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Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 08:30 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

With the exception of the one I dated, not a single one was worth an LTR.

That's why when guys here spend a lot of time on "If you do this, if you do that, if you do this, then you'll have more success with women," it's all bullshit. That only works if success means banging mentally defective narcissists. Also, when guys have sex with these girls, their deluded, sex-clouded minds think they're fucking the girl, but actually, the girl is fucking them, it's just a real slow fuck so that they don't notice it happening until it's too late. Eventually though, their pants are around their ankles and the girl's going full throttle, no lube, on their bank accounts.

Anyways, some of the guys will get lucky, but they would have been better off focusing their efforts elsewhere. Sure, eat right and get in shape, but even if you increase the demand for yourself, the supply side, in regards to quality women, simply is not there unless you're a part of certain social circles that most of us don't have access to.

This sounds about right.

I found this out on the forum about a year or so ago when someone brought up access: that's the golden dilemma of the West. As he says, if you didn't get lucky early on with a quick pairing (and thus wouldn't be on this forum), you're left for dead even when you know many, many people (who are old and lazy and don't give a fuck to hook you up, or even know anyone worth a shit anymore). You can always increase probability, but it's hard to even [know where to?] start later on in life the ROI is so bad.

The fact is, you gotta get to a culture that is fine with large age gaps. That's when the self improvement you've been doing kicks in. Looks, style, clothes, working out, money --- they matter. Abroad. Unless you somehow win the lotto here.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 03:05 AM)66Scorpio Wrote:  

I recall another study out if Finland that basically concluded top men were being "recycled". I won' mean where " alphas" have a soft harem and the rest of the guys are out of luck.

What happened was that desirable men were getting roped into marriage, having a few kids, getting divorced, and then remarrying a never-married woman (presumably younger). So more men were never getting married at all nor having kids but some increasing percentage of guys were going through multiple wives and multiple kids, sort of a serial harem.

They have found the exact same thing in norway. News articles date back to 2012.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

No one has mentioned the boom in speculative lesbianism. Young women’s choices are not restricted to Chad, Tyrone or volcel periods of ‘holding out’ with the aid of masturbation devices (politely called ‘toys’), which have flooded the shopping high streets.

They are hooking up with Stacey too. In the UK, the amount of women with lesbian experience has increased 4 times since 1990.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 10:39 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Broken dating and sexual markets create broken societies.

It's interesting that the lowest status men have divided themselves into two political factions: 4Chan and the soyboys who work for BuzzFeed, Mic, Vox etc.

The Buzzfed soydaddies have read the game in a way that's led them to sliding up to Big Feminism. They think that their sexual stock is going to go up by coat-tailing the bumping up of women and the denigration of the types of men women want to fuck.

The 4Chan lot, I'm not so sure why they have signed up for the Trump Train. It doesn't make any sense why a bunch of nerds with no status in society would get behind an alpha prime. Until you realise that these were the guys who despite having nothing and being a socially acceptable demographic to mock, the Buzzfed types came after them as oppressive men anyway. And when Trump came along, well, he became the superhero they spend all day wishing they were.

The way this politics thing works is people vote for the party, which will lead to them having the highest status.

The Buzzfed are vying for their place in the soyerarchy. They will go on about compassion, but only because they feel it's the environment they get most from. They want to attack achievers, not to help the have-nots, but to make their value higher without doing anything. The Trump model threatens their entire game, which they want to push out over all of society to boost their value. Trump is a fundamental threat to these guy's ability to blow their beans. In his world, they would be the incels.

4Chan types on the other hand are just looking to be allowed a seat at the table; and have being splitting their sides laughing for three years seeing how they've plunged the stock of those who said they couldn't have a seat.

On another note the sexual marketplace used to be highly regulated. Even in the late 19th century there were plenty of 1st cousin marriages, four siblings marrying four siblings from another family and so on. All arranged. This has been going on for a long time. Now parents just let their kids float off in a sea of nihilism. If you're not configured for the most aggressive dating market since Genghis Khan, you're parents will sit by as you rot on welfare in a World of Porncraft.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 08:30 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

masturbation, video games, weed, alcohol, porn, weight lifting, and whores

One of these things is not like the others.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

I would not only blame it on hypergamy. Hypergamy always existed and will continue to exist. It is part of the female nature and can't be changed.
However, I'd like to say one thing. Parents these days, especially fathers don't have the talk with their sons anymore. Fathers don't teach them or don't tell them how to man up and get a gf/pussy whatever. I don't talk about soydads or male feminist dads, I talk about normal fathers. Those that are still masculine.
My dad for whatever reason never bothered me to 'show' how to get pussy. Now, I don't blame my old man and at the end I figured it out all by myself, because I always try to figure out stuff by myself. But there are guys who don't. That's where the problem also starts. Those guys are not pushed out of their comfort zone and IF their fathers complain about their sons not having a gf, they don't offer any idea, 'solution' or insight.

