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Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

-Mark Manson's 'Models'
-Girlschase has a lot of very good material. Chase has something like an intuitive vision of game -- I see him write intelligently about substantial things no one even notices, like the Law of Least Effort (aka how to be cool) or Autorejection (aka if you don't make a move when a girl gives you an opening, she begins to hate you)


Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-05-2018 11:01 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2018 08:21 PM)Freebird Flying Wrote:  

I'm a little surprised at how many RSD recommendations are in this thread. Is RSD Todd and Julien and Luke actually the best products? I think they are good but I would have thought that here on Roosh forums there would be a lot of doubters on the RSD style.

What about just reading the roosh forums? Or is this more about networking and meeting other members?

I'm surprised at all the RSD support as well. They've got a few really good guys (like Ya'Really) but a lot of their system seems based on active denial that anything besides game(what they're selling) matters whatsoever. Active denial of reality in other words. The whole package (lifestyle etc.) AND game is always going to beat just game by itself. A lot of this may be nostalgia, because they did help a lot of people over the years break out of their shell, but their fundamental premise is flawed. And not in an overly healthy way either IMO.

Suffice to say the latest RSD stuff is all dog shit.

Genuinely RSD Julien PIMP is about the best out there for newbies. It was maybe 4 years ago now and still the best. Todd Valentine is very good, he's no longer part of RSD and had a falling out with them, he has an analytical style instead of the bullshit/chaotic style of the rest. Todd Valentine's product "Women" is probably the best all round video product out there, they stopped selling it because he left but it's on torrent sites.

The latest RSD stuff (as in the last three years) goes the retarded attention seeking route and offers little value. The RSD guys including the fat guy, some new guy maze with the retarded hair, some new scandavian looking guy, and the midget guy with the beard I pay no attention to.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-07-2018 07:28 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2018 11:01 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2018 08:21 PM)Freebird Flying Wrote:  

I'm a little surprised at how many RSD recommendations are in this thread. Is RSD Todd and Julien and Luke actually the best products? I think they are good but I would have thought that here on Roosh forums there would be a lot of doubters on the RSD style.

What about just reading the roosh forums? Or is this more about networking and meeting other members?

I'm surprised at all the RSD support as well. They've got a few really good guys (like Ya'Really) but a lot of their system seems based on active denial that anything besides game(what they're selling) matters whatsoever. Active denial of reality in other words. The whole package (lifestyle etc.) AND game is always going to beat just game by itself. A lot of this may be nostalgia, because they did help a lot of people over the years break out of their shell, but their fundamental premise is flawed. And not in an overly healthy way either IMO.

Suffice to say the latest RSD stuff is all dog shit.

Genuinely RSD Julien PIMP is about the best out there for newbies. It was maybe 4 years ago now and still the best. Todd Valentine is very good, he's no longer part of RSD and had a falling out with them, he has an analytical style instead of the bullshit/chaotic style of the rest. Todd Valentine's product "Women" is probably the best all round video product out there, they stopped selling it because he left but it's on torrent sites.

The latest RSD stuff (as in the last three years) goes the retarded attention seeking route and offers little value. The RSD guys including the fat guy, some new guy maze with the retarded hair, some new scandavian looking guy, and the midget guy with the beard I pay no attention to.

RSD focus almost exclusively on newbies, whereas Todd teaches stuff that actually gets you laid or helps with quality approaches.

I also appreciate AMS and think he has some nice principles, but is a bit too raw for me. Almost seeems as though he's conveying: just say "hi" to the girls that show interest and then proceed give her the D haha.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-07-2018 09:09 AM)droughtmeat Wrote:  

I also appreciate AMS and think he has some nice principles, but is a bit too raw for me. Almost seeems as though he's conveying: just say "hi" to the girls that show interest and then proceed give her the D haha.

lol, this is basically exactly how I feel when I read 99% of PUA stuff out there.

The idea of 'game' has changed.

People used to believe in tricks and tactics and technique with the idea that yoo can basically MAKE girls attracted to you. You can be a hideous, 4ft 75 year old, and still bang 100% of the hottest teenage cheerleaders you want from cold approach if you have enough 'game'. There still appear to be a few hardcore believers out there who still think this (usually mysterymethod followers. I saw some on rationalemale in fact) although I have no idea how successful these people actually are.

Nowadays, almost everything out there seems to come at game as very much a 'numbers game' and about seeing who's into you (screening), and trying to escalate on them girls. No talk of 'conversion' or 'turning' a girl who walks away after you open her etc.

