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Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Yea shocking a username referencing the person this resurrected forum is named after. Truly MeNTAl bro.

Anyways stop polluting the conversation. Let guys like the archivist share his historical knowledge which is the most interesting to read in here. We definetely aren't here to listen to your Ukraine prostitute bang stories little man

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

How can a reader ever take you seriously with such a username? Citron, please ban this guy, otherwise no serious poster will ever post here. He is probably one of the usual RVF trolls with multiple banned accounts.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Yea bro I am really worried about how the 3.5 readers will take me lol you absolute incel. Only fangirls like you have that problem. Most grown-ups will perfectly understand and realize how infantile and damaged roosh v was just like many of his hardcore followers who never grew up. He's like Peter pan and you are Wendy.

You really caught up in the role play bro taking this game thing too serious. This site is mostly to chronicle the state of damaged men such as yourself in the game peak phase which is done and over with all the PUAs backing out. Whatever power you thought game gave you were all delusions just a placebo effect that gave you some confidence and attracted or tricked girl into believing you are a sane and functioning person or even exciting but reality is people like roosh and you were hollow with fake drunk like confidence.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Well, maybe you should not be banned after all. Good to have around some ghosts from the past that took game way too seriously. You are fun, bro. Peace.
I would bet you are pussy sniffer or Deb, both mommy basement dwellers.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Try to reduce your toxicity bro like damn how do you complete a sentence in real life without getting punched in the face but i understand you probably never interact outside online forums where you have to maintain this tough name calling personality. Keep compensating cuz you know you lacking.

Deb/pussy sniffer. What are those incel terms you keep spewing? Are you 12 bro? Grow the f up

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

I found this forum after google searching "greek kamaki rooshv". Man, you have no idea how happy I was when I clicked on the search result and saw this forum. After lurking for a week, I made an account last night. Thank you so much citron for bringing this forum back. I don't know how you did it, but you truly are a saint. This forum has 10+ years of valuable intel that can't be found anywhere else.

Obviously the traffic levels right now aren't great but if Roosh were to find this site, could he have it taken down? Since the domain name is so similar, I'm sure it wont be long till he finds it. Dude has gone full monk and will probably try to get it deleted. Hopefully he has no ability to do so.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Yeah, it's good that the forum is back along with one of Roosh stalkers. Game changed a lot, indeed and we grew up a bit older I guess. Let's look into the future, how can we improve game and ourselves and not waste out time dealing with silly arguments if Roosh was this or that.. That's not a man's business.

Why have you been looking for GK by the way? He has some old posts on polishforums and bourdela.gr
I'm not on STW I don't know if he is there as well.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(05-10-2023, 03:58 PM)Artique Wrote:  Yeah, it's good that the forum is back along with one of Roosh stalkers. Game changed a lot, indeed and we grew up a bit older I guess. Let's look into the future, how can we improve game and ourselves and not waste out time dealing with silly arguments if Roosh was this or that.. That's not a man's business.

Why have you been  looking for GK by the way? He has some old posts on polishforums and bourdela.gr
I'm not on STW I don't know if he is there as well.

I was chatting with a fellow avid gamer/traveller on telegram and we were reminiscing about the rooshvforum days and all the good info that was there. He mentioned Greek Kamaki (GK) as one of the best when it came to intel on central/eastern europe. Honestly, I was more active on naughtynomadforum so I didn't really remember GK's posts but i do remember his name.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

NN is a cool guy, but his forum was terrible. Mark has some good videos on utube.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(11-01-2022, 10:02 PM)citron Wrote:  
(10-31-2022, 03:40 PM)Archivist Wrote:  If anyone thinks the forum is worth saving, then maybe they should make a post with links to the best content.

There's a lot of interesting posts by The Fantasist, who surely was bald & bankrupt.

