and r&b videos?

I see you have done your research, because BET was sold to Viacomm and almost all major record companies are run by white people.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 06:43 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2011 05:39 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2011 01:03 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2011 07:54 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

So tell me. How would you determine the genre of music that is "most popular / most preferred" ? Would you not look to see which one SOLD the most copies or sold out the most shows?

Only way for your argument to hold any validity is to show their is no correlation between attractiveness and the main stream media.

And good luck proving or convincing anyone of that.

What you fail to understand is who "controls" mainstream media. Like any other industry or corporation, the folks who control it will push whatever can be soaked up by the MAJORITY....and like someone pointed out, it sure is not black folks who make up 12% of the population.

Now you tell me, what capitalist corporation OWNED by a person of the majority is going to push something to just 12% of the population?

White people control BET, and white people control main stream urban magizines, white people controls which females go into the rap and r&b videos?

I see you have done your research, because BET was sold to Viacomm and almost all major record companies are run by white people.

So BET suddenly changed when they were sold to Viacomm?

You are confusing "run" with "owning".

What about the urban magazines?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 06:48 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

So BET suddenly changed when they were sold to Viacomm?

You are confusing "run" with "owning".

What about the urban magazines?

Dear Dash, you will need to do a lot of research because your concepts on this issue are waaaay off. You will not learn from this because you don't seem to realise the powers that be.
The whole fact that you used the entertainment industry as a measuring stick for beauty shows where your mind is at.

And you haven't travelled by any means to be able to dictate whether dark is beautiful and light is ugly or vice versa.

If you wish to lay an unbiased claim on black beauty, I think you should at least visit Africa.

But saying you didn't see any growing up in South Carolina or wherever you were raised is absolutely absurd.

For instance, I didn't think white women were all that growing up in England because the white pool in England is TERRIBLE.

Now moving to North America and seeing a better mix of Europeans gave me a whole new appreciation.

I implore you to do the same and reserve judgement until then.

One [Image: heart.gif]





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So


I am only speaking U.S wise in regards to black women.

Anyone that dont understand attraction sells is fooling themselves.

This can be seen in EVERY country.

The beautiful and attractive people dominate the entertainment industry.

I havent been to Africa so I dont know what type of women they deem attractive. But Im sure which every features and "look" they prefer will be the females on tv, magazines, movies ect.

Come on down to Korea, you can see it CLEAR as day first hand. You think these big headed ugly ass women are on all the tv shows and movies?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 06:48 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2011 06:43 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2011 05:39 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2011 01:03 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2011 07:54 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

So tell me. How would you determine the genre of music that is "most popular / most preferred" ? Would you not look to see which one SOLD the most copies or sold out the most shows?

Only way for your argument to hold any validity is to show their is no correlation between attractiveness and the main stream media.

And good luck proving or convincing anyone of that.

What you fail to understand is who "controls" mainstream media. Like any other industry or corporation, the folks who control it will push whatever can be soaked up by the MAJORITY....and like someone pointed out, it sure is not black folks who make up 12% of the population.

Now you tell me, what capitalist corporation OWNED by a person of the majority is going to push something to just 12% of the population?

White people control BET, and white people control main stream urban magizines, white people controls which females go into the rap and r&b videos?

I see you have done your research, because BET was sold to Viacomm and almost all major record companies are run by white people.

So BET suddenly changed when they were sold to Viacomm?

You are confusing "run" with "owning".

What about the urban magazines?

In the USA, owning = running. Let me explain to you how the music industry works....

Sure you hear hear of these "urban" labels like DefJam but the REAL name is DefJam/Columbia or in more simplistic terms <music genre records>/<Major Parent Record Company>. Yes, the <music genre records> can suggest who they "want" to promote, but if <parent record company> wants to invest money, the artist better make music that <parent record company> feels that will sell, or <parent record company> will tell <music genre records> that we are NOT investing.