The thing is, i'm not saying that this is even wrong. In fact, my own experience tells me that this likely is the case. That, No matter how good your 'game' is, a hell of a lot of girls will be 'no girl's (based mainly on your look) and no amount of teasing or negging or DHV stories etc is gonna get her in bed.

Yet without this belief in game, there really isn't much that needs to be said which is maybe why most material, as you say, is really just very hollow and why PUA communities in general seem to be dwindling away

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-07-2018 09:19 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2018 09:09 AM)droughtmeat Wrote:  

I also appreciate AMS and think he has some nice principles, but is a bit too raw for me. Almost seeems as though he's conveying: just say "hi" to the girls that show interest and then proceed give her the D haha.

lol, this is basically exactly how I feel when I read 99% of PUA stuff out there.

The idea of 'game' has changed.

People used to believe in tricks and tactics and technique with the idea that yoo can basically MAKE girls attracted to you. You can be a hideous, 4ft 75 year old, and still bang 100% of the hottest teenage cheerleaders you want from cold approach if you have enough 'game'. There still appear to be a few hardcore believers out there who still think this (usually mysterymethod followers. I saw some on rationalemale in fact) although I have no idea how successful these people actually are.

Nowadays, almost everything out there seems to come at game as very much a 'numbers game' and about seeing who's into you (screening), and trying to escalate on them girls. No talk of 'conversion' or 'turning' a girl who walks away after you open her etc.

The thing is, i'm not saying that this is even wrong. In fact, my own experience tells me that this likely is the case. That, No matter how good your 'game' is, a hell of a lot of girls will be 'no girl's (based mainly on your look) and no amount of teasing or negging or DHV stories etc is gonna get her in bed.

Yet without this belief in game, there really isn't much that needs to be said which is maybe why most material, as you say, is really just very hollow and why PUA communities in general seem to be dwindling away

I'm a firm believer in AMS and what I like most about his style for new guys is he doesn't bullshit them and he also, like it or not, puts the needs of a man ahead of a woman. So often on these forums guys bemoan the loss of one girl without ever recognizing the never ending pool of milk and honey.

Where i don't agree with AMS is his objection towards cold approaching. I think once you have your LMS in order you're only doing yourself a disservice by not approaching a beautiful girl who a. hasn't seen you or b. has seen and not given IOIs. Where I disagree with almost all RSD and old school PUA is their incessant harping on turning/converting women. FUCK THAT. I value myself too much to attempt to make a sales pitch on my worth. Bitch you either recognize the sunshine hitting your face or you don't. I will not make one additional utterance in attempt to game a woman who has put up a shield. I think men should stop doing this because even if you get her number I'm sure the flake rate on these bitches is horrendous. Please note passing a shit test is different from converting a chick who has on her bitch shield.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-07-2018 09:19 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2018 09:09 AM)droughtmeat Wrote:  

I also appreciate AMS and think he has some nice principles, but is a bit too raw for me. Almost seeems as though he's conveying: just say "hi" to the girls that show interest and then proceed give her the D haha.

lol, this is basically exactly how I feel when I read 99% of PUA stuff out there.

The idea of 'game' has changed.

People used to believe in tricks and tactics and technique with the idea that yoo can basically MAKE girls attracted to you. You can be a hideous, 4ft 75 year old, and still bang 100% of the hottest teenage cheerleaders you want from cold approach if you have enough 'game'. There still appear to be a few hardcore believers out there who still think this (usually mysterymethod followers. I saw some on rationalemale in fact) although I have no idea how successful these people actually are.

Nowadays, almost everything out there seems to come at game as very much a 'numbers game' and about seeing who's into you (screening), and trying to escalate on them girls. No talk of 'conversion' or 'turning' a girl who walks away after you open her etc.

The thing is, i'm not saying that this is even wrong. In fact, my own experience tells me that this likely is the case. That, No matter how good your 'game' is, a hell of a lot of girls will be 'no girl's (based mainly on your look) and no amount of teasing or negging or DHV stories etc is gonna get her in bed.

Yet without this belief in game, there really isn't much that needs to be said which is maybe why most material, as you say, is really just very hollow and why PUA communities in general seem to be dwindling away

I think you're spot on that natural game has slowly usurped technical game.

There are still some guys out there teaching technical game. Ultimate Man Project, whom I linked in my original post, is one such group.

I don't think PUA communities are dwindling away, they're just changing form. Essentially, Game has gotten "normalized". It's no longer guys with long hair doing magic tricks and wearing snakeskin suits.

