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Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

I am in a dilemma here, maybe you can help me out:

I am not on Instagram, but I notice that it is becoming increasingly popular as a dating tool and has a better male-female-ratio than dating websites. So I consider joining since many months already.

But obviously there are reasons why I am not on Instagram which are:

1. I hate the Instagram lifestyle. I hate how people are pretending to have fun in every popular location in the world and places that are supposed to be fun while they are actually having the opposite of fun: working their asses off on their phones to produce material that looks like fun until they can finally leave. I had a girlfriend already who had that lifestyle and after some time noticed how uncapable of enjoying life she actually was. I wasn't able to cure her psychological damage and decided to drop the realtionship in the end. I actually even like taking photos and have a good camera, but more of landscapes and things and places than of myself. I want to actually enjoy life and not compete in that bullshit race in order to appear like a fun high-value guy holding his face into the cam the whole time to be successful on Instagram and catch the girls' interest.

2. If I get on Instagram and have things going on with multiple girls at a time, they will find out at some point because of the comments of the others. That is exactly what happened to me on Facebook already when girls started commenting my photos with words like baby or kiss/heart emoticons. In the end that was the reason why I erased my whole timeline, disabled comments and since then only use Facebook messenger. Not even my profile pic can be commented anymore. If I want to share moments with certain people I just share them in private conversations in messengers. That also raises the reaction rates of those I want to see a reaction of instead of some general voyeuristic noise. At first I missed the affirmation of the semi-public when doing new things, but it almost disappeared after a while. I like that on Tinder and other dating websites I don't have to worry about all that commeting and social crap and not have to update my profile constatly in order to seem like someone who constantly has the newest interesting shit going on. But yes, I notice that on dating apps the effort and time necessary for getting decent dates is recently reaching ridiculous levels especially in western countries.

Actually I think I am the mentally sound one here and the others are crazy, but the poon is out there in the crazy Instagram world. What do you suggest? How do you get around these two major problems? Is it worth it for dating? Or should I leave it be? Oh and please don't just say "go out and do daygame and nightgame", this topic is supposed to be about online game.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

If you're not into it, don't do it. If it's forced it won't bear the fruit you want it to bear.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

If you look up the other Instagram thread you can see I had the exact same thoughts as you back then. I tried and basically, I quickly came to the conclusion that it's not worth it. It's also somewhat degrading having to play that stupid game instead of going my own path in life.
All that time spent on the Instagram bullshit could be better spent on something more productive, and why bother trying to impress girls that I don't even like personality wise?

In 10 years I don't want to look back and think that I probably should have spent more time chasing money or something else than chasing likes and try to be part of that Instagram bullshit. I also prefer to spend my time now trying to find a high-quality woman that would be repulsed if she saw that I spent lots of time on this dull app rather than using the time to impress stupid hoes.

And the standards there are also too high anyway, some guy might think he's a badass when he has 5000 followers. But that doesn't even mean much nowadays. There are some better quality women that have seen through the hype to some extent and are not very active on there (even though they're all influenced by it in some way). By the time you have a flashy Instagram going for you, there might also already be a new platform which is considered to be the newest cool thing.

So fuck all this bullshit, start being ruthlessly non-apologetic instead and tell these hoes that it is for kids, attention whores and dull people.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Quote: (04-06-2019 05:51 PM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

So fuck all this bullshit, start being ruthlessly non-apologetic instead and tell these hoes that it is for kids, attention whores and dull people.

Have you made any tangible progress or actually gotten laid with young, good-looking girls with this approach? If so, can you share an example of how the conversation went and how she reacted after you told her your feelings on social media?

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Something that I find concerning in the IG trend is that it's becoming weird not to have a profile. I got this a while ago:

- Wow, you don't have IG?! Why not??

When it gets to that point, being out of it can seriously hurt your chances with some types of girls. I *still* don't have one but I'm seriously considering looking into that crap.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Quote: (04-06-2019 05:26 PM)Sangango Wrote:  

I am in a dilemma here, maybe you can help me out:
If I get on Instagram and have things going on with multiple girls at a time, they will find out at some point because of the comments of the others. That is exactly what happened to me on Facebook already when girls started commenting my photos with words like baby or kiss/heart emoticons

I'm gonna be 50 next year and I'm getting girls half my age in part due the social proof of Instagram...it's not easy. It's a long term play...in fact I never message girls on Instagram as they might not even see the message if they are not following me rather I push girls I meet online or in person on to my Instagram.

In regards to other girls [Image: idea.gif] there is some debate if you should post pic's with other girls...on the whole it works for me although I might lose some bangs too.

