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The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:36 AM)Mace Wrote:  

[Image: Black_Beauty_modify.jpg]

Would hit.


Quote:Dash Global Wrote:


thats an attractive black chick. but she isnt really DARK BLACK like what most people in this thread are talking about.

even still, that chick represents a SMALL minority/percentage of her race.

She's about as dark as most African-Americans get. The only way to get darker is going to central Africa.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 01:36 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:36 AM)Mace Wrote:  

[Image: Black_Beauty_modify.jpg]

Would hit.


Quote:Dash Global Wrote:


thats an attractive black chick. but she isnt really DARK BLACK like what most people in this thread are talking about.

even still, that chick represents a SMALL minority/percentage of her race.

She's about as dark as most African-Americans get. The only way to get darker is going to central Africa.


Ive seen many dark black females and males here in the south.

Much darker than the girl in the pic which id classify as alil bit darker than brown but not dark black.

To say you have to go to central Africa for DARK CHOCOLATE is a bit much lol

Quick search on POF for my town produces a considerably darker female than the girl in the pic and even this chick is really DARK BLACK, although getting close!

[Image: 1mk0dcuphn_161965517.jpg]

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

I'm black and the only reason i'm not really a fan of darker skinned black girls compared to other races is:

1) Attractive Black Girls are less plentiful. I've seen many more attractive girls in other races than black girls.
2) Black girls seem more prudish and reserved. For some reason, whenever i've met up with them, they've been boring or were traditional in regards to dating. I get eye contact from a good deal of them but its like they want to try to put me in the Potential BF category. ,I know some people may call me out and say I need better game BUT i'm sorry there's a difference between a challenge and somethings not fun at all. Hell, as opposed to other races that are fun to dance with, black girls seem to just want to slowly dance while you just stand there. That puts me to sleep. This applies to 7s and below tho for them.
3) Truth be told, I actually get further with lighter skinned and bi-racial black girls more than darker skinned ones. They seem to not be as prudish.

But this is in DC. Maybe Atlanta is different. I do want to see more sexy darker black chicks...just haven't gotten that opportunity.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 12:24 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Lesser Evil,

So im gonna assume you cant name a single hot dark black skinned actress, singer, or model.... Come on you got to be able to name atleast one lol

These are all black women that would pass my head-turn test. And if you tell me they are light-skinned I'm gonna hunt you down and put my foot in your ass!

[Image: demo.jpg]
[Image: natasha-ellie.jpg]

[Image: beautiful-black-woman.jpg?w=400]
[Image: Nina+Keita.jpg]
[Image: f084gi.jpg]

[Image: 2liwgu8.jpg]
[Image: 6xxhyg.jpg]
[Image: Needs-less-clothing.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_l6m2x6I3Z71qafozxo1_500.jpg]
[Image: missNigeria.jpg]

I had a more, but the forum limited me to only 10 images per post and one post is enough.


Like other people and I have mentioned. Attractiveness is a science and can be measured. This doesnt mean EVERYONE will like the same thing. There will always be a small number of people that stray away from the norm and generally accepted ideas.

Well then what explains why some cultures find it attractive for a woman's neck to be stretched a foot long or why some consider it attractive to have a giant plate in your lip? I think people find attractive whatever their culture raises them to find attractive. Most of us in the forum for example don't find those short, indigenous Bolivian women with the bowler hats attractive, but apparently Bolivian men have no problem with them. Maybe I'd like them too if I was raised in a small Andean village.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Black girls bleach, White girls tan.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

All told, I can't say that black men PREFER white women. I have found black men to be much more open in terms of what and who they consider attractive. While white men find very few non-white women to be attractive, black men can and will find women of any race or ethnicity attractive, and will approach any woman or fuck any woman of any race/ethnicity. At the same time, when it comes to marriage, black men overwhelmingly marry black women.

Is there a greater focus placed on light-skinned, straight-haired black women? Sure. If you're using celebrities as some form of barometer of what is attractive, those are the types of black women that will be pushed to the forefront because their looks are less threatening and closer to the white beauty ideal. While many black women straighten their hair, there isn't some widespread use of skin-lighteners. Make-up some sort maybe, but trying to drastically lighten their complexion? No. Remember...in tv and movies, what pleases middle America is what's considered worthy of viewing. Middle America doesn't want to see dark-skinned blacks starring in anything. There might be some dark black men that can be sold as the star, but it's a different game for black women.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So


Out of those 10 women only 3 are what I would consider black skinned. And out of the 3 black skinned only 1 id consider dark black skinned.