That is why an artist usually has material that is more to it's genre "roots" BEFORE they are signed to a label and their the music is "watered down" to appeal to masses (read: majority) once they are signed to a record company.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-25-2011 01:01 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2011 09:44 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Dash is all over the place with Disinfo. I have just been observing this thread but he compelled me to post.

The OP brings up good points, also the poster who mentioned that upbringing plays a role is right IMO too. Both points are important, people seem delusional to not think you surroundings and environment don't have an effect on your preferences in life. When I came to NA I grew up in a small 90% white town. My first GF was black but I always preferred white women. The problem for me is that in the back of my mind I always liked black women but they was a low supply in my City, I could count on one hand the ones that were boner worthy of my attention. Fast forward to now, in Toronto I start to notice white women less and less, even Asians are in the radar now when I have never in my life been attracted to them.

Environment plays a big role, but one point that Dash tried to point at but hopeless fumbled was the aspect of poverty. Poverty isn't pretty, growing up in Canada Aboriginals are on the lowest end of the wealth and social sphere. Generally they look beat, tired, out of shape and .. well... ugly. I think people take for granted how much of a negative impact social and fiscal poverty plays onto a group of people. I could even bet in old world Europe many women looked like trolls and beasts. This is just my personal views though.

One last thing is that African Americans for the most part are on the lighter end in general (for the most part) and I know me personally I don't like to be with a woman that is darker than me. Fuck.. yea sure why not. But we with... naw son.

But iunno maybe other brothers can sound off. Only sistats get my animal urges off into the stratosphere. Like a fine sista well get me going on some space high ish. They just know! White girls demoralize a black man slowly, yes we feed them dick but they stand over us in status and class... fuck that. I see simp brothers basically tied and chained up to their white women in the malls, getting orders struck and such. The man defeated from working so hard to feed her (x2) and their baby.

And lastly "redbones", mixed gals whatever you like to call them have lost their charm on me. I thirsted for them heavily growing up and each and every one of them ended up having a snatch odor so potent and strong it turned me off! I mentioned this to one of my black lady friends and after a talk black and forth I came to the conclusion that mixed girls take care of they kittykat the same way white girls do.. WHICH IS A BIG NO NO. I really have no way else to explain it, if she was raised by her white mom (most likely) she will pick up those traits on how to deal with the kitty. No black women I have been with has has a rancid kitty, only mixed girls? To the point I don't even approach them because I get this flashback and get a cringe.

Wow that was long... may have been my first post too? Glad I could chim in.

It almost pains me to make my first post on a race thread. But I had to come in and say that in Canada white women don't "tower" over blacks/mulattos in most circumstance. I'm mulatto and I don't think its hard to get really hot white chicks here (8s and 9s) from rich/middle class backgrounds. In fact, we are pretty much level with white guys in terms of what we can get, assuming equivalent income levels. Save for a few brothas screwing up the game by hunting for whales, most well educated/decent blacks in Toronto pretty much have the same access to white females as white males.

And in small white towns, black guys will kill. Even really ugly ones.

As a Canadian mulatto I always thought "man I should go to the USA since there's millions of black women who are single" - but after reading some incredibly racist stuff here (And Roissy's blog) from American posters, I'm pretty much content here in Canada. The structural racism at least seems to be less entrenched and white privilage has never developed so as a minority you're head to head in terms of everything with whites right off the bat.

Going to Caribana Toronto (or pretty much any Toronto festival) pretty much sums it up, people of all races mingling, holding hands, kissing, etc. And there's no shortage of black (wesley snipes complexion) with smoking hot white blondes.

Maybe America is just screwed up.

Stop being racist fucks and learn to compete in the game. After all, it's why we game right? Gaming is like free market capitalism, some will accumulate lots of pussy, some will get nothing. The idea is that everyone gets a fair shot.

Disclaimer: This is all just opinion.

You Mulatto though. You really can't compare. Being a mixed brother in Canada isn't the same as being a landed immigrant from the depths of Africa.. trust me its night and day. My mixed homies lived way more 'comfy' lives.. not even from a money stand point, because I mean a lot of them where sitting in the gutters just like me - but I mean just from a social level. The only problems my mixed friends confessed to me was the confusion of what side to embrace. In retrospect they admitted that it was really tough mentally to figure out "who they were" I could imagine that being real difficult for somebody to deal with though.

