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How to Stay Young

How to Stay Young

I throw my support behind SUNSCREEN as possibly the best thing you can do

Sun ages skin.

This is best illustrated by the fact (imo) that the darker a person, the better they age. It is due to their natural protection from the sun from excess melanin.

Compare an average 75 year old white woman/man with the black counterpart it's amazing...they may look 20 years older.

I really don't see the need to use any kind of sun protection unless you are out in the sun during peak hours every day. Most people are Vitamin D deficient as it is.

This a common belief and it seems intuitive. But it's not correct. If its daylight, uv rays are hitting you. I use an SPF daily including winter. You can always take Vit D supplements if a concern.

Follow that and you will be thankful over the years.

BO TOX Is another weapon I havent tried it but will soon. While $$$, it is both a treatment and preventative. If you do it, you will look comparatively better than similar aged persons as time goes on.

Good thread

How to Stay Young

Add: if you are dark skinned still wear an SPF even better

How to Stay Young

No thanks, sunscreens actually cause cancer but a lot of people here seem convinced that it helps slow the aging process.

How to Stay Young

What about thinning hair? What can you do that isn't ROgaine or something that costs a fortune every month to maintain? I never really cared about my hair that much before, but now that its thinning out I suddenly do. Strange.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-08-2011 10:51 PM)kbell Wrote:  

What about thinning hair? What can you do that isn't ROgaine or something that costs a fortune every month to maintain? I never really cared about my hair that much before, but now that its thinning out I suddenly do. Strange.

I've had great luck with Hair Signals and emu oil.

This is a good site with lots of great beauty/looking younger tips:

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-08-2011 07:19 PM)velkrum Wrote:  

No thanks, sunscreens actually cause cancer but a lot of people here seem convinced that it helps slow the aging process.

Sunscreens undeniably fight photoaging. That's not even controversial.

Whether they "cause causer" is, on the other hand, highly debatable.

These days, EVERYTHING causes cancer. Some guy is talking shit on grilling meat? LMFAO!

Yes, I've read the articles and know the the theory. I also know - having been around the anti-aging movement for over a decade - that the people who take this shit TOO seriously tend to look like this guy:

No thanks.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-08-2011 10:51 PM)kbell Wrote:  

What about thinning hair? What can you do that isn't ROgaine or something that costs a fortune every month to maintain? I never really cared about my hair that much before, but now that its thinning out I suddenly do. Strange.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Carrots are AMAZING for thick and strong hair growth. Avoid animal products. No meat or dairy. Only plants.

Check out my books available at

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How to Stay Young

Sunscreen would make a big difference. I now fear the sun... I don't use sunscreen as much as I could, but if I'm going hiking or walking, I'll wear a long-sleeved shirt and a hat. The girl I'm with now is about my age and honestly could pass for much younger, but used to work as a lifeguard in Key West... she looks amazing with her clothes off but has a permanent tan line that you can feel as her long-term sun-exposed skin is noticeably damaged; arms feel 40+, belly feels 30.

Fear the sun. It wants to hurt you.

How to Stay Young

Being a vegan would not help my hair.

How to Stay Young

being a vegan won't help much of anything. and the sun is not bad. I'm not gonna try and change anyone's minds about sunscreen.

but, when the UV rays of the sun hits your skin it takes 2 full days 48hrs for the UV radiation to convert into D3 which fights cancer.
taking showers eliminates the sebum containing the UV radiation which is essential for D3 conversion which in turn prevents cancers and promotes healthy skin.

Sunscreen prevents the UV radiation from absorbing into the skin to convert into D which is an extremely important yet underrated hormone.

the reason so many people are sun damaged is due to daily showers, sunscreen and not exposing their full bodies to a limited amount of sunshine 2 or 3 days out of the week.

How to Stay Young

Question about hgh that some people mentioned. What is a good hgh supplement and are there any negative side effects and if so what do you take to counter them?

Also, what does it really do, other than help with your workouts?

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-08-2011 11:33 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2011 07:19 PM)velkrum Wrote:  

No thanks, sunscreens actually cause cancer but a lot of people here seem convinced that it helps slow the aging process.

