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The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 06:26 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

It is real simple.

Atleast 80% of dark women are not attractive. I rarely see an attractive dark/black sista. At the same token I see many attractive light-skinned women.

Dark skinned women are just not viewed as attractive. Plain and simple. This can be seen in the music videos, movies, ect. And is why you see black women using skin whiteners.

The number of actresses and singers that are considered attractive that have dark/black skin are small.

Almost all the top women of color are mostly light skinned or brown skinned

Dash, what is defined as attractive? For you to say 80% of dark women are not attractive, is this a universal standard or is it your personal opinion?

What is considered attractive is a media construct and nothing that is lead to occur naturally.

All these most beautiful women in the world that we look at on Western media all the time, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, I don't even think I'd enjoy fcuking them.

Judging who is attractive by who is allowed to come on tv is an incorrect measurement of assessing beauty.

TV is a political medium and there is always an agenda for who is allowed to come on tv.

They say black women have more testosterone maybe so but that's because black males have more testosterone than any other race (in GENERAL) and each race is designed to compliment their own (male vs female).

Now excuse me here but this is the theory. I have heard somewhere that Asians have the lowest testosterone levels out of all the races. Please correct me if I am wrong.
So based on this theory if an Asian with this low testosterone level were to couple up with a black woman, she'd ride the shyt out of him and probably dominate him in a relationship.

So therefore, an Asian woman would be created with less testosterone so she can compliment her male counterpart.

In terms of why blacks prefer lighter skinned females, I think there is a correlation between lighter skinned females presumed to be more wealthy and less beat down than darker ones.

In many cultures, the darker you are signifies that you have been outside working in the sun all day. The wealthier people usually take shelter during the fierce sunnier parts of the day and therefore show a distinctively fairer complexion.

That means a fairer woman would most likely to have come from royalty or well to do upbringings and not be worn out by hard labour.

I don't know if it has anything to do with blacks etc..because I used to date an Asian woman and her mum was as light as a Caucasian. She said that her mum was very much sought after in her home country.

It made me wonder whether this has anything to do with just natural selection or if it is Western programming.

But I totally disagree with 80 percent of dark skinned women being unattractive. It has nothing to do with a personal bias, I just think that we have to honestly decide what are the parameters to measure beauty by.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-21-2011 04:31 PM)Batata Wrote:  

I find that many black guys, particularly those who grew up in black communities, pedestalize white women.

This is not a fair indictment. Most men, but especially White men put White women on pedestals. It has much to do with the belief in feminine purity of Whiteness and the somatic norm image in America. Black men, being traditionally the lowest on rung on the social totem pole has a strong desire for women of the dominant group. The psychological and sexual fulfillment payoff is greater for a Black man (low in eyes of society) when he gets with a White woman (put on a pedestal by society). This is even true if the women is unattractive or just isn't the "ideal" beauty by societies standards (think Kim Kardashian). The sexual and psychological payload is even greater than that of White man with the a White women (unless she is extremely beautiful). Subconsciously, White men, have known this for a long time. In fact this why Black men to this day face more racism than any other group. The knowledge that of all men a "lowly" Black man and easily achieve this kind sexual fulfillment very upsetting yet exciting at the same time! This is why things such as interracial pornography are so popular. This is why some White men will pay a Black man to have sex with his wife while he watches and masturbates. To give you an example, it's like Street person putting on a $6800 Zegna Ermenegildo suit and trading his shopping cart full of rags for a Maybach. Much of our sexual experiences just a repeating "conqueror and defile" game. That's why so many of us we chase pretty, pretentious shallow females,we secretly want bring them down a few notches, expose their private parts so to speak.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-21-2011 07:01 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

I don't buy into the the notion that black men are more eager to meet white or non-black women or the interracial dating/marriage rate would be much higher.

