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Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Why Do Republicans Hate This?

[Image: floyd-money-mayweather.jpg]

But like this?

[Image: Mitt%20Romney%20bain%20capital.jpg]

Seriously, I don't get it?

Please explain.

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

The United States is a country made for exploitation by rich white men.

Roosh mentioned this in More Books Reviews 6:


"The analysis here shows that from our founding, the United States is a country created by the rich white man for the rich white man. All other groups... have been suppressed, killed, or marginalized to continue the great sucking of wealth and power to the elite that continues today..."

Minorities and other 'undesirables' need not apply for economic equality.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 02:11 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Why Do Republicans Hate This?

[Image: floyd-money-mayweather.jpg]

But like this?

[Image: Mitt%20Romney%20bain%20capital.jpg]

Seriously, I don't get it?

Please explain.

What exactly is the question? You have a picture of what I assume is a hip-artist holding a stack of cash, and then a black-and-white photo of some white guys holding more bills.

Your question is too generalized to be given a serious answer. It's the equivalent of me asking why all black people blame all white people for their own problems.

It's such a broad generalization that it can't be answered in any serious fashion. Your acting as if all Republicans are some sort of monolithic group that votes in unison, when there are various groups that make up the party.

Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen! -John Mason (The Rock)

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

The first time I saw that Mitt Romney/Bain Capital money picture, I thought "Man, I didn't know white guys did shit like that too."

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

why do democrats hate both? especially the second picture.

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 02:11 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Why Do Republicans Hate This?

[Image: floyd-money-mayweather.jpg]

But like this?

[Image: Mitt%20Romney%20bain%20capital.jpg]

Seriously, I don't get it?

Please explain.

Big difference. Mayweather is just rich, but he's not wealthy. He earns his money through his trade (throwing hands) and then goes out and flaunts it like an ignorant clown. I actually saw a video where he literally burned money. What an idiot.

Republicans would respect a guy like Magic Johnson. Here's a guy who leveraged his basketball and endorsement earnings into a business empire. He opened mad Starbucks chains, gyms, movie theatres, and gave lots of youth, especially in low-income areas, jobs. That dude is amazing. He's said to be the next black billionaire in the US. His net worth right now is somewhere between $800-900 million.

Or even a guy like Jordan. Republicans would like a rich guy who just lives a quiet life and stays out of social issues.

As for the Romney pic, I don't think Republicans like it. It caught a lot of controversy actually and Romney had to explain it in interviews and debates.

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 07:39 AM)Wizard Wrote:  

You have a picture of what I assume is a hip-artist holding a stack of cash,

[Image: lol.gif]

You are obviously not a boxing fan!

By the way, assuming those bills are all Benjamins Floyd has in his hands, based on the size of the bulk, and density, I would say there is about $50,000USD in his hand.

I've held that amt in my hands before...it feels good! [Image: smile.gif]


Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 09:02 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Big difference. Mayweather is just rich, but he's not wealthy. He earns his money through his trade (throwing hands) and then goes out and flaunts it like an ignorant clown. I actually saw a video where he literally burned money. What an idiot.

here you go, it was a single C-NOTE.


Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

I don't mean to turn this into a race thread, but I believe they really dislike black people, no matter the fact that they will claim to have a "black friend".

I read an interesting article today..


In response to the apparent triumphs of the sixties, mass imprisonment became a way of reimposing Jim Crow. Blacks are now incarcerated seven times as often as whites. “The system of mass incarceration works to trap African Americans in a virtual (and literal) cage,” the legal scholar Michelle Alexander writes. Young black men pass quickly from a period of police harassment into a period of “formal control” (i.e., actual imprisonment) and then are doomed for life to a system of “invisible control.” Prevented from voting, legally discriminated against for the rest of their lives, most will cycle back through the prison system. The system, in this view, is not really broken; it is doing what it was designed to do. Alexander’s grim conclusion: “If mass incarceration is considered as a system of social control—specifically, racial control—then the system is a fantastic success.”


Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Coincidentally, Floyds "I don't give a shit about money" attitude, has caused major "poor" protests in other poor countries of the world.

As a result of these "Gangsta Parties", Ukraine girls show their anger for being poor, in hopes Mayweather will throw some c-notes their way!

However, many Colombian/Brazilian/Mexican men protest as to why their poor barrio/favela girls do not look anything like these Ukraine poor girls! [Image: dodgy.gif]

Now, back to the show....

