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Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Ok, at risk of turning this into one giant advertising thread, who has the best most relevant PUA material out there right now?

Bonus points if this material was made in the last several years and if it caters to intermediates who know how to get laid regularly but want to bang hotter chicks (the 9's and up).

Obviously roosh has a lot of great stuff, but besides roosh, who are the modern masters of game I need to learn from?

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Depending on the type of game you prefer to run AMS has been the game changer that I needed. This coming from an advanced level gamer. After consistently listening to the advice on his Patreon I feel very ready to handle high level girls game wise. I now just need my SMV to catch up with my game.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-03-2018 09:08 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Depending on the type of game you prefer to run AMS has been the game changer that I needed. This coming from an advanced level gamer. After consistently listening to the advice on his Patreon I feel very ready to handle high level girls game wise. I now just need my SMV to catch up with my game.

Advanced level gamer here as well. Have over 150 kills and AMS made me look at shit differently as well. I still don't believe in ONLY approaching women that give me IOIs/choosing signals, but that's about the only area he and I disagree. I believe if you see something you like you should approach. This is what separates the men from the boys.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-03-2018 06:33 PM)EmpireState Wrote:  

Ok, at risk of turning this into one giant advertising thread, who has the best most relevant PUA material out there right now?

Bonus points if this material was made in the last several years and if it caters to intermediates who know how to get laid regularly but want to bang hotter chicks (the 9's and up).

Obviously roosh has a lot of great stuff, but besides roosh, who are the modern masters of game I need to learn from?

Depends. Can you give a little more context about yourself? Do you do daygame? Night game? Online game? Social circle game?

How old are you? What is your looks level on a 1-10 scale?

Besides wanting to bang 9s+, what are your sticking points? What is your history in game? Which resources have you consumed so far?

Quote: (11-03-2018 09:44 PM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-03-2018 09:08 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Depending on the type of game you prefer to run AMS has been the game changer that I needed. This coming from an advanced level gamer. After consistently listening to the advice on his Patreon I feel very ready to handle high level girls game wise. I now just need my SMV to catch up with my game.

Advanced level gamer here as well. Have over 150 kills and AMS made me look at shit differently as well. I still don't believe in ONLY approaching women that give me IOIs/choosing signals, but that's about the only area he and I disagree. I believe if you see something you like you should approach. This is what separates the men from the boys.

I'm going to assume you're referring to Alpha Male Strategies. Mind giving a summary of his game and beliefs and how he differs from other top modern coaches? I see he has a bunch of videos on channel, but they're all 10+ minutes and I can't be arsed to watched them.

What is his laycount? Does he have infield footage? He doesn't seem to.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?


Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

@corsega, I'm 27, I do day game, night game, online game, and no social circle game. I'm a 7.5 on looks maybe an 8 on a good day. I'm in shape but not jacked, 6'3, good job, kill count 42 with most of those coming from the past year living in NYC.

I've read, watched and listened to a lot of PUA material over the last 10 years.

Sticking points - with hot chicks, getting ghosted after the first date or getting them to the first date can be a challenge.

Online- like everyone I think, a lot of hot girls I match with don't respond to the 1st message or 4th message, but I break through sometimes with 8's. Smashing 6's and 7's was my favorite pastime last year.

Day game and night game sticking point - I can get numbers like it's my job but often don't get texted back when I send the first text. Very hot chicks tend to either be kinda hostile or outright ignore me, but again 6's and 7's are easy and happy to be talking to me.

Materials consumed- I've gone through all of David Deangelos stuff from 10 years ago. A lot is still really good, but there are parts where he recommends getting a girl's email, which sounds extremely 2004 to me lol. I've read The Game, listened to David D interview like 30 PUA's.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

It's good that you have a base in DeAngelo. Completely agree with you that he's outdated. It's 2018 and Game has changed quite a bit, so I would take any bit of material before 2013 or so with a grain of salt.