To have take into account obtaining and maintaining an interracial relationship is STILL moderately difficult. The first problem would be the cultural differences. The second would be the social taboo involved. Just like many men tend to take what they can get instead of approaching the women they actually find attractive, even if they have seen a women of another race they are interested in, most men aren't going to bother.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:18 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 08:58 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Regardless of all of this testosterone study (which I find very humorous) and how the entertainment industry views dark skinned black women, they are not less dated or less approached than the lighter skinned black woman.


It is just that some folks decisions are controlled by THEIR OWN FEELINGS and others allow SOCIAL MEDIA to control it.

The topic isnt darker females being less dated / approached or if they are fucking.

Dudes will fuck anything on two legs with a vag.

The issue is about why Black guys prefer lighter skinned women.

The answer is simple.

The answer is not simple because the answer cannot be proven. If there was a preference then you would see it in the ratio of who was married, dating, etc by skin complexion.

Entertainment and Hollywood has less of a factor than you think. True the black marriage overall rate is at its lowest but to this day (at least in the USA), it has been quoted that 90% of married black men are married to a black woman. Now how that breaks down as far as the complexion of the black woman is not known.

I am pretty sure most folks STILL go after "what they prefer" and the interracial couple is still a very small group.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 10:25 AM)The Lesser Evil Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2011 07:01 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

I don't buy into the the notion that black men are more eager to meet white or non-black women or the interracial dating/marriage rate would be much higher.

To have take into account obtaining and maintaining an interracial relationship is STILL moderately difficult. The first problem would be the cultural differences. The second would be the social taboo involved. Just like many men tend to take what they can get instead of approaching the women they actually find attractive, even if they have seen a women of another race they are interested in, most men aren't going to bother.

Now we are trying to quantify what someone "thinks" without the numbers. We would need some metric that is categorized as "Percent of Black Men who PREFER women of one skin complexion but has mainly dated, married women of another skin compleion."

Do we have that metric?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-21-2011 07:49 PM)SHANbangs Wrote:  

It's simple, really. Lighter skinned women have less testosterone. Black women comparatively have the most testosterone. Is it any wonder that UNIVERSALLY cultures prefer lighter skinned women? Even among non-whites, lighter skinned women are preferred. Also, black men have arguably the most testosterone, on average.

This is pseudo science nonsense. These attitudes are human ideas more than anything else. And just like anything else people build be they pyramids, religious concepts, systems of government ,etc. ideas on who and what is attractive take years to develop.They don't happen in a vacuum. Once again the somatic norm image is at work here.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:59 AM)Moma Wrote:  

TV is a political medium and there is always an agenda for who is allowed to come on tv.

That's why they call it television "programming". It programs our desires. To me this is why white women are often put on pedestal.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 10:31 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 10:25 AM)The Lesser Evil Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2011 07:01 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

I don't buy into the the notion that black men are more eager to meet white or non-black women or the interracial dating/marriage rate would be much higher.

To have take into account obtaining and maintaining an interracial relationship is STILL moderately difficult. The first problem would be the cultural differences. The second would be the social taboo involved. Just like many men tend to take what they can get instead of approaching the women they actually find attractive, even if they have seen a women of another race they are interested in, most men aren't going to bother.

Now we are trying to quantify what someone "thinks" without the numbers. We would need some metric that is categorized as "Percent of Black Men who PREFER women of one skin complexion but has mainly dated, married women of another skin compleion."

Do we have that metric?
There is a study out there the states that 90% of college age Black men prefer light skinned over dark skinned Black women. I believe the study was done in 2008 at an HBCU. I don't have the link though, however I believe it fairly accurate.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

From my experience, it's been about pedestalizing as well as social status. Many black people have a very low social status, whether it be perceived by them or real. They see white people as the top of the social pyramid, and they try to get a piece of that status by associating with as many white people as possible. A part of the equation associated with attractiveness is "Do I want to be seen in public with this person", and of course a black man with some insecurity about his self-worth would pick a white girl. Other black guys will give props because he mated up, black women will hate, and most white people will give him legitimacy because he managed to impress a white woman. And this is why a black man would go for a white cow before a decent looking black woman. It's pretty similar to women trying to fame-whore by meeting a celebrity.I'm 22 and recently got over this insecurity.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 10:52 AM)The Lesser Evil Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 10:31 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 10:25 AM)The Lesser Evil Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2011 07:01 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

I don't buy into the the notion that black men are more eager to meet white or non-black women or the interracial dating/marriage rate would be much higher.