The dark black skinned chick (chick #4) is attractive (cant see her hair, and outfit are hindering me giving a proper complete rating) Notice she has nice big eyes, stream lined chin and facial features. Nose is alil wide and could be pointier but nothing too major.

Let me rate these women right quick so you can see my rating style.

Chick 1 - hb8
Chick 2 - hb7.5
Chick 3 - hb5.5 (eye brow bones are way to dominant and her nose is big, could possibly be a hb6 if she fixes those eye brows)
Chick 4 - hb7.5 (looks skinny. would give her an hb8 if her body was on point)
Chick 5 - hb6.5 (jawline is too masculine)
Chick 6 - hb5.5
Chick 7 - hb8.5
Chick 8 - hb8.5
Chick 9 - hb9 (is this the same girl as Chick 8?)
Chick 10 - hb8 (would like to see her with her hair down and less makeup)


Well then what explains why some cultures find it attractive for a woman's neck to be stretched a foot long or why some consider it attractive to have a giant plate in your lip? I think people find attractive whatever their culture raises them to find attractive. Most of us in the forum for example don't find those short, indigenous Bolivian women with the bowler hats attractive, but apparently Bolivian men have no problem with them. Maybe I'd like them too if I was raised in a small Andean village.

I have already explained this. Different cultures/races/religions have different Universal Traits/Standards of beauty. Like I told another poster, an example I see on a daily basis here in Korea is Koreans think that paleness/whiteness is beautiful where as in America people view paleness/whiteness as unattractive.

TheWolfHawls sums up the true answer for why black men prefer lighter skinned women with this quote which is SPOT on.

Quote: (10-22-2011 02:36 PM)TheWolfHowls Wrote:  

1) Attractive Black Girls are less plentiful. I've seen many more attractive girls in other races than black girls.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 08:12 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  


Out of those 10 women only 3 are what I would consider black skinned. And out of the 3 black skinned only 1 id consider dark black skinned.

I didn't say "black"-skinned I said "dark"-skinned. Not the same thing. Like I don't consider Michelle Obama black-skinned, but I definitely consider her dark-skinned. Too me if you're darker than a paper bag, you're dark-skinned. There aren't that many blacks in America who are "blue black" like you might see in Senegal. If that's your definition of dark skin well then there just aren't that may dark skinned blacks in America for me to draw examples from. Btw, most Africans aren't even black skinned. Many are about the same color as dark African-Americans and get lighter as you go further south or further north/northeast in Africa. Many in southern half of Africa have caramel complexions like Vimbayi Kajese from Zimbabwe.


Let me rate these women right quick so you can see my rating style.

I won't bother contesting your ratings as one man's 6 can be another man's 8, even within the same race. To each his own on that.


TheWolfHawls sums up the true answer for why black men prefer lighter skinned women with this quote which is SPOT on.

Quote: (10-22-2011 02:36 PM)TheWolfHowls Wrote:  

1) Attractive Black Girls are less plentiful. I've seen many more attractive girls in other races than black girls.

That's fine. I'm certainly not one that's going to argue that hot women are equally plentiful no matter where on the planet you are. I'd be lying to myself. There will be way more 8+ chics in Colombia than in some Aboriginal village in the Australian outback.

I'm only saying that being dark in and of itself does not stop a black woman from being attractive. Afterall I've seen my share of ugly white women, ugly Chinese women and ugly light-skinned black women. I think the overall woman has to be taken into consideration, the facial features as well as the body. I can tolerate a so-so face if her body gives me a boner.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 11:19 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I didn't say "black"-skinned I said "dark"-skinned. Not the same thing. Like I don't consider Michelle Obama black-skinned, but I definitely consider her dark-skinned. Too me if you're darker than a paper bag, you're dark-skinned. There aren't that many blacks in America who are "blue black" like you might see in Senegal. If that's your definition of dark skin well then there just aren't that may dark skinned blacks in America for me to draw examples from. Btw, most Africans aren't even black skinned. Many are about the same color as dark African-Americans and get lighter as you go further south or further north/northeast in Africa. Many in southern half of Africa have caramel complexions like Vimbayi Kajese from Zimbabwe.

I guess you must of miss-understood me. I wasnt refereeing or talking about the brown - dark brown sistas. I was referring to the dark black skinned females like the one in your pictures (chick 4).


That's fine. I'm certainly not one that's going to argue that hot women are equally plentiful no matter where on the planet you are. I'd be lying to myself. There will be way more 8+ chics in Colombia than in some Aboriginal village in the Australian outback.

I agree.