A lot of guys on Roosh just post here, maybe read a few manosphere blogs, and aren't aware of the wider world of "Game". There are tons of communities out there on YouTube and there's a network of mostly secret Facebook groups with 2K-8K members each.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

If this was another forum I would recommend rooshvs new book BUT we all know and love him here sooo If youre looking for material that doesnt focus on looks and other bullshit I would check out witch60.com - gunwitch has been in the game since the 90s and knows his shit.

He believes that attraction does not exist. As long as you arent "knee jerk" ugly, you can talk your way into pussy.

He explains how getting laid only requires;
-immersion- she wants to talk you because your conversation is captivating.
-emotional stimulation-you say things that put her mind thru many different emotional states
-sexual arousal- your conversation gets her sexually aroused
-social frame-your socially acceptable (you have friends, you wont kill her, you don't project low value behaviors)

I just went thru his two programs and I would recommend both. ($50/each). Very very indepth shit. Better than $400 rsd programs.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-07-2018 12:40 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

I would check out witch60.com - gunwitch has been in the game since the 90s and knows his shit.

He believes that attraction does not exist. As long as you arent "knee jerk" ugly, you can talk your way into pussy.

Gunwitch is the definition of knee jerk ugly:
[Image: 18j05ysvom4pwjpg.jpg]

There's no fucking way that this guy fucks hot girls by "talking his way into it".

If I recall correctly, he lives in Klamath Falls, Oregon, of all places. Dude is living in his Mom's basement banging meth-ed up 4s and selling audio tapes.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

West Indian Archie often recommends the writing of YaReally, a commenter at Heartiste and Rollo who would do breakdowns when other commenters posted field reports.

Someone else made a website of his posts but it is now down.

Over at Archie's blog, beneath an excellent review (http://www.westindianarchie.com/roosh-game-review/) of Roosh's new book by the way, a commenter named AZN Playa has linked to a book someone made of YaReally's posts, and I would advise snapping it up before it disappears.


Even if you aren't planning becoming a master gamer, this stuff is solid, and the writing is pretty good too. I am enjoying just the read itself.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

The correct answer is this very forum and I don't do that as a way of kissing up. As someone who has looked over other game material in the past and observed the teachings of the gurus, I want to say that nothing comes close to what this forum and its members offer.

On this very forum you will find that the members, especially the younger ones, are able to be a lot more objective and accept the changing trends with game. Most other places will tell you to avoid social media and paint it as some sort of an evil, on this forum you will get a chance to read guides from the likes of Corsega himself about how to leverage Instagram game. You don't get denial on this forum about things such as looks mattering or women being hypergamous, the members accept the truth for what it is and they do something about it which is key.

You have the travel forum where you will find the best spots to be at in every city, it has saved me countless times when I was visiting as I travel frequently for work. The threads on the game forum itself are centered around which cities are trending what way in terms of game, which ones are the best and which ones you are wasting your time in. Advice threads for running game in each city are around for guys to discuss relevant strategies and even talk about how to do well in some of the more difficult cities out there.

If you look a certain way whether black, asian or brown; there are threads on how to run game as a man of your background. You get advice and feedback from guys of your race who have traveled and run game in various parts of the world, what has worked for them and what has not. Most of all these threads are full of good advice instead of race whining, we lift each other up instead of bringing the woe is me victim's mentality that plagues so many men out there.

So to tell you the truth OP, this forum has stood the test of time and it is around to this very day providing you with good advice no matter who you are or where you are at.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

I think its disingenuous to say he bangs methhead 4s without proof to back it up. The only thing we can say for certain is he's willing to shoot methheads 4s in the face.

If you think his information is wrong then I would also disregard the above posters recommendation for the book of yareally because he speaks highly of gunwitch. If im not mistaken I believe WIA has also quoted gunwitch.

It only hurts the people who hold the belief that you need to be good looking to bang women. I see ugly dudes with good looking women and good looking dudes with ugly women all the time.

Regardless of all that, I dont care if he lives in his moms basement and fucks 4's. I listened to his material and found it valuable. It helped connect a lot of dots in my mind. IMO that makes it worth it.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Most of the USA stuff doesn't work for me..I'd say Todd is the best American , International game wise.He learn't that American stuff doesn't work in Europe or Oz..

Guys running game out of LV and NYC have the advantage of a huge transit population..LV is the Stalingrad of game 24/7 .So guys bragging their game is tight are basically hitting on a huge DTF female population with logistics on lock..
I know Todd lives there....Also huge p4p mudding the field which causes preselection..