Evrey brother in Canada unless he is from Nova Scotia or has long roots in Ontario or Quebec is a first or 2nd generation immigrant. All of my black friends either Islands or African are landed immigrants or first generation (Canada's largest influx of Africans was right during and after the Eritrea and Ethio war was it not?, only 20 some years ago). You don't start off on equal footing as everybody else. My father was an engineer with 3 degrees and training in American and Europe and still had to pay his dues when he came up here. This "equal" stuff is non-sense. Canada more so then any other place has rigid locks in place to protect the Canadian workforce, at least in the states the opportunity to grind it out under the table exists. In Canada with the strong welfare state we have the govt regulates you to shit work (since nobody recognizes your education) and assistance (since the govt knows you won't get quality work) to keep you away from competing with regular Canadians.

All of my friends grew up modest or poor. Yes its no problem getting white girls in Canada but try being the unlucky sucker who gets one knocked up and see how "equal" you are. A Canadian white girl will more times than not comes from a stable background with support systems in place.. you? well. Hmmmf. They love them mixed babies, the have parties and trade there kids around and fawn over them (no joke). How many times back when I was a gameless chump only bagging girls simply because I was black being suckered into broads telling me they on the pill or give me fucked up rubbers.. to whatever. The Govt and Family has their back they view them babies as trinkets.. the man is a after thought.

Plus Toronto is a different environment, things are not the same out in Western Canada where I am from - I can hardly even consider Toronto Canada - I've been here 3-4 years now and Toronto is its own creature for sure. This adds to Toronto's strength and appeal but also gives it a lot of negative quirks.

I still stand by the fact that I stated that the white women tower over brothers where I am from simply because they have more means. There are few white people whom come from modest or backgrounds like Immigrants or Aboriginals here in Canada. Brothers have quick access to them white broads simply because we are exotic and dominate over the other men, but from a social and financial stand point the white people still rule in the prairies. Blacks only represent about maybe if your lucky 8-10% in the West, we are a very small group there.

Its a lot more tilted then you think man. Unless you reach high ends up social status and ditch any natural black tendencies you may have out west will you get full social value. My homie only reached this level by getting into the CFL (Canadian pro league football). Dude is stale as bread, we cool because we played ball together but the white folk looove him. Its funny because he only likes black women so its comedy seeing him turn down snow bunnies like nothing.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So


You Mulatto though. You really can't compare.
Man, you must stop thinking like that. Where only talk about women here. They are a commodity. And I don't know about in Canada
but in the U.S. alot of Mixed people are incredibility damaged and it's not
"pretty" (pun intended). Much of their behavior is fairly pedictable (of course this is not the case with all of them).You need to read the Pimp game Instructional Guide by Mickey Royal.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So


"pretty" (pun intended). Much of their behavior is fairly pedictable (of course this is not the case with all of them).You need to read the Pimp game Instructional Guide by Mickey Royal.

Well, I can speak for Toronto and some smaller southern (and even northern Ontario towns) from experience. As a dark male (mulatto), you will come across many white males who won't show you any consideration.

But that doesn't matter. Women will fuck you, if you got game. Very hot ones too. None of this whale hunting bullshit, I'm not captain Ahab. Slim, tall, creme de-la creme white girls who work in offices as lawyers and in hospitals as nurses or doctors, yes, you can fuck them.

As a mulatto in Canada, you have a choice of either fully embracing white culture (even w/o game you should have aids/stds by your late teens in a small town), or black culture, more so in big cities, in this case, you will get to fuck young ones, but your prospects will dry up the older your target market becomes.

In the big city, if you come with that ghetto attitude dropping slang, pants sagging, etc, you will probably have a tough time gaming hot mid 20s, white, rich/middle class girls (and even some black/mulatto ones).

