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NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Is a Christian minecraft server something you have planned for the future?

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

A few years ago I predicted something like this would happen.

This forum evolved into a kind of free speech, or at least, a counter-narrative speech platform. It attracted both people who are interested in game, and those who are interested in a place they can freely discuss ideas which are verboten in mainstream culture.

Over time, the forum has gone back and forth between an emphasis on material hedonism (game/women/money/status) and philosophy (meaning of life/geopolitics/family), and I believed that eventually the two sides wouldn't be reconciled. The priorities of each group are clearly different, it would be hard to reach a common ground.

Without getting too deep into the weeds about it, I think its natural for men to seek a hierarchy within a group, and find a shared set of priorities to judge themselves on. Having a group with two parallel sets of priorities necessary leads to internal conflict and eventually, schism.

At the end of the day, we are what we read, and who we surround ourselves with. Granting a platform to discuss a topic can to some extent, lead to normalization and promotion of it. I'm not making a judgement call on whether that's right or wrong, it's merely an observation of human psychology.

I understand where a lot of people are coming from when they lament the change in direction of the forum. Over the years, they've collectively contributed millions of posts, and thousands of hours to the forum. Implicit in participation on an online forum involves some degree of emotional investment and personal time. To suddenly wake up and see that you aren't able to discuss what you took for granted before is certainly a shock.

It's clear that Roosh has had a recent shift in his priorities, and it's understandable that he wouldn't want to promote ideas that he now finds immoral. This is his platform to do with as he wants, and after all, it has his name on it, for Pete's sake. To some extent, what values it promotes reflect on his reputation. Easy for us to judge his actions, less easy if we ourselves were personally in the public spotlight.

Over the years, I've come across a lot of content on the forum that I disagreed with. Some of that is down to the content itself, while others are down to changes in myself. I think as men, we grow from our experiences. It's one thing to be told something, it's another thing entirely to experience it.

Personally, I think that telling men not to have pre-marital sex will probably do more harm than good. The first few women I slept with, I can see now that they would have made terrible wives. But I didn't know that at the time. I was young, full of hormones, and naive. Just like almost every young man. When there is intense desire, it's hard to know the difference between love and lust.

I think it's probably for most men's good that they get that out of their system so they can judge a woman based on who they are, rather than someone they want something from out of a burning desire. I am happily married now, and I think a big part of that is the sexual experiences I've had, and the wisdom its granted me over the years.

On the other hand, I also don't think chasing tail as an end in and of itself will be emotionally health for most guys in the long run. To me, what separates the two ideas is whether they are promoted as a phase in our lives to gain experience from, or a lifestyle that's held up as an end goal to aspire to.

I do welcome the shift to a discussion on deeper discussions. Personally, I see sex as a lower need on our overall needs and wants as human beings, and once its satisfied, we can move on to more important topics that affect us on a deeper level. For a young man born in our dystopian reality where that need is not fulfilled, I know that is easier said than done. However, I do hope that this forum remains a resource that will help put young men on a path that leads to lasting satisfaction in their lives, whatever the cost.

I'll continue to observe and see how things pan out, and I hope this development could lead to more enlightening discussion. Whatever happens, I admire that Roosh is willing to put his money where his mouth is, and stand by his convictions despite the financial cost he will suffer.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

This is a fantastic move. As a Bible believing Christian, I’ve always hoped this place would evolve into a place that perpetuated traditional marriage and the nuclear family more than casual hook ups and rampant fornication.

Thank you for taking a stand. Don’t let the naysayers get to you, this is the right move and I thank God for it.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 10:44 PM)Tex Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2019 10:42 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I'm working on it. It's going to be about 8,000 words long, and that will take time to edit. I will talk about the experience on my tour.

Would you ever do the experience again now that your core beliefs have changed

As of now, no. I received the information I needed to receive. I'll take more about this in the future.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Roosh's position makes perfect sense. He's not judging all of you. He simply can't continue hosting a forum devoted to a topic that conflicts with his faith.

It's like owning a nightclub and realizing one day that you can no longer continue serving booze because you've joined AA and vowed to eliminate alcohol from your daily life. You attempt to convert your nightclub into a bookstore/coffee shop. Guys who want to get booze can always find another nighclub.

