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Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-27-2018 09:59 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

He would totally benefit from taking classes at summer school, heck some Econ classes would help him figure out how to invest all his money

He's actually done really well on this front, he just pays people (probably Jews) to manage his money.

He's smart enough to know he's a moron when it comes to money so he lets other people do it, unfortunately he's not smart enough to know he's a moron in general, especially when it comes to political issues.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-24-2018 02:28 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

Recently he also said on his show in high school he wanted nothing to do with white people

playing for one though

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-25-2018 11:44 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2018 11:40 PM)moneyshot Wrote:  

Anyone have an alternate link for that Whitlock vid? it's been taken down

Best video on the controversy I think

I'm just sitting here at my desk making my paltry salary (compared to professional athletes' salaries) and thinking, what in the fuck?

I normally take logical positions and discuss the ins and outs, trying to see both sides, but in this case, I'm going to summon my inner rural back-country hick attitude...

What in the holy fuck are they talking about pro sports being slavery?

If they were talking about welfare being slavery, I'm open to the discussion. But pro sports? Isn't the NFL minimum close to half a million? There's thousands of guys just outside that NFL door waiting to take the place of anyone opting out of that money.

This is proof that 24 hour news channels are a bad idea. Again, summoning my inner simpleton mindset, shut the fuck up about slavery this or slavery that.

America needs to get off the couch and go outside. Chop some wood. Rebuild a car. Start a landscaping company. Re-finish a house. Learn how to box or do a martial art. Anything but entertain and foster this horse-shit constant news cycle.

Hell, go watch The Civil War documentary by Ken Burns to gain a little perspective on life as we know it today. The horrors of thousands of men dead and fatally wounded on the battlefield, groaning for hours throughout the following nights.

Go read about the Doolittle Raid where a bunch of guys flew off to Japan and China with no plans about how they would ever get back to the aircraft carriers.

This stuff really pisses me off. Get some fucking perspective. We live in the greatest place on earth in the greatest time to be alive. Get over yourselves.

I've always liked Whitlock and still do, but I judge a person for saying "this is horse-shit" and moving on (even if it means they sit there for another 50 minutes staring at each other).

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:08 AM)Rakers Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2018 02:28 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

Recently he also said on his show in high school he wanted nothing to do with white people

playing for one though

Still think the best part of that quote is just how wrong all of it is. Ignoring that that's exactly how employment works...

The NFL has more diverse ownership than the NBA anyway when "old white men" is your measure of diversity...

Unless you want to say that Arison being Israeli somehow exempts him from being white, you've still only got Ranadive, Jordan, Jeanie Buss (who owns it with her two old white men brothers), Ann Kroenke and Gail Miller who aren't old white men (Didn't count Benson or the estate of Paul Allen as they're in both leagues).

Meanwhile the NFL has Khan, Kim Pegula, Virginia McCaskey, Martha Ford, the Packers, Janice McNair, Carol Davis and Amy Strunk that don't fall under old white men.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:01 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2018 09:59 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

He would totally benefit from taking classes at summer school, heck some Econ classes would help him figure out how to invest all his money

He's actually done really well on this front, he just pays people (probably Jews) to manage his money.

He's smart enough to know he's a moron when it comes to money so he lets other people do it, unfortunately he's not smart enough to know he's a moron in general, especially when it comes to political issues.

Even then, if you have a very poor understanding of finances the financial advisors could make mistakes with your money. It's good to have people help you manage things but having a better understanding in general or knowing how to teach yourself things from critical thinking skills, can avoid many issues.

He may never get broke but how much faster or more billions could he have made by now if he was better in that department? Jordan made his money by being very brand smart, and he is educated as well as hyper competitive. Magic Johnson is another. Magic has always been a big proponent for black men, especially athletes to get an education. It cannot hurt you.

Heck I'm not aware of Kobe getting a degree in anything but that dude reads a ton of books and is very intelligent. The older he gets the more impressive he gets.

I am not aware of anyone that has been advocating for the NBA to stop high school drafting for physical reasons, like NFL. Most bring up factors surrounding maturity and development. Something to think about.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

agreed with heavy. I am going to need a lot of self-restraint to not punch in the fucking face the next black person (or even white person) I see in real life implying there is any kind of "enslavement" of blacks by whites still going on in America, especially with multi-millionaire professional entertainers. And even more especially if said person is getting their BS talking points from retards like Lebron, who needs to shut his fucking mouth on any subject that isn't "playing the sport of basketball", because that is all he knows.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

White Americans are the main fan base and ticket holders for NFL and NBA, both African-American majority sports. If White Americans completely boycotted the NFL and NBA, athletes like LeBron James wouldn't have the influence, power and money to say such comments.

