Quote: (02-06-2019 11:39 AM)aswifty Wrote:
Quote: (02-06-2019 11:17 AM)subterfuge Wrote:
I don't really update my journal much at the moment, but basically...yes!
One of my friends is male model calibre good looking (mentioned a few times in my FR's in my journal), and the results are always the same.
i.e - from 8pm until about 11pm, he is getting HUGE IOI's. Girls eye-fukking him etc. Standing near him hoping he'll open them (he never does) etc.
However, once the girls get a little 'loose' and drunk (past midnight) all bets are off, and he's got girls opening him, complimenting him, rubbing his chest as an opener, grinding on his dick, girls opening him by pretending to recognise him (that's a very common one!) etc.
It's pretty crazy.
Typically i'd say about 5 approaches per night, and LOTS of huge IOI's that most guys would swoop in at!
The thing i'm more jealous of is that it seems it's hard to NOT pull when a girl is super into you/attracted to you. He has zero 'game'. I mean, he just 'not weird'. But That's enough. There's no push/pull, DHVing, teasing, bla bla bla. He never needs to worry about 'running out of things to say' because when it goes quiet, even at the beginning of an interaction, she will more than pull her weight and help him massively in terms of escalation etc, too. It's easy mode to the extreme. I try to only watch infields of ugly guys now lol (although there's not many of them on youtube! The PUA world is now full of young handsome guys picking up forreign girls who are slightly less attractive than them lol)
Again, post like this just proves learning game is pretty fucking stupid. It's a myth that girls don't approach, a total and complete myth. OH they do approach all the time, just not me, and almost all guys. I guess the most sensible approach if you want to ACTUALLY get laid alot efficiently would be to take steriods and max out your looks everywhere else. If that doesn't work, you are genetically fucked and should just give up LOL.
I was hoping the men on this forum would laugh at the redditors, but actually you guys are tripling down on all that the things i thought were bs, guess not.
A few things:
1/Getting really really handsome to the point that hot girls are opening you simply isn't possible for 99% of guys, not matter how much you work out, inject, dress nice etc. Even surgery! You're still not gonna be young Brad Pitt handsome. So in a way, the plan of using good looks to get laid lots isn't really feasible
You talk of ''learning game''. What is there to really 'learn' when you break it all down? very little. If you buy a game product or read some books, 99% of it is stuff that every guy already knows. You shouldn't need to be 'taught' to tease girls when possible, break rapport, make girls laugh etc. I've always cringed when i've read people say 'learn game' for this reason. Makes it sounds like some secret that most people don't know, and that when you learn these 'secret' techniques (like 'making a girl laugh can build attraction') you can jedi-mind trick your way into any girls pants.
People might have believed this back in the mysterymethod days, but we've moved on. As you said yourself, you expected people to laugh at the idea of looks mattering. But now we have things like youtube and social media and we can all see just how powerful good looks are!
Now, to bring it back a little as you seem a bit negative, you don't need to be male model handsome. She just needs to think that you're kinda good looking. I'm kinda ugly and have banged a few girls way out of my league (some in my journal). I believe these instances to have been lucky in that, there is quite a lot of varience as to what girls find 'handsome'. For whatever reason, i've banged some hot girls who thought I was handsome, even when all of her friends would consider me kinda ugly. Play the numbers game. Find them hot girls who think you are hot too!
There's this myth that 'girls don't care about good looks like guys do''. Well, it's kind of half true, and the best way to explain it is how someone explained it to me recently which was like ''If a guy has a choice to bang some 10/10 boring, bitchy girl, or some friendly, funny 7/10, every guy will bang the 10. But with girls, she'd choose the 7 out of 10 who is funny and interesting (who she thinks is 'quite' handsome, over the male mode 10/10 who is the most boring person in the room.) That's the difference. It's not that girls don't care about looks like some want you to believe.
One final thing is social circle game. This is the one time that I can't deeny seeing lots of ugly guys banging absolute stunners. I've almost never seen this in bars or any cold approach in fact, but i've lost count of the number of times i've seen ugly guys who have hooked up with their gorgeous work colleagues after working to together for 6 months. It's not even 'game'. It's just extreme comfort plus 'right place right time'.
If I could do it all over again, i'd forget all of the pickup material i've read and i'd simply work all kinds of jobs where there are tonnes of hot teenage girls!