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How to Stay Young

How to Stay Young

All of us probably know someone who's in their late 30s, 40s, and even 50s, but still look fit as a young bull in his or her 20s. Now, part of this has to do with genetics, but part of it also has to do with the environment and your lifestyle. I want to take healthy steps now so that I have a shot to stay young and fit when I (if I'm still alive that is) reach that age range. I know that looks don't matter as much to men when it comes to gaming women; I just want to stay young-looking for my own personal benefit and vanity (plus it'll give me confidence). I've seen way too many people in their 20s and 30s who look absolutely terrible, and I don't want to end up like them. They're prematurely aging, balding, fat, graying, have wrinkles, have lower overall energy, have beer guts, etc.

I've decided to analyze my life and be realistic and honest when it comes to what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.

Things I do right:
I don't smoke.
I don't drink.
I don't do drugs.
I'm not overweight.
I have normal BMI.
I don't tan.
I don't eat out often.

Things I have to fix:
I don't have a normal sleep routine (2 hours one night to 12 hours another night)
I don't exercise as much as I probably should (I only have one hour a week to go to the gym)
I don't eat enough fruits and vegetables; I consume processed foods probably more than I should.
I'm overstressed.
I need to unplug the computer.

...Uh, those are all of the topics I can think of.

Did I miss anything? For the older guys who are still in shape and look younger than they appear, what were some of the things that you avoided. What were some of the things that you did right? What were some beneficial habits that you picked up?


How to Stay Young

I smoke heavily.
I drink somewhat heavily.
I (did) drugs somewhat heavily.
I don't tan.
I eat out often.

And I look super youthful.

Drink Green Tea.

Work out heavy.

Avoid Stress.

Swoop young fly girls.

That is all you need.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-07-2011 03:20 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I smoke heavily.
I drink somewhat heavily.
I (did) drugs somewhat heavily.
I don't tan.
I eat out often.

And I look super youthful.

Drink Green Tea.

Work out heavy.

Avoid Stress.

Swoop young fly girls.

That is all you need.

Would you say your genetics also play a part? I know a lizard at work who did the same as you and looks every bit her age.

In my experience, certain races seem to hold their looks well with age, si?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

How to Stay Young

Sunscreen - sun damage causes wrinkles.
Moisturize - Use Vit. C and B serums to keep skin moist. This prevents deep lines from forming.
Take the anti-aging stack.
Fast several hours each day, with an occasional 36 hour fast.
Lift heavy things
Eat lots of protein
Avoid carbs - glycation causes aging.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-07-2011 04:02 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Sunscreen - sun damage causes wrinkles.
Moisturize - Use Vit. C and B serums to keep skin moist. This prevents deep lines from forming.
Take the anti-aging stack.
Fast several hours each day, with an occasional 36 hour fast.
Lift heavy things
Eat lots of protein
Avoid carbs - glycation causes aging.

What's the anti-aging stack?

As for glycation, fructose causes 10x as much glycation as glucose (eg starches like rice and potatoes). Link. Table sugar is 50% fructose, High Fructose Corn Syrup is 55%, and both are bad. So minimize your sugar intake, and don't eat too much fruit.

There was also an interesting study of identical twins and the differences in appearance caused by differences in lifestyle. The main culprits were smoking, sun exposure, and stress. Link Interestingly, being overweight before the age of 40 makes one look older, but younger after 40. So you'd probably want to keep your body fat levels from getting too low.

How to Stay Young

"Sunscreen - sun damage causes wrinkles."

Oh yeah, I always put on sunscreen.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-07-2011 04:28 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

What's the anti-aging stack?

How to Stay Young

Get a divorce.

You should see pics of my friend at his 30th b-day. Looks 40. Now he looks ten years younger.

Women cause your testosterone to drop (male aging) and you to get fat (stresses your body, causing oxidative stress, while also impairing insulin function ).

If you keep your testosterone in a normal range and avoid the sun, you'll look 5 years younger.

As you approach 35, look into hgh and testosterone.

If you're over 40 and NOT on exogenous test and growth, then...sorry for ya, because you're living a life of suboptimization based on fear and ignorance.

How to Stay Young

Mike you write crime and federalism? I read that blog often.

How to Stay Young

  1. Organic Foods
  2. Omega 3's
  3. Protein
  4. Exercise
  5. Good Sleep
  6. 20 - 30 mins of Sunlight 2 - 3 days a week (Full Body NO sunscreen)
  7. Laid back personality
  8. Good friends
  9. Keeping company with good women
  10. Learn something new everyday
  11. Talk to someone new everyday
  12. Have a good to excellent economic situation

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-07-2011 04:51 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Mike you write crime and federalism? I read that blog often.