Sunscreens undeniably fight photoaging. That's not even controversial.

Whether they "cause causer" is, on the other hand, highly debatable.

These days, EVERYTHING causes cancer. Some guy is talking shit on grilling meat? LMFAO!

Yes, I've read the articles and know the the theory. I also know - having been around the anti-aging movement for over a decade - that the people who take this shit TOO seriously tend to look like this guy:

No thanks.

Great points MikeCF.

People who trash the medical community to promote everything "organic" or "natural" usually have a shit load of skeletons in their closet if you knew their lifestyle. They haven't traveled to not one packaging plant,, neither have they invested heavily into understanding the "market" for what is "natural" and "organic". Imagine someone telling you , eat organic fruits and vegetables, or don't eat non-processed meat, or... drink milk that is not pasteurized, eliminate any juices from concentrate, ( I could go and on) but ,they don't grow their own fruits and vegetable, don't have a dairy farm., or a meat packing plant?

These people have not even done any testing on their immediate environment much less make a claim for a farm/plant 3000 miles away. Just ask them how many things they have tested in their own little shit-hole where they live. They don't have the instruments, nor the knowledge, so you see, they read something, run with it, and assume that they have discovered the holy grail to "longevity" .They too have to rely on an industry that marks up the damn product over 3000 %! Go to Costa Rica, or Mexico, for examples, and ask any farm /land owner, how was the soil prepared prior to labeling his fruits and vegetables "organic" ,.He would look at you, laugh, and say , thats the government's decision. Government workers in these countries always are paid off and some don't even test the soil for pesticides prior to giving you a permit. So what is really "natural" and "organic"? Unless you grow your own shit, breed your own farm animals, and make your own products in general, we are all victims of a booming fear-mongering machine. I guess we have a ton of chemists on this forum who actively parade out to the plants on the nation's behalf.

How much of it is really natural or organic when it has to be packaged and sold to you ? How many days was it on the shelf? How much potency has been lost by the time you eat/drink it? Someone touting any knowledge of these thins must have the inside track with the plant, the manufacturer/packaging source, distributors, and the F.D.A. , , an agency with barely enough people to properly figure out how to wipe their own ass sometimes. Just go to whole foods, and I bet you would never call it "Whole foods " again. You would replace that name with "Whole Check". Of course they want you to live forever, and you know "help" the less fortunate by advising them to eat right and thereby eliminating host of diseases. No shareholder ever says to the CEO of Whole Foods, "don't you think your fucking price is a little too high for a family of four that makes 1200 dollars a month"? You just have to do the best you can. Life doesn't have to be fair because a person says it should be.

How to Stay Young

it all comes down to choices and personal experience.

Anyone can ask..."well how do you know this" or "how do you know that"...but if your going to live in society you have to accept that some things you can prove and some things you will have to trust. thats life.

I'm also in the medical community and I'm wondering what you mean by "shit load of skeletons in the closet ?"

In my experience I have eaten both organic and conventional foods. and I have not noticed any differences in taste or the way I feel but that doesn't mean things aren't happening internally. You won't feel any of the effects of taking fish oil or taking vitamins but that doesn't mean it isn't helping you.

I have never had any problems with organic. I have been feeling and performing phenominelly in the gym, at school etc.

so what the fuck is your problem ? and what do you have against organics ?

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-09-2011 02:50 PM)velkrum Wrote:  

it all comes down to choices and personal experience.

Anyone can ask..."well how do you know this" or "how do you know that"...but if your going to live in society you have to accept that some things you can prove and some things you will have to trust. thats life.

I'm also in the medical community and I'm wondering what you mean by "shit load of skeletons in the closet ?"

In my experience I have eaten both organic and conventional foods. and I have not noticed any differences in taste or the way I feel but that doesn't mean things aren't happening internally. You won't feel any of the effects of taking fish oil or taking vitamins but that doesn't mean it isn't helping you.

I have never had any problems with organic. I have been feeling and performing phenominelly in the gym, at school etc.

so what the fuck is your problem ? and what do you have against organics ?

hahahah, easy there. I don't have a problem, nor do I have anything against "organics". A hit pig squeals the loudest . I'll move on now.

