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Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

The thing that jumps out at you from this chart is the big change in males age 18-24 from 2007-2015. It's the single biggest shift in any age group in any time period on the chart. So it's not just "we knew that" or "trends continue" but it confirms a big change in sexual behavior. The "incel" and "soyboy" phenomena are not just memes or anecdotes. The number of young men not (or barely) getting any has DOUBLED while the number of women with multiple partners has stayed the same.

Personally, I don't see any end in sight. The new middle class behavior is for Mr Beta Bux to bumble through his 20s barely getting any sex and then being grateful to marry Ms Problem Glasses from HR at 32 after she has had her fill of Tinder chads. This is ACCEPTED and (sadly) IT WORKS. Like it or not. Yes, 20% of guys will rebel and go MGTOW and 20% of women will fail to catch their beta and become catladies, and these failures of the new system will grumble, but the system will work just well enough for 80% that it will continue for a while.

What I'm curious about is who the sexually successful young men are. I'm not on the ground in the west and not even of that generation, so I have no idea what their strategies are.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

^ I'm one of them, and the strategy is, for me and my friends: be handsome.

+2 attractiveness rule for clubs and bars, and strong 'casual date' game if you want a hotter girl.

Social circle game, cooperate with the other handsome guys, throw small exclusive parties, isolate the girl you like.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

It's hilarious to watch entertainment from before 2010. A lot of plots in those old shows and movies about a woman in her late 20s or 30s who is single and unable to meet any men or get laid. Notice these kind of movies don't get made anymore because they're no longer realistic in 2018. Any woman can literally sign up on an app, even a fat 45 year old, and get laid (even with younger fitter men!).

Meanwhile the world is getting more and more stacked against men. Mancession economy rules in a lot of places. More and more places shift to a tourism economy which is 90%+ female employing. If you're ambitious or work hard then in a lot of Western Countries will tax you at 40%+ (meaning the amount you pay in tax will probably be higher than your cost of living. The heck? Sounds like Serfdom or slavery).

Unfortunately I am highly cynical. When you research the history of "peasant revolts" very few were successful on large scales unless we grasp for straws like the Cossack Revolts or maybe the 1848 Revolutions. What you're going to see instead is just continuing drops in fertility and men becoming like the beautiful mice in the mice utopia experiment.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

I recall another study out if Finland that basically concluded top men were being "recycled". I won' mean where " alphas" have a soft harem and the rest of the guys are out of luck.

What happened was that desirable men were getting roped into marriage, having a few kids, getting divorced, and then remarrying a never-married woman (presumably younger). So more men were never getting married at all nor having kids but some increasing percentage of guys were going through multiple wives and multiple kids, sort of a serial harem.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

From a personal perspective, some Finnish women are not worth it.

Especially in some rural areas (beyond Helsinki, but not excluding it), where the women try to act like men, i.e. boozin’ butch bitches or they have a very elevated sense of self-worth, thanks to their environment and/or how they were raised.

And it wasn’t exactly easy to go after the exceptions either:
as soon as you get a decent conversation going, you’re either cockblocked by her (sometimes male) friends or some other guy(s) cutting in on your game, trying to capitalise on your groundwork.

A euro for every time I had a girl warmed up, only for some cunt to show up at the last minute to say ”we have to go”, and I’m left standing there with unfinished drinks, raging blue balls, and a sudden urge to kill.

A nickel for every time I’d get something going only for her to break it off, claiming I wasn’t ”serious enough”. One gal asked me to marry her the first time I saw her, another one started talking about a family the second time I was over at her place laying pipe. I was in my mid/late 20’s then, as were they. (In retrospect, bullets dodged.)

Admittedly, my game wasn’t tight enough back then, but even after some improvement things weren’t exactly great. Especially these days, with feminism and other assorted nutcases out here, I’m more content to just observe the game. For the moment, at least.

I (and probably many others) have been shot down plenty enough.

We’re just too goddamn polite.

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Dammit, double post...

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active


Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Then there's the Chinese gender disparity.

One could probably conquer China with little more than an army of highly realistic sex-dolls...

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

There seems to be this view that the whole society is basically built by betas who ultimately were just trying to get laid and that the society will collapse once they realise they're not going to have a girl anyway. I'm not entirely sure if I believe that.

