Quote: (10-11-2018 02:10 PM)quaker13 Wrote:
Quote: (10-11-2018 01:23 PM)DimeBait Wrote:
People love to dismiss folks who express high notch counts because they can't fathom it. It's like the millionaire complaining to his middle-class buddy how tough his life is, it's all relative. I don't think it's meant to brag, but for reference. I can absolutely relate as an advanced bang-artist myself. This lifestyle is borderline sex addiction, an easy af (though empty and devoid of intimacy) once your running on auto-pilot.
Majority of my bangs came when I was barely getting the bills paid. Now, I'm a high achiever with disposable income and I've become EXTREMELY selective about who I bang. I don't drink anymore so I actually have to like the broads I bang, which is refreshing and rare at the same time. No making up excuses to for them to GTFO afterwards because I generally enjoy their company, until I don't.
However, I will say this, after banging an interacting with countless broads, OP you should be well aware of how fucked up women's personalities and personal lives are compared to their outwardly appearance. Yes, ideally, I would like an 8-10 level LTR as well, but I know from experience some of the best looking broads have little to offer besides fading looks. I've ignored the red flags and sacrificed my sanity for the sake of having a bad bish on my arm and I'll never do that again. I'd much rather have an adjustable 7 with a decent psyche, stable upbringing, an equally high status or achievement level. I don't want a pretty dumb wife that I keep locked in house like peter, peter, pumkin-eater, lol.
Attractive women really get a bad rap on this board. I don't find attractive women to be any better or worse personality wise than an objective 6 or 7. As matter of fact, if they are under a 6 they likely have very obnoxious male incel like personality traits would never want to experience at length under any circumstances
I feel you. I'm speaking from my experiences putting looks over everything else. It's easy to ignore flaws if she's bad af. My last LTR was an easy 8 and one of the sweetest women I've ever known, but not unlike the 6's & 7's, she had her fair share of deal-breaking shortcomings I overlooked and paid for it in the end.
I'm positive there is a 9-10, six-figure earner, equally yoked as I out here, but as mentioned previously, she feels she deserves 7 figure guys, lol. She'll keep holding out until she hits the wall. An adjustable 7 to me, could easily be a 9 if she spent a great deal of effort trying to be one. Whereas, instead, that effort is expended on being a better person as opposed to being a better looking person.