If you come clean like Jeru after his enema, well spoken, well dressed, with a decent education and/or job, you will clean out like dirty latina maids. You don't even have to say much. Smile, etc.

Ghetto slang won't get you far, "black tendencies" are not the path to success. After all, if you want prime rib pussy, you have to DHV right? Saggy pants and stereotypical black underclass American thug copycat style is not DHVing.

Us black/mulatto in Canada are mostly 2nd gen immigrants, did we come here to be someone's bitch or the country's underclass? Technically we are on equal footing with whites in every category and if we fall behind can we safely say it's mostly self inflicted? Jamaican gangsters do more damage to the black community than any racist white guy can (but that's another topic).

Why do we fuck white girls? Because, we black/mulatto only make up 3% of the population in this country and whites are 75%. To not fuck whites in Canada, is to be celibate...unless you like your kitty yellow or brown. And white boys here dig black chicks so you are in direct competition with the white male even for your 'own' women.

White Canadians for the most part are generally easy going, and most will not give you too much trouble. White guys won't hate on you in a club (at least not openly) if you've got white dames on either hand. I even frequent many white centered bars in Toronto (country, rock, golden oldies, and other niche clubs) and have a great success rate. Better than more diverse venues.

I've never gone to the USA to swoop, but after reading all this racist and useless drivel from our compadres down south (from both whites and blacks), I will make it a mission to go the whitest most anti black area and try some swooping, fully DHV and proper vocab, see if the USA is really as horrible regarding black/white pairings as people make it out to be, or if there's just lot of victim card carrying motherfuckers around.

I did go to Michigan once, a small white middle class suburb outside of Detroit, some white girls were opening me in the mall. So it can't be that bad!?

Can it?

PS: Here in Canada as a dark skinned person the most racism you will encounter will come from other immigrants (Indians/Pakistanis/Pacific Asians).

PPS: The most racism I've encountered are from light skinned mulattas who won't date blacks because to them it's "dating down". Usually those kinds of women live in Downtown Toronto and gold dig white males. I still can't crack that nut...pun...partially intended. Not impossible, just need a very watertight game.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Djemba...just last night, I was out at a hotel lounge/bar in SOHO, in NYC. The crowd last night was largely black (there wasn't really a dress code, but cats looked smooth, with an occasional pair of sneakers or ball cap). There were a few white folks mixed in, and I find in NYC it's always chill, though whites generally avoid spots that are predominantly black. Me and my boy were checking out these two white couples that came in, because their girlfriends were cuties. They were doing the usual picture taking thing, but they all couldn't get in the pic, and I guess they were shy about asking a stranger to take it for them. So I walked up to one of the dudes and offered to take pics for them. They said their thank yous, and I went back to doing what I was doing. A few minutes later the other dude walked up to us to thank me again, and struck up a conversation. He's from Calgary, and the other couple are friends from London. We talked about his time in NY, and he schooled us on Calgary, and suggested great cities in Canada worth visiting. He was a snowboarder (potential pro) that shattered an ankle. I asked him if his dad flooded his backyard so he could play hockey as a boy, but he didn't play hockey. We talked a little about racial demographics (no brother up Calgary way, but I told him I know about Jarome Iginla of the Flames!). He said there are some hot Asian chicks in Toronto. His boy was probably a little more shy, but I grabbed him as he walked by and pulled him in (I visited London twice last year, so we talked about that). Homey was just mad cool.

The night before, me and my boy were at a night spot on the lower east side, and the crowd was ALL WHITE. It's co-owned by an Asian and and Indian dude, and a black dude was working the door. Me and my boy were the only blacks in the spot, with a couple of Indians mixed in. But people are generally chill. And it's not uncommon for me to be in a place where most of the crowd is white. Unless there's a party being thrown by someone black, the crowd is going to be mostly white in midtown or downtown spots. People are usually paying more attention to their friends to hate on other folks, and you can generally strike up a convo with anyone without drama (alcohol and good music helps with the overall mood).