I surely don't blame it all on fathers, no, but I think it is also worth it, to think about it for a while. Fathers need to be present in the life of their children, more than ever. Especially with our decadent culture nowadays, a father should be some sort of a stronghold. If you break that...than you get problems like these we have now with left-indoctrinated soyboys.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Yeah that's a problem. However with the culture pushing more and more against, it's becoming harder and harder. You need to acknowledge the source of the push.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Basically, parents are refusing to let their kids do anything without a safety net. It's driven mainly by the parents' desire to be seen by others as a Good Parent. The twisted part of it is because what's seen as playing without a net is different between men and women.

For men, they will have had it drilled into them from an early age not that Rape Is Bad as such, but rather that having sex Before You Get Your College Degree is dangerous because you could Knock Up A Girl And Wind Up Having To Support Her. Most middle- to upper-middle- class men are more or less instructed to go to university after school; there isn't an actual choice for men when you get to it. Total Dad's car after a drink and you might get grounded, threaten to not go to university and you'd better know where Dad's shotgun is kept. They are trained to believe that success is being a College Student, and therefore are browbeaten into not having sex. "Don't settle down, wait until college is over."

For women, it's the opposite. "Don't have sex early, you can wait until college is over. You don't want to Waste Your Potential." So women go on the Pill and they don't have to settle, so they never do.

All of this also contributes to men and women not wanting to do something that imperils their brand: College Student. Single Girl. Everyone else is just ... supporting cast. That's narcissism. Narcissism means you will do almost anything to protect the image of yourself that you want people to accept. And narcissism brings with it one lethal fruit: an inability to emotionally connect. How can you connect with someone who's just not as fully realised a character as you are?

The Last Psychiatrist was writing about this literally ten years ago (and about how The Atlantic always, always gets it wrong on issues that matter, just like Time Magazine does, albeit The Atlantic never gets quite as hilarious bow-bow moments as Time does publishing its Trump "meltdown" covers.).

The Atlantic article, for example. Ask yourself: what does the writer want to be true?


Over the past 20 years, the way sex researchers think about desire and arousal has broadened from an initially narrow focus on stimulus to one that sees inhibition as equally, if not more, important. (The term inhibition, for these purposes, means anything that interferes with or prevents arousal, ranging from poor self-image to distractedness.) In her book Come as You Are, Emily Nagoski, who trained at the Kinsey Institute, compares the brain’s excitement system to the gas pedal in a car, and its inhibition system to the brakes. The first turns you on; the second turns you off. For many people, research suggests, the brakes are more sensitive than the accelerator.

If this last assertion were anything near remotely true the human race would have died out thousands of years ago. Arousal and the reproductive impulse does not work that way, period. This is aimed at trying to say it's not your fault that you suck at relationships or having a civil conversation with someone, it's just you're actually just more inhibited than anyone else.

Again, what does the author want to be true?


When, over the course of my reporting, people in their 20s shared with me their hopes and fears and inhibitions, I sometimes felt pangs of recognition. Just as often, though, I was taken aback by what seemed like heartbreaking changes in the way many people were relating—or not relating—to one another. I am not so very much older than the people I talked with for this story, and yet I frequently had the sense of being from a different time.

Sex seems more fraught now. This problem has no single source; the world has changed in so many ways, so quickly. In time, maybe, we will rethink some things: The abysmal state of sex education, which was once a joke but is now, in the age of porn, a disgrace. The dysfunctional relationships so many of us have with our phones and social media, to the detriment of our relationships with humans. Efforts to “protect” teenagers from most everything, including romance, leaving them ill-equipped for both the miseries and the joys of adulthood.

None of this hits the mark, though it's the last thing that comes closest. It's not protecting teenagers, it's because you won't let them jump without a safety net. When you don't let someone risk rejection, risk taking a punch in the schoolyard, when you drill into them that their identity is to be a college student, a cardboard cutout of a person, you turn them into a narcissist. Not a violent one, just the kind that inhabits the entire West in mass numbers.

You raise a normal kid by showing him lots of mirrors. This is what you look like. You are shorter than Dad, but taller than your sister. You are better than Joe at maths, but not better than him at track and field. You came all over MaryJo's leg when she first ran her hand down your chest, but after about the third week of fucking her daily you had her screaming like a banshee at the 5 minute mark. But you still don't get as much pussy as Uncle Bob, and likely never will.

Or as Clint Eastwood once put it in one of his movies: A man's got to know his limitations.

If you don't do this, you risk, like Narcissus, that when your child sees a mirror he will be so enamoured of what he sees in it that he will waste his entire life sitting and fantasising the boundless possibilities and never living with the realities.

Take a closer look at the article. You'll see the same thread, over and over, never spoken unsaid, always disguised as just a lack of social skills, or sex incompetence, or porn functioning as the instruction manual.