OK sorry for the lame analogy, but that's all I could think of.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 01:20 PM)Hypno Wrote:  

My point about Solomon is he had multiple wives and THAT wasn't seen as sinful. You had to bring in his wives religion, greed, lust etc to impugn him.

So even in the Bible fornication was defined with moral relativism. It's a problem if the woman is your neighbors wife. But if you make her your 300th wife it's not adultery and your heirs will be announced. How does that make any sense?

Just because you say it, does not make it so. The bible clearly prohibits multiple wives and specifically emphasizes that fact in respect to kings. King Solomon grievously sinned in contravention to God's law.


14 When thou art come unto the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me;

15 Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the Lord thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.

16 But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the Lord hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way.

17 Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.

18 And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites:

19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them:

20 That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment, to the right hand, or to the left: to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel.

Deuteronomy 17:14-20 King James Version (KJV)

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Sounds like getting back at those people who banned you

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Roosh's turn reminds me of the famous verse from Corinthians

"I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways."

Roosh has hit the age in the last few years where the young man's urge to chase women as his mission is being replaced by something deeper. Just like Roosh was on the leading edge of international banging, he is possibly on the leading edge of men looking for something that will give their lives more meaning in this incredibly degenerate and hostile world for masculine men where AI takes many jobs.

I hope Roosh realizes that game is still important for men to use with wives and that most men will never find a woman worthy of marriage. Even if they do, it takes a village to patrol a thot. Many men find their trad wife has been corrupted as they face divorce rape.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 10:09 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Roosh, the reason people are displeased with these new rules is not out of some feminine hysteria that they can't post titty pictures, it's because this is imposing a belief system that's niche even within the alt-right. Handing down a ban on potty mouth and premarital coitus discussion by dictat rather than simply influencing people through debate or by good example.

Then again, you’re talking to the guy who gave a temp ban for cracking a joke about the Kardashians, which he construed as ”spreading NAWALT propaganda”.

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Why is Roosh and the rest of you so sure that marriage and family and god will fulfill men? I am old enough and know myself well enough to know that it won’t fulfill me. Look at the changes Roosh has gone through in twenty years. I’ve been reading him since DC bachelor days. It’s very possible if not likely that men will find themselves unfulfilled in the role of husband also, only there’s no easy out. Only crippling commitment, responsibility and compromise. It’s a very risky and heavy path which you can choose for yourself, but you will lose my support by pushing it on others.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

What about all the lives this forum might have potentially saved by teaching young men about women? Think of all the would be incels that have learned instead of committing suicide or some type of attack.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Ive been a follower for years. "The game" was the main book that got me out of organized religion and having god and church to be the centre of your life. Following its often extreme rulers through my youth, it damaged my childhood and development greatly. I got a new breathing with the PUA movement, It changed me totally. Im more spiritual than ever and found whats meaningful for me. After the PUA fakers Roosh has been the only genuine man I´ve followed and respect highly. Knowing that, I cant understand now why you´d go look for meaning in organized religion - the place where I originally got out of. Considering the huge respect I have for Roosh, its a disappointment.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

It's kind of rich to see some of you older, already settled down guys cheering this on. You already had your pussy carousel phase, and now that your lifestyle is actually somewhat in tune with your religious dogma - you're mandating the young guys who haven't had much experience yet skip that whole phase.

Hypocrisy of the highest order.

It was similar hypocrisies which made me abandon the faith. I don't regret my decision.

TLDR; Unless you married your highschool sweetheart with your virginity still intact, shut the fuck up. You didn't walk the talk. You're living it now because your age (and probably low-T) has made the player lifestyle undesirable for you now. There was no sacrifice made or discipline involved. You're a last minute monk. If there is a God that holds these (impossible) standards for mankind, he isn't fooled.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-24-2019 12:26 AM)Trumpian Wrote:  

It's kind of rich to see some of you older, already settled down guys cheering this on. You already had your pussy carousel phase, and now that your lifestyle is actually somewhat in tune with your religious dogma - you're mandating the young guys who haven't had much experience yet skip that whole phase.