Every coach has their own specialty. I know of most of the big guys out there right now.

It's tough to give you better recommendations because I don't know you personally, but based on the little I know, I can recommend the following:

Online game

my stuff, and if you want to go beyond that, Alex Vilenchik from Playing with Fire. You aren't going to meet any girl higher than an 8 from Tinder. Tinder should be used for volume only so you can keep some girls in rotation.

If you have a cool lifestyle as well, check out my guide to Instagram game. Social circle + elite events + Instagram is the key to 8.5+ girls.


Todd Valentine - The System

Tim Ray - Fuckboy Frame (Tim took a bootcamp with Todd I believe. He's also located in NYC so his advice will be very familiar for you.)


RSD Julien - PIMP

Todd Valentine - any of his products

https://www.facebook.com/groups/ultimatemanproject/ - these guys are in Europe but they are incredible at technical Game. Tim Ray learned from the guy in charge, Pierre de Sousa.

Social Circle Game

I know you said you don't do social circle, but it's essential for gaining access to 8.5s and 9s. Once you have access, they can be gamed as normal, but you're getting ghosted because they have access to much higher-value males than you.

RSD Luke - Social Circle Blueprint 2.0

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Why do you want recent PUA material? The older stuff is just as effective.

KrauserPUA comes to mind for daygame. Check his blog.

Sixty Years Of Challenge (that is his name) has an ultra direct no bullshit approach during night game. Find those e-books.

If you did not re-read Mystery Method, read it again. It is the basis for all game.

Re-read the Game. It has some great little bits hidden in there.

Read The book of Pook and the Red Pill Handbook.

Obviously I HAVE to mention Roosh. You know this dude? Little known guy. He apparantly runs some sort of forum and a little blog.


It's 2018 and Game has changed quite a bit
No it has not. Only difference is that nowdays there are more idiotic clowns running around. Clowns with brain size of a peanut. Then there is online bullcrap. Braindead kiddies seem to like that stuff.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-04-2018 03:34 AM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

No it has not. Only difference is that nowdays there are more idiotic clowns running around. Clowns with brain size of a peanut. Then there is online bullcrap. Braindead kiddies seem to like that stuff.

Keep telling yourself that.

Keep telling yourself that nightgame is still flourishing.

Keep telling yourself that Gen Z girls go outside to shop and go to bars/clubs to meet people.

Keep telling yourself that online fucking apps haven't tripled in usage by 18 to 24 year olds in the past five years.

Keep telling yourself that she's responding to your text and not busy DMing a pro athlete on Instagram.

Keep telling yourself that the social media generation hasn't rapidly accelerated hypergamy, giving women access to the best-looking men at the swipe of a finger.

Or just admit that the Game has passed you by.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-03-2018 09:08 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Depending on the type of game you prefer to run AMS has been the game changer that I needed. This coming from an advanced level gamer. After consistently listening to the advice on his Patreon I feel very ready to handle high level girls game wise. I now just need my SMV to catch up with my game.

Started watching a few of his vids, seems pretty good and definately on my wavelength, thanks

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-04-2018 10:41 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2018 03:34 AM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

No it has not. Only difference is that nowdays there are more idiotic clowns running around. Clowns with brain size of a peanut. Then there is online bullcrap. Braindead kiddies seem to like that stuff.

Keep telling yourself that.

Keep telling yourself that nightgame is still flourishing.

Keep telling yourself that Gen Z girls go outside to shop and go to bars/clubs to meet people.

Keep telling yourself that online fucking apps haven't tripled in usage by 18 to 24 year olds in the past five years.

Keep telling yourself that she's responding to your text and not busy DMing a pro athlete on Instagram.

Keep telling yourself that the social media generation hasn't rapidly accelerated hypergamy, giving women access to the best-looking men at the swipe of a finger.

Or just admit that the Game has passed you by.