These shifts coincide with another major change: parents’ increased anxiety about their children’s educational and economic prospects. Among the affluent and educated, especially, this anxiety has led to big changes in what’s expected of teens. “It’s hard to work in sex when the baseball team practices at 6:30, school starts at 8:15, drama club meets at 4:15, the soup kitchen starts serving at 6, and, oh yeah, your screenplay needs completion,” said a man who was a couple of years out of college, thinking back on his high-school years. He added: “There’s immense pressure” from parents and other authority figures “to focus on the self, at the expense of relationships”—pressure, quite a few 20-somethings told me, that extends right on through college.

These are all branding exercises. No sane parent puts their kids through all these extracurricular activities because they believe the kid is a polymath, they do it to put on a kid's college resume. To brand them.


Nonetheless, she believes that many students have absorbed the idea that love is secondary to academic and professional success—or, at any rate, is best delayed until those other things have been secured. “Over and over,” she has written, “my undergraduates tell me they try hard not to fall in love during college, imagining that would mess up their plans.”

What fucking "plans?" Their parents' plans, in short. Most very successful people took opportunities and then leapfrogged a career, making the shit up as they went. These ones are just obeying the brands they have been given by their parents.

I swear to God I did not see this quote before writing the above paragraph:


The conversation proceeded to why soup-bringing relationships weren’t more common. “You’re supposed to have so much before you can get into a relationship,” one woman offered. Another said that when she was in high school, her parents, who are both professionals with advanced degrees, had discouraged relationships on the grounds that they might diminish her focus. Even today, in graduate school, she was finding the attitude hard to shake. “Now I need to finish school, I need to get a practice going, I need to do this and this, and then I’ll think about love. But by 30, you’re like, What is love? What’s it like to be in love?”

Bullshit they're going to diminish your focus, they're going to interfere with your parents' brand as Parents Of Successful College Kids!


Simon said meeting someone offline seemed like less and less of an option. His parents had met in a chorus a few years after college, but he couldn’t see himself pulling off something similar. “I play volleyball,” he added. “I had somebody on the volleyball team two years ago who I thought was cute, and we’d been playing together for a while.” Simon wanted to ask her out, but ultimately concluded that this would be “incredibly awkward,” even “boorish.”

The logical question is: awkward for who? "Boorish" is something that other people use to describe you. And you will never, ever want to imperil your own brand.

Understand: all those iPhones, the Tinder apps? They're not mirrors. They're shields. They are one-way glass: I can see you, but you can never see me. If you did, you might fuck with my entire identity, you might blow your lines as an extra in my personal movie.


As a 27-year-old woman in Philadelphia put it: “I have insecurities that make fun bar flirtation very stressful. I don’t like the Is he into me? moment. I use dating apps because I want it to be clear that this is a date and we are sexually interested in one another. If it doesn’t work out, fine, but there’s never a Is he asking me to hang as a friend or as a date? feeling.” Other people said they liked the fact that on an app, their first exchanges with a prospective date could play out via text rather than in a face-to-face or phone conversation, which had more potential to be awkward.

Of course they don't like the "Is he into me?" moment. That's the only point where rejection has to be confronted head-on, where you have to stop fantasising about the possibilities and confront the reality that the guy doesn't want to fuck you. Tinder apps allow you to avoid that moment. Oh sure, you might wilt a little when you get no matches, but it's not the same as being one on one with a person where that uncertainty is present and reality hangs heavy in the wings ready to smash you with the fact that other people have an existence as real as yours.

Because that's what intimate, relationship sex is about. It is about two bodies conceding for each other, guards down, no barriers, complete trust. Narcissists can never trust. It risks throwing a stone into the pool, or cracking the mirror.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

During my red pill rage days I wondered why my father didn’t tell me about hypergamy etc (i.e. if women got the state and corporations to make men equal with them, the very same men would have to somehow open a status gap again so the women would like them).

But my father wouldn’t have been equipped for today’s dating market. He only had to offer my mother a glass of Coke in a non alcoholic bar, which existed before late licensing laws permitted alcohol. His dating days are totally anachronistic to today.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-15-2018 08:08 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

During my red pill rage days I wondered why my father didn’t tell me about hypergamy etc (i.e. if women got the state and corporations to make men equal with them, the very same men would have to somehow open a status gap again so the women would like them).

But my father wouldn’t have been equipped for today’s dating market. He only had to offer my mother a glass of Coke in a non alcoholic bar, which existed before late licensing laws permitted alcohol. His dating days are totally anachronistic to today.

You make a valid point, but the thing is if a normal guy just has soyboy friends he will probably never go out with them to hunt some fresh meat. Trust me I've been there, my 'friends' were just playing video games and I guess they have not been laid yet. So who else is left? Your father. Your old man can push you out of your comfort zone, but that just doesn't happen anymore. At the end those normal guys sink under the soy wave and mutate into a soyboy.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-15-2018 02:06 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

No one has mentioned the boom in speculative lesbianism. Young women’s choices are not restricted to Chad, Tyrone or volcel periods of ‘holding out’ with the aid of masturbation devices (politely called ‘toys’), which have flooded the shopping high streets.

