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Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:17 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

I don't really update my journal much at the moment, but basically...yes!
One of my friends is male model calibre good looking (mentioned a few times in my FR's in my journal), and the results are always the same.
i.e - from 8pm until about 11pm, he is getting HUGE IOI's. Girls eye-fukking him etc. Standing near him hoping he'll open them (he never does) etc.
However, once the girls get a little 'loose' and drunk (past midnight) all bets are off, and he's got girls opening him, complimenting him, rubbing his chest as an opener, grinding on his dick, girls opening him by pretending to recognise him (that's a very common one!) etc.
It's pretty crazy.
Typically i'd say about 5 approaches per night, and LOTS of huge IOI's that most guys would swoop in at!
The thing i'm more jealous of is that it seems it's hard to NOT pull when a girl is super into you/attracted to you. He has zero 'game'. I mean, he just 'not weird'. But That's enough. There's no push/pull, DHVing, teasing, bla bla bla. He never needs to worry about 'running out of things to say' because when it goes quiet, even at the beginning of an interaction, she will more than pull her weight and help him massively in terms of escalation etc, too. It's easy mode to the extreme. I try to only watch infields of ugly guys now lol (although there's not many of them on youtube! The PUA world is now full of young handsome guys picking up forreign girls who are slightly less attractive than them lol)

Again, post like this just proves learning game is pretty fucking stupid. It's a myth that girls don't approach, a total and complete myth. OH they do approach all the time, just not me, and almost all guys. I guess the most sensible approach if you want to ACTUALLY get laid alot efficiently would be to take steriods and max out your looks everywhere else. If that doesn't work, you are genetically fucked and should just give up LOL.

I was hoping the men on this forum would laugh at the redditors, but actually you guys are tripling down on all that the things i thought were bs, guess not.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:17 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

I don't really update my journal much at the moment, but basically...yes!
One of my friends is male model calibre good looking (mentioned a few times in my FR's in my journal), and the results are always the same.
i.e - from 8pm until about 11pm, he is getting HUGE IOI's. Girls eye-fukking him etc. Standing near him hoping he'll open them (he never does) etc.
However, once the girls get a little 'loose' and drunk (past midnight) all bets are off, and he's got girls opening him, complimenting him, rubbing his chest as an opener, grinding on his dick, girls opening him by pretending to recognise him (that's a very common one!) etc.
It's pretty crazy.
Typically i'd say about 5 approaches per night, and LOTS of huge IOI's that most guys would swoop in at!
The thing i'm more jealous of is that it seems it's hard to NOT pull when a girl is super into you/attracted to you. He has zero 'game'. I mean, he just 'not weird'. But That's enough. There's no push/pull, DHVing, teasing, bla bla bla. He never needs to worry about 'running out of things to say' because when it goes quiet, even at the beginning of an interaction, she will more than pull her weight and help him massively in terms of escalation etc, too. It's easy mode to the extreme. I try to only watch infields of ugly guys now lol (although there's not many of them on youtube! The PUA world is now full of young handsome guys picking up forreign girls who are slightly less attractive than them lol)

The model-quality guys have shit game, especially at opening. I speak from experience - my middling-to-average game has served me very well enough to land beautiful women. Why do more? I was never motivated to spit tight game at da club, not even when I was younger.

I'd also argue that the best-looking guys can BLOW a potential lead by spitting too much game and overloading the attraction circuit. Girls already assume we're players, whether true or not, and they're looking for reasons to reject us (yes, it happens more than you think). They're like, "Oh he's definitely got tons of women, I bet he acts like a douche, let's find out if I'm right." It's happened to me many times.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Absolutely, positively yes.

OP you're either very inexperienced with night game and/or have never hung out with real top tier dudes (lookswise).

Thing is, women reserve such behavior for the top 5-10% of men, which means 90% of guys will literally never experience this themselves. They also don't have friends that will experience it (because these guys are so rare) so they incorrectly assume women never behave like this.

