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The NPC meme

The NPC meme

Quote: (10-11-2018 02:44 PM)TheFinalEpic Wrote:  

I have a hypothesis that modern entertainment, music, and all distraction such as social media and sports is a calculated way to kill off the inner dialogues of people, and to stave off unique and revolutionary thinking.

Cochlear Implant status: Soon.

We are the walkmen, walkmen, walkmen.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The NPC meme

It's a type of AMOGging. You label vthe threat and defuse it. The meme says to the other side that they are robot slaves for Soros. The more they argue that everyone holds their view, like global warming is a consensus, the more they demonstrate that they were not an original or critical thinker. It's very effective even though it includes some logical fallacies.

Chateau has a great video today of the Brazilian Donald Trump doing this with words rather than a meme.

The NPC meme

I fucking love this meme.

[Image: 43787774_10218775409075854_8359466621126...e=5C4D3FD6]

[Image: 43734653_346042449466240_622256622781071...e=5C61EB51]

[Image: 43188254_343768683026950_878427170025137...e=5C567C8D]

[Image: 43614944_345940239476461_509903218652322...e=5C4ED006]

[Image: 43626233_345924006144751_598040173814061...e=5C5C720D]

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[Image: 43735702_345739966163155_224929653494644...e=5C615644]

[Image: 42494179_338435196893632_654286079827483...e=5C554023]

The NPC meme

In the 80's, they just called them 'tools.'

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The NPC meme


[Image: attachment.jpg40272]
[Image: attachment.jpg40277]
Democrats and Libtards are masters of twisting language, and are masters of NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Associating certain words as triggers to train people to behave a certain way. This NPC meme is highlighting that, and could also be called the NLP meme, which is essentially what the politicians and world media has used to program simple minded people into believing their bullshit. NLP is the technique used to install the defective SJW automatic response software into people's minds, essentially rendering them unable to think for themselves and have that inner monologue, they are already pre-programmed to only believe what the SJW software allows them to.

Liberal mind control? The secret methods of Democrat politics

To shape people's actions and decisions, Thaler and Sunstein write, one should frame a "choice architecture" that gives only limited choices as a way to herd people toward what you want. Apply peer pressure by claiming that neighbors and others are already doing what you secretly want. Use "priming," as we wrote, by "subtly programming the mind with trigger words, concepts, images and cues that can move a person towards a particular response and decision."

Such "nudges," we wrote, could be used openly and paternalistically to help people, as Thaler prefers. But they "could also be used for what MIT radical intellectual Noam Chomsky calls 'the manufacture of consent,' to manipulate people into assenting to whatever the State or ruling political party wishes. A 'nudge' is a kind of push, and this push could come to shove."

In 2012, Democratic operatives directed candidates to push gun control with emotional techniques, not intellectual arguments. Even before he became Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder told a Democratic meeting that he was launching a campaign to "really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way." "Brainwash" is another word for "nudge."

Sunstein has sought to make tax-paying a "celebration," writing, "You cannot be for rights and against government. ... There is no liberty without dependency." This is the kind of mind-twisting doublethink found in Big Brother's propaganda in George Orwell's novel 1984.

10 Ways to Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control

1. Be extremely wary of people copying your body language.
2. Move your eyes in random and unpredictable patterns.
3. Do not let anybody touch you.
4. Be wary of vague language.
5. Be wary of permissive language.
6. Be wary of gibberish.
7. Read between the lines.
8. Watch your attention.
9. Don’t agree to anything.
10. Trust your intuition.

The NPC meme

I think this meme is kind of silly and the study being used to support it doesn't actually say what the meme is suggesting. The meme essentially implies that because most people don't engage in "inner speech" that they are somehow incapable of abstract or critical thought. But an inner monologue doesn't really have anything to do with intelligence. Much of intelligence is entirely non-verbal, or more accurately, pre-verbal. Your brain wasn't designed to have to talk to itself in order to function. If anything, an inner monologue actually slows down your ability to think. In the same way that you can speak faster than you write, you can think faster than you can translate those thoughts into words.