They are hooking up with Stacey too. In the UK, the amount of women with lesbian experience has increased 4 times since 1990.

Here in Spain I see lesbian couples galore and it's openly accepted and promoted now. The result of that in combination with an already feminized society and rabid liberal political agenda is that I see a ton of tall well dressed good looking guys dating down and being grateful for the 5 or soft 6 that are bossing them around. Women over here are the most aggressive feminists you will ever come across and 'going gay' after a break up is becoming a common phenomenon. They honestly don't give a flying fuck about men anymore and what's even worse is that they are effectively in charge of the country now in every conceivable respect.

The Pareto principle definitely applies here, only the top 20% of Spanish men ever as much as get to talk to 80% of the women here. Even at the gym I see a ton of incels who don't even bother approaching girls anymore, they've effectively given up and will end up marring the first troglodyte that opens her legs for them.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-15-2018 02:10 AM)gework Wrote:  

On another note the sexual marketplace used to be highly regulated. Even in the late 19th century there were plenty of 1st cousin marriages, four siblings marrying four siblings from another family and so on. All arranged. This has been going on for a long time. Now parents just let their kids float off in a sea of nihilism. If you're not configured for the most aggressive dating market since Genghis Khan, you're parents will sit by as you rot on welfare in a World of Porncraft.

I've noticed many parents are NPCs in this fashion. Forget women, even if you tell them the obvious truth verifiable in an insant of stepping outside, they won't like it so won't listen. But the fathers too. Sorta like that old Roosh article of why your dad is hopeless to help you. When you get older (the same reason why people, save the exceptional, don't match you up with others) you have more going on, but are also lazier and self centered in a different way --- your new mini tribe.

Back to the point. Just as generational forgetting occurs, this is actually a paradox. These guys lived through their era, should know how easy it was, but this simultaneously gives them zero understanding about the current day (their children or grandchildren's surroundings) because they can't critically assess; it's too much sense. They weirdly have forgotten both the past and have no interest in visualizing the differences now, "remembering" the current day.

It's funny that the ancients and more recent historical civilizations had it all right, since oddly they were closer to our 10000s of years of evolution into truly what we are. All we have is ... technology.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 08:30 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2018 01:37 AM)Flux Wrote:  

^ I'm one of them, and the strategy is, for me and my friends: be handsome.

+2 attractiveness rule for clubs and bars, and strong 'casual date' game if you want a hotter girl.

Social circle game, cooperate with the other handsome guys, throw small exclusive parties, isolate the girl you like.

^^ Cosign.

Basically make your house a party pad, have it be close to the center of town, fill it with other social, good looking dudes, and have a party there every weekend or two.

When going out, wear fitted shirts, girls will come up to you and kiss you or ask you to kiss them. I remember I owned this red pleather jacket that was almost magical, I got called Donnie Brasco while wearing it, and also had two girls, independently (as in, at separate times), randomly come up to me and start making out with me while wearing it. The first time two of my employees were there to witness it, the second time my brother was there.

I was sleeping with a new girl every 3 weeks by simply going out twice a week, and I'm not even a social person, I would just stand there and look good, my proportions are just pleasing to the eye, I look like a GI Joe figure when I wear fitted clothing. Girls will just come up and slap your butt or grab your bicep, for example. Two were at my attractiveness, I dated one for a few years, but the other was crazy, so I stayed away, she wanted to be fuckbuddies, but I don't do that, I don't need an STD. Most, though, were two or three points lower. You'll also get hit on at work and school, and those are very easy to follow up on.

With the exception of the one I dated, not a single one was worth an LTR.

Some questions:
-How much game did you usually need to close the deal? A guy that looked like GI Joe but with a typical introverted personality would still be able to score with average and above chicks consistently? Were there guys like this in your circle or they were mostly typical Chads?

-How does age affect the results? I assume you and your friends ranged from early twenties to mid thirties? Older guys would probably have to rely more on money, game and prospect for niches I guess. If you have aged since that time how did it affect you?

-Where was your location at the time? If you have travelled abroad how did it affect your strategy and results?

I know the forum has already discussed these kinds of things but real life experiences and stories is something I value much more than just theory

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

I see guys talking about boomer dads not teaching millenial kids to get women.
Their advice would probably be akin to a Ford T mechanic trying to fix a Cadillac El Dorado.
"Just get a nice job, a car, a house and ask her out to the movies"
Yeah, sure thing Pops, let's try this on a Instagram thot.. [Image: dodgy.gif]

The biggest issue you can really press on these fathers is unconsciously allowing demagogues to take over society by swallowing up PC values from the Elite and raising their daughters to be entitled whores
The boomer generation were the first ones to allow the culture to degenerate since WW2. Millenials may even be pussies and worst players than the earlier generations, but the game has completely changed and become much harder aswell.