I interacted with multiple geeky dudes and betas as I went through engineering at university and other work places and so many nerds didn't seem that interested in women to be honest. Many just like to play games until early in the morning with their nerd friends and drink coke and eat fast food shit and then head over to study or work. Some super fucking smart guys but they just don't seem that interested in women.

Actually I think they chase more validation from other men than they chase girls. Sometimes it pops up on my facebook feed now and I can see this guy who has been at gaming convent or some shit talking about how glad he is to finally have acheived level 2 in MTG judge program for gamers (in case you don't know:

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 01:04 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

What I'm curious about is who the sexually successful young men are. I'm not on the ground in the west and not even of that generation, so I have no idea what their strategies are.

Guys who look good on Tinder.

It's social media and Tinder in particular which is responsible for this development.

In the past, you could go to a bar and if you were charming and interesting, you'd get somewhere. Today, you might still of course, but if you don't get the ONS, then she'll google you and check out your social media and if you don't have the hot ex-girlfriends and the typical high value pictures, then she might think you were frauding.

Social media (Tinder) is by far the biggest cockblocker for men.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 06:47 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2018 01:04 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

What I'm curious about is who the sexually successful young men are. I'm not on the ground in the west and not even of that generation, so I have no idea what their strategies are.

Guys who look good on Tinder.

It's social media and Tinder in particular which is responsible for this development.

In the past, you could go to a bar and if you were charming and interesting, you'd get somewhere. Today, you might still of course, but if you don't get the ONS, then she'll google you and check out your social media and if you don't have the hot ex-girlfriends and the typical high value pictures, then she might think you were frauding.

Social media (Tinder) is by far the biggest cockblocker for men.

The chart shows that women under 35 are having as many partners as in the past.

But the majority of men under 35 have seen a huge drop in the number of partners.

So it looks like 2 main reasons for this.

1. Are younger men less active or less attractive than before?
2. Online dating and social media has inundated women with offers. But also made it easy for any woman to select for alpha males.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 01:47 AM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

It's hilarious to watch entertainment from before 2010. A lot of plots in those old shows and movies about a woman in her late 20s or 30s who is single and unable to meet any men or get laid. Notice these kind of movies don't get made anymore because they're no longer realistic in 2018. Any woman can literally sign up on an app, even a fat 45 year old, and get laid (even with younger fitter men!).

Meanwhile the world is getting more and more stacked against men. Mancession economy rules in a lot of places. More and more places shift to a tourism economy which is 90%+ female employing. If you're ambitious or work hard then in a lot of Western Countries will tax you at 40%+ (meaning the amount you pay in tax will probably be higher than your cost of living. The heck? Sounds like Serfdom or slavery).

Unfortunately I am highly cynical. When you research the history of "peasant revolts" very few were successful on large scales unless we grasp for straws like the Cossack Revolts or maybe the 1848 Revolutions. What you're going to see instead is just continuing drops in fertility and men becoming like the beautiful mice in the mice utopia experiment.

What a sad age were living in. Well somebody has to endure the this shit period and it happened to be us. Like Roosh said in Game, our legacy for the people to come is to help them avoid the situation we were in.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

The idea that women "select" the best genes or some other explanation around natural selection falls flat on its head if you look at the statistics. There wouldn't be a record number of single mothers and a significant decrease in the population of Western countries if that was true.
In reality most women gravitate towards the bad boy stereotype. He may be unemployed, he may even be a loser and still get more pussy than the guy who has a well paid job but no game.
I also don't buy the Tinder argument. There isn't much data on this but I once read a study that said about 5% of women use apps regularly for hook-ups. The vast majority are there because it's popular and become jaded after getting pumped and dumped a couple times.
The problem is really with the young generation. Video games, movies, porn make you lazy and while as a woman you can let yourself go and still find a guy to bang, it doesn't work the other way around.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

I noticed this trend bubbling up when I first got into the game myself after just settling into Toronto. After my pussy flows went bone dry I didn't understand what was wrong. Taking steps to fix that helped but then you start to notice those who are still left behind with no prospects for pussy. Simply put, very few young men are getting laid. The majority of young men are not getting much sex at all. For young women, this is something they can't process.