If you spend enough time night gaming, and you're a careful enough observer, you're guaranteed to see it. Or become buddies with exceptionally good looking guys and you'll have a shift in your perspective.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:17 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

I don't really update my journal much at the moment, but basically...yes!
One of my friends is male model calibre good looking (mentioned a few times in my FR's in my journal), and the results are always the same.
i.e - from 8pm until about 11pm, he is getting HUGE IOI's. Girls eye-fukking him etc. Standing near him hoping he'll open them (he never does) etc.
However, once the girls get a little 'loose' and drunk (past midnight) all bets are off, and he's got girls opening him, complimenting him, rubbing his chest as an opener, grinding on his dick, girls opening him by pretending to recognise him (that's a very common one!) etc.
It's pretty crazy.
Typically i'd say about 5 approaches per night, and LOTS of huge IOI's that most guys would swoop in at!
The thing i'm more jealous of is that it seems it's hard to NOT pull when a girl is super into you/attracted to you. He has zero 'game'. I mean, he just 'not weird'. But That's enough. There's no push/pull, DHVing, teasing, bla bla bla. He never needs to worry about 'running out of things to say' because when it goes quiet, even at the beginning of an interaction, she will more than pull her weight and help him massively in terms of escalation etc, too. It's easy mode to the extreme. I try to only watch infields of ugly guys now lol (although there's not many of them on youtube! The PUA world is now full of young handsome guys picking up forreign girls who are slightly less attractive than them lol)

I'd be interested in knowing what city this took place in and what kind of environment. This is key. In Miami or LA at a cool/hip lounge where the are no fatties and all the women are at least a 7 there's a completely different dynamic than a EDM club where the music is loud as fuck and there are several hundred people in the joint.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Linux uses a different, but effective, strategy. Doesnt mean that cold approach doesn't work.

He says when he went from top 1% down to (I'm guessing) top 20% his results went from hero to zero real fast.

He uses a very passive approach. Wait and the girls will come. If you arent in the top 1% they wont come.

If you can't get into the top tiwe looks you have to be more active but you can get the same (or better) results.

The only place that i think Linuxs strategy works better compared to being top 25% male looks with killer charm (aka game) is in places you do not speak the langauge. Colombia, russia, brazil, etc.

Different strokes for different folks.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:39 AM)aswifty Wrote:  

Again, post like this just proves learning game is pretty fucking stupid. It's a myth that girls don't approach, a total and complete myth. OH they do approach all the time, just not me, and almost all guys. I guess the most sensible approach if you want to ACTUALLY get laid alot efficiently would be to take steriods and max out your looks everywhere else. If that doesn't work, you are genetically fucked and should just give up LOL.

I was hoping the men on this forum would laugh at the redditors, but actually you guys are tripling down on all that the things i thought were bs, guess not.

A while ago there was a lengthy discussion on here about "game" vs "SMV". I'm firmly in the camp that SMV trumps all - and looks are a major component of your SMV. Anyway, no point in regurgitating everything that was discussed in that thread - but you should search for it.

You don't need to be in the top 5% of guys to smash quality girls, though. Sure it gets much easier if you are, but you seem to have a very defeatist attitude about it.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:39 AM)aswifty Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:17 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

I don't really update my journal much at the moment, but basically...yes!
One of my friends is male model calibre good looking (mentioned a few times in my FR's in my journal), and the results are always the same.
i.e - from 8pm until about 11pm, he is getting HUGE IOI's. Girls eye-fukking him etc. Standing near him hoping he'll open them (he never does) etc.
However, once the girls get a little 'loose' and drunk (past midnight) all bets are off, and he's got girls opening him, complimenting him, rubbing his chest as an opener, grinding on his dick, girls opening him by pretending to recognise him (that's a very common one!) etc.
It's pretty crazy.
Typically i'd say about 5 approaches per night, and LOTS of huge IOI's that most guys would swoop in at!
The thing i'm more jealous of is that it seems it's hard to NOT pull when a girl is super into you/attracted to you. He has zero 'game'. I mean, he just 'not weird'. But That's enough. There's no push/pull, DHVing, teasing, bla bla bla. He never needs to worry about 'running out of things to say' because when it goes quiet, even at the beginning of an interaction, she will more than pull her weight and help him massively in terms of escalation etc, too. It's easy mode to the extreme. I try to only watch infields of ugly guys now lol (although there's not many of them on youtube! The PUA world is now full of young handsome guys picking up forreign girls who are slightly less attractive than them lol)

Again, post like this just proves learning game is pretty fucking stupid. It's a myth that girls don't approach, a total and complete myth. OH they do approach all the time, just not me, and almost all guys. I guess the most sensible approach if you want to ACTUALLY get laid alot efficiently would be to take steriods and max out your looks everywhere else. If that doesn't work, you are genetically fucked and should just give up LOL.