Can White Americans realistically boycott the NFL and NBA? 0% chance, they love that shit.

Watch any NFL/NBA game and the crowd is at least 75% White Americans.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-27-2018 11:45 AM)Day Game Bang Wrote:  

White Americans are the main fan base and ticket holders for NFL and NBA, both African-American majority sports. If White Americans completely boycotted the NFL and NBA, athletes like LeBron James wouldn't have the influence, power and money to say such comments.

Can White Americans realistically boycott the NFL and NBA? 0% chance, they love that shit.

Watch any NFL/NBA game and the crowd is at least 75% White Americans.

It is not so much that they love the sports, you still have a large enough contingency of whites that hate themselves for whatever real or imagined crimes their ancestors committed that they are unwilling or unable to see the hypocrisy of modern day racist blacks.

Let's be real here, there is still too much liberal driven self-hate going on for anything to get better. A lot of people mean well and have good hearts in general, but in order to become more realistic about the situations, some self forgiveness is in order.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Athletes are meatheads.

The days are long gone when you had an athlete as articulate and measured as a Dr. J or a Bill Bradley.

Charles Barkley called it in 93.

I've also heard him say that basketball players are entertainers. Not sportsmen. Entertainers.

So an entertainer quotes a song he likes and everyone flips out over it?

No one should care.

Slow news day, period.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-25-2018 11:44 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2018 11:40 PM)moneyshot Wrote:  

Anyone have an alternate link for that Whitlock vid? it's been taken down

Best video on the controversy I think

Jesus, is this what ESPN has become now?

Let me tell you guys what I remember about ESPN. During my junior year in high school I took a sports marketing class. It was an easy elective, that's why I took it.
Every Friday the teacher let the students watch ESPN Top 10 plays of the week. 30 kids, black, white and hispanic, all packed into a classroom and we'de all watch it together.

We would all laugh our asses off at the guy who got balls shoved in his face as he got dunked over. We would all start stomping our legs on the ground and hoot and howl as the running back stiff armed a defender straight into the ground as he ran into the endzone. We would joke with each other that this team was garbage while the other team was the greatest of all time. Friendly smack talking. And of course the chicks ate all of this up, giggling in the corner at the latest friendly put down or comeback that one of the smack talkers laid down.

That's what ESPN was to me, back in the day. A channel that brought together whites, blacks and hispanics, all in the name of sports.

Now, it's turned into a race baiting CNN light that not doubt would have divided that same entire classroom of 30 American kids, black, white and hispanic.

Garbage. Absolute garbage.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

ESPN magazine used to have some of the best writing in a popular magazine too.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-27-2018 01:43 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2018 11:45 AM)Day Game Bang Wrote:  

White Americans are the main fan base and ticket holders for NFL and NBA, both African-American majority sports. If White Americans completely boycotted the NFL and NBA, athletes like LeBron James wouldn't have the influence, power and money to say such comments.

Can White Americans realistically boycott the NFL and NBA? 0% chance, they love that shit.

Watch any NFL/NBA game and the crowd is at least 75% White Americans.

It is not so much that they love the sports, you still have a large enough contingency of whites that hate themselves for whatever real or imagined crimes their ancestors committed that they are unwilling or unable to see the hypocrisy of modern day racist blacks.

Let's be real here, there is still too much liberal driven self-hate going on for anything to get better. A lot of people mean well and have good hearts in general, but in order to become more realistic about the situations, some self forgiveness is in order.

Love for college football and the NFL is universal -- whether liberal or conservative among whites. NBA to a much lesser extent.

Yes, I agree there is a lot of self-hate going on.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Hey everyone if you got a minute come take a listen and let Lebron tell us how great he is

Quote: (12-31-2018 05:58 PM)JayMillz Wrote:  

The self proclaimed GOAT

As far as a basketball player LBJ is phenomenal and anyone who says otherwise is a fool. However I think he is a soft mamas boy who wouldn't last a season or two back in the 80s and 90s era of mens NBA basketball. Also I'm not really into his SJW antics and message.

Did someone say GOAT?
[Image: 677092_1.jpg]

Lebron be like: "I came back & won a Game 7, that makes me the greatest."

Jordan be like: "What the fuck is a Game 7?"