Overall though...New York is a bit of a racial powderkeg. It's a series of ethnic enclaves. New Yorkers mix on public transporation, at work, and occasionally at bars/lounges/clubs. We co-exist, but most whites here aren't interested in substantive contact with people that aren't white. They don't want to live in the same neighborhoods, or really have anything to do with someone that isn't white, unless they're working for or serving them in some way. Sure, there are exceptions (some whites live in Harlem, and are comfortable there, but it's rare for whites to live in predominantly minority neighborhoods). Some real estate agents will try to steer minorities away from predominantly white areas, regardless of whether or not they can afford to live there.

The fucked up thing is young people are cool with whoever, but adults infect them with bullshit. By the time they're in their 20's, they're on this bigoted nonsense themselves. My general rule is I'm cool with whoever is cool with me. I'll fuck with any chick that I think is attractive, and her racial heritage will play no part in whether or not I think she's attractive (most whites can't say the same). If people had the courage to dispense with bullshit they've been taught (they didn't experience it) they'd find most people will be cool with them. Sure, there will always be people that are assholes that you can't stand (there are plenty of other blacks I don't want be bothered with. That doesn't make me a self-hating black person - it means I have no tolerance for assholes...HA HA!). There will be whites or others I don't want to deal with for the same reason - their heritage isn't why I hate them, it's who the individual is as a person that I have a problem with. People tend to hold up the worst of any particular group, and allow that to be the example for a whole group of people. It's easy, and it's lazy.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-29-2011 04:01 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Djemba...just last night, I was out at a hotel lounge/bar in SOHO, in NYC. The crowd last night was largely black (there wasn't really a dress code, but cats looked smooth, with an occasional pair of sneakers or ball cap). There were a few white folks mixed in, and I find in NYC it's always chill, though whites generally avoid spots that are predominantly black. Me and my boy were checking out these two white couples that came in, because their girlfriends were cuties. They were doing the usual picture taking thing, but they all couldn't get in the pic, and I guess they were shy about asking a stranger to take it for them. So I walked up to one of the dudes and offered to take pics for them. They said their thank yous, and I went back to doing what I was doing. A few minutes later the other dude walked up to us to thank me again, and struck up a conversation. He's from Calgary, and the other couple are friends from London. We talked about his time in NY, and he schooled us on Calgary, and suggested great cities in Canada worth visiting. He was a snowboarder (potential pro) that shattered an ankle. I asked him if his dad flooded his backyard so he could play hockey as a boy, but he didn't play hockey. We talked a little about racial demographics (no brother up Calgary way, but I told him I know about Jarome Iginla of the Flames!). He said there are some hot Asian chicks in Toronto. His boy was probably a little more shy, but I grabbed him as he walked by and pulled him in (I visited London twice last year, so we talked about that). Homey was just mad cool.

The night before, me and my boy were at a night spot on the lower east side, and the crowd was ALL WHITE. It's co-owned by an Asian and and Indian dude, and a black dude was working the door. Me and my boy were the only blacks in the spot, with a couple of Indians mixed in. But people are generally chill. And it's not uncommon for me to be in a place where most of the crowd is white. Unless there's a party being thrown by someone black, the crowd is going to be mostly white in midtown or downtown spots. People are usually paying more attention to their friends to hate on other folks, and you can generally strike up a convo with anyone without drama (alcohol and good music helps with the overall mood).

Overall though...New York is a bit of a racial powderkeg. It's a series of ethnic enclaves. New Yorkers mix on public transporation, at work, and occasionally at bars/lounges/clubs. We co-exist, but most whites here aren't interested in substantive contact with people that aren't white. They don't want to live in the same neighborhoods, or really have anything to do with someone that isn't white, unless they're working for or serving them in some way. Sure, there are exceptions (some whites live in Harlem, and are comfortable there, but it's rare for whites to live in predominantly minority neighborhoods). Some real estate agents will try to steer minorities away from predominantly white areas, regardless of whether or not they can afford to live there.

