Quote: (11-08-2018 06:43 AM)Gunwitch Wrote:
tr1cky alerted me to this whole thing and I feel I've got a right to defend some of these things.
Number 1 yes it IS me..... Proof
Number 2 THIS IS ME, not my mugshot where i've grown an ironic mullet as a joke and happen to be covered in some chicks blood after running in a snowstorm all freaked out looking. I do have some sense not to have a skullet ![[Image: tard.gif]](https://rooshvforum.network/images/smilies/new/tard.gif)
Corsega is like that guy if you a say a celebrity chicks hot, he brings the worst picture of her up on his phone where shes without makeup or her hair done and goes "yuck dude!" haha. It smells like an agenda here to pull up my worst pic when theres 20 other ones right on my websites even.
Number 3: I've met legit community members and done in field demos. Ockwick a LONG time poster from asf whos met tons of others also taking a pic in San Francisco Market Street mall of me gaming a DIME: http://witch60.com/wp-content/uploads/20...AG0079.jpg
Number 4: Saying put up or shut up proof. Ok here is a full approach to pull of a recent student who JUST started, running some of my curiosity gambits and hooks. Remember this is an early, just starting out guy working the materials on his own and recording this for my critique, and getting an extraction.
Number 5: Biggest of ALL, if you discount the ability to influence another human beings mind with how you behave, and what you talk about and how you persist (or don't, it's part of this as well big time, most guys are never rejected, they eject, fatal flaw of almost all PU systems)? You are LOST in all of this and wasting your time reading about it and talking trash about it as a skill if you have no belief in psychological influence. If that's what you believe deeply, just go workout and try to get rich and I HOPE go talk to some chicks, don't wait for "once my abs show i'll start trying" at least, cause you can get hot girls without that. YOU CAN punch out of your "weight class" looks wise, by a lot, with proper skills. Come on, LEAVE THE HOUSE and look at couples, plenty of if not the RULE, 10s with 7s both ways, all the "proof" you need.
Again this all smells like cry fest, "confirm that I shouldn't make an effort at all". Just based on the way this was presented and the absurd "lives in klamath falls", not for a long time, "bangs methheads", nope never once I hate them (my brother is one, long story, but i'd never touch a drug chick). I live between Vegas and Reno Nevada back and forth. I've been everywhere, lived lots of places and been out pulling! This is documented through the history of the pickup community! I routinely fuck I dunno like 8s subjectively from daygame, and once in a while even bang a socially acceptable DIME, at hospital cafeterias (little daygame secret) and pay per plate charity dinners and such. Indeed I make a living off this stuff, a nice one just off my reputation, I don't live in a basement, I travel the country fucking women! Don't judge me on a mugshot from 8 years ago when I was home invaded by hills have eyes motherfuckers and had to shoot my way out, come on.....
Gun, thanks for coming in and defending yourself. The community is small and certainly everyone should be able to have their say.
Now, let's have a real discussion without hyperbole and see if we can figure out something approximating the truth.
I'll reiterate - I never questioned your material. I've never read it. I was raising my eyebrows at the claim of an ugly guy punching far above his weight. You posted an updated picture, and well, there's no way to say this tactfully — you're not the best looking guy in the world. That's a GOOD thing, because if your method actually works, it should be a shining reflection of your game. It's sort of the opposite of taking daygame advice from
daygame advice from James Tusk.
You bring up the mismatched looks couples example, but as I explained, if you actually go up and ask these couples how they met (I often do, out of curiosity), it's all social circle, status, money, or, most frequently, a combination of the three. An ugly guy is not talking his way into prime pussy through cold approach.
You say you subjectively fuck 8s from daygame. This is a low 7.5 on my scale:
If you are fucking girls
hotter than this by walking up and talking to them during the day, pure cold approach, with no status play, then by golly, I'll drop everything I know about game and follow your system to the death.
I won't even touch on the certified dimes from hospital cafeterias and pay-for-play dinners. I assume that's some sort of status play, and if not, that claim is even more absurd.
I don't see the proof.
Sharing audio infield of one of your students is not proof.
A photo of you talking to a hot girl in the mall is not proof. Anyone can walk up and talk to a girl. But a girl taking an evolutionary risk of accepting the semen of a guy, much less attractive than her, who cold approached her in the daylight? That's unheard of.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Happy to take this to PM if you'd rather not post publicly.
edit: just saw your post in the other thread. You're lying to girls about your status/profession, as I suspected. This all makes sense now.