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Lotta Lebron hate. What's more is how hilarious it is to imply that him getting a college degree would some how be worthwhile or enlightening. He's says dumb shit sometimes and guess what my friends? We all do. He's fine in my book and he is truly the GOAT in this shit we call basketball.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:01 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2018 09:59 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

He would totally benefit from taking classes at summer school, heck some Econ classes would help him figure out how to invest all his money

He's actually done really well on this front, he just pays people (probably Jews) to manage his money.

He's smart enough to know he's a moron when it comes to money so he lets other people do it, unfortunately he's not smart enough to know he's a moron in general, especially when it comes to political issues.

Lol. That's how you keep your house goys in check.

Open your goy mouth about your Jewish masters and you're gonna wake up one day to find Shlomo invested all your shit in a shell operation that just got repoed by an Israeli Corp.

Back to zero bitch. Let that be a lesson to the rest of the house goys.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

^^^ You sound bitter.


Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-31-2018 09:14 PM)Gravy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:01 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2018 09:59 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

He would totally benefit from taking classes at summer school, heck some Econ classes would help him figure out how to invest all his money

He's actually done really well on this front, he just pays people (probably Jews) to manage his money.

He's smart enough to know he's a moron when it comes to money so he lets other people do it, unfortunately he's not smart enough to know he's a moron in general, especially when it comes to political issues.

Lol. That's how you keep your house goys in check.

Open your goy mouth about your Jewish masters and you're gonna wake up one day to find Shlomo invested all your shit in a shell operation that just got repoed by an Israeli Corp.

Back to zero bitch. Let that be a lesson to the rest of the house goys.

I can acknowledge the holocaust hoax and how Jews have ascended to the top of pretty much every admirable and sought after position except in politics. I suppose you could say Bernie Sanders is successful but he is no longer a religious jew and it's been that way for the majority of his life. He also is anti-Israel in it's current political form which is why AIPAC rejected him as a speaker during his presidential run.

I know they look after each other and the tribalism is on 10, but I think this is a function of their culture and not some literal cabal trying to take over the world. There is no one person or small group of persons pushing an agenda. That would have been discovered by now. Hell, I'm sure if European Intelligence agencies knew who they were they'd eliminate based on as a justifiable national security risk. It's in religious writings and practiced by most of the parts making up the whole. I'm sure they have their equivalent to Louis Farrakhan but Farrakhan has no real power.

I'm sure the Rabi equivalent doesn't either. I don't think one ethnic group having this much power is a good thing, but in defense of tribalistic jews they've done a better job of being humane moreso than any other ruling power be it overt or clandestine.

Don't pay me any mind though, I'm high.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

It would be seen as extremely threatening to the Jews that an influential and very popular athletes comment could leave bread crumbs to the otherwise hypnotized masses to discover who really controls the money supply and who really holds all the power.

Lebron James excoriated by media by posting about "getting Jewish money"

Quote: (12-31-2018 10:03 PM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2018 09:14 PM)Gravy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:01 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2018 09:59 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

He would totally benefit from taking classes at summer school, heck some Econ classes would help him figure out how to invest all his money

He's actually done really well on this front, he just pays people (probably Jews) to manage his money.

He's smart enough to know he's a moron when it comes to money so he lets other people do it, unfortunately he's not smart enough to know he's a moron in general, especially when it comes to political issues.

Lol. That's how you keep your house goys in check.

Open your goy mouth about your Jewish masters and you're gonna wake up one day to find Shlomo invested all your shit in a shell operation that just got repoed by an Israeli Corp.

Back to zero bitch. Let that be a lesson to the rest of the house goys.

I can acknowledge the holocaust hoax and how Jews have ascended to the top of pretty much every admirable and sought after position except in politics. I suppose you could say Bernie Sanders is successful but he is no longer a religious jew and it's been that way for the majority of his life. He also is anti-Israel in it's current political form which is why AIPAC rejected him as a speaker during his presidential run.

I know they look after each other and the tribalism is on 10, but I think this is a function of their culture and not some literal cabal trying to take over the world. There is no one person or small group of persons pushing an agenda. That would have been discovered by now. Hell, I'm sure if European Intelligence agencies knew who they were they'd eliminate based on as a justifiable national security risk. It's in religious writings and practiced by most of the parts making up the whole. I'm sure they have their equivalent to Louis Farrakhan but Farrakhan has no real power.

I'm sure the Rabi equivalent doesn't either. I don't think one ethnic group having this much power is a good thing, but in defense of tribalistic jews they've done a better job of being humane moreso than any other ruling power be it overt or clandestine.

Don't pay me any mind though, I'm high.

This disclaimer explains the LeBron is GOAT post above at least.

I'll just put it down to that as the logical explanation!

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