Why Do Republicans Hate This?
![[Image: floyd-money-mayweather.jpg]](http://losthatsportsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/floyd-money-mayweather.jpg)
But like this?
![[Image: Mitt%20Romney%20bain%20capital.jpg]](http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/politics/Mitt%20Romney%20bain%20capital.jpg)
Seriously, I don't get it?
Please explain.
![[Image: floyd-money-mayweather.jpg]](http://losthatsportsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/floyd-money-mayweather.jpg)
But like this?
![[Image: Mitt%20Romney%20bain%20capital.jpg]](http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/politics/Mitt%20Romney%20bain%20capital.jpg)
Seriously, I don't get it?
Please explain.
"The analysis here shows that from our founding, the United States is a country created by the rich white man for the rich white man. All other groups... have been suppressed, killed, or marginalized to continue the great sucking of wealth and power to the elite that continues today..."
Quote: (01-29-2012 02:11 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:
Why Do Republicans Hate This?
But like this?
Seriously, I don't get it?
Please explain.
Quote: (01-29-2012 02:11 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:
Why Do Republicans Hate This?
But like this?
Seriously, I don't get it?
Please explain.
Quote: (01-29-2012 07:39 AM)Wizard Wrote:
You have a picture of what I assume is a hip-artist holding a stack of cash,
Quote: (01-29-2012 09:02 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:
Big difference. Mayweather is just rich, but he's not wealthy. He earns his money through his trade (throwing hands) and then goes out and flaunts it like an ignorant clown. I actually saw a video where he literally burned money. What an idiot.
In response to the apparent triumphs of the sixties, mass imprisonment became a way of reimposing Jim Crow. Blacks are now incarcerated seven times as often as whites. “The system of mass incarceration works to trap African Americans in a virtual (and literal) cage,” the legal scholar Michelle Alexander writes. Young black men pass quickly from a period of police harassment into a period of “formal control” (i.e., actual imprisonment) and then are doomed for life to a system of “invisible control.” Prevented from voting, legally discriminated against for the rest of their lives, most will cycle back through the prison system. The system, in this view, is not really broken; it is doing what it was designed to do. Alexander’s grim conclusion: “If mass incarceration is considered as a system of social control—specifically, racial control—then the system is a fantastic success.”
Quote: (01-29-2012 07:39 AM)Wizard Wrote:
Quote: (01-29-2012 02:11 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:
Why Do Republicans Hate This?
But like this?
Seriously, I don't get it?
Please explain.
What exactly is the question? You have a picture of what I assume is a hip-artist holding a stack of cash, and then a black-and-white photo of some white guys holding more bills.
Your question is too generalized to be given a serious answer. It's the equivalent of me asking why all black people blame all white people for their own problems.
It's such a broad generalization that it can't be answered in any serious fashion. Your acting as if all Republicans are some sort of monolithic group that votes in unison, when there are various groups that make up the party.
Quote: (01-29-2012 09:02 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:
Big difference. Mayweather is just rich, but he's not wealthy. He earns his money through his trade (throwing hands) and then goes out and flaunts it like an ignorant clown. I actually saw a video where he literally burned money. What an idiot.
Quote: (01-29-2012 12:39 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:
Quote: (01-29-2012 09:02 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:
Big difference. Mayweather is just rich, but he's not wealthy. He earns his money through his trade (throwing hands) and then goes out and flaunts it like an ignorant clown. I actually saw a video where he literally burned money. What an idiot.
I wouldn't call him an "idiot".
Or call him an "idiot" for burning that money.
He is an entertainer/boxer.
How many people that "hate" him and want to see him lose, bought PPV?
From a dollars and sense perspective, it was actually a genius move.
Quote: (01-29-2012 11:44 AM)Roosh Wrote:
I don't mean to turn this into a race thread, but I believe they really dislike black people, no matter the fact that they will claim to have a "black friend".
I read an interesting article today..
In response to the apparent triumphs of the sixties, mass imprisonment became a way of reimposing Jim Crow. Blacks are now incarcerated seven times as often as whites. “The system of mass incarceration works to trap African Americans in a virtual (and literal) cage,” the legal scholar Michelle Alexander writes. Young black men pass quickly from a period of police harassment into a period of “formal control” (i.e., actual imprisonment) and then are doomed for life to a system of “invisible control.” Prevented from voting, legally discriminated against for the rest of their lives, most will cycle back through the prison system. The system, in this view, is not really broken; it is doing what it was designed to do. Alexander’s grim conclusion: “If mass incarceration is considered as a system of social control—specifically, racial control—then the system is a fantastic success.”
Quote: (01-29-2012 12:06 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:
Because, truth be told, there's an entire branch of the Republican Party that's fundamentally racist. By definition, "conservative" means hearkening back to a time when things were "better." For minorities--particularly blacks--in this country, that means a time of institutionalized racism. With the possible exception of strictly fiscal conservatives (which I also disagree with), Republicans appeal to deep-seeded racial prejudice to win elections.
Keep in mind that today's Republican Party is a minority party that must assemble a coalition of very disparate interests to win elections. Wall Street Bankers and Born-Again Christians have very little in common, yet they vote for the same candidates. This is the product of deliberate action in the wake of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (the so-called "Southern Strategy"), that reached out to discontent on de-segregation and used fear-mongering about blacks (sometimes subtle, sometimes not) to win support. Republicans, in other words, need the racists. But, they themselves often harbor subtler, milder versions of the very racism they're appealing to.
Quote: (01-29-2012 02:57 PM)redneckpunk Wrote:
a higher percentage of republicans voted for the civil right act of 1964 than democrats (southerners of both parties were basically against it)
Quote: (01-29-2012 04:34 PM)Fisto Wrote:
Wow guys. That is total crap.
Being conservative means to CONSERVE. Conserve the size of gov't. Conserve the forests.
Being called a racist because of your political party is ridiculous. For example, there's more white people on welfare than black people, yet when a republican says "let's cut some of these entitlement benefits" You liberals rail about how republicans are racist. Yet it's you liberals who assume it's an attack on blacks. Who's really the racists when that's where your minds go?
So tired of that shit....