I personally blame smartphones, waaayy too much dick, attention and validation on that shit, It's like porn to women.
I figured out lately that even a shy girl from a small rural city can get more praise from thirsty dudes than a starlet singer from the 60s, with little to no risks!

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

@Parascelus: The argument against blaming narcissism for everything is the same as your argument against inhibition: "If this last assertion were anything near remotely true the human race would have died out thousands of years ago." That is, humans have always been subject to narcissism, so if narcissism can really take over and shut down sex so easily, it would have done so long ago and our ancestors world have been replaced by humans not subject to narcissism.

Narcissism itself is not new. Welfare state, feminism and smartphones are new. Nothing like them before in human history. Perhaps these other new phenomena allow narcissism to flourish like never before, in which case narcissism is merely a symptom rather than the underlying problem.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 07:13 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

The level of indoctrination in the boomer generation is just beyond belief. They haven`t changed one bit either, still holding on to the illusion they where exposed to in their youth. Even when their own offspring are being crushed as a consequence of their (((ideology,))) still they won`t reconsider anything.

You have some rare exceptions of course, but I have a hard time tolerating these people now. Even my own father seem to put these ideals before everything, including myself. I keep hearing talking points from him like; all of humanity will eventually turn into one indistinguishable mixed race and so on. If I say anything remotely red pill he will freak out immediately, and I wouldn`t say he`s a liberal in his lifestyle otherwise. Most people are just sheep/NPC`s at the end of the day. (even my dad) They just can`t or won`t think. I had a really hard time realizing this, but as Roosh has mentioned many times, you can`t red pill people who do not have the desire to seek the truth. The evidence does not matter at all. And by truth I mean the harsh empirical realities of this world. The things that most people just can`t face.

The Baby Boomers never wanted to have kids.

They are a hedonistic generation: out for themselves, rejecting their parents, and abandoning their offspring. Sure, they got married like they were supposed to, and once we appeared as the natural result of sex, despite their initial disappointment the parenting instincts kicked in, and many of them were supportive both emotionally and financially - but on a fundamental level, they never wanted us. We were a side effect of hedonism, and a distraction from their own lives.

As much as they might have parented us, they never shepherded the world we found ourselves in. "I got mine - and if you want to get yours, go get a degree. I only agreed to raise you until you were 18." They're the comfort-children of history, and rocking the boat threatens their 401ks. The fact that not rocking the boat dooms their children to a future of slavery is irrelevant.

Don't get me wrong, my own parents have been there for me, even helped bail me out at times. But any time it comes to the demographic shifts that are killing us - whether it's the failures of the dating market, the destruction of industry, or demographic replacement - they turn into the three monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

"I'm not listening to any of that shit." This is a line I've heard time and time again from the boomers; even ones who ought to know better, who escaped the exact same problems we're dealing with in other countries. It's as if their eyes are eternally focused inward, on their own plans and enjoyment, and they are physically incapable of swivelling their necks, and seeing the wasteland that presents itself to their children.

They'll bail us out... but they won't take an honest look at the harsh soil out there, and work with us to try and change it. We're on our own, people. The boomers won't help us in reclaiming our patrimony; and they won't leave us much in their wills. We're back where our great-great-grandparents were, trying to build a future from scratch.

Quote: (11-14-2018 08:30 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

If all you want to do is get laid, then yeah, improve yourself, if what you want to do is meet a quality girl, one that's say a 7 or more in looks AND a 7 or more in values, then most of you are just out of luck. That's just the cold reality of it, most folks don't have the will of people like Roosh or CleanSlate, the will to recreate their world to their vision of it. For folks that did get lucky with a quality girl due to social circle when young, they can count their blessings, but those folks are probably not on this forum.

The Powers That Be are cucking us by stealing our women. They fill their heads full of false narratives, pushing them to achieve things that they neither want nor need, misinforming them about the nature of men, and through it all they wind up stealing fifteen years from these girls.

They steal fifteen years from us too (time wasted on infantile pursuits during adulthood, pointless spending on fashion and nightclubs, pursuing sex instead of love) but as noted, men have a longer shelf life.

7 looks, 7 morals, young enough to have children (~27), IQ within one standard deviation from me: that's what I'm looking for, and it's likely I'll never find it. This is a unicorn in today's world, where women start to wake up to the lies around 33 or so - by which point...

The worst part? It's not like the corporation even enjoyed their youth and virginity. It just sucked the life blood out of them so it could sell more widgets.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

@Aurini: if you really want what you say, there's a way to get it. The jobs market is not totally burned out. Top tier computer guys are still making huge salaries. See Lampwick's comment in
I'm out of the industry myself now, but I know it's still booming and will continue to him for decades to come, especially AI and automation.