I was hoping the men on this forum would laugh at the redditors, but actually you guys are tripling down on all that the things i thought were bs, guess not.

A few things:

1/Getting really really handsome to the point that hot girls are opening you simply isn't possible for 99% of guys, not matter how much you work out, inject, dress nice etc. Even surgery! You're still not gonna be young Brad Pitt handsome. So in a way, the plan of using good looks to get laid lots isn't really feasible

You talk of ''learning game''. What is there to really 'learn' when you break it all down? very little. If you buy a game product or read some books, 99% of it is stuff that every guy already knows. You shouldn't need to be 'taught' to tease girls when possible, break rapport, make girls laugh etc. I've always cringed when i've read people say 'learn game' for this reason. Makes it sounds like some secret that most people don't know, and that when you learn these 'secret' techniques (like 'making a girl laugh can build attraction') you can jedi-mind trick your way into any girls pants.

People might have believed this back in the mysterymethod days, but we've moved on. As you said yourself, you expected people to laugh at the idea of looks mattering. But now we have things like youtube and social media and we can all see just how powerful good looks are!

Now, to bring it back a little as you seem a bit negative, you don't need to be male model handsome. She just needs to think that you're kinda good looking. I'm kinda ugly and have banged a few girls way out of my league (some in my journal). I believe these instances to have been lucky in that, there is quite a lot of varience as to what girls find 'handsome'. For whatever reason, i've banged some hot girls who thought I was handsome, even when all of her friends would consider me kinda ugly. Play the numbers game. Find them hot girls who think you are hot too!

There's this myth that 'girls don't care about good looks like guys do''. Well, it's kind of half true, and the best way to explain it is how someone explained it to me recently which was like ''If a guy has a choice to bang some 10/10 boring, bitchy girl, or some friendly, funny 7/10, every guy will bang the 10. But with girls, she'd choose the 7 out of 10 who is funny and interesting (who she thinks is 'quite' handsome, over the male mode 10/10 who is the most boring person in the room.) That's the difference. It's not that girls don't care about looks like some want you to believe.

One final thing is social circle game. This is the one time that I can't deeny seeing lots of ugly guys banging absolute stunners. I've almost never seen this in bars or any cold approach in fact, but i've lost count of the number of times i've seen ugly guys who have hooked up with their gorgeous work colleagues after working to together for 6 months. It's not even 'game'. It's just extreme comfort plus 'right place right time'.

If I could do it all over again, i'd forget all of the pickup material i've read and i'd simply work all kinds of jobs where there are tonnes of hot teenage girls!

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

It happens. Ive seen it happen. It's not just about the guys looks, but also his energy. I'm not entirely sure, but being dark skinned may help too.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

I see these kind of questions on a lot of forums. And there are guys who are adamant that women don’t initiate.
I can attest that it is a fact that If you are good looking women will initiate. I’m not taking about IOI’s but actual cold call approaching. If you are not getting approached on a fairly consistent basis you are either not good looking, not out enough or have a resting bitch face. And I’m talking about sober, decent looking girls.
And while this is great and all, it does make one lazy and puts all the initiative in her hands. Though it does boost one’s confidence.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

I think we have to let it be known the quality of women cold approaching is universal.

These 2 women might cold approach in the right setting if they are under the influence enough

[Image: 0vmy2Ru.jpg]

This woman and women of her ilk will not

[Image: nTohrcR.jpg]

This is why you see a lot of very attractive men with average women. it's not because smokeshows are complete assholes, it's because a lot of very attractive men are pussies about approaching hot chicks

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:39 AM)aswifty Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:17 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

