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NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 12:45 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2019 12:34 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Are we still going to be able say “would bang” ?

It’s your forum, as another atheist, I don’t really get it either but you have to do what’s right for you, Roosh

WM is the new WB
(Would Marry)
[Image: 18Hq.gif]

How about WK --- would kiss. [Image: banana.gif] (ban the bannana, too)

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Been here for years, met many people in person posting in this thread. My rep is more than my post count.

Don't really post at all, never been a forum guy, but this thread (more specifically the veteran posters) triggered me hard. Congrats, you got this post out of me.

You guys saying you're depressed after banging hundreds of women are less than human, you're even less than animals who don't have the ability to be hypocrites/arrogant. There are men killing women in the west because they are 25 year old virgins, 30 year old virgins. They would crawl through broken glass to sniff a real vagina, sell their souls to Satan himself to trade their entire lives for just one of your sinful weekend orgies.

You are like the billionaire with a Victorian mansion, diamond-laced indoor pool, submerged submarine in the backyard decked out with man-cave video game essentials, who then cries that "money isn't everything, I'm so depressed I wasted all my time, I'd rather be poor"

Then be poor! You deserve to be poor, you deserve to live in Skid Row. Give me all your money then I'll spend it for you. And when the pain hits you of not having the ability to jump on a flight and just leave, you will not get your money back, you will have to flip burgers like the rest of the slaves.

Same for banging girls, you deserve to live in a cabin in the Yukon and be celibate forever, and when the urges hit you to bang sluts you should be denied that natural pleasure. Be driven insane and find a goat, as some Indians do. If there's any justice towards your arrogance, you deserve to feel the pain Elliot Rodgers and millions of other western men feel right this second.

We live in a broken world, and Game is a tool to adapt to this broken world. When others gaslight you, manipulate you, and meet you with a smile with daggers behind their backs, all you can do is hold a dagger behind your back as well. You crave a princess in a white castle. Princess Toadstool is not in her castle, and if you want to find her, you need a time machine.

Don't be angry at my post. The pain is just beginning for you if you go down this road. You are turning back into what we used to call the "bluepill". Sacrifice will be in your future. The nature of women and the nature of a dislocated civilization (truths you should already know) will find your newfound vulnerabilities and bore a hole into you. Like the man who married a wife who was the girl who screwed you on the side when he went to work, you are entering a world of pain I can only pity.

This brutal world will not change for you, and the iron laws of nature will not be merciful to you. It was good while it lasted I guess, deep lessons to be learned in this event. Good luck out there, life isn't easy.

[Image: mgssalute-640x360.jpg]

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Religious people, especially from monotheist religions, are NEVER willing to talk or debate. They have their dogma, which they believe is correct, and all they can and willing to do is explain it to you. You're locked into uneven position from the very beginning, with them setting their frame as teachers for you. If you're stubborn and ask too many questions, they often act like thugs, questioning your right to ask these questions, demeaning and threatening you. Unlike many here I actually spend my youth with these types, and I do regret spending so much time on those pompous men and women. I have come to believe in hedonism ideologically and spiritually, I never accepted the whole "degeneracy" frame which is common among Anglo right-wingers, and I am their conscious enemy. So when this type of temporary allies presents me a choice, trying to frame things as if it's them or Obama types, I say no. Bob Guccione and Hugh Hefner laid a philosophical foundation for an independent political movement, free from tenets of both traditional ritual monotheism and crypto-monotheism (liberalism). And, unlike the owner of this place, they had tenacity to fight for their beliefs their entire life.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Words would fail to adequately describe how much your work and forum have benefited me, Roosh, so I won't try. All the best from me, and I'll be sticking around to see where this goes.

At the same time, I'll go ahead and start a thread for RVF alternatives to take up all the subjects that won't be allowed here from now on. I don't mean any disrespect with this and I hope you won't mind!

EDIT: Here's the thread: thread-73269.html

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

1. This is a fantastic mass compliance test for the forum with a dramatic reframing.

Return of Kings: An Examination of Cult Leader Game -- Recognized.

2. As noted by Roosh, also a successful troll of mainstream media.

3. It's absolutely time for Roosh to have the family arrange a marriage with a beautiful young virgin from the old country.

4. Suggested new forum ranks:


and there will be only one Pope

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

There is no public person I know that is more genuine than Roosh, so no matter the changes I'm happy to stick with him and support him and the community in this new direction. The reason why it's not hard for me is that, no matter my personal feelings on Christianity (recent convert) or lifestyle (married with a kid), I have met Roosh and been here for many years, so I can rest assured that this is not a marketing fad or a careless decision. Roosh has definitely earned that sort of trust from all of us during his two decades of tireless work and dedication, so a simple "let's wait and see" is something I feel that I owe him.