Sex is flowing up to the top, and IMO is much more rigid and inaccessible than even money. Think about how easy it is to make simple money in 2018. For most young men they would rather chase the latter and then funnel towards attaining the former if they even have any interest at all. More and more you see strange dudes all around with washed out eyes from too much video games and porn. Young dudes with early onset grey hair (which I am not starting to believe is tied to over-masturbation which promotes pre-mature ageing - based on ancient Chinese medicine). Other anecdotes are that some friends I have whom -- well -- point blank -- are whores. These friends tell me that clients are getting younger and they are seeing much younger dudes coming around doing p4p. No other way to explain that then to link it to the fact that these young guys are getting zero pussy and have to resort to other means.

In 2018 and beyond as others have mentioned it is all social media game to project your social value. If you don't have a good social media presence, you will struggle to keep things going along unless you have iron-clad aspects on lock such as well oiled social circle and lots of options to keep these girls entertained. I and some of my friends who have been slow or resistant to build up the social media are seeing the shifts. My other friends who have the social media game down are not complaining much about access to poon.

Also - to those who don't think won't society collapses if Betas check out you are wrong. Understand the golden carrot that even keeps this mess of a world, in many parts, stable and running is due to the fact that the worker's bees (betas) still hold hope that they will get the carrot after all their hard work. The idea of finding a wife who will give them sex and produce for the child is the only thing that keeps these people going. Remember, these worker bees, are not destined to be titans of industry, leaders, change makers, anything of that sort. They are capable and competent people that work hard and don't rock the boat. For them, just making enough money to keep up a video game, porn, and soy habit is good enough, and they will sloth away and decay without anyone even noticing. Nothing worse than seeing a soyboy beta/incel age - isn't a good look. One job I had as a canvasser in the summer I remember vividly the strange encounter with a 40+ soyboy who lived in a stale/dated condo in the prime location in Toronto. He invited me into his condo while he filled the questionnaire.

All I could think of is that this guy probably hasn't sniffed a pussy in ages because his whole vibe was just strange. It became almost like a wake-up call to me to remind me that this guy could be me if I don't take on stops to improve and make my situation better. You end up decaying and turning into an old man-child - no woman wants that. So when these dudes all checks out - roads get shitty, fibre-optics decay, vaccine batches get botched, etc. All the little things that we take for granted is large because of beta worker bees who maintain and improve them - not your "Chads." Degregation will be a result - no other way around it.

Broken dating and sexual markets create broken societies. The societal contract between men and women is that men build up a stable environment for women to feel comfortable to produce and raise children (and maintain the social order of society). This is the societal agreement between the sexes and if this is not honoured man has no impetus to build or maintain anything - for why should he? What does he get out of it?

My one homie jokes that it is a "crisis" and a "famine" of lack of pussy for many men. He and I grunt it out to game and try and swoop girls how we can with a hectic schedule and it is not easy for us. He says that if we struggle that lesser men literally must be licking computer screens as that is the closest they will get to pussy. I think about it more, and he must not be far off in that assessment.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

You can lie and mislead with statistics.

Suppose in 18-24 age group in Finland, 100 men and 100 women.
Group A) 35 men, 20 women have zero partners.
Group B) 50 men, 50 women in LTR, so one partner each.
Group C) 15 men share 30 women, so each man has 4 partners, each women has 2.
The above would produce the chart presented by the OP.

Now all you guys are thinking, I want to be in that group C. But what if I told you the quality girls were all in the LTR group B, because they have no need to prove to themselves or anyone else that they are sexually attractive by mindlessly running up their notch count? Whereas the 30 women in group C are all hideous, blue-haired, tattooed fatties with rings in their noses who proudly paraded themselves topless in the last slut walk? Which implies those 10 guys in group C are not so much Chads as chubby chasers with the unpleasant job of servicing ham beasts.

I'm not saying the above is what is happening, but it is possible. There just isn't enough information in that chart to know what is really going on. You're much better off just looking around and trying to get into people's minds.