How to Stay Young

I think its pretty simple to stay young, eat good/healthy, do sports and avoid stress and negative people. Thats pretty much it. If you live a good, balanced life, it shows.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-08-2011 11:33 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

These days, EVERYTHING causes cancer. Some guy is talking shit on grilling meat? LMFAO!

Just because you have a blog, it doesn't mean you can come in here and act like a dickhead. On this site, if you disagree, you can do it respectfully and not refer to other members as "some guy talking shit". For somebody who claims to have spent 10 years studying anti aging, you sure seem like you haven't learn't much. Have you heard of HCAs? That is what is created when meat is cooked at a high temperature. They are carcinogens. Saying that "everything causes cancer" is a weak retort. Everything doesn't cause cancer. Show me studies where vegetables, or nuts or beans have caused cancer.



Nevertheless, numerous epidemiologic studies have used detailed questionnaires to examine participants’ meat consumption and meat cooking methods to estimate HCA and PAH exposures. Researchers found that high consumption of well-done, fried, or barbecued meats was associated with increased risks of colorectal (14), pancreatic (15, 16), and prostate (17, 18) cancer.

As for the LMFAO, one of the cancers caused by eating grilled meat is colorectal cancer. So, you just might get your wish. Idiot.

How to Stay Young

With the ozone layer being in the shape it is, I'm far more vary of getting cancer from over-exposure to UV-rays than from sunblock.

So yeah, everything causes cancer. Pick your poison.

How to Stay Young

an important question, the study mentions meat but is it any kind of meat?

what about Bison and Horse meat ? ( yeh I eat those as a healthier alternative to beef and lamb)
what about poultry?

though I know that grilling food is supposedly unhealthy due to tar n stuff.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-08-2011 11:30 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2011 10:51 PM)kbell Wrote:  

What about thinning hair? What can you do that isn't ROgaine or something that costs a fortune every month to maintain? I never really cared about my hair that much before, but now that its thinning out I suddenly do. Strange.

I've had great luck with Hair Signals and emu oil.

This is a good site with lots of great beauty/looking younger tips:

I'm taking Propecia...but you need to take it at first signs of hair loss..
Once the follicle is dead ,that's it....unless you want a toup!!
A friend of mine wheres one...I don't get it at all...awful idea!

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-10-2011 11:57 AM)metalhaze Wrote:  

an important question, the study mentions meat but is it any kind of meat?

what about Bison and Horse meat ? ( yeh I eat those as a healthier alternative to beef and lamb)
what about poultry?

though I know that grilling food is supposedly unhealthy due to tar n stuff.

Cooking any type of muscle meat at high temperatures will cause the formation of HCAs. Changing the type of meat will not prevent it. But, changing the cooking method will. Slow cooking at a low temperature or steaming are best. But smoking the meat is harmful as smoke contains the same carcinogens.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-10-2011 11:57 AM)metalhaze Wrote:  

an important question, the study mentions meat but is it any kind of meat?

what about Bison and Horse meat ? ( yeh I eat those as a healthier alternative to beef and lamb)
what about poultry?

though I know that grilling food is supposedly unhealthy due to tar n stuff.

Well I'm no expert and don't have studies to back up anything I'm about to say, but there is a certain level of conventional wisdom, and also what I've gathered from personal experience:

It's not good to eat too much "red meat" (beef, lamb, bison), pork isn't great either because from what I understand it's not as high protein, but higher in fat overall. Bison is leaner than the other red meats (less fat), very high protein and has higher levels of omega-3s. Grass fed, natural beef is also the preferable variety and has higher omega 3s.

Red meat is harder on your digestive system to break down, that is why guys like Dick Cheney who eat red meat twice a day every day and don't exercise, get clogged arteries and have heat attacks.

Poultry and seafood (fish) are really the best IMO, with seafood I think it's important to look at the source, for example farm raised tilapia you buy from Safeway will be trash compared to wild caught Alaskan Salmon, or Hawaiian Ono.