To have take into account obtaining and maintaining an interracial relationship is STILL moderately difficult. The first problem would be the cultural differences. The second would be the social taboo involved. Just like many men tend to take what they can get instead of approaching the women they actually find attractive, even if they have seen a women of another race they are interested in, most men aren't going to bother.

Now we are trying to quantify what someone "thinks" without the numbers. We would need some metric that is categorized as "Percent of Black Men who PREFER women of one skin complexion but has mainly dated, married women of another skin compleion."

Do we have that metric?
There is a study out there the states that 90% of college age Black men prefer light skinned over dark skinned Black women. I believe the study was done in 2008 at an HBCU. I don't have the link though, however I believe it fairly accurate.

So we are saying that most black guys go after women that they DON'T prefer?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:59 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Dash, what is defined as attractive? For you to say 80% of dark women are not attractive, is this a universal standard or is it your personal opinion?

Take a look at the generally accepted best looking black women. None of them are DARK BLACK. They are all either light skinned or brown skinned.

[Image: bf64cb7304274d9298b0a096bb6aaa3c.jpg]

Alicia Keys
[Image: 869059c54b0d4048867137e9f5eeca4e.jpg]

[Image: 8_beyonce_knowles.jpg]

Halle Berry
[Image: 93a46_halle+berry+2009+hair3.jpg]

Salli Richardson-Whitfield
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjNQoC2lHNVKfQXujxKYw...Fa4ZypWgiw]

Aalliyah RIP
[Image: aaliyah-550x393.jpg]

Puala Patton
[Image: paula-patton-l6close.jpg]


What is considered attractive is a media construct and nothing that is lead to occur naturally.

I disagree. We naturally wanna see and look at attractive women which is what most women in the entertainment industry. Obviously not all but most are better than average looking.


In terms of why blacks prefer lighter skinned females, I think there is a correlation between lighter skinned females presumed to be more wealthy and less beat down than darker ones.

When did how much money a women has have to do with what she looks like? Two completely diff things. Attractiveness and beauty is not dependent on the skin color which is proven as there is attractive women of every skin color. That theory is just some baloney someone has made up to rationalize why dark black skin women are generally ugly and not sought after.


But I totally disagree with 80 percent of dark skinned women being unattractive. It has nothing to do with a personal bias, I just think that we have to honestly decide what are the parameters to measure beauty by.

There isnt a single attractive DARK/BLACK skinned women in the movie or music industry that I know of. This ought to tell you something.

Post some pics of good looking DARK/BLACK skinned women so I can assess your evaluation of talent.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 10:27 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:18 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 08:58 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Regardless of all of this testosterone study (which I find very humorous) and how the entertainment industry views dark skinned black women, they are not less dated or less approached than the lighter skinned black woman.


It is just that some folks decisions are controlled by THEIR OWN FEELINGS and others allow SOCIAL MEDIA to control it.

The topic isnt darker females being less dated / approached or if they are fucking.

Dudes will fuck anything on two legs with a vag.

The issue is about why Black guys prefer lighter skinned women.

The answer is simple.

The answer is not simple because the answer cannot be proven. If there was a preference then you would see it in the ratio of who was married, dating, etc by skin complexion.

Entertainment and Hollywood has less of a factor than you think. True the black marriage overall rate is at its lowest but to this day (at least in the USA), it has been quoted that 90% of married black men are married to a black woman. Now how that breaks down as far as the complexion of the black woman is not known.

I am pretty sure most folks STILL go after "what they prefer" and the interracial couple is still a very small group.