Hypocrisy of the highest order.

It was similar hypocrisies which made me abandon the faith. I don't regret my decision.

TLDR; Unless you married your highschool sweetheart with your virginity still intact, shut the fuck up. You didn't walk the talk. You're living it now because your age (and probably low-T) has made the player lifestyle undesirable for you know. There was no sacrifice made or discipline involved. You're a last minute monk. If there is a God that holds these (impossible) standards for mankind, he isn't fooled.

SpecialEd, how many times have you been banned here and you still haven't figured out how not to get banned? Why are you so desperate to keep coming back to a place that doesn't want you?

There is some twisted logic going on as if Roosh owes you something. I think he has paid far more than most of us.

I never saw Roosh say anything about luring others to God. So I don't know why people are talking like Roosh needs to allow what he is personally against in order to lead others to the promised land. I got a laugh out of that one.

Then we got angry SpecialEd or now Trumpian trying to guilt others and even going as far as attacking their faith because he won't be able to talk about banging women any longer.

Let's not forget those that purchase his books (so did I) and because of it Roosh now owes them something. Like you guys didn't get any value out of all the content Roosh has put out. Not to mention Roosh should have charged a lot more money, but kept it so everyone could afford it.

Come on guys, you don't need to agree with Roosh or his beliefs in order to give him the respect he has earned. I don't find a lot of these posts to be reasonable whatsoever.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-24-2019 12:36 AM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2019 12:26 AM)Trumpian Wrote:  

It's kind of rich to see some of you older, already settled down guys cheering this on. You already had your pussy carousel phase, and now that your lifestyle is actually somewhat in tune with your religious dogma - you're mandating the young guys who haven't had much experience yet skip that whole phase.

Hypocrisy of the highest order.

It was similar hypocrisies which made me abandon the faith. I don't regret my decision.

TLDR; Unless you married your highschool sweetheart with your virginity still intact, shut the fuck up. You didn't walk the talk. You're living it now because your age (and probably low-T) has made the player lifestyle undesirable for you know. There was no sacrifice made or discipline involved. You're a last minute monk. If there is a God that holds these (impossible) standards for mankind, he isn't fooled.

SpecialEd, how many times have you been banned here and you still haven't figured out how not to get banned? Why are you so desperate and keep coming back here?

I know it's easier to suggest I'm a former member than actually address my arguments (which are irrefutable). But that kind of intellectual laziness is to be expected from a god-piller I suppose.

Also, I find it very odd that in 8 years on the forum nobody has ever met you. It's bit rich to be talking about who's wanted and popularity contests,etc. when your presence here has been entirely a virtual one.[Image: wink.gif]

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

With a heavy heart I say that I'm disappointed to see this forum drastically change but I understand this is the best thing for Roosh and I support him. He's supported us all these years and it's time for us to give him the proverbial nod. Nothing is stopping us from preserving the wealth of information or creating a new forum under a different banner. It stings but it's best if we accept this reality and be more constructive about it. The good times don't have to end.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 09:45 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I'm just trying to do the best I can with the life I have and the situation I have found myself in. If you can't understand my position, and refuse to at least adopt a wait-and-see attitude, then we will never be able to find common ground. The choice is yours.


I think you are on the right path; focusing on quality relationships vs pump and dumps. I got out of the pump and dump game years ago because I wasn't getting real fulfillment from it and it was getting boring. I enjoy having a relationship with a high quality woman and any "Game" posts that focus on LTR management/life stuff is my cup of tea of now for the most part.

There is a solid argument to be made that standard Game 101 stuff and how to bang random sluts is old news now. Nearly every question that could possibly be asked has been addressed with quality posts over the years. I don't post much in the game forum anymore because it just feels like history repeating over and over. But new people will get value out of it and we need every red pill guy we can get in this fucked up society. The repository of knowledge found in Game focused posts is a national treasure for every man in the world. If new posts are not allowed, the current material MUST be protected and allowed to exist as a library at a minimum; so we can at least point the way for all future lost souls at the beginning of their red pill journey.

That all said, some of your new rules are too extreme and misguided.