** I took that from another thread posted by P. Dog [Image: smile.gif]

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 07:39 AM)Wizard Wrote:  

Quote: (01-29-2012 02:11 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Why Do Republicans Hate This?

[Image: floyd-money-mayweather.jpg]

But like this?

[Image: Mitt%20Romney%20bain%20capital.jpg]

Seriously, I don't get it?

Please explain.

What exactly is the question? You have a picture of what I assume is a hip-artist holding a stack of cash, and then a black-and-white photo of some white guys holding more bills.

Your question is too generalized to be given a serious answer. It's the equivalent of me asking why all black people blame all white people for their own problems.

It's such a broad generalization that it can't be answered in any serious fashion. Your acting as if all Republicans are some sort of monolithic group that votes in unison, when there are various groups that make up the party.


Where do these people come from?

First D'Angelo, now this?

You really don't know who either of those pictures are?

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Because, truth be told, there's an entire branch of the Republican Party that's fundamentally racist. By definition, "conservative" means hearkening back to a time when things were "better." For minorities--particularly blacks--in this country, that means a time of institutionalized racism. With the possible exception of strictly fiscal conservatives (which I also disagree with), Republicans appeal to deep-seeded racial prejudice to win elections.

Keep in mind that today's Republican Party is a minority party that must assemble a coalition of very disparate interests to win elections. Wall Street Bankers and Born-Again Christians have very little in common, yet they vote for the same candidates. This is the product of deliberate action in the wake of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (the so-called "Southern Strategy"), that reached out to discontent on de-segregation and used fear-mongering about blacks (sometimes subtle, sometimes not) to win support. Republicans, in other words, need the racists. But, they themselves often harbor subtler, milder versions of the very racism they're appealing to.

This coalition and strategy remains basically intact.

Pro-segregation fear-mongering (busing, black inner-city crime) (1968):

"Scary black-man" tactics (1988):

Interracial sex fear-mongering (Harold Ford is black and therefore "just not right") (2006):

**EDIT: Don't mean to make this a race thread either, this is really more a commentary on history.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

the idea that Repubs hate blacks and Dems don't is played and lame. Dems like blacks bc they vote for them, if they vote Repub then they are "sellouts" or somehow "fake".

Plenty of stuffy rich Dems are haters too, they somehow get a pass bc they vote for crappy programs that don't work.

Cut the funding of that program and ur a racist.

ain't politics fun?

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 09:02 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Big difference. Mayweather is just rich, but he's not wealthy. He earns his money through his trade (throwing hands) and then goes out and flaunts it like an ignorant clown. I actually saw a video where he literally burned money. What an idiot.

I wouldn't call him an "idiot".

Or call him an "idiot" for burning that money.

He is an entertainer/boxer.

How many people that "hate" him and want to see him lose, bought PPV?

From a dollars and sense perspective, it was actually a genius move.

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 12:39 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (01-29-2012 09:02 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Big difference. Mayweather is just rich, but he's not wealthy. He earns his money through his trade (throwing hands) and then goes out and flaunts it like an ignorant clown. I actually saw a video where he literally burned money. What an idiot.

I wouldn't call him an "idiot".

Or call him an "idiot" for burning that money.

He is an entertainer/boxer.

How many people that "hate" him and want to see him lose, bought PPV?

From a dollars and sense perspective, it was actually a genius move.

It's actually against federal law to destroy legal tender. The feds were trying to get him for that. He had to pay off mad lawyers.

Don't get me wrong, I like him as a boxer, and I think he was smart to go from Pretty Boy Floyd to Money Mayweather from a promotional standpoint.

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Mayweather is your typical boxer....in 20 years he won't be able to put a sentence together...what a dope...

And the republicans are a party of confederates, segregationist, and neo confederates all wrapped up in one bow tie. They hate blacks becuz they exposed the hipocrisy of evangelicals platform...can't be about god and call me a n***a. But they are a party that has lost 3 culture wars due to AA's and so for that they hate us....that's why it's okay to give welfare to corporate america but not the citizens...that's why it's okay to mfg wars and build up oil rich countries for future exploitation and let your schools back at home crumble....I vote dem or independent...but never rethuglican...

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 11:44 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I don't mean to turn this into a race thread, but I believe they really dislike black people, no matter the fact that they will claim to have a "black friend".

I read an interesting article today..