I don't really update my journal much at the moment, but basically...yes!
One of my friends is male model calibre good looking (mentioned a few times in my FR's in my journal), and the results are always the same.
i.e - from 8pm until about 11pm, he is getting HUGE IOI's. Girls eye-fukking him etc. Standing near him hoping he'll open them (he never does) etc.
However, once the girls get a little 'loose' and drunk (past midnight) all bets are off, and he's got girls opening him, complimenting him, rubbing his chest as an opener, grinding on his dick, girls opening him by pretending to recognise him (that's a very common one!) etc.
It's pretty crazy.
Typically i'd say about 5 approaches per night, and LOTS of huge IOI's that most guys would swoop in at!
The thing i'm more jealous of is that it seems it's hard to NOT pull when a girl is super into you/attracted to you. He has zero 'game'. I mean, he just 'not weird'. But That's enough. There's no push/pull, DHVing, teasing, bla bla bla. He never needs to worry about 'running out of things to say' because when it goes quiet, even at the beginning of an interaction, she will more than pull her weight and help him massively in terms of escalation etc, too. It's easy mode to the extreme. I try to only watch infields of ugly guys now lol (although there's not many of them on youtube! The PUA world is now full of young handsome guys picking up forreign girls who are slightly less attractive than them lol)

Again, post like this just proves learning game is pretty fucking stupid. It's a myth that girls don't approach, a total and complete myth. OH they do approach all the time, just not me, and almost all guys. I guess the most sensible approach if you want to ACTUALLY get laid alot efficiently would be to take steriods and max out your looks everywhere else. If that doesn't work, you are genetically fucked and should just give up LOL.

I was hoping the men on this forum would laugh at the redditors, but actually you guys are tripling down on all that the things i thought were bs, guess not.

You're thinking too much. Pretty telling you're getting this from Reddit, one of the biggest circle jerks of time wasting on the internet.

You want to get laid efficiently? You run a harem. Read around here. All it takes is a few texts on any given night and you've got pussy ready to go. You will never be able to run a harem if you're relying on looks and muscle alone. Having a harem relies on levels of game that take years of conscious effort to build.

You can always tell the difference between the movers and shakers and the pretty boys riding on good looks alone. You know when the predators enter a room because you can feel them. A pretty boy gets flustered when a girl shit tests him, and he caves. She might still bang him, but she isn't sticking around.

On the other hand, the man that understands game at a fundamental level will have her begging for more the next morning, the next week, and the next month.

Do you want to be the forgettable pretty boy? Or do you want to be the man she'll submit to and willingly spread her legs for?

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?


I probably get approached 5 or so times a year by girls ranging from average to cute. But there's nearly always alcohol involved and it really only happens abroad.

Latest scenario: In Mexico City, I had a cute 27 year old girl approach me through her drunk friend a few weeks ago. They spent 15 minutes looking for me and hunting me down in the club after I changed locations. Her drunk friend's opener was 'She wants you to be her boyfriend'. I laughed, we made introductions, started chatting, etc.

This only happens to me when I'm in good shape, am dressed cool, and it's clear that I'm more attractive than 95+ percent of the guys in the same venue.

Usually the signals are more subtle.

They stand nearby or up on me, they'll dance nearby, they'll brush against me as they pass by, they'll flip their hair when I look their way, keep sustained eye contact, or a girl will look my way and then whisper to her friend, etc.

In the vast, vast majority of the cases the most attractive ones will signal availability and then they (rightly) expect me to initiate the dance.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

I've got one friend that gets this and he gets quality from it.

Going to a club with him is like fishing with dynamite and genuinely changes the entire dynamic. He's 6'5 and genetically gifted and he really does play the whole game on easy mode. Great guy as well and a genuine natural so it all just comes together.

He will genuinely get the best looking group of girls just flocking to him, he's basically an accidental wingman because he'll pick his preference and the other girls will pretty much become beta orbiters, they basically become bridesmaids at a wedding to the rest of us.

Alas he's shacked up now so those days are probably done.

It's a very interesting dynamic to be around, that's for sure.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 01:09 PM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

I've got one friend that gets this and he gets quality from it.

Going to a club with him is like fishing with dynamite and genuinely changes the entire dynamic. He's 6'5 and genetically gifted and he really does play the whole game on easy mode. Great guy as well and a genuine natural so it all just comes together.

He will genuinely get the best looking group of girls just flocking to him, he's basically an accidental wingman because he'll pick his preference and the other girls will pretty much become beta orbiters, they basically become bridesmaids at a wedding to the rest of us.