I hope Roosh understands that most of the dismayed reactions are not infantile meltdowns over not being able to post the details of how you made your last night's date cum anymore. Most people are just shell-shocked because this is a very sudden change, even if the forum has been going that way naturally of late. That means that there's no way to read this announcement without feeling like it's a bit on-the-nose, even for me who is already in alignment with it. When you turn this natural movement into hard rules, it can leave a bad taste, especially when most of us (I'm guessing) are genuinely not feeling like this place and what we talk about here is sinful.

Why does RVF not feel like a bastion of sin to me like it apparently feels to Roosh? It's hard to empathize with Roosh when he says that he is leading others into sin when he has actually done more to encourage the virtues of kindness, patience, endurance, diligence and humility among a vast number of men and women than basically any other writer or celebrity out there. If it weren't for the wealth of his books, posts and this community, many of us would simply not be as happily settled, confident or independent today. Is that incredible achievement something to be ashamed of, even if it involved fornication?

This applies even in regards to fornication - yes this is the place where people crudely comment on titties and discuss bangs and BDSM techniques - but it is also a place that saves many from the dangers of pornography, gender confusion, cuckoldry, feminism and other issues that plague weak men left to fend for themselves out there. So even as far as fornication is concerned, this forum ultimately has a positive impact. For forums that actually do push men into a life of mindless fornication to prove something to someone, check out RSD and similar places. They're very different from this one.

Either way, while I am a bit concerned about the abruptness of these changes, I trust in Roosh's intentions and believe that everything will work out well.

God bless.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

This thread reeks of sycophancy and it's the usual suspects.

Sorry but you guys missed me with this religion stuff. I tried to be understanding when roosh went Godpill but this is entirely too much for me.

The same dudes are coming out of the woodwork. Those who profess deep Christian values (tolerance seemingly an important one), yet cannot tolerate an Atheism thread. Weak.

No disrespect to El Roosherino, but be careful about the new crop of male cheerleaders who seemingly support every little thing you say. They're a suspicious bunch.

Where the hell can we go to discuss game now?

Reddit is cucked.

Facebook is dangerous.

NaughtyNomad forum is just low brow.

ChristianMcQueen? Scamster.

Roosh, will you delete all the old game threads and nix the game subforums?

If you intend to do that, then I hope you can give us time to save many of the great gems before it all goes to the digital great beyond.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-24-2019 03:54 AM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2019 12:45 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2019 12:34 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Are we still going to be able say “would bang” ?

It’s your forum, as another atheist, I don’t really get it either but you have to do what’s right for you, Roosh

WM is the new WB
(Would Marry)
[Image: 18Hq.gif]

How about WK --- would kiss. [Image: banana.gif] (ban the bannana, too)


Would court while a chad like Trumpian dicks them down.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 10:01 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

On a lighter note, this thread has made the news:

The change to the forums has been greeted less with rage and anger and more with congratulations and confusion, with some wondering where they’ll go to get tips on harassing women once the rules go into effect in June.

Who'd have thunk that behaviour like the criminal harassment of women is such a nuanced and elaborate skill-set that one needs to study its correct implementation on internet forums.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Well this surely came out of the blue!

Interestingly, I suit the demographic of this new direction RVF is taking perfectly: mid-30s Christian husband and father, who have always been LTR-minded and want to help young men understand that they still can find a good woman to make a family with in this decadent age. You only need to look at my personal most popular thread for that confirmation: thread-57475 Roosh's new rules will not affect me personally, but I am not sure if the sudden and complete change is the right approach. I hope Roosh will not repeat the mistakes of the modern church and shut the door to sinners. In so many ways, a lot of young men these days, especially on this forum, are the way they are because of the modern church's approaches to guidance, which eerily sound like our new rules.

When I was at uni, I was a lonely guy who couldn't get any girl's attention, not unlike the various guys that come to RVF to ask for help. I was borderline depressed and wasting every day of my life wondering how I could escape this hellish frustration. Being from a conservative family, I asked my elders and was told to focus on my studies. I went to various churches to seek guidance, and got bombarded with Churchianity with nothing to show for it. I saw older "men" there that I did not want to become and did not have any respect for. They had disrespectful ugly wives and unruly children who could barely keep up the appearance just for church.