You're trying to force everyone to Point B without letting them take the journey themselves.

Many of us started at Point A (blue pill and clueless) and eventually got to Point B in our own way. Not everyone bangs 500 whores and feels empty and lost inside. I would say many bang a fraction of that and then find a good LTR to settle down with eventually.

But almost ALL of us needed this forum (in its current longstanding configuration) to some degree at one point to complete the journey and find our happy place. Or at the very least, find the path to the happy place. That journey usually involves having sex with women and learning how to interact with them with no LTR/marriage goals in mind. That's life in 2019.

Furthermore, I think this focus on marriage as the absolute goal of a relationship is beyond absurd given current family legal laws and precedents. I would argue that getting legally married in 2019 in most western countries is actually anti-family. Why? Because the laws incentivize anti-family behavior and are anti-traditional family at their core.

Simply put, your odds of success in maintaining a family unit (in the USA) are much higher NOT being legally married. We as men have practically no leverage left in this society. Legal, culture, social, whatever. Almost all gone. The ONE thing we can still do is co-habitat with a woman, have a kid (or not), and not completely get wiped out by alimony and property division laws. They will still get child support so it's not a total free ride or anything. But the aforementioned is one of the last bits of tiny leverage we have excluding game and you are basically saying:


"Give up your tiny bit of leverage and don't learn how to crawl (banging sluts/learning about yourself/your values/what works and what doesn't etc) before you run (i.e. do an LTR/have a family)."

In short, you are setting up people to fail and throw away the last bit of tools we have to fight the overwhelming onslaught of bullshit and the associated serious dangers in modern day dating. Being a married sole-provider to a woman in 2019 America is akin to taking your life's work, giving it to a retarded 12 year old who likes seeing explosions, and handing them a grenade. It's just fucking stupid at this point when you surrounded by endless evidence of broken men all over the country.

If I came to this forum years ago and found what was essentially a born-again Christian who fucked his way across the world saying I can't even cuss and I have tip-toe around non-married sex talk when I barely knew anything about women, their psychology, and how to appeal to them effectively to get what I wanted ultimately (i.e. a exclusive high quality LTR), I would have closed my browser window and moved on.

I'd be thinking: "This guy isn't even married and from what I can tell, has no real major LTR history and he is preaching to me what's what on this stuff while coating it in religious dogma? Pass."

I'm not saying that to be a hater. I'm saying that because your current end goal for men now is that they focus on quality LTRs with the intention of getting married. Right path but you are taking this too far; especially given the current base of the forum. Getting married is a suicide mission these days and only works in places where the culture and respective laws support male sole-providers. Most guys want a solid LTR in the end but telling them to never talk about banging women, especially if they are new to the red pill perspective with regards to interacting with women, is just ridiculous and a bridge too far. As I implied earlier, you can't force people to Point B through sheer force; people have to take their OWN journey and every path will not be identical because we all come from different starting points.

Suggestion: Restrictions that center around marriage should be dropped all together.

And this no cussing/vulgar language policy (effective June 1) is absolute bullshit. This is slippy slope territory.

But I like the focus on prospecting/developing/nurturing quality LTRs. It's a great path to go down and I look forward to seeing where it goes but I HIGHLY suggest you don't go overboard with the pro-marriage stuff and some of the other restrictions.

Bottom line:

You mention finding "common ground." - I think the aforementioned is a good start but I'll admit, I'm feeling a real mix of emotions this evening. I respect the evolution and one man's journey to finding whatever they are looking for. But this forum is greater than one man now. It might be your house Roosh at the end of the day but we helped lay down the bricks with every post we made and every book we bought. I hope you don't ever lose sight of that.

Ultimately, I also hope you will keep an open mind going forward.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

There’s a few elephants in the room with regards to fornication. The churches haven’t dealt with it and I doubt that a tradRVF can either.

I was in church during my teens and early 20s and in our terms, I was a volcel White Knight. I would have liked a traditional courting relationship with some of the church girls and those I met on youth events.

Unfortunately they were unattainable until their late 20s because of education, career, travel and even missionary work in exotic countries. Christian fathers bring up their daughters to go to university not to be wives.