Grilling food especially with charcoal (esp. with Kingsford, or other chemically treated charcoal), creates carcinogens that have been proven to aid in the development of certain cancer. Personally, I only think this will be an issue if you're one who charcoal grills meat 4+ times a week, every week.

I eat a lot of meat, because I like the taste and now that I've been working out everyday I want the protein. I still think I eat it too much meat, and it would be healthier to eat more fruits and veggies. But what is ultimately important is to get enough fruits and veggies that your diet is balanced. Eat a salad or a veggie medley with your steak. Have a fruit smoothie with that sandwich.

How to Stay Young

How much youth can someone lose when smoking 1 cigar for 2 hours a day + more cigarttes?
For me it looks like that having a drawer of cigars, in the order of most expensive is way better than applying 1000 techniques to realease stress and selling it to people. Cigars take away the stress and make your image better (+ you get chinise custom made cutters to show off to other smokers)

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-10-2011 09:15 AM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2011 11:33 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

These days, EVERYTHING causes cancer. Some guy is talking shit on grilling meat? LMFAO!

Just because you have a blog, it doesn't mean you can come in here and act like a dickhead. On this site, if you disagree, you can do it respectfully and not refer to other members as "some guy talking shit". For somebody who claims to have spent 10 years studying anti aging, you sure seem like you haven't learn't much. Have you heard of HCAs? That is what is created when meat is cooked at a high temperature. They are carcinogens. Saying that "everything causes cancer" is a weak retort. Everything doesn't cause cancer. Show me studies where vegetables, or nuts or beans have caused cancer.



Nevertheless, numerous epidemiologic studies have used detailed questionnaires to examine participants’ meat consumption and meat cooking methods to estimate HCA and PAH exposures. Researchers found that high consumption of well-done, fried, or barbecued meats was associated with increased risks of colorectal (14), pancreatic (15, 16), and prostate (17, 18) cancer.

As for the LMFAO, one of the cancers caused by eating grilled meat is colorectal cancer. So, you just might get your wish. Idiot.

If you're gonna lecture a guy on tone, you should set the standard. You're like the grammar nazi whose takedowns have typos.

As to substance: The link says "high consumption." If you're eating a lot of grilled or BBQ meet, you're almost certainly fat. If you're fat, well, you've ignored what I already posted.

"Don't be fat" = most everything else will fall into place. IF you're not fat, you're likely not eating high carbs, not grilling out all the time, and not eating too much.

Focus on the overall message rather than looking for a flaw. Guys like to point out flaws to be keyboard warriors rather than to advance the discussion.

As to your comment that I overstated things, Brazil nuts may cause cancer:

Lots of things may or may not cause cancer.

If you follow the overall principle of not getting fat and taking anti-oxidants, then it's simply not worth obsessing over.

And, yes, it's true that guys who obsess over this stuff are almost always the sickliest, unhealthiest guys out there.

Just go to your nearest Vegan or vegetarian restaurant for proof of that.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-10-2011 01:09 PM)Andreas Wrote:  

How much youth can someone lose when smoking 1 cigar for 2 hours a day + more cigarttes?
For me it looks like that having a drawer of cigars, in the order of most expensive is way better than applying 1000 techniques to realease stress and selling it to people. Cigars take away the stress and make your image better (+ you get chinise custom made cutters to show off to other smokers)

The DNA damage is immediate. Here's what too much smoking does:

Like a lot of things, you gotta balance risks v. rewards.

I grill out once or twice a week. Lots of people claim that's a cancer risk. I also eat a shit load of greens, do regular fasts, take anti-oxidants, etc. I'm OK with the "risk."

Life is too short to obsess over every trivial risk factor. Risk factors are something you just throw into the mix.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-08-2011 07:19 PM)velkrum Wrote:  

No thanks, sunscreens actually cause cancer but a lot of people here seem convinced that it helps slow the aging process.

any VALID evidence for this?

There is no debate however the sun causes skin cancers, forget about aging you.

Grilling meats is known to produce carcinogens.

Once you lose hair follicle, rug isn't the only option. Hair Transplantation is, although $$$. Hair from the ring of a man's head (never/rarely die) are moved to the bald areas.

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