I personally don't have much inner speech going on the vast majority of the time. I would characterize most of my thinking as intuitive and pre-verbal. I almost never talk to myself in my head, I just "know" what I want to say or do. It's similar to martial arts: if you're sparring or fighting and you're having to actively think about (i.e. verbalize inside your brain) every move you're making, you're going to be completely ineffective. Way too slow. With training, your brain and body intuitively know the right movements to make at any given point based on the stimuli your senses are feeding in. Or another example: when you trip and fall down, you don't think, "Quick, self: put out your hands to prevent smashing your face into the ground!" No, this happens pre-verbally.

There are probably different cognitive styles. For example, I know that many (most?) people verbalize text when they read. In other words, they "silently read out loud" inside their heads. But I don't do that. I just see words and my brain decodes the abstract meanings behind them, almost as if they were symbols. In other words, when I see the phrase, "in other words", my brain recognizes this as a symbol meaning, "To put something another way," and I place that into the framework of the surrounding text and thus understand the meaning of the sentence. When I write I am basically translating my abstract, intuitive thoughts into these word-symbols. I don't talk to myself as I write or consciously think about particular verbal phrases I want to use. It's all intuitive and sort of generated in real time.

Or maybe I'm actually an NPC. If you greet me and I offer you a quest, then you'll know. [Image: lol.gif]

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

The NPC meme

Yep, it's probably incredibly overblown. However, it seems to have really annoyed a lot of our ideological foes, so I think we should continue to utilise it as a meme.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The NPC meme

I relate it more to people being like sheep and believing everything being feed to them through social media, MSM, etc.

It's a refusal to question...anything really. And why things are the way they are. People are just so damn lazy now. Obesity is the byproduct of this in a physical sense, and now it has evolved to the intellectual spectrum.

There is no reason for free thought if all you have to do is turn on the TV or look on social media and (((they))) will tell you what to think.

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

The NPC meme


For example, I know that many (most?) people verbalize text when they read. In other words, they "silently read out loud" inside their heads. But I don't do that. I just see words and my brain decodes the abstract meanings behind them, almost as if they were symbols. In other words, when I see the phrase, "in other words", my brain recognizes this as a symbol meaning, "To put something another way," and I place that into the framework of the surrounding text and thus understand the meaning of the sentence.

[Image: NIW4vgg.gif]

We are NPCs to you. Your existence has transcended the code.

The NPC meme

NPC meme before it became a meme:

[Image: OLOjD9o.gif]

The NPC meme

It totally makes sense, and is an interesting view on an long understood revelation. You can sort of relate it to Game. Game would work differently if there weren't a lot of NPC's around. The PUA type books were really mostly about dialog choices that could manipulate NPC's into desired reactions, then the redpill stuff came in and started to discover how we're being programmed in the first place. Great metaphor, excellent meme.

I'm annoyed by this 'dog whistle' meme that the left wingers are parroting so hard. You see it in Isaac's twitter montage. This implication being that there exists a large hidden fascist cult employing different catchphrases as a sort of Jesus fish to identify one another. 'Dog Whistle' is really not that different from 'NPC.' I guess this is another instance of 'SJW's always project'. 'NPC' takes their projection, dresses it in different clothing and hits them back with it. Perhaps a similar strategy can be employed for future projections.

FWIW my inner dialog is probably on the overly active side as well. I often catch myself being in my own head and it causes problems, especially in social situations. The challenge is always to get into that flow state where one's inner dialog silences and aligns with the present stiuation instead of drifting in 1000 different directions. I wouldn't want to lose my inner dialog, I'd just like to have more control over it at times.

The NPC meme

I've heard of this concept a long time ago under a different name.

The term I remembered at the time was "philosophical zombie" or "p-zombie".

It looks like 4chan figured out a catchier name for this phenomenon.

I'll repost the info from my post on the "Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists" thread. It seems that it merited its own thread after all.
Quote: (09-24-2018 07:32 AM)Built to Fade Wrote:  

There's a term for those "NPC normies": Philosophical Zombie or p-zombie. Have you heard of this term?

I'll provide some examples. The interesting thing is that the definitions of a p-zombie mean that those who are instinctively triggered by the visuals from this thread or elsewhere are probably p-zombies. A more interesting result is that they won't know why they are triggered or why they feel that way & that best describes a p-zombie according to its definitions. That concept could potentially merit its own thread.