Then through wandering down the rabbit hole of Internet searches, I landed on a forum very similar to this one. I soaked up the PUA materials, the dating knowledge etc. of players in the beginning, but my nature of wanting LTRs eventually got me talking to a couple of older married men who taught me an incredible amount, and not only that, also led me to Christianity through their teaching being basically rephrased Biblical verses. Their guidance led me to where I am now: husband to a beautiful much younger woman who gave me her virginity, and father to a gorgeous little baby boy, while building the foundation to a new family legacy to honour God and our ancestors.

My story is not unique, I'm sure other men here have been down the same path and arrived at the same place.

I pray that Roosh will find the right balance to best serve God by helping to bring more young men to the light, not driving them away just like the modern Churchianity through scolding and shunning. I'm a bit concerned that this came out too suddenly both influenced by a family tragedy and an experience with a strong drug. I had a similar concern for AnonymousBosch, one of the most insightful posters I have ever seen on the manosphere, yet now seems unrecognisable. I think acknowledging the journey you took to get to where you are, even if that journey was through hell or seems wrong to you know, is a better way to look at it, and showing young men a better way to live their life is a more effective way to bring them to Christ than to shut and ban what they want to ask and discuss.

Having said that, Roosh is a smart man, and has proven enough to us that he deserves our benefit of the doubt. I pray that this site continues to thrive. If one day it no longer suits any of us personally, we can always continue on our own journey.

I have the same question that someone asked earlier about the new focused content of this site. It is one thing to share random dating / casual sex stories, it is another when it's about LTR and marriage (with wife and children involved). We need to be even more diligent with protecting our privacy, because the stake is so much higher. It is one of the primary reasons I have found it very hard to share my marriage game lessons here. Is this forum still going to be open to the public or becoming private and requiring registration?

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

I think it would have been better to have one section of the forum designated as the only place where you can discuss the now-undiscussable. Maybe have it as a sub forum, slightly hidden away. That way you can still say what you like but it wouldn't be at the forefront of the forum. Preventing people from being able to say what's on their mind is not a good idea. It's possible to change the focus and direction of the forum without doing that.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

The new travel section:
Linux goes to Vatican city - best churches and sunday mass bishop game

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Like the majority of men on this forum I discovered Roosh when I was an insecure and lost young man looking for answers on women and seduction.

I understand the guys who don't get Roosh decision, I wouldn't have understood it when I first read ROK or the forum.

What I realize from my own journey and reading the critics on Roosh's decision by some guys here, is that we are programmed to make women our idol in our current world.

Being blue pill or red pill doesn't really matter, the end result is women being the main focus in a man's life, either by pleasing them and submitting to them (blue pill) or by becoming a player, a Casanova (red pill). These two types always have women in their mind, they are slaves to them.

Roosh is actually helping you guys realize what's really important in life : focus inwardly, call to God for help to know yourself, to know what's your true purpose in life, follow your own journey.

Women are NOT to be the main purpose of your life. It has been discussed a lot on this forum but the comments of a lot of guys here make me think that they don't actually act like it, they have made women their God.

Anyway, it's going to be interesting to see where the forum heads in a couple of months.

God bless Roosh.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

I wish Roosh well with his new direction, but this isn't for me.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Man is the most ferocious beast of prey that inhabits the earth. Common sense provides no precise solution of right or wrong. All moral philosophy is false and vain.

The world is TOO peacefull, too tame. It is a castrated world! It must be made fiercer before it can becomw better- more natural.

It is the false standards of morality that debase individuals.

The natural world is a world of war. The natural man is a warrior. The natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error.

A man truly free is under no obligation to obey any injunction, human or devine. Obedience is the sign of the degenerate. Disobedience is the stamp of the hero. Men should not be bound by moral rules invented by their foes.

The whole world is a slippery battlefield. Ideal justice demands that the vanquished shall be exploited, emasculated and scorned. The free and brave may seize the world. And therefore there shall be eternal war for life, land, love, women, power and gold.

Let us return to nature for our moral standards. Let us search our own hearts and brains for the true meaning of right and wrong.

We are living and dying (mostly dying) in a poisonous environment of deap seated moral dimentia, social disease and political illusions.

A crucified Jew slave (terrorized under authority) is set up to be a god? As a standard of measurement?

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

This is another example as to why you can’t depend on something in life. You never know when it will end.

I respect your decision. You have found a path that will lead you into new adventures and hopefully fill the void that you have constructed through years of work.

However, this belief that the forum will continue under the same name, website and followship is completely irrational. Just like your books, it would be best to burn the website also.

People will always hold this site against you if you still have the content available. There’s no way to sell this. When your new followers that will be more than likely devoted to a life with the same beliefs, encounter the threads that have made this place what it is today, they will be shocked beyond belief and will consider you a joke.