Wow. Is that true? That explains a lot.


How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-07-2011 04:51 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Mike you write crime and federalism? I read that blog often.

Yep, thanks for reading. There's a new game blog, too. Keeping it under a pseudonymn. PM me if you want URL (and promise to not use my real name in connection with it).

How to Stay Young

The most important ingredient besides skin care and overall health is adequate sleep.

How to Stay Young

Two Golden rules:

1. Go to bed as early as possible (when possible) - more good hormone production.

2. Eat your last meal as early as possible and dont eat or drink anything after. (when possible).

How to Stay Young

Im not sure about the US, but here where I live skin,graying, balding, etc. really isn't the main reason why most people look worse as they age.

the main reason is that they gain weight.

is this so much different over there? or maybe just my own perception?

most people where I live would still look good at 50 if they had stayed in shape. Not saying its easy to be in great shape until 50, of course.

I really dont see too many people here in Germany who look bad at 40+ or 50, because of reasons other than "gained weight".

I do know 2 people who look "old" at 29 and 32 bc of their I definitely know what you guys mean.....but this seems to be an exception.

How to Stay Young

"I've seen way too many people in their 20s and 30s who look absolutely terrible, and I don't want to end up like them. They're prematurely aging, balding, fat, graying, have wrinkles, have lower overall energy, have beer guts, etc."

Any chance that Germany (or other european countries) have less of a problem with this than the US?
(I mean in terms of skin, wrinkles,etc.)

I really dont see many people looking worse bc of wrinkles,skin,etc. where I live.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-07-2011 03:16 PM)blurb Wrote:  

I don't exercise as much as I probably should (I only have one hour a week to go to the gym)

I have no time to go to the gym too, so every morning I do a 5-10 minute exercise routine consisting of pushups, sit ups, butt raises, kettle bell swings, and air squats. I do 40 in a row of each or until my muscles are blasted, and try to add one more per day. Sometimes if I didn't get enough sleep or I need rest a body part, I might skip the exercise related to that or reduce the reps. I'm going to add pull ups soon. I can feel the difference in my muscles and before hand doing 40 pushups was impossible for me.

It's a quick effective workout that can be done anywhere. (Minus the kettlebell swings)

I also track my progress with an Omron Full Body Fat Sensor. It's fairly accurate, within ~%1 of a DXA scan (weak xrays) that I had the day before it. I measure every morning when I wake up after I go the washroom, so I get a consistent measurement.

Also for a quick breakfast, I eat organic canned beans & scrambled eggs. I heat the beans in the microwave for one minute (they're not overheated that way) and scramble the eggs in 4 minutes and sprinkle pepper on top when I'm done. Takes about 10 minutes in total, and is really good for you. You avoid mostly starch and sugar breakfast most people have during work days that way.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-07-2011 03:33 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2011 03:20 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I smoke heavily.
I drink somewhat heavily.
I (did) drugs somewhat heavily.
I don't tan.
I eat out often.

And I look super youthful.

Drink Green Tea.

Work out heavy.

Avoid Stress.

Swoop young fly girls.

That is all you need.

Would you say your genetics also play a part? I know a lizard at work who did the same as you and looks every bit her age.

In my experience, certain races seem to hold their looks well with age, si?

Just to add a few shekels to Gmanifesto's, and Moma's distinctions . The consensus is that there are two distinct realities about aging. Pre-mature aging comes from any and all external or environmental causes that may mutate a cell and speed up the natural process of aging. However, as you can see in G's case, the overriding factor is in fact your genetic makeup. You could drink a barrel of gas a day damn near, and if your genes are not activated to mutate(thereby speeding up the process by changing it's dna), you would not age as fast as a person who eats like the monks in the hills of Sardinia. (Thank your genetic tree G).
THere are things that have already been mentioned here by most or all posters that in fact help in staving off the aging process, and thought do they do help, it is a stretch to say things like :weight loss prevents aging. Ever seen a fat nasty looking sow with the cutest non-wrinkled face? As a matter of fact,(or fat), people with certain body types, tend to have more collagen than those that are ectomorphs so scratch that. In terms of balding(male pattern baldness) this is entirely genetic as you have probably seen a 23 year old hunk with thinning hair follicles. You would have to know what activated his adrenal gland to start secreting DHT.
In terms of race, again, I would submit to you this: If your argument is that people of Afro- Asiatic descent do not necessarily age as fast as Caucasians, it may be due to things like more melanin, and oils in the integument that would stave off the "look" of premature aging. Conversely , look at someone from Afghanistan, or Haiti, and you will see that they are aging much faster than the average Caucasian-American person who eats well and stays out of the sun. Oxidative Stress is the #1 reason for pre-mature aging since as you release more free radicals continually, the body is not able to expel them as fast. Each free radical carries its own properties for destroying a healthy cell and thats why someone with a good genetic pool may not be as affected by the toxins he/she ingest daily as opposed to someone with cells that are receptive to an oxidative reaction.