Earn that big salary and spend nothing so you build savings. Semi-retire in your early 40's and move to FSU. Plenty of girls there still want to marry and have children. As a foreign man in his 40's, you won't get first crack at girls under age 25, but lots of quality girls age 27 still single. They aren't defective women, they just focused on career rather than marriage. But unlike in the West, career girls there wake up before age 33. The high divorce rate in the FSU is mostly from the lower class and couples who marry before age 25. A quality girl age 27 who marries a quality foreign man in his 40's, and then has several children with him, is very unlikely to want a divorce. She might discreetly cheat later in life if the sex life dies, but presumably the man would cheat too in that case.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-15-2018 12:56 PM)Shemp Wrote:  

@Aurini: if you really want what you say, there's a way to get it. The jobs market is not totally burned out. Top tier computer guys are still making huge salaries. See Lampwick's comment in
I'm out of the industry myself now, but I know it's still booming and will continue to him for decades to come, especially AI and automation.

Earn that big salary and spend nothing so you build savings. Semi-retire in your early 40's and move to FSU. Plenty of girls there still want to marry and have children. As a foreign man in his 40's, you won't get first crack at girls under age 25, but lots of quality girls age 27 still single. They aren't defective women, they just focused on career rather than marriage. But unlike in the West, career girls there wake up before age 33. The high divorce rate in the FSU is mostly from the lower class and couples who marry before age 25. A quality girl age 27 who marries a quality foreign man in his 40's, and then has several children with him, is very unlikely to want a divorce. She might discreetly cheat later in life if the sex life dies, but presumably the man would cheat too in that case.

I'm currently studying a technical degree which is so obscure and (seemingly) boring that it's designated by an initialism, and it's nearly impossible to describe to outsiders. It's also vital to modern civilization, and has a great deal of potential that I'm planning to explore.

There was recently a comment from a radio DJ who stumbled upon one of the physical stores related to the craft - and she was blown away that such things still exist. Oh, honey, we exist - but you don't need to know about us. Please remain baffled that we exist to such an extent that an apparently anachronistic store location still exists.

I'm not sure what you mean by FSU, however. I have no interest in submitting myself as an outsider to foreign culture and family.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-15-2018 12:07 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2018 07:13 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

The level of indoctrination in the boomer generation is just beyond belief. They haven`t changed one bit either, still holding on to the illusion they where exposed to in their youth. Even when their own offspring are being crushed as a consequence of their (((ideology,))) still they won`t reconsider anything.

You have some rare exceptions of course, but I have a hard time tolerating these people now. Even my own father seem to put these ideals before everything, including myself. I keep hearing talking points from him like; all of humanity will eventually turn into one indistinguishable mixed race and so on. If I say anything remotely red pill he will freak out immediately, and I wouldn`t say he`s a liberal in his lifestyle otherwise. Most people are just sheep/NPC`s at the end of the day. (even my dad) They just can`t or won`t think. I had a really hard time realizing this, but as Roosh has mentioned many times, you can`t red pill people who do not have the desire to seek the truth. The evidence does not matter at all. And by truth I mean the harsh empirical realities of this world. The things that most people just can`t face.

The Baby Boomers never wanted to have kids.

They are a hedonistic generation: out for themselves, rejecting their parents, and abandoning their offspring. Sure, they got married like they were supposed to, and once we appeared as the natural result of sex, despite their initial disappointment the parenting instincts kicked in, and many of them were supportive both emotionally and financially - but on a fundamental level, they never wanted us. We were a side effect of hedonism, and a distraction from their own lives.

As much as they might have parented us, they never shepherded the world we found ourselves in. "I got mine - and if you want to get yours, go get a degree. I only agreed to raise you until you were 18." They're the comfort-children of history, and rocking the boat threatens their 401ks. The fact that not rocking the boat dooms their children to a future of slavery is irrelevant.

Don't get me wrong, my own parents have been there for me, even helped bail me out at times. But any time it comes to the demographic shifts that are killing us - whether it's the failures of the dating market, the destruction of industry, or demographic replacement - they turn into the three monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

"I'm not listening to any of that shit." This is a line I've heard time and time again from the boomers; even ones who ought to know better, who escaped the exact same problems we're dealing with in other countries. It's as if their eyes are eternally focused inward, on their own plans and enjoyment, and they are physically incapable of swivelling their necks, and seeing the wasteland that presents itself to their children.

They'll bail us out... but they won't take an honest look at the harsh soil out there, and work with us to try and change it. We're on our own, people. The boomers won't help us in reclaiming our patrimony; and they won't leave us much in their wills. We're back where our great-great-grandparents were, trying to build a future from scratch.

Quote: (11-14-2018 08:30 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

If all you want to do is get laid, then yeah, improve yourself, if what you want to do is meet a quality girl, one that's say a 7 or more in looks AND a 7 or more in values, then most of you are just out of luck. That's just the cold reality of it, most folks don't have the will of people like Roosh or CleanSlate, the will to recreate their world to their vision of it. For folks that did get lucky with a quality girl due to social circle when young, they can count their blessings, but those folks are probably not on this forum.