My theory begins with the belief that most people, both men (including men on this forum) and women, are mostly driven by the need for validation in everything they do, rather than by physical pleasure/pain. That is, we seek out partner sex, marriage, children, job status, fame, nice clothes, facial beauty, big muscles, big houses and other possessions, public evidence of money, etc primarily to impress other people. By contrast, sexual pleasure, food pleasure, sleep pleasure, etc we seek out for their own sake.

Everyone wants sexual pleasure. If they also want validation, then they satisfy both desires at once with partner sex. But if they don't care about validation, then masturbation is much simpler. My guess is that something has changed in the culture so that many young men are giving up on seeking validation through women. That is, they are giving up on partner sex, as well as marriage and children, and going MGTOW, with sexual pleasure from masturbation. Many women are doing the same thing.

In general, many young people are retreating into themselves and living solipsistic lives. Not everyone, of course, but enough to make a dramatic shift in certain presentations of statistics. I think a lot of people of both sexes in celibate group A could join slutty group C (chubby chasers, fatties) if they really wanted partner sex enough to lower standards. In the past, when people in general were more outgoing, they would have lowered standards, but not any more.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-13-2018 10:56 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2018 08:03 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Women do the selecting for the most part, and they only want the good genes.

Interesting post, but it lacks many, many details.

Essentially you are saying women making the choice is a good thing. I'd say, look around today. Being part of the choice but heavily steered is far more accurate explanation of modern civilization. You act as if males also don't know what other males are good mates or good stock genetically (for their daughters).

Even in the "neanderthal" days the "good genes" won for far more reasons, simple and complex, than women "choosing."

Remember, empires in decline have women making many choices.

Yes, the Fate of Empires.

Well, I can`t give a complete account of all the elements involved in mate selection and evolution in general in a short post. Also the subject was mate selection and not selection (environment etc.) in general. Remember also that the Neanderthal days as you refer to constitute the vast majority of humanoid and primate history, we are for all intens and purposes still hunter-gatherers. As far as it being good. I can`t see how I implied that in my post? But I agree with you that there is a major problem here, (letting hypergamy run rampant) and I have posted about this many times before. The dilemma is this;

A-Let women have total freedom in mate selection, and you tank civilization by removing mens motivation to work, fight etc. We all know this by now.

B-Return to the gender dynamics of the 50-60s, and create many weak individuals as a consequence of everyone (app. 90 percent for both genders in the period mentioned, which is totally unprecedented in human history prior) breeding. This in turn will lead to civilizational collapse by various mechanisms, what we experience now basically.

I really don`t know what the solution to this problem is, but it sure as heck can`t be traditional marriage for the vast majority, we already tried that and it didn`t work!

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 10:14 AM)Pointer Wrote:  

The idea that women "select" the best genes or some other explanation around natural selection falls flat on its head if you look at the statistics. There wouldn't be a record number of single mothers and a significant decrease in the population of Western countries if that was true.
In reality most women gravitate towards the bad boy stereotype. He may be unemployed, he may even be a loser and still get more pussy than the guy who has a well paid job but no game.
I also don't buy the Tinder argument. There isn't much data on this but I once read a study that said about 5% of women use apps regularly for hook-ups. The vast majority are there because it's popular and become jaded after getting pumped and dumped a couple times.
The problem is really with the young generation. Video games, movies, porn make you lazy and while as a woman you can let yourself go and still find a guy to bang, it doesn't work the other way around.

These mechanisms of mate selection evolved prior to civilization. And then you also have the dual mating strategy. And nice guys in the past would still be more masculine than today due to dropping T-levels etc.

There`s many elements to consider here, but most people forget that post-agriculture is a mere speck in our history of the planet. Sexual selection is very real, but it does go both ways also. The more you learn about these things, the more questions pop up. It`s indicated in some theories that you can have mostly alphas mating but still have a certain subset of men coming out as beta, or even gay. It`s one of the leading theories of homosexuality in fact, although I`m fairly certain that homosexuality/Lesbianism and also the lower T levels we see is caused by a shift in diet+endocrine disruptors in the environment.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 02:42 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

I really don`t know what the solution to this problem is, but it sure as heck can`t be traditional marriage for the vast majority, we already tried that and it didn`t work!