In response to the apparent triumphs of the sixties, mass imprisonment became a way of reimposing Jim Crow. Blacks are now incarcerated seven times as often as whites. “The system of mass incarceration works to trap African Americans in a virtual (and literal) cage,” the legal scholar Michelle Alexander writes. Young black men pass quickly from a period of police harassment into a period of “formal control” (i.e., actual imprisonment) and then are doomed for life to a system of “invisible control.” Prevented from voting, legally discriminated against for the rest of their lives, most will cycle back through the prison system. The system, in this view, is not really broken; it is doing what it was designed to do. Alexander’s grim conclusion: “If mass incarceration is considered as a system of social control—specifically, racial control—then the system is a fantastic success.”


I don't mean to turn this into a politics thread, but I think left wingers and supporters of Occupy Wall St and other such horseshit are really really REALLY dumb.

About that stuff, anyway.

Meanwhile, why are more black people in jail than white people? Well, here's the answer:

Black people commit more crimes.

However -- and stupidity isn't an exclusive characteristic of left wingers -- if you got rid of really stupid laws, such as 3 strikes or the truly insane idea of "felony possession of drugs" when you just have amounts that are for personal use, the prisons would clear out.

Frankly I think all drugs should be legalized (except for crack) sold by government stores, and taxed to high heaven.

But if you go out, try and kill a gang rival, and wind up killing an innocent 5 year old, you should be put in a 6 x 6 windowless room without a bed, chair, and just a bedpan...forever.

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Floyd knows he is hated and he uses that hatred to build controversy and extreme opinions. From a boxing standpoint, being hated is a better position then being unknown. People will buy tickets to root against you. If they have no opinion of you, they are less likely to watch the fight.

Shakespeare wrote about it. Don King perfected it.

Floyd knows what he is doing. Muhammad Ali knew what he was doing. Its all about the dough. If money was no issue, who knows what the public personality of these guys would be.

Controversy sells, sex sells, violence sells, celebrity sells.

Race sells. The boxing promoter wants a fucking frenzy before the fight.

Plus, they have more fun and get more pussy this way. If they acted like the quiet, humble Black man. We would probably call them "soft" and "uncle toms". And, the girls wouldn't get as wet for them!

And even if they acted quiet and humble, they would still only win over half of the White folks.

Better to be the flashy, talkative Black guy and drum up Black pride, White hate, and force the other races to pick a side.

Its all business!

Why do Republications hate the image of the flashy Black man, yet behave in basically the same way on Wall St.???

Because when you are in power and have total control. And then the power structure starts to change a little bit. You get a little scared. You feel threatened. You look for someone to blame. If they are different from you, its very easy to point the finger a them.

But, I don't think its as bad as we make it sound.

Don't some of you Republications like Floyd? He's a damn good fighter ?

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 12:06 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Because, truth be told, there's an entire branch of the Republican Party that's fundamentally racist. By definition, "conservative" means hearkening back to a time when things were "better." For minorities--particularly blacks--in this country, that means a time of institutionalized racism. With the possible exception of strictly fiscal conservatives (which I also disagree with), Republicans appeal to deep-seeded racial prejudice to win elections.

Keep in mind that today's Republican Party is a minority party that must assemble a coalition of very disparate interests to win elections. Wall Street Bankers and Born-Again Christians have very little in common, yet they vote for the same candidates. This is the product of deliberate action in the wake of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (the so-called "Southern Strategy"), that reached out to discontent on de-segregation and used fear-mongering about blacks (sometimes subtle, sometimes not) to win support. Republicans, in other words, need the racists. But, they themselves often harbor subtler, milder versions of the very racism they're appealing to.

Truth be told, there are entire wings (yes, the plural is purposeful) of the Democratic Party that are economic ignoramuses (just watch a few youtube videos of Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waters), environmental nazis, hideous fembots (just Google images of Elizabeth Warren), hypocritical Hollywooders, and sleazoid socialistic statists who exchange bodily fluids with Wall Streeters.

Tell me, which wings are MORE influential and MORE dangerous? Your Republican racist wing -- wherever that is -- or these Democratic Party wings?

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Don't have a problem with Money May.

I just find it very interesting that people think the Repubs are some sort of secret racist society and closed minded bigots while Dems are open-minded angels.

George Wallace, yes the same George Wallace in that video was a DEMOCRAT

Robert Byrd was a Klan member and a democrat.

a higher percentage of republicans voted for the civil right act of 1964 than democrats (southerners of both parties were basically against it)

We were told that The Tea Party is racist even though they supported Herman Cain

and on and on and on

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 02:57 PM)redneckpunk Wrote:  

a higher percentage of republicans voted for the civil right act of 1964 than democrats (southerners of both parties were basically against it)

The Southern Democrats soon shifted over to the GOP after the civil rights act. Today's Democratic party is not the same Democratic party of Pre-Civil Right's act.