Here is real life example from the other day.... in my Stories I posted a few pic's of me having dinner with a hot oriental girl I had a 3some last year with.
In reaction I had 4 different girls who I have not heard from in awhile and I thought were no longer interested anymore suddenly respond to the post and I'm meeting 2 of them next week.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

I have the same concerns. It's validation-seeking, ego inflation, attention-span ruining nonsense make it very unappealing to me. I also hate this trend now in our culture to document every little fucking thing you do.

I made an IG and uploaded a dozen or so photos and don't really tend to it much now. I don't give a shit about follower count. I might occassionally upload a photo but that's it. I'm kind of hoping that social media will die out but that's really unlikely.

The fact of the matter is that IG might be a godsend for game if you can make it work for you. But I don't find that process satisfying at all. You're just creating a "brand" of yourself to appeal to dim witted women who don't know any other way to assess a man's value.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Quote: (04-06-2019 06:39 PM)RDF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-06-2019 05:51 PM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

So fuck all this bullshit, start being ruthlessly non-apologetic instead and tell these hoes that it is for kids, attention whores and dull people.

Have you made any tangible progress or actually gotten laid with young, good-looking girls with this approach? If so, can you share an example of how the conversation went and how she reacted after you told her your feelings on social media?

I've been honest about my thoughts on it a couple of times actually, but less aggressive than I sounded in the previous post of course. Yes, most times it has rubbed women in the wrong way because I mostly meet women through night clubs and Tinder but it has also turned two (that I can remember) in the completely right direction.

Me and this Eastern European girl I've been seeing have often talked about how most people are just sheep. Instagram has been mentioned a few times as this idiotic thing where people are constantly looking for attention and that there are a lot of insecure and boring women on there. She has mentioned to me that she really appreciated that in me, that I'm not a sheep and that I'm not into social media. So there are some girls out there that are somewhat reasonable about it.

I could probably play along with them and possibly get laid more but is banging a couple of NPC's everything that matters in life? A few years ago I would have said so but unless I'm very horny and she's super drop dead gorgeous I feel like I'm done. I'm not going to dumb myself down anymore just to bang a 7.

There's less of this Instagram horse shit in some places abroad. Go there instead. Quality over quantity.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Instagram is for chicks

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Quote: (04-06-2019 08:43 PM)zoom Wrote:  

Instagram is for chicks

Yes. You might also get laid as a result of putting on a pussy hat and going to a women's march, but do you really want to stoop to that level? Instagram is poison to the individual and society. Let girls post their nonsense and get their attention, but playing along only perpetuates the problem.

If some dumb girl gives you a hard time about not having a profile, all you have to do is say "I had one for awhile and I didn't like it" and change the subject. If she won't give you her number then you have no chance anyway. You're just another potential follower and like-giver.

In the big IG thread there's a link to some document advising you on how to get followers. Just for laughs I copied and pasted it into Word - it's 77 pages long. I'm not going through all that trouble just to have the possibility of getting a crumb of pussy. In the time it takes to read the document and follow all the directions there are any number of things you could do to actually improve yourself and your prospects with women.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Instagram as most things social media should be used as a tool in your arsenal of building a great life, but shouldn't be on the basis of I am doing this strictly for "X"

For example, if you have a lifestyle that allows you to be in cool places or you actually like to travel and as a result, you end up in cool places then yes Instagram can be an asset and should be fun.

However traveling to "x" place because you think it will bring you more chicks, IE social proof it's like the guys who rent a Lambo for a day in Vegas post all these pictures and look cool, but it's like is it sustainable or authentic?

Don't be the guy taking pictures in a Lambo that he rented. Be the boss who owns the Lambo and lives that lifestyle every day. That's the difference. Don't be the guy traveling halfway across the world to see the northern lights just for Instagram.

Be the guy who has cultivated a lifestyle that can afford him the leisure to travel to the northern lights because of his purpose, dreams, passions, etc and as a result he is sharing his post and content on Instagram.

In retrospect, it is not that renting a Lambo or traveling halfway across the world just for an Instagram photo is bad, but using that as a means to deceive people into believing they are living that life and aren't is where I draw the line.

Too many folks are caught up with trying to keep up "with the Jones" or let me do "XYZ" so I can have more girls is just fake to me.

People always looking for shortcuts or hacks instead of actually building.

Personally, I don't do anything for "X", I do it for myself first because I evaluated why it is of importance to me, and I understand how it can add value to my life as another medium on my path.

Having the right mindset is most important, but if your mindset is on point and you are not genuinely enjoying the activity nor having fun, it could be a good indicator to consider something else.

