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Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (01-22-2019 10:49 PM)Tinder Scientist Wrote:  

Location is a huge deal too. Just try swiping in cities like Prague, Budapest, Krakow,etc and you will find plenty of hot girls.

It's true. I have tried Tinder in the following cities: Budapest, Novi Sad, Kazan, Vienna, Bratislava and probably a few others. It's pretty dead in Serbia, but Budapest and Kazan returned a good number of girls in the 7.5-8.5 range. Kazan was the best.

But I think this has more to do with the different dynamics in those places. How does it compare to somewhere like London or Barcelona?

I have a feeling that online must be dying off in The West. According to this, POF (website) used to get about 5-7 million visit per day. Now it's down to about 1-1.5 million. And that's with them boosting their numbers by breaking into LatAm etc.

My home town has a population of about 70,000 in a 15 mile radius. There used to be about 200 girls online in the last day several years ago. Now it's 10.

Tinder is probably going down the same path. SimilarWeb has it as the 116th most popular app in the US. That must have been higher before.

This tells you all you really need to know about Tinder:

[Image: Why-use-Tinder.png]

That 45% attention seeking is probably mostly women.

Only about 1/3 of users are women:

[Image: GWI-tinder-demographic.png]

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Gework you nailed it! Thank you for posting some data to prove the point. I can’t see straight men using tinder to boost confidence. You should post this in the tinder thread and watch half the forum get triggered. I wonder what people meant by other reasons? Maybe these are the women that are prostitutes and semi pros?

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (01-22-2019 09:16 AM)TutorGuina Wrote:  

Ever noticed hot girls profiles all link to their IG?
Women use Instagram and Tinder for the same purposes, but Tinder is mostly for the girls who couldn't cut it in the former platform

The great majority of sheiks, sugar daddies and alpha celebrities are not on dating apps, they order their bitches through instagram instead
Case in point, world class footballer Neymar brings dozens of Instagram thots for his New Year party
[Image: neymar-rodeado-1.jpg]

Tinder is the lower league where mediocre girls who can't leverage their low value ass hang out for the chance of getting a common chad without fame pedigree, or for whales to try to fuck a normal healthy man

Hot girls go to IG to date up and hang out in real life to get a LTR of their level, tinder is mostly a passive stream of IG followers to them. Uggos are the one who need the dating apps, but they won't fuck guys the same level as them either

I'm late to this thread but this comment is gold. Very good understanding of the game. I saw this dynamic in NYC, and suspected something like that, but this explains it. I'm off the market now but this is good contextual information.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Not sure why there's all the Tinder hate here.

It's definitely harder to punch above your weight on Tinder, and a lot of your intangible assets are marginalized but you can still pull 6's and 7's with a low degree of effort.

Part of Tinder is having a successful strategy, because GE is right. There's a ton of attention whores you'll need to filter through. Whether this is going for the number quickly, or only doing large scale swipe/messaging campaigns to normalize your result over a large population. If you're just swiping/messaging here and there, of course your results are going to suck.

Tinder is definitely not the right fit for everyone though.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

The data doesn’t lie: The women on tinder in the US are time wasting attention whores. I have had plenty of success with tinder as well have many other forum members that think tinder blows in the US. Tinder is not the best way to meet hot women in the US, and instragram is a shit show too. The attention whoring is 10x as bad on instagram. Back to the forum topic- yes, the vast majority of women on tinder in the US are fat skanks, and the rest are using the app to boost their sef esteem.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (02-03-2019 06:09 PM)Investment Bro Wrote:  

Not sure why there's all the Tinder hate here.

It's definitely harder to punch above your weight on Tinder, and a lot of your intangible assets are marginalized but you can still pull 6's and 7's with a low degree of effort.

Part of Tinder is having a successful strategy, because GE is right. There's a ton of attention whores you'll need to filter through. Whether this is going for the number quickly, or only doing large scale swipe/messaging campaigns to normalize your result over a large population. If you're just swiping/messaging here and there, of course your results are going to suck.

Tinder is definitely not the right fit for everyone though.

I thought tinder was basically 95% about looks.

I'm undeniably good looking and have pro pictures.

My issues have been:

#1 the massive amount of nasty/ugly chicks on the app

#2: the fuckable girls i match with will talk but then out of nowhere stop responding for no reason.

Maybe my issues are because I'm dealing with girls 18-21?

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (02-04-2019 01:08 AM)real98 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2019 06:09 PM)Investment Bro Wrote:  

Not sure why there's all the Tinder hate here.

It's definitely harder to punch above your weight on Tinder, and a lot of your intangible assets are marginalized but you can still pull 6's and 7's with a low degree of effort.