Yareally is my favourite get hold of that pdf .That dude's shit was a game changer for me cause it was what I was seeing in the field.

I love WIA to..Rsd Tyler and wait for it.. RSD Ozzie on physical game.I prefer a Euro jaunt ..Also Steve Jabba is back and he was another game changer for me along with Krauser.

I prefer the Brits and Aussies..

That new kid Bradicus I've seen on the street..That dude has game I've seen it.Mother fucker might not look like much but he is a wolf in sheeps clothing..

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-07-2018 09:44 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

I think its disingenuous to say he bangs methhead 4s without proof to back it up. The only thing we can say for certain is he's willing to shoot methheads 4s in the face.

If you think his information is wrong then I would also disregard the above posters recommendation for the book of yareally because he speaks highly of gunwitch. If im not mistaken I believe WIA has also quoted gunwitch.

It only hurts the people who hold the belief that you need to be good looking to bang women. I see ugly dudes with good looking women and good looking dudes with ugly women all the time.

Regardless of all that, I dont care if he lives in his moms basement and fucks 4's. I listened to his material and found it valuable. It helped connect a lot of dots in my mind. IMO that makes it worth it.

Never said his information was wrong, just that his claims are. I value ideas over ideologues, but we should still look down upon bad behavior, like inflating ratings and making claims without proof.

At the end of the day, the burden of proof is on Gunwitch, just like when a disheveled guy appears in the road and says he has magical powers, you don't really need proof to raise your eyebrows and think there's something going on there.

Just like your reaction should be every time you see ugly dudes with good looking women - there's some other factor at play other than Game. Be it money, social circle, status, etc. Guys like Gunwitch do not fuck hot girls from cold approach.


Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

tr1cky alerted me to this whole thing and I feel I've got a right to defend some of these things.

Number 1 yes it IS me..... Proof

Number 2 THIS IS ME, not my mugshot where i've grown an ironic mullet as a joke and happen to be covered in some chicks blood after running in a snowstorm all freaked out looking. I do have some sense not to have a skullet [Image: tard.gif]

Corsega is like that guy if you a say a celebrity chicks hot, he brings the worst picture of her up on his phone where shes without makeup or her hair done and goes "yuck dude!" haha. It smells like an agenda here to pull up my worst pic when theres 20 other ones right on my websites even.

Number 3: I've met legit community members and done in field demos. Ockwick a LONG time poster from asf whos met tons of others also taking a pic in San Francisco Market Street mall of me gaming a DIME: http://witch60.com/wp-content/uploads/20...AG0079.jpg

Number 4: Saying put up or shut up proof. Ok here is a full approach to pull of a recent student who JUST started, running some of my curiosity gambits and hooks. Remember this is an early, just starting out guy working the materials on his own and recording this for my critique, and getting an extraction.

Number 5: Biggest of ALL, if you discount the ability to influence another human beings mind with how you behave, and what you talk about and how you persist (or don't, it's part of this as well big time, most guys are never rejected, they eject, fatal flaw of almost all PU systems)? You are LOST in all of this and wasting your time reading about it and talking trash about it as a skill if you have no belief in psychological influence. If that's what you believe deeply, just go workout and try to get rich and I HOPE go talk to some chicks, don't wait for "once my abs show i'll start trying" at least, cause you can get hot girls without that. YOU CAN punch out of your "weight class" looks wise, by a lot, with proper skills. Come on, LEAVE THE HOUSE and look at couples, plenty of if not the RULE, 10s with 7s both ways, all the "proof" you need.

Again this all smells like cry fest, "confirm that I shouldn't make an effort at all". Just based on the way this was presented and the absurd "lives in klamath falls", not for a long time, "bangs methheads", nope never once I hate them (my brother is one, long story, but i'd never touch a drug chick). I live between Vegas and Reno Nevada back and forth. I've been everywhere, lived lots of places and been out pulling! This is documented through the history of the pickup community! I routinely fuck I dunno like 8s subjectively from daygame, and once in a while even bang a socially acceptable DIME, at hospital cafeterias (little daygame secret) and pay per plate charity dinners and such. Indeed I make a living off this stuff, a nice one just off my reputation, I don't live in a basement, I travel the country fucking women! Don't judge me on a mugshot from 8 years ago when I was home invaded by hills have eyes motherfuckers and had to shoot my way out, come on.....


Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote:Captain Gh Wrote:

A lot of naturals, like I assume you are, have this Black & White mentality from Game. For those of us who've had to study this $hit... we realize there's many ways to "Skin The Cat"!