The Powers That Be are cucking us by stealing our women. They fill their heads full of false narratives, pushing them to achieve things that they neither want nor need, misinforming them about the nature of men, and through it all they wind up stealing fifteen years from these girls.

They steal fifteen years from us too (time wasted on infantile pursuits during adulthood, pointless spending on fashion and nightclubs, pursuing sex instead of love) but as noted, men have a longer shelf life.

7 looks, 7 morals, young enough to have children (~27), IQ within one standard deviation from me: that's what I'm looking for, and it's likely I'll never find it. This is a unicorn in today's world, where women start to wake up to the lies around 33 or so - by which point...

The worst part? It's not like the corporation even enjoyed their youth and virginity. It just sucked the life blood out of them so it could sell more widgets.

Yeah, I think that is correct, the boomers seem to be extremely driven by groupthink. I notice that when you challenge their delusions they will go into some sort of panic mode, like they`re afraid of something. I just struggle to understand how they got this way. The level of indoctrination must have been very extreme all the way through their "education." It`s strange though, since their parents where a counterweight.

PS; Before we can build our own future like our great grandfathers, we need some space and freedom. We all know what must happen in order to get that. I won`t be pretty though.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Shit... I was just randomly reading this thread and I'm mindblowned with so much wisdom.

I liked this forum for the very first moment, but you guys are more than "philosophers', there are many harsh trues very well exposed by many guys in this thread.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-15-2018 11:50 AM)Shemp Wrote:  

@Parascelus: The argument against blaming narcissism for everything is the same as your argument against inhibition: "If this last assertion were anything near remotely true the human race would have died out thousands of years ago." That is, humans have always been subject to narcissism, so if narcissism can really take over and shut down sex so easily, it would have done so long ago and our ancestors world have been replaced by humans not subject to narcissism.

Narcissism itself is not new. Welfare state, feminism and smartphones are new. Nothing like them before in human history. Perhaps these other new phenomena allow narcissism to flourish like never before, in which case narcissism is merely a symptom rather than the underlying problem.

Welfare states and feminism are not new. We had the equivalent of them around the end of the Western Roman Empire. These, too, are symptoms, not causes. Smartphones represent technology, and technology is never more than an amplifier for the species' tendencies: it only allows us to do things faster or louder.

Narcissism is not new, but only since roughly the Baby Boomers has it become a generational pathology, something that afflicts entire wide swathes of people. And that only happened because the generations since roughly the Silent Generation have been raised by parents who
(1) shielded their children from any sense of knowing their own limits and
(2) took a relentless focus on themselves as individuals.

The "Me" generation was something unprecedented in human history: for the first time, humans actually took seriously and centrally the idea that they were individuals, that they weren't part of and therefore didn't ever have to think about the fact they were part of things larger than themselves. This is why I'm not really worried about an outbreak of full-blown communism in the West: that requires a subordination of the Self to the State, and there is no way anyone in the past three generations or so is even capable of doing something like that. Nietzsche says we killed God, but in his place we raised up the Self.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

From my experience talking to guys 17-22 (im 24) it seems alt of guys can "easily get sex". Whether or not that's true, it seems many guys want more than just sex or just to hook up. I wrote this on another post but guys want this imaginary version of women that doesn't necessarily have to cook or clean but are feminine, supportive, make their life easier, and most importantly DOESN'T HAVE A PAST.

When I talk to guys about this subject they all hit me with the "I try not to think about her past" which leads me to believe that thought is always present. With the increase in anime, Video games, and comic books being enjoyed by older and older people, many guys grow up wanting stereotypical anime romance (where the girl is cute, childish, feminine, clingy and supportive but not mean, crazy etc). However, in the real world, they are met with hypersexual, masculine, "sometimes" fat, crazy, lazy shell of women who are NOTHING like what any guy truly wants.

Now of course not all guys want a cartoon girlfriend. For example, most of the black guys I know seem to want that 90's R&B love (which is really feminine compared to today). Alot of people compare these women to their mothers.

The women they're met with are disgusting. Demanding all these qualities from a man, then telling women about and complaining about all the minuscule things women do to keep men happy. (I've actually seen a post going around telling women not to let men vent to them because women are not men's therapist or emotional tampoons). Women equate sex as somewhat of a Job. A job they like to do but you're getting really special privileges being the only one she's doing it with AT THE MOMENT.

Now ofcourse with game, LMS, a high SMV you can counter SOME of these problems. A desirable man can turn the biggest hoe into a housewife with enough work and money sacrificed. But here's the main point


Why tend a garden during a drought when the end result will only be a weed.

I've been on numerous incels/MGTOW forums reading and learning different viewpoints and it seems the vast majority tried the self improvement route, Tried to go out and have sex, tried to raise their SMV etc etc

But women simply suck now, they don't appreciate men and there is NO reason or push for women to better themselves AT ALL for men.