Kudos to our host Citron, who followed the original forum spirit of camaraderie by resurrecting the forum.  The problem is that he recommended Vorkuta/The Fantasist/Bald & Bankrupt.  I showed that his most popular post completely lied about his rape case.  This casts doubt about his other posts about sex with hitchikers, etc.  Besides, he has a Youtube channel with content.

Can anyone else post a link to useful content?  If not, this whole project seems doomed.

P.S.:  Thanks for finally banning PAG, who did nothing but insult people and post links to his own forum.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(05-10-2023, 03:58 PM)Artique Wrote:  Yeah, it's good that the forum is back along with one of Roosh stalkers. Game changed a lot, indeed and we grew up a bit older I guess. Let's look into the future, how can we improve game and ourselves and not waste out time dealing with silly arguments if Roosh was this or that.. That's not a man's business.
Why have you been  looking for GK by the way? He has some old posts on polishforums and bourdela.gr
I'm not on STW I don't know if he is there as well.

Never seen someone so butthurt just because his idol was called a loser. Making a lot of assertions based on a username. Just to make it clear I have never stalked roosh. I wasn't even a regular poster in the old forum, I had maybe 300 posts at most. I was banned like over a year ago but that was for discussing ideas that roosh deems to be 'new agey' and challenge his newly acquired hardcore Christian beliefs. I chose the username on a whim not due to bitterness but because that's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the old pua scene.So please quit making assumptions you toxic little man. I am very happy and settled in life, I just recognize that phase for what it was: a bunch of insecure and psychologically damaged men addicted to dopamine and dick measuring with their notch counts half of which are fake or with dumpster diving or p4p. PUAs personality became sort of cult leaders just to sell and spread their insecurities into other men. Most of those pua leaders have either conveniently found religion now or went completely off grid or even suicided. A lot of these men didn't like themselves much less the company of women. Roosh in particular was extremely bitter towards female. This toxic attitude is exactly why they can never settle down and have to go from one extreme to the next.

Game is dead. Normies never needed game. As stated before, the sexual market works just fine. PUAs sell the illusion that below average men can achieve success. Black pillers shook the pua movement with their notion about looks money status facial attractiveness. All of which factor in a lot more and one of the reason why even some autistic pua can still get 'success' . However, the truth is this is all trumped by just being normal, socially adjusted, able to converse, psychological undamaged, productive, not part of an incel/pua forum. Basically a normie and even below average ones will attract their sexual market equivalent in value.

Why do you think roosh and others  were bombarding readers with fear porn? Fear tactics are typical in cults and necessary to form us vs them mentality. Western women are so evil blah blah world is ending move to thailand bro. In reality I see many normal guys thriving here and even dating very decent girls. The thing is when you are a jaded player of course you are going to attract similar damaged females. The thing is most well adjusted younger guys nowadays don't care about game - rightly so because at its core it was nothing but self-improvement with a lot of gimmicks and a damaging perspective based on some childish James bond wannabe illusions. I see zoomers hustling on social media, following their actual hobbies, looking for actual partners not just running through a bunch of pussy.

This forum serves as a historical document for the cult we all to varying degrees fell for. So yes, discussing roosh's and other cult leader's personality and behavior is a very valid reason for being here and in my eyes much more valid than some loser 40 years old guy trying to get data on Tanzania or Ukraine or wherever is the next pussy haven (definetely not P4P oh no never lol).  Just because you are triggered by these discussions doesn't mean we can't have them. Please stop with this internet tough guy persona bro you are compensating hard

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Yeah, right. Good analysis, but that nickname of yours so disrespectful. We all learned something from the forum, got some good advice and had fun. The Zero dates bangs thread was pure gold. I used this trick and banged many times. You are a backstabber, bro. Shame on you. May God Forgive You.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(05-11-2023, 05:17 PM)Rooshwasaloser Wrote:  
(05-10-2023, 03:58 PM)Artique Wrote:  Game changed a lot, indeed and we grew up a bit older I guess.