Alas he's shacked up now so those days are probably done.

It's a very interesting dynamic to be around, that's for sure.

This is very very much like my example above.
When I think back to some of the things i've seen in clubs, it's honestly like a freaking 'lynx' deodorant advert or something, the way girls flock to him, almost fighting to get at him! It certainly is an experience to see! One which in more recent years, if i'm honest, has hurt more than helped! My ego is so fragile after a night out with him!!

Like your friend, he has also settled down now and rarely goes out. (although when he does, nothing has chagned)

In the old days, I can think of many times when his looks helped me and, after a night at a bar, it'd be closing time, i'd point out any hot 2-set and tell him to stand near them. He would. Then they'd open him. Then after about 3 seconds of conversation, he'd say 'fancy a swim?' (I was living at my parents house who had a pool which is kinda rare here, and that was his way of inviting them back to mine). They'd always agree. Both probably hoping to bang him. What would happen most of the time is that he'd make a move on the one he wanted, and i'd usually be able to bang her mate. I was kind of a consolation prize but I didn't care! At this point, she was drunk, i'd at least built some comfort, and she was probably horny from being around my friend and so sometimes i'd get to bang her evne though she wasn't into me and wanted my friend lol

It can back-fire too. I wrote an FR here about a year back after I opened some girl, made her laugh, flirted etc. Was all going good. She offered to buy me a drink and we went to the bar. Sexual tension increasing. And then the aforementioned handsome friend walked in and came over to me to say 'hi' to me, and from that point, her mouth dropped and she was drooling over him and completely switched from me to him. And whether I played it super 'non-needy', or tried to 'outgame' him or used various AMOG tactics (not that he means to amog me. He didn't even want her!) it was useless. She then spent the rest of the night trying to bang him. He rejected her though.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 12:29 PM)subterfuge Wrote:  

There's this myth that 'girls don't care about good looks like guys do''. Well, it's kind of half true, and the best way to explain it is how someone explained it to me recently which was like ''If a guy has a choice to bang some 10/10 boring, bitchy girl, or some friendly, funny 7/10, every guy will bang the 10. But with girls, she'd choose the 7 out of 10 who is funny and interesting (who she thinks is 'quite' handsome, over the male mode 10/10 who is the most boring person in the room.) That's the difference. It's not that girls don't care about looks like some want you to believe.

One final thing is social circle game. This is the one time that I can't deeny seeing lots of ugly guys banging absolute stunners. I've almost never seen this in bars or any cold approach in fact, but i've lost count of the number of times i've seen ugly guys who have hooked up with their gorgeous work colleagues after working to together for 6 months. It's not even 'game'. It's just extreme comfort plus 'right place right time'.

This x 100.

Women care about looks, but their attraction is often multi-faceted in that she'll weigh personality, charisma etc as well. With men it's almost entirely based on her looks, everything else is a distant second at best.

And I too have lost count of the number of times I've seen total duds with stunners gotten through social circle. That shit works.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:31 AM)Savonarola Wrote:  

Wow man, being in the top 99%, that's an accomplishment.

Top 99% of the clubs in Colorado not top 99% in the USA.

If I walked into a club in Miami or Rio De Janiero, that would be a whole different story. Men are a product of their towns and the people in them. You are much more likely to be a fat tub of shit in Oxford, Mississippi than you would be Denver Colorado or Venice Beach. You are also much more likely to be a soy bitch in Portland, Oregon than you would be in say Moscow, Russia. If you are blending in with everyone else, don't expect magic.

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:31 AM)aswifty Wrote:  

If this is true, than learning the skill of cold approaching women is more or less a waste of time, and the best method would to be is get good looking as possible, and eliminate neediness entirely and wait for girls to approach you. You do know your comments somewhat dispels the virtue of cold approaching women and learning game, if your intention is getting laid. I'm starting to agree with incels lol

It's not a waste of time if that's your personality and you want to do it. Game is a process. Making other women want to be with you, and refusing to chase women around, is not where you begin, it's where you end. If I only had 15-50 lays in my life, I probably wouldn't have the confidence to make this mentality work. It's best to begin with game and learn everything you can because that's what gets you off the couch. Write down hundreds of things that you believe and that you have learned from game books. You need that hope and inspiration in the beginning.