I am as unnatural as can possible be. I was the joke. Memes exist about me.

Learning about Game and The Red Pill changed my life. Got me laid for the very first time. It gave me hope when none existed. Approaching girls was life saving therapy for me.

Quote:Captain Gh Wrote:

If you Hate Online that's fine... but if you open your mind to it... it might become a Nice additional Pu$$y stream!

I agree. It can certainly be a nice additional source of girls. However. Most guys do not approach. Instead they hamster their insecurities away by defending online crap. It is weak.

I refer to my first post. It has all the Game material one needs. It has been field tested by thousands of people all around the world. That is all one needs to become a player.


Other sources of (Red Pill) knowledge I did not mention:
- The Rational Male
- Chateau Heartiste

[Image: tdcs.gif]

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

@badboygamer - I see you recommend both mysterymethod and 60yoc. They kind of disagree on basically everything, so i'm curious as to what your game looks like on a night out? How you open, transition, hook, and move forward.
Based on your reading list, I'm not sure whether you open direct and caveman her ass with your balls out or whether you opinion opener and neg and then tell DHV stories about your model ex girlfriend and read her palm whilst hiding your sexual intent! I'm curious lol.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Gaming chicks at the hospital cafeteria LOL! Gotdamn I can't say I've ever thought of that. But I have gotten the shakes as I walk past dime after dime in their nurse scrubs.

Do you usually game the nurses or the visitors? Or both?

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Different shit works for different guys. We are all different ages, with different looks, backgrounds, social status, money and locations not to mention at different levels in our game journeys. So there's never really going to be a one size fits all solution for each individual guy. Hence the disparities in opinion you're seeing on the thread. The best solution for you also may most likely be a hybrid between 2,3 or more sources rather than sticking religiously to one PUA company/product or whatnot.

I'd say look into as wide a variety of stuff from different guys as possible and go with what resonates the most from your own personal first world experience. In addition to that try and associate with as many guys with good game as possible, be it naturals or dudes met from PUA forums. Try to learn as much as you can from observing them and asking questions (without weirding them out too much if you can)


Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-08-2018 06:43 AM)Gunwitch Wrote:  

tr1cky alerted me to this whole thing and I feel I've got a right to defend some of these things.

Number 1 yes it IS me..... Proof

Number 2 THIS IS ME, not my mugshot where i've grown an ironic mullet as a joke and happen to be covered in some chicks blood after running in a snowstorm all freaked out looking. I do have some sense not to have a skullet [Image: tard.gif]

Corsega is like that guy if you a say a celebrity chicks hot, he brings the worst picture of her up on his phone where shes without makeup or her hair done and goes "yuck dude!" haha. It smells like an agenda here to pull up my worst pic when theres 20 other ones right on my websites even.

Number 3: I've met legit community members and done in field demos. Ockwick a LONG time poster from asf whos met tons of others also taking a pic in San Francisco Market Street mall of me gaming a DIME: http://witch60.com/wp-content/uploads/20...AG0079.jpg

Number 4: Saying put up or shut up proof. Ok here is a full approach to pull of a recent student who JUST started, running some of my curiosity gambits and hooks. Remember this is an early, just starting out guy working the materials on his own and recording this for my critique, and getting an extraction.

Number 5: Biggest of ALL, if you discount the ability to influence another human beings mind with how you behave, and what you talk about and how you persist (or don't, it's part of this as well big time, most guys are never rejected, they eject, fatal flaw of almost all PU systems)? You are LOST in all of this and wasting your time reading about it and talking trash about it as a skill if you have no belief in psychological influence. If that's what you believe deeply, just go workout and try to get rich and I HOPE go talk to some chicks, don't wait for "once my abs show i'll start trying" at least, cause you can get hot girls without that. YOU CAN punch out of your "weight class" looks wise, by a lot, with proper skills. Come on, LEAVE THE HOUSE and look at couples, plenty of if not the RULE, 10s with 7s both ways, all the "proof" you need.

Again this all smells like cry fest, "confirm that I shouldn't make an effort at all". Just based on the way this was presented and the absurd "lives in klamath falls", not for a long time, "bangs methheads", nope never once I hate them (my brother is one, long story, but i'd never touch a drug chick). I live between Vegas and Reno Nevada back and forth. I've been everywhere, lived lots of places and been out pulling! This is documented through the history of the pickup community! I routinely fuck I dunno like 8s subjectively from daygame, and once in a while even bang a socially acceptable DIME, at hospital cafeterias (little daygame secret) and pay per plate charity dinners and such. Indeed I make a living off this stuff, a nice one just off my reputation, I don't live in a basement, I travel the country fucking women! Don't judge me on a mugshot from 8 years ago when I was home invaded by hills have eyes motherfuckers and had to shoot my way out, come on.....


