Quote: (10-23-2011 06:20 PM)drymarro Wrote:
^^ I've lived in America for my whole life but have traveled to Italy, Paris, Poland, Canada, Czech, Dominican Republic.. and everywhere black chicks are just plain ugly. Sure there are exceptions.. but there always are. I find filipinos 3x hotter than black people and they are not white like I am.
-Don't pull the "what you think is attractive isn't the same for the rest of the world.. what you mean Africa?
so why is it that these men are going after white women? lol.
black women are simply ugly... it's proven. get over it.
If the best you can add to the discussion is "black women are ugly because I say they are", please find another thread to contribute to, because you are adding no value to this discussion here. This was a pretty cerebral debate until you showed up.
Quote:dash global Wrote:
I wouldnt really say that the entertainment industry doesnt "want" dark skinned women as there is def dark skinned women in the biz. They want/prefer talented AND/OR fine women period. And we have already determined that there is attractive chicks from every skin color.
Lighter skinned blacks have always had more privilege in society than darker blacks. This is a tradition that goes back to slavery where mulatto blacks were allowed to work in the big house while the "darkies" had to stay in the cotton field. Darker blacks look more threatening to whites, more alien, they are less able to identify with them. Having a significant amount of white blood makes them more acceptable. This whole racial caste system was/is much more entrenched in S. America where you don't see black people in TV and movies AT ALL, whether they are light, dark, good looking or ugly unless they are playing maids. It's just that we've made more progress here, though we're not perfect.
Attractiveness / beauty is not bound by skin color. What it does show is that there is a HUGE discrepancy between the number of hot dark black skinned females compared to their lighter counter parts.
It may be that there are more numerous numbers of light skinned black women than dark. However just on the streets, I certainly see attractive dark women. The black woman's main problem in my opinion isn't looks, it's obesity rates and the attitudes.
When you're talking about the biz, it's also about marketability and who is buying the movie tickets. If you took two actresses being auditioned for a romantic comedy, one of them Halle Berry and another actress who was just as attractive, but very dark skinned, Halle Berry is going to have the advantage because the white audience will be able to better relate to light skinned black actress.
This is clearly proven when no one can name one hot dark skinned woman in the biz,
Well I can't come up with any names of hot Asian female actresses either, but that doesn't mean there are no hot Asian females. It just means that they have no made a breakthrough in the business. Not that they don't exist. And even with Latinas, I can only name about 5 of them right off the top of my head. But we can name white actresses endlessly. And I know you aren't going to claim there's no hot Latin women.
and like I said even if you do manage to find one, I can counter with 3 hot light - brown skinned ladies for every 1 dark black skin lady you can find. The numbers and percentages are what they are. Male perceptions and preferences are what they are and unfortunately the darker women come out on the wrong end of the stick.
You seem to be operating under the premise that the entertainment industry is a complete meritocracy. Or that race and skin color in and of themselves play no role in who gets cast for parts. I don't mind the notion that black women with some mixture are more attractive(even white British find mixed people most attractive of all according to that study above), it's arguably true when you consider that they are closer to the human mean as I discussed above. Personally I agree and find mulatto women more attractive than both the average white and average black woman. What I take exception to is this dumping on dark skin black people and implying that any attractive person that is dark is a fluke of chance. I used to know this quite attractive dark skin black girl and she had to put up with that bullshit all the time, people saying "you're pretty for someone so dark" as if the two were mutually exclusive.
Abagond noted in this blog entry, consider the fact that racism is probably making black people seem less attractive than they are in reality. And making whites more attractive than they are in reality. I'll offer a few examples of what I mean:
A totally hot black chic(by anyone's standards) could walk by a group of white men hanging out on the street and it would be as if she is invisible. They won't even notice her, just due to being black. Like her being black in and of itself disqualifies her from even being considered as someone to approach. I've seen this many times.
You can have some homely ass British chics go somewhere like Peru or Brazil and they will treat them like princesses. They will be able to date guys way better looking than they are just because they are white regardless of looks. I think for many people in places like Latin America, white skin is a form of beer goggles that makes even an ugly white chic look a few points better than she is in reality. And in the converse, a decent looking black guy with a Wesley Snipes complexion will have to work harder than an ugly white guy with blond hair to get the same result.
Another thing I notice is that this anti-black woman sentiment amongst white males seems to be strongest in N. America. Most interracial relationships in America are between black men and white women. But in Europe it's about 50/50 with as many white men with black women as the reverse. I also clearly observed this too, and many of those women are African immigrants and often quite darker than the black women I'm used to seeing in the states. European white men seem much more accepting of the way black women look. Recently I met this British black girl, her parents are Ghanian and she would definitely fit your definition of black skinned. She was telling me about her recent experience in Italy and how she couldn't walk down the street without being approached relentlessly. Funny thing too is that while she was here in California, she met some Italian guy(who was fairly decent looking) who lives here and spent a few days with him. He approached her. Yet I'm sure 99% N. American white guys wouldn't even consider approaching her because of her color. Every time I meet a black girl that's been to Italy I always ask them how they were treated by the men and they all have said the same thing, "OMG, I was hit on nonstop." Also consider that there are tens of thousands of W. African prostitutes in Italy, so someone must enjoy fucking them. Black women do pretty well in France as well as Scandinavian countries and Germany too. They are not utterly ignored by white males like in N. America. So I bring this up just to keep some global perspective. What a black woman in America experiences may be entirely different than what she would experience in Italy, England or Sweden as far as receptiveness of the men.