Five or ten years down the road, after confidence, experience and lessons of life have all happened from running game for the past decade or so, you can narrow that list down to a cocktail napkin because after confidence, masculinity, and physique, you won't have to talk your way into a woman's bed, the more you say, the more likely you'll talk your way out of it because if women are approaching you, they have already decided they want to fuck you.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 01:50 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

And I too have lost count of the number of times I've seen total duds with stunners gotten through social circle. That shit works.

I really feel sad sometimes about missing out on that tbh. I've never had a job where there's loads of hot girls.

My best friend recently got divorced and he got a new job at some very modern internet company in kind of a party town here in the UK.

It's one of those new-age work environments; Super laid back. There's a cocktail bar in the office! wide screen TV's, playstation, pool table etc etc. The place is like a party.

He's 33, average/fairly handsome, very little 'game', and he's currently banging an 8/10 teenager, and some 23 year old 7.5 who both work there. Also about to bang one of the girls friends who he met through her. Hotter than any girls he's ever gotten.

It's basically the environment doing all of the work for him. They all get high on coke and drunk in the offices on a Friday, and then usually go clubbing together, and it basically turns into an orgy! He can't believe his luck. Not gonna lie...i'm jealous! It shows how easy social circle game can be. You just need to include alcohol, and not be 'weird'. Like, you could call it 'game', but i'd call it being normal enough that she's comfortable around you, get the booze flowing, and then it just seems to 'happen'! He seems almost as surprised as me at the results he's getting! Makes me wanna just work in a bar or something tbh! Some jobs must really be good for hooking up

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 01:54 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2019 11:31 AM)Savonarola Wrote:  

Wow man, being in the top 99%, that's an accomplishment.

Top 99% of the clubs in Colorado not top 99% in the USA.

Um, check your math. I think you meant to write "top 1%".

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 02:30 PM)Savonarola Wrote:  

Um, check your math. I think you meant to write "top 1%".

However you want to write it, I think you knew what I meant.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 06:38 AM)aswifty Wrote:  

So, I would like to hear from the men of the RooshVforum who have lived it.

1: How often do you get cold approached?

2: Where do you get cold approached, if you do?

3: Do you notice any friends (or yourself) who are conventionally considered to be hot, get cold approached by women a disproportional amount?

4: How often would you say you notice women cold approach men? And the ones that do, how hot are they? (i hear a lot of guys claim 7+s don't approach men, yet i've also heard some guys say they do, but only really hot guys.)

5: Is not focusing on women when out, and waiting for them to come to you, an efficient strategy to get laid? It's definitely a high status move.

Are you a women? Or are you a man who is afraid to approach women?

Men are the hunters. They are the ones that should do the approaching, not the other way around.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 02:30 PM)Savonarola Wrote:  

Um, check your math. I think you meant to write "top 1%".

Everybody knows the real path into a woman's pants isn't biceps the size of watermelons, it's correcting other guys' math mistakes.
Makes panties just MELT.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Quote: (02-06-2019 02:49 PM)zoom Wrote:  

Are you a women? Or are you a man who is afraid to approach women?

Men are the hunters. They are the ones that should do the approaching, not the other way around.

Have you read this thread?
Occasionally, for a few of us, it does go the other way.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

I didn't think it happened until I went on holiday with a close friend and saw it happen to him twice on one day and twice the next day as well. He's very similar to chris hemsworth in looks (6'3, muscular, Nordic looking). I genuinely couldn't believe it and what I though I knew about women had changed. Previously I thought that women only gave strong ioi' to guys they like: I had no idea they approached when thirsty.

They weren't that subtle either: some just walked up to it and said hi, I'm Julia, hows your day?

Also made me realise i'm not hot (although I look above average)

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

Cold approach skills give you choice. Waiting to be chosen is alright if you just want to fuck something half decent, but for me it's rare that the girl that approaches me will be the same one that I want most.

Do sexy guys really get cold approached by random girls that often?

I’ve gone out with a couple of my guy friends who are objectively very good looking. Girls will give them “looks” but rarely actual approaches. If the guys are savvy enough to pick up on that, that’s a different story.

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