[Image: philosophical-zombie-from-wikipedia-the-...109951.png][Image: 596202.f56.b8a52S7ay1Cm2MjUAAA-650x650-b-p.jpg][Image: 1475505834-20161003.png][Image: p-zombie-test-600x600.jpg][Image: 2007-08-09-78.png][Image: 2014-06-03-comic246.png][Image: 2009-09-28-regrets.png][Image: 980x.png]

It's a catch-22: these images would normally trigger them but if they are p-zombies, then they don't actually feel it because the triggering is based on unconscious instinct.

Viewing current events becomes a different conscious experience when thinking consciously in terms of the p-zombie/p-human concept.

It's great to hear that there's more awareness of this phenomenon. It has some links to the concepts of the "red-pill" and the discernment of truth.

After a certain amount of observation, you will start to notice the pattern of the patterns in human behaviour. Remember, if it triggers, it delivers.
"Call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to."

The NPC meme

Quoting myself in another post(reply to nomadbrah in NFL dying thread): thread-64817...pid1851973

Quote: (09-14-2018 08:21 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2018 07:55 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

I have a really good feeling that the new Normies are NPCs meme has a chance of ending the obsession with sportsball.

This is the interesting thing about the NPC meme and Faceberg's twitter(slightly off topic). Shows something about narcissism.

Roughly speaking, people like Faceberg are low/moderately low in trait narcissism and high in, curiosity? I don't know the right word exactly but the realisation the world is weird and not what it seems and wants to figure out/get to the bottom of WHY this is.

It plays out the same way. Low narcissism/high curiosity people realise the mainstream framework/way of thinking about things is highly flawed. So they gravitate to other frameworks which may not be perfect but are almost strictly better(NPC meme in this case, but also "red pill", r/K, race realism, pickup, Edenism, conspiracy theories).

High narcissism people get personally triggered/offended by the fact that that new framework might cast them in a bad light- even if it doesn't. So they not-in-good-faith reflexively attack people who put forward these frameworks.


-You're saying something about girls that might not be positive? Clearly you have a BAD PERSONALITY and girls know this and are repelled by you!

-You're racist/believe in differences in races? Clearly you're insecure about your own accomplishments/are a loser and so you need DEBUNKED theories about race to make you feel better about yourself!

-You believe in X conspiracy theory? Clearly you're PARANOID!

-You like pickup/"manipulating girls"? Clearly you're manipulative and don't care about girls for who they are! If you're a real alpha you wouldn't need coaching!

-You talk about the NPC meme? Clearly you have low empathy and cannot understand other people!

It's really tiring hearing these reflexive arguments, but it seems they are so triggered they would do near anything to try to silence you.

The NPC meme

Quote: (10-11-2018 01:45 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

When people talk of an inner monologue, do people mean a literal dialogue with yourself back and forth? Or more thinking/overthinking to yourself, which may come in the form of a dialogue, or visualisation of events, thinking "that's fucking bullshit, I'd kill those tossers" when they read about Muslim gangs etc? I get the latter, but not so much the former.

The idea of people having nothing is actually rather disturbing to me.

I imagine it usually is in the form of "come on Teedub, gotta focus on this" or "That's it my man, job well done", in its most simple form, it's the process of detaching your being from your brain, so to speak.

Like Homer Simpson here:

Then here is NPC Homer:

That voice talking to you is the soul or being and it's talking to the brain, which is simply the hardware and software of your body.

Then you have the more sophisticated inner dialogue in which you can stage a debate of both positions:

[Image: giphy.webp]

This is the kind of inner dialogue needed for actual philosophical thought.

The whole thing is very reminiscent of the Buddhist transcendental meditation. I remember one quote a buddhist told me once at some school excursion, which stuck with me, which was something like:

"How can you know the real you, when you don't even know what the mind is"

It was put more poetic, but it made sense. What is you and what is thinking, the programming, the algorithm? Are you being led astray by programmed responses? The buddhist response is to first empty the mind. Remove all distraction, all connection to the physical world, all outer influence. What is left? The authentic you. They have this tradition in many buddhist countries as a rite of passage, 20 days or so in solitude, nothing but a hard concrete floor and a mat, chanting and solitude. I imagine at some point an inner voice starts speaking. Travelling serves much the same purpose, shutting out the voices of parents, friends and TV, leaving only your own voice.

The soul is the "the AI has become self aware" part. Likewise, the small souled bugman is a sophisticated AI capable of passing the Turing test, but with only a fledgling consciousness.