I'm only saying that being dark in and of itself does not stop a black woman from being attractive. Afterall I've seen my share of ugly white women, ugly Chinese women and ugly light-skinned black women. I think the overall woman has to be taken into consideration, the facial features as well as the body. I can tolerate a so-so face if her body gives me a boner.

I agree also. Like I said attractiveness is not bound by any color of skin or any one specific body shape / feature. So a women being black doesnt mean she is unattractive. But what I will say is a woman that is black has alot higher chance of being unattractive than say females from other races. This correlates to what me and TheWolfHawls referenced when we said that the percentage of hot attractive black women are small in comparison to other races.

You do have to take into consideration of the body when rating women.

A chick with a face 6 with a slamming body will get bumped up to a 7 overall. And a chick with a hot face 8 with a bland body will get dropped to a 7.

That how I do it anyway. Im sure other's methods might vary.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 11:31 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 11:19 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I didn't say "black"-skinned I said "dark"-skinned. Not the same thing. Like I don't consider Michelle Obama black-skinned, but I definitely consider her dark-skinned. Too me if you're darker than a paper bag, you're dark-skinned. There aren't that many blacks in America who are "blue black" like you might see in Senegal. If that's your definition of dark skin well then there just aren't that may dark skinned blacks in America for me to draw examples from. Btw, most Africans aren't even black skinned. Many are about the same color as dark African-Americans and get lighter as you go further south or further north/northeast in Africa. Many in southern half of Africa have caramel complexions like Vimbayi Kajese from Zimbabwe.

I guess you must of miss-understood me. I wasnt refereeing or talking about the brown - dark brown sistas. I was referring to the dark black skinned females like the one in your pictures (chick 4).


That's fine. I'm certainly not one that's going to argue that hot women are equally plentiful no matter where on the planet you are. I'd be lying to myself. There will be way more 8+ chics in Colombia than in some Aboriginal village in the Australian outback.

I agree.


I'm only saying that being dark in and of itself does not stop a black woman from being attractive. Afterall I've seen my share of ugly white women, ugly Chinese women and ugly light-skinned black women. I think the overall woman has to be taken into consideration, the facial features as well as the body. I can tolerate a so-so face if her body gives me a boner.

I agree also. Like I said attractiveness is not bound by any color of skin or any one specific body shape / feature. So a women being black doesnt mean she is unattractive. But what I will say is a woman that is black has alot higher chance of being unattractive than say females from other races. This correlates to what me and TheWolfHawls referenced when we said that the percentage of hot attractive black women are small in comparison to other races.

You do have to take into consideration of the body when rating women.

A chick with a face 6 with a slamming body will get bumped up to a 7 overall. And a chick with a hot face 8 with a bland body will get dropped to a 7.

That how I do it anyway. Im sure other's methods might vary.

And your still trolling!! Dude get a life!! If your indeed a white guy you really making us look bad!

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Jason Zee,

How about trying to break down my posts and offer legit rebuttals and less of the

"he must be black" or "stop trolling" or "get a life" ect.

Then maybe I can help you understand what ever it is that is blind to you.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 11:30 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

There isnt a single attractive DARK/BLACK skinned women in the movie or music industry that I know of. This ought to tell you something.

Post some pics of good looking DARK/BLACK skinned women so I can assess your evaluation of talent.

Which billionaire is Naomi Campbell fucking now?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-23-2011 01:24 AM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 11:30 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

There isnt a single attractive DARK/BLACK skinned women in the movie or music industry that I know of. This ought to tell you something.

Post some pics of good looking DARK/BLACK skinned women so I can assess your evaluation of talent.

Which billionaire is Naomi Campbell fucking now?

I dont think I would classify Naomi Campbell as dark black skinned....

[Image: 0012.jpg]

When I say dark black skinned this is what im talking about

[Image: beautiful-black-woman.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_lgja1lCppL1qf6c4oo1_500.jpg]

[Image: wek1.jpg]

Now would you like to try again?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-23-2011 01:24 AM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 11:30 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

There isnt a single attractive DARK/BLACK skinned women in the movie or music industry that I know of. This ought to tell you something.

Post some pics of good looking DARK/BLACK skinned women so I can assess your evaluation of talent.

Which billionaire is Naomi Campbell fucking now?

I dont think I would classify Naomi Campbell as dark black skinned....

[Image: 0012.jpg]

When I say dark black skinned this is what im talking about

[Image: beautiful-black-woman.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_lgja1lCppL1qf6c4oo1_500.jpg]

[Image: wek1.jpg]

Now would you like to try again?