I personally would like for the content to be available always but it is your decision to make.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

If this is ultimately going to happen we should migrate to naughty nomad and set up a new community there or buy this one from Roosh.

I'm no fag but i felt a little teary today no lies. This place has a strong sentimental value for me. I found it when i was about 12-13 years old but became obsessed when i was 15 years old, I was heavily into pua shit and getting pussy then, Even lost my virginity thanks to a lot of you guys.

I'm 18 now but tomorrows my birthday(this was not the gift i intended to receive lol) and after my pua phase ended this site thought me so much about how a man should be, That while having sex also was nice it was more to this shit then sex only. Becoming fit, seeking knowledge, acting like man, staying on your grind.

Honest to god before this site i was a chubby little boy with semi-autistic behaviors. I used to use the same shirt from when i was 12 to 15. Honest to god i had non existent social skills. Didn't shower or brush me teeth(disgusting) i was a severely weird little dude who used to get bullied. But you guys taught me how to act like a man while still holding on to my identity and made me search for what that defines me. That's why this site will always be precious to me it defined an era for me. It ultimately in the end gave me purpose and a path. It made me realize that masculinity is what i needed not video games and weird Asian porn

What i am basically trying to say is that this site saved me life. U GUYS SAVED ME. I would be a depressed little fuck with a severe porn addiction if didn't find you guys. From the sunken place i used to be in i'm in such a great state few kids in my age are. Thanks to you guys and Roosh specially

I will move to Dubai this month where i have rented my own two bedroom apartment. For the first time in my life i'm not poor anymore, I look like a real man. Great style and clothes. I'm in the gym everyday making gains plus i have gotten to engage in sexual coitus with 14 girls lol

My point is that i am probably not the only guy who this site has saved and that this site has the possibility to save more and more and more. Young men need a site like this. We have to save the old ways of this forum. We have to do everything in our power to save it. Their are thousands of guys who are like i used to be, praying to be saved from their disgusting ways. The same guys if they work hard can change their lives totally to something more masculine, admirable and gratifying

This is the beginning for Roosh new endeavors but this doesn't have to be the end of us others who are against this new agenda. We are the saviors and the bringers of the original intact red pill.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

No one posts datasheets on travel anymore but it's still a very popular place to stage IRL meetups, and I think we all know what for.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

The RVF is dead.

Long live the RVF.

The Puritan hated bear-baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectators. - Thomas B. Macaulay

Rick Von Slonecker is tall, rich, good-looking, stupid, dishonest, conceited, a bully, liar, drunk and thief, an egomaniac, and probably psychotic. In short, highly attractive to women. - Whit Stillman

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Someone notified me about this thread about 7 hours ago. I scanned the first post and honestly didn't feel compelled to do anything other than getting back to setting up my new home gym.

The thing is fucking seriously ridiculous. It was mostly disassembled when I went to view it and it was only after I got it home that I realized how big it was. I could have just flipped it for twice what I paid for it easily but it's a three station gym machine and so nearly the whole family can use it simultaneously. So my wife and I thought "the hell heck with it, let's pull all the stuff out of the guest room and dedicate an entire room to it".

So when I said it was mostly disassembled there was still a fair bit of disassembly to do at the buy-site. Of course my memory is selective at the best of times so it was important to get the ball rolling before I forgot which nubbit went into which doggle. Especially since most of the day has been spent clearing out the old room (we decided to rip the crappy carpet up too, so that was a whole other thing besides).

I got it assembled enough that my sons could have a bit of a play and everyone was ecstatic about the project, particularly because of the sheer scale of it. It's become a hub of activity. One person starts working out and others gravitate towards it and before you know it the whole family is laughing up a storm having the time of their lives pumping iron. When it's properly finished I'll post photos.

Anyhoo, my theory proved correct. Between the time I was first informed about Roosh's post and the time I wearily sat down to scan these 13 pages the world didn't end.

Neither did my absence alter the outcome.

Here's the dealio, kids. If I support the OP then people will say "AHA, HE'S BEEN HERE TO DESTROY THE FORUM ALL ALONG!!!", and if I go against the OP then people will say "AHA, NOW THAT ROOSH HAS TURNED TO GOD THE DEVIL SHOWS HIS FACE!!!".

Honestly, I've still got a home gym to finish and about a million tons of iron to displace between here and Holodomor 2.0
Read that last sentence fifty times if you want an idea of how much I care about dudes getting easier access to pussy.

Over the last year I've lost as many rep points as I've gained simply because I refuse to treat this forum like a popularity contest and instead ruthlessly pursue the truth no matter how many toes I tread on.