TLDR: Actually focus on self-improvement and do shit that you genuinely enjoy and share it on Instagram because you genuinely want to share your cool life online. Doing shit just for pussy is no better than the guy who goes out to "sarge" "sets" of women in the mall getting himself into "state" for the club all in hopes that he can get some phone numbers, and tell all his buddies about his "success". Instead of just being the guy who gets laid.

Building a cool with no attachment will actually get you, organic followers.

Case in point a buddy of mine is a photographer and has a quite a good following. He just got back from France recently, is genuinely a cool dude and as a result actually lives a cool life.

Even if he didn't have IG, he would still be successful in that he is pursuing what he wants and has put in the work to have that. As a result, he uses IG as a TOOL to continue to build on the value he has and is creating.

Just my thoughts. Perhaps something to consider.

Until next time,


Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

I don't think you really need a lot of followers or likes. That stuff is overblown these days. I don't think you even need to spend much time crafting a profile. Three photos is enough. More important part is getting better pictures. IG is just another venue to make contact with, just that ratio isn't as bad so there is less of a "threshold" for looks in my opinion.

Fyi I hate IG too since it feels so meaningless scrolling through my feed, at one point I deactivated my profile but I reactivated it two years later, because I've gotten more attractive dates off there compared to tinder. although I have not messaged too many people on there and might've just gotten lucky. I don't really put much effort on my profile, I post like once per year nowadays compared to past.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

I can't stand the whole phenomena of social media. Especially the ones that resemble narcissism projects, which are focused entirely around yourself. I'd rather go home and wank into a tissue than play along with that shit. Just my personal opinion on it all, not judging those that do to chase skirt. I just think the whole process has toxified society, and i dont want to play along.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

IG is worth it when it's not a "pain in the ass"

If you are someone who is conventionally attractive, who travels, does high status activities/etc then the only "work" you have to do is take an extra picture or two and upload it.

If you are that guy or something close to it then there really is no downside to having an IG as an aid to your game or just to keep in contact with friends.

I would say IG can hurt you though if you have an unattractive profile, sometimes I click on profiles of guys who comment on hot girls IGs and it's embarrasing how ugly their profiles are (Ugly guy with like 1000 poorly taken selfies with no comments/likes).

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

this is what i do:

· upload good photos from time to time and set the profile private

· follow private profiles of women in my city with just a few hundred followers. if you follow the ones with 1000+ you will be just one more guy. also pay attention to the followers/followed ratio... if they have 600 followers but only follow 100 people, it means they are very picky or just follow people they know, so dont bother with those

· if they are public profiles you may go unnoticed, if they have a private profile, you have more chances they will check you out before allowing permission to access their photos, since you have a private one too, if they try to add you back means they are curious, at least

· wait at least a day to see if she was only curious and cancels the follow or actually keeps following. if they cancel i do the same and block them to make sure i dont fall twice for the same woman if i dont remember her

· if they keep the follow, i like 3 photos where she isnt there, her dog's photos, a sea view... the reason to do many is to appear many times in a row in the notifications list and dont pass unnoticed between all the other

· if i feel more like going straight to the point, i will just send her a private message speaking about her dog or anything i can imagine about their photos just to break the ice

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Quote: (04-06-2019 06:39 PM)RDF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-06-2019 05:51 PM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

So fuck all this bullshit, start being ruthlessly non-apologetic instead and tell these hoes that it is for kids, attention whores and dull people.

Have you made any tangible progress or actually gotten laid with young, good-looking girls with this approach? If so, can you share an example of how the conversation went and how she reacted after you told her your feelings on social media?

Quote: (04-06-2019 07:07 PM)Super Average Man Wrote:  

Something that I find concerning in the IG trend is that it's becoming weird not to have a profile. I got this a while ago:

- Wow, you don't have IG?! Why not??

Quote: (04-06-2019 07:41 PM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

There's less of this Instagram horse shit in some places abroad. Go there instead. Quality over quantity.

In fact, it just happened to me in Thailand (yes, the other side of the world is also already infected) that for the first time a girl didn't believe me that I don't have an Instagram profile. "I don't like it" didn't serve as an answer for her to start believing me so I stated my whole opinion on it. After about 2 or 3 arguments she bought it and the topic was done for her. I didn't really give a fuck about her opinion on that anyway though because I fucked her already the night before that topic came up.

Generally I tend to convince people with me views on Instagram, but it is tiring to pull off these explanations every time and also it seems like the girls are too addicted and have too low self-esteem to take consequences out of their learnings anyway and quit the self-affirming factory.