[Image: troll.gif]

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

The irony of all this arguing over what skin color is better is that skin color was never even intended to be a marker of beauty in any way. It was just an adaptation to living in an environment with a stronger sun. Just your body's way of stopping you from getting skin cancer. People in the equatorial region needed more melanin protection and less vitamin D, people in Eurasia needed less melanin with the weaker sun and more vitamin D. It's really no more complicated than that. Yet we humans have assigned all this social value and worth to it. It's really strange when you sit down and think about it.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-23-2011 02:19 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

The irony of all this arguing over what skin color is better is that skin color was never even intended to be a marker of beauty in any way. It was just an adaptation to living in an environment with a stronger sun. Just your body's way of stopping you from getting skin cancer. It's really no more complicated than that. Yet we humans have assigned all this social value and worth to it. It's really strange when you sit down and think about it.

If skin color has no correlation to looks than how do you answer/explain the question of why is there FAR more attractive light skinned and brown girls when compared to their dark black counterparts?

And when I say there is far more ect Im referring to the general public's perception of beauty.

So you answer this with simply its an illusion created by social programming? ie We are lead to think a certain "thing" is attractive.

Even with that argument / rebuttal who is to say the REASON for the social programming is simply because THAT IS whats more attractive?

Interesting stuff, no doubt.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-23-2011 02:25 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

If skin color has no correlation to looks than how do you answer/explain the question of why is there FAR more attractive light skinned and brown girls when compared to their dark black counterparts?

One theory is that lighter skin black women are closer to the human mean. Remember that post I made a few weeks ago in the anything else forum showing composite images of women's faces from the around the world? They layered photos of random women from each country until they merged into one face. But an odd thing started to happen. The more faces they merged, the more attractive that face became. So that the composite image of 100 random British women for example looks far more attractive than what the average British woman looks like, and that's because the more faces and features you blend, the closer the composite moves towards a human mean. Then there are all kinds of psycho-evolutionary theories behind that where we are programmed to seek out partners who represents genes from the mean as they will be the most robust and diversied in order to ensure survival. I would say most people find more mixed black women more attractive on average than a sub-saharan African woman because they are closer to the human mean and thus become more attractive. But it's not just black women, lots of mixed women tend to be more attractive/exotic and are sought after. Why are so many guys here talking about Brazil and Colombia where hundreds of years of crossbreeding between European, African and Native blood has produced a mix of people? And I'm convinced that one of the reasons so many guys find Ukrainian women better looking than British women is because Ukraine sits at the genetic crossroads. People in that region have had inflow from the Mongols, the middle east, Europe, Anatolia. That whole region is home to a lot of attractive women. I don't think being of white skin alone is enough to make someone attractive, because I think British women are busted as hell. I think the more isolated a human population is, the further they drift from the human mean and the more they are considered unattractive to others. That's why Ethiopian black women are more favored than the Alek Wek Sudanese types and they live practically next door to each other. So attractiveness means closer to the human mean. So that's my theory on all this. Oh, and some may say, why are blonde Scandinavian women so highly sought after and they don't seem to have any mixture in their history. To that I admit I don't have a good answer. Personally I'm not more attracted to blondes than any other type of women. For some reason many men fetishize them and I don't know why. I think the world has basically been programmed to find blond women beautiful, even when they aren't beautiful, it's like they get bonus points just for having yellow hair. Then porn and Playboy has played a big role in training men around the world to fetishize the blond and make her the ultimate prize. Honestly I don't see what the big deal is about them. When it comes to white women I'm way more drawn to the dark haired women with dark eyes and Mediterranean features.


So you answer this with simply its an illusion created by social programming? ie We are lead to think a certain "thing" is attractive.

Even with that argument / rebuttal who is to say the REASON for the social programming is simply because THAT IS whats more attractive?

I don't know. What it all comes back to at a fundamental level is that we're programmed to seek reproduction with women who have indicators of good genes and that will pass on DNA with a high likelihood of survial. Sometimes things like racism, class, religion and other stuff short-circuits our programming. We're not entirely instinctual. Though there is some evidence that racism may be an inborn trait. White babies start showing racial biases before they are even a year old. I'd like to see the same study on children of other races for comparison. Maybe black babies are biased toward blacks, or maybe they are biased against blacks? Who knows, they need to try it on kids of other races as well. Here's the study:


And here's a study from the UK supporting the theory of the genetic mean = more attractive/more likely to succeed: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/a...study.html

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

I usually dont see any Black Women when I go out looking to practice game. This could be a reflection of where I live. And I worry that if I do try an approach on a BW I'll have a Bro trying to take me down.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-23-2011 02:25 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

If skin color has no correlation to looks than how do you answer/explain the question of why is there are FAR more attractive light skinned and brown girls when compared to their dark black counterparts?

