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Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

Quote: (12-07-2018 12:44 PM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  


No argument from me that public [government] schooling (or public anything) is totally unnatural.

But are you telling me that kids didn't meet to play and bully each other and jockey for dominance in agrarian and pre-agrarian societies?

I also question how natural agrarian society really is since it's a relatively recent phenomenon. The whole point in fact is that it's UN natural, as is any departure from a savage tribal existence. But that's the social compact. Still, kids need a way to ascend dominance hierarchies.

No, I'm sure they did. I'm sure there was dominance, bullying, and survival of the fittest.

But the school system makes it so you have to deal with this stuff day-in, day-out and creates a structure in which it can flourish. If it's a bunch of kids outside, you don't have to go back the next day. You can play in some other field...or stay home. Or go back with your big cousins when they come to visit, ready to kick ass (and not get detention for retaliating).

On another note, has anyone else noticed that people in real life today are becoming like the characters in the 2009 movie "Observe And Report?" What was once black comedy now seems to be the reality.

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

I would feel better about this if, just once, he had blurted out "pussy pass denied".

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

"Look at me, guys! I'm actually teaching my daughter to not be a total bitch like my ex-wife! Aren't I just the best dad ever?!"

keep your self-rightneousness to yourself, Matt.

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

Their name is Cox, of course, everybody makes fun of them.

He was bullied when he was a kid. They said things like "well that sucks, Cox!"

When you got a stupid name, you really only have three options in life. 1) You gotta be an ass kicking loud mouth shit kicker. 2) You be a stay at home computer worker 3) Get your name changed.

I knew a guy named Dick Pointer. He was a drinking fighting older guy that didn't take shit from anybody. He owns like 9 restaurants that kill.

Then I knew another guy named something like Randy Warts. He stays home and does some kind of telemarketing. Just never got anywhere in life.

Mr. Cox is so hung up on the fact that his daughter is doing to other kids what they did to him, now the little bitch has to walk. Just change your name Coxsucker.


Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

Quote: (12-07-2018 03:35 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Their name is Cox, of course, everybody makes fun of them.

He was bullied when he was a kid. They said things like "well that sucks, Cox!"

When you got a stupid name, you really only have three options in life. 1) You gotta be an ass kicking loud mouth shit kicker. 2) You be a stay at home computer worker 3) Get your name changed.

I knew a guy named Dick Pointer. He was a drinking fighting older guy that didn't take shit from anybody. He owns like 9 restaurants that kill.

Then I knew another guy named something like Randy Warts. He stays home and does some kind of telemarketing. Just never got anywhere in life.

Mr. Cox is so hung up on the fact that his daughter is doing to other kids what they did to him, now the little bitch has to walk. Just change your name Coxsucker.


relevant to this post, semi-relevant to this meta-thread-subject

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

Well I guess we have a new girl with daddy issue in the neat future to look forward as the girl finds ways to get back at daddy for embarrassing her to the world.

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

Punishment way too harsh. Father is an attention whore just preening for FB strangers to give him worthless likes. Pathetic what society has devolved into in the west. Saddest fact is that here in 2018 this dork is actually ahead of the pack, as he actuallly sired at least one offspring.

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

[Image: _104674328_walk.jpg]

This girl is 10 yo? I see a future fatty in the making.

This is probably the most exercise she's gotten or will get in her life.

No one talks about this

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

Quote: (12-07-2018 03:35 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Their name is Cox, of course, everybody makes fun of them.

He was bullied when he was a kid. They said things like "well that sucks, Cox!"

When you got a stupid name, you really only have three options in life. 1) You gotta be an ass kicking loud mouth shit kicker. 2) You be a stay at home computer worker 3) Get your name changed.

I knew a guy named Dick Pointer. He was a drinking fighting older guy that didn't take shit from anybody. He owns like 9 restaurants that kill.

Then I knew another guy named something like Randy Warts. He stays home and does some kind of telemarketing. Just never got anywhere in life.

Mr. Cox is so hung up on the fact that his daughter is doing to other kids what they did to him, now the little bitch has to walk. Just change your name Coxsucker.


I feel like the state of Hawaii should be paying you to sit on top of a (dormant) Volcano, drink Busch and dispense these insights to those willing to take the (also state funded) escalator to your temple, which should obviously be a boat of some description.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

I think he was too soft on her! I remember a tale one woman told me how she backtalked her dad and got his backhand. Never crossed him again.
Btw, the dad should have applied a more stringent version of White Sharia!

Ohio Dad Makes Daughter Walk Miles to School for Bullying

I'm glad I haven't used social media in years. What a cesspool.

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