Gun, thanks for coming in and defending yourself. The community is small and certainly everyone should be able to have their say.

Now, let's have a real discussion without hyperbole and see if we can figure out something approximating the truth.

I'll reiterate - I never questioned your material. I've never read it. I was raising my eyebrows at the claim of an ugly guy punching far above his weight. You posted an updated picture, and well, there's no way to say this tactfully — you're not the best looking guy in the world. That's a GOOD thing, because if your method actually works, it should be a shining reflection of your game. It's sort of the opposite of taking daygame advice from daygame advice from James Tusk.

You bring up the mismatched looks couples example, but as I explained, if you actually go up and ask these couples how they met (I often do, out of curiosity), it's all social circle, status, money, or, most frequently, a combination of the three. An ugly guy is not talking his way into prime pussy through cold approach.

You say you subjectively fuck 8s from daygame. This is a low 7.5 on my scale:
[Image: UsHmfEr.jpg]
[Image: 2NSjUhO.jpg]

If you are fucking girls hotter than this by walking up and talking to them during the day, pure cold approach, with no status play, then by golly, I'll drop everything I know about game and follow your system to the death.

I won't even touch on the certified dimes from hospital cafeterias and pay-for-play dinners. I assume that's some sort of status play, and if not, that claim is even more absurd.

I don't see the proof.

Sharing audio infield of one of your students is not proof.

A photo of you talking to a hot girl in the mall is not proof. Anyone can walk up and talk to a girl. But a girl taking an evolutionary risk of accepting the semen of a guy, much less attractive than her, who cold approached her in the daylight? That's unheard of.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Happy to take this to PM if you'd rather not post publicly.

edit: just saw your post in the other thread. You're lying to girls about your status/profession, as I suspected. This all makes sense now.
[Image: E1RXEde.png]

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

About Mystery

Most think Mystery Method is all about hats, negs, funny stories and other weird stuff. It is his model of attraction, comfort and seduction that has the real value. Every seduction follows these phases. No exceptions.

His more technical ideas are also spot on. Every seduction contains elements of the kind he describes. Peacocking? Everybody does it. DHV? Everybody does it. Negs? It is an element of teasing.

Mystery is greatly misunderstood. His brilliance made into a joke.

Mystery Method gives me structure. A game plan. An idea of what to do and when to do it. It gave me awareness of the most basic social dynamics. Dynamics I did not understood. Like positioning or group interactions.

I don't think I ever used any line from his book, except for a single neg involving nails.

About 60 Years of Challenge

His book made me less afraid of being direct and to escalate. His honesty is refreshing. He does not like nightclubs. He does not like approaching. He is just there to get laid.

He teaches you how to not waste time. How to screen for girls. How to be direct and escalate quickly. Mystery on the other hand is horrible slow.

Another source I forgot: Good Looking Loser!


whilst hiding your sexual intent!

Do not hide sexual intent. Show it! To the girls. A bit under the radar.

The last thing I want is to be perceived as asexual.

I want a girl to think: "This guy is capable of fucking my brains out and makes me beg for more. I will feel sore for a week. Yummy!" And the last thing I want her to think is: "I can introduce this guy to my parents. He makes a good boyfriend."

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

@ Cortega


I was raising my eyebrows at the claim of an ugly guy punching far above his weight.

Plenty of examples. You just have trouble believing it. I even posted a whole topic about it.



if you actually go up and ask these couples how they met (I often do, out of curiosity), it's all social circle, status, money, or, most frequently, a combination of the three.

Most people meet by social circle. Cold approach is the exception.

The player is the exception.


An ugly guy is not talking his way into prime pussy through cold approach.

This is the whole point of Game and The Red Pill.

Roosh is not a handsome guy. No amazing muscles or great facial structure. His hair is hideous. Do not deny he does not get prime pusy. And he is just one example.


If you are fucking girls hotter than this by walking up and talking to them during the day, pure cold approach, with no status play, then by golly, I'll drop everything I know about game and follow your system to the death.

You are denying game. Hundreds if not thousands of guys (plenty of them ugly) are gaming girls. World wide.