Normies never needed game. As stated before, the sexual market works just fine.  ... [Game] was nothing but self-improvement with a lot of gimmicks and a damaging perspective based on some childish James bond wannabe illusions. 

This forum serves as a historical document for the cult we all to varying degrees fell for.
(05-11-2023, 05:51 PM)Artique Wrote:  The Zero dates bangs thread was pure gold. I used this trick and banged many times.

Roissy wrote that game does not create sexual value, but is a "force multiplier".  So yeah, many average guys are lazy and satisfied with a convenient, average girlfriend.  Some even get lucky and get an above-average girlfriend.  Buy some normal guys are unlucky, spending a lot of energy with a bad love life.  Some guys have below-average skills, especially guys in male-dominated fields such as science or military.  Dr. Scott Alexander (who was incel) wrote about the high percentage of virgins among male MIT grad students.

Some guys don't want to settle for average.  It is galling to succeed at a place like MIT, have money and a promising career, and then have an empty love-life.  But that is the situation for many men.  Some risk factors are:

Male hobbies (science fiction, fantasy, video games, magic),
Male school/career (technology, engineering, military),
Precocious and young-looking,
racial minority.

These guys needed some help.  More importantly, they needed lots of dating experience to catch up.  If you know your sexual market value, and you have some mature skills, then you don't sweat a dry spell.  It sucks if your job takes you to a remote place without opportunities.  But you won't settle for ugly or abusive women.  You will just wait a few months for appropriate opportunities.  But nerds need to learn their value and improve their skills.  They need dozens of dates per year just to become average.

Again, some guys don't want to be average.  They might have a slightly higher sex drive, or taste for variety.  They don't want to be a typical fat, indebted American in a crappy cubicle job without a satisfying love life.  They might make six figures, which is a lot of money in Indianapolis or Albany.  But they respond "fuck you, I don't want to live in an average boring city."  "I want to live in a cooler, more expensive city, like NYC, L.A., San Diego, Las Vegas, Miami, New Orlean, or Austin."  They can still make above-average incomes in expensive cities.  Yet, they might still struggle to match their educational, professional, and athletic success with romantic success.  

I'm not sure whether the game changed.  Certainly the online environment changed.  Women always strung men along while waiting for an alpha.  Sometimes they had clandestine affairs with men who were hotter, older, or richer.  But the internet made it possible to do this more easily.  This same environment taught men to stop getting manipulated.  In some ways this is bad, because it encourages men to make low-investment spam approaches.  But why the hell should men buy flowers and dinner, anyway?  The internet brought a healthy dose of reality to picky women.  And it taught men the "red pill" that if women are interested, they might come straight to your house.

Some of the early manosphere focused on male depression and suicide.  Maybe we should have a thread about that. Rollo Tomassi wrote about his brother-in-law.  Terrence Popp helps military veterans.  Anthony Bourdain suicided after learning that his girlfriend Asia Argento was cheating.  British food blogger Wilkes McDermid suicided over loneliness.  So did Norah Vincent, a lesbian who wrote "Self-Made Man" about dating as an undercover man.  I almost forgot about PUA coach Tom Torero, who suffered from depression, and finally suicided last year after getting bad publicity for marketing clandestine instructional sex tapes.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(05-11-2023, 05:51 PM)Artique Wrote:  Yeah, right. Good analysis, but that nickname of yours so disrespectful. We all learned something from the forum,  got some good advice and had fun. The Zero dates bangs thread was pure gold. I used this trick and banged many times. You are a backstabber, bro. Shame on you. May God Forgive You.

It is meant to be a little disrespectful but that's fine as roosh himself would find this site very existence to be offensive. It's just a little jest bro but I will ask for forgiveness I just hope my prayer is well received as I don't know what specific sect of Christian orthodoxy is the 'true' religion lol.

I really don't want to paint the forum and the whole red pill movement as damaging. Of course it helped expose a lot of realities that many of us in the early 2000s were blind to like females nature especially under the effects of hypergamy. I didn't mean to take an extreme poison, just highlighting a lot of the negatives it devolved into.