Dalrock discusses this. Women don’t want to waste a minute more of their youth on their husbands than they need to.

The NT teaches that marriage is the cure for burning with passion which is why most people used to get married young. Now Christian men could be expected to wait until their 30s. Fornication will happen because of this - especially when the Bible teaches that fornication can be committed in the mind.

For older men here, anti fornication will mean MGTOW because the number of marriageable women over 30 is minute and the Bible deems relationships with divorcées as adultery.

My brother began a relationship with a girl at church. The older youth pastor put a stop to it. My brother was 17/ 18 FFS and from a good family. He went to church four times per week and would have been the ideal Christian husband and son in law in ages past. Thus began a period of inceldom and thirst and video games which ended when he married an atheist 5 who didn’t want their children christened. I blame the youth pastor for this for killing a budding relationship between Christians from forming. Previous generations would have encouraged them to pair bond.

Now I hear pastors shame men over 30 for not stepping up to marry women who return to church in their 30s from the cock carousel and a brood of bastards.

Like I wrote the church hasn’t responded to the ramifications from women delaying marriage until late.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

interesting turn

To be honest i used the forum more for inspiration, vicariousness and i guess as a resource for datasheets on good places to potentially travel too or find good people [including good women]

But i'm a religious guy and adhere to the whole no sex before marriage thing. I didn't engage in the sins promoted but i learned a lot from the collective experience of others to help me keep steadfast in my faith.

I still think you should keep the data sheets up Roosh and just keep them unedited and static. There's years of data up here that people benefit from.

But if your religious conviction is serious, and everything suggests that it is, then i understand your new decision.

Its difficult for your posts too because sometimes there's a lot of wisdom in a article but there's also a lot of 'sin' in it as well.

You have to way up the benefits of the article in one Godly sense, versus the sin of the things promoted therein that don't support that. maybe like if <33% of an article is sinful you keep it up?

Also i mean it goes without saying but some people are going to be tremendously P'd off. Your most loyal of fans for that content will burn you the most.

Its normal, cernovich had that several times. once from going from single player to married with kids, manosphere to non-manosphere, from lifestyle to politics, from politics to filmmaker, and so on.

when you level up in your own life [according to your own definitions] a lot of people that would prefer you static will hate you.

Its kind of normal.

I think the best idea would be to statically freeze some of the datasheets and travel stuff. and then design or decide a percentage yield of sin in your articles that you will have to accept for the benefit of the rest of the article.

The reason why i'm saying that is this.

You became religious recently roosh. There's people on here that are religiious that use this as a resource, but also there's other people where you once were and might eventually get to where you are now.

So there's a cost there, you don't want to promote the bad, but you're ina unique position to lead people towards the good by having the breadcrumb trail towards it.

Just totally ignoring your history eliminates the path for others to potentially take.

You can say you don't mind about that you need a easy heart and to feel clean you need to start fresh.

And i would understand that. But i think the penance can in someways be by making a lot of the site static. and curating through articles from your backcatalogue that give more good than sin.

Because those articles will act as bread crumbs for the young men still finding the site or the ones around who aren't yet where you are but might be someday.

Cutting them off from that pathway i don't think is a good idea and deletes your position and unique history and circumstances which could help others.

Anyway, whatever you decide good luck with it. Its been a fantastic place

edit: also you would need to change the names for member rankings too

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

It's a sensible idea to partition the forum but he's re-branding himself for a new audience and can't be seen to preach his old ways. I think someone here will have to step up and take on the burden of setting up another forum.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-24-2019 12:06 AM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

What about all the lives this forum might have potentially saved by teaching young men about women? Think of all the would be incels that have learned instead of committing suicide or some type of attack.

At the end of the day this is the direction the forum will go and Roosh has enough to think about. He obviously made this choice because he has to. Notice how many people are outright attacking him on this thread and not being banned. He honestly doesn't want to piss people off. He just wants to do the right thing without alienating the people who supported him all these years.

But I'm going to do my part to make damn sure the history of this forum isn't rewritten by the game denialists. Just because casual sex and game aren't in vogue anymore doesn't mean it's right to pretend the last decade-plus didn't happen.