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Good question G.

Before I get into this, I want you to know that I spent my whole life in a Republican household, spent two years working for GOP organizations on Capitol Hill, and have interacted with Republicans from the "top 1%" all the down through the "99%."

The reason Republicans like and respect the bottom photo, while mocking and ridicululing the PBF photo is fear. The fear is rooted in ignorance and the ignorance is rooted in a lack of first-hand experience with black people.

The dangerous black man myth is so pervasive in white culture because it's not checked by any real world experience. For the most part, white Republicans do not have to step out of the "white world." The majority of white Republicans in this country have no real-world experience with blacks other than:

1. Driving through "bad" neighborhoods.

2. Saying "I don't have any change" to the black guy asking for it on the corner.

3. A service industry interaction. I.E. The checkout lady at the supermarket is black.

If you can agree that the majority of white Republican interactions with blacks come from the above three scenarios, then you can see the roots of ignorance. One is ignorant about what is unknown. One thing that human beings of all backgrounds share is a fear of the unknown. That fear presents itself when speaking with an all white group:


White guy says "nigger this" and "the fucking shines down in x 'bad neighborhood'." Come Sunday, however, he's got his sports team jersey on with a black man's name on the back...

See, this is OK. Because the black man's serving his interest (entertainment). The underlying message here is that the black man's on the field, not in my neighborhood. The black man is entertaining me and he's kept in his place.

With Republicans, you'll notice the "kept in their place" argument - whether said explicitly or implied - in all aspects of social change. I hate comparing the two movements because they're different, but I'm going to do it here because political correctness has swept a lot of issues between blacks and whites under the rug. Homosexuals on the other hand, are engaged in more-recent a struggle for civil rights and the Republican refrain when the Republican in question isn't totally anti-gay but not totally on board with gays adopting children, for instance, is this: "Look, gays can do whatever they want but I don't want to have it flaunted in my face."

Put "don't flaunt it in my face" through the white GOP translator and you come up with "Know your place."

Put it in game terms: The strident feminist and the white-knight is afraid of the player swooping massive amounts of girls. They might not know why but they don't like it. So, the player's notches are put down using the refrain (we've all heard it) "He just sleeps with skanky girls." PBF's holding 50 grand in his black hands and his accomplishments are written off as "typical flashy black guy."

The feminist and AFC white knights fear the player on account of their lack of experience (in swooping fine women), which leads to ignorance (feminism).

The white Republican fears the black man on account of no experience with black people, which leads to ignorance ie "typical flashy black guy".

The Romney photo's OK because white Republicans can relate - more often than not this is a front, as a good number of white GOPers will pretend they know all about business even though they don't have the stacks to prove it - to working for, running a company and making a mint. Of course, most of them haven't made a mint, but they're working like good little cogs in the machine to get there.

I was at the beach and couldn't get the De La v. Mayweather fight on my local PPV. I wanted to watch it so I took a trip to Atlantic City and watched the fight at a casino. The handful of blacks in attendance were for Mayweather and every single white person (save for Baldwin81) there was for De La. Mayweather knows this white lack of experience, ignorance, and resulting fear very well and markets himself accordingly. Brilliant.

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Wow guys. That is total crap.

Being conservative means to CONSERVE. Conserve the size of gov't. Conserve the forests.

Being called a racist because of your political party is ridiculous. For example, there's more white people on welfare than black people, yet when a republican says "let's cut some of these entitlement benefits" You liberals rail about how republicans are racist. Yet it's you liberals who assume it's an attack on blacks. Who's really the racists when that's where your minds go?

So tired of that shit....

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

new troll; politroll

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-29-2012 04:34 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Wow guys. That is total crap.

Being conservative means to CONSERVE. Conserve the size of gov't. Conserve the forests.

Being called a racist because of your political party is ridiculous. For example, there's more white people on welfare than black people, yet when a republican says "let's cut some of these entitlement benefits" You liberals rail about how republicans are racist. Yet it's you liberals who assume it's an attack on blacks. Who's really the racists when that's where your minds go?

So tired of that shit....


People who exalt themselves by calling others "racist" because of their political affiliation are in a different category -- they are "racialists."

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