Archivist brings out good points but I think a lot more has changed since. The average zoomer now has access to way more info and apps than we did. They are well aware of the dynamics. The new normal has evolved, even middle aged normies have caught up. In that sense, I think the red pill did achieve to raise awareness

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

These are tough times for game and players. These are very different times than 5 years ago. You can see the mental illness spreading, you see emtpy women eyes everywhere. As the vaccines turned them into wageslave zombies that have no existencial purpose. No feminine energy, but a rapid feminization of every aspect of life. Something is fundamentally wrong right now. We got a bit older, but it's not that. Men are getting killed for nothing in Ukraine, inflation, housing crisis, mental illness. The world on its knees. We must keep the Game alive.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(05-12-2023, 05:50 PM)Artique Wrote:  These are tough times for game and players. ... Men are getting killed for nothing in Ukraine, inflation, housing crisis, mental illness. We must keep the Game alive.

WTF, dude.  Covid lockdowns were tough, but things are open again.

What does Ukraine have to do with game?  Yes, if you are Ukrainian, the war is a problem.  But then you have bigger problems than game!

Again, what does inflation and housing have to do with anything?  You are just making excuses.

"We must keep the Game alive."

This isn't a religion or political movement.  Babies are born in good times and bad.  If you are really concerned that Game is dying, then move to South Korea or Japan and increase their birth rates.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Archivist, what's your point? That the forum was a scam? I had a lot of fun over the last ten years and the forum definitely helped me.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(05-10-2023, 03:38 PM)Ozzy Wrote:  Obviously the traffic levels right now aren't great but if Roosh were to find this site, could he have it taken down? Since the domain name is so similar, I'm sure it wont be long till he finds it. Dude has gone full monk and will probably try to get it deleted. Hopefully he has no ability to do so.

I sent him a private message about it on his new forum, a few months ago.
He banned me without answering. Lol whatever Rolleyes

It would be very difficult to take it down, and apparently he's not even trying, so don't worry about it.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Citron, right thing to do is redirect to another domain. It's a trademark issue. You can start a thread about a potential name and we could make suggestions and find a good name.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(05-12-2023, 05:50 PM)Artique Wrote:  These are tough times for game and players. These are very different times than 5 years ago. You can see the mental illness spreading, you see emtpy women eyes everywhere. As the vaccines turned them into wageslave zombies that have no existencial purpose. No feminine energy, but a rapid feminization of every aspect of life. Something is fundamentally wrong right now. We got a bit older, but it's not that. Men are getting killed for nothing in Ukraine, inflation, housing crisis, mental illness. The world on its knees. We must keep the Game alive.

You do have some good points bro although it is not all doom and gloom. You can just change your perspective, block out the news and really live the life you want. 

What I miss about the forum isn't the game and the sex addict prostitute visiting horny old men with the vices of a 20 years old. What is missed is the community, the camaraderie, the high level functioning people with the same mindset, the strong characters big bro/ father figure who can guide younger guys into a prosperous independent lifestyle. That is the biggest loss and it had almost nothing to do with loser roosh. The current roosh now is a bunch of holier than thou muh Jesus Christians who's mind is limited by the Bible and their attempts to rationalize every passage. They are almost the opposite spectrum of self-realization and improvement. Just grown men afraid of judgment from the big guy upstairs. Ironically most of these Orthobros were nothing but chronic masturbators living at their moms house. Just like roosh

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

The forum helped men a lot, bro. It does not matter where Roosh eventually ended. When you hit 40 or 50 and you are still single, you can buy a ticket to Thailand, Campodia or the Philippines and still have fun or even find a wife. In the West you are just a liability and they force you to bang grannies, unless you are very wealthy.
Millions of guys in their 40s and 50s that don't know about forums or SEA just rot in the West not knowing what to do and become alcoholics or druggies.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(05-30-2023, 06:05 PM)Artique Wrote:  The forum helped men a lot, bro. It does not matter where Roosh eventually ended. When you hit 40 or 50 and you are still single, you can buy a ticket to Thailand, Campodia or the Philippines and still have fun or even find a wife. In the West you are just a liability and they force you to bang grannies, unless you are very wealthy.
Millions of guys in their 40s and 50s that don't know about forums or SEA just rot in the West not knowing what to do and become alcoholics or druggies.