With the increase in porn, lower testosterone, video games, anime, comics, youtube, Live streams, Sex Dolls, social media, Feminism, Me2 movement, online jobs (to make money from home)

What's the point?

With all that said, I'm going to keep trying to get sex and stuff but still.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

As far as getting notches. It’s never been a better time in history if you’re a chad or top 10% guy.

As for the rest of us or those that want traditional relationships/family. It’s never been worse.

Sometimes I think; Can you really blame the 80% of men who simply give up on finding a decent woman in this fatocalypse, entitled, narcissistic, overpriced feminist market.

More men can learn ‘game’ but all it seems to be doing is making women more demanding and picky as women aren’t doing jack squat to raise their own standards degenerating further and further as men are raising theirs.

Supply/demand means men are fighting harder and harder for very average to below average stock. So what’s a 5 or 6 male to do when he has to clown out for fatties, an average girl using you as filler in between chad’s or settle for an over the hill hag that has had her fill of the carousel. Why bother?

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-15-2018 05:53 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2018 11:50 AM)Shemp Wrote:  

@Parascelus: The argument against blaming narcissism for everything is the same as your argument against inhibition: "If this last assertion were anything near remotely true the human race would have died out thousands of years ago." That is, humans have always been subject to narcissism, so if narcissism can really take over and shut down sex so easily, it would have done so long ago and our ancestors world have been replaced by humans not subject to narcissism.

Narcissism itself is not new. Welfare state, feminism and smartphones are new. Nothing like them before in human history. Perhaps these other new phenomena allow narcissism to flourish like never before, in which case narcissism is merely a symptom rather than the underlying problem.

Welfare states and feminism are not new. We had the equivalent of them around the end of the Western Roman Empire. These, too, are symptoms, not causes. Smartphones represent technology, and technology is never more than an amplifier for the species' tendencies: it only allows us to do things faster or louder.

Narcissism is not new, but only since roughly the Baby Boomers has it become a generational pathology, something that afflicts entire wide swathes of people. And that only happened because the generations since roughly the Silent Generation have been raised by parents who
(1) shielded their children from any sense of knowing their own limits and
(2) took a relentless focus on themselves as individuals.

The "Me" generation was something unprecedented in human history: for the first time, humans actually took seriously and centrally the idea that they were individuals, that they weren't part of and therefore didn't ever have to think about the fact they were part of things larger than themselves. This is why I'm not really worried about an outbreak of full-blown communism in the West: that requires a subordination of the Self to the State, and there is no way anyone in the past three generations or so is even capable of doing something like that. Nietzsche says we killed God, but in his place we raised up the Self.

I think Narcissism is a bad term to be honest. Your offspring are after all the the extension off yourself. So if you see yourself in your children, and you do everything you can to insure they are successful, (same with grandchildren) you can in fact be described as a narcissist! Since you are making sure the only part of you that can survive and thrive, does just that.

My point is that this term, and other terms like manipulation, empathy etc. are all value neutral terms, unless you inject some ad-hoc objective morals. This tends to boil down to either religious or ideologically derived narratives.

I reality, not investing all in your offspring, unless you have a plan to maintain the soma (biological immortality) is self destructive. You are eradicating your primordial germ line, which is really what matters. The soma is after all just a shell to protect what is really alive, which is the sperm and egg cells. (Unless you can find a way extend the soma indefinitely as I mentioned.)

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-15-2018 06:07 AM)Obermarschall Wrote:  

I would not only blame it on hypergamy. Hypergamy always existed and will continue to exist. It is part of the female nature and can't be changed.
However, I'd like to say one thing. Parents these days, especially fathers don't have the talk with their sons anymore. Fathers don't teach them or don't tell them how to man up and get a gf/pussy whatever. I don't talk about soydads or male feminist dads, I talk about normal fathers. Those that are still masculine.
My dad for whatever reason never bothered me to 'show' how to get pussy. Now, I don't blame my old man and at the end I figured it out all by myself, because I always try to figure out stuff by myself. But there are guys who don't. That's where the problem also starts. Those guys are not pushed out of their comfort zone and IF their fathers complain about their sons not having a gf, they don't offer any idea, 'solution' or insight.

I surely don't blame it all on fathers, no, but I think it is also worth it, to think about it for a while. Fathers need to be present in the life of their children, more than ever. Especially with our decadent culture nowadays, a father should be some sort of a stronghold. If you break that...than you get problems like these we have now with left-indoctrinated soyboys.

I had it even worse when it came to my dad's inability to pass on the skills on how to attract women to me. He has only ever dated one woman in his life: my mother. His father had an arranged marriage so he completely bypassed any sort of dating. My father and my grandfather are both men of great character but in today's environment that simply doesn't translate into dating marketability.

Recall that with natural selection, the environment doesn't necessarily select for "good" characteristics. If the environment produces women that doesn't value traits such as steadfastness or virtue, then it won't be selected for. Promoting "finding yourself" and YOLO produces women of this type.

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