Anyone can walk up and talk to a girl. But a girl taking an evolutionary risk of accepting the semen of a guy, much less attractive than her, who cold approached her in the daylight? That's unheard of.

Not every guy can walk up to a girl and talk to her. Let alone get a date or get laid from it. Most guys cannot. Cold approaching girls is the exception. It is what players do. It is what pickup is about. It works. And every guy can learn it.

Most guys are too scared and insecure to even try it. At best some might approach a few girls. Decide it does not work and go hide behind a Tinder app.

Then other guys (very few) go out and approach girls. Sometimes thousands of girls. They learn how things work. Get good at it. Improve themselfs. And bang hotties. The kind of hotties most guys can only dream about.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-08-2018 11:18 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (11-08-2018 06:43 AM)Gunwitch Wrote:  

tr1cky alerted me to this whole thing and I feel I've got a right to defend some of these things.

Number 1 yes it IS me..... Proof

Number 2 THIS IS ME, not my mugshot where i've grown an ironic mullet as a joke and happen to be covered in some chicks blood after running in a snowstorm all freaked out looking. I do have some sense not to have a skullet [Image: tard.gif]

Corsega is like that guy if you a say a celebrity chicks hot, he brings the worst picture of her up on his phone where shes without makeup or her hair done and goes "yuck dude!" haha. It smells like an agenda here to pull up my worst pic when theres 20 other ones right on my websites even.

Number 3: I've met legit community members and done in field demos. Ockwick a LONG time poster from asf whos met tons of others also taking a pic in San Francisco Market Street mall of me gaming a DIME: http://witch60.com/wp-content/uploads/20...AG0079.jpg

Number 4: Saying put up or shut up proof. Ok here is a full approach to pull of a recent student who JUST started, running some of my curiosity gambits and hooks. Remember this is an early, just starting out guy working the materials on his own and recording this for my critique, and getting an extraction.

Number 5: Biggest of ALL, if you discount the ability to influence another human beings mind with how you behave, and what you talk about and how you persist (or don't, it's part of this as well big time, most guys are never rejected, they eject, fatal flaw of almost all PU systems)? You are LOST in all of this and wasting your time reading about it and talking trash about it as a skill if you have no belief in psychological influence. If that's what you believe deeply, just go workout and try to get rich and I HOPE go talk to some chicks, don't wait for "once my abs show i'll start trying" at least, cause you can get hot girls without that. YOU CAN punch out of your "weight class" looks wise, by a lot, with proper skills. Come on, LEAVE THE HOUSE and look at couples, plenty of if not the RULE, 10s with 7s both ways, all the "proof" you need.

Again this all smells like cry fest, "confirm that I shouldn't make an effort at all". Just based on the way this was presented and the absurd "lives in klamath falls", not for a long time, "bangs methheads", nope never once I hate them (my brother is one, long story, but i'd never touch a drug chick). I live between Vegas and Reno Nevada back and forth. I've been everywhere, lived lots of places and been out pulling! This is documented through the history of the pickup community! I routinely fuck I dunno like 8s subjectively from daygame, and once in a while even bang a socially acceptable DIME, at hospital cafeterias (little daygame secret) and pay per plate charity dinners and such. Indeed I make a living off this stuff, a nice one just off my reputation, I don't live in a basement, I travel the country fucking women! Don't judge me on a mugshot from 8 years ago when I was home invaded by hills have eyes motherfuckers and had to shoot my way out, come on.....


Gun, thanks for coming in and defending yourself. The community is small and certainly everyone should be able to have their say.

Now, let's have a real discussion without hyperbole and see if we can figure out something approximating the truth.

I'll reiterate - I never questioned your material. I've never read it. I was raising my eyebrows at the claim of an ugly guy punching far above his weight. You posted an updated picture, and well, there's no way to say this tactfully — you're not the best looking guy in the world. That's a GOOD thing, because if your method actually works, it should be a shining reflection of your game. It's sort of the opposite of taking daygame advice from daygame advice from James Tusk.

You bring up the mismatched looks couples example, but as I explained, if you actually go up and ask these couples how they met (I often do, out of curiosity), it's all social circle, status, money, or, most frequently, a combination of the three. An ugly guy is not talking his way into prime pussy through cold approach.

You say you subjectively fuck 8s from daygame. This is a low 7.5 on my scale:
[Image: UsHmfEr.jpg]
[Image: 2NSjUhO.jpg]

If you are fucking girls hotter than this by walking up and talking to them during the day, pure cold approach, with no status play, then by golly, I'll drop everything I know about game and follow your system to the death.