This forum was the place where guys could talk about the way things really are without getting fired, doxxed or attacked. In a dystopian world where locker room talk at work could get you forced "re-education" classes through the HR departments. That is not trivial. At all.

Nevermind the fact that guys learned the light and dark side of women here and developed honest and beautiful relationships later on only because of what they learned here and then implemented through sheer discipline.

Introverts became extroverts, incels became socialized sex machines, awkward boys became charismatic men. Deaf guys became husbands. Depressed kids became happy fathers.

Certain men helped make that happen on here. And when Roosh was giving those men a platform, and being one of those men, a huge diversity of thought naturally was born and this forum went in the direction it now goes.

But the men who were bold enough to simply talk about pussy risked a lot to give us this community, because they wanted to give back what was given to them. I don't have to post links to prove this. We all know it.

Even the guys on this thread acting like this isn't the case--who are so quick to forget--, many were on here just last week talking about how learning game gave them a kind of confidence that made their lives better. Because when you see women letting you have sex with them, it tells a battered, low-confidence man that he really is okay. He really can be himself. He really isn't a piece of shit, and it was the advice he was taught by his effeminate dad and the church and those twitter feminists that was wrong, not him.

Men risked their livelihoods to show the truth. They risked a lot for this.

I remembered watching the video of Roosh being attacked, and those men didn't run off to leave him abandoned in fear of being doxxed. They escorted him back to his hotel in Montreal like they were his paid bodyguards.

I was living with my dad at the time. That night, I made the plans to fly to Toronto and support him. The men I saw who showed up at Toronto were there to give back. They didn't need to hear Roosh live. They needed to show that Roosh wasn't alone, like Roosh showed us we weren't alone.

This forum's legacy has long been good men teaching others things that dads used to teach their kids, at a time when dads these days weren't allowed to teach their sons the same. And from that sprung great friendships that bled into all aspects of life.

The forum is going in a new direction. That's a good thing for a lot of people and it's a good thing for Roosh, and Roosh needs to be authentic to himself.

That doesn't mean we should spit on the contributions of those guys who put in the time and effort to do something as simple as give guys advice on how to find their masculinity when a girl is in the room. How to get what he wants from her. The dark side of game was always about using women and getting revenge on them, but I never saw this forum as being about that. It was always about getting the bang when you want the bang, and with that knowledge came so many collective memories that are so beautiful, spiritual, and genuine that a montage of it would make any one of you cry, guaranteed.

Moma, Rudebwoy, kaotic, PapayaTapper, Isaac Jordan, Lothario, redbeard, CleanSlate, the new prodigies, the OGs I won't name, and countless others all contributed so much hard-earned knowledge that it would be an insult to pretend all of those contributions meant absolutely nothing to anybody. To deny all of that as a big mistake that should never have happened. To act like those contributions were things to be ashamed of. To retroactively call all of that nothing more than advice on how to harass women. To say Jezebel was right this entire time about all of this. That nothing good ever came out of any of that.

Roosh is making the changes he needs to make and there's no debating it. But a lot of you guys are taking it a giant step further and denying that you personally benefited from game at all. That's a big spit in the face to those guys that gave you the confidence to be who you are now, whether you'll admit it or not (because one need only browse through your old posts to see instances where you said the exact same things I'm saying you said).

The godpillers and game members don't have to be at odds, especially when a lot of the godpillers were absolutely game addicts up until tonight and many, many of the game members are pretty moral Christians by many regards except the premarital sex dimension. A dimension that gave men evidence that they could amount to something in someone's eyes by learning something as simple as how to act around women. That kind of evidence, for many of us, was the only cure. Not to mention almost none of the godpillers on this thread actually abstain from premarital sex. There's a lot more commonality between us here than it suddenly looks like by just reading this thread.

I regret not being as active on here as I could have been. I had been struggling through work and law school these past three years and I missed out on a lot of real-life networking that I could have had with y'all. But I didn't miss out on the life-changing advice so many accomplished and healthy men gave me by posting here.

