The Persian Imam of Peace breaks an NPC - programming crashing realtime – reboot with more soylent and gulag re-education necessary:
The NPC has been taught to hold two completely divergent thoughts, because both thoughts have never been mentioned at the same time - they exist in a different programming loop that never meets.
The smarter NPC will then explain: Africans in Nigeria produce less CO2 and pollution and have thus a lower-carbon-footprint. But when they come to the West, then they have the same carbon-footprint, would that not be another reason for them to stay at home?
The NPC programming loop has to remain in their own echo-chamber, or it risks crashing with reality. When that happens, then the known trigger-responses can be activated which are supposed to instantly invalidate the arguments without addressing them.
No wonder that they hate that meme - the social programmers hate it, because it shows the reality of it and too many NPCs might get awakened by it. I do think that the elite think of the serfs as programmable NPCs.