Dash, that is your opinion. This is not a fact. Attractiveness in this world is no longer unbiased but largely controlled by social programming. I have already told you that although you have the right to your opinion, it is not a law.

When I first joined this forum, I was going to choose over Cuba vs DR and I went to DR because I like black lizards with ass for days (weeks even).
Does that mean that black lizards are prettier than lighter lizards or vice versa? No, it's just my preference.

So, your statement is merely an opinion that has not been substantiated.

Using a western magazine or showing me who comes on tv is not an accurate gauge of attractiveness. It's the same way we cannot agree on what is a 10 vs a 7.

And your affixation on dark skinned is crazy since those women that speakeasy posted are black.

I live in Toronto and when I pass through some black events that are swarming with black people, I rarely see these 'dark skinned' blacks that you keep insisting upon. Only when I go to Sudanese or Ghanaian events then I start to see these jet dark women you speak of.

And I've fcuked and will continue to fcuk them as quick as they will allow me.

Because I am attracted to them.

But that's my opinion. And you have yours.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So


You obviously didnt read the very next sentence / line.

Going off of the general publics perception of attractiveness there is FAR more hot light skinned women than dark skinned women. This is proven in the entertainment industry. This is not some opinion. Now whether the general publics view of what is attractive is actually attractive is an opinion. Not the reverse.

btw can you name some hot dark black skinned women in the entertainment industry? no one has been able to do so.

and even if you can find one. i can name 3 fine light - brown skinned women for every 1 dark black skinned female you name.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-23-2011 02:39 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  


You obviously didnt read the very next sentence / line.

Going off of the general publics perception of attractiveness there is FAR more hot light skinned women than dark skinned women. This is proven in the entertainment industry. This is not some opinion. Now whether the general publics view of what is attractive is actually attractive is an opinion. Not the reverse.

Dash, using the entertainment industry as a benchmark to gauge what is deemed as attractive is as absurd as using Hollywood. In fact, Hollywood and the entertainment industry are one and the same.
Accept it, this who is attractive and who isn't is your own personal view and cannot be validated by any substantial means.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-23-2011 02:43 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2011 02:39 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  


You obviously didnt read the very next sentence / line.

Going off of the general publics perception of attractiveness there is FAR more hot light skinned women than dark skinned women. This is proven in the entertainment industry. This is not some opinion. Now whether the general publics view of what is attractive is actually attractive is an opinion. Not the reverse.

Dash, using the entertainment industry to gauge what is deemed as attractive is as absurd as using Hollywood. In fact, Hollywood and the entertainment industry are one and the same.
Accept it, that is your personal view and cannot be validated as a whole.

Your in denial if you dont understand that people wanna watch and look at attractive women. Attractive women dominate the entertainment industry. Actresses, singers, models ect. That is not even debatable.

So I take it you cant name an attractive dark black women in the entertainment industry?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-23-2011 02:47 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Your in denial if you dont understand that people wanna watch and look at attractive women. Attractive women dominate the entertainment industry. Actresses, singers, models ect.

So I take it you cant name an attractive dark black women in the entertainment industry?

I'm not sure what this is supposed to prove other than that the entertainment industry doesn't want dark women on television. Of course there are attractive dark black woman. This Ugandan chic was in some of my classes in high school, she was fine as hell even then at the time, though she was a stuck up bitch. After graduating she went on to become a supermodel. Why aren't women like her famous in the entertainment industry? I don't know. At the same time you can ask why are only whites allowed to be actors in Latin novelas even though there are attractive dark skinned people that could play those roles. Probably for the same reason.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

^^ I've lived in America for my whole life but have traveled to Italy, Paris, Poland, Canada, Czech, Dominican Republic.. and everywhere black chicks are just plain ugly. Sure there are exceptions.. but there always are. I find filipinos 3x hotter than black people and they are not white like I am.

-Don't pull the "what you think is attractive isn't the same for the rest of the world.. what you mean Africa?
so why is it that these men are going after white women? lol.
black women are simply ugly... it's proven. get over it.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

I remember watching a show called "The Science of Beauty", and I do remember from that show that men tend to prefer women that are lighter than they are.

As for the statement that all black women are ugly, well...I think a few of the girls speakeasy posted are definately bangable.

I would definately rawdawg #1, #2, #7,#8, and #9 of post #54, and I am not really into black chicks. I mean, some of those black chicks are pretty bangable...you'd have to be gay to not want to at least have a ONS with them.

Overall, I would say I prefer white chicks, even though I am Mexican. Not sure if my preference is cultural or genetic. I imagine it is a bit of both.

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