Part of Tinder is having a successful strategy, because GE is right. There's a ton of attention whores you'll need to filter through. Whether this is going for the number quickly, or only doing large scale swipe/messaging campaigns to normalize your result over a large population. If you're just swiping/messaging here and there, of course your results are going to suck.

Tinder is definitely not the right fit for everyone though.

I thought tinder was basically 95% about looks.

I'm undeniably good looking and have pro pictures.

My issues have been:

#1 the massive amount of nasty/ugly chicks on the app

#2: the fuckable girls i match with will talk but then out of nowhere stop responding for no reason.

Maybe my issues are because I'm dealing with girls 18-21?

Yes tinder is all about looks, the issue here arises in the way attraction works for men and women is different.

Given a woman's sexual market value is almost entirely derived by her looks while for men it's a combination of factors. On that front tinder massively favours women in the way that it's designed in that your 'pitch' to the market is basically all boiled down to a few photos and some bullshit character limited bio which nobody ever reads. ie it's entirely looks focused, so women are able to maximize their shop window potential while dudes are somewhat restricted in only being able to advertise one aspect out of the many attractions triggers they may have.

Add onto this the fact that girls are more than happy to blantantly lie through the use of flattering photo angles, pictures taken years ago and photoshop apps then you get the scenario where chicks generally are able to massively upsell their 'product' (by quite some margin) while guys are generally underadvertising.

Thus tinder ends up being a massive attention whoring app for chicks (who are able to garner the attentions of dudes generally way out of their league in real life), while dudes generally are using it just to find low quality quick and easy bangs while they've got nothing else doing

I suspect rather than being a good looking guy, if you looked like any old Joe but instead had various photos of you flying private jets, on TV or partying in the DJ box in Vegas with Dan Bilzarian and the Chainsmokers etc then I'd expect you'd get a hell of a lot more traction on tinder


Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

I live in the metropolitan area of a capital of southern Brazil ... I put my location in the middle of my city and I put the distance in Tinder that took the farthest border ...

So far, I have not found even a single woman of relevance (who I know personally) who was in that app.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

I've done a fair amount of internet game as an adjunct to my approach game, and, along the way, banged quite a few girls that, to be honest, wouldn't have attracted me enough to cold-approach had seen her on the street in the first instance. My strategy with Tinder and Bumble is to put as little time and effort into it as possible (use any old pics, and no or minimal bio) and reap whatever rewards happen to fall in my lap by whatever fluke, kind of like a sexual form of passive income. I have written off the prospect of banging the top-tier girls, who get thousands of matches and whose inboxes are probably over-laden with thirsty come-ons, so the algorithm be damned. I've committed to going for volume and just banging any woman that meets my minimum standard. I'll mechanically and rapidly swipe right on every girl, oftentimes without even waiting for the image to load before swiping right if I have a slow connection. Occasionally, I will detect and swipe left on profiles that stand out as being extremely revolting, that is, inconceivable to bang and thus not worth wasting a swipe, seeing as how Tinder limits my swipes. Generally, I'll get a dozen or so matches a week, eight of which are fat, 50-year old transsexuals covered in tattoos and facial piercings. These I will immediately take the time to unmatch out of disgust. I'll then log off for several days, waiting for girls to write to me first, in which case I know she's thirsty, and it's on. Or if a girl hasn't written but seems worthy of my adding on to the low-grade repetitive use injury in my thumbs, I'll just pop off something generic like “Good evening, Stacy”. The thirsty ones will make themselves known. When a girl has written to me in a manner that betrays her interest, only then do I invest the time in considering her pictures, and I'll ignore the ones that I would not bang. I don't put much energy or effort into the initial exchange, my goal at that stage being nothing more and nothing less than a date in person, where I can suss out what she is actually made of. I've had enough deep, long-form text exchanges with girls on Tinder in the past that led to her suddenly ghosting that I'd be a fool to invest anything more than the bare minimum, and will ruthlessly forget about any girl that doesn't make it plainly obvious that she is willing to meet with me post haste. I approach Tinder a bit like taking a shit in a really disgusting gas station bathroom. The less time I spend in there the better. It's in and out. Be fast, do your business, and close that god-forsaken app. On the off chance that I snag a notch here and there that is bangable, then great. When nothing comes of it, at least I didn't waste too much of my time. Then again, I prefer to linger in cities with tens of millions of inhabitants, so this strategy would not be viable in a place with fewer profiles enrolled.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (02-20-2019 10:31 AM)felix_vagabondo Wrote:  

My strategy with Tinder and Bumble is to put as little time and effort into it as possible (use any old pics, and no or minimal bio) and reap whatever rewards happen to fall in my lap by whatever fluke, kind of like a sexual form of passive income.