To you guys who say fuck a lot, talk about dominating your woman in the bedroom, bragging about banging your girl to the one place where you can trust that the guys get it, and telling guys straight when they seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash, I'm here to tell you that you're appreciated and you shouldn't interpret this change with any disrespect.

And to the guys who suddenly forgot how much game taught them who they really are as men, where their worth actually comes from as men, how to have healthy relationships with women, how much sex is really worth, how unrealistic porn is (because other men are here to give you the real details), and what constitutes wife material in practice, you shouldn't be so quick to forget.

Here's to a new era.

Quote:PapayaTapper Wrote:
you seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-24-2019 12:44 AM)Trumpian Wrote:  

I know it's easier to suggest I'm a former member than actually address my arguments (which are irrefutable). But that kind of intellectual laziness is to be expected from a god-piller I suppose.

Also, I find it very odd that in 8 years on the forum nobody has ever met you. It's bit rich to be talking about who's wanted and popularity contests,etc. when your presence here has been entirely a virtual one.[Image: wink.gif]

Yeah, just a coincidence that SpecialEd on the Swoop forum is in the exact same location as you talking about the exact same things. How is Dash?

Oh, if I was desperate I would worry about being popular. Or I would keep coming back to a forum that has banned me several times. No doubt that is why you're angry and lashing out like a scorn woman.

You're not the sharpest tack.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Double post...

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-24-2019 01:00 AM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2019 12:44 AM)Trumpian Wrote:  

I know it's easier to suggest I'm a former member than actually address my arguments (which are irrefutable). But that kind of intellectual laziness is to be expected from a god-piller I suppose.

Also, I find it very odd that in 8 years on the forum nobody has ever met you. It's bit rich to be talking about who's wanted and popularity contests,etc. when your presence here has been entirely a virtual one.[Image: wink.gif]

Yeah, just a coincidence that SpecialEd on the Swoop forum is in the exact same location as you talking about the exact same things. How is Dash?

Oh, if I was desperate I would worry about being popular. Or I would keep coming back to a forum that has banned me several times. No doubt that is why you're angry and lashing out like a scorn woman.

You're not the sharpest tack.

I'm not familiar with "the swoop forum". Upon googling, swoop the world? Forum appears to be down.

A sharp tack wouldn't make claims without any proof.

I'm not angry - just calling out hypocrisy where I see it. Obviously it triggered you enough to try to get me banned versus debating me like a grown man. That does appear desperate.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 11:05 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

It's like owning a nightclub and realizing one day that you can no longer continue serving booze because you've joined AA and vowed to eliminate alcohol from your daily life. You attempt to convert your nightclub into a bookstore/coffee shop. Guys who want to get booze can always find another nighclub.

A better analogy would be a gentleman's club - you know, the type with a pool table, free beer on tap and cigars. (Edit: forgot the wide selection of whiskey and brandy).

There will always be nightclubs, as long as people in their 20's and people who still think they're in their 20's want a place to dance to uncreative musical drivel while getting bladdered for the sake of it. They're actually getting progressively worse for reasons that has been greatly detailed on this forum.

Gentlemen's clubs, if not completely gone already are a dying concept due to cultural changes that we're all too aware of. And as a result havens for men are disappearing/have disappeared.

This is one such haven. A place where only things like disparaging users or race baiting resulted in repercussions (for the most part), is now limited in its scope. Which is Roosh's prerogative no doubt, but it can't be denied that the gentleman's club may have now enforced rules which defeats its purpose.

And with that gentleman's club no longer being an avenue, all that's left is nightclubs (redpill forums) with their terrible music (incel talk).

I am glad Roosh has taken a more religious stance on things in his life, this forum has helped me realise the value of religion in society in spite of my being atheist, and too many people here do have a Next/plate spinner mentality but at the same time I and no doubt many others have considered this place as a bastion of "say whatever (legal) thing you want", and now it's not.

The analytics will speak for themselves, and I bid you Roosh a pleasant life. Your last video (2 hours of showing degeneracy) has been fantastic ammunition in proving the insanity of the west. I don't know if "God Speed" is valid from an atheist, but God Speed.

Edit; Tex writes my point far more eloquently, make sure you scroll up and read post 282 if you haven't already.

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