I personally don't believe that most NPCs are NPCs, rather they are small souled, their soul or being is woefully underdeveloped. They do have the capacity for growing a proper soul, but it requires effort and work.

The NPC meme

What is of greatest value here is the ever more spectacular visual creativity of the channers and centipedes; everything that comes out of that cauldron of thwarted male energies bristles with terrible life. This image of the unspeakably wretched DR. FORD, with every wrinkle hatingly and lovingly placed just so, made me gasp and laugh out loud when I saw it:

[Image: 43188254_343768683026950_878427170025137...e=5C567C8D]

To put the ideas here in their proper perspective, it is useless to speak of "people"; one must distinguish between men and women. Very few men are truly mindless (although some of the most powerful and effective men achieve something approaching that); but most women, including many "intelligent" women, are fundamentally mindless. Indeed, the haplessly reflective male mind finds female mindlessness to be a relief when it is relatively pleasant, and is prone to sentimentalize this alternatively busy and idle mindlessness as embodying some vaunted ideal of femininity. But when female mindlessness loses all its soothing qualities and becomes nasty and evil -- a state that it has now achieved in much of the West -- it is then that the young male, thwarted in his longing for relief of his mental and physical toils, is made more powerful; his eye like a knife that has been sharpened by the merciless grindstone of female cruelty, ingratitude, and indifference.

This is the source of the energies of the channers. As the condition of young beta males in the West has grown more dire, they have replaced the milder, happier, stronger, and fundamentally comic energies of the miscers as the principal source of male visual creativity. It is chilling to think of just what these energies would be at present were it not for the great Trumpian sun, that has risen from nowhere and that supplies them with great reserves of warmth and love. The T sun shines on them and sustains them, without changing their nature; they are are the strong and bitter fruit of female betrayal, but made nutritious and palatable in the endlessly bountiful American harvest that we have reaped since that November night in 2016.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

The NPC meme

Quote: (10-11-2018 03:36 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Yep, it's probably incredibly overblown. However, it seems to have really annoyed a lot of our ideological foes, so I think we should continue to utilise it as a meme.

We definitely struck a nerve on this one.

The NPC meme

Quote: (10-11-2018 03:23 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

I think this meme is kind of silly and the study being used to support it doesn't actually say what the meme is suggesting. The meme essentially implies that because most people don't engage in "inner speech" that they are somehow incapable of abstract or critical thought.

The NPC is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a sheep, p-zombie, soulless, non-sentient, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an NPC and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

[Image: VKccjNm.png]

[Image: banana.gif]

Quote: (02-26-2015 01:57 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  
They were given immense wealth, great authority, and strong clans at their backs.


The NPC meme

from 1976


The NPC meme

[Image: attachment.jpg40290]   

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

The NPC meme


Game would work differently if there weren't a lot of NPC's around.

Is game simply an algorithm to extract sex from NPC females?

[Image: mindblown.gif]

The NPC meme

Quote: (10-11-2018 05:49 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


Game would work differently if there weren't a lot of NPC's around.

Is game simply an algorithm to extract sex from NPC females?

[Image: mindblown.gif]

No. The females are boss characters in the game who you need to defeat by disarming their bitch shield and then piercing their weak spot.

The NPC meme

Is Eric Trump ahead of his time?


The NPC meme

Most folk exist at a base instinct level.

Placate those base, base instincts : all good.

Not many folk function at a higher intellectual function.


The NPC meme

In a world of npc’s, be a player!

The NPC meme

The internal monologue must be maladaptive in some cases. I can think of a couple that hit me:

"Okay, now that someone's listening to me play the piano I'd better not make a mistake so think about each key I'm going to press instead of using muscle memory. Shit, I fucked up."

"Gee, I sure better to go to bed now that it's 3 AM. I'll just lie here in this dark bedroom and fall asleep. Just gotta get sleepy. ... I wonder if the aliens in Interstellar had accidentally rotated Matthew Mcconaughey in the fourth dimension before spitting him out of the Tesseract, would all the chiral molecules in his body be flipped? I bet someone else has thought of this, I should get up and google it."

So are the people who don't have the internal monologue just doing something equivalent nonverbally with imagery or something? Or are they actually just zombies that react to stimuli without qualia?

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