The fucked up thing is young people are cool with whoever, but adults infect them with bullshit. By the time they're in their 20's, they're on this bigoted nonsense themselves. My general rule is I'm cool with whoever is cool with me. I'll fuck with any chick that I think is attractive, and her racial heritage will play no part in whether or not I think she's attractive (most whites can't say the same). If people had the courage to dispense with bullshit they've been taught (they didn't experience it) they'd find most people will be cool with them. Sure, there will always be people that are assholes that you can't stand (there are plenty of other blacks I don't want be bothered with. That doesn't make me a self-hating black person - it means I have no tolerance for assholes...HA HA!). There will be whites or others I don't want to deal with for the same reason - their heritage isn't why I hate them, it's who the individual is as a person that I have a problem with. People tend to hold up the worst of any particular group, and allow that to be the example for a whole group of people. It's easy, and it's lazy.

In Canada, blacks and other minorities aren't an underclass (yet, and hopefully it stays that way).

Jamaicans and Somalians have fallen very fast down the societal ladder, however real Africans (from Africa) are very thoroughly preselected by immigration and are usually educated, and their kids are educated.

In Toronto and its suburbs, whites don't really have a choice of what their neighborhood will look like demographically because the immigrants usually reach income parity very quickly (and many of today immigrants are actually elite, ever more wealthy than whites).

In areas such as Scarborough many poor Jamaicans and Somalis live, but if you venture out to west Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton, you will come across many middle class and rich private sector working blacks.

In many ways, white people don't have a choice than to interact with people of colour (and 'colour' being a huge demographic mishmash itself between asians, blacks, and other groups, they don't all get along anyhow).

People can hate all they want...we will fuck the good pussy. Unless threatened with direct form of violence, the free market of pussy getting will continue indefinitely. Roissy's Eurocentrism be damned lol.

PS: it's all about class, if blacks in the US weren't an underclass, or if they somehow reached income parity with whites (or even overtook them), they will have access to any pussy as a group, and the social stigma will dissipate. For now because too many blacks are poor, there is considerable problem for the community as a whole. But I'm not as familiar with the US way of social operations as I am with Canada's. White Canadians just aren't as racist, yes, there is racism, but the system of white privilage has never taken deep roots in Canada due to it being a mostly white/aboriginal country for a very long time.
In other words, the mechanism of oppression weren't established as the country grew, therefore today immigrants of all colours have a chance to take full advantage of a system that hasn't been tainted by racial societal trenches.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-29-2011 02:48 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

I've never gone to the USA to swoop, but after reading all this racist and useless drivel from our compadres down south (from both whites and blacks), I will make it a mission to go the whitest most anti black area and try some swooping, fully DHV and proper vocab, see if the USA is really as horrible regarding black/white pairings as people make it out to be, or if there's just lot of victim card carrying motherfuckers around.

It is about as bad as you think it is, although some regions do vary. Most of the perspectives you'll get on this board come from those living in major urban centers(or close to them) on the east and west coasts, plus a Texan or two. Things can be more positive in other places, like...


I did go to Michigan once, a small white middle class suburb outside of Detroit, some white girls were opening me in the mall. So it can't be that bad!?

Can it?

...the midwest. MiXX has written on this before here, but to summarize it, the experience of the average black male in parts of Minnesota and the Dakotas is similar to what it would be in Canada. They have pretty high buying power sexually there.

The ability of blacks to pull on an even scale also increases with distance from major urban centers. I come from a sizeable, but minor city in NY (not NYC). I do ok there, as did many of my peers, in spite of there being plenty of eurocentrism/racism.

I come up to college and it is literally night and day-black men have no value here. My school isn't in a major urban center, but most of my peers are upper class and from said centers, which explains the issue. These girls don't want black males, who here are perceived to be of low socio-economic value (these chicks all want to marry/date "well") and aren't acceptable to "bring home to mom", even if they're attractive.

To sum it up, location matters. A two hour drive can make a difference, even within US borders.


PPS: The most racism I've encountered are from light skinned mulattas who won't date blacks because to them it's "dating down". Usually those kinds of women live in Downtown Toronto and gold dig white males. I still can't crack that nut...pun...partially intended. Not impossible, just need a very watertight game.