I see opportunity here, lots of women have boring social lives and weak social skills while a lot of men who would otherwise be in competition with us have been told to be gentlemanly, which isn't going to work.

While online dating has never been more competitive, the environment for face to face is the best it's ever been.

Get out in the field

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-04-2018 10:41 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2018 03:34 AM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

No it has not. Only difference is that nowdays there are more idiotic clowns running around. Clowns with brain size of a peanut. Then there is online bullcrap. Braindead kiddies seem to like that stuff.

Keep telling yourself that.

Keep telling yourself that nightgame is still flourishing.

Keep telling yourself that Gen Z girls go outside to shop and go to bars/clubs to meet people.

Keep telling yourself that online fucking apps haven't tripled in usage by 18 to 24 year olds in the past five years.

Keep telling yourself that she's responding to your text and not busy DMing a pro athlete on Instagram.

Keep telling yourself that the social media generation hasn't rapidly accelerated hypergamy, giving women access to the best-looking men at the swipe of a finger.

Or just admit that the Game has passed you by.

Well that was intense.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-04-2018 01:54 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Social Circle Game

I know you said you don't do social circle, but it's essential for gaining access to 8.5s and 9s. Once you have access, they can be gamed as normal, but you're getting ghosted because they have access to much higher-value males than you.

RSD Luke - Social Circle Blueprint 2.0

Corsega, have you personally bought SCB2? I went on the sales page, it starts at $397 (and goes as high as $697 [Image: dodgy.gif]).

I'm fascinated by the concepts, and I've read through a few of the best RVF threads on the subject:

(Comte De St. Germain: "Datasheet: Social Circle Game A How To")

(Lucky Luke: "Rockstar - social circle game / How to guide")

(Anything by Distant Light)

But I am insanely skeptical of highly priced info products like this one ($397 for some PDFs and videos...). I've bought a few business-related ones in the past and never felt like it was a good purchase.

For me --- I feel reasonably confident at cold approach these days, but have never really had female friends to speak of... Sort of based on short-term thinking where any girl I'm attracted to I'd try to bang, thus either leading to sex or a fizzling of the friendship.

However, in 2019 I'm settling in a new city and want to experiment w/ these techniques. Thinking long term and building "assets". Hence my interest.

The dude himself (RSD Luke) seems to be following the Dan Bilzerian pay-Instagram-thots to hang out w/ him + take photos with him business plan, which obviously worked well for the original (fake it until you actually make it), but of course this wouldn't be what he is actually teaching (since most students wouldn't want to present themselves publicly like that, since it looks pretty trashy): https://www.instagram.com/lukekgerhard


Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Ok to start out its almost irrelevant whatever you learn at the start because the vast majority of newbies with spend hours and hours of reading and don't take enough action and apply the info they've been reading.
For example, a lot of people will read this forum and know 25 different tactics to open a girl and her friend. But they haven't actually ever done it or tried it a few times and failed miserably then never tried again.

The only sure fire way to bang 9 and 10 that dont involve incredible luck and large amounts of money is fame game or social status game. Those types of girls only socialize with top tier men. Guys like Dan Bilzerian who constantly have smoke show girls around him for example.
We are only talking about legal ways here btw, the list is endless if you're willing to break laws.

To bang girls (7's and 8's) reliably is a combination of a few things:
Get your lifestyle on point. Have a hobby or side job that puts you into contact with as many pretty girls as possible. This includes where you live. Is your place close to the nightlife?

Get in better shape. A lot of the time you don't need the perfect lines or comebacks because your body looks so good to the girl she's not gonna care how you say hello to her. She may even approach you.

Dress better for the better body you have.

Expect to go out a lot more than you are currently.
The only way to get more pussy is to go out more and meet more girls. At the end of the day it's a numbers game. You can increase your money, looks/body and lifestyle but there will always be girls that you wont be able to bang for reason completely out of your control.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Not doing a lot of night game, but when I do it goes fine. I mostly use old school Mystery Method as a guideline. Obviously I am not wearing weird hats or talk about cubes. And these days most venues have more girls than guys. To me it seems guys are the ones staying home and playing video games. Not girls. Perhaps this is location dependent. Most of time I do day game however. Which is even better.