I think you are missing the most important criteria: Gender ratio. In the past a lot of men would get killed at the workplace or in wars. Which is why genetically humans give birth to slightly more men than women (if I recall correctly it's ~1.06:1). It's all about access and as long as modern medicine and a lack of violent conflicts in the West keep most of us around during our prime years we are stuck with a generation of left swiping Disney princesses.

Imagine coming home from war after a large percentage of your contemporaries have been killed. Getting laid or finding a wife becomes a lot easier simply due to simple supply and demand.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 03:40 PM)redpillage Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2018 02:42 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

I really don`t know what the solution to this problem is, but it sure as heck can`t be traditional marriage for the vast majority, we already tried that and it didn`t work!

I think you are missing the most important criteria: Gender ratio. In the past a lot of men would get killed at the workplace or in wars. Which is why genetically humans give birth to slightly more men than women (if I recall correctly it's ~1.06:1). It's all about access and as long as modern medicine and a lack of violent conflicts in the West keep most of us around during our prime years we are stuck with a generation of left swiping Disney princesses.

Imagine coming home from war after a large percentage of your contemporaries have been killed. Getting laid or finding a wife becomes a lot easier simply due to simple supply and demand.

I think it has more to do with the genetic quality of the man rather than the quantity of men. Women will only mate with the poorer quality men if society massively shames them for staying unmarried.
Back in the pre civilization days, if you made it to adulthood, you had strong genes. Still women would select to some extent.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Very timely article:

Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex?

I don't have time to quote, because it's very long form, but some others will I am sure.

It steps around the issues, but don't dare tell the full truth.

I'll just add this:


A more immediate concern involves the political consequences of loneliness and alienation. Take for example the online hate and real-life violence waged by the so-called incels—men who claim to be “involuntarily celibate.” Their grievances, which are illegitimate and vile, offer a timely reminder that isolated young people are vulnerable to extremism of every sort. See also the populist discontent roiling Europe, driven in part by adults who have so far failed to achieve the milestones of adulthood: In Italy, half of 25-to-34-year-olds now live with their parents.

I guess, even the mainstream media is now beginning to realize, what's up.

What's up, is that millennials have been screwed over from attaining functional adult life by their parents and hostile elites, economically, demographically, psychologically.

Millennials are the biggest joke of history. So named after the turn of the millennium, supposed to be the first generation that never had to worry (that was their parents), that had everything available to them (again, their parents), the big climatic orgasm of history, instead it ended in porn induced erectile dysfunction and dry vagina form SSRI use.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 06:31 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Very timely article:

Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex?

I don't have time to quote, because it's very long form, but some others will I am sure.

It steps around the issues, but don't dare tell the full truth.

I'll just add this:


A more immediate concern involves the political consequences of loneliness and alienation. Take for example the online hate and real-life violence waged by the so-called incels—men who claim to be “involuntarily celibate.” Their grievances, which are illegitimate and vile, offer a timely reminder that isolated young people are vulnerable to extremism of every sort. See also the populist discontent roiling Europe, driven in part by adults who have so far failed to achieve the milestones of adulthood: In Italy, half of 25-to-34-year-olds now live with their parents.

I guess, even the mainstream media is now beginning to realize, what's up.

What's up, is that millennials have been screwed over from attaining functional adult life by their parents and hostile elites, economically, demographically, psychologically.

Millennials are the biggest joke of history. So named after the turn of the millennium, supposed to be the first generation that never had to worry (that was their parents), that had everything available to them (again, their parents), the big climatic orgasm of history, instead it ended in porn induced erectile dysfunction and dry vagina form SSRI use.

The level of indoctrination in the boomer generation is just beyond belief. They haven`t changed one bit either, still holding on to the illusion they where exposed to in their youth. Even when their own offspring are being crushed as a consequence of their (((ideology,))) still they won`t reconsider anything.