That's my approach as well. I now mercilessly screen rather than getting too excited about the initial match. Too often I was going on icebreakers with my spidey sense telling me it's not going to work only to have my spidey sense proved right. So I've learned to trust it and err on the side of ghosting/unmatching. Seems self-defeating but I really think it's saved me a lot of time and frustration.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

As mentioned by others, spending four hours a day swiping on tinder is probabbly not the best use of your time. I'd rather hit the road and approach some real chicks in the real world to get some real feedback on your game. It is harder than hiding behind an App, but it shows confidence and chicks love confident men.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

God forbid you have to go outside

You can fuck decent girls off Tinder (hot is a stretch unless you are highly up there in looks or can present yourself that way with good pics)

The problem is most guys have terrible pictures and don't know it

New Post:
Men’s Style Guide: For Guys Who Want to Get Laid

You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

Here's how I went from being a 21-year-old, videogame-addicted, Asian virgin to banging too many girls to count (no PUA bs):

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(If I miss your reply PM me)

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (01-22-2019 09:16 AM)TutorGuina Wrote:  

Ever noticed hot girls profiles all link to their IG?
Women use Instagram and Tinder for the same purposes, but Tinder is mostly for the girls who couldn't cut it in the former platform

The great majority of sheiks, sugar daddies and alpha celebrities are not on dating apps, they order their bitches through instagram instead
Case in point, world class footballer Neymar brings dozens of Instagram thots for his New Year party
[Image: neymar-rodeado-1.jpg]

Tinder is the lower league where mediocre girls who can't leverage their low value ass hang out for the chance of getting a common chad without fame pedigree, or for wh
ales to try to fuck a normal healthy man

Hot girls go to IG to date up and hang out in real life to get a LTR of their level, tinder is mostly a passive stream of IG followers to them. Uggos are the one who need the dating apps, but they won't fuck guys the same level as them either

This comment angers me, but is the truth, it confirms my suspicion about most dating apps and online dating at least in the West. I do not think normal men should be on online dating. If you are not some kind of celebrity, I'm not sure if game is even enough to overcome this issue, because game cannot get women who have ZERO interest in you to be interested.

The women on social media are there trying to land a man who is famous(has attention of others in real media), rich, good looking and probably a pro sports player/celeb of some sort.

I even put a social media profile of a literal handsome male model and it was still not enough to even turn the tide above ugly women messaging me or responding to me.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

I used to get lots of hot girl matches from tinder when I was in college and it was the new hotness. Now I barely get any so I deleted it as it hurts my ego lol. There is definitely a stigma with it also, you can't tell people you met on tinder because then they will think you guys are whores.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

I don't care for the idea of Tinder in general. There's something seriously wrong with having an algorhythm look for your girlfriend.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

There are a lot of attention whores and procrastination girls on tinder, but also every girl gets 1000 dicks throwing at her thats the problem. Friday a girl form tinder was at my place and she is a 6,5. She has tinder like 3 weeks and has hundreds of matches and hundreds of messages and she tells me she cant deal with that. Its just too much. Imagine if you get 50 messages of girls every day, you would feel like a king. So why did she decided to date me? Because I was EXACTLY her type. She and maybe other girls pick out a few men on tinder they find really good and forget the rest. And if she loses intrest in those few there are hundreds next to come.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (02-03-2019 12:51 AM)Irish Wrote:  

Every guy I've ever met who professed was "killing it" on tinder turned out was banging utter slop.

Zero exceptions.

I'm sure it's the same guys that are banging "Seeking Arrangement" girls for free too, because the girls can't find enough good cock or cool guys.[Image: banana.gif]

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (03-10-2019 11:19 PM)brianmark Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2019 12:51 AM)Irish Wrote:  

Every guy I've ever met who professed was "killing it" on tinder turned out was banging utter slop.

Zero exceptions.

I'm sure it's the same guys that are banging "Seeking Arrangement" girls for free too, because the girls can't find enough good cock or cool guys.[Image: banana.gif]

Ah yes, that old classic. Because handing over a Chanel handbag rather than actual physical cash doesn't count. And banging brass then doing a runner without paying is tight game... [Image: rolleyes.gif]


Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (01-22-2019 08:33 AM)real98 Wrote:  

I live in a city with over 1 million people.

This city is known for having good looking women.

There is 3 major colleges in the city.

If I named the city, all of you would instantly know its a great city for women.

I've been on tinder for just under a week now.

I've probably spent on average 4 hours a day swiping in this week.

I've only swiped right on around 200 girls.

I sometimes swipe for literally 20+ min before seeing a single girl I would be willing to fuck.