Keep telling yourself that online fucking apps haven't tripled in usage by 18 to 24 year olds in the past five years.
I do not do online crap. It is for suckers.


Keep telling yourself that she's responding to your text and not busy DMing a pro athlete on Instagram.
I do not do text crap. It is for suckers.


Keep telling yourself that the social media generation hasn't rapidly accelerated hypergamy, giving women access to the best-looking men at the swipe of a finger.
My game is better.

I actually approach girls. In real life. And talk using my mouth.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-04-2018 01:53 PM)RoadTo100 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2018 01:54 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Social Circle Game

I know you said you don't do social circle, but it's essential for gaining access to 8.5s and 9s. Once you have access, they can be gamed as normal, but you're getting ghosted because they have access to much higher-value males than you.

RSD Luke - Social Circle Blueprint 2.0

Corsega, have you personally bought SCB2? I went on the sales page, it starts at $397 (and goes as high as $697 [Image: dodgy.gif]).

In general, I don't buy products. It's pretty easy to figure out what is actually in a product from watching a coach's free content.

So I haven't bought it, but I am in a private chat group with a couple guys who have seen the product (I believe they pirated it). They found it useful. I don't fuck with social circle stuff personally, I prefer to keep that separate.

Keep in mind there are exponential different approaches for how to implement "social circle game". It is by far the most complex and complicated form of Game. Luke just presents one approach that works for him.

Quote: (11-04-2018 12:32 PM)ShuaiGe Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2018 10:41 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2018 03:34 AM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

No it has not. Only difference is that nowdays there are more idiotic clowns running around. Clowns with brain size of a peanut. Then there is online bullcrap. Braindead kiddies seem to like that stuff.

Keep telling yourself that.

Keep telling yourself that nightgame is still flourishing.

Keep telling yourself that Gen Z girls go outside to shop and go to bars/clubs to meet people.

Keep telling yourself that online fucking apps haven't tripled in usage by 18 to 24 year olds in the past five years.

Keep telling yourself that she's responding to your text and not busy DMing a pro athlete on Instagram.

Keep telling yourself that the social media generation hasn't rapidly accelerated hypergamy, giving women access to the best-looking men at the swipe of a finger.

Or just admit that the Game has passed you by.

I see opportunity here, lots of women have boring social lives and weak social skills while a lot of men who would otherwise be in competition with us have been told to be gentlemanly, which isn't going to work.

While online dating has never been more competitive, the environment for face to face is the best it's ever been.

Get out in the field

First of all, that's great that you see opportunity and if it motivates you, I'm not one to talk you down.

But I see this sort of creed all the time from guys who prefer face-to-face game and I perceive it to be a coping mentality.

The environment for face to has has never been worse.

Pickup/Game has never been more mainstream. There have never been less girls on the street and in nightgame venues. And there have never been less girls used to meeting men in person.

If you view daygame/nightgame is exploiting market niches, I think that's legit. But it's important to look at where the overall trends are going.

(To be clear, I do daygame and nightgame, but mostly focus on online. I try to see things with an unbiased perspective. I'm not interested in a particular dogma, just what works the best.)

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

@ corsega

Humans have interacted face to face for millions of years in the past.

And we are still doing it.

What makes you think this is about to change?

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?


Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Say what you want about Heartiste but The 16 Commanments of Poon and his older game gems is still relevant IMO. On occasion he'll answer some reader submissions and drop some nuggets here and there

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

For daygame there is the London Daygame Model and Krauser has the best material on it.

For nightgame the Mystery Method is the best approach in my opinion.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-04-2018 05:58 PM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

@ corsega

Humans have interacted face to face for millions of years in the past.

And we are still doing it.