This is because the pool of white women that will date / marry is small so 90% of black men will have to do without. Also the pool of light skinned women is small also when compared to the darker shades of females and on top of that they will be harder to get because they know they hold HV.

What people get / end up with has little to do with what the want. As most people are not lucky enough to get exactly what they want. And will SETTLE.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 11:30 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2011 09:59 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Dash, what is defined as attractive? For you to say 80% of dark women are not attractive, is this a universal standard or is it your personal opinion?

Take a look at the generally accepted best looking black women. None of them are DARK BLACK. They are all either light skinned or brown skinned.

I disagree. We naturally wanna see and look at attractive women which is what most women in the entertainment industry. Obviously not all but most are better than average looking.


In terms of why blacks prefer lighter skinned females, I think there is a correlation between lighter skinned females presumed to be more wealthy and less beat down than darker ones.

When did how much money a women has have to do with what she looks like? Two completely diff things. Attractiveness and beauty is not dependent on the skin color which is proven as there is attractive women of every skin color. That theory is just some baloney someone has made up to rationalize why dark black skin women are generally ugly and not sought after.


But I totally disagree with 80 percent of dark skinned women being unattractive. It has nothing to do with a personal bias, I just think that we have to honestly decide what are the parameters to measure beauty by.

There isnt a single attractive DARK/BLACK skinned women in the movie or music industry that I know of. This ought to tell you something.

Post some pics of good looking DARK/BLACK skinned women so I can assess your evaluation of talent.


Why is this the direction that these thread usually tend to take? Passive aggressive attacks like this instead of a real exchange of game and conversation. Why is that? Maybe you aren't attracted to dark women, but who made you the ultimate judge of beauty anyway?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

The Lesser Evil,

Im sorry you are offended that dark black skinned women are generally unattractive and that the number of attractive dark black skinned women is VERY SMALL. It is what it is.

I didnt decide this. I am only acknowledging this.

I have already gave numerous examples of how one can see this.

Like I told the other poster tell me some names of some hot dark black skinned women.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 11:53 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

The Lesser Evil,

Im sorry you are offended that dark black skinned women are generally unattractive and that the number of attractive dark black skinned women is VERY SMALL. It is what it is.

I didnt decide this. I am only acknowledging this.

I have already gave numerous examples of how one can see this.

Like I told the other poster tell me some names of some hot dark black skinned women.

Again, who made that decision? You? If you say a woman is hot then it's an indisputable fact? Can you raise the dead too? Gimme something I work with here not just models and singers. That's just racism by contrast. I could go to to some poor White neighborhoods in Philadelphia and show some of the most hideous White women in world (not just the US), but it would it be fair to say there NO pretty White girls in those n'hoods? No.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Lesser Evil,

So im gonna assume you cant name a single hot dark black skinned actress, singer, or model.... Come on you got to be able to name atleast one lol

Like other people and I have mentioned. Attractiveness is a science and can be measured. This doesnt mean EVERYONE will like the same thing. There will always be a small number of people that stray away from the norm and generally accepted ideas.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 06:26 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

It is real simple.

Atleast 80% of dark women are not attractive. I rarely see an attractive dark/black sista. At the same token I see many attractive light-skinned women.

Dark skinned women are just not viewed as attractive. Plain and simple. This can be seen in the music videos, movies, ect. And is why you see black women using skin whiteners.

The number of actresses and singers that are considered attractive that have dark/black skin are small.

Almost all the top women of color are mostly light skinned or brown skinned

WOW!! Although, I don’t agree with that most people think that way even black men. Dash are you a black guy?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 12:24 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Lesser Evil,

So im gonna assume you cant name a single hot dark black skinned actress, singer, or model.... Come on you got to be able to name atleast one lol

Like other people and I have mentioned. Attractiveness is a science and can be measured. This doesnt mean EVERYONE will like the same thing. There will always be a small number of people that stray away from the norm and generally accepted ideas.