You have some rare exceptions of course, but I have a hard time tolerating these people now. Even my own father seem to put these ideals before everything, including myself. I keep hearing talking points from him like; all of humanity will eventually turn into one indistinguishable mixed race and so on. If I say anything remotely red pill he will freak out immediately, and I wouldn`t say he`s a liberal in his lifestyle otherwise. Most people are just sheep/NPC`s at the end of the day. (even my dad) They just can`t or won`t think. I had a really hard time realizing this, but as Roosh has mentioned many times, you can`t red pill people who do not have the desire to seek the truth. The evidence does not matter at all. And by truth I mean the harsh empirical realities of this world. The things that most people just can`t face.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Well, if your dad was even half decent, then give the old man the benefit of the doubt, his opinions are just opinions now, the boomer generation are not in control anymore. We're I'm pissed is at the boomers who were selfish assholes, while preaching peace and love. That disconnect between personal behavior towards family and the ideals they espoused to the public. I knew a few of the worst unfortunately.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 01:37 AM)Flux Wrote:  

^ I'm one of them, and the strategy is, for me and my friends: be handsome.

+2 attractiveness rule for clubs and bars, and strong 'casual date' game if you want a hotter girl.

Social circle game, cooperate with the other handsome guys, throw small exclusive parties, isolate the girl you like.

^^ Cosign.

Basically make your house a party pad, have it be close to the center of town, fill it with other social, good looking dudes, and have a party there every weekend or two.

When going out, wear fitted shirts, girls will come up to you and kiss you or ask you to kiss them. I remember I owned this red pleather jacket that was almost magical, I got called Donnie Brasco while wearing it, and also had two girls, independently (as in, at separate times), randomly come up to me and start making out with me while wearing it. The first time two of my employees were there to witness it, the second time my brother was there.

I was sleeping with a new girl every 3 weeks by simply going out twice a week, and I'm not even a social person, I would just stand there and look good, my proportions are just pleasing to the eye, I look like a GI Joe figure when I wear fitted clothing. Girls will just come up and slap your butt or grab your bicep, for example. Two were at my attractiveness, I dated one for a few years, but the other was crazy, so I stayed away, she wanted to be fuckbuddies, but I don't do that, I don't need an STD. Most, though, were two or three points lower. You'll also get hit on at work and school, and those are very easy to follow up on.

With the exception of the one I dated, not a single one was worth an LTR.

That's why when guys here spend a lot of time on "If you do this, if you do that, if you do this, then you'll have more success with women," it's all bullshit. That only works if success means banging mentally defective narcissists. Also, when guys have sex with these girls, their deluded, sex-clouded minds think they're fucking the girl, but actually, the girl is fucking them, it's just a real slow fuck so that they don't notice it happening until it's too late. Eventually though, their pants are around their ankles and the girl's going full throttle, no lube, on their bank accounts.

Anyways, some of the guys will get lucky, but they would have been better off focusing their efforts elsewhere. Sure, eat right and get in shape, but even if you increase the demand for yourself, the supply side, in regards to quality women, simply is not there unless you're a part of certain social circles that most of us don't have access to.

If all you want to do is get laid, then yeah, improve yourself, if what you want to do is meet a quality girl, one that's say a 7 or more in looks AND a 7 or more in values, then most of you are just out of luck. That's just the cold reality of it, most folks don't have the will of people like Roosh or CleanSlate, the will to recreate their world to their vision of it. For folks that did get lucky with a quality girl due to social circle when young, they can count their blessings, but those folks are probably not on this forum.

Most folks in the West will opt for a combination of masturbation, video games, weed, alcohol, porn, weight lifting, and whores, life is just easier that way. When they realize the hole they've dug themselves into, they'll be in their 40's and have lost so much sexual drive that it just won't matter anymore and they'll just settle into whatever hole they've dug.

There will be no beta rebellion.

Betas gonna beta.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

Quote: (11-14-2018 05:49 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Then there's the Chinese gender disparity.

One could probably conquer China with little more than an army of highly realistic sex-dolls...

Heh. I've been wondering lately if mankind will not be extinguished in a nuclear war but a sex-bot war.

Rival nations flood each other with sex-bots to try to crash their enemies' reproduction rates, then once there are no men left of fighting age just march in and take over without firing a shot.

It sounds less ridiculous every day.

Hypergamy is real: Study suggests less young Finnish men are sexually active

There should be an entire thread dedicated to that Atlantic article NomadBrah linked to. Check this gem of an excerpt:

According to a November 2017 Economist/YouGov poll, 17 percent of Americans ages 18 to 29 now believe that a man inviting a woman out for a drink “always” or “usually” constitutes sexual harassment.

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