Mostly i see nasty bitches with tatoos, nose rings and unnatural hair color.

I first started by targetting girls 18-21 and I found just over 120 girls that I'd be willing to fuck before I ran out of girls and got the "there are no new people near you" message.

I'm now targeting chicks 22 to 27 and its even worst, I've been swiping and swiping and I still have not even found 100 girls i would be willing to fuck; I get grossed out having to look at all these nasty chicks for 20 min before finding one 7+.

My point is that hot girls dont seem to be on tinder these days so all these stories of guys having life on easy mode thanks to tinder is guys fucking mediocre to nasty chicks.

I've been reading field reports and its always just these girls with tatoos or milfs (never understood the appeal of fucking some old bitch) and mediocre college girls.

I wonder if any guy out there is even fucking one 7+ girl a month on tinder.

Please point me in the right direction if anyone out there is actually fucking 7s and above on tinder consistently, I'd love to know how he is doing it because in my area probably only 1-3% of girls on tinder are legit 7s or above.

the top 20% of men are fucking the top 80% of women. If this is not your experience on Tinder, then you are in the 80% of men who are sharing the bottom 20% of women. Tinder and OkCupid have brought out studies on this.


Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Quote: (03-13-2019 04:39 PM)Cheatingcad Wrote:  

the top 20% of men are fucking the top 80% of women. If this is not your experience on Tinder, then you are in the 80% of men who are sharing the bottom 20% of women. Tinder and OkCupid have brought out studies on this.


Good article, worth a read.

[Image: uc03HNk.gif]

"How does one get off this thing?." ~ Marcus Brody

Fitness Thread: thread-69404.html

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

Tinder here in Luxembourg is a fucking waste.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

My personal experience with dating apps like Tinder has been dramatically varying depending on factors like time and location.

For a background info, I consider myself an average looking Asian with decent style maybe. Combining other factors, I don't have enough to pull hot chicks in 7-9 consistently yet.

Nevertheless when I was in back my home country, I was getting matched with foreign girls of model caliber. It wasn't very often but I was consistently getting matched with hot chicks of 8-10 (nearly exclusively). Out of those matches, of course, I did score a couple of those foreign models, but none of them weren't easy as it took me a couple months just to arrange a meet up. Not worth my time.

I currently live in a major city in America, and my experience is similar to OP's and I simply don't have the motivation to go thorough thousands of overweight ladies. I don't have the home turf advantage either, so matches with girls of my baseline attractiveness is also rare.

I just think there're so many factors that make up your experience and most of the cases, it's not the best way to find a hook up.

Quote: (01-22-2019 09:16 AM)TutorGuina Wrote:  

Ever noticed hot girls profiles all link to their IG?
Women use Instagram and Tinder for the same purposes, but Tinder is mostly for the girls who couldn't cut it in the former platform

The great majority of sheiks, sugar daddies and alpha celebrities are not on dating apps, they order their bitches through instagram instead
Case in point, world class footballer Neymar brings dozens of Instagram thots for his New Year party
[Image: neymar-rodeado-1.jpg]

Tinder is the lower league where mediocre girls who can't leverage their low value ass hang out for the chance of getting a common chad without fame pedigree, or for whales to try to fuck a normal healthy man

Hot girls go to IG to date up and hang out in real life to get a LTR of their level, tinder is mostly a passive stream of IG followers to them. Uggos are the one who need the dating apps, but they won't fuck guys the same level as them either

I can't agree more on this. Trying to find a girl on dating apps isn't the best use of my time at the moment and I just use a few dating apps as my passive stream of IG followers. I only have a handful of IG posts and have a very dull lifestyle at the moment, but I still get 5-10 follower requests per week from all over the world. I think this followerships will become handy pipelines when I decide to travel later.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls?

You guys need to stop worrying so much about the market and focus on what you can change: Yourself.

Yes, tinder is mostly about looks, if you are unattractive (not the same as ugly) you are not going to have success, doesn't matter how tight your game is.

To fuck 7+ girls on tinder consistently I would say in order of importance you need:

- An attractive profile.
- Good location (Big cities are best)
- Solid text game (It doesn't take much to be "solid" since most guys suck ass at this, just avoid the "Hi" "how are you" interview talk)
- Good logistics (Living by yourself in a nice apartment close to your date venue works best for same night lay close)

If you have all this tinder is just like fishing in a barrel. Truth is online dating is the most efficient way to get women (time invested wise). Of course if you want to get a 9 or a 10 then it's going to be hard to find them online, because they are hard to find ANYWHERE. Yes of course real life gaming has advantages but there is no downside to supplementing your game with online dating since it's mostly passive and requires no work.

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