No one in this forum has said this but you. This is not a bash black women thread!! If you want to do that go to Stormfront or another site. And if your indeed white like your profile says you are than why the hell do you care if a group of women outside of your race is unattractive? This is the third time that you have bashed darker skinned black women in a thread. GTFOH with your shit!!!!
I think your a black guy.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 12:24 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Lesser Evil,

So im gonna assume you cant name a single hot dark black skinned actress, singer, or model.... Come on you got to be able to name atleast one lol

Like other people and I have mentioned. Attractiveness is a science and can be measured. This doesnt mean EVERYONE will like the same thing. There will always be a small number of people that stray away from the norm and generally accepted ideas.

Dash, this is an example of the somatic norm image at work here. See the my orginal post for and explanation of what the somatic norm image means and them ask yourself, who picks the models?

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Jason Zee,

Entropy said that in my busan data sheet tonight. Im sure some other people have said the same thing in the past as I know the topic has been discussed before.

I dont care if they are generally unattractive. Im merely discussing why I think black men prefer light skinned women which I believe is directly because of the attractiveness of light skinned women compared to their darker counter parts.

If you disagree than break down why you disagree. Dont whine like a little girl about you thinking this is a black women bashing thread.

Your too sensitive brah ha

Thats like me getting upset when someone says most red heads are unattractive.

Lighten up.

Lesser Evil,

Still waiting for you to name ONE hot dark black skinned actress, singer, or model. Hollar at me when you got something.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 12:35 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Jason Zee,

Entropy said that in my busan data sheet tonight. Im sure some other people have said the same thing in the past as I know the topic has been discussed before.

I dont care if they are generally unattractive. Im merely discussing why I think black men prefer light skinned women.

Your too sensitive brah ha

Thats like me getting upset when someone says most red heads are unattractive.

Lighten up.

Lesser Evil,

Still waiting for you to name ONE hot dark black skinned actress, singer, or model. Hollar at me when you got something.

This is definitely a black guy posing as a white guy. Dude get a life!!

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-21-2011 08:04 PM)blurb Wrote:  

I'm tired of all these race threads.

So what if you do prefer lighter-skinned women?

Stop caring what other people think, get rid of that insecure self-consciousness, and go after what you want. Stop rationalizing, apologizing, or making excuses for your desires and actions.

This is a good Idea, however as I stated at the being of this thread to quote myself: " Many times these threads asking for help degenerate into anything from subtle seemly covert racial attacks to an all out explosions of pent up anger and against Black men. And "Usually this comes from White posters on these forums". Again, this thread was only intended to be an explantation for this preoccupation.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 12:35 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Jason Zee,

Still waiting for you to name ONE hot dark black skinned actress, singer, or model. Hollar at me when you got something.

Dash, you're starting to sound like an unintellingent troll.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Lesser Evil,

How come you can not name one hot DARK BLACK skinned actress, model, or singer?

You guys are too sensitive for me. I said my piece in this thread, so im gonna leave yall apologists and sympathizers to talk amongst yourselves.

Ill keep an eye out to see of you come through with some hot DARK BLACK skinned women.

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 12:46 PM)The Lesser Evil Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2011 08:04 PM)blurb Wrote:  

I'm tired of all these race threads.

So what if you do prefer lighter-skinned women?

Stop caring what other people think, get rid of that insecure self-consciousness, and go after what you want. Stop rationalizing, apologizing, or making excuses for your desires and actions.

This is a good Idea, however as I stated at the being of this thread to quote myself: " Many times these threads asking for help degenerate into anything from subtle seemly covert racial attacks to an all out explosions of pent up anger and against Black men. And "Usually this comes from White posters on these forums". Again, this thread was only intended to be an explantation for this preoccupation.

Bullshit, posters on this forum(other than a couple of quickly banned race trolls) don't care if black men date white or asian or hispanic women.

As blurb said let people fuck whoever they wanna fuck.

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