I won't even touch on the certified dimes from hospital cafeterias and pay-for-play dinners. I assume that's some sort of status play, and if not, that claim is even more absurd.

I don't see the proof.

Sharing audio infield of one of your students is not proof.

A photo of you talking to a hot girl in the mall is not proof. Anyone can walk up and talk to a girl. But a girl taking an evolutionary risk of accepting the semen of a guy, much less attractive than her, who cold approached her in the daylight? That's unheard of.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Happy to take this to PM if you'd rather not post publicly.

edit: just saw your post in the other thread. You're lying to girls about your status/profession, as I suspected. This all makes sense now.
[Image: E1RXEde.png]

Corsega makes some strong points even if you hate the language he used in making them. I also agree the chick he posted is a 7.5. The pick up community needs to really be honest with itself. Part of the reason I gravitated towards Roosh's site is because the guys here are generally more advanced and above all they are honest. I think it is dangerous to keep pushing this mantra that game and game alone can get you a 9 or 10 if you are a 5 or 6. For all intents, purposes and constructions this is false. Im sure there are exceptions and there is some unattractive guy with no money, no talent and no status that has a hot girlfriend but by and large this CANNOT be the general rule. The penniless version of the film director Michael Moore could not land a chick like Megan Markle even if he had black belt level game in my estimation. We need to put some boundaries on this stuff. The rule of numbers doesn't even support something like this. Guys w/ game complain about the behavior of western women on this forum day in and day out, yet we are to believe the least attractive among us can eventually land a 9 or 10 in "the West" with 9th degree black belt level game. Not saying it can't happen, it just doesn't happen enough to warrant propagandizing. We would be better served if we stopped exaggerating what game can do in that sense. Hell, for an ugly who wants a 9 or 10 i think timing is even more important than game. Also consider, men typically and historically TAKE 9s and 10s away from other men. How the fuck can some ugly dude with game "take away" a 9 or 10 from another man. We are all aware of the poolboy who fucks the rich wife, but part of why that works is because the pool boy is attractive and virile. I'm rambling but you guys get the point.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

droughtmeat, quaker13 thanks for the recommendation, this is the first time i find out about this guy. Watched 5 of his videos throughout the day and im hooked. This guy speaks raw truth and doesn't give a fuck.

"If she asks me what im looking for, i will tell her im looking for a wife, and all that shit - which im not. Just lying to her so i can get what i want. I told you guys, we're over that moral shit, we're over that ethic shit. I am just gonna lie and do what i do to get what i want, which is between her legs. That's it."

That cracked me up. So many girls and betas fighting in his comment section calling him a piece of shit. It's funny. He does preach some good abundance mentality though which this forum is also doing, so i think i will keep up with this guy, seems interesting.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-08-2018 12:22 PM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

Plenty of examples. You just have trouble believing it. I even posted a whole topic about it.


You posted a topic about an ugly guy sleeping with ugly girls. Sounds pretty looksmatched to me.

Quote: (11-08-2018 12:22 PM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

Most people meet by social circle. Cold approach is the exception.

The player is the exception.

Exactly. Exceptions are harder for girls to make than what is socially acceptable. That's why cold approach results in guys sleeping with their looksmatch or below, while social circle results in all sorts of looks gap situations.

Quote: (11-08-2018 12:22 PM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

Roosh is not a handsome guy. No amazing muscles or great facial structure. His hair is hideous. Do not deny he does not get prime pusy. And he is just one example.

Imagine you're a woman. Imagine one of these guys is going to shoot their load into you. Which do you choose?

[Image: Roosh-Barack-Obama.jpg]


[Image: 33634201_176649643049366_6057496319499436032_n.jpg]

Quote: (11-08-2018 12:22 PM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

You are denying game. Hundreds if not thousands of guys (plenty of them ugly) are gaming girls. World wide.

Hundreds if not thousands of guys are gaming looksmatched girls. World wide.

Quote: (11-08-2018 12:22 PM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

Then other guys (very few) go out and approach girls. Sometimes thousands of girls. They learn how things work. Get good at it. Improve themselfs. And bang hotties. The kind of hotties most guys can only dream about.

Key word: improve themselves.

Let's put you in Gunwitch's body for a day. Nay, a year. You're not allowed to improve yourself.

Then we'll tally your laycount and overall quality. And see how many "hotties" you bang.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

I think Corsega is right to insist on honesty. Reading his blog he delivers himself what he insists on. Everyone who is giving detailed advice should be that honest.

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