That should give you an idea of whether I support Roosh in his own pursuits.

p.s. Hypocrisy is telling people not to do something while you are actually doing it. Those of you claiming hypocrisy means telling people not to make the same mistakes as you did are going to make troubled parents.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Mushrooms are of the devil, not God, and the bible is clear on keeping a sober mind, avoiding divination and sorcery.

Roosh, you're in communion with Satan.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-24-2019 05:12 AM)skifree Wrote:  

Mushrooms are of the devil, not God, and the bible is clear on keeping a sober mind, avoiding divination and sorcery.

Roosh, you're in communion with Satan.

You wouldn't know your ass for your face on these matters. You won't see a miracle under your own nose.

You are projecting.

Satan wont touch Roosh now.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Initially, I thought "oh cool this is a wind up" ie joke.
Then I thought maybe its a strategy re the upcoming tour.
Alternatively I thought "this is about encouraging debate".

BUT Roosh has become conservative in a "game fatigue" sense from what I see.
I myself don't have game obsession like I did at 18. But I'll never give game up. Nor will I adopt the language of a 14th century priest.
I'm Anglo Saxon (not Norman) so I will never censor myself against Anglo Saxon words. As its before June 1, I will refer to "cunting around" not "pussying around" etc etc. The bible doesn't forbid Anglo Saxon words, it simply mentions words that attack Christianity ie blasphemy or "curses against God". The concept of "swearing" is much more modern and in English relates to the Norman conquest.

I could go on, but whatever. I'm a Christian but guess what? I can appreciate healthy, beautiful women. I can appreciate screwing them without ever intending to marry or even date them. And I will continue to as long as my dick works. And I'm glad I never got took to the cleaners by false, pious, pretend Christian women. Infact, experiences of a bogus Christian woman was the final reason I joined this forum.

SO whether this is Roosh playing devils advocate or Roosh becoming ultra devout/fundamentalist well we won't see confirmation til June 1. If its the latter then I will no longer be contributing. Civilisation is about discussing reasonable differences with others and having more than one approach to things. As red pillers, most of us here know how harmful suppression of our views are. I choose civilisation.

I always think of the bit in the bible when the priests went mental at Jesus. His "crime" against God? Healing the sick on the Sabbath.
Food for thought, I think.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

I for one am happy with this new direction. I could see a shift in thinking through Roosh's recent blog posts and from reading Lady.

That's because I'm at a very similar place in life. I'm just over 40, an ex-PUA with a 3 figure notch count and have spent the last 15 years of my life travelling, excessively partying, MLTRs, chasing $$$, threesomes, watching porn and sleeping around and have fulfilled every sex goal imaginable and then some. I never mentioned it before because there was no need to, but I'm mentioning it now to tell you that I've seen the top of the mountain and it's not the path to happiness.

I was engaged to the textbook perfect woman however I ruined it because I wanted 'more'. I fell for the guy Disney in regards to my expectations on relationships and my partner and to an extent feel like I've been played. My heart is still broken and I want nothing more than to live closer to nature with a healthy and happy family of my own (and the wisdom to be content with simply that).

I've also been getting closer to my Christian roots. You don't need to go full bible basher or even believe in the supernatural elements of Religion to see the good it can provide in regards to providing a moral compass, community cohesion, support during difficult times, social circles and general framework for life.

Roosh has correctly identified some of the various agendas we are going through - and if anybody else can see and understand them will know that this change has made this forum more of a target, not less. There is a war on healthy families, strong men and Christianity for a reason.

When you young guys get older you'll realise how rare and special RVF 2.0 will be - I don't know of any other place when one can get advice on finding a good woman, settling down, dealing with 'boredom', temptation and other issues in relationships and raising healthy children from real men who actually have game and choice with women.

If you want to bang 10 chicks in 10 minutes there are countless other products and forums out there for that and then you can come back here when you're ready to seek the truth.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-24-2019 05:26 AM)Sooth Wrote:  

You wouldn't know your ass for your face on these matters. You won't see a miracle under your own nose.

You are projecting.

No, if you're going to go down the God path, you don't get to pick and choose which rules you're going to follow to suit your new found faith - example - proclaiming premarital sex is a sin yet dabbling in divination and sorcery. Roosh was duped by someone dabbling in witchcraft, and Satan is well versed in coming as something he is not. What a big mistake, those voices were not of God but evil spirits, and he'll never have peace now that he opened that door way. It's no coincidence that this has occurred shortly after suffering the loss of a sibling, that's how Satan works, he gets in when you are most vulnerable but comes as something else, say, profound messages received by way of divination. Roosh, if you thought your spiritual life was bad now, that's nothing compared to what you'll experience going forth having invited demons and evil spirits into your life.

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