What makes you think this is about to change?

I'm not sure of your argument. Can you clarify what your position is?

Is it "there has been no change in the way that humans have interacted for millions of years"?

Or is it "there will always be some face to face interaction"?

If the latter, do you agree with my position that face-to-face interaction is declining with the rise of technology, among other factors, and that Game is changing along with it?

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Go to the blackman thread and get the distilled wisdom of WIA for free. He's better and more concise than 99% of those PUA fuckers.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Look around you to real people in your life to see who gets laid a lot and who doesn't, and how, and learn from them

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-05-2018 01:17 AM)LexisNexis Wrote:  

Look around you to real people in your life to see who gets laid a lot and who doesn't, and how, and learn from them

Bad idea. Naturals aren't good teachers.

See the "Trainee Chad" here:

Who are the best to learn from in 2018?

Quote: (11-04-2018 05:37 PM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2018 01:53 PM)RoadTo100 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2018 01:54 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Social Circle Game

I know you said you don't do social circle, but it's essential for gaining access to 8.5s and 9s. Once you have access, they can be gamed as normal, but you're getting ghosted because they have access to much higher-value males than you.

RSD Luke - Social Circle Blueprint 2.0

Corsega, have you personally bought SCB2? I went on the sales page, it starts at $397 (and goes as high as $697 [Image: dodgy.gif]).

In general, I don't buy products. It's pretty easy to figure out what is actually in a product from watching a coach's free content.

So I haven't bought it, but I am in a private chat group with a couple guys who have seen the product (I believe they pirated it). They found it useful. I don't fuck with social circle stuff personally, I prefer to keep that separate.

Keep in mind there are exponential different approaches for how to implement "social circle game". It is by far the most complex and complicated form of Game. Luke just presents one approach that works for him.

Quote: (11-04-2018 12:32 PM)ShuaiGe Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2018 10:41 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2018 03:34 AM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

No it has not. Only difference is that nowdays there are more idiotic clowns running around. Clowns with brain size of a peanut. Then there is online bullcrap. Braindead kiddies seem to like that stuff.

Keep telling yourself that.

Keep telling yourself that nightgame is still flourishing.

Keep telling yourself that Gen Z girls go outside to shop and go to bars/clubs to meet people.

Keep telling yourself that online fucking apps haven't tripled in usage by 18 to 24 year olds in the past five years.

Keep telling yourself that she's responding to your text and not busy DMing a pro athlete on Instagram.

Keep telling yourself that the social media generation hasn't rapidly accelerated hypergamy, giving women access to the best-looking men at the swipe of a finger.

Or just admit that the Game has passed you by.

I see opportunity here, lots of women have boring social lives and weak social skills while a lot of men who would otherwise be in competition with us have been told to be gentlemanly, which isn't going to work.

While online dating has never been more competitive, the environment for face to face is the best it's ever been.

Get out in the field

First of all, that's great that you see opportunity and if it motivates you, I'm not one to talk you down.

But I see this sort of creed all the time from guys who prefer face-to-face game and I perceive it to be a coping mentality.

The environment for face to has has never been worse.

Pickup/Game has never been more mainstream. There have never been less girls on the street and in nightgame venues. And there have never been less girls used to meeting men in person.

If you view daygame/nightgame is exploiting market niches, I think that's legit. But it's important to look at where the overall trends are going.

(To be clear, I do daygame and nightgame, but mostly focus on online. I try to see things with an unbiased perspective. I'm not interested in a particular dogma, just what works the best.)

Good that you still do night and day game.

Too much (or solely) online game atrophies the brain.

I have seen friends of mine loosing social skills and being unable to hold a conversation with a woman, and mostly because they are used to the extra time of thinking of what will they write next...

In real life you can not ask the referee for a timeout.

And I am not even focusing in here on the obvious, that everybody can do an online "approach".

What most can't do nowadays is walk to a girl they like and have talk with her.

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