Quote: (04-06-2019 07:16 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

I'm gonna be 50 next year and I'm getting girls half my age in part due the social proof of Instagram...it's not easy. It's a long term play...
What is the type of game that you are pulling off there?

Quote: (04-06-2019 07:16 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

In regards to other girls [Image: idea.gif] there is some debate if you should post pic's with other girls...on the whole it works for me although I might lose some bangs too.

Here is real life example from the other day.... in my Stories I posted a few pic's of me having dinner with a hot oriental girl I had a 3some last year with.
In reaction I had 4 different girls who I have not heard from in awhile and I thought were no longer interested anymore suddenly respond to the post and I'm meeting 2 of them next week.
I stay in complete mystery about my sexual/relationship life and don't post anything with girls. So far it kept me able to go back to any girl from the past if I wanted to.

If I'd start posting girls, I'd rather be interested in using it for catching attention of new girls who would be attracted by the high value proof.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Your mistake is going on a big explanation/rant on why you don't have instagram/social media. No one likes to hear those type of people.

Instead of projecting the man who simply doesn't care or doesn't have enough time for IG you project the resentful man who hates all those "instagram people who are only pretending to be happy"

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Quote: (04-06-2019 10:37 PM)jalke63 Wrote:  

I don't think you really need a lot of followers or likes. That stuff is overblown these days. I don't think you even need to spend much time crafting a profile. Three photos is enough. More important part is getting better pictures. IG is just another venue to make contact with, just that ratio isn't as bad so there is less of a "threshold" for looks in my opinion.

Fyi I hate IG too since it feels so meaningless scrolling through my feed, at one point I deactivated my profile but I reactivated it two years later, because I've gotten more attractive dates off there compared to tinder. although I have not messaged too many people on there and might've just gotten lucky. I don't really put much effort on my profile, I post like once per year nowadays compared to past.

Sounds like you are not sure about the whole thing either and doing some half-hearted play there.

Quote: (04-07-2019 02:12 AM)Tinder Scientist Wrote:  

IG is worth it when it's not a "pain in the ass"

If you are someone who is conventionally attractive, who travels, does high status activities/etc then the only "work" you have to do is take an extra picture or two and upload it.

If you are that guy or something close to it then there really is no downside to having an IG as an aid to your game or just to keep in contact with friends.

I am 34 and luckily my (male) friends don't use Instagram, so for that purpose I won't need it.

I have an archive of good travel photos. I could just fire these up to Instagram. But I doubt it will catch a lot of interest from stranger girls if I don't smash my face into the camera lens all the time as it is expected these days.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

It’s half hearted cause I have other priorities at the moment. Just saying it wouldn’t necessarily take much effort, like it doesn’t hurt to try even with a semi empty profile

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Guys will do anything not to talk to girls IRL (hence the rise of "online game")

The vast majority of "pickup" guys do not belong on IG.

If you don't like social media, don't get on IG

There are obviously a lot of other ways to meet and fuck hoes.

New Post:
Men’s Style Guide: For Guys Who Want to Get Laid

You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

Here's how I went from being a 21-year-old, videogame-addicted, Asian virgin to banging too many girls to count (no PUA bs):


BTC: 1A5WUGDNGnsxGJ62CXadV6T2oapKfFu4T3
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(If I miss your reply PM me)

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

I think the fallacy of this thread is that in order to do well on instagram or online game you have to become an addicted social media consumer like the mindless sheep that are on it all day, not true at all, esp with a plan and some discipline.

Once you have some killer pics up on tinder, great lifestile pics on instagram, get a bot going to get your follows up etc, then its pretty much on autopilot . Really the whole process takes maybe a few hundred bucks to get a photographer to take some good photos of you plus maybe $30 a month in a bot (or $100 a year if you do it yourself), plus maybe 1-2 hours per month managing a bot service + your matches.

Once the initial setup is done the tweaks do not take up too much of your time.

The key is to become a producer not a consumer, I have 20k followers and I don't even have instagram installed on my phone on weekdays. Spend about an hour on Sat and Sun, 2 hours a week.

You produce content, you post good photos but you don't look at other peoples shit its a waste of time, don't get high on your own supply.

Instagram and all these social apps do everything they can to get you hooked thats why I:

1. Keep the apps blocked or simply removed most days
2. Try to not look at the feeds as little as I can
3. Keep my phone in greyscale (makes it way easier to be on tinder and instagram without ending up fapping, and also makes the feed less addicting and easier to "snap out of it")
4. TURN OFF ALL NOTIFCATIONS, instagram, whatsapp, facebook none of that shit gets through, no beeps and dings I check it when I decide not when fuckerburg decides.