Now, in terms of fucking, it is obvious that it doesn't matter how much pussy one could /should get, but the science of human interaction does produce positive hormonal effects that aid in positive reinforcement of the enjoyment of life itself. (see oxytocin and dhea and the effects after being released when you touch a whore, hug a whore, flood a whore) ,. Hence the science of more sex=less stress= longer, healthier life. Man was not created/designed, nor has he evolved(pick your poison in terms of belief) to roam the earth by himself .

How to Stay Young

While I do stay fit and eat right I'd say that a doing things that keep you happy and carefree is what will keep you young the most. Stress and unhappiness will age you faster than anything else.

How to Stay Young

I am in my late 50s, and in my family we have great genes. My father, who smoked two packs of cigarettes a day up until age 60 and was at one point obese, lived until he was 92.

That being said, the thing I regret most is not engaging in vigorous physical exercise when I was in my 40s. I am doing it now -- have done two rounds of P90X, and on my second round of Insanity. I predict it will take me 3 years to get to where I want to be. But it is very hard.

So for all you guys under 30 -- eat clean. But above all work out, hard. 5-6 times a week. Every week. Every year. Don't stop. Don't be like me where you have waited and waited, and have to make it up. You can do it...but it's hell.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-07-2011 04:55 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2011 04:51 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Mike you write crime and federalism? I read that blog often.

Yep, thanks for reading. There's a new game blog, too. Keeping it under a pseudonymn. PM me if you want URL (and promise to not use my real name in connection with it).

Mike I enjoy popping in from time to time too. Actually prefer the non game related stuff, but overall one of the few blogs I will make some time for.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-07-2011 04:02 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Sunscreen - sun damage causes wrinkles.Moisturize - Use Vit. C and B serums to keep skin moist. This prevents deep lines from forming.
Take the anti-aging stack.
Fast several hours each day, with an occasional 36 hour fast.
Lift heavy things
Eat lots of protein
Avoid carbs - glycation causes aging.Hgh

Many sunscreens actually contain chemicals which promote oxidation and the creation of free radicals. They are more harmful than going without sunscreen. If you want to use something, use a sunblock which is inert, and all it does is just reflects the sun. Find one that contains Zinc Oxide or similar. But, there are controversies about micronized zinc oxide being harmful as well. If you are living above the equator, in N America or W Europe, I really don't see the need to use any kind of sun protection unless you are out in the sun during peak hours every day. Most people are Vitamin D deficient as it is.

Second it's not only "carbs" that are connected with glycation. Meat also contains Advanced Glycation Endproducts(AGEs). When you cook a steak on the barbeque or brown the meat, guess what, that crust is AGEs, which promote aging and a host of other age related diseases.

How to Stay Young

Quote: (10-08-2011 11:05 AM)ManAbout Wrote:  

I really don't see the need to use any kind of sun protection unless you are out in the sun during peak hours every day. Most people are Vitamin D deficient as it is.

Bingo ! showering also eliminates D3 and causes cancer.

How to Stay Young

Strictly speaking, you slow down aging through caloric restriction ( Since no one wants to look like they visited Auschwitz for vacation, its hardly worth even talking about.

As for the genetics thing, I know a guy who is 50 an he has an identical twin. He eats healthy and exercises. His twin smokes and drinks. He looks a lot better. I would take that to mean if you avoid smoking and drinking you'll look even better.

How to Stay Young

I think most of you guys already touched on the most important points, this is something that I've also started to become very concious about, and I'll recap what I think are the most crucial:

Healthy diet: (balanced, natural, organic, no junk food, processed food, fruits, vegies)

Sleep: (For me sleep is huge, I need at least 7 hours min, but like 10, not getting enough sleep will wear you down, stress you out... aging)

Exercise: (cardio and weights, you want to work your lungs/heart/muscles)

Personal care products: (Like with your diet, I feel it's better to use natural organic, soaps, shampoos, moisturizers are key to younger skin for guys who are late 20's +)

Stress free lifestyle

Limiting exposure to extreme sun/ wearing sun screen

Not smoking ciggerettes, drinking alcohol excessively, or using hard drugs

Advanced tips:

Get omega-3's (salmon, halibut)

Antioxidants (goji berry, acai berry, green tea)

Drink spring/mineral/filtered water, tap water is no good.

Strive to find spiritual, psychological, emotional balance and well-being

Live in an area with clean air and low pollution

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