It's good that you have a base in DeAngelo. Completely agree with you that he's outdated. It's 2018 and Game has changed quite a bit, so I would take any bit of material before 2013 or so with a grain of salt.
Every coach has their own specialty. I know of most of the big guys out there right now.
It's tough to give you better recommendations because I don't know you personally, but based on the little I know, I can recommend the following:
Online game
my stuff, and if you want to go beyond that, Alex Vilenchik from
Playing with Fire. You aren't going to meet any girl higher than an 8 from Tinder. Tinder should be used for volume only so you can keep some girls in rotation.
If you have a cool lifestyle as well, check out my guide to
Instagram game. Social circle + elite events + Instagram is the key to 8.5+ girls.
Todd Valentine - The System
Tim Ray - Fuckboy Frame (Tim took a bootcamp with Todd I believe. He's also located in NYC so his advice will be very familiar for you.)
RSD Julien - PIMP
Todd Valentine - any of his products - these guys are in Europe but they are incredible at technical Game. Tim Ray learned from the guy in charge, Pierre de Sousa.
Social Circle Game
I know you said you don't do social circle, but it's essential for gaining access to 8.5s and 9s. Once you have access, they can be gamed as normal, but you're getting ghosted because they have access to much higher-value males than you.
RSD Luke - Social Circle Blueprint 2.0