Anyways, IG ain't for everyone, but its where all the hot 18-23 year old girls like to hang out and for them IG is more real than real life, so ignore it ad your own peril.

Having a killer IG profile helps in all other situations too besides direct IG game, you get more results on tinder, and even daygame/nightgame like a girl may have not been that interested but then she sees all your followers cause you passed her your IG instead of number then poof she becomes much more interested with all the social proof.

I shit you not having an IG w/ 10k or esp 20k+ instagram followers and killer photos is bigger social proof then owning a fucking ferrari to the 18-23 crowd and it costs almost nothing. just take the 2-3 hours a week you were already looking at fb/ig feeds and disipline yourself to use that same time instead for strict online gaming. You'll have the same amount of time with more sex.

However, the "I don't wanna do instagram at all because its so superfical and gay" like the nightclubs and all the shit that came before it wasn't also an exercise of ego, its just changed venues from the nightclub to instagram the method of stroking the ego is the same so its same shit, so go ahead and take the advantage or else someone else like me will. The tropes of all these old timers here on the forum about this pollyanna time where women weren't superficial is tired and worn out, and mostly bullshit unless we are talking 1970s and before or something.

TLDR - You can easily use instagram game while not getting addicted to instagram yourself and take only 2-3 hours a week max maybe less to get great results as long as you have a great lifestyle and like most things in life consistency is key, but once you're in you're golden.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Quote: (04-09-2019 10:53 PM)LatinoHeat Wrote:  

I shit you not having an IG w/ 10k or esp 20k+ instagram followers and killer photos is bigger social proof then owning a fucking ferrari to the 18-23 crowd and it costs almost nothing.

As a male in this age range, I can verify that this is probably the most valuable statement in this entire thread. Young women (and young people in general) literally view followers and online fame as more desirable than having money, no joke.

A guy with $0.00 in his bank account but 100K followers on IG will probably do way better than a guy with $1,000,000 in his bank account but no followers. Instagram owns an entire generation - your value is now determined by how many followers/likes you get.

It doesn't matter whether or not you think that's a good or bad thing. This is the way it is and it probably isn't going to be changing anytime soon.

However, if you are one of those dudes who posts blurry selfies that get 4 likes and is only able to attain 24 followers and comments under IG models' photos "send bobs and vegana", you're probably better off not getting IG. The only thing worse than not having an IG account is having an IG account that confirms your low social value (low followers, engagement, shitty pics, etc.)

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

I have an instagram, but below 200 followers, it's simply either too hard or impossible to get followers fast with the things I am doing. Unfollow apps perfectly show how people don't believe in follow to follow and unfollow me 2 days after they send me follow request and I accept it.
I don't have a lifestyle you guys have (impossible) and my profile is an photography profile, so while I have value in quality of pictures, these are not the ones that make hoes wet down there.

Is there a way to capitalize on my kind of profile? What is the free option to obtain more followers?

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

This thread has given me all the reasons that I need, to stay away from Instagram. I am glad we're having these conversations.

To each their own when it comes to the game but whenever I get the, "Why are you not on Instagram?" I tell them to, "give me '10 good reasons' that I should be on Instagram," and the best part, they never reach 10. After which, I get another question, "Why do you need 10 reasons?" My response: "The girl I'm attracted to needs to give me 10 good reasons, for me, to continue talking to her."

Oh yeah... that conversation usually ends with one of two things: a number or blue balls. Many times, both.

I'm trying to get off Facebook, as well, but it doesn't help that my friends only want to talk to me through an app rather than just text/call me. Drives me up the wall.

If my style of game wasn't more obvious from this post: My style of game is direct. I'm very, direct. I like to clear all-the-bullshit on the first impression or encounter. You know where I stand, at all times. I'm 34 but still play the 'old school' game.

"How does one get off this thing?." ~ Marcus Brody

Fitness Thread: thread-69404.html

Online Game: Is Instagram worth the pain in the ass?

Quote: (04-06-2019 10:25 PM)NonDrifter Wrote:  

Instagram as most things social media should be used as a tool in your arsenal of building a great life, but shouldn't be on the basis of I am doing this strictly for "X"

That approach is also more resilient.

I've read some very persuasive pro-Instagram posts in this forum and I agree it's an important tool in 2019, but I don't see a lot of discussion about IG's survival in the long term. Social media websites rise and fall. At some point users get fatigued and move somewhere else. Even Facebook is dying.

Instagram is successful is because it feeds into "like culture" and vanity, in particular women's vanity, like no other tool has. It's a huge popularity contest. But it's also incredibly shallow, and stressful for people who take it seriously. I don't know if it will last that long.

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