I go to an Ivy school up here in the Northeastern USA, and this is the only place where I've run into this type of woman. In high school or off campus, I rarely see them, but every other girl here seems to think this way. Black men are bottom of the totem pole where I'm at, so it can be frustrating to deal with, especially when you know that most of the world outside that environment isn't like that.

Quote: (10-29-2011 04:29 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

In Canada, blacks and other minorities aren't an underclass (yet, and hopefully it stays that way).

Jamaicans and Somalians have fallen very fast down the societal ladder, however real Africans (from Africa) are very thoroughly preselected by immigration and are usually educated, and their kids are educated.

In Toronto and its suburbs, whites don't really have a choice of what their neighborhood will look like demographically because the immigrants usually reach income parity very quickly (and many of today immigrants are actually elite, ever more wealthy than whites).

In areas such as Scarborough many poor Jamaicans and Somalis live, but if you venture out to west Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton, you will come across many middle class and rich private sector working blacks.

In many ways, white people don't have a choice than to interact with people of colour (and 'colour' being a huge demographic mishmash itself between asians, blacks, and other groups, they don't all get along anyhow).

People can hate all they want...we will fuck the good pussy. Unless threatened with direct form of violence, the free market of pussy getting will continue indefinitely. Roissy's Eurocentrism be damned lol.

PS: it's all about class, if blacks in the US weren't an underclass, or if they somehow reached income parity with whites (or even overtook them), they will have access to any pussy as a group, and the social stigma will dissipate. For now because too many blacks are poor, there is considerable problem for the community as a whole. But I'm not as familiar with the US way of social operations as I am with Canada's. White Canadians just aren't as racist, yes, there is racism, but the system of white privilage has never taken deep roots in Canada due to it being a mostly white/aboriginal country for a very long time.
In other words, the mechanism of oppression weren't established as the country grew, therefore today immigrants of all colours have a chance to take full advantage of a system that hasn't been tainted by racial societal trenches.

You've put into clear, concise words here a lot of the thoughts I'd been having on race in this country (USA) and why race relations here differ from elsewhere.

I like this thread.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Slavery in this part of the world really fucked up the game.

First, there's the perception that only Africans were enslaved. This is furthered by the media's constant low-key diss towards Black people as being "descendants of slaves", when such a categorization can be made of all kinds of people, including European Americans, Native Americans, and Latin Americans.

Second, once you made people feel that they were "better" than others because the inferior people were slaves, how could you, as the "superior beings", ever see those people as equals?

White Americans hate to see Black Americans who can be perceived as being equal or superior to them. If you don't believe me, move into a predominately white neighborhood, or own a business and hire a white person to work for you.

Race is a hustle, one that this country was founded upon and that has been propagated for 235 years.

The story of T. John McKee should serve as an example of what color truly matters to people, especially in a capitalistic society...


The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So


The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Another interesting point regarding the history of race in this country, is that whenever there was a thriving black city/community, whites deeply resented it and found a way to destroy it (usually a false accusation of rape of a white woman). Both Rosewood and Tulsa, Oklahoma are examples of this. Blacks had their own businesses, banks, etc. In Tulsa, black families were doing so well that they had a piano in the living room (today, only the most wealthy have something like that in the house) and whites rampaged through and LOOTED first, then burned shit down. Whites couldn't stomach a black person living better than they did. It's a stain on the country that not many want to discuss.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

My two cents:

I date white women because they are generally easier than any other race. I would not marry them because they age like prunes in the sun. Sorry that may offend some but fact is fact.

When I was younger and foolish, I use to put them on a pedastal but after coming to my senses I learned better.

I like black women but sadly they let themselves down by there attitudes and not taking care of themselves.

Canada has always been a great place to socialize with white women, Toronto has become a tougher market but there are still many places you can venture to have fun. Western Canada is a goldmine but sadly I have no desire to live there.

America is a great place to visit but the history of the country scares me, no desire to live there.

Jariel - drop some more knowledge on these peeps.lol

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