Quote: (10-29-2011 08:42 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:
Quote: (10-29-2011 02:48 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:
PPS: The most racism I've encountered are from light skinned mulattas who won't date blacks because to them it's "dating down". Usually those kinds of women live in Downtown Toronto and gold dig white males. I still can't crack that nut...pun...partially intended. Not impossible, just need a very watertight game.
I go to an Ivy school up here in the Northeastern USA, and this is the only place where I've run into this type of woman. In high school or off campus, I rarely see them, but every other girl here seems to think this way. Black men are bottom of the totem pole where I'm at, so it can be frustrating to deal with, especially when you know that most of the world outside that environment isn't like that.
Don't sweat it, man. This will COMPLETELY change a few years after you graduate. The reality is, while some of those light-skinned girls may get some white guy to date them/fuck them while in college, once they hit "the real world" that shit will stop with a quickness. The simple fact is that white dudes are not marrying black chicks (no matter how light) in any significant numbers. They don't have to, there are more than enough white women for them to chose from.
As one well educated black man to another, I cannot begin to explain to you how quickly the tables will turn just 5 years after undergrad. By the 10 year mark, it will be freakish. For starters, let me throw this number out to you. Black and Latina women are graduating at a rate of
2 to 1 compared to black and Latino men. I was a late adopter of facebook (I think I signed up a year or two ago). When I logged on and put my personal info in (school, current occupation), chicks I knew in college, high school, even GRAMMAR SCHOOL were hitting me up left and right.
Even better, the higher your academic/economic/social status the less competition you have amongst other black men, AND the more non-black women become open to you. I did the whole prep school/top tier (non Ivy) undergrad/Ivy Grad school thing and I can tell you that the experience in the working world is great, and it actually keeps getting better. My personal opinion is that no top tier black man should even consider marriage until at least 7 years after finishing undergrad, just so he can see what his options are.