Nailed it on the head. So many guys here in the states would be so much happier if they travelled abroad, even just once, to Southeast Asia.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

(05-30-2023, 06:05 PM)Artique Wrote:  The forum helped men a lot, bro. It does not matter where Roosh eventually ended. When you hit 40 or 50 and you are still single, you can buy a ticket to Thailand, Campodia or the Philippines and still have fun or even find a wife. In the West you are just a liability and they force you to bang grannies, unless you are very wealthy.
Millions of guys in their 40s and 50s that don't know about forums or SEA just rot in the West not knowing what to do and become alcoholics or druggies.

No one is saying it didn't help. We just have a different idea of the value it offered. Dude if you are in your 40s and have completely failed in the west like in the apocalyptic scenario you are describing then I got really bad news for you. You are going to get eaten alive in SEA. Really it is going to be so bad you will end up sleeping with ladyboys while deluding yourself to be some sort of 'true player'. Even normal women there are looking for green card. You are pretty much in a pay for play zone. I have known guys who enjoyed their extended stay there but they were doing more than well in the west and guess what they all come back here in the end. You can't tell me a stinky Asian 3rd world country shit hole is your ideal life. And the literal loser westerner in your example are even less equipped to handle it. 

Have you seen Tony huge? His delusional Arab friend 'leo longevity' also thought he had game. Until he choked the wrong prostitute and ended up murdered.

Don't believe everything you read on the forums. Some of these travellers bros were banging prostitutes and reporting it as game

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Are you here to mourn and whine? If yes, go ahead bro.

We are still here, still active, still traveling.Smile

Just returned from Latvia, had a great time,banged a 7+ and had fun. I would not have banged if I had no clue what Game is.

And yes, not all guys in their 40s and 50s are as successful and lucky as you. SEA could be an option, because age difference is acceptable. Yes, a 50 year old man can find a wife 20-25 years younger in SEA. It's not rocket science, as it is in the West due to brainwashing and corporate enslavement of young women.

Try to be optimistic FFS.

Is the RVF Manosphere Worth Saving?

Why would I cry bro my life here in the west is good enough maybe even very good. I have all of my needs met. I was out on the beach on Sunday yes here in the west in supposedly the hardest city in the world: Toronto. All I saw was younger couples where guys who aren't even tall, ripped or have Brad Pitt facial feature are with girls who are at least few points higher in smv. It is THAT easy nowadays for normal well adjusted guys. I am sure these younger guys are not into game forums yet they do fine. Times have changed pussy is no longer this great quest worth putting all your effort towards chasing. And maybe it is for the better since you can actually have a life and goals besides that.

So if anything all this doom talk you are spewing is misplaced. Maybe some ugly 5'5 incel redditors nerds are struggling in the west but why do you care so much about saving these damaged guys? And it really isn't the lack of game that's hurting them. In reality, this is the easiest time ever to date even for loser nerds.

What you are talking about is a financial arrangement for marriage. Might as well advocate mail order bride and save the guys the airplane ticket price.

I would love to hear your story with the Latvian chick bro maybe you should share that.

Btw bro not saying we shouldn't talk about game. Of course that's what this forum was originally for. I can't take this away from you. I am just sharing my perspective in this particular thread about the topic which serves as a place for introspection.

Other sections are all open and you should definitely post as much as possible there. I still use this to look up old topics. There were some very interesting posters here in the past